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tv   Segodnya  NTV  March 20, 2024 7:00pm-8:01pm MSK

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[000:00:17;00] vladimir putin discusses the historical results of the elections and the implementation of those plans with his trusted representatives ; nikita korzun observes the meetings in the kremlin. our scouts twisted and turned. got to the abrams destroyed by drones, as the military assessed the us main battle tank. the reward has found the hero. northern military district veteran sergei solinov, who saved the life of the famous tank commander alyosha, was awarded the order of courage, about the feat of a simple russian soldier, evgeniy golovanov. for the twentieth time, contact group on ukraine meets at the ramstein military base for the twentieth time, they promise support to ukraine, but
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what do they give other than promises? about it? elizaveta gertsson balalaika - russian soul, on the memorable date of the appearance of the first balalaika orchestra in st. petersburg, ilya fedoslov went to a rehearsal. hello, you are greeted by the information service of the television company, the program today, its presenter aina nikolaeva and igor politaev. russia could respond to ukraine’s attacks on civilian infrastructure in the same way, but moscow has its own plans, vladimir said today putin, but also emphasized that the authorities will do everything to support those who have lost their homes and businesses in the border areas. the president met today with his confidants, his representatives during the election campaign. the head
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of state thanked everyone. he especially noted the work in new regions, where it required, according to the president, personal heroism. with details from the kremlin, nikita korzun. thank you, thank you. thank you. thanks a lot. the meeting place is iconic. it is here, in st. andrew's throne room of the great the presidential inauguration takes place in the kremlin palace. vladimir putin's proxies are here today. the head of state always
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indicates the source. after events of this kind and after such a result, which testifies to the great confidence of the country's citizens in what we are doing and, most importantly, in what we are talking about as our plans, this requires, of course, places, firstly, realistically great responsibility, you even know, somehow there ’s a little feeling, well, not anxiety, but a sense of responsibility. of course it is many times increases. people are waiting for a return , the president continued, they will see the fruits of their trust, but making russia even stronger, more attractive and effective can only be done together. the co-chairs of vladimir putin’s election headquarters, by the way, also talked on the sidelines that this matter was both right and common. this is a great victory for our entire wonderful united country. what i felt was the satisfaction of our common work, our entire team, the team of vladimir
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vladimirovich, our president, our. the leader and team are more than impressive. in the most famous people of the country, defenders of the homeland, scientists, athletes and cultural figures gathered today in the large kremlin palace. the institution of trusted persons appeared in ninety-one before the elections of the first president of the rsfsr. these are people who can not only vouch for their candidate, but are able to convincingly campaign for him and even take part in debates on his behalf. now the law allows you to have no more than 600 proxies. vladimir putin has 544 of them in this presidential campaign. each
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has reached heights in their field. a very important process of creative work, because only by sensitively feeling what is happening in society can one make timely necessary adjustments to those large-scale plans, of course, but this is a grandiose construction of the country’s future. i would like to wish vladimir vladimirovich and all of us that this movement continues without any turns,
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reversals, and so on. it’s difficult, but we have matured, all citizens, now we have a future in the sense of plans, and ways of realizing this future. that's why there is a phrase: everything will be well, our leader, who the whole country won, just in one impulse, so i think he knows what to do. during his conversations with trusted officials, vladimir putin also recalled how difficult it was to carry out his plans before; it could not have occurred to us that our exports of agricultural products would be multiple times higher than our arms exports; this had never even
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occurred to us when we started ship. it is necessary, a lot of people on the sidelines of this meeting in the kremlin discussed the unprecedented turnout figures, the actual votes cast for putin, excellent organization of the very opportunity to vote with virtually no violations, promoting confidence that every vote was correctly counted; confidence in the electoral process may be
