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tv   Pasechnik-2  NTV  March 21, 2024 4:55am-6:31am MSK

4:55 am
yes, hello, i have a person with recommendations, would you like to meet me? let's go first. this is all between us, tomorrow evening at 19:00 , as usual, i’m listening, hello, lev riryanich, hello, starkov, i have a request to you, wait, you checked everything there, yes, of course, you did a check, as you asked , well done, what a request , but the request is this: perhaps i will need
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a vacation, only at my own expense, yes, at my own expense, but what happened, i need to visit my uncle in kemerovo, and what’s wrong with him, he’s sick, well then i need to help him, no problem, go, thank you huge, leviyanovich, but this is not yet certain, as soon as you find out everything, call me, yes, of course, as soon as i find out, i’ll call you right away, all the connections.
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well, that's it, the circle is already over, and guess the riddle, oh well, just one. i also want to ride like a hedgehog milking, but is he a cow? probably the hedgehog is milking carefully, there’s still a circle, but it’s silent, i’ll tell dad everything, vadim , give me the bike, now, come here, okay, hold it, you’re a cow yourself, come here, so, what are you doing, you her should protect, but you offend him, how long has it been, damn it? i forgot something, didn’t you forget something like that, gleb?
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we’re also horseless now, well , it’s okay, horseless now we’ll get there by bus, why does the session start in an hour , let’s go to the next one, let’s go, well, it’s evening duty for me, why did you always work, right? i forgot, uh-huh, listen, since this kind of thing doesn’t work out in the movies, there is another proposal, so , let’s go fishing, hurray, go fishing, the proposal is, of course, interesting, but something somehow, stop it, oksan, let’s go fishing , we’ll buy it now, okay, it’s like you ’ve worked hard on harnesses, i’ve told you 100 times scumbags, don't mess with me, i'm working.
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people, i have a principle, listen, when you find out how much they are willing to pay, you will forget about your principles, not life, dear, so much so that you don’t even want to find out what their prices are, well, what? what's real? it couldn't be more real. the main thing is that they take a lot at once and pay in cash. that's why i whistled to them about you. so what? are we stirring things up? okay, give me my coordinates. wow, gleb, thank you, great. well, gleb,
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the perch will fall for such a spinner, the catfish will fall for it, especially. we have to try, when we go, where to try, at the end of the week we’ll go, i don’t mind, great, everything is covered, oh wait, i forgot to take some fishing line in reserve, come on, yeah, are you glad that we swapped the movie for fishing, i don’t care as long as my son is happy, but what can i do to make you happy too, remember what you promised me. look at the fishing line i bought, oh, it’s not even a fishing line, it’s a braided line, let’s catch a pike like this, we’ll catch pikes.
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good evening, the lack of a picture doesn’t bother you, not at all, you were recommended to me reliable people, in order to come to an agreement, i don’t need to know who you are or what you look like, you’re interested. you don’t have to worry so much, you are far from my first client, believe me, everyone was happy , you know where i work, this is one of the leading cutting enterprises in the country, and i
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head the security service there, so if anyone can bear it if there was a pebble behind the fence, then it’s me. the stones are good, the best, where you can pick them up, i’ll tell you the exact place later, if of course everything suits you, it’s probably there will be a small provincial town, an ordinary market, an inconspicuous seller, that is, me, well , since you recognize my people, well , they’ll just... show me this, i ’ll send you the picture later, if of course everything suits you, get ready for to me.
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lepka, we'll meet in half an hour. in the kitchen, there is a conversation.
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in general, glebka, we need to break down the concepts. well, well, i fixed the bean, well done, the bees are back, that’s the same thing. and now the main schedule.
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look, the business plan, everything is written down there, every jar is already packed, makarych, when is it you i managed to do everything while you were sitting in the cop's pants, now we need to solve the main issue, i think you get a glebka, 30% of the profit, in makarych, that makarych, makarych,
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i'll sort out the honey, i'll distribute it, i 'll negotiate with the machine, i'll you should stand in the market under the sun, but it’s 50/50, your face will crack. 40%, this is my last word, well, no deception, glebka, well, you know me, well, when i deceived you, did you agree. oh, damn, it wasn’t easy to bring it, who’s there? who, who?
