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tv   Vibori-2024  NTV  March 17, 2024 6:00pm-7:01pm MSK

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he has triplets, however, that’s a completely different story, good evening, so, today is the third final day of voting in the russian presidential elections, now in real time we will monitor the latest data from the election commission center. and the situation at the polling stations, in the next few hours we will contact the cities where our reporters work, and of course, we will tell you how voting is going on on the front lines in new regions where the president of russia is being elected for the first time. together we will sum up the first results three days of voting and tell you about the events of the week that preceded it. well , we will also find out live the reaction of the west and discuss what these elections mean not only for our country, but for the whole world.
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well, in moscow it is exactly 18:00, which means that in the far east, in the regions of eastern siberia and the urals, voting has already ended, but residents of the central regions of russia, who are watching us now, still have a chance to come to the polls polling station and cast your vote if for some reason you did not do so more. well, let's start with an important reminder for whom the russians have been casting these 3 days and continue to cast their votes, that is... there are four names on the ballot papers for the candidate, here they are, they are all in alphabetical order. so, vladislav davankov from the new people party, the current president vladimir putin, he is running as a self-nominated candidate, leonid slutsky from the ldpr, finally, nikolai kharitonov from the communist party of the russian federation. to win in the first round, a candidate needs to gain more than half of the votes of voters who took part in the voting, well, let me remind you that the term of office elected... will be 6 years, but
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you could vote for any of the candidates not only the old fashioned way at polling stations, but remotely. in twenty russian regions, this can still be done, by the way, using a remote electronic voting system. this mechanism is working for the first time during presidential elections, but what else is new this time ivan trushkin will tell us, he has collected all the information. vadim, there really are a lot of new products. for the first time, voting lasts 3 days; previously, only elections at other levels, and for the first time, this most important event in the life of the country is taking place under the conditions of a special military operation and the most severe political sanctions pressure from abroad. in riga, the police promised that they would set up checkpoints at the russian embassy, ​​where two polling stations had been set up, and that they would check the documents of all voters to make sure they had visas and whether their residence permits had expired. commissioner for human rights under the president of russia. appealed to the un indicated
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that the latvian authorities were violating the rights russians. the head of the latvian ministry of justice stated that participation in voting should not entail any punishment. and now it has become known that latvian documents are being confiscated from russian voters in riga. those whose residence permit has expired are asked to appear at the migration service to receive an order to leave the country. our embassy called this a sophisticated form of bullying, but tatyana moskalkova appealed again. the un, osce and other organizations in the hope that they will take at least some measures. well, this is probably important to say that despite all these outrages , russians continue to vote, continue to vote , the numbers you see now are here, 2 hours 56 minutes 26 seconds, this is the time until the polling stations close in the westernmost region of russia, that is, in kaliningrad, well, immediately after this the central election commission will begin to report preliminary results of votes in the distant future. we are really looking forward to it, and by this
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time the exact turnout figures will become known, but the data that we can report right now was collected by yulia bekhtereva, yulia, we are waiting with impatiently, vadim, indeed, as has been said more than once , there are a lot of new things in these elections, and i propose now to start with new regions; this year, for the first time , residents of the dpr, lpr, zaporozhye and kherson regions are taking part in the presidential elections , and there, according to the central election commission, as we ourselves can see, the turnout is simply colossal, everyone has more than 80%. in total, taking into account the residents of these four regions, the number of voters was 112,309 people. well, now there is a map on the screen with current turnout data throughout our country. as we see, this is already more...
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at kusbas. much attention is paid to safety this year. reserve rooms have been set up near the polling stations, where voters will be redirected if necessary. cybersecurity is also under special control. we did everything possible to repel any hacker attacks from abroad. particular emphasis on transparency of electronic voting on data protection. for this purpose, special electronic keys were presented at the central election commission on thursday.
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the main music maker of recent days is, of course, not a commission of any individual region, and the central election commission , it is there that all the information that is related to the election of the president flows in real time: these are protocols of the state automated election system, data from remote and electronic voting, information about turnout violations remains a little before the closing of the last polling stations in russia less than 3 hours, right now he is joining us from the center of the election committee.
