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tv   Mesto vstrechi  NTV  March 20, 2024 2:00pm-4:01pm MSK

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where does the homeland begin, russian schoolchildren will study the songs of the shaman and the lyube group, can we raise real patriots this way, i’m russian, i’m going to the end, a game of humiliation, could i name the russian athletes admitted to the olympics, who? really go to paris on what conditions , they bend us over all the time, golden hands, germany en masse invites guest workers from uzbekistan to cope with the shortage of personnel, will russia be left without workers from central asia, work, work like a donkey, yes, but the money sew look at yourself right now. hello
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, this is the meeting place on ntv, the place where everything becomes clear, i am andrey norkin, my colleague ivan trushkin, we are working live, we will start with the message that additional security measures and support for the population are being introduced in the belgorod region today, governor glodkov spoke about this, well, it is clear that this is all connected with the ongoing, increasingly frequent attempts to carry out terrorist attacks on our territory. from the ukrainian armed forces. so let me do it now i’ll tell you more specifically what is proposed to be done and is already being done in the belgorod region. so, from today, access to seven settlements in the region on the border with ukraine is limited. there will be checkpoints at the entrance with reinforced squads from the ministry of internal affairs, the russian national guard and border services. in sixteen regional settlements, where the work of shops was disrupted due to constant shelling. the authorities will issue free
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food packages, and residents will be exempt from paying for housing and communal services for march. verification of meters in certain areas will be postponed until may 1. schoolchildren in the border regions, by decision of the governor, are going on vacation early today. colleges and universities are switching to remote learning, which is important without the presence of teachers in university buildings. also regional authorities. children from the territories exposed to shelling to neighboring regions, as glotkov said today, on friday, march 22, 1,200 children will leave for penza, tambov and kaluga for safety reasons, and the head of the region also ordered to strengthen door-to-door visits in the border areas, to take into account the interests of everyone.
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residents, having convinced myself personally, when, for example , for example, when i was in a kazinka a few days ago, at the beginning people said: no, we will stay, the shelling begins to intensify , they say, take us out, but it is almost impossible to physically provide assistance in the removal , without endangering the lives of other people, therefore the task of the local government is to increase the number of door-to-door visits to those houses and apartments where they remain. resident, well, in the border areas neighboring belgorod in the kursk region, artillery and mortar crews of the ukrainian armed forces were destroyed, our ministry of defense spoke about this in the footage presented by the ministry of defense of the work of our mortarmen. well, and more information from the press service of the kursk nuclear power plant. they issued a special statement today, saying that the nuclear power plant is operating as normal. the day before there were reports that this was a strategically important facility and they tried to attack the ukrainian armed forces.
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this information has not received official confirmation. what says our ministry of defense? the night before, air defense forces destroyed a ukrainian s200 missile over the kursk region. well, one of the main topics for the western press today was the statement of the head of our foreign intelligence service , sergei naryshkin, who spoke about paris’s plans in ukraine. so he said that moscow has information that france is preparing to send 2.0 of its soldiers to ukraine. some strange signals, you see, at the same time, paris began to submit photographs from the page of a personal photographer emmanuel macron, who posted photographs of the french president's boxing training session, where he is hitting a newspaper punching bag with such a brutal face. lemt came out
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with an interview with the head of the french ground forces, who announced that the french army is ready to participate in some major conflict. the french army is preparing to participate in the toughest conflicts, whatever the development of the international situation, france can be convinced that its soldiers will respond with readiness to defend against an attack on it to protect your interests. well, on french television they are discussing completely different figures, they say that france can send not two, but 20 thousand of its soldiers to ukraine at once, they are already discussing where these soldiers actually could be stationed. here it is on the air in french. lci on the map showed two, as they called it, hypothetical scenarios: the deployment of the french military along the dnieper, as well as along the border with belarus. according to retired colonel vincent arbartier, who presented the plan, the deployment of troops along the dnieper would show russia that it cannot
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enter the territory of right-bank ukraine, and the deployment of mobile french brigades along the border with belarus, in his words, this should secure kiev. it's not about building a continuous line of people, it's about putting in units that can react very quickly, close combat units, combat units and support units to be able to hold off the russians, andrei ladimevich, i propose to put all this french cocking aside for now. - back to our topics, they will keep us, now we let’s explain why today we want to push back our usual geopolitics a little. let it accumulate and wander , excuse the voice for god’s sake, we wanted to talk a little about other topics today, which means why they can’t hold us back, our french friends, because we are seriously trying to explain
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to our younger generation, you know this including according to our programs, who we are, what place we are in... to young people, because some things , for example, have always caused me bewilderment, why, again, in in the nineties, it was not only not customary for us, it was forbidden for us to hang state flags, well, let’s say, there on the house in which you live, i’m not talking now about an apartment building,
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where you can’t have a flag out of the window, so if you have in the village there is its own house, it was impossible before that people were even fined for yes, i honestly don’t remember what the explanation was, but it seemed to me. always strange, because well , i’ve traveled to different countries, i’ve seen that it’s different everywhere, but here only on holidays, this story, it seems to be all closed now, our state duma has now made a decision that, for example, in our schools flags will now be installed without fail, not only in schools, but also in kindergartens, in other universities, great , the only thing is that it is not clear why it is so late, but there are other proposals for the education of patriotism that raise questions in general...
