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tv   Yesli vzdokhnut vsem narodom veter budet  NTV  March 19, 2024 1:40am-2:31am MSK

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yes, he did not answer, the white-tailed face sounded, hey, hey, hey, is there anyone, well, let's start the final scene, let's go, he died, he died, but he died. well, time's up, you remember, are you coming shran? no, sorry. then you still
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have to help you remember, try to remember what your name is, because after you tell us everything, there will be a rollback, a side effect, after which you will forget what your name is, who you are, i don’t know anything. kali, where did i go wrong, you have nothing to do with it, what are we going to do, but i don’t know what we’re going to do do.
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"beg, unproductive, i offer a deal, what a deal, i know you need a chechek , look, i tell you where to find him, and you, where the scar is hiding, why should i
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agree? maybe because your friend is a scar became the same freak as chechek? he 's not my friend, mira street 10, block, block 14, former sculptors' workshop. mira street 10, block 14, former sculptors' workshop, the scar is there, next time i'll go.
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you have one look as if something happened. you have not forgotten your promise to share with me information. sable people have established the location of the scar, that's what, why are you sitting? well, at least that’s what they think, so go, go there, if you and the sable push yourself, sharam won’t get away from you, coffee then you’re sitting there, quickly go there!
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yes, it’s me, i have a request for you, what kind of request? remove shamray from participation in this... are you not sure about him? not in him, in his feelings in a broken heart. will you join us? of course. pure death, so harmless, after all, these smart guys, these fucking alchemists someday we will all be buried, i agree,
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take it upstairs. our goal is first the virus, then the scar. ian, did you hear me? understood.
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do not move while standing! “take him, get up, i’ll take care of it myself, hands so that i can see them, boss, and you won’t even arrest me, feel better?” "boss , you want to go together, i respect
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you, no , at 23:30, that's it, let's go. your gun, i mean, your gun, what are you here?
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oh, what a meeting, oh, old friend, how many years have passed? 3 years, you don’t seem to look well, you’re about to die, say hi to your girlfriend, hurray!
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we have a turnkey virus in a special room and don’t relax. the scar died, which means yes, and now we don’t have a single lead to the ghost. bye, no sals.
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now the scar is dead, but this somehow doesn’t make it any easier, we’re not finished yet. all that remains is to find the ghost, and then we can breathe easy, i, when it’s all over, i want us to remain friends, yulia would really like this, how do you know what she would want, i 3 years ago, it wasn’t sable who shot at you , what did you
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say, it wasn’t him, you knew it all along, i became aware of it only after death of sham. everything is fine, look at me.
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“it wasn’t me who shot, why didn’t you tell me anything, making difficult decisions is an integral part of my work, this concerns me, i know.” i must be responsible for all my people, otherwise everything will fall apart, each of them must be sure that i am always on his side, thank you.
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yegor familevich, help yourself, the table is set. this is all for you, good job, good, it’s a pity that all this is in vain, but i wouldn’t be so categorical, the files are of course important, but
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without the r-98 virus all our plans will collapse. more active, didn't the police destroy him, scar, before his death he managed to do something, what something? i wouldn’t like to talk now, but i promise you, in exactly 2 days i will return the virus, and if you don’t return it, well , exact it from me as you see fit. “you don’t want to work for me officially , great prospects may open up for you. yegor fabich, i sincerely wish you victory in the next presidential elections, but you know my problem, everything is in our hands,
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i already have practically no problems, which i could not solve." what if we have everything if it works out, then there won’t be any left at all, i’m sure it will be so, don’t refuse, think about it, i don’t make such offers often, i need people like that, so say the virus in 2 days, i’ll wait. don’t upset me, i’ll be brief, we found out that scar, koons and
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mirkin were at one time registered in the company trianon, trianon. this is a private security company formed from former special forces soldiers, the company is just a front. in other words, is this a group of pros who have a price tag on their services? yes, these guys are ready to do anything for money, it’s necessary find as much information as possible on this circuit. i wanted to report on the operation and now about this later, in another place, don’t rush, you don’t have much time. the trianon company has impressive capital , which is not invested in business all over the world , their profits are growing every year, and there are more than enough offers, and this... he is a serious company, obviously so, only time is not working for us, for the ghost , and there is something else, i found this when i was looking for information from trianoni, a list of people who are recorded as
