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tv   Pasechnik-2  NTV  March 20, 2024 4:55am-6:31am MSK

4:55 am
now i’ll take off the butyrator, why shoot it , did you scratch it so much, let’s go after it, damn it, huh?
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fourth post, we have an armed attack, the criminal has gone into the forest, we are pursuing him.
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on you, the bastard left, i passed on his data, amon will comb the forest, come on! let's see what they have in
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the trunk, yeah, wow, look, yeah, there's an arsenal here, wow.
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so 101 4 1 6 51 101 41 657. “hello, investigator of the investigative committee, captain of klyuev, let’s go without officialdom, military prosecutor of the region sementsov, so i decided to take up the case myself, not every day, here so many weapons are found, yes , i copied the weapon numbers, well done, we'll check today, i took off my fingers, the prints are clear, that's it, thank you, the machine guns are used." surely
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from some military unit, you found out about the carriers? yes, the car belonged to the murdered man, his identity has already been established, this is gennady tyrin, born in 1980 , previously convicted several times, the second one, who ran away, has not yet been identified, but i’ll take the prints from the car with me, run through the database and take with me the traffic cop who checked his documents , let's make an identikit, okay, oh tell me the results, and i’ll call you when i find out where the weapon came from, we agreed, of course, and we’ll also work directly, so to speak, without secretaries, i understand, come on. everything is fine, come on, i heard on the news about the shooting at the traffic police checkpoint, i heard that they found some kind of weapon in the car, some kind of weapon, our weapon, the prosecutor himself took control of the case, moreover, tomorrow
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the check is coming to the unit, as a check, we have not sold the goods in our warehouse yet, here it is, first you need to get rid of this product, drown it is it? one second now, is he? yes, that's him, for sure. kosalapov, andrey arkadevich. well done, keep going. to
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put surveillance on these objects? yes, well, perhaps, okay, i’ll give you two, they just quickly pulled this off on me, yes, oksana, what happened, but you don’t know, how could you do this? tell me, you’re talking about money, yes, about money, about our money set aside for our wedding, and you didn’t even consider it necessary to consult with me, i know that you would be against it, you knew that i would be against it, and nevertheless, you give such a sum
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to your ex-wife, jeopardize our wedding, and in general tell me what still connects you with her, dear, you know that i only need you, with her, with her me.. . knows, the past, she needs my help now , lies, that’s all, she just wants to embroil us, but don’t you see this, gleb, oksana, don’t worry, i’ll find this money, i wonder where, what’s the difference, well , in general, tell me where you even found out about this, well, of course, not from you, you don’t consider it necessary to inform me, but with your ex-wife, it turns out you have common themes and even common secrets, let’s postpone the wedding, at least for a while, well, why should we rush, that’s what she’s trying to achieve? in fact, why on earth should we postpone the wedding, well, in general, it means this, either she is immediately removed from our lives, or what, let him live until the end of the summer, or she is immediately removed from our lives, or i am removed,
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so . egorov, i’m even a captain, what’s wrong with your car again? yes, as usual, all that remains is to change the spark plugs, in half an hour we will be at on the way, you see, as usual, in short, when you finish, you will go to colonel rebrov, only quietly, i can come in now, there is no need now, finish with the car first, let me wash myself.