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previously, only schools, both public and private, did this, but now kindergartens will be required to display the flag, colleges, universities and other educational organizations. this norm will be enshrined in the federal law on the state flag; this , as deputies explain, is being done to instill patriotism and traditional spiritual and moral values ​​in the younger generation. today we affirm the responsibility of all educational institutions, all forms of ownership of flags and flags, so i ask you to support this bill.
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supported, now they will be included in oleg gazmanov or shaman, the ministry of education is already in the school curriculum, it is not clear, however, for now on what subject? state duma deputy sergei kolunov came up with this initiative, and , as he says, teachers and parents of schoolchildren asked him about it. i am sure that the study of patriotic songs, including modern ones, created quite recently against the backdrop of our country’s special military operation, will instill in children. a feeling of love for the homeland, pride for the country, these are songs filled with love for the homeland.
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deputy prime minister tatyana golikova recently spoke about the need to instill love for the country from childhood. she even set a clear goal: by the end of the year ignite 2/3 of the younger generation with patriotism. since the twenty-first year, on behalf of the head of state, you and i have been implementing the federal project of patriotic education, one of its main ones. yes, i studied the subject of singing, you know, it was on a residual principle, also then
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later, as far as i understand, singing was completely removed from the school curriculum, in my opinion the music was something like this now, i’m not sure if it exists , which means, as you see, these are patriotic songs and what kind of item it will be because maybe it will be there i don’t know, within the framework of an elective there in history or in literature, how all this will be determined because you are suggesting
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that life is changing completely, look at today, young performers, young performers, they have them, if you look at their content, millions of views from children six there are under 12 years old, that is, this is the bulk of the user of music content.
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i had one at school, well, of course, i had an elderly teacher, peenia, who actually did anyone there, i don’t know from the movie volunteers, he remembered, so we then these these they taught songs, now an elderly man, and you want him to perform modern performers, young guys, like yaroslav dronov, you are now saying that an elderly man works with young guys, so what is i afraid of formalism, what i was talking about, he will say so, and now the children are there.
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let's turn our attention to, notably, not according to the list, namely in terms of technology, alexey genadyevich, about formalism, i know that i am afraid, no matter how much i doubt the patriotism of the performers, or their excellent mood.
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i also had the first thought when i read this article in the parliamentary newspaper yesterday, i actually thought about exactly this, about the formal attitude, about the formal attitude , here’s something else: and we often reproach the school, for example, for the fact that it gives something not in a timely manner there or so on , but dostoevsky is really complicated there in the eighth grade in the ninth, but i ’m just afraid that our teenagers, our children, well, knowing just how... how not only ours, but children all over the world are structured, that they don’t will perceive it the way you want them to perceive it, you didn’t see it in the announcement, but we heard a little boy, i think he’s 6 years old, singing a shaman’s song, and he sings it sincerely, he likes it, that’s true, it ’s simple, and in general the shaman’s audience is probably 80 percent young, 6 years old, well, not 6
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years old , no need to lala, i have friends who for 70 years went to the shaman in full swing , singing in music lessons, i also have music , listen to us, too, we, too, in the lessons there was no singing, we were also given these songs, so to speak, and lenin is so young and what it taught me.
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this, of course, is the northern face of kursk battles, there is no need to explain, every centimeter there is soaked in the blood of soldiers, you understand , therefore the fact that the flag was definitely introduced in private schools, in colleges, in universities, in fact, even before all the universities in the kursk region were introduced, is now there is something, yes, that really should be, about songs, i graduated from music school, we really studied different repertoire, at school we had music, and some songs on...
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only 20% of our youth are actively involved in politics, so tatyana alekseevna talks about 70%, because 70% of young people or not they know, or are afraid, or do not understand where to run and what to do, that is, 100%, yes , of course, the final indicator will be 100%, but we need to go progressively, you know, and the indicators that golikova talks about, they are realistic, maybe so that we only focus on official and non-official songs.