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this is your bloodsucker, who is smeared with honey. listen, can you send it to me? i can intelligent according to the concept that you are trampling my land, huh? no, no, no, no, i’ll do it myself. well , on my own. hello. well, great. is gleb at home? why do i know, am i your secretary or something? maybe i'll take a look, rescany. oh, leb, hi, hi, what have you come? can i come through? come in, i was about to leave, i understand, i was thinking the day before, somehow. everything, but with you it’s wrong, i agree, this needs to end, yes, trust
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still needs to be earned, and love in general is somehow subtle, well, i’m glad that you understand me, especially since all these quarrels, all these clarification, the relationship will not lead to anything good, of course, let’s not quarrel, let’s not quarrel, that’s why i want... “i understand that it’s difficult for you now, but be kind, start looking for housing. okay, gleb, if you want it, i'll do it, i'll leave. well, we agreed. gleb, aren't you bored, let's do without any obligations, i want you so bad, rowing, what are you, what are you doing? otherwise we'll have to detain
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for indecent behavior. well, okay, let's not quarrel. come on. load, back it's like yes, and it's like trade come on, i'll call you, here you go! as we agreed on this greasy evening, soldier, here, hello, great, local, yes, well, if you don’t organize local transport, the goods
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need to be transferred, now, i’ll do it now. well, they kind of shuddered, the earth is trembling, makarych is coming, listen, let’s drive to the office, we need to rub shoulders with the local plowman so that the cloud is good. come on,
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come on, be careful! write, that’s all, or what? grandfather, what about the money? money? what money? in the evening, in the evening you come in, money, what is it? no, what are you doing? what, what, what do i? i have permission for two windows. oh, no more, i'm sorry, that's it, everything's fine, well, start, uh, what are you doing, what? well , like this, well, like this, like this, then
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like this, scavenger, okay, you have a place over there, that’s enough for everyone, well, come on! off we go, hey, people, come on, come on, come on, come on, honey, fresh, free, what have you, it’s already there, but keep an eye on it, if anything seems strange, call right away, hero , too... you made me look like a hat, who are you, gleb sbroib, no one you , no one, no one, your doctor no one is living something, no one what, well what , now i have fun, come, come, take honey, sick healing honey, try, try,
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try, try, here’s a big, big jar, so what kind ? “it’s always unpleasant to talk about adultery, so i want to assure you right away that our conversation will be extremely delicate and friendly. one day elina found out about her own father’s betrayal. some time passes and alimony comes. mom is shocked that, where, where, what, is found out that dad, gone to army, married a second time
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, he had a girl there, in general this was a taboo topic in our country, and now he dreams of finding him.” and his sister, if she has a grudge against her father, he wants to apologize, despite all his actions, he he was a very good person, as well as the incredible story of natalya, who was abandoned at the station by her own mother 44 years ago, and it’s hard for me to understand how to turn around , leave your child, go on, wait for me, tomorrow at 17:55 on ntv. he returned from the war, welcome back, but his hometown has turned to a hot spot, and we ran back, “ well, did you hear, so what? it’s okay, you have to pay, understand, it’s the same war here, only it’s more complicated, and i strangled these freaks with my own hands, i agree, you just
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strangle these ones, others will come, they’re also cops.” they're going to cover the campaign, we have to cut it down at the roots, i don't have to talk to you at all, cover everything in cabbage, come on, start, you can only fight for justice shoulder to shoulder , i give you my word of honor, the word of an officer, warmly"? we took the city, we must hold it, from monday at 22:10 on ntv, delicious honey, right now, just a minute, i ’ll calculate it, so okay, no change, no change, i’d like to eat it myself before i need the money, you can take this away or bring it, loud, good, man, let’s eat, everything will be fine, people, come over , come over.