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ramfilova, head of the center of the election committee. by this minute, the total turnout had already exceeded 71.5%. and this it is not surprising, because russians choose the future - this is perhaps the main political choice for our citizens, at least for the next 6 years. and in general, given that russians vote in eleven time zones at once, the process of monitoring the voting process itself becomes virtually round-the-clock. it is here, to the main information headquarters in the center of moscow. all the latest information flows to the central election commission headquarters.
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to understand the scale of the presidential elections, in total there are more than 94 thousand polling stations in our country, and there more than 90,000 cameras are working, well, now a truly staggering figure : more than 330,000 observers have submitted their application to work at the vote, among them more than 700 are
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foreign observers from european countries, oddly enough, the usa, as well as, of course, friendly countries in asia and africa , latin america, in a conversation with us, everyone spoke as one about the transparency of these... consistency, security and efficiency in these elections, and in general the very frequent formulation that foreign observers repeated was that everything is generally going on as normal regime, this is probably the main reward and main praise for the organizers of these elections, of course, it does not happen without isolated provocations, this is how ella pomfilova reacted to the fact that some wanted to spoil ballot papers and ballot boxes by filling them with green paint, they caused a storm of indignation people have that...
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i’ll add on my own that there is also a very technological opportunity, this is a mobile voter, in particular it is very relevant, because i myself, officially registered in st. petersburg, but now work here in in the very center of the capital, i took advantage of this option to vote, and our citizens also act, well, in general, polling stations are open from 80 am to 8:00 pm, and accordingly, those who live in the moscow time zone in the european part of russia have a little more less than two hours to... have time to vote and thus further increase the overall turnout in the country, and we will stay here and will
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follow the updates of this information, colleagues, the floor is yours, thank you, edmund, thank you very much, thank you, well of course we're waiting, no let's wait until edmund finds out not only the turnout data, but also the first data on the voting results. yes, the main thing is that edmund will be able to report only after the last polling stations in the kaliningrad region, and they are india, close, in early june, presidents and parliament will be elected in mexico, by the way, for the first time in the history of this country and two main female presidential candidate. also, elections to the european parliament are expected in the summer, they...
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americans simply don’t want to choose between biden and trump, well in the sense that they are categorically not satisfied with both candidates. in total, presidential and parliamentary campaigns will take place in more than 60 countries around the world, and thus, taking into account those that have already passed.
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they poured light and dark beans, into another piece of parchment with the names of the candidates, well
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, then the drawing of lots began, they took out a name, then bob, if it’s light, then the person was elected, if it’s dark, it means he didn’t qualify for the position, of course, today all this seems funny, but not to historians, many of them claim that blind lottery is the only... invented by people, real protection of elections from the destructive influence of money, mass media and political technologies. oh, yes , the modern political kitchen is in full swing, but ask the average american, is he glad that he again has to choose between biden and trump, or would he prefer anyone but them, even if chosen with the help of beans. biden or trump is perhaps the last variable. china responds
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by increasing its defense budget. american generals are increasingly talking about inevitability war. if they go to war, the first thing china will do is destroy us navy ships in the pacific ocean. and this will immediately show the taiwanese people how powerful chinese weapons can be. then they won't even have to shell taiwan itself. however, according to the famous californian investor josh ku, it is not taiwan at all and not even. the border, which at the peak of the crisis was crossed daily by more than 10 thousand illegal immigrants, on the other side is mexico, which seems not going to stop this flow, but it has its own elections ahead. i think candidates from the opposition intends to satisfy the needs of the american elite; the president's successor , on the contrary, will continue his course. the new york times is publishing an investigation into the
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outgoing president's family's ties to the drug cartel. in retaliation, he decides to publish his personal number, which allegedly slandered his journalist. and also starts a rumor about the country joining brix. i don't condemn the media, i condemn the us government for such moral practices. it's hot in latin america. venezuelan president nicolas maduro is serving his third term. the venezuelan president's domestic support is waning. 7 or 8 million venezuelans have already fled their country due to economic problems. at the beginning of the campaign, maduro almost bet on a small, victorious war for. 3/4 of the neighboring state of guyana. these are the south american andes. here stands the largest bicycle monument in the world. as if hinting that there is no need to reinvent it. but it seems that some politicians are just doing this. what did maduro do? he actually invented the wheel, took territorial sfurdu of recent times, carried out a wide campaign in the media, held a referendum and