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it's happening now, we'll see. at the end of last year, an unusual lesson in courage took place in the moscow region. at the choice youth center, fifth-graders were dressed in medical uniforms and shown a makeshift military hospital with a bloody mannequin missing an arm. quite a lot people who saw the footage from there criticized the event, calling it cruel and frightening. true, the organizers later explained that they used paint and cherry syrup for the lesson, and the children were delighted with such a game. we. we prepare the children, they first try to do the laundry, since the laundry room opens first, then the convalescent room , there are guys in uniform sitting there, those who want can wrap their heads, wrap their arms, apply paint
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, this is for fifth and sixth grades, they do it with pleasure, actively introduce the younger ones generation with real military equipment, in october in the kurgan region , an armored personnel carrier was brought to a school for a lesson in courage, tables with other weapons, machine guns, machine guns and grenade launchers were placed there, in the ulyanovsk region for a lesson... in educational materials, in the ivanovo region a scandal broke out after schoolchildren were shown a video about a special operation, a member of the local public chamber said that the video contained scenes of violence and footage of ukrainian armed forces militants
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shooting our prisoners at point-blank range. education officials are now understanding the history. yuri vladimirovich, as a parent the community relates to such stories, because the first time they poured cherry syrup on the bent there, i don’t see anything wrong with that, in our obzh they wrapped the desks there and took them out, it was fun. as for when children are shown footage of our prisoners being shot, i don’t know, for many adults such footage is not worth watching, because in general they can develop psychological trauma if.
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to do without leaving it to whoever got it, so responsibly, first of all , we must work through these steps very clearly, lesya, you seem bored, yes, i’m a little shocked, decipher it, but i’m once again just confirming my own guesses that, unfortunately, all this youth
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education is being done with... old people on top, excuse me, sort of with all due respect, without at all interpreting this infusion of information for young people, well, look, how undoubtedly a six-year-old boy sings the songs of a shaman, but i would still like to focus not on this video, on real statistics and not on cioma, yes, that’s all -i’ll explain some normal layout by age, because phom is sociology by telephone, it is unlikely that six-year-olds participate in it.
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plus, in fact, plus or minus, but the basis is there , a clear understanding of what, where, when, there are methodological recommendations, clearly spelled out, there are additional materials that, leave mathematics, otherwise we are with you now , this is the key, everything that, everything that concerns patriotism, education, it’s who goes to the forest, who gets firewood, on the one hand, objectively, why is this caused, because faster and faster the task is to introduce this, lead this, not the methodology is doing well, a colleague says that teachers need to be taught methodically, this work is also being built now.
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that there are meanings that, relatively speaking , are correct, but they need to be packaged correctly for young people, so that young people, well, i listen carefully to what lesya says, so, accordingly, lesya said a clever thought to the product, and not in the way that, for example, to some fifty-year-old or there it seems like this to a six-year-old or even a forty-year-old person, which means that this also applies to the principle of music, i don’t even know what the dispute is about, so music as a subject, there are also work programs, there are methodologically all sorts of recommendations and there, for example, they study bells, and jazz should be studied and...
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all this was in the soviet union, all this also works plus or minus in the united states whatever, one difference, every bunch of them in soviet times didn’t write or talk about it, it’s just that a schoolboy came with his parents to the first grade on september 1 and just saw the flag that was there, and no one said about it in advance that here we are now let's make flags, now we'll make songs, it was just done quietly, so it didn't cause any problems.
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yes , i’m going to pick you up. millions of the metropolis will see us. our movements are full of parsi. my car is speeding through the streets of the degenerate as if there is no one else but
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let’s immediately look at the map of the country and the european map in general, and there are more than 500 settlements that today are blocked by all sorts of polish and european farmers, it’s been a long time since we returned to farmer riots, but it ’s worth it . so, polish farmers expect to completely paralyze the country’s transport system, for this they are simultaneously organizing almost 600 protests, more than 70 thousand will take part in them human.
