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tv   DNK  NTV  March 19, 2024 5:50pm-7:01pm MSK

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soloist, we are ready, accept this, accept , alain, we wish you health, we will be waiting for you healthy, happy, with good weight, smiling, i also really want a friend to always be next to you, i really want all your dreams come true, go. meet alin, glad, yes, your new friend, thank you, get better, thank you, if you cannot cope with your problems on your own, call or write to our editorial office, we will be back tomorrow.
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there's a new dna test right now. watch tomorrow in the program beyond. the mother of many children left for her ex i left six children alone in a cold house for two days. mom is at home, she says mom is gone. i say, you have something to eat now, a little, it’s cold at home, she says, well, it’s cold. it was their great -uncle who saved the unfortunate people. he called the custody police. i wanted her, as it were...
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all her life she has been looking for her younger sister, whom she herself named and nursed from birth. 7 months old, the baby ended up in the hospital and disappeared. marina beloglazova contacted us for a dna test. hello, marina. hello. the child could disappear from hospital, when sveta got sick, she was 7 months old, she and her mother were admitted to the hospital , mom was told that we were leaving sveta, so some tests didn’t come there, so since you are leaving the child, you need to sign a paper, well, she signed a paper that she was leaving the child, they said that she would come in 2 days... and take it, the mother came for the child,
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for the lights, so they told her that the child had died , they gave some documents, no, there was no body, no documents, no reason was given, she believed the doctors, no, of course, i didn’t believe it, i went to the tax office to get documents, they told her that no, the child was alive, when she returned back to the hospital. with this birth certificate document repeated, and they told her, who told you, that she died, since you didn’t come on time, the child was sent to malyutka’s house, and we went to malyutka’s house, the city of pervo-uralsk, there, well there they said that she didn’t come in, that’s what’s possible, they could send her to sverlovsk to the baby’s home, so she went there, so i went to drill, with my sister there went with my family. there
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, too, they didn’t get any results, then one day a neighbor of ours there, she used to work as a conductor on a bus, she said that tanya, well, we had a small town in pervouralsk at that time, so many people probably knew this story they told my mother that she was alive, that everything was fine, that she... her defenselessness, the fact that the person was deaf and on disability, this, well, well, it’s cruel, of course, i think that... that’s all, you
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were the only child in the family, except for the missing sister, no, no, i have two brothers, older and younger, there are four of us in the family, and the birth of a fourth child? it was desired, planned, the father wanted a boy, a girl was born, so he didn’t take her from the family home, and apparently didn’t want to take her, so here i am, and i ran there to see my mother in the family home, so she showed her to me, and then she she said that she was prescribing them, that i needed to bring diapers, baby blankets, this, well, i mean, a blanket, she once wrote to me on a note, i came home, collected it all, so... in a bag and hid it under the bed , that i mean, my father didn’t want his daughter to be brought home, he didn’t want to, yes, when i woke up in the morning, i saw that my father had locked me up, so this package wasn’t under the bed,
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so i started crying, because i understood that it was necessary take my mother, cry, the neighbors heard it, i don’t know how, well, they opened it, i went out and i already saw how they were brought in... by ambulance sveta and her mother, she was carrying sveta in her arms when they opened her there, the hair is so black, the eyes are so black and brown, that’s what my mother says somehow, well, what will we call us, well, how would they give me something like this, i say, well, light, and during this time the father was able to somehow come to terms with the idea that a daughter had appeared, no, in my opinion, he didn’t care, but how the relationship developed y? parents after she returned from the maternity hospital, i don’t know there, there was swearing, of course , he offended my mother, when the neighbors called, marina, run there, something, parents, when i ran into the room, i saw, that my father beat my mother, my mother was lying on the floor, and sveta
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was lying on the windowsill, the window was open, this it was autumn, and i was smoking tobacco and breathing tobacco on it, well, i started crying and screaming. it’s worth it, only the mother is written down on the birth certificate, your mother, she still hasn’t stopped looking for her daughter, well, mom - she looked for the light until the last, well, until she killed herself, it’s hard for me,
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of course, to remember the moment, well, here she is then she told us that
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we should not indicate her at all, they gave me this decision in my hands, i went to the passport office, when i was in the passport office there in the card index, she found it and said, well, it’s not like that dropped out, only the data has been changed, she says, only you should go to the tax office there, yes , i came to the tax office, the girl was sitting, she says that she was adopted, she told me that everything was fine with her, so i just asked as a child, tell me please,