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now millions of south americans are involved in what would seem to have been forgotten a long time ago. the conflict is no less than their ancestors, but reinventing the wheel is only half the battle, what if madura’s plan goes downhill, will he be able to stay in the saddle, where they will probably soon be taught to jump back into the saddle, it’s in austria, where the right-wing conservative forces are again at the top of the ratings. in our country, the camp of right-wing populists is headed by herbert kickl, he anti-globalist, very seriously opposed to anti-russian sanctions, and he also advocates stopping allocating money to ukraine. so in brussels they are seriously afraid of the emergence of a third orban, if we consider the second prime minister of slovakia robert fitza, there are also their elections to the european parliament, they will be held against the backdrop of an ongoing revolt of farmers who are dissatisfied with green policies, all this postmodern madness has collided with reality, these elections are for sure could change the political landscape in europe
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by strengthening the right, they may even will cause a political earthquake. and this is what the protests of farmers in india look like, you might even think that the prime minister started having problems at the rendremode, but in this case the picture is deceptive, it’s just that india is the country with the largest population , there are still many more of those who follow fashion, we are a family of fashion, we are a fashion family, there is a trend in india towards the creation of a hindu state, which worries me, this is the former deputy mayor of london. he is also worried that, due to fashion, india is thinking about renaming it pharad, a name not associated with the colonial past, and even demanded the diamond back from the british crown, in britain itself, they might prefer to give it back. over these 13 years, we have had five prime ministers, this is simply crazy, they themselves are partly the source of the problems
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that have to be solved. according to forecasts, this year the british conservatives will finally suffer and will be replaced by... well, let's return to the presidential elections in russia, i remind you that now you see the countdown to the closing of polling stations in the volga region, and there are only 40 minutes left and moscow - this is an hour 40 and a few more seconds, well, at the closing point
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there remains until the closing of the sections, now we will see this figure 2 hours and 40 minutes and we are, of course, talking about the westernmost region of russia, this is in the kaliningrad region. well, right now we have to pause for a moment so that immediately after a very short pause we can continue the story about the progress of the presidential elections. stay tuned, there is still a lot of interesting things ahead. moreover, irada zenalova is already ready to sum up the results of the week and talk about what preceded these three days of voting, be sure to wait for us. 5 minutes of silence, new season, tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv. entrepreneurs, come one at a time, don’t detain people. what's going on here? didn’t you know, you are transferring money from your business account to your personal account. to pay. shabrok, what century do you live in, what bank do you serve in, individual entrepreneurs, btb does not charge commissions on transfers to your personal account, open an account for business on, vtb is
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stations in kaliningrad closed. the final report of these elections you can see now on your screens, 2:35. well, we continue to monitor live the progress of voting in the russian presidential elections. let me remind you that for the first time this year, four new russian regions are electing the president of russia. and speaking about the elections in donetsk, lugansk, novaya kokhovka in other populated areas that can be reached by ukrainian artillery or drones can fly, it’s probably impossible to get by with simple numbers about the turnout and number of voters, and is it worth it, yul? well, yes, vadim, indeed, in areas that are located near the battle zone, especially in the advanced voting, the whistle of bullets and the roar of shells take place. but first, a few important numbers: they are open in new regions. and more than 1,200 polling stations , the elections in the dpr were observed by international experts, these are politicians, journalists, bloggers and former officials from countries such as the usa,
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france, italy, spain, chile. cameroon and mexico. they visited most of the precinct election commissions throughout the region. the atmosphere there is soft let's say it's not easy. donetsk and gorlovka were constantly shelled by the armed forces of ukraine, and members of the election committee even received threats. for obvious reasons, increased security measures had to be taken in the zaporozhye region. the sites there only work for one day, and that’s just today. but in large populated areas, starting friday. and military personnel who are in the northern military district zone. polling stations for them were set up right in the dugouts and rear areas in full compliance with the requirements of the law. it is clear that for residents of new regions, presidential elections russia is inextricably linked to
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the choice they have already made about a future together with russia. and yet, in order to get to the polling station, despite the possibility of shelling or a drone attack, considerable civic courage is also required. now our reporter ilya lyadvin is in touch with us from the lugansk people's republic, who spoke with residents in the rear, with fighters on the front line. ilya, many have already noted that the turnout in new regions is very high, what do you think makes people go and vote? well then moreover, i really want you to tell me that this day did not go without new shelling.