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come on, come on, like this, come on, quietly, quietly , quietly, quietly, quietly, what happened, can you hear me, i don’t understand anything, the pulse seems to be normal
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, what happened, it seems to have let go, oh, i can’t, again, again, breathe , i can not.
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maybe you’ll stop playing the fool, well, you’ll come three more times, and then we’ll see, and if i don’t come, if you come, you have no right, and if not, then i will complain, you will have very big problems.
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gleb, either you help me, or i’ll strangle her, oh-oh-oh, how nervous we are, come on! oh, it’s so good that i had time, please give me this mod, take it, take it, people took it, thank you very much, thank you, oh, here i am, what do we need, what will we take, guys, what will we take, we will , we’ll take money, what, you’re trading in our market, you’re not sharing with us, it’s not good, why am i scared to share with you? must have a license to sell honey there is, you know, i forgot it at home, well, you can’t
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trade without a license, grandpa. you'll have to buy a license, without a bazaar, here it is, here it is, that's enough , just show me, we'll see, it'll go like this, but i saw that you shouldn't be doing that, grandpa, and i'm not your grandfather, grandson, it's better not to quarrel with us , and then what will happen, and what will happen, tell me, huh? help the person are you bad?
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hello, i'm sorry, yes, it's me again, you can think whatever you want, but i'm really feeling bad now, i ask you, please come, if you don't come and something happens to me, it's on of course, you’ll come, like a dear, she
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won’t come. and you get ready, where to the department, signatures here and here. i’m happy, i hope the telephone hooliganism is over or not , this will happen again, i’ll let the matter proceed, it’s clear, you’ve already found the criminal for me, i don’t hear the answers, yes, tell your doctor that
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she can sleep peacefully, i’m more... disturbing, but you also know that tell me that the fool is naive, that she is waiting for a beautiful wedding, like people have, but this will never happen, that’s another reason, because you are gleb sbruev, that’s all it is said that you will never be able to be a normal man, you will not have any wedding at all, will she run away from you as soon as she understands what kind of person this is? you don’t need anything in life, just this cop of yours, you are an empty place, you don’t even have money for a wedding, what do you mean, what did you hear, don’t even think that i will return anything to you, that’s all - it happened, wow, i went up to him to ask,
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what about the honey, he fell, bam , your crazy, i realized when i was running out of time, you were still walking under the table, okay, okay, we are on good terms, according to our principles, i see, an authoritative pensioner, well, maybe we can agree on honesty, but how much do you want?
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how many? we agreed, in an hour and a half the market closes, go across the road to the garages, there you will get your share , he will find you there, and we will find you ourselves, not a single dog is snooping around there without us, where are you? we’re entering the city, we’ll be there soon, you don’t have to rush yet, what happened? we have problems, i'll see what's what, so there will be information, i'll call, we're not going to the market, take a ride around the city, we're not in a hurry, uh,
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schumacher, don’t drive, the garages are somewhere, well, that’s where the steering wheels are, that’s where the steering wheel is, the steering wheel. wait, then i'll do it myself, hold on, yeah, thanks, kid, good luck, don't look. and if it’s trendy, here we are, we’re normal people, we can
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negotiate, we would have agreed with you if we wanted, it’s in vain that you started panting with us, what are you, what are you guys? hello, hello, this is gleb, zbroev, no, they’re lying , listen, here’s the thing, i need money, in return, what a bastard, of course, this is gleb sbruev, remember this one, i need money for a couple of months, in general, it’s a wedding i'm missing
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just a little help, but no, i’m not in moscow, in novoaleksandrovka, well, because , of course, it happens, until september, it’s very necessary, excuse me, i understand, well, yes, yes, there’s a crisis. perepelets, you won’t be able to borrow money, gleb, i bought a refrigerator last month, and my loan for the tv has not yet been paid off, forget it, quail. oh, thank you, lenechka,
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well, you have everything in the store, well, you’re always welcome to come, yeah, oh, that’s how you got married, well, everything has become different for you, oh, well done, lika, oh, well done , set decent earnings, oh, damn, i forgot, what about you? yes, no, well, she just praised, but wait, wait , leika brought a whole box from the region, here are the receipts, women’s, three pairs, what, which ones did i receive, so, but can i open it, but no, i won’t let you open it, that’s why this , but first buy it, then open it, otherwise my face will scold me, what if there are only tops, what other tops? well, it’s written “receipts”, which means “half-stocking”, which half is the top, the bottom, well, lyuska, don’t get smart with me here, you either buy it or not, oh, you know , lenechki, you were a redneck, you’re a redneck remained, eat.