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okay, i was still little then, a year old, i don’t really remember her, what she really looked like, tell me what you remember, somewhere already? they themselves approached the mother with a request about adopting her daughter, they worked there
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in the same hospital, it turns out, or what? yes, it turns out, apparently, they worked there, but what do you think, alexey, to the request of these same doctors, your mother herself could have agreed, she seemed to believe that she would no longer be able to bear the four of us for financial reasons, that is, she she could still succumb to persuasion and give up her child, but in the end... she could have already made a final decision on this matter, it turns out that she wrote a refusal form herself, but it doesn’t work out right away, apparently, as my grandmother told me. alexey marina said that she saw an entry in the archive log, where exactly the father refuses his daughter, when she showed me this document, i was simply surprised. let's all look together at the document that marina found. attention to the screen. executive committee ural city council of workers' deputies, decision of november 24
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, 1974, on the placement of svetlana bannikova's child (7 months) in a home, having considered the application of citizen pyotr stepanovich bannikov, on placement of a child in a home, taking into account the difficult material and living conditions, the parents are deaf and deaf, in the family four children, mother does not work, father abuses alcohol, the executive committee of the city council decided to allow the device.
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ok, it really happened that way, what do you remember about it? well, of course, we didn’t live richly , but my mother loved us, my mother was strict, of course, but my father, yes, my father drank, my father led such a lifestyle, i think that all these fights arose only for one and only reason, for which now everyone has gathered here, because of the daughter, whom the father did not want to leave, according to rumors from his close relatives, he wanted, of course, after me... but a daughter was born, you have
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also a brother, but he only came for the summer holidays, who did he live with? from my grandparents , from my mother’s parents, seryozha, why did my grandparents take me away, because i was born to make my mother’s situation easier, and they took seryozha away, the difference between you and him is 2 years, and then somehow grandfather and grandmother had already gotten used to seryozha, they didn’t let him go, but 5 years later alyosha was born, so somehow seryozha was brought up with his grandparents. alexey, you and your sister got along well, lived together, of course, absolutely, my mother always scolded me , that if god forbid, he fell there, there, when she lost the world, so to speak, they took him away, she gave all her love to alyosha for him, if somewhere, for me certainly. whatever she got, there were cases where, well, in terms of her academic performance, she had shortcomings, she
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didn’t have time to learn her lessons there, do her homework there, in the end she got bad marks at school, her parents, of course, were upset about her academic performance, and accordingly she was expelled to the entrance, well, this is without water and food, well, some kind of... for a period of time there she could be there for a couple of hours, so that she could learn a poem in naezuz, while she sat in the entrance, it caused a feeling of compassion and pain in my heart. i couldn’t stand it, i just couldn’t wrap my head around why it was necessary to study homework in the entrance when you could do it at home, in the apartment, and i understood that she wanted to drink there, wanted to eat, could have something to snack on, i , accordingly, like a partisan , i ran from the kitchen, brought her sweets there, drank some water there, but i repeatedly told my mother
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contacted, approached, asked her to somehow motivate her father. to bring her home, well, through my mother i could influence my father , he was strict in this regard, and he only treated his daughter like that, only marina or you sons too, no, i was kind of rude towards myself. then some comments , i never remember him being rude to me there and somehow punishing me, something no, this never happened from my father, i understand that you were very young when your mother left. do you remember the last day with your mom? yes, of course, i remember, that evening i remember , we met her from the last bus, she arrived, accordingly , her feelings were attuned, i don’t know for what reason, but she was very tense, i asked her with gestures what
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happened in general, why such a mood, but she told me... marinka take me to the bedroom, go to bed, now i’ll put myself in order and come back, she hugged me so warmly with tenderness, kissed me for the last time. well, we returned to the bedroom, went to bed, we did not sleep because we felt that it was time drags on, but she couldn’t do it for so long, and we
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returned to the corridor. we tried to open the door , turn on the light, turn off the light, give her a signal, to which there was complete silence, unanswered, and we woke up my father, raised him to his feet, demanded that he do something, my father did the same. the same procedure, the same scenario, he also pulled the handle of the bathroom door, he also played with this traffic light of this switch, but did not do the most important thing, we had tools in the house, because he is a carpenter by profession, and he could i would like to open this door in that