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let's go, who's there, hello, hello, you've seen your neighbor for a long time, salapovo, yes, who are you anyway, we're from the investigative committee, why are you going to arrest him? but it’s time for this shaman to disperse the drinking parties until the morning there is no peace, although lately
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it has become quieter, he hasn’t appeared for about a month, and you can’t tell me where he can find it, so he has a new grazing dog showed up, well, it’s been a month , it’s apparently hanging out with her, yeah, how do you know that he’s with her, they say in the yard, he himself told the men that he got together with svetka, and my wife saw them together, around the corner flower shop, she works there, the blonde is so dyed. for half an hour, well, i’ll leave the store to someone , i’m at work, you know, as they say, work is not
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a wolf, we’ll close your store, well, if only for half an hour, well, are you convinced that your kosolapov is not hiding here? i'm not sure yet, but i'm telling you that i already have it he hasn’t appeared for 100 years, we were told that he was yesterday , who told you , well, we went to the movies with him a couple of times, that’s it, maybe you remember the last time you saw him, am i writing it down or something, i don’t know, i don’t remember , maybe a month ago, i don’t remember, a month ago, well, maybe 3 weeks ago, you live alone, well, a question? am i obligated to answer? yes, i live alone, not married. still, we must inspect
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the apartment. refuse. fine. well, in this case i have to go get a warrant. and then the search was in full force. yes please, look, i don't feel sorry. well, have you seen everything? yes, yes, just a minute. that’s it,
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but i told you that you won’t find your clubfoot here. did they just trample in vain? well, for trampling, sorry, goodbye, goodbye. and in my opinion we will find the kotsal, we will definitely find it, maybe i can at least bequeath it? i’ll go to the light, no , it’s not worth shining there, but i’m careful, artyom
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nikolaevich, by the way, what an oak man you are, but carefully, you’re lucky that artyom nikolaevich is with you, like a father, like that, it would be my will, your move nikolayevich, do you hear, trifon , someone is actually asking you about something, that i would like to see how you get away from the cops through the forest, who asked you to get away from the cops through the woods, but if only men would get behind the wheel myself. and the car and the goods are in place, the car, you saw this car, think with your head when you speak, well, sit down, sit down, i said. that you went crazy like at a market, your clumsies haven’t given you a word yet, you know, if your father and i weren’t old friends, and you left the cops, but they put us under such a blow, and the military, with with which we work, and their distribution channel too, and the whole system that your father and i
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have been building for years nikolaevich, i told trin that there is no need to go down this road. he didn’t listen to me, in the end they slammed the party, well, the fact that they lost the weapon is the second question, you will work it out, i understand, i understand, i should go somewhere, let him calm down a little, and then i will take you to where the cops are they won’t find him, tryfon, but for now, let him sit in your house and don’t bark. we just wasted our time, i’m not sure, i think kosolapov appears here, you should keep an eye on this svetlana, her apartment too, so darling, she ’ll be out in about five minutes, just follow her unnoticed, yeah, i’ll hang out here, listen, klyuev, better go, take your plinth where it needs to be, i ’ll wait here on the bench for now, that’s right, he’s here, i
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’ll follow her, and you go and take your politus, otherwise you’ll be traveling with him for another century, well, that’s right, yes, that’s it, let’s go. that’s right, and these are the guys, if kosolapov appears, act according to the circumstances, call me right away, everything is there, comrade, general, i’ll give it to you, everything is clear to you, that’s right, second, egorov, free, there, where the devil take you, i wish you good health, comrade colonel, let’s come to our unit, an inspection from the prosecutor’s office is coming, we have weapons and ammunition in storage, unaccounted for, you made the car, that’s right, we need it take all this to the dacha to the head of the warehouse makhnatkin, hide everything there, warrant officer makhnatkin is aware, yes, i
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talked to him, so right now drive the truck to the warehouse together with makhnatkin and load everything. you’re transporting everything in a roundabout way through the forest, don’t stop anywhere along the way, straight to the dacha, understand? so exactly, well, that’s great, when you return , you’ll get paid for your work leave, quail, and comrade major, maxim, i’m off to the apiary, i brought some beaks to the printus, understand, you’re off to the apiary? what should i do? like what? should you be on duty? respond to calls from the public? unsuccessful, will you report to me later? eat, react and report? look, i’m not asleep, i’m only an hour and a half to two hours away, i still need to go to a couple of places, come on, yeah!