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hello, gleb, what are you doing? is there anyone in the store? no, no one, so what? conversation? well, come in,
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gleb, maybe you can explain what happened, you ’re kind of strange today, yes, how the business is going, it’s going, it’s normal, and there’s a profit, well, there’s. the crust is fresh from yesterday. lyon, you’re the only one in our village. he's so enterprising. oh, guess what i came? well, just a little bit. you are it, me. you will, what are you giving, well, i’m doing all sorts of things, but
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i didn’t expect this from you, yay to protect, well , no, no, excuse me, of course, well, it came out by accident , well, i didn’t wait to protect you, no, explain, explain , what happened, i ’ve been calling my friends in moscow all day this morning, asking for money, you know, i have a house, a construction site, a wedding is coming up, someone else asked for money,
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no... at first everything went according to plan, he arrived on time, took a seat, paid the locals, got up quietly, then everything went wrong, he had an attack, they called an ambulance, it turned out to be diabetes, in general he miraculously survived, and what don’t you like ? i don’t like random problems, i don’t like randomness, what if that’s all
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wiring, they are deliberately luring us out, we will show up and they will take us with live bait, although it seems like he almost leaned back, you can’t pretend, but what about the stones, the local riffraff made a fuss, we’d better, they think there’s honey in there, let them have it for now ... it will be more reliable this way, the address of the hospital where he was taken, we need to go and talk to her first, let’s go to the hospital.
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hello, come in, thank you. oksana, hush, hush, vachik just fell asleep, okay, first of all, lena, that, again, she will never disturb us again, secondly, i agreed with quail, on monday he will replace me, and you and i can go to the tax office to submit an application, thirdly, and what thirdly? you really wanted to see me, but it goes without saying, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet,
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don’t worry so much, you’re very lucky, the ambulance arrived quickly, people were nearby, do you even understand what glycemic control is? coma, quiet, sneeze, quiet, you can’t worry now, you need to lie down to rest, honey where, what, where is my meth, i don’t know anything about meth, you were brought from the market in very bad condition condition, well, quiet, quiet, quiet , you can’t get up, don’t you understand, you could have died today, but you don’t understand anything, you fool, they’ll kill me if i stay here, where are my clothes? i don’t know, i’m just a nurse on duty , where are the clothes, i’ll go find out now , i’ll try, let’s quickly
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find out where he is, then you’ll let me know. uh-huh, ok, man, who are you talking to, brother, you have my korich, they brought it from the market, where is it?