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but until today, literally a few hours ago, the forces of the kiev regime attacked residential buildings and a kindergarten in alchevsk with drones, fortunately there were no casualties, the ukrainian side does not betray itself, constant and various provocations, calls and messages to voters calling on them not to go to the polls, there were also the arrival of propaganda shells equipped with leaflets, leaflets of a provocative nature were found, do not choose, and so on. this svatovsky district, our voters are still voting, despite all these threats from ukrainian neo-nazis, yes, we cannot be intimidated, especially since people in the lugansk and donetsk people’s republics, zaporozhye and kherson regions are electing the president of russia for the first time, many voting at the polling stations are not even they are holding back their tears, but this is important for all residents of our republics, of course it is very important, we are very glad that we are included.
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russia, this is our future, i believe that every resident of the republic must make a choice, this is the choice of his future life, fate, children, i think it’s right that the residents of the republic are involved in these elections, we should live as one, big, friendly family.
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the elections reached the front line, we visited the improvised site of the sixth guards cossack brigade in the northern direction, yes, of course, voting took place in spartan conditions, but according to all the necessary requirements, there were booths and a transparent ballot box with numbered seals, conditions are being created for us they don’t forget, and the guys appreciate it, well, there is the opportunity to vote, well, we’re kind of glad everything that came to us for the first time. everyone, although not under difficult conditions, everyone voted. the soldiers voted early, and in order for everyone to have time, the elections on the front line lasted more than 20 days. here we have military personnel voting who are on leave, who are in this period, who are staying from treatment, from medical institutions, the same thing through rotation and fulfilling their civic duty and their constitutional right. but most importantly. what
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the local commanders noted, the elections did not interfere in any way due to the competent rotation of soldiers the main combat work of our forces, colleagues, thank you, this was ilya lyadvin, who works in lugansk. republic and monitors the progress of voting in the rear on the front line. thank you, ilya, thank you very much, be careful there, please. well, in fact , it was hot this week not only in the battle zone of the special military operation, all the last days in the belgorod kursk region, the russian military repelled the attacks of the ukrainian drg, which, with the support of tanks and artillery, tried to cross our border. thursday, march 14th turned out to be the most turbulent. the fighting took place in the belgorod border area. according to the ministry of defense of the armed forces of ukraine, they tried to cross the state border in the area of ​​​​the village of spodoryushino, the attack was repulsed, the ukrainian drg retreated, leaving several burning tanks and armored vehicles on the battlefield. on the same day, saboteurs tried to break into
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the kursk region, where battles broke out near the village of tyotkina. the drg attacks were repelled by units of the russian guard, military personnel of the russian armed forces and fsb border guards. well, such a sudden activation of saboteurs. on the eve of the presidential elections, of course, it’s far from accidental, the senseless attacks did not have any military purpose, but the political goal of destabilizing the situation in the border regions on the eve of the presidential elections was visible to the naked eye, but the ukrainian saboteurs, of course, failed to break into russian territory or even disrupt the voting, well, in the zone battles of the ukrainian conflict in the new russian territories, i worked all this week and...