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follow me, move,
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where did you get so many of them, one guy gave it to him, they suspected him, but he was not guilty, and i solved this... the case, a bribe, or what? yes, well gleb, what a bribe, take it, you know , i don’t take bribes, the guy just offered, take it, he says, from the bottom of his heart, well, i remembered you, i took it right away, excuse me, but i can’t drag you into the house i can, what’s going on in the city , what’s going on there, yes, it looks like they took one of the arms dealers, well, it’s not like they took surveillance and set up surveillance, but the military prosecutor told me, military or what? well, you can’t tell right away, as soon as we establish resellers, the ball will unwind. yeah, okay, gleb, that's it, let's go, i have business in the city, build, the guys are waiting, thanks for the plendus, but no problem, look,
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keep it, oh, thank you, happy. that we ourselves will not decide only on the record, my management has a grudge against you. you need to get rid of the external stimulus. well, what if the robber starts from one side and can fly from the other side? there was no all-clear, so we continue to fight. so what about the praetorian? pritorian, premiere. some kind. today at 22:10 on ntv. this is a show:
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i can’t take it anymore, what the hell is this, my stomach hurts, it’s still churning in the morning, but i thought it would let go, it won’t let go at all, i can still see the potholes shaken up, there’s no point in eating all this garbage, but of course, comrade warrant officer, it’s easy for you to say, you eat no more than an officer’s canteen, dare you eat tails with barley for a long time ? so that’s it, what are you stopping, i can’t do it anymore , what are you saying, the colonel said without stopping, colonel, colonel, what do you want me
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to do right here, okay, 2 minutes is enough for you.
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and captain shumeika, i will report the situation, there is, comrade colonel, the traffic police guard at the intersection with the novoklimotsky highway reported an emergency incident in the explosion in novoaleksandrovsk forest at point g17, communication with our military formation is possible. possible connection. the guard noticed an unidentified military truck entering the forest 3 km from the indicated point , heading in that direction. 15 minutes later an explosion occurred. why do you think it's our car? right colonel, the truck of the driver of my unit, sergeant egorov, is missing from the unit. i did not give him the command to leave the unit. in addition, after the guard's report , a check of the personnel was carried out. it turned out that in part the warehouse manager is also absent. ensign shaggy, you have everything, so exactly, get into formation, there are, comrade officers, i did not consider
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it necessary at... i ask everyone to be present at the conversation, comrade military prosecutor, colonel rebrov, yes, without waiting for you, we began the check and apparently, they scared off the traders, perhaps they were just carrying ammunition, but it is possible that explosives detonated, that’s for sure.
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the scene of the incident, let's leave right away, captain shumeika, i, take a platoon of soldiers, form a group of officers of three or four a person to urgently move to the site of a probable explosion to investigate the case, appointing you as a group leader, i obey, now not officially, i want you to be there first, we must take control of the investigation, reputation. happiness should not suffer, you understand, exactly , we understand, colonel , go ahead, immediately report all the circumstances of the case to me personally, thank you, arsana valerievna, goodbye, goodbye, i’m waiting for you on tuesday, okay, yeah, the next one, please come in , hello, didn't we agree, here i am
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and... gleb, i work, i have patients , excuse me, please, next, when you were at my work, i listened to you, well, forget about this money, well, consider that nothing happened, i’ll get the money, we won’t postpone the wedding, your wife is your ex , what does that have to do with it, and despite the fact that i’ve already explained everything to you about her, why should i kick her out of the village, she’s an independent person and can settle there... it’s necessary, but in my opinion, it was you who settled her in novoleksandrovka, no, you can say that the owners are returning soon, let her look for something else housing, are you suggesting that i lie? no , you don’t have to lie, just tell her the truth , let her leave here, okay, i’ll talk to her, when you talk, then come, now we have nothing to discuss, well, still... but
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in vain it’s like that. it seems that everything was as it was, as the colonel said, the machine guns were scattered, look , they’re almost intact, we’re collecting weapons, the trees are green, it’s mokhnatkin, poor fellow, how did he get it , so, well, everything is clear, that means they were carrying weapons
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somewhere to hide, and some kind of landmine... detonated on a hummock, and the guys were stinging, what is it, it turns out that they decided to have fun with everything, like it’s all my fault, we’re collecting weapons, guys, everything, so that nothing is left here, maybe the prosecutor’s office will take care of this , they will take care of it, you personally, collect the weapons, listen, where is yegor’s body , something is not visible, maybe it was discarded? we are looking for the body, we have spread out.