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but he was just lying here. maybe he jumped out? here, listen, listen, i would like to sit down. this is the one picture, here is the money, as agreed, everything
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is correct, where are the stones? i brought it to me as agreed, and not in jars, i just need to return the honey, i had an attack. you can check this with doctors, i didn’t even know that i had diabetes, i thought it was just blood pressure, really, let’s say, but my friend, who has damn well developed intuition, doesn’t like all this very much, he doesn’t believe in the attacks that happen at the most inopportune moment, but i couldn’t foresee an attack, but i... never had anything like that, never, there is a proposal, i will count to
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three, and at this time you will tell us the whole truth, listen, the truth, i already said, it was an attack, it’s true, in my opinion he’s not lying. and all the time he comes , messes something up, you still swear, you yourself are beaten like a dog, because there is no living place, okay, but he said something, but no, nothing, he came, fell because of... yes, he was unsatisfactory, so he traded, quietly, quietly, his own,
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you, should have a drink, is he alive? that’s how it all happened,
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our competitors took away the remaining honey, i fought like the beast for our common property and our profits in general. so i’ll have to read more for such heroism, that’s enough, write, but what to write about what was taken away, that’s possible. oh, dump them, dump them on the bastards, grandfather, makarovich, relatives, mobile
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phone, two man purses, watches, take away this list, competitors, so, okay, wait, i don’t understand something, are you really up to it, but i’ll go find out, grandfather, of course, lied, but it’s clear that he got it. go to sleep, maybe you’re right, otherwise i’m sure i
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’ll kill someone for a wet thing, i’ll sit down for a wet thing, i ’ll show you a wet one. you see, so go, glebka, alone, take vaska with you, it’s true he’s of little use, well, maybe he can at least stand his ground, i’ll show you vaska to run around, he’s more useful than some, you see, okay, glebka, i’ll go to bed, but let's. yes, well, how are we going to look for them in this crowd , we’ll figure it out, oops, i’ll bet 20 to one that these are our clients, oh well, that’s okay for you, he ’s the healthier one in charge, where did you
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get the idea from, i’d like to say , that deduction, but does not want to lie. experience, vasya, market kedals are like a special race, everything is on their face it’s written, you just need to be able to read, vasya, let’s go get them, hello, hello, can i have a glass of beer, what kind, light, please, thank you, no change, thank you. what is this dirt? brother, can i have a napkin from your table? easily. 20 bucks. somewhat expensive. is it possible to get a discount from a colleague? hey, little man, who did you write down as your colleague, us or what? well, who?
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birds of a feather flock together. and fisherman, you confused us with someone else, so what? but aren’t you the ones looking after the orent, you walk under eremey, under what eremey, like eremey, dried up, that it’s not under him, i personally don’t know any dried up eremey, who do you know, sucker, we go under him, so you don’t know? the trotter doesn’t work here anymore, that is , how it doesn’t work, the trotter gave the market to eremia , along with you, so now you have a new owner, you’ll meet him soon, bye, it’s them, follow them, i understand what?
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let's get the rat, and at the same time we'll find out why. uh, guys, oh, you again, what have you told us, fraerok, yes, it’s just me to get acquainted, yes, i see you ’re muddying the waters, well, sort of, in short, it’s up to you there is something that we learn for the first time, his name is
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timofey makarovich, he lives in novoaleksandrovka, he went to this market. i haven’t heard about this, it’s a pity, we were thinking of reaching an agreement peacefully, here’s a bummer for you, it’s not your day, guys, it’s not good for pensioners to run away, and what kind of old man did you decide in the press, well then listen, you guessed it, yes , we ditched him and we’ll ditch him again if he comes to us, but the kishkatanka is teaching me, well, depending on how you look at it, well, what, vasya, is it a pity? it doesn’t work out peacefully, that’s why your little one can handle it, yes, oh, no, i myself, myself, myself, yourself, you're choking.