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will look? financial times reports that this will be the first restriction on the import of food from russia to europe for russian and belarusian grain, as has been the case since the start of the svo. in 2023, imports of russian grain to the eu reached record levels, there were 4 million tons. however, under pressure from poland and the baltic states, brussels decided to impose a duty on
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grain from our country and belarus, it will be 95 euros per ton. the financial times believes that all this will increase the price of our grain by one and a half times. and will significantly reduce the demand for they want to impose a similar levy on our oilseeds, and there’s another calming protest from european farmers around the world, a political publication is already writing about this: against the backdrop of manure riots in brussels, they decided not to discuss ukraine’s accession to the european union, they say such talk once again provokes farmers, there is no need to pour something like that in front of the european commission building, or set something on fire, especially since the elections to the european parliament are coming soon, they decided, so... i’m done with the dung riots, let’s then return to our topic, that it was, well, as a result of such an intermediate one, we can single out these thirty minutes, which means that there are some such complaints about the methodology, and either it is missing, or it is not very well developed, in principle
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we can agree, because many of the initiatives are, as it were, new and it’s not entirely clear how to do this correctly, but something... let’s summarize something important. the purpose of the lesson of talking about important things is to greet schoolchildren with love for their homeland, moral values ​​and help them understand their place in society. each lesson is dedicated to a specific topic. one the moscow school decided to hold the event in an unusual format and invited parents to the lesson. and they, together with the children, listened
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to a lecture by a psychologist and studied in a theater group. the activity is very cool. it’s great when you manage to find time to communicate with your child and... other children, you see how similar you were to the generation that is growing up now, however, there are also more skeptical parents, despite the fact that the conversation program important information has been published and scheduled for the year ahead, some still believe that teachers invest in schoolchildren what they themselves want, for example, last year a strange incident occurred: in kemerovo, an eight-year-old boy ran away from home, later explaining this by saying that during conversations about important things... he was told that every person should strive to start a family , but he didn’t want to get married at all. for me, as a parent , it would naturally be easier if this were explained to us, some speakers, i don’t know, there are some ministers, just an elementary remark, there will be a conversation about the first, second, third, i don’t know, about patriotism, there, about love to the homeland, about love for our symbols, about the flag
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, about the anthem, now famous russian figures are involved in the conversation about important things, for example, valentina matvienko, konstantin kha... actor ivan okhlobystin shared with schoolchildren, but his idea of ​​the role of a man and a woman many parents in the family did not like him; they considered the actor’s views too patriarchal. a man is responsible for the outside world, that is, like a hunter. and when a woman follows him, he guides her with tubes so that she does not fall, does not fall into a trap, a man for short distances. a quick blow, the mammoth grabbed it, run, eat, but the woman doesn’t, she spreads life around herself like a rower. so , yuri vladimirovich, based on conversations about important things, like parental opinion, what, this has already developed or has developed, of course, this is an interesting practice, and as they already said, 50 to 50, in
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some cases many are delighted, like where , for example, the director is professional, the teacher is professional, who was not invited very well.
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i want to agree with ivan that a lot still depends on collaboration, school and
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families, collaboration, a good word, yes, a good word, and we are all raising children together, i had conversations about important things, and i recommend that the parent community go to the site about talking about important things, it is really very simple, clear and detailed, who is talking about what will talk to your children, and you read it yourself
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, unfortunately, when this should be applied by the authorities, it is not applied, the level of involvement, a very simple metric that is calculated, it is not there, a touch of cucumbers who wants to introduce numbers for the new year, with which, on the one hand, they tell us about project grants, which means 72% and so on, of course, in general, the parent community has the right, but where is 72%, and what was implemented, where did the money go, and so on, otherwise we hear a lot and a lot they talk about patriotism.
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so, colleagues, so that without dissecting the tree, lessons about the important, this is a completely new institute, it is not two years old, not years old, only the second year, that is, one academic year has passed, that is, in fact, this institute is only at the very beginning the way of its installation has been done so much, in fact it’s very cool cool story , in fact, you can’t rush here, but here you need to tighten up this whole story in what, for example, we take speakers, i agree with what, for example, with lesya, that here is the selection of those speakers that you showed, starting... ending with khabensk, whom i love very much as an actor and respect, forgive me, it feels like these are speakers for the parents of the students, and not for the students, after all, such things should be told to them by their relatives, a little older , there you remember egor crete somehow in conversations about something important, what kind of howl appeared, so it is necessary, so it is necessary to attract the conditional yegor creeds or whoever is popular with them, as much as possible i have in addition to khabensky in addition, not instead, in addition, this is the first point ,
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the second point, my colleague said absolutely correctly, it’s important that this one. and will be used up. in his place , the terrorist budanov and the female joker are being prepared. great changes await russia. for the first time in moscow. glory to russia. our man in america, who worked for the cia and the white house, will reveal