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come on, look, blood, he looks like he’s alive! it looks like the bastard egorov is really alive, where are you? “so you’re saying that you ’ve cut off your ends, yes, these two already have a whole truckload of evidence hanging on them, they won’t
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tell anything, and now you want us too they cut off the ends, how could it be otherwise, this kosolapov knows you, most of your partners, and he knows me too..." i saw, there are already directions for him all over the city, he wounded a cop, they don’t forgive this, for one person everything is at risk , the weapons will soon be disposed of, the scheme has been worked out, a mosquito won’t hurt your nose, i’ll give it all to you at the best price, just decide. stas, come here, take two more guys to tryfon, there’s a clubfoot, we need him quietly, yes, comrade colonel, egorov is alive,
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he escaped, we looked for him, but didn’t find him, he left he went into the forest. rod to the gun, come on faster, faster, faster, faster, close it, make some noise! listen to me, i raised the soldier’s mouth, did not begin to comb the forest, i myself am also moving to the place, i will lead the operation, and you go to the neighboring villages, ask around, he could not have gone far, judging by what you said, he can go to the nearest village, this is
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novoaleksandrovka, here you are, my pretty one, second row. what about who? where is the highway? what? is the highway far away? no, no, no, there was no highway here. yes, where are you going? to the apiary went? what do you care? what do you care? affairs? well, are you ready? we rushed. our blonde worked and came home, kosolapov didn’t show up, clearly, lyokha, where
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, i found the address of kasalapov’s school friend on the internet, went there, it’s not far, well , why am i going to him, wait, wait, wait, let’s first go to kasalapov’s yard, and then already to lyokha, okay, go ahead, and i’ll be on duty here, it’s unlikely that he will appear here, listen, well, firstly, firstly, he can come here for things, he’d rather come here than go to his home, he’ll probably knows what's behind him they are watching, and secondly, that secondly , secondly, you know, there is such a thing, intuition, it’s called, in the know, intuition, yes, you, well, well, okay, if anything, let’s call, come on , come on, comedian.
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gleb, hello, hello, dear, how nice it is that i met you, and are you already getting ready to go home? yes, in the village. business, listen , i just stopped by klimovo, i have old bronchitis, i go to the doctors, you see, they tell me, it’s good that i live in the village, at least there’s fresh air, so i just wanted to talk to you on this topic, gleb, i’ve been wanting to tell you for a long time, i’m so grateful to you for allowing me to live here, you can’t imagine my situation, you just saved me, thank you so much, listen, won’t you give me a ride to the village, we’re
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already on our way , sit down. a dove flew, a dove flew from the sky, sholudaly, well done and with a red maiden.
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so i saw one sergeant, so tall , blond, i was at a wedding last saturday in klimovo, i was playing, but what was it on saturday, now, just now we saw you, you know, it’s to marphy, this is the local telegraph, knows everything, she probably saw him, if he walked around here somewhere, who is he, where to find him, the second house on the left, she lives there.
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thank you, stop, a couple, stop, stop, stop, come on, go , i’m telling you, he said, i’ll go have a smoke, in short, like leafy bread, i’m like, well , the clubfoot doesn’t smoke, he’s nervous about it chicken, in short, what are you, and what if you stuck your head in the hospital cage, in short, 5 minutes later, i looked at no one on the street, there was no one either, i called stankevich right away , it was a long time ago, well, about 15 minutes after i left, maybe i’ll come?
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thank you, glebushka, you’re welcome, so what? you’re so impatient, i ’m telling you everything in order, here we have mushrooms this year, well, you believe, apparently, invisibly, i’m somehow lying here. i went, i’m lying there like an aspen tree, i sat down, half a basket , i finished the yal, it’s a bom, you continue to tell me, please, further, further, further , you come out of the forest, i come out of the forest, and i see it in the clearing, well, just like that, you know, evenly,
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evenly, they will send, well, trees and sticks, i don’t know what anymore... i’ll quickly give them to their legs, once again, you said that you saw a man, you saw, oh, i saw, ah... well, i’m saying i was scared, he ’s like that, well, yes, well, a military man like that, like you have, like this - the uniform is dirty, all like this, there’s blood with this with with a gun with a machine gun
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, probably, but who knows, i don’t understand about it and that’s just it, but it’s like nothing, he’s so young and pretty, it’s like that. where is the highway here? what highway? we have swamps all around here, so he went to the highway, i ’m telling you, there are swamps all around, that’s what i tell them, so what’s he doing? what about him? off to where? yes where? and he’s towards the apiary, pasik, where is that? yes, on the outskirts, lord, cigarettes or what? oh, oh, my god, it’s burning like that, and comrade colonel shumeika says, i’m in new in aleksandrovka, they saw egorov here.