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listen, you're a tough man, why isn't he , go, that's it, that's it, that's it, that's it, that's it, guys, now let's go back to our sheep,
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23 liters of honey, how much, here's the paper, no, that is, no , it’s not good, the honey should be returned, otherwise
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grandpa will be very upset, then the lining with honey came out, what kind of lining, in general, we sold it where, well, i mean, we sold it, and what are we going to do now? but guys, we ’ll give you money for the ideals, no, it won’t be money, this is some kind of extortion , of course, no, it won’t be money let's take it, let's smash everything here , we'll smash it, we'll smash it, we'll smash it, where do we start, i 'd start with the service, well, guys, well, don't do that, well, you'll have honey, well, what's the difference, it's not the same honey, it's the other honey, come on drag it. well, this is a fit, now we’ll defuse everything,
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okay, good, we’ll see for ourselves whether you would have ended this, we’re still kind, but you ’ll end up badly, that’s for sure. that’s it, thank you, eh, borisenko would have seen all this, he would have liked it, part-time employee, free time from work, exactly, what’s so sloppy, well, i didn’t mean, sorry, christmas tree-sticks, huh? fake, makarych will be upset, oh well, i ’ll deal with him, now, let’s get the car all dirty, be careful, you’ll cut yourself, okay, what are you doing, be quiet, look,
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it doesn’t look like glass. “i was stupefied that makarych was in trouble, and that the negotiators, how successful, what is not visible, stood on the steward, well done, vasya, let
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’s quickly, there’s little time, i’m waiting for a call, i didn’t understand, and what vaska was screwing up, that you are so depressed that you caught, or something, a slap, what are you, don’t judge, two games, yes, leave me alone, i say, i’ll return it now, golet, de, can you tell me what happened there? yours, wow, they returned it, but honey, gleb, there was still honey there, i didn’t understand what happened, makarevich, that there are two games, that there are two games , give me the money, hold on, boring, maybe this is small, leave me alone, well, as you know, i’ll come by later. come in, vip,
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did you have a fight with vaska, or what? well, why are you silent? of course, i got a mobile phone and lost money. but it’s no longer possible to talk to makarych, or what? leave me alone, let me think. oh, what are we thinking about? about life. we'll think, we'll think together, that's how you broke in with them, you said that it’s from me that they say makarych from novoalleksandrovka sends you greetings, but listen, i found out the recipe for medicinal moonshine, a miracle of nature, it takes away everything that ails you, and if you add the right spices, then in general you get living water, but no, ah...
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hello, hi, great leb , hi, well, what, i'm getting ready to go fishing, let's go and whisper, now, i want to talk to you like a man, try to understand me, things have developed in such a way that we won't be able to go fishing today, and it's not because i don't want to, i really want to, but it will happen it’s better if you and your mom stay at home today, i can’t. explain, believe
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me, it will be better, that’s it, mom, let’s go home , there won’t be any fishing, so, well, wait, vadim, look what happened, i’ll explain later, let me give you a lift, vad, i feel bad myself because i didn’t keep my promise, but next time, next time we’ll definitely go, agreed, yes, gleb, just tell me, are you all right? yes, exactly, move, come on, baby, what kind of freaks were they, not locals, after all, they turned out like fools! you're a passport somewhere
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saw? yes, i saw it, from novoalleksandrovka, it’s a neighboring area. this means that all is not lost yet. excuse me, are you something like that? hello, there was a small problem. one of our friends lost a very valuable cargo. what do we have to do with it? but this is what we will find out now. you seem to be in charge here, right? i have one question: where is our honey? offended? yes, vadim, come on! vadim
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, i ask you, thank you, vad, believe me, i really had no other choice, well , of course, you are always so mature, you always have reasons, we can’t, in fact, you you just don’t want to, but you’re just a liar, a liar, a liar, yourself... i say that a man must keep his word, himself, you’re a liar, i ’ll talk to him. in fact, he is right, but i really had no choice, i know, i feel something happened, but if you don’t say it, then it’s necessary, thank you, then you’ll tell the truth, of course, be careful in
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the bottom, i promise. it’s possible, you’re in vain to drive like this, you know, promises must be kept, of course, but sometimes things happen that force people to change their decisions. very often difficult to decide what is more important, it means that gleb ’s work is more important than us, i think no, at the same time, yes, gleb always has to choose, you know, i think that because of this
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he often gets hurt, come to me, i i’ll tell you one story, come, come here, come, like this, when i... was little , my mother read different books to me, here in one of them there was a story, it was called honestly, about a boy who played in the park in war with the older guys, they put him to guard a toy gunpowder warehouse and took him from my word of honor that he wouldn’t go anywhere, and he gave his word of honor, well, it got dark, all the guys ran home and forgot about him, but he stood and stood, because he gave his word of honor, his parents are probably very much for him we were worried, but the word was more important for him at that moment. what happened next? further, further, he was met by one person, a good one, like gleb, and he freed the boy from this word, because he was an adult and could choose what was more important. gleb has a very developed sense of responsibility, and responsibility is
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this is the price to pay for the opportunity to choose. does that mean gleb didn’t deceive me? well, of course not , he just couldn’t tell you everything, and when he... can, he’ll definitely explain why everything turned out this way, do you think he ’ll forgive her, of course, if you forgive him, really, yeah. listen, i see the village, there
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are stones there, your stones, which you must give to us, now you will go there and fix everything, clearly, you will find makarych’s house. then act according to the circumstances, untie him, someone will go with me, you're in trouble, you and to sort out, there will be stones, you will get the money , give me the gun, you have exactly an hour to return the stones, time has passed, and... and you are just a liar, a liar, a liar, you yourself always say that a man should keep his word, himself, you are a cheater.