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becomes clear, they are already on topic discussions are discussed here. we now have a topic that is very often on air, but we have a slightly different angle, in my opinion, we found such an unexpected way to talk. here. first van with vile news about international news from the swiss city of lausanne, where , as you probably know, the international olympic committee meets, they imagined what the flag would look like and what the anthem would sound like, under which russian and belarusian athletes are invited to perform at olympic games, if anyone of them, of course, will get there, forgetting about their own citizenship. it is reported that the anthem, for neutral, as moss calls it, athletes, has no words, it was created from... if an athlete manages to win gold, the flag will be raised, the hymn will sound, but won exclusively for the games, in the event, medals in general the standings by country will not be displayed, in addition, neutral athletes
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will not be allowed to participate in the opening ceremony of the closing ceremony of the games, but they are graciously ready to let them watch the celebration of life from somewhere in the stands. on the executive committee i could lausanne announced that a maximum of 55 russians could be allowed to attend the games in paris, for comparison. 336 of our athletes went to the previous summer games in tokyo, let us listen to thomas bach. do i think a russian boycott would be good news? a boycott is never a good thing. our position and principles in this regard are very clear. it is a commitment to human rights and to upholding the principle that there can be no collective guilt. athletes cannot be held responsible for actions. their government, and if they support these actions, they are subject to sanctions, but if they are not, they should have the same rights as others. after these words from bach , mock’s comment sounds rather strange that
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russian and belarusian athletes will not have to sign any documents if they go to the olympics, condemning a special military operation, well, according to bach, those who support the svo will be filtered out even more on the approaches to paris, of course, no papers will be needed... well, let's say a few words about the fact that mok considers unsportsmanlike behavior, because of which a russian athlete is unworthy of the olympics and will not be allowed to participate. olympic champion in greco-roman wrestling, musa evloev, was not allowed to compete because of a photo with a message behind it saying for a world without nazism, well, that is, there was a poster hanging like that. this information was confirmed by the president of the russian wrestling federation, mikhail momiashvili, well, that is, logically he could, if the athlete had written what kind of peace with nazism he was. they probably would have let this fighter in. russian boxers, in response to discrimination on the mok side, they decided to boycott the olympics altogether. this information was confirmed by the secretary general of the russian boxing federation tatyana kiriyenko. and according to her
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, the athletes made a unanimous decision not to go to the games in a neutral status, so as to quote: not betray their homeland. andrew vladimirovich? in the smer lozansky new way , i can only add that of course, this phrase of mr. bach will never boycott there. everything can be good there, that’s probably why the international olympic committee is going to apply sanctions to those to the athletes who will come to us for the friendship games, how do they fit together? well, okay, this is a topic for another program, today we have issues of labor migration, labor migrants, if you are our regular viewer, you know that we talk about this very, very often, we argue quite heatedly, but while we were arguing, things happened an unexpected situation, for me, at least, it was surprising to learn about this today, those labor migrants who come to us, it turns out, may not come to us anymore, why? that's why
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well, it’s not because we adopted some changes in legislation there, they just began to lure them away very actively. european countries, for example, germany primarily. let us now give you all the details in the plot. last week it became known that uzbekistan will help germany solve the problem of personnel shortages. a whole delegation came to tashkent to discuss the details with the minister of employment. the main industries where germans are experiencing an acute shortage of personnel are medicine.
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you heard, andrey, you heard how much, how much money we have, you heard from the president’s lips, how he from one sleeve 1 trillion, from the other sleeve another trillion in a message to the federal assembly, a little.
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in mr. shatrov’s view, the situation is that we as a country do not need the migrants we need 15 can i finish alexey nikolaevich yes we should just carry out a certain redistribution of finances something in our own heads in general in relation to this problem to change everything we are closing all these weak points there thin on your own, wait ok.
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a little later, when this migration valve was opened, so, alexey nikolaevich, how is it that we don’t need, but the germans do, they need migrants, and the need for labor is approximately 150,000 additional people every year, without this the tasks that were set by the president to transform the russian economy into the fourth economy in the world, for this you need to have gdp, gdp growth there is 3.5%, these 3.5% are impossible without... migrants, in fact, that’s why, and most importantly, these all the stories about the uzbeks and in general migrants from central asia will run away from us, this is not true, this is all a lie , this has nothing to do with reality, wait, well, let’s look at the central bank of uzbekistan, we won’t have it somehow now
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, can i come to an agreement, that means, look, we have there was a positive influx of migration in the twenty- second year, it was approximately 80,000 migrants from the former. cis, over the past year our flow of migrants has increased, the influx, well , that is, the influx exceeds the departure by 100,000, we need 150, that is, i think that next, well, this year, in on the twenty-fourth, the flow of migrants we receive from outside will increase to the target figure. in the twenty-first year, we had plus 4,000 migrants, and this despite the fact that all sorts of people there, germany, and everyone else are recruiting people, germany. we need qualified employees, but can i correct you, because there are statistics, statistics from the ministry of internal affairs and rosstat, in the first half of the year in twenty-three, fewer people moved in than in the twenty-second year, these are the general consolidated statistics, look at the latest data from rosstat for the twenty-third year, here vanya gives you this for the first
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half, and i’m talking about the year as a whole, for the year as a whole we have a positive balance of migration of 100,000 people from central asia, well, not from central asia, well, let’s get to the numbers a little bit. ..
