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tv   Dai voru zolotuyu goru vorovat ne perestanet  NTV  March 18, 2024 1:25pm-2:01pm MSK

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somewhat distracted the lady from the party, the followers were delighted, daria took her son in her arms to the jubilation of users and continued her stream, 96 people, and you deleted, you have already deleted how many people, i must say that the woman seemed to like everything that was happening, such a debut right away success, all i had to do was succumb to the desire of the audience to show what is well hidden in close-up. my moderators are no longer able to cope, but when the shocking content on the dating site appeared on the internet, i suddenly repented, apparently i wasn’t counting on such fame, conducts a tour of the house, this is where she was broadcasting from, says daria, asking for leniency, her husband died of a stroke on march 8 a year ago, the eldest daughter with the diagnosis fell from the fourth floor at the age of one, which is why she is often treated in hospitals, her middle son is autistic, but she has no children throws. i just drank a little and
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lost my head, i probably think i should go to a psychologist so that this doesn’t happen again, no, i didn’t earn money, but what was it all for, i just, to be honest, i don’t know, clouding says it happened, but such seizures of the phenomenon are not uncommon neighbors, it is difficult to say, created,
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rub. juvenile inspectors from the metallurgical police department visited the residence address. they interviewed the family's neighbors and studied their living conditions. the children were temporarily taken away by their grandparents on their husband’s side, with whom their mother restricted communication in every possible way. according to some reports, it was the relatives who sounded the alarm when daria, having buried her husband, began taking different men home. this was before the appearance of questionable content on the internet. aleftina marchenko, oksana goncharenko, ntv television company.
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apparently, the driver of a foreign car in the capital's khamovniki district acted on the principle of removing everything that is bad, he picked up an envelope with cash, which was accidentally defended by a passerby, this moment was filmed by surveillance cameras, the man did not notice how money fell out of his pocket, about 780 thousand rub. but this was noticed by the driver of the car passing by, he stopped, got out of the car and opened the passenger door slightly to hide the view, then hurriedly left... he faces up to 6 years in prison. murderer
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a family of four people announced the verdict in court, the crime committed by denis mashonsky shook up the small town of novoshakhtensk, this is in the rostov region, he came to the apartment of his friends and mercilessly shot three adults and two children, only a four-year-old girl managed to survive, how did the child’s life turn out and what was the punishment assigned to mashonsky, our correspondent tamara simonova will tell you. the only one who came to support at the final meeting.
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their two-year-old son and twenty-four-year-old the woman's sister. they all knew denis mashonsky very well and had communicated since school. according to friends, mashonsky even dated svetlana for some time, but she preferred vladimir to him. she married him and gave birth to two children. the man could not come to terms with such an ending to their love story. late in the evening i took drugs, got into a taxi and came to visit them. he opened deadly fire as soon as svetlana let him into the apartment, without even regret. seeing a four-year-old girl in one of the rooms, the convict made the shot to her head caused a live wound in the neck. i believe the girl died and the man fled the scene. the doctors who arrived at the scene managed to save only the four-year-old girl; the rest of the family died on the spot. mashonsky, who
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tried to escape, was detained the next day, realizing that he could spend the rest of his life in a colony. the prosecutor asked for a life sentence for him. mashonsky admitted his guilt and repented. and then asked his mother to give money to the relatives of the injured child, supposedly for treatment, through the bank we transferred 50,000, everything we could for treatment, it turns out, for the treatment of the girl, yes, it was denis’s initiative, yes, yes, it was denis’s initiative, now do you know anything about the girl’s condition, no, i don’t know anything , the girl was eventually given up for adoption to another family, she is now undergoing treatment, psychologists from denis mashonsky are working with her, despite repentance and all attempts to mitigate the punishment. the court sentenced him to life imprisonment; he will serve his term in a special regime colony. tamara simonova, oksana goncharenko and dmitry salnikov, ntv television company. the scammers in nizhny novgorod were responsible for the work, although not in their own name, but the interesting marketing ploy had
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every chance of success, but the execution was very lame. the attackers, advertising their services for replacing plumbing and corpses, wrote on behalf of the former mayor's mother during his years in office. which is fondly remembered by pensioners, the same target audience of dishonest plumbers, many fell for the tricks of false masters, but now they are left without work. how they were exposed and caught, he will tell daria vzovaya. now not only the pensioners they deceived, but also investigators are peering into these faces, who are so prudently trying to hide plumbing fixtures from the intercom cameras. they intend to find out who the mysterious yuri lebedev is, on his behalf, if i may say so, the masters and profit from the elderly.