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sorry mom, i need to apologize.
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what, i plant, where is my honey? oh, have you come to your senses? grandfather, i don’t have time, i need honey, i know you have it, calm down, police, well done, grandfather, good job. now we slowly lower the gun, do what he says, wait another
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second, i’ll tell you everything, they’re here, listen, they are nearby, i have to take them to them, i will tell you everything, i am ready to cooperate. stop the police!
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there are no vampires, these are all fairy tales, there are no vampires, well, what does he remember. and this table left, deep, and i knew him from where, and he also traded at the market, they stood in the same row, that you, it seems to me, i’m beginning to understand what happened. these guys who killed him are more serious than those in the market, i wonder who they are?
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competitors? here, there’s a good one, gray-haired, hello, i don’t know who you are, but i’m sure we ’ll agree on what? i need the honey you took, i know that you did it under pressure. and i’m ready to compensate you for all the costs, and what the amount of compensation will be, i offer a million rubles, your honey is expensive, i need to think, i’ll give you an hour, i don’t understand something, are they a million or something? offers, yes, so why are you
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kidding, agree, not everything is so simple, grandfather, large-scale projects, modern technologies, new horizons, russia of the present and future, touch all the achievements at the main exhibition site of the country. 131 exposition: business events, lectures, fairs, concerts and dozens of other events. everything that russia admires. immerse yourself in an incredible atmosphere of pride for your country. come to the russia forum exhibition. stars, premieres on saturday at 21:20 on
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, it will get colder again, in the south of the continent there is almost no change, everything is still slightly above zero, but without... precipitation in siberia, heat islands near baikal and closer to the urals, the rest of the territory cold arctic air filled, the most severe frosts were in taimyr, almost 25 there, in the south, in krasnoyarsk, novosibirsk about -5. in the north of european territory, under the influence of the cyclone, it will become a little warmer, but precipitation will begin. there is wet snow on the kul peninsula and kareli, and rain on the baltic coast. and in the middle zone, under the wing of the anticyclone , it is sunny and without precipitation and from plus nine in smolensk to +4 in tula. in the south it is rainy and windy, here the sunny spring has taken a break. in st. petersburg today it’s +6 and raining, in moscow without precipitation is also +6. the sun will last until saturday, but then there will be more rain. if your joints bother you when the weather changes, take rheumoflex. it helps reduce joint pain without damaging the stomach, and also normalizes uric acid levels.