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evening, and we could have saved mother, but he... did that, for some reason? well, did you open the door? no, in the morning, when we had already gotten up, i saw that the door to the bathroom was closed, so i understood that my mother was there, then i told my father, when i approached, it’s a movie, he said, he pushed me away like that, he said: that’s it, go to school, alyosha , it’s kindergarten, that’s when i realized that something happened here, then i came, well , i graduated, when i came home from school,
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well, when i grew up, yes, i went to this house for baby, the first day i was told to come up with a passport, with a document, the next the day i arrived, they provided me with a magazine, but for some reason i didn’t find our last name there, your searches didn’t lead to anything, no, uh, maybe there were some variants of my guesses, because they asked. .. to appear to me with a passport the next day, that they could have hidden something there in the end. marina, list again everything you know about your sister. petrovna april 22 , seventy-four, born in the city of pervouralsk, perlovsk region, have you ever thought about what you would say
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to your sveta if you had a chance to find her, that we, that we are her, that we love her, that we have been looking for her for so many years and would really like her to be found, because my mother’s last words were. for the light to be found, we would really like it to be so, for it to be the light, because 50 years is such a long period. marina, our team conducted an investigation and we found a forty-nine-year-old resident of yekaterinburg, who was born in pervouralsk. april 22, 1974. in our studio svetlana lukyanchenko. hello
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svetlana. good afternoon. how did you find out that you grew up in foster care? well, for starters i i was about 12 years old. we had a move, it took place from one apartment to another. and apparently, there is something behind the documents, my mother somehow, apparently, this is evidence. about adoption , but accidentally somehow abandoned him, there used to be tables that moved apart, and the board was taken out, so it was inserted to expand the table, i came from school, i don’t remember why i suddenly crawled under this table, woke up my hand, some piece of paper was lying there, i thought it might be there, i took it out, opened it, and read it, in general it was written last name, first name, patronymic, but it was like svetlana petrovna, i don’t remember exactly the last name now, it is indicated: later there were data below for my parents, who adopted me, in fact. orlov sergey anatolyevich and orlova eroida viktorovna. and date of birth: april 22
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, seventy-four. and the fact that i was born in the city of pervouralsk, not yekaterinburg. did you know yourself from what date of birth? july 28, seventy-four. so i left this piece of paper on the table, in a visible place, literally an hour later my mother came home from work. i'm showing you, mom, what it is. she says so. in the maternity hospital they mixed it up and so she snatched it i put it in my pocket and that’s it, well, i didn’t pester you anymore, but it alerted you then, well, a little yes, i just saw that my mother seemed to be unpleasant in her emotions, i understood, and i didn’t started asking some questions, and you, svetlana , were the only child in the family, yes, the only one, my dad always called me princess, he loved me, he always wanted a girl, tell me something good from your childhood, my mother and i were like... then they walked together, i was with her at... work, i don’t remember, apparently there was no one with me leave, she took me with her to work, and we go with her to the gift shop, i just saw a beautiful doll, so black, such braids, there’s a hat, it’s all
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so white, velvety or, well, bright, here that is, all these outfits they have are all embroidered, very beautiful and an expensive doll, i just burst into tears, that in general she says: i don’t have that much money with me, but i don’t have that money with me, i in general, she was hysterical, naturally, she came home all upset and... and dad comes from work, he immediately said, what happened , naturally, he’s worried, they hurt his beloved child, his only one, well, i ’m telling you, it’s already 15:7, that is, the 7th store is closing, and he was, well, four or four blocks from at home, and he told me to quickly get dressed, i flew into the room, i got dressed, we were flying out with him, so we were flying on foot, he was just flying with his leaps and bounds, that i was flying after him, it seemed to me, here... a ball at about five minutes to the air we just fly into this store and dad says quickly, let's run the doll , that's all in the last few minutes and i'm happy and satisfied. will
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marina be able to fulfill her mother's last wish today and find her missing younger sister? we will find out the result of the dna test together in a matter of minutes. this is a star show! duels, denis dorokhov, let me go, let me go! against philip kirkorov, so i’m actually a singer, and i take a taxi for the soul, while there are no concerts, deceitful nature bent me and deprived me of beauty and height, ugly from a distortion for a period of time i was sent into the living world, that’s how i am luntika i see it’s a housing issue, yeah, secretly a million.