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one of the reasons for the record results. the hero of russia, who completed four space flights , anton shkaplerov, even compared the referendum on the return of crimea, where he was born, with the current presidential campaign. this has never happened before. i know my native crimea, yes, when they had the choice to become part of russia, of course, everyone stood up and went, there’s a whole country here, the largest in our entire land, plus , of course, this is the percentage of trust in our president, the chief executive of the international news agency of russia today recalled under what conditions the residents of novorussia and the border regions followed the call of their hearts and fulfilled their civic duty. the way we are raised by the great russian history,
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the great russian... we will do everything we can, we will do everything to support people, both those who have lost their business, and just ordinary citizens who have lost their homes, well, for many i won't be different list everything, there is something to work on, and we will do everything, everything that depends on us, the president focused on ensuring the security of the border areas of the belgorod region, in particular, he explained why russia does not retaliate against the civilian infrastructure of ukraine, of course, we can answer topics we can respond in the same way regarding civilian infrastructure to all other objects of this kind that the enemy attacks, well, we have our own views on this matter and our own plans,
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we will follow what we have outlined. completed vladimir putin will meet with his confidants with the assertion that victory in the elections is just a prologue to those victories that russia so needs and which will definitely come. nikita korzun, maria verger and vyacheslav zubarev, ntv. and today the minister of defense spoke about the actions of russian troops who repelled attempts by ukrainian militants
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to seize border areas. use the most expensive samples of foreign technology. however, this did not change the situation in the special operation zone in favor of the enemy. year to date four abrams tanks, five leopards, and 27 bradley vehicles were destroyed. six haymars launchers, 11 anti-aircraft missile launchers, including five patriots. according to shaigu, in general, the losses of the armed forces of ukraine since the beginning of the year amount to more than 71.00 people and 11 units of various weapons, which is almost three times higher than the figures for the same period last year. today , reconnaissance forces from the grouping of forces center showed the destroyed american abrams tank. the fighters hit a multi-ton vehicle in
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the avdeevsky direction with help. a senior reconnaissance operator with the call sign sokol was working in poor visibility conditions and did not know what the target was in front of him. at first, in fact, i didn’t even expect that it would be an american, but a tank and a tank, otherwise it’s an american and... there’s no tank in it, how can we praise the
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west, how is ukraine, and the abrams, we’re at the expense we’ll defeat them, there’s nothing so ordinary about this abrams, after sitting in it, i can say that it’s worse than our t-90s, well, our tanks are there, there’s nothing so ordinary that they praise it, like that. on yuzhnodonetskoe direction of the special operation, the strengthening of the ukrainian army is stormed by the marines of the pacific fleet. the troops of the vostok group are trying to take coal into the ring. each attack is thought out in advance and begins after careful preparation. marines practice capturing enemy trenches in training. and artillery units conduct counter-battery combat every day in order to weaken the enemy as much as possible. report from the ntv military commissariat mikhail chernoba. there is another hail of rockets from the eastern flank of the ugledar direction. on this side the infantry and the artillery is trying to get closer to the city in order to subsequently develop the attack itself . all hail impacts are corrected. air operators of copters, they are the ones who report undershooting or overshooting, when the target
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is hit, the copter records the defeat, after that you need to very quickly move to the rear positions, the enemy often works to be proactive, the enemy is very skillful, behaves daringly, they mainly work from that side high-precision ammunition such as excalibur plus fpv drone, that is , it happens that they can act. even on advance, that is, a vehicle aimed at a target, it is already a priority target for the enemy. their battle city itself recently came under attack, but the crew saved themselves and the vehicle, managing to escape to a safe distance. the car was completely hit by a shropne , as if the first arrival had been hit, we looked around, it seemed like there was silence, we quickly started the car as much as we could, drove off, and then evacuated it. in the camp there are unwritten rules of survival,
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do not be near a combat vehicle unless necessary, the enemy is always behind the multiple launch rocket systems he hunts, away from the car all the time, well, we go a little further away into shelter, because if he comes into the car, then there are definitely no options there. the counter-battery fight in the ugledar direction is especially tough, with one, but the enemy clearly has a shortage of shells. they are strong, they are confident, they are ready, but it is clear that they have a shortage of ammunition. that is, for the reason that the intensity of their work is much less. thanks to their fire, the infantry moves forward. with the support of artillery and attack drones, the assault force operating here groups of marines from the pacific fleet