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information revealed the fact of fraudulent actions committed against persons of retirement age in the city of nizhny novgorod and a criminal case was initiated on the grounds of a crime stipulated part two of article 159 of the criminal code of the russian federation. finding them obviously won't be difficult. the phone number is written in large print in the ad, it was thrown into mailboxes, it seemed to be written on a notebook sheet and as if by hand by a certain yuri lebedev. in fact, if you look closely, you can see it.
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they tore off, or rather in the evenings, women’s moss caps, and there were chains, something else, now , since life moves forward, the robber has become somewhat different, he enjoys the trust of people, often older people unconditionally believe, and this obviously, there is a target audience for these plumbers, and such phrases as we will agree on a price or a discount for pensioners, although this is also just a marketing ploy, a ploy that she bought into, vera lisina admits, for installing a one and a half meter sewer pipe. discount for pensioners, yes, we will give a discount, i gave this discount, and all together he charged us 45,000. often, behind such advertisements, says psychologist evgeny mishitsyan, hiding not self-employed workers,
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as they want to appear, but unscrupulous companies with their call centers and entire staffs of employees who are specially trained in certain phrases in order to force the elderly to pay.
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the man was examined by doctors, he did not receive any fractures or serious injuries and is already preparing to return to the arena; the circus clarified that the act on the so-called wheel of death belongs to a dangerous genre where it is not provided. insurance. and then they knocked out those responsible for the death of a young boxer from kamensko-uralsky, and announced the verdict in court. results immediately after advertising. sochi is the main thing for us? city, sea. let's go to the beach. hey, gentlemen, rescuers, are you even on duty or where? which beach? sea. where are you going? is it dangerous. chani mariana depression. it won't get lost. mountains, well, yes, a cool idea, you’ll just drop to the bottom of the gorge,
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our fate is like this, forward and fire, everyone move away, the ministry of emergency situations is working, that filipok can work, just get through copper pipes, they can do anything , children don’t care they are afraid, they have heard, they have heard, the long-awaited continuation of their favorite series, no one except us. 5 minutes of silence, new season, good work, today at 20:00 on ntv, let’s do it this way, and now, here’s another idea, of course, let’s count the payment, yur, without a qr code for a long time, with vtb. the camera itself calculates everything, how did it happen? of course, we also received 10% cashback from a free
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vtb debit card. vtb: together everything will work out. we take out loans, it’s easy to apply for, we take out loans to the whole bank, but it’s good and fast? we are at sofcombank. loans that everyone knows. refresh and renew yourself with the big spring sale at the megamarket. buy the babyca venga stroller for only 10,990 rubles. good ones. little today so i decided to make my own, the quality is no worse than imported ones, and in order to keep up with demand, i act proactively, take out a loan for business development, manage the cost of the loan, reduce the commission by 11%. all ways are good, when you want to be the first to try the new big special bbq bacon with a big steak, raw amenthal, bacon and sauces with pumpkin and bbq, what are you ready for?
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to go to the bank, or you can open a reliable online deposit in rosbank at 16% per annum. rosbank - real opportunities. do you want to become modern individual entrepreneurs and do not pay a commission from a transfer to a cash account. then open a business account on mask: new season, sunday 2020 on ntv. as we age, we all experience a decline in memory and intelligence. why organism. the brain, it is responsible for
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memory, attention, thinking, movement, mood and sleep, and regulates the functioning of each of our organs. the brain is an electrical system, made up of nerve cells and processes between them, through which electrical signals constantly flow. as we age , changes occur in the brain cells brains are aging. scientists from kyoto university have found that the japanese eat a unique mollusk, it is called azektinida, it turns out to be a...