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my mother’s apartment, in short, was bombed, and my dad’s house was left with his grandmother, too, so my mother was given a new apartment for a new building, builders are working on restoring the drama theater, which was damaged during the battles in april twenty-two, then everything here looked like this, black fire posts, walls, a destroyed open-air auditorium, less than two years have passed, here to my right is the stage of the mariupol drama theater, it is now being restored, 2/3 of the theater is being rebuilt , and 1/3, here it is historical, will be reconstructed with the famous sculpture above the facade. they plan to complete the work in the twenty-fifth year through joint efforts builders, architects, sculptors and restorers. as for the entrance group, if you look, there are holes , there are serious post-thermal effects, yes, cracks, if you look at the sculptures, they also
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have damage, here is the central sculpture, the left sculpture, we are waiting for the arrival of the sculptor from st. petersburg one of these days and we will already directly climb the scaffolding to assess the scale of the disaster and assess the timing. we will, i repeat once again, preserve as much as possible. and the appearance that was originally. ilya rusakov, representative of the administration of st. petersburg. russian regions have taken the lead over the cities of the new territories of russia, and if cultural ties with greater russia have always been here, in spite of everything, then the roads have to be restored to the cities from the rostov region . this is the route to mariupol, here there is already an order of magnitude more construction equipment than military equipment, roads are being built, communications are being carried out. following the construction equipment , we drive along new roads to cities that are voting for the first time. russia, so that find out how people live, what they want, what they lack and how they see their future. after mariupol, the next major city is berdyansk, which, says city administration employee pavel ishchuk, calmly endured the loss of an extra letter in its name. berdyansk in ukrainian is written as berdyansk
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with a soft sign between s and k. therefore, the inscription was longer, the soft sign was removed, what remains is berdyansk, the fighting did not affect it, the infrastructure is strong, there are still unnecessary ukrainian advertising and signs hanging, which are surprising. for visitors like us. the signs in the store are in two languages: ukrainian and english, although everyone in the city speaks russian. the mayor's office always has the blinds closed for security reasons. the city is taking measures to secure voting sites. terrorist attacks are not excluded, although life in berdyansk is normal and peaceful. the port is working, fishing vessels go to sea, the enterprise for the production of agricultural machinery does not stop. - says alexander saulenko. so far this has all worked out, while logistics from rostov shot. with the dpr from other nearby regions, well, there was a period of such a shortage, but thanks to the bakery, meat processing plant, the berdyansk people did not go hungry, and this is the berdyansk market on the counter of azov
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shrimp, called fish, marketing comments like caviar, all very tasty, how could it be otherwise, we have relatives, so my husband has a brother, i have... a brother in moscow . almost all of this fish diversity is caught here. in the stable berdyansk spit on the shore of the azov sea. city administration employee pavel ischuk says, there are great hopes for russia here. fish can appear when normal fish conservation measures are carried out, when fish breeding measures are carried out; by the way, they are carried out regularly in russia, and russia has always released cetrus, and other species of fish are also released into the sea of ​​azov. we go further to the azov district, the village of kolarovka, there are 505 voters here,” says member of the election committee varvara dzhenkova. well, we have two cars, don’t walk, we walk, but now we have to go to the edge of the village, how far? it’s a kilometer away, yes, well, not that much, but enough. first morning
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on voting day, this is a cultural center in the village of kolarovka, here the president of russia will be elected for the first time, here is the ballot box, here is the flag of russia, here is the flag of the zaporozhye region. and this is a new kokhovka, on the other side of the dnieper, a few hundred meters away, there are the armed forces of ukraine. exactly a year ago , mayor vladimir leontyev and i walked near the city administration building, from where we could see the river. now walking there is deadly, and even a drone recently flew into the humanitarian aid distribution center where we are located; there are no military personnel here. here's what's interesting: in the first day, when there was door-to-door voting, citizens came here to find this place where they could vote for the president. in the center there are racks and shelves with humanitarian aid, and you need to be careful not to bump into the wires. a new box is formed and issued in this room. italy, spain and cameroon. recently
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, foreign observers have come here from so many different places to talk about russia, i thought that coming to see everything with my own eyes is better than relying on secondary information from sources we don't really trust. razario del priore is in russia for the first time. the thing is that i don’t believe what the propaganda in italy and the government are saying now, so i decided to see everything with my own eyes, this is not the first time i’ve done this, i travel all over the world and have already visited more than 70 countries. for the first time, people are voting in the presidential elections in donetsk, all over the city, a few days before the elections there were these portable polling stations, and we voted at one of them. mikhail bogdanov, ksenia politaeva, central television.
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half of the list of voters , mainly at polling stations, some remotely, we now have consultants working specifically for remote, electronic voting, these are specially trained law students, they help voters, some residents of the region vote at home, most often these are elderly people , for example, sergei artemovich medzigov turns 100 years old in a week, he is a war veteran, he says that he is always active, always votes, there are also those who come for the first time.