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the owners of this company, appears among them our mutual friend, yes, you won’t forget this, tarosov. how are you feeling? like in prison, but still. thank you for your sincere interest in the state of my health. i believe. what are we going to talk about? don't think that a ghost can help you. i don't understand what you mean. this is a demon, a scar, kunsa mirkin, as you can see , they are all dead, only you are left, for now, i
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still don’t understand you very well, but i ’ll explain now, if you don’t agree to cooperate with us, you will very soon join this companies. her name is saragudova. saragudova, tamara lvovna. smart, beautiful, well educated, she graduated from magimo with honors . she studied at oxford and is fluent in english, german, and italian . she interned in rome, where she met... one of the founders of the lipka foundation, but this is for a cover, in fact she is
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a ghost's wallet. saragudova quickly built her empire, but the means by which she did it have very mysterious origins. after the next meeting. most of the money is laundered and ends up in the hands of the ghost and his faithful different channels go to trianon, such people. this is how i received my payment myself. thanks to this young lady, can you find a ghost? yes, you can, but the person is surprisingly suspicious and cruel. and they won’t let anyone get close to them, and in this way we can get to soragudova through this gentleman. karamonov, 52 years old,
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owns an antique store and is an expert in dutch painting. and tarusov also told you about karamon. koromonov, the exalted one, is actually laundering money for... soragodas, and how can he do it? does? very simple, art exhibition auctions, at the international level large sums are very difficult to trace, you would remove this, that’s all, that’s all i know, that means, according to the words. koromonov launders the ghost's money according to orders. shamray, find out what weaknesses koromonov has. we need to find something that
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will make him cooperate with us. well, look, cute jade turtles. very stylish and cute. well, quite. other metal samples. for example, here are these, you can also look at these, well, where did you stop? i checked koromonov's phone records, and there is a number there that keeps calling. there is no need to scare me, if you want to resolve the issue, come to the shop. let's talk like cultured people, you are cultured, you scammer, with the help of one program i managed to recognize the voice of his interlocutor, it belongs to a certain konstantin permikov, konstantin permyakov,
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i succeeded. establish that he is an expert in forgery of a work of art, one is an expert in valuation, the other in forgeries, suspicious, we need to dig into this matter deeper, right to the diapers, you quit, uh-huh, i know, you take yourself permyakov, and you kramonova. yes, timur, everything is according to plan, i’m in the process, there will be results, together.
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“sorry, i’m late, wild traffic jams, a win-win option, i don’t understand, traffic jams, but i thought we switched to you, oh yeah, i definitely forgot, i thought you wouldn’t come at all, why,
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well, there’s a photo exhibition too” . what's wrong with her? in my opinion, everything is to the point, without unnecessary glamor and i really like the landscape, how are you doing with time? okay, we can drink some more coffee, you know, i spent the whole day yesterday i tried to imagine what your home looks like, and how did it turn out? “let’s go without the lyrics, essentially, essentially, now it will be essentially what you sold me for junk, this junk isn’t worth the money i paid you, normal stuff, not the first time we bought it, how normal, come on " ? last
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time, i won't have anything to do with you anymore i will, with whom you have them, you will return.
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let’s say, you won’t believe it, i’ve never been with a man in a hotel, and why would i believe it, yes , i just too, wait, that means... it turns out that we, as if we ’re having a premiere today, it turns out that yes, it’s customary to celebrate the premiere with champagne, right, yeah, we have champagne, i’ll take a look now.
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i feel like a graffine, but there is no champagne, what a horror, and only lilleputian wine, what kind of lilleputian wine, mm, come on, white or red, mm, white, hold the glasses, eh? damn, everything i love, who do you think people are?
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ghost, it’s too obvious, this confuses him, but why now? maybe something is starting, they started cleaning it up, it’s good that the young lady wasn’t hurt, okay, okay, tell your people, not yet, i don’t want to make waves, besides, maybe it’s not a ghost, or maybe it’s tarus, he has there were people left, mom didn’t... they put pressure, he started talking, and on the sly he decided to get even with you, i have the opportunity to turn the arrows on the ghost, and why not, people like him never forgive her anything, we
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too, we too, koromonov doesn’t answer the phone and to no one. answers calls , this is suspicious, i’m already there, i’ll take a look myself , well, how is it, it’s quiet, the store should have been open for half an hour already, no one opened it, apparently i don’t see any movement, i’ll go check.
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i'm already approaching the permian house. permikova’s apartment is a complete decodation, this is already interesting. what's there? nude beauty, dead? what kind of fantasy? is fel drawn?