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stand, stand, hands up, calmly, put it behind your head, behind your head, hands, arms, with a can, i’ll speak, put the can down. calmly, i’ll put it here.
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guys, let's get here quickly, he came, i didn't expect kevich to be like this with me, the old goat, if it weren't for... my father, he would still be on trams, rifling through wallets, nothing, nothing, we’ll break through, andry , what are you going to do, and hitch a ride to koluga , i have an army friend there, and then i’ll pick you up,
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listen, please take everything that... is, no, don’t, don’t , no need, take it, nothing, don’t be afraid.
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troy the police, where is he, who? come on, shoot, gosolapov, you're under arrest!
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let's go, ready, where's kosolapov? yes, yes, yes, always on roslabone, yes, an suv, yes, black, but i’m telling you. and then, for the first time i see this murdered bandit, i don’t understand at all on what basis you are you interrogating me, what do you want from me? don't
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understand, right? no, okay, i’ll explain it popularly, you sheltered a criminal, your friend kasalapov, he escaped from your apartment, so i have every right to arrest you for complicity, yeah, i ’m asking for the last time, will you cooperate with the investigation or not? i already told you everything, that kosalapov took some things from me. and he left, i don’t know where, he said that he was leaving the city and that i shouldn’t look for him anymore, that’s all, okay, if you remember anything, call, keep it and be informed if you we need you, we will call you, yes , here’s another thing, if you show up, tell him that he will cooperate with the investigation, he will get off with a suspended sentence, you can go, yes, okay, i understand, yes, thank you, well, as usual in jokes, there are two pieces of news. and the good is bad, you’re not tired of these jokes, let’s go with the bad, the off-road bandits were found nearby
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in a vacant lot, burned, the jeep was wanted, no evidence, yeah, clear, well, good, the examination showed that one of the bandits’ pistols too leads military unit 1396, as well as the machine guns that kosolapov was transporting, well, you see, you can, whenever you want, put it down , calmly, i’m putting it, i’m putting it, who are you, and who are you , a cop, what are you doing here, i live here, a district police officer, a deserter, or something, yours, what's the matter, don't be afraid, i'll leave , you can keep the machine gun, you won't go anywhere, now i'll call the guard and take you
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back to the unit, guardhouse, uh, just not to the unit, it's better to take me to the prosecutor's office, in the unit they'll kill me right away. witness, so, we surround the house around the perimeter, vladimirov, take your people to the right in a chain one at a time, the rest to the left, stand through an equal segment. noisemaker with me, carry out, there are, in short, these machine guns , which allegedly sank during the crossing , were lying in the warehouse and continued to lie, they were then simply sold, warrant officer mokhnatkin knew about this behind the warehouse, and colonel rebrov and.. .and the commander of my company, shumeyka, what was your function, to transport, just transport, i’m a driver,
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they just told me, you take these boxes from... into your car and transport them, then i just unloaded them all. gleb, i'm not at all i knew at first that this was some kind of crime, i just thought that these weapons were being transferred from one unit to another, then i understood everything, when they offered me money they told me to keep quiet in the unit, i’m a fool, i’m a fool, why? i took the money, there was no need to take the money, gleba, order, order, how could i not carry out the order, if the commander tells me, take these fucking boxes and take them there, how can i not take these boxes, besides machine guns, something else they hid everything, they removed anything, cartridges, grenades remained after the exercises, these the explosives too, the pistol guns ended up being scrapped, in short, these
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officers profited, bless you. oh, i’m an old fool, i should have killed him right away, i treated him like a person, and you can’t entrust anything to you, so who knew that there was a cop ambush there, they barely broke through, artyom nikolaevich, one might say, was lucky, but seryoga was unlucky, that means you ran into an ambush, but they were making fun of us from three guns,
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so the kosalai would somehow manage to avoid this ambush and get away from both you and the cops. shumoka left, okay, so it’s up to you you need to finish it, go to this clubfooted friend and find out where kosolapov is now and what she managed to blather about him to the cops.