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finally managed to take it. addition to storm the ukrainian trenches. now the assault group is moving through the forest belt, behind it is a strong point that needs to be taken, the minutes are counting. if the mobilized, the mobilized surrender immediately, yes. well, that is, if we brazenly, immediately go into action, act clearly, sharply, quickly, they immediately give up. the commander of the assault platoon with the call sign skull also fought in syria, he says, this time we can say he was lucky, on time. took the language, the fact is that one prisoner told all the information, yes, the guys already knew where, what was located, what traps could await them, damn it, even, i think, they were terrified at first, because the tank was working on them, the bmp-3 was working on them, then our guys, who with the attack aircraft, treated
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them with cutting weapons, a fighter with the call sign brush says, taking impregnable oporniks on the outskirts of the coal dar without artillery support is not an easy task, for him... so that the next duty package will already be complete, because there are all sorts of targets, it is unknown , when, well, what, how to say, full combat readiness, working together, attack aircraft and artillery day after day squeeze the enemy out of the impregnable strongholds, gradually encircling the coal from several directions at once. mikhail chernov, andrey beldyanov,
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dmitry tsalkov, ugledar direction. with the head of the compulsory health insurance fund. summing up the results of the work, ilya balanin told the prime minister that the state guarantee program already provides for the emergency provision of medical care to combat veterans. in addition, we discussed the development of healthcare in donbass and novorossiya. 35 million residents of the new regions of the lugansk, donetsk republics, zaporozhye and kherson regions have already taken out a compulsory health insurance policy. this is already comparable to very
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large ones. the bars volunteer detachment sergei solinov was awarded the order of courage for heroism shown in the special operation zone. during the assault, he shielded his comrade from the explosion of a grenade dropped from a drone, saving his life. this happened in the first months of hostilities, the rescued platoon commander alexander a year later, levakov will become a hero of russia due to his participation in an unequal tank battle. sergei solinov is still recovering from serious injuries, but is determined to return to duty. evgeny golovanov will continue. by decree of the president of the russian federation , sergei borisovich solinov was awarded the order of courage for the courage and courage shown in the performance of his professional duty. this is the very case that they say, the reward found the hero. sergei solinov , call sign prickly, fought in the northern military district zone in the bars volunteer motorized rifle detachment. in during one of the assaults, he saved
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the platoon commander alexander levakov with the call sign lasko, the same one whom the country would later recognize as the commander of the tank alyosha, who stopped the enemy armored group on the zaporozhye direction. we have this belief that until the gunner has fully used his ammunition, we don’t roll back, for this battle the tankers were awarded the stars of heroes of russia, but at
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the meeting with the president... nothing, noise in the head, confusion, this is fog, it’s prickly, he says , how are you? i say, i’m third, well, i’ve already fallen, then sasha, laugh he’s also like that, he says, the heroes of russia will give you everything. says the squadron commanders, then there was a long period of treatment and a series of hospitals, today for the first time in
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a long time they met again, hello, sasha, why didn’t you call in advance, quietly, normally, hugging, they will remember the details of that assault for a long time, i didn’t hear an explosion, just that when i came to my senses a little bit, my vision was just cloudy, my hand was immediately on my throat, bloody. i can’t understand seryoga, how out of the darkness like this i’ll immediately explain this situation as in the darkness like this: sanya, i am 300. alexander lvakov then continued to command the assault and adjust the fire. due to incessant shelling, the wounded soldier was only able to be evacuated from the battlefield at night. this story so touched the supreme commander-in-chief that he repeatedly retold it at a meeting with members of the north military district and youth, as an example of the courage and heroism of an ordinary russian soldier. when i met the guys, i think. the commander was just telling us that when he was sitting in the compartment and arrived, a comrade was sitting next to him, he covered him