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it looks like permikov had guests, there is blood all over here. koromonov is dead, they transported the throat, call the specialists. what should i do with you, mr. permyakov,
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forgive me, i will never do that again, the bitch karamonov put me on, but it’s not koromonov’s fault, but your hands that are mine. they slipped a mistake in, well, forgive me , please, i do everything for you, everything you want, everything, really, yes, everything, everything, then cut off your filthy hand, you’ll go straight home, well, at least a finger, well, you want to live , yes i want to. it means you don’t want to, it’s a pity, it’s a pity
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, no, don’t kill me, don’t kill me, karamonov was the same slug. according to police records, koromonov was repeatedly arrested for fraud. but he always paid off, sold surgudova and a fake, well, so it is, judging by everyone, she guessed about it, you think, she dealt with him in her own way, and probably with permyakov too, we need to go to the camp with ragudova, who? lucky guy, i am, yes, well, you
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understand art better than anyone, you yourself boasted when i was boasting, stop, i think you are really the right candidate for this task, thank you, come in. close the door, come here. enough, i don't have time for this. come on, no snotty people. we can hear you, we can hear you
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ok, good luck, accepted, hello, good afternoon, last name, i'm tokareva, by appointment, ok, let's go, yeah. your resume was captured, yes, of course , hello, tamara lvoovna, good afternoon, zomi, you worked for the english company ring star from 2016 to 2018, so, yes, i checked, this company broke up 2 years ago, but why do you mention it in your resume? this was not indicated. sorry, i didn't know this needed to be mentioned. the fact is that the business became
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unprofitable, they closed. that is why i moved back to russia. well, since they closed, which means i can’t check how you worked there. tamara lvovna, this is not a problem. if necessary, i can put you in touch with my former boss. it's not obligatory. since you worked in england, that means you must have an english work visa, right? yes, i'd like to see it. yes, of course, today. i didn’t take it with me, i can bring it tomorrow, well then we’ll continue tomorrow, at the same time, anything else? tamara albomovna, please forgive me, i’m terribly embarrassed that i didn’t collect all the necessary documents, i know how much you value your time, forgive me, please, working in this field, you often meet with all sorts of swindlers, i hope you understand me, of course, so everything will be tomorrow, thank you. all the best, see you, see you tomorrow, how quickly
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can you get an english visa, a real one, not a toy one, damn, sorry, i didn’t think that she would be asked for a visa at the interview, i’ll try to organize it by tomorrow, garik, keep an eye on this young lady, i want to know what kind of bird this is, okay, i’ll do it, all. go, that's all for now, yes. garik 's tail was sent for you, we're working on a dummy apartment, a shamray will cover you there, accepted, the address of the apartment, we'll get you off, but you'll have to play for time , distract the tail, charge the apartment and figure out how to hand over the keys to the feast,
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you've got a visa, i'm already working. are you, are you okay, are you okay, are you okay? how are you? well, what are you doing, what are you doing? do you even see where you're going? forgive me, please, but i’m not born, you’ll forgive me, you know how to bring, forgive me, please, call the police, listen, just don't need the police.
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vali, he suffered, so you want to say that he deceived me? you can’t be so gullible, he was openly scamming you. thank you very much. eh, please forgive me, i, i really wanted to ask you, please, let, excuse me, let tamara lvovna never know about this incident, i beg you very much. okay, i won't tell you, but come on time tomorrow and don't forget your visa. i 'll bring everything, thank you, good luck, thank you very much,
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again, i asked, we discussed everything, what are you doing here, we need to talk, what are you doing?
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but i love you, but i don’t believe you, what a fool. he's a fool himself, that means she has problems with her personal life, that's good, there will be more time
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for work, what will be her orders, but if she provides an english visa, i think... we'll take it, as you say, your visa was a huge success , sorogudova didn’t smell it, didn’t find anything, yes, she’s pathologically suspicious, that’s not the right word, listen, you don’t care... i have to be punctually impeccable. how do we
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get the audio recording? there was nothing useful for us in sorogudov's printouts, because she only uses her phone for work calls. therefore, the best solution would be a secret recorder. in general, if you install a keyboard, we will be able to see all the information being created and changed, and no anti-virus program will be able to see it. so, i’m translating into russian, thanks to this thing we will be able to see sorogudova’s entire computer, yes, we can, but the problem is the installation itself, i think pervala can handle it, and do you think i should do it, well, you’ll come up with something , you are a sorceress.
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i hate her, she makes me work even at lunchtime , by the way, are you going to lunch, oh, girls, i ’m on a diet, and you go, bon appetit, thank you. here you go, your coffee to go is ready, but what’s taking so long, is it new or what? well, yes, today is my first day at work, what can i wish for, i liked the handsome guy who was here before you much more. yes, pyro, i
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did everything, how it all went, but no way, just on myra, when it starts, well, now within 15 minutes she will feel something is wrong, and it will be an unforgettable experience, accepted. oh, zoya, have you already had lunch? yes, i had lunch. you know, if you need anything, please contact me. okay, i'll do everything. okay, where did they find you so helpful? vic. could you just sit here for a couple of minutes, okay, i'll be right back. of course, very, of course, of course.
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