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here are yours, gleb, gleb, gleb, don’t give me away, they can’t know that i’m here, i won’t give you away, gleb, gleb, gleb, don’t give me away, they ’re killing me, i won’t give you away, sit here, don’t stick your head out, look , no nonsense, i wish you good health, local major zbroev, what do you owe, colonel rebrov, commander of unit
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1396. do you live here? i live in a village, and here, as you can see, there is an apiary, i raise bees, so to what duty, comrade colonel, we are looking deserter, escaped from the unit with a weapon, i suspect that he hid with you, it’s strange that you saw him here, why do you think that i have him, because a burst from a kalashnikov assault rifle, i won’t confuse it with anything, shots were heard from here, it was he who shot. so it was yegorov who shot? let's assume he is, but why do you think i have him? this is easy to check. we'll go in and search the house. i do not advise you to do this, colonel, i repeat, i am a police major. you can complain later to whomever
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you want, but now we are conducting a military operation on... that’s why i love our army, it’s its directness, okay, colonel, i ’ll answer you also directly, i really have your sergeant. i'm going to take him to the military prosecutor's office. we will take him to the prosecutor's office ourselves. i have reason not to trust you, colonel. here's how. i order the deserter to be handed over to me. i won't give it to you. arrest him. stand! colonel, immediately remove your people from the apiary and let yegorov and me leave, otherwise, yegora, stop, where are you going, don’t shoot, well, maybe so
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it’s even better to stand behind them, leave vladimirov aside, and don’t shoot. where did you go, i told you to sit at home, they would have killed you and me too, he took me, like a scam, really, really. or as if i ran away and killed me, quietly, okay, i’ll help you get to the prosecutor’s office, the main thing is to get out of the forest now,
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no, they’ll kill us. i know this forest well, there is a swamp all around, so it will take a long time to walk, let’s go. forest fires are a dangerous and formidable element; stopping the fire is the calling of the strong.
5:55 am
observer pilots, fire fighter paratroopers, paratroopers-firefighters of the air forest protection service of rosle skhoz, a reliable shield of the russian forest. he also hides under a mask. arle cinema, very popular, very talented singer, miya boyka, miya boyka, larisa guzeeva, miya boyka. singer, blogger, mia boyka. gorgeous. who will be next? mask, anniversary fifth season. on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. it is necessary to block all exits from this part of the forest leading. roads, this is here, here and here, you take your people, go here, there you will ungroup into two equal parts , block these two exits, another group will come here, block this exit, so
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, and you and i, that is, the colonel, and we will go deeper into the forest, take a circle of soldiers and look for their traces, and at the same time keep under control the exit to novo-alexandrovka, around the swamp, where they they won’t poke their noses in, the senior of each group you... also, sergeant, given the complexity of the operation to capture a deserter, if fugitives are discovered, shoot to kill, there is , it will get dark soon, touch colonel, night is approaching, i haven’t spent the night in the forest for a long time. if detected, the order is to shoot to kill, to my team, everything is clear, just like that, come,
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follow me, run, arsh, follow me. left
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gleb didn’t even take his phone, but the most important thing is that there are traces of gunshots in the wall. a military operation is currently underway in the forest to capture the deserter, led by colonel rebrov. what operation? military klyuev, military. well , why didn’t you say so right away? well, now everything is clear, which means both gleb and this sergeant are there in the forest. and this colonel is pursuing an important witness in order to remove him. listen, klyuev, don’t rush into words, you don’t have proof.