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myself, i say who he is, this is your friend , that’s it, no, he was just nearby, and i, he says, lost him in the hospital, help me find him, but i don’t know, he asked him to be found, even now i don’t know , let’s go back to this, just next to him, the man in the okupa was sitting next to him, he took him and covered him, just. as a comrade in arms, sergei solinov himself, as expected, is a real hero, not considering his act as something outstanding, he says, he was just fulfilling his military duty, his commander has a different opinion on this matter, the award is well deserved, which he received it, it was his, and so they said that he simply gave me life. sergei solinov is still recovering from his severe injuries, but after rehabilitation he firmly intends to return to the front. evgeny golovanov, ntv. thank you. america's security is under threat, the head of the american military department, lloyd austin , said this after another meeting with
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allies on the issue of military assistance to ukraine. the pentagon chief considered the situation on the battlefield for the ukrainian armed forces to be deteriorating as a threat to the united states during a meeting at the german ramstein base austin called on europeans to more actively help kiev. the united states itself, due to disagreements in congress, cannot allocate new funds for military supplies to ukraine and is limited to assurances of its... once the contact group on ukraine meets at the reimstein military base in germany, for the twentieth time the group promises to support ukraine, no longer successful during a counteroffensive, and not in spite of failure. us defense secretary lloyd austin, who has recovered, arrived in germany. while he was ill, the europeans disbanded. the british telegraph writes that by the end of march kiev
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will be left without missiles for the system. once again to the slogan let's save ukraine from putin, europeans have developed resistance against the backdrop of weakening interest in ukraine as such, osin increased the dose of panic and intensity to the level of, let's save the whole world from putin. let's not fool ourselves. putin will not stop at ukraine. that it exhausted the possibilities for transferring military funds last december, however, this week washington rummaged around and found
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$300 million worth of ammunition, which will be enough for kiev for a couple of weeks. for the rest, let it europe is moving, because according to austin, it itself is in danger. so austin came to give the sluggish europeans another session of hyperstimulation. old lady europe has an answer to stimulation. at the next meeting at the ramstein base, we adopted an aid package for ukraine in the amount of 500 million euros. this package includes 10,000 shells from the stocks of our armed forces, we will send them very soon. we are also implementing the czech republic's initiative to send 180,000 shells, the shipment of these shells will be ongoing and will be completed by the summer. in addition, germany has fielded contract for the production of 100.155mm projectiles. deliveries of these shells will begin this year. pistorius called support for ukraine unbreakable, but
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only a country with an unbreakable economy can provide unbreakable support, and the economy. germany did not grow in the twenty-third year, it decreased by 3%. europe has deprived itself of accessible russian energy resources, its economy and industry have sank, and americans have settled here. on the one hand, it is beneficial for them that europe is weakening, on the other hand, it requires an increase in turnover its defense industry, but how to develop something in conditions of an economic and energy crisis, so that europe looks like a driven, hungry horse that is being driven and intimidated with a whip. scholz, unlike macron, is not going to send troops to ukraine, but signals to russia. scholz has no problems with this, his stock of signals is there. the most important thing now is to send a clear signal to the russian president, he must know that his assumption that we will not be able to support ukraine for as long as necessary is wrong, in other words, he should not expect that the us will elect
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a president who will immediately bury
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ukraine. far eastern, about how the amur region natural gas processing is preparing to become a global producer of spelium, why the departure of foreign partners did not prevent the launch of the first technological lines of gazprom’s largest enterprise? report by sergei antsigin. order a free alfabank credit card with a whole year without interest. and you get a supercake in rubles every month. and also withdraw cash from any
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or a million rubles. select osaga. this is the program today, we continue our release. more than 500 specialists will begin this year to work at one of the largest gazprom enterprises, in a far eastern city, a free one, a new one has already been built for them. the plant is an important link in the technological supply chain of natural fuels via the power of siberia gas pipeline to the countries of the asia-pacific region. sergey antsigin found out how the newest gas hub in primorye works. natural gas cannot be seen, but how quickly it is pumped along the main line. the water power of siberia can be heard very well. having covered 1.0 km from fields in yakutia and the irkutsk region, it arrives at the amur gas processing plant to become in demand in many product sectors.