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mood, sleep and regulates the functioning of each of our organs. however, with age, we all experience a deterioration in memory and intelligence, a disruption in the functioning of our organs. this year , the russian distributor purchased a batch of the japanese mozgterapy product. it contains all the phospholipids that promote brain restoration. brain therapy is produced in japan. brain aging is possible reverse. and he will serve you faithfully again. the youth of your brain 8800 100 exactly 1985 8800 100 exactly 1985 learn more about the japanese product brain therapy 5 minutes of silence new season today at 20:00 on ntv with ended what
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's going on here is a complete star and andrei frolov, weapons on nuclear submarines, pritorian, interesting cinema, premiere, today at 22:10 on ntv. there is another emergency on the air, we continue broadcasting. the court put an end to the case of the death of a boxer from kamyansko-uralsky. alexander maksimov received three shots in the head. died on the spot in the nightclub where the conflict took place. his opponents were found, and after a while they came to the attention of the police before. oleg babushkin is 37 years old, his friend sergei maltsev is 33 years old, and they will not soon make further plans for their lives. stanislav kostikov will talk about the verdict.
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dozens of cafe visitors watched the last round of the confrontation between boxer alexander maksimov and oleg babushkin and sergei maltsev. if in a fight. with two men the fighter had significant chances of victory, then against a pistol, albeit a traumatic one, he turned out to be powerless. during the scuffle, several bullets were fired at maksimov; one shot killed a fellow athlete who tried to stand up for him. already defeated opponents were kicked. as a result, the boxer died on the spot, and his acquaintance was seriously wounded in the stomach, but survived. it turned out that oleg babushkin shot at the athlete. he appeared in the courtroom in high spirits. i was glad to see a serious support group. the prosecution insisted on fourteen years colony for babushkin for murder and four for maltsev for wounding a fellow athlete. acquaintances of the defendants believe that what happened was just a fatal coincidence of circumstances, saying that the armed friends did not wish harm to anyone, but they were in the wrong place at the wrong time. and that such a situation has turned out, it
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can happen to all of us, no one is immune from this and no one knows how this can happen. and here he was, throwing himself at them all evening, however, according to the prosecution, what happened was far from an accident, but it was the accused who provoked the conflict. according to some reports, both defendants are related to one of the criminal groups ; this is not the first time they have found themselves in similar stories. for example, in this footage, babushkin hits a nightclub visitor in the head from behind; after the blow, he ended up in intensive care, and this man
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, another victim of the actions of the criminal duo, says he is lucky to have survived. cars, a wine-growing house , well, a lot of things there, broken car windows, well, a lot of things there, well, of course, i wrote a statement accordingly, well, after this began to happen all sorts of crimes against me from the dock , my grandmother was not as verbose as in entertainment establishments, i admitted my guilt together with my friend maltsev, i’m very sorry, i have everything, and i also wanted to explain to the victim. he is not here, i will apologize to the representative, be patient, i repent, i admit my guilt. the verdict was passed taking into account the verdict of the jury. by a court decision, oleg babushkin was sentenced to 13 years in a maximum security colony... sergei maltsev received 3 years in general, however, the defendants’ lawyers reported that they intend to appeal the decision and are already preparing an appeal. stanislav kostikov, valentin
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lyubimov and anna samburova, ntv television company. convicted for the murder of the son of the former prosecutor of roslavl, alexey kovalev received another sentence. while serving time in a colony, a former killer, a bloodthirsty organized crime group, shared details of several crimes. how it was planned, who the customer was, where the evidence was left. such frankness, of course, interested the investigators, and as a result , three murders were solved. now to the criminal the world is barred to the talkative defendant, and it is unlikely that he will have time to return there. darimalova has details. criminal brotherhood, life according to concepts, for alexey kovalev, who does not want publicity, all this is in the past, now he is on his own, he was part of the backbone of the chernoyarov group operating in smolensk.
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committed the murder of a member of an opposing criminal group, and as a result of shooting at the car in which this person was located, the driver and passenger of this vehicle were killed
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facilities. the attackers fired at least twenty shots while firing firearms. olinev was a cautious man; he could smell a trick a mile away. vroslavl lured him under the pretext of choosing an explosive device to bomb a car in which the future victim of the dutch would fly into the air, but then the hours of the... killer himself were numbered when we arrived, and magomedov, being on the right, jumped out of the car and began firing shots at side of the laz-2109 car, in which olim was supposed to be. after a barrage of bullets, olinev still was breathing, he, along with the driver and passenger , were taken to the forest, finished off with a control, and disposed of from the bodies. this is what the car of the son of ex-prosecutor roslavl vadim prokopovich looked like. as investigators proved, kovalev was also involved in the death of the lawyer. it was he who, in 2009
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, manufactured the ied and secured it to the underbody of the vehicle. as a result of the powerful explosion, only the victim's shoes survived. father nikolai prokopovich was sent to the next world by members of the group four years earlier, because after leaving his service he opened a private security company, but he refused to cooperate and share profits with the bandits. nizhny novgorod pensioner under her roof why her pet scared everyone around,
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we’ll tell you after the advertisement, don’t switch. the husband beat his wife to death while their three children were in the next room. how did your daughter die? from traumatic shock, did they see it from?