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we are located, located at a school, in the center of the city, they vote here quite actively, there are two polling stations in our site, at one of the stations there is voting using kaibs. in another polling station using stationary ballot boxes. 11 international expert observers are now working with us, they came from italy, greece, france , indonesia, cameroon, syria and the united states of america, before that they were in
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the donbass republics, they saw how elections were organized there for foreign specialists, this also a new experience. voters and commission members are probably already accustomed to three-day elections, but from personal observations these elections have a different , special atmosphere. i do not pretend to draw any conclusions, but even those people with whom i was able to talk agree that now everyone needs to do something personally, a special military operation, the proximity of the region to
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donbass, the sanctions in which the country and society live, and give people this feeling that now they need to make their personal contribution. colleagues, thank you, slava, from what you described, voting in rostov is going on calmly, i hope the night of vote counting will also be going on calmly. yes, we all hope so, it was svyatoslav gordin, who continued to monitor the elections in the south of russia in rostov-on-dan. so, all data on the voting progress flows non-stop to the cec information center. the interim turnout has already exceeded the final result of 2018, then... voters, well, as i understand it, among the russian regions it is already possible to identify the top three without offending anyone, i hope, yul, everyone they vote well, everyone votes well,
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vadim, you just said this yourself, our top three really united, the three of those regions where residents voted especially. active, let's see who it is: firstly, this is chechnya, 95% of voters voted there, and even more, tva, let's see its result, 94, almost 94.5%, in kusbas the turnout has already exceeded 94%, too, and of course, people understand that the fate of our country and its development in the coming years depend on their choice. all 3 days we walked and walked to the polling stations. in dagestan on the elections came to a hundred-year-old veteran, participant in the battle of stalingrad, holder of two orders of glory, ibrahim pasha sadykov. he voted in the suburbs of makhachkala. the singer shaman, whose song i am a russian knows, without exaggeration , the whole country, voted in moscow. the musician
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noted that he came to the site to choose his personal future. and the public chamber of russia has already announced a record level of voter activity. for the entire ten-year period when public observers generally monitor elections. so, let me remind you, as for the closure of sites in kaliningrad, that is, until the moment when we can report some first results, but there is not much time left, now, yes, now we see the exact numbers, 2 hours 14 minutes and 40 seconds, well and after the closure of the moscow polling stations, yes, actually the residents of kaliningrad, we have already said, moscow has an hour less, this... well, let's look at the overall turnout in russia, which is already the overall turnout in russia is 72, almost 73 percent already , but yes, this is already an absolute record, there’s nothing here you say, well, we will continue talking about the events of the day immediately after a very short
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pause, do not switch, wait, especially since immediately after this very pause we will be joined by the results of the week with irada zinalova, wait. mask: new season, today at 22:00 on ntv. all methods are good when you wanted to be the first to try the new big special bbq beon with large beefsteak, immental cheese, bacon and sauces with dimconk and bbq. what are you ready for? for the beak special bbq bacon. what can be negative affect the liver? constant stress, unhealthy diet, ecology. this can lead to inflammation and destruction of liver cells. the two components of phosphoglyph help not only. restore liver cells, but also fight the cause of their destruction, inflammation. phosphoglyph. now there are 96 capsules in an economical package. entrepreneurs, come
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are not some kind of spherical voting in a vacuum, and although we do not yet know the results, it is clear that even the high turnout that observers confirm from the central election commission is also its own a kind of response to the challenges that russia is now facing. yes, vladimir, now it’s very interesting to precisely set reference points for understanding the background of these elections and as a fact itself. their holding is perceived in our country abroad, despite the fact that it is clear that this year is, in principle, a year of big elections for major global players, now it is important for us to take for granted not just our elections, which are under the gun, so we have to make such efforts to prevent any interventions and provocations are considered by the west as a vote to support the course taken, and the elections for which they are preparing in america and the european union, all this is already turning into links in one chain of the reformatting process world order. precisely because everything is being done through the prism of the ukrainian conflict for everyone, that is , the entire system of world