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a taboo topic for us. and now the dream.
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to ask this guy some questions , i wasn’t interested, well, when i came home, my dad was sitting alone at home, i went up and decided to ask him this way, so i told him, they even told me like this that then i found evidence, in general i got him talking, he even started crying just like that, well, in general, he told me everything, what it is, you were born in the city of pervouralsk, we had problems with this, we didn’t have children of our own, and we wanted... to adopt, that he wanted a girl, we came, everyone saw you, they said, this is ours. at what age were you adopted? as far as i know, it was a year old. did your parents tell you anything about your condition, about your health?
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well, the fact that they threw me out in november, a little girl, into the street, well, as it is, they’ll just throw me out, since they didn’t need me, like he’ll die , he says, and okay, maybe, but if he doesn’t die, okay, we'll pick it up, but... where do you want it? did your father know this information? well , when they apparently took me, they filled out the documents and apparently told me, people there had apparently heard a lot about this family, your dad personally never met the biological one, he didn’t say that somehow they had some kind of meeting , that they managed to somehow communicate, i say i saw them, they say they are no longer young enough, then they are not washed, they were afraid that i would not talk, they were worried about this, and my father knew why they refused yours? the only girl who was taken to the orphanage, as far as i know, yes, that i was the fifth child, at the shelter they said that you quickly
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fill out the documents to pick her up, hand her over to shelters, that is, you were not because the mother was about to give birth again , she told us she would bring it, but you personally, svetlana, we forgave those people who once became unnecessary, i just didn’t even think about it, i even have many acquaintances there, some friends. i told my friend, let’s go, they say, we’ll go, we’ll find it if you want, i say, i don’t want, well, i don’t want, they directly persuaded me, they even knew where go, well, dad once said that i said, i even know their address, if he says you want, i’ll give you the address, go, he says, i say, i don’t want to, no, but remember this address, no, only dad knew that , i have no idea, you would like to meet those children who came before you, i never thought about it either, in principle, well, since it happened, then why not, svetlana, come to us for help. .. brother and sister, alexey and marina, contacted, their parents were deaf, uh-huh, they have been looking for their younger sister for a very long time sveta, yeah, who was born in pervouralsk
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on april 22, 1974, this is marina, this is alexey, of course, she looks like her older brother. like sergei, yes, she has a pointy nose, and we all have a nose, we all have a pointy nose - it’s my mother’s, well, for some reason i assumed that i probably looked more like my mother, i think they even told me about it , this place is the same for all of us, even for our nephews, for my granddaughter, even for all of us in our children, but tell marina, how do you remember your sister, well, when your mother was born i brought her home, well, so small, yes she was... really small, so black with eyes like that, my mother then told me that what should we call her? i say , sveta, she still laughed and said , well, her parents are deaf and dumb, of course, mom says , well, how dark she is, she says, well
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, she called it, she called sveta, i remember when they bathed her, she was so dark, well, she gave it to me there hold it in your arms, well, something like this... svetlana, what were you like as a child? dark brown, yes, hair, curly, to me all the time, always doll-ku, dolls say directly, they always called me a doll, our mother had curly hair, marina. tell me, how many children were there in the family? there are four of us, together with sveta, the eldest, sergei, born in the sixty-fifth year, me , born in the sixty-seventh year, alyosha, born in the seventy-second year, and sveta, born in the seventy-fourth year. marina, tell svetlana how you lost your sister? you and your mother ended up in the hospital, when you were discharged, your mother was told: what needs to be left, that there should be some tests there