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more convenient, thank you for teaching me, this is someone else who taught whom, vtb, together everything will work out, there’s another emergency on ntv live , we continue the broadcast. a wild cat that walks on its own has seriously frightened the residents of a small village in nizhny novgorod region, at first they couldn’t believe their eyes, and then they realized that in front of them was a real lynx, and the animal had an owner, a pensioner who said that she was not good at biology and was sure that she was feeding a beautiful, thoroughbred dog, a cunning lie or really gaps in education, pavel kuznetsov looked into it, he will also tell you where the beast is now. in belasovka
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, these shots that instantly spread throughout village chats, an important warning, you need to be extremely careful on the street these days careful, look around and not let the children go alone, belasovka school, lynx, but for... neighbors, at first there was shock, then fear, who knows how a wild animal can react to a person, but i tried to pet him several times together with a friend , she lives there in the bathhouse, i’m afraid the ladies are with you
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, she says once, i came here, and she’s standing straight looking at me, either she sensed strangers in the form of a film crew, or she just went about her trotting business, but the predator was not at home, the old women exhaled and explained that they were not strong in... diversity, besides, a lynx is still a cat, albeit a wild one, and how it can be confused with a dog, they themselves don’t understand, it’s twice the size of a cat, it’s like this , it suits me, it doesn’t suit me, it’s straight you know, it feels as if someone is carrying her, so smoothly somehow she lightly gradually, her ears are pointy, i think, well, this is a good dog to be born, and even now, when the secret origin of the animal has become clear, the pensioner continues the habit of calling his pet a dog, the dog, that is, the lynx, began to visit the garden in the fall. after after several days of getting used to it and a fleeting acquaintance, nina presented the predator with the first present: the remains of bread. the grateful beast realized that among people it’s not so bad. the dog is well-fed, good, not tortured , which means it’s the owner’s, i think the owner will be found, someone is lost, i fed it, i’ll take it out,
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here, but you didn’t immediately understand that this fish didn’t know until yesterday, yesterday as they understood, i saw it on the internet, they said that the lynx was walking around, they were photographing it, i said, this is my dog, that the lynx is now the owner here. as the houses testify numerous tracks, is not afraid of anyone, walks wherever he wants, whenever he wants , there are fewer domestic cats in the area, i’ll stand there by the toilet and somewhere like this we ’re standing with her, she’s standing, looking at me, i’m looking at her, i’m her dog, little dog, i want to give her a piece so she can run away, local hunters warn, it’s better not to play with fire and not to tease the predator, and you shouldn’t feed it, it was because of hunger that the lynx came out of the forest to people, there’s such a warm welcome here, they have no enemies except man... no, he might even be a wolf to scare him away, he’s even two, he’s not afraid of anything, this is an adult male, the one who lives here, whether the compassionate pensioner will continue to feed the predator is still unclear, the excited
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neighbors, of course, asked not to do this, that’s all - after all, many people have farms, dogs, chickens, so far the lynx has not attacked them, but it is better for the animal to return back to the forest. pavel kuzentsov, valentin lyubimov and sergey baganov, ntv. nizhny novgorod region. more news on our website in the chpntv telegram channel. on today that's all. thank you for your attention. today in our program. we are all one team. record voting with record turnout: the russian presidential elections have ended in russia, which is what the west is now dissatisfied with. democracy in such countries is violated every day. the nazis are shitting! the kiev regime
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tried in every way to ruin our elections. why did people come to the polling stations despite the shelling? elections are a real holiday and bipolar disorder. president macron dreams of sending troops to ukraine and... talking to putin, is it worth the wait? truce during the summer olympics? we will ask for it, watch it now. hello, this is the meeting place at ntv, the place where everything becomes clear. i'm andrey norkin, and my colleague ivan trushkin, we 're working live. first of all, we would like to congratulate you, dear friends, once again on having taken place and been recognized as having taken place. the presidential elections in our country, which lasted for the first time in the history of modern russia for 3 days, yesterday the ntv television company covered this event all day long, including broadcasts to the far east and siberia actively.


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