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not by redistributing finances, but by increasing labor productivity, and this is what the whole message is about, let’s understand a simple thing: today there is not a single, i emphasize, not a single mass profession that could not be robotized, it somehow doesn’t bother me very happy, no, just a second, inside myself, i i don’t want a robot to work instead of me , wait a second, it definitely won’t work instead of you, because at one time at a conference on artificial intelligence it was said: artificial intelligence is impossible, because it is humanly limited, but
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its stupidity, the question about robots, is of course good , who will build, who will sweep our streets, who will lay out food for us in large and small stores, we have a completely archaic construction technology, 20 years ago, 20 years ago i went to work in the city of new york and returned back and saw how... the construction will look somehow different and robotic, but, but in the next year, in the next two, in the next five years, this is not about
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a year, this is at least about 5-6 years, we have two tasks, first, the social integration of migrants, so that they become full-fledged russian citizens, with russian culture, with the russian language, and so on, and here we have wonderful experience, we, thank god, have this first, second to implement. another, so what do you say? and pay attention, you showed a very correct one,
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interesting video, when we talk about germany, when we talk about the united kingdom, the following phrases are heard: visas, temporary visas, seasonal visas, the problem with our migration is that it is very often illegal, you can come to us without a visa , and migration greatly encourages, firstly, corruption encourages labor inefficiency, why do you need to build robots at construction sites when you can bring 150 disenfranchised, god forgive me, uzbeks, and when... come to the ostankaya television center, really, yes, that’s where everything works according to
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russian legislation, you probably noticed that in the corridors we have a lot of employees of the ostankino television center, cleaners, loaders, there, well, there seem to be a lot of people there, and they obviously came from the central asian republics, everything is fine here, everything works , but they get white in the center of ostankino. yes, no, you just said, we will never establish control, why are we strengthening control here, because in russia our people, a huge number of our people are interested in ensuring that this control never exists, so that this resource, inhumane, absolutely cannibalistic resource of disposable people regularly to them in germany are also interested in the inhumane resource of holidays in germany, you see visas, in germany there are rules, but we have no visa regime, we need a visa regime with middle countries, so that whoever we need comes. from an economic
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, diplomatic point of view, from a technical point of view, because our consulate cannot cope with a huge flow of migrants, issuing two-year work visas, well, the meaning is the same as without visas, from a political point of view, because we are part of a whole series of agreements on the cis and the eurasian union, including the single market, including labor force, then we need to abandon eurasian integration. as such, well, and so on and on, on , that is, it is impossible, fix this in your head and leave it, one, two, regarding control, control is quite possible, the beginnings of it are now being organized, when a few years ago i was in uzbekistan , i was in one such migration center that worked in russia, it was a russian center where they taught people on the spot, they conducted an exam on russian language, they gave out all sorts of things.
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they just picked up this idea, why , because the uzbeks have the labor force for targeted work at south korean enterprises, the germans are now much more hardworking than the conventional arabs, they pump less rights than the conventional turks, so in this regard, the uzbek labor force, for example, for germany this is a plus, and the most important thing, germany...
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let me go, let me go, against philip kirkorov it’s a dachshund, i’m actually a singer, but a taxi, and so for the soul, while there are no concerts, the deceitful nature has bent me and deprived me beauty and height, the ugly one is distorted, and before the deadline i was sent into the living world, that’s how i see luntik, it’s a housing problem, yeah, a secret. million all my ex-women began with the letter a. amin, where are you going? i don't want to start. why is the project so cruel? because today someone will leave. stars. today denis dorokhov and the regions and philip
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buy right away with a free tinkov platinum credit card. hurry up to get a credit card tinkov platinum with a bright limited design until the end of march, get free service forever. timcof. this is the meeting place on ntv, the place where everything becomes clear, we continue, in the previous part we had a little argument with alexey nikolaevich zubets regarding the numbers, whether more migrants are coming to us now or less, we will give you once again now the data that we quoted, we will show, but the point here is not even in the numbers, the point is that experts at the state level at the government level tell us that russia does not have enough workers, while we don’t have robots, these workers need to be taken from somewhere. recently , the head of the institute of demography of iran, marina khramova, made a resonant statement. according to her, russia needs to join the global struggle for labor migrants, as they
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have more attractive alternatives. allegedly, migrants from the cis countries are increasingly going to china, the countries of the european union or the united arab emirates, and russia should improve working conditions for guest workers. the decrease in the flow of migrants to russia is confirmed by rosstat and the ministry of internal affairs. for the first half of 2023 almost two times fewer people entered our country than a year earlier. when it started snowing, the last janitor in my friend’s house showed up, and he honestly said, guys, for 20,000 i’m ready to do nothing, yeah, well, work for 20,000, well, forgive me, of course i ’m from central asia, but i’m not ready. russian business is trying to solve the problem of labor shortage. recruitment agencies have recorded the demand for employees from non-cis countries, india, pakistan and even north korea, although most of them do not speak russian, and the employment process usually... it drags on, and recently it became known that they are planning to bring 10,000 workers from africa to our country, the government and the central bank are talking about a personnel shortage. the main problem is not a lack of money
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, but a shortage of labor, and we see this , by the way, on the issue of enterprises, who can say this in charge, the enterprises themselves, at the same time they are preparing new restrictions for foreign workers, last week the ministry of labor prepared a bill within the framework of which migrants will be able to be expelled from russia if they they don’t work according to their profile, we are talking about citizens who came as part of an organized recruitment. some experts believe that such restrictions will reduce the attractiveness of our country for migrants. but the deputy chairman of the duma committee on cis affairs, konstantin zatulin, says: there are 2 million vacancies in russia, the country cannot cope without migrants from central asia. vladim viktorovich, if you look at these statistics, i get the impression that we almost need to fight for migrants, although i hardly think that such a thought will come to my mind, otherwise it will already happen late. and i listened with great pleasure to the whole set of stereotypes about migration in the first half of the program, let me draw you a very simple model now, turn it up for us in the studio, please, you like jam, not very much,
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i got it from him ass, excuse me, okay , andrey, you love jam, oh, what sadness, i came up with this analogy with jam, well , imagine that let’s say someone, let’s say, apple jam, so you want you to have and after some the time was clear and there was delicious jam on your table at home, yes, for dinner, what are you doing, are you going to the dacha? you plant an apple tree, it grows , it takes some time, then you succeed , i go to the store and buy a jar, wait , don’t spoil my beautiful legend, that’s how the creep started from afar, consumer thinking, that is, you are confident in every moment , what kind of apple trees, what kind of apples , you cooked it, you did everything, you have the result , now we take, for example, not from the consumer, from the supplier, you are the manufacturer of the jam, to whom will you sell it, to those who will pay the most there is money for it, but it is better to sell it at a high price than to sell it.