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come, and mom simply signed a paper that she left it on, that in 2 days she would come and pick you up, but to the light, her daughter, when she came 2 days later, she was told that the child had died, in fact, it was later revealed, the child was assigned to a home shelter, we went, but there was no record of this, that there was such a banikova svetlana petrovna, marina pocheevina , they took your sister, through the fault of the father, because he wanted a boy, but a girl was born, and he didn’t even want to take her from the family home, he forced i refused to leave my mother, but my mother i didn’t refuse, well, they always had scandals there. once again, well, a room
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, we lived in a family dorm, here in the room , when i entered the room, i saw that my mother was beaten on the floor, my father was standing on the windowsill, the light was lying , the window was open, it was autumn, and he was smoking smoke , smoke, breathed on her, well, of course, i screamed, screamed, rushed at him, then the neighbors all came running, and then they put her and her mother in the hospital. alexey, please tell us what your grandmother told you about your adoptive parents lights. well, she said that a young couple of doctors approached her more than once, asking her if she would agree to give permission for adoption. the mother, accordingly, always answered that no, she had the opportunity to return her daughter back to the family. what about your parents? svetlana doctors? no. dad is a builder and gas welder,
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electric and gas welder, or something like that. mom worked in factories as a knitter. your adoptive mother, svetlana, do you think she will accept your biological relatives? perhaps she didn't mind. svetlana's adoptive mother i am sure that svetlana was the fifth girl in her biological family. in the studio of the iroid orlovna. “hello, hello, raida viktorovna, tell me how svetlana appeared in your family? at first i came alone, and they offered her to me, i haven’t seen her yet, and they are turning away the boy, i say, no, we don’t need a boy, we need a girl , i watched it, went home, took my husband, i said, let’s go, but i was embarrassed by the fact that the booze was not my parents, of course, i told him, i said: “what’s the matter? he says: what should i do? this is not
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sausage, whatever you need, don’t need it, let’s take what we have, what will happen? well , we will learn to speak with her if she is deaf and mute, and we brought her home, we never even thought, somewhere they say: here are relatives, but not relatives, we have never even uttered such a word in our lives, that somewhere not our own, she is the dearest, the most beloved, the dearest, your daughter svetlana will now tell you who she met? yeah, okay, they told me that this is my older sister, this is the supposed one, for now, the supposed one, yes, and this is also alexander’s brother alexey, well, i they didn’t talk about my brother at all, they said there were no boys at all, only four girls told me, and your svetlana is the fifth, yes, yes, she was born as the fifth, and they left her, she says, she’s a girl again, no, girls, we don’t need any more, we i need a boy. in the hospital they told me that take it away, we need
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to make room, that we are in a bad position, and that apparently they will give birth again until the guy, until the guys give birth, but would you even like your daughter to find her family? , at first, when she told me that my mother was found with me relatives, what to do, communicate with them or not, i say, light, it’s your business, but of course she began to cry.
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about the fact that it was marina’s father who was directly involved in registering the baby girl’s home, it was he who asked to take the girl away from the family and place her on state support, well, in general, it’s not like that, she was born, but the father was against it, but they took her home, she
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i don’t really know how long it was there, i’m not , not 7 months, very little, and my grandmother took her and brought her, brought her. her grandmother had already written a refusal form, i saw her refusal form they left her, they left her very little, no 7 months, but she was sick, but she was in the hospital for a year, she was there, she had three pneumonias there in a year, so she and when we took her, she was very very weak , marina, it’s possible for you to believe this, i didn’t believe it, she was looking for her until the last, until the last on the rug. imposed herself, she didn’t even, she couldn’t find her , she didn’t refuse her, i’m now saying myself , it’s possible that my father gave these documents there, he stole the documents that he gave