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gazprom's largest enterprise is building a free one in the vicinity of the far eastern city, while the first three lines, half of the already constructed production facilities, operate around the clock. the gas separation plant has the highest columns, although they are called the main ones, but not all of the natural gas is processed. these giants generously share a mixture of nitrogen and helium with colleagues in cryotechnology, this the installation is a kind of extremely cold workshop; gels purified from impurities are cooled here to a record negative temperature. 269°, almost the same, only in outer space. ultra-low temperatures, which make it possible to transform gels from a gaseous state into a liquid, are achieved using special turboexpander devices. the gas rotates the turbine blades at an incredibly high speed, 170,000 revolutions per minute, in the process it loses a huge amount of energy and, according to all the laws of physics , is cooled. special grade liquid helium frequencies, up to 49 after the decimal point, fill volumetric tanks. with the elegant name
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dewar flasks, tractors with isocontainers are parked right under them. we connect the sleeves and the gels are already filled by gravity from the container. it takes about 6 hours. the design of the vessel is also somewhat unique. there is both a vacuum jacket and a nitrogen jacket, which prevents the evaporation of the liquid gel. the amur gas processing plant began regular shipments of gel last year, after they were introduced. two of the three installations for the production of this rare gas were put into operation. during this time , more than 600 tons of liquefied gel have already been delivered to russian and foreign customers. demand for it is growing all over the world. noble gas is used in the production of popular gadgets, the production of medical breathing mixtures in the space industry and many other high-tech fields. to deliver liquid helium from the amur region to anywhere on the planet , convenient logistics were developed several years ago.
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filled with... own fleet of vehicles tractors and containers undergo the necessary maintenance here, then the commercial gels are delivered to the nearest port and reloaded onto sea vessels. each tank container is such a significant industrial batch, so we have the potential to increase this capacity, we will have 60 million cubic meters per year of this product. the largest gel production, the primorsky gel hub is, so to speak, an integral part of the entire logistics chain, and it is needed in order to reach the widest circle of buyers. the gas processing cluster in the far east is being built practically from scratch, and specialists from all over the country come to the amur region to service the world’s largest gas processing plant. for the personnel of the gazprom pererabotka company , blagoveshchensk in the city of svobodny is building a modern residential microdistrict for 5,000 people. for a small one. within the given period, the contractor has already
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put into operation three dozen houses, the apartments in them have an improved layout, all are furnished with the necessary furniture, each has household appliances. in this spacious young spouses alexander and svetlana celebrated their housewarming in a three-room apartment: here ’s your job, here’s your salary, here’s your housing, here’s a kindergarten, a school, all this is accessible, all this is at a modern level , development, medical insurance, it feels like you really have the rear employee and his family - covered, he is protected. there are now more than 3,000 specialists at the gas processing plant, and about 500 more are planning to be employed during this year. the increase in staff is associated with the active development of the enterprise. commissioning is underway these days work on the fourth production line, a total of six are planned. in 2022, when anti-russian sanctions were introduced, foreign partners abandoned the project, but despite the difficulties, russian specialists managed to launch production on their own. after the enterprise reaches
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full capacity, it will process a simply huge volume of natural gas (42 billion cubic meters per year). sergey antsigin, maxim mintsev, ntv far eastern bureau. the european court of justice ruled to lift sanctions against nikita mazepin. son of a russian billionaire dmitry mozepin is known as a participant in formula 1 racing, denis tolalayev joins us. denis, what is so special about this news? yes, only a few people manage to get rid of sanctions. this process, i must say, is not quick, and even the racer needed 2 years. today, the european court of justice overturned eu sanctions against russian racing driver nikita mozepin. the court decided that the relationship with his father, the founder of the uralchem ​​company dmitry mazepin, was not enough for them to be considered bound by common financial interests. sanctions against the european union introduced dmitry and nikita mazepin back