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relations is now being checked and rebuilt, everyone understands that in the end the world will definitely become different, will form... exactly the result of replacing the principles of the un international order with a rules-based order and it’s interesting that in the end, with icons in an article with loud headlines “terrible russia” scares the whole world, and not just ukraine, it assures that the russian elections will show that the government has proven to be stable, sanctions are not were able to shake it, this is an alarming signal for the west, whose determination to support ukraine is fading scandalously quickly, putin’s policy remains unchanged, and the west does not have
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a long-term russian strategy, but this article, including the result. 4 trillion is growing at a rate of 20 billion per day, we are a bankrupt country, a financial pyramid that is about to collapse and it doesn’t matter who becomes president, it looks like the result of the sanctions policy against us, which tehran university professor galbraith calls incredible a tactical mistake, in his version, russia is not the island of cuba, so that sanctions would make it suffer, it is a huge country with incredible technical and scientific potential, against
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which sanctions were imposed on one albeit important part of the world economy, which cut off itself
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and so that a beautiful folk tradition united with an important political choice, on the very first day in russia more than a third of voters made it, this sochenets just turned 18, and this is the first time voting for him. i have long wanted to express my civil position, and finally, according to the law, i have already i have the right. the commissions came to those whose health does not allow them to go to the polling stations themselves. in the ryazan region there were still deep snowdrifts; members of the election commission reached some villages on a tractor. i'm already 95 years old. never refuse, it’s necessary for business, please, i’m ready. many people come to polling stations throughout russia with their children. my task is to show children how much this event will influence their future fate. if you want confident, brave children today, come and vote. for this smoking-smoking couple, children are clearly only in the plans for now, but the newlyweds set off to vote through the snowstorm and straight from sachs. to a young
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mother in krasnoyarsk, who just yesterday gave birth to her daughter varvara from...
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they were released, it has already become quieter and they are voting in the presidential elections, for the first time all their lives, one might say, they waited, as the ussr collapsed, they immediately began to wait, we did not expect so much. here voting with smiles and with tears , ass that here, we didn’t even expect that we would vote, you can’t explain everything, all the joy can be in these tears or else, in the regions of donbass and novorossiya it was open and early voting. the military were also able to cast their votes almost everywhere in the northern military district zone. vashan goes into the booth, but on the main voting days, voters in donbass and navorosiya went to the polling stations. in what mood did you vote? with excellent. with understanding, for
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what? for truth, for honesty, for faith, for our country. and why? because i have now begun to live, right now, under russia. there is great confidence that everything will be fine. it used to be very scary, very difficult. now we just feel confident. in donetsk and lugansk, in kherson region and zaporozhye region deployed russian tricolors. the action is called the unity flag. a motor rally was held in melitopol and gorlovka to mark the tenth anniversary of crimea’s entry into russia. this is not the first time they have voted in crimea and sevastopol and they have not changed their guidelines. i ’m going to vote for russia, to cast my vote for my country. we need a person who will lead our country over the next 6 years, a person who is decisive, who can. regions of russia could cast their votes remotely via the internet, this method many members of the government and vladimir putin, who voted on friday
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directly from his office, chose for themselves. the total number of those who voted this way could reach 7 million. another 2 million managed to do this during the early campaign in the farthest corners of the country, from the kuril lighthouses to polar stations and reindeer herding camps. after all , the majority of referees voted at traditional polling stations; according to preliminary cec polls , more than 80% of those who planned to vote for one or another were going to come in person candidate. 94,000 polling stations have been opened throughout the country, and 113.5 million ballots have been printed. each ballot has a special stamp made with the state sign, several degrees of protection, microtexts, a hologram; as the central election commission is assured, it is impossible to falsify such a ballot. candidates from the communist party of the russian federation kharitonov, from the liberal democratic party slutsky came to the polling stations in person, they voted in moscow, the candidate from the new people party, tyvankov, in smolensk. the elections are observed by several hundred international representatives from dozens of countries, for maximum transparency
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, video cameras are working at each of the sites; they were the ones who filmed those who decided to abuse their rights and violate others. the cases were isolated, but several times dyeing substances were poured into trash cans, a booth was set on fire in one area, and a molotov cocktail was thrown on the steps of another.


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