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he said these documents there, that well, maybe he came up with it, that we are the only ones, that he doesn’t need girls, that he... has, that’s just this version, i’ve already listened to it, i already think that’s it he did so father. and viktorovna, well, now having heard marina’s story, having seen alexei, do you think these people could be your daughter’s siblings? well, i don’t know, well, the only thing is, of course, i want her to have relatives, because you still need to communicate with your relatives, that’s how it will work out. she has no younger sisters, no, no, no, here’s the youngest, alyosha, then sveta and the eldest, sergei. the older brother is sure that he knows the reason why his sister ended up with people who were strangers by blood. new details and the long-awaited dna test result are ahead. refresh and renew yourself with the big
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buy with a free tinkovв platinum credit card, get a tenkov platinum credit card with a bright, limited design before the end of march, get free service forever. tinkov. in the studio of the dna program, who grew up in a foster family svetlana met with her supposed siblings, whose existence she did not know. alexey blinov and marina beloglazova have been looking for their younger sister svet for a long time. she was born in pervouralsk on april 22, 1974. according to
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arina, when the girl was 7 months old, she caught a cold and was taken to the hospital. and they never returned her to her mother. she herself said that they gave her something like this, she signed, but she thought that she had signed, they explained to her that we were still leaving the child, that there were some people there. did not come tests, that's what will come, then you will come and pick it up in 2 days, so she came 2 days later, they say the child died, as he died, well, of course i had a panic, but my father won the documents, there were no documents, marina suspects that it was the father who arranged everything so that sveta was given the baby's home, he and his mother had a difficult relationship and he wanted a boy, not a girl. maybe they had a conversation there that you leave the child and come home, mother of course didn’t leave her, she came with her, they even brought her, that’s all,
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then scandals started, so he tried in every possible way somehow and he, first of all, offended and beat his mother, he didn’t need light, light, he mocked the light, mother marina could not come to terms with the loss of her daughter, 4 years after.. after sveta’s disappearance, she was gone, she had already decided at that moment to commit suicide. marina does not know how her father’s fate turned out. in the nineties he went missing . i then gave birth to my eldest son, so they told him that a grandson was born, so he went from there to here, that’s it, and got lost somewhere. senior my brother put me on the wanted list, well, it was the nineties. somewhere the police said that they had recruited him, he says, probably that’s it, he ended up in slavery somewhere, marina herself’s
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life has long been settled, she raised two sons, now all her attention and care goes to her beloved granddaughter, this is my childhood granddaughters, but very much mine, my name is sofochka, as she says sofia, marina loves to treat her granddaughter with new clothes, here i knitted socks for her too, it was somehow cold at our house, she came. to visit, i tied her up socks, the woman is always happy to help her daughter -in-law with advice and replace her at the stove, she cooks deliciously, she is especially good at pickles , here are cucumbers, this time i made barrel ones, without any herbs, they are just like this, now we have very , well, last year there were a lot of mushrooms, here is mushroom caviar, here is squash caviar, if her strong point is cooking... then her mother had a talent for needlework, marina recalls, she still keeps a towel embroidered by her mother’s hands ,
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this towel is probably 60 years old, not yet us was. but she did a lot of embroidery, much has not been preserved, as if, you see, this is all, this would even have to be done lamely, marina hopes that the dna test will help her find her sister sveta, whom she has been dreaming of meeting all her life, the woman is sure that they will definitely become friends , light, my dear sister, i have been looking for you for how many years, if you have been found, i am very glad, i am waiting for you to visit, i am inviting you, it seems to me that we will have something to talk about, and we will look at the photos , and i’ll set a nice, rich table for you, i don’t know, of course, how she is, uh, but i’ll give everything hey, marina, your older brother didn’t even hope
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to meet his sister, whom he had never seen, in the studio... hello, sergey, hello, hello, dear sister, what do you know about your younger sister? at the time when she was born, i lived in the village, being raised by my grandparents, in general, it so happened that i did not have time to find out.