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in march 20. dmitry mazepin himself, as was announced the day after the sanctions, reduced his stake in ural-chem, one of russia's largest fertilizer producers, below his controlling stake. nikita mozepin's career with has was short-lived; he competed for it in formula 1 in the 21st season and took last place in the individual competition. now it's in neutral. use income from frozen russian assets to support ukraine, the vice-president of the european commission announced this valdes dombrovskis. now this idea
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will be considered at the summit of eu heads of state, which will be held tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. in the european union, approximately 210 billion euros of assets of the russian central bank have been frozen. they are mainly located in the belgian depository eurocle. reportedly, depending on rates, eu authorities could receive 2.5-3 billion euros per year in income from these assets. according to euronews, payments could begin as early as july. earlier, the head of european diplomacy borel proposed sending 90% of the proceeds from frozen russian assets to purchase of weapons for ukraine, and transfer the remaining 10% to the eu budget, using this money, as stated, in order to increase the potential of the ukrainian defense
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industry. i’m looking for the same mechanism that blocks stolen devices, but sergei kuzmenko still gives russians hope and doubts that their smartphones will one day turn into bricks. he explains: firstly, smartphones do not indicate which party they are manufactured for, and the license agreement does not provide for such a blocking. secondly, companies can face multi-million dollar lawsuits. in november last year , smartphones running the domestic operating system went on retail sale in russia. aurora, but as the developers reported, these devices will hit the mass market in two or three years. shares of the french company kering are falling in price by 13%. and during trading today they generally showed the strongest decline since 1992 . all this after the company
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forecast first-quarter sales of its biggest brand, gucci, will fall by 20%. gucci is currently undergoing a restructuring. last year the brand changed its creative director. the russian stock market managed to correct upward today after yesterday's fall, the ruble rose in price, the dollar rose in price at the end of the day 92:25, the euro 100 rubles. 29 kop. an agreement on the sale of russian assets to the french company danone has been reached. the vedomosti newspaper wrote about this today, citing a source close to the company. according to him, both the milk producer, the company vamin tatarstan, and... the deputy chairman are interested in the asset government of chechnya yakub zakriev, who became the general director of the russian danone after it was transferred under the management of the federal property management agency. according to the publication’s interlocutor, the new owners will pay for the asset 50/50. the price is not mentioned, but the financial times previously wrote that the amount was 17
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billion 700 million rubles. and this, according to the general director of the agency infolay-analyst mikhail burmistrov, is 3-3 and a half times less than the fair value. danone has 13 factories in russia. 8 months russian assets of the french by order of vladimir putin were under the control of the federal property management agency, but a week ago the president canceled this program , apparently, just to prepare for the deal, everything about the economy, thank you denis talalaev with an economic review of the day, this is the program for today, watch after a short advertisement, the balalaika is the russian soul , on the memorable date of the appearance of the first balolaishnikov orchestra in st. petersburg, ilya fedosov went to rehearsal. chickenburger for 39 rubles and other offers at a very competitive price, only at
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, get to the point with work, if you want to become a modern individual entrepreneur and not pay a commission from a transfer to a cash account, then open a business account on this program today. we continue our release. the nine millionth visitor to the russia exhibition won a trip to baikal today. the anniversary guest was nine-year-old andrei baterov, who came there with his parents and sister sofia. it is curious that initially the batorovs were going to go to vdnkh tomorrow, but at the insistence of their mother they ended up there today. i was shocked, i just walked around the corner and thought, oh well. this happens, because, in principle, none of us have been globally lucky before. well, i hope