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years old, officer, servant , rebrova’s mobile is turned off, strange, alexander petrovich, calling will not help, if you want to understand the situation, you need to send a unit of the military prosecutor’s office there, into the forest at night, it doesn’t matter to me when, the main thing is that with this... you went with the unit personally, if you have known the colonel for 20 years, i think he will only talk to you. gleb, you still haven’t said where we’re going, there’s a traffic police post exiting the road nearby, i have a friend there.
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until i destroy him, i won’t stop, i’ll go to the end, only now there are two of them, which means two. and if they don’t want to come out of the forest, they’ll just wander around in the bushes, then i’ll call for reinforcements in the morning, i’ll get everyone on their feet, but they won’t sit in the forest,
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you’ll see, they’ll come out tomorrow, under our machine guns . egorov, what’s your name, vitek, vitek, don’t be afraid, vitek, we’ll break through, yes, to sleep. svetka, open up, there’s business, well, if it’s business
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, i’ll open it now, alone at home, of course, alone, who else should i be with, let’s go quickly, otherwise you’ll hear the neighbors. but what could i tell them, that i took some things and packed them away, where did i go? well, i said that i don’t know, somewhere far away, actually, i mean, really, where did i go? well, i don’t know, he got ready very quickly, took his clothes and packed up, told me not to look for him, do you think i ’ll believe you, i’ll believe you that he didn’t tell you anything? don’t, don’t touch , you’re in love, but i really don’t know anything, i honestly don’t know anything, what did you find in him , that’s why i was mowing, i’m worse, don’t touch me, let me go, don’t touch, don’t touch me, i’ll let you go when you tell me, i don’t know if it will come from me, you bastard,
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go away, boys, finish, what else are you going to teach, that’s who is just a loser, and if stankevich finds out, okay, go away, what? now she doesn’t touch me, go away, go away, clubfoot, i, i saved you then, i know that now, we’ll go away, you’ll go away, go away. light, light, where is the business card, that he gave me to you, what is
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the business card, where, i have a business card, bring it, now. again the alexandrovsky forest, leb, for a long time, i hurt my leg, i have a little patience left, and if the colonels have stationed their people there, then we will break into somewhere else, and if we don’t break through, listen, stop whining, it’s your own fault that you got into this mess, what am i doing, otherwise they gave me the money, they gave me the order to go? but you have to think with your own head, no, follow me, okay, don’t educate , let’s leave, let’s leave, comrade colonel, they are on
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my way out, we are following them, you stay where you are for now, it is impossible for them to leave the forest. stop, it looks like they were here, the tracks are fresh, they lead there. there’s blood, as if wounded, follow me quietly. well, gleb, it’s really bad,
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you can go, the bleeding needs to be stopped, come here, ruh, help, tear, tear the sleeve, they taught you how to make pendants there, come on, right on the frame, be patient, be patient, be patient, tighten it, tighter,
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somehow? gleb, gleb, okay, come on, go and see what’s around, we’ll try to break through again, only quietly.
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shmeyka go to the right, and you go to the left, come on, i understand, vladimirov, move here, we found them, as you said, the direction is northeast, squeeze. ring, faster, faster, guys, faster, faster, don't shoot, police.
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i’m running out of cartridges, i’ve already run out, oh, old lady, should we be sad? i am colonel rybrov, i am conducting an operation to detain a deserter, colonel rebrov, you are under arrest, please hand over your weapons. colonel, i
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repeat, put down your weapons, captain, you are also under arrest, hand over your weapons. weapons, hands behind your back, forward, forward, you will also go with me, i know, sergeant, take all your fighters back to... and by this evening, give me a full report on what happened
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over the past 2 days. well, how is sanya? let's go, what's so doomed, alive, great, now, yes, i'm listening, clubfoot, sit down.