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not the most attractive working conditions , we don’t have the highest salaries, that’s what they said about the uk. 20 thousand are some very small numbers, because i regularly travel to exodus countries, i communicate here with all the ambassadors, i communicate here with employers, i...
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am not talking about a fictional world, we are talking about reality, all these contacts exist, i can share with the british, they will confirm, the same minister of employment of uzbekistan, we talked with him, he says: yes, indeed, we understand that this is a very simple thing: a person goes to russia, sends x amount of money a month, he goes to work in the uk, he sends home one and a half to two times more, and indeed the competition for labor will become more and more every year more, i certainly do not agree that we have some strong changes there, we had an outflow of migrants only in the fourteenth year, it really happened, and as soon as our ruble sank. twice in 3 months, my employees went to turkey to work at a car wash, they say we we get more there, that is, it really happened. by the sixteenth year, all national currencies had been devalued, the situation had stabilized, everyone had returned, since the sixteenth year the number of migrants has not changed, the 100,000 we are talking about are the ones who arrive 2 weeks before lunch, this is not a figure that can be fixed, then according to your feelings, we do not have a shortage of migrant labor, people , we have a colossal shortage of migrant labor, next week
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there will be a huge meeting. largest construction companies in the country also invited me, they said: we are ready to take 20 thousand people now, 20,000 are coming right now, we will get everyone registered in 3 days, everything is clear, everything can honestly be registered in white, well, they have a large staff, they they will cope, maybe they will finalize something later, but the point is that there is a colossal demand, moreover, now we will again have peak demand, this is an annual situation, but because of this, for some reason i never perceive the statistic, we have seasonality shows soviet history neither there was no outflow of migrants in central asia for one year; this has never happened in a single year.
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work, you know a person who will go to this job , to clean my yard, you know this person, i know that, as vadim viktorovich poetically put it, there is jam with jam, that there is this jam in production, let's say, housing complexes get a very good salary, okay, they get it at the expense of ultra-cheap labor, these are migration lobbyists who are lobbying for their profits, can i give you an example of my own apartments are sold as they are already ready. despite the fact that the salary of a janitor in moscow, well , let’s be honest, it’s not twenty, our housing workers pay the janitor 33,600 rubles for hostel and bonuses, he can bring this salary up to 70, yes, but for some reason here, yes,
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we have russians they’re not recruiting, we’ve got people from the kharkov region, what diasporas, people aren’t coming, people aren’t coming, oscovites are working, have you seen anyone working.
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this means that they have introduced and there are quite clear technologies, how to give an example here, secondly, it was not in vain that i said that the problem of social integration of migrants in order for the second generation of migrants to be russian citizens, observing laws and so on, this needs to be done with anti-immigrant rhetoric, this morning a person was killed, that’s the success of your assimilation.
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i can’t seem to understand bogdan anatolyevich’s emotionality, and of course i must say that the number of crimes of this kind is not committed by visitors, it is, to put it mildly, greater. but this is what europe, in my understanding, what europe ran into back then, i didn’t just remember the fifteenth year and a little later, what happened, there was a cry and a cry about the number of crimes that emigrants committed, rape , all this in germany, this was in austria, yes, yes, let’s take a short pause now, again, let’s look at some examples from abroad, as we love with you, yes, so that they help us see better what is happening here. short break, don’t leave, someone is saving people, someone is burning them.
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the two extremes using imported examples, because there are countries where there are a lot of guest workers, that is, labor migrants, and there are countries where there are... according to the un, the most labor migrants are in the united arab emirates 7.5 million is almost 90% of the country’s population, that is, for every citizen of the emirates there are nine government workers. most of the visitors are from india, egypt and pakistan, together with africans they work in cleaning, hotels, and restaurants. migrant workers work here in difficult conditions.