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we haven't exhausted it. unforgettable awaits adventure, family trip to lake baikal, they will stay in one of the best hotels, try local cuisine and go on excursions, including to the husky park. after the award ceremony, guests were taken through the exhibition in the fifty-ninth pavilion, which is dedicated to the past, present and future of russian cities. 136 years ago. march balalaika, which, it would seem, should only be accompanied by bast shoes and a braid, solemnly entered the stage, accompanied by people in tailcoats. the balalaika was adored by fyodor chaliapin; members of the tsar’s royal family learned to play it. family, ilya fedosov traced how the most russian folk instrument made an impressive journey from the dump to the conservatory. the terem folk instruments orchestra sounds cheerfully even in the premises of the former office, although,
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of course, i would prefer to rehearse in more comfortable conditions, but this is a russian tradition. the very first concert in history of a circle of balalaika lovers took place in the hall of the credit society. that performance caused a resonance and divided the audience into those who argued that balalaikas have no place in decent society of fans of the updated instrument. vasily andreev improved the folk balalaika. he decided to make an ensemble out of a simple instrument according to the principle of the neapolitan orchestra, by scaling it. at first there was an ordinary balalaika, a primo balalaika, then a balalaika second appeared, a little larger, finally a viola appeared, followed by a balalaika bass - this is something in between the viola and the balalaika double bass, which set the final correct point, then the orchestra began to sound. the contrabass balalaika immediately became a favorite children and women. but for a long time she remained in the background. her academic colleagues, double bass and tuba, have already performed solo roles.
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while the double bass balalaika still played purely bass lines. significant. stradivarius for the italian. joseph golinis died during the siege. abas miraculously survived those terrible days when stoves in leningrad were heated with parquet, books and musical
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instruments. therefore, there are practically no such unique balalaikas left in the city. and
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quickly remember. georgy nefyodov plays jazz on the balalaika and not then the blues pentatonic scale, although it is present, is improvisation in the russian style. the idea is very simple: balaika is an instrument that can exist in a variety of genres, but why jazz?
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because this is improvisational music, and improvisation is one of the most... evgeniya, what kind of weather can we expect tomorrow? the cold snap turned out to be very short, as we promised. then the wind will change to the south near the middle zone, with several sunny days ahead. an anticyclone has entered the weather arena, but it is responsible for the night frosts. in koluga, in lipetsk and ryazan the temperature after midnight will drop to -8. but during the day in the center
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the air warms up to +10. true, this is only in smolensk. the further you go to the east, the cooler it gets. in vladimir +6, on the banks of the volga maximum +2 -4, but sunny. the same indicators are in polar mormonsk, there is also +2, but because of the cyclone it will not do without steamy wind and wet snow. but in the northwest it will rain, and it will rain here for a long time, but the air will be warm. in velikiye luki +9. it's spring in the southern regions pause, in yalta it’s also +9. rain, snowfall in the mountains, in the lower reaches the sun is hidden behind thick clouds, weather. and cool. about the weather in the capitals after a short pause. wind of favorable changes for your finances. with a new deposit, income is always profitable. high interest rate - 16.51% per annum for new clients. bank ural sip. confidence and stability in any weather conditions. even in warm weather, a common
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runny nose can turn into sinusitis. treat a runny nose correctly. take orvis tablets. from the company evalar. orvis rina even treats persistent runny nose. orvis rina, don’t let your runny nose turn into sinusitis. if you have a runny nose, sinusitis, do not allow sinusitis, take it. urvis rina. urvis rina even treats a persistent runny nose. urvis rina. don't let your runny nose turn into sinusitis. in st. petersburg tomorrow it will be +6 and light rain. in moscow at night it will freeze to -7; during the day it will also be +6 and sunny. there are two more sunny days ahead, but on saturday night it will start raining and it will rain all weekend. well, let's be patient. nothing. evgeniya, thank you. this was the weather forecast from evgenia neronskaya. these are the main news for this hour. it's premiering right now. well, we, igor poletaev and aina nikolaeva, thank
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you for your attention, all the best to you. hey, what are you doing, give it to me, you bastard, and mom,


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