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eh, i didn’t want to. marina, did you know about this, that your father doubted his brotherhood with his daughter? i didn’t hear this, i don’t know, i knew that he didn’t want a daughter, but wanted a son. alexey, what about you? i i've never heard this before. marina, tell sergei who you met? supposed sister of sveta. this is her mother. do you think she looks like, she, we say she looks like you. i can’t decide right away, you need to take a good look and talk, and maybe you see similarities with your parents, i won’t say, but we have the opportunity to look at a photo of your parents, pay attention to the screen, well, sveta looks like her mother, she even flowing hair, nothing at all, not even close, lala, your opinion, oh, svetochka is very
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looks like mommy, the nose, look closely, sveta has the same nose, the lower jaw is very, there are chips, eyes, it seems to me that there is nothing similar at all, sergey, how did your life turn out, well, you were brought up in the village, for the summer we came there, to the city of pervoraz, where we lived, our family, now , where you live, i live in the forest, this is my choice, i just kind of... wanted to retire from this civilization, to kind of go. alexey, how is your life? well, i'm married for the second time, and i have a son from my first marriage. marina, alexey, sergey, you would probably be interested in watching a story about svetlana’s life. yes, sure. let's get a look. tea is poured into mugs, the whole family, as usual,
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gathered at one table. and raida orlova served a pie for dinner. curry , which her granddaughter and daughter love so much, well, she also knows how to cook, she even knows how to put dough, so she took it from me, apparently she knows how, svetlana lukyanchenko is happy with her life and never wanted another family, she was in kindergarten cute girl with round cheeks and a bow on my head, and even in kindergarten they called me “shaneshka” because of my round, round cheeks, they loved me, but if she bullied me for...
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books, my dad was a lover of books, he loved them very much, he collected waste paper , he handed it over to exchange for books in those years, he really loved to read, so some more expensive things, say, are kept. svetlana lives with her mother and has no plans to move away from her. eighty-year-old iraida viktorovna is worried about her heart, and her blood pressure needs to be constantly monitored, with every less at once, okay, everything is fine, girls.
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candidate of medical sciences, whether svetlana met her brothers and sister today, or whether she was really born into another family in which only girls were born, we will find out in a couple of minutes by opening the envelope with the dna test result. watch the case of genocide at 19:00: in minsk, the court sentenced vladimir kotryuk for murder. the fascist collaborator was
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the driver, who is lying in that room over there, set fire to an entire warehouse with one cigarette butt? no, he couldn’t, they decided to hang all the dogs on him to cover their asses, someone a stranger comes out, listen, you can bribe anyone, we know such cases, maybe we can start with you, nit, look for crime, the police care, our comrade lieutenant colonel care, save people, hello, ministry of emergency situations, help, save!
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for almost half a century she has been searching for her younger sister, sveta, whom she last saw when the girl was 7 months old. marina’s mother came to pick up her daughter from the hospital in pervouralsk, but the doctors said that she had died. over time , it turned out that sveta was adopted, but marina could not find any information about her sister’s adoptive family failed. sveta was searching and...
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sergei spoke about the confession of his father, who abandoned sveta, believing that she was not his own daughter. is svetlana really the same girl that marina and her brothers are looking for? the answer is in this envelope. marina, are you ready to find out who svetlana is with you? yes. sergey, can i open the envelope? alexey, ready to find out. svetlana, can i announce the result of the dna test? yes, sure. attention, i am opening the envelope. on the one hand, siblings, sergei bannikov, alexey blinov and marina beloglazova. on the other, their supposed younger sister, svetlana.
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the probability that one woman gave birth to all of you is 99.9%. the probability that you all have the same father is. i congratulate you with all my heart, you four are the dearest people in the world, you four have one mother and one father. svetlana, you are glad that
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your sister was looking for you for so long, your brothers were looking for you for so long, but i hid so carefully, thank you very much. your dna transfer. alexey, sergey, now you won’t lose your younger sister. we'll try our best case. now i’m already, as they say, that’s it, everything is here for sure, everything is now, i think that we will unite and we’ll all be together. come on, let's not cry, we'll be okay, everything will be fine, so forgive us. thank you , don’t lose hope, if you need a genetic examination, contact us and we will help you, tomorrow on ntv, a new test, demka, i consider one
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of the most significant and...
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the people of russia expect effective offensive actions from the fsb - said vladimir putin at the expanded board of the department. he demanded that traitors be punished without time limits prescription nikita korzun found out what other tasks are assigned to the service. the anti-aircraft guns of the southern group of troops shot down an attack helicopter of the ukrainian armed forces with one shot. about how it was. ilya ushinin will tell you. guilty of committing genocide, but without imposing punishment. the court made a decision in the case of vladimir kotryuk, one of the executioners of khatyn, who died in canada back in 2015. about the nuances of the process and other judicial perspectives. from minsk.
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sergey savin. from ukraine and belarus to gaza and haiti.


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