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paid work, and since we are a minority in our country, we have almost no unemployment among the indigenous population. the open door policy in the emirates is combined with strict rules. a migrant worker must come to the country with an already signed contract and insurance. changing jobs after arrival is prohibited. violators will face immediate deportation. emirati citizenship is almost impossible to obtain, even for those who have worked and lived in the country for years. here you can get a resident visa, if you have a job and a visa, you can get a visa for your spouse, you can also get a sponsorship visa, but you will have to renew it endlessly. qatar and kuwait, in particular, are building their economies on the labor of guest workers;
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more than 70% of them are foreign workers. however, there are opposite examples in the world, japan is considered closed to unskilled workers. according to the law, only foreign students with japanese roots can legally come to work. in total in japan about 2% foreigners, that is, several million people. it's cool to be a foreigner here, but it annoys people. if you have problems with the language, you become a social invalid, you cannot live normally, and you will never become japanese, even if you learn the language perfectly. at the same time, japanese companies are shouting about a shortage of personnel; the population is rapidly aging.
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migration in russia is not that there are a lot of migrants, but that they are very clearly concentrated, i have a close friend who lives in the moscow region kotelniki, he posted a video for me, he’s filming on the floor, a children’s playground, all the women in black, all the children don’t speak russian, you can’t hear the russian word there, that’s the problem, we won’t have any social adaptation when we have these these local migrant hertas, strict rules, like in the united arab emirates, there is also no social adaptation there, there is no social adaptation, there is a strict division, and there migrants have no influence.
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unfortunately, in public discussion there are a huge number of myths about migrations that are spread either by the nazis or by non-professionals, for example, what migrants have there, i explain, the picture that alexey sergeevich’s acquaintance sees in kotelniki, i saw with my own eyes not in kotelniki, that’s right, but firstly, in kotelniki not mr. anaumov ’s friends and relatives live together, and it’s not like he says, this is just me...
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let’s look at the statistics of the ministry of internal affairs, we will see that the share of migrant crimes in russia by immigrants is less than 4%. well, it’s not serious, alexey sergeevich,
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the mother put her six children to bed, and then she left home and disappeared, she called, mom was home, she said, “mom is gone, how long
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had their mother been gone with them at that time?” two days. the uncle of a mother with many children called the guardian, i assure you that she abandoned the children for her lover, he told her, look, you will simply lose the children, the children were left alone for two days without a mother, without food and without heating, but the mother herself declares that all this time. .. will the children be able to return to their mother or will they have to move to an orphanage? do you think you did everything right? i wanted her to change through this situation, i i blame my children for everything, she beat them, i know her on the good side, this is beyond the bounds, today at 16:45. ntv. 5 minutes of silence, new season. today at 20:00 on ntv.
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200 exactly 7,567 calls within russia. free beyond the new season with timur eremeev today at 16:45 on ntv, what is it anyway, you can’t reassure them today, the meeting place, the question is: where will russia get its workforce tomorrow? bogdan anatolyevich , internal resources, rabotization , increasing labor productivity in those countries and from those peoples that in relation to russia
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it will take a year or two to reconfigure, it is clear that there will be a crisis, because everything, everything has been dissolved to the point of impossible, but after in a year or two, maybe all this will be restored. vadim viktorovich, and if i answer directly your question, then the next donor country, i see north korea, but for this we need, especially since we have a new constitution, we no longer recognize international law as overriding, we need to get out of un sanctions, sanctions prohibit taking workers from north korea , i hope we will soon leave these sanctions too. let's take the north koreans, they are excellent workers, everyone appreciates and loves them very much, in our previous part alexey sergeevich said so zalikvadically, let's conduct a survey in the telegram channel, is it necessary? migrants to us, what will people say, of course we will conduct this survey and come to us telegram, come to us telegram, but nevertheless, this is a poll with a trick from syria, let's do it, who wants to make salaries in russia higher, of course, everyone will vote
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, yes, come on, the question only has something to do with it, that’s how much more, by the way, that’s how much to interfere, come on, let’s put this fascinating topic aside outside the ethereal space, and i’ll tell you a story so late soviet, a rare case, one of our organizations, in in general, they formed some kind of joint project with the japanese, and the japanese sent their representative, so every day he came to this office there, greeted everyone, bowed, said something... sat down at the table and worked all day , he has papers there , some documentation, drawings, the next day he came again like this, bowed, said something in japanese, worked again, well, our people there are like... in general, as always, who drinks tea, who solves crossfort, well, like in the movie office romance, then 2 passed weeks, his business trip ended, he left, ours seem to remember him, like the japanese, here is a nice person, polite
4:00 pm
, all this, but what did he say anyway, well, they found a translator somewhere, they say, listen, a japanese man came, every morning he said this, what does this mean, the translator translates, ladies and gentlemen, unfortunately, my contract does not allow me to support you and... 14:00 weekday ntv, goodbye , election results implementation of voters' proposals vladimir putin met with proxies in the kremlin.


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