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well, you are a wounded policeman at the traffic police post, it’s good to bargain, everything is fine with your policeman, i found out, you better listen, stankevich developed this arms trading business together with my father, my father died, this old one pushed me, as soon as i messed up, he ordered me to be killed, you understand, i understand, further well, i know all the trading schemes. all sales channels, if you get me out of jail, i’ll help you cover up stankevich, you’ll remove him, you’ll sit in his place, no, i decided to quit, i’m pregnant, we’ll go somewhere , i’ll start all over again, god knows, well suppose i’m coming to meet you,
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you can help lure stankevich out, but only so that without casualties, don’t... stankevich believes that i got away, me and my girl, so about the lure out, you just think about it yourself, here’s the evidence against him, i’ll give you i’ll provide, i understand you, contract military personnel receive regional support measures, combat veteran status, exemption from land tax, compensation for housing and communal services, vouchers to a sanatorium, once a year and other benefits from the state, everything is fair here, serve according to contract that we ourselves will not decide, yes of course, only on the record, my management has a grudge against you, oh, you need to get rid
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of the external irritant, well, what if the thief starts flying in from one side or the other? maybe there was no clear-out command, so we continue to say, well , primok, praetorian, praetorian, premiere, some kind of fool, today at 22:10 on ntv, 5 minutes of silence, new season today at 20:00 on ntv. buy permanent palet cream paint at a good price in magnit stores. we take out loans, it’s easy to apply for, we’re in a soviet bank, we take out loans. was it approved quickly? we are in sofcom-bank. loans that everyone knows. at avito work it’s easy to find your place. there's a reason to go home soon. soon, i won't be late now. mom, guess who started a new job today? grandma, what a hat, 10 minutes until the new job. many vacancies
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the forest, i didn’t feel like myself, i ran straight to you, alena, listen, you know, i wanted to tell you, maybe this will seem strange to you, but i suddenly realized that what i have for you, in general, i think that everything is in the past, it turns out, no, and you know, i and... i'm sorry that i'm telling you about this now, but you have no reason apologize, i am very grateful to you, you helped me in a difficult situation, helped me out, if you would give me another chance, oksana, oksan, why did you come?
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rebrov disappeared, i don’t know where, but four boxes of goods remained. well, on wednesday we have an inspection, artyom nikolaevich, i’ll give you everything for pennies, for mere pennies, i’ll give you just your guarantee, artyom nikolaevich, yes, thank you very much, artyom nikolaevich, well, yes, you, and the industrial zone, yes, behind the old gas station, i understand, yes, but that’s it.
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"tomorrow at 2 o'clock i'll be like a stick, well, well, it seems like i took the bait. yes, the jeep is coming, okay, everyone stay in your places, everything is only on my command. stay in touch
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. so, i'm off, who is he, and i'm not afraid, our man is reliable, yeah, okay, show the product, well, show it. okay, let's go.
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nikolaevich, where? we agreed that he would personally pick up this goods, but he couldn’t, but what about you? i’ll pay you grandma , so i can give you a ride, we didn’t agree like that, what if it’s a setup, that you’re making people laugh, let’s call stankevich, yes, nikolaevich, they want to see you, the goats don’t trust me, for the goods it looks like a real one .
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shmeyka is not alone, some ensign is with him, but this is the first time i’ve seen him, that’s it, he’ll come, nikolaevich, great, let’s wait, close it.
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artyom nikolaevich, we agreed, after all, bring the goods to my car, right? artyom nikolaevich yes. "sorry, god forgive me, uh-huh, thank you, well, loaded, yes,
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get them down, cookies, special forces are working, with weapons on the ground!" don’t move, you’re surrounded, let’s go, let ’s go, let’s go, gleb, stand, and you’re here, where you’re from, you’re in the hospital, we’re not abandoning our own. we get out of the car, hands, thank you,
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we wish you the best morning, further in the program, we will find out the details of the emergency, we will talk about controversial situations with the first broadcast on ntv , the emergency program in valery’s studio gavrilovskaya. the attacker of the order pick-up point employee explained the outburst of uncontrollable aggression. he didn’t know his victim, he saw the girl for the first time in his life, and he wasn’t expecting goods on the marketplace, but debbashir had a reason to become despondent and then angry. from here, i said why, but no one was going to leave, and judging by the gait, every step was difficult for this visitor, a second wind opened as soon as the girl said that the police were already on their way,


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