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rheumoflex evalar - movement without pain in any weather. how to reduce joint pain without harm? rheumoflex helps reduce joint pain without damaging the stomach, and also normalizes the level of uric acid, preventing its deposition in the joints. revmoflex evalar - movement without pain. oh who does that go there? vadik, hello, hello, what are you doing here? and we are gleb’s colleagues, greetings from your mother. yes, a corpse, a gunshot, the killer escaped. okay, bye, what's up with this? glebka, and so makarych, that’s it, come on , you go to atlantis, you’ll sit there, and what are you
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going to do, and i’ll meet with the owners of the honey, i’m with you, it will be more respectable, no, makar, that’s dangerous, i'm alone, why don't you trust me? grandfather, go to atlantis, don’t yell, you’d better tell me what you’ve decided, do we agree to their terms, grandfather? what, grandfather, don’t even think about refusing , it made us feel better, a million rubles, i’m not like a motorcycle, i’ll buy myself a patriot , we’ll celebrate a wedding for you and ksyukha, atlantis and i are going to sochi or yalta, why are you laughing, wow , the cop he was, remains the same, you will die in poverty. wow, cool, you can , of course, just take off the hair dryer, and that’s me, what are you thinking,
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i agree, where will we meet, a kilometer north of the village there is an abandoned farm, it ’s hard not to notice, let’s meet there at dawn, from me honey connection money, good, but look without any pretense, what do you mean, i know what’s there? and what does this change? nothing, the cops are just like everyone else, they’re sold, so what’s the problem? i’ll give you someone now, vadik, talk to gleb, otherwise he’s worried, with gleb? uh-huh, hello, vadik? yes, hi, please forgive me, i was wrong, i didn’t mean to offend you. vadik, how did you end up there? well , i wanted to come to you, sorry. and i had a flat tire, and then i met your colleagues, they picked me up and said that they would take me to you and also fix my bike,
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vadik, no one is offending you there, no, your colleagues told me that you are on a responsible assignment, yes, yes, i will be free soon, vadik, please give the phone to my colleague, you have the phone, yeah, that’s it. i got it, now listen to me, if anything happens to the boy, you’ll never see your trousers, i got it, i found it, that means i found it, so don’t wait, i’m waiting for you at the farm at dawn, trousers.
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take the kid, wadi, if you want, i’ll show you how to throw a knife, yeah, help me, so as soon as he shows the diamonds, immediately leave his. dude, look there.
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cool! where is the vadik? where's the honey? first boy, scare! class! there they ask for a guy
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, give me your hand, let's go, forest, vadik, okay, yes, your colleague taught me how to throw knives, he does it so well, okay, get in the car. now i will talk with my colleagues and we will go home, okay, well, where are our jars of honey, over there, you want to say that our stones are there, yes, i hid them, and where is my money, the money is in the car, show me the stones, you'll get the money,
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okay. i hid the bank over there by that tree. so where are our stones? here they are, standing for everyone, weapon on the ground, on the ground, i said, stand, stand, i said, weapon on the ground, stand, shoot, stand, hands, arms, go, forward,
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hands, arms, weapon on the ground, i said, put it down, well done , guy , come on, get up behind your back, go ahead, well, congratulations, vadik is in the car, great, let’s take them away, guys, stand here, don’t hide, makarych, put it aside, don’t shoot, put the gun down, makarych, i’m telling you said at atlantis. sit, i came to save you, everyone has already been saved, get down, let’s go, forward, but how am i going to get out of here? if you climbed up, you’ll get off, well, hero, you’re not afraid of anything, no, glibka, and what about the money, that means there won’t be anything, come on, sit down, makarych,
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really... did you really think that i would take gangster money , no, of course , glebka’s gadgets, i thought you were risking your life for our money, you almost set yourself up, but it means everything was planned in advance, yes, yes, thanks, and thanks to him, weapons, come on, come on, come on, can you imagine, it’s not charged, i have them here. well, you give me, makarish, daredevil, respect to you, that’s how gleb’s life works, yes, if it weren’t for mine mistake with the bags , they wouldn’t have known anything about the diamonds, you’ll take your grandfather, come on, ugh, grandfather, i’ll take you with pleasure, with great pleasure, at the same time i’ll check his license to store and carry weapons, and what am i going to check, these are weapons this is not mine, this is
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atlantis, let's go, let's go. what about me? yes , i’m just kidding, you’re an infection! why do i miss you, i miss you, i can’t warn you, i wanted to do something to myself , and why did you become so thick, and what is it, they could even see me, but no one saw me, you understand that you could have put our whole plan, calm down, the car, where you left it, i
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left it, i came on foot, but the village is sleeping , it will wake up only in an hour and a half, with you for an hour and a half, yes, god, how bored i am. well, soon you will become oksana valerievna sbrueva. what do you think it sounds like? i can't wait for it to finally happen. what if he doesn’t like that i’m changing my last name? if he likes it, we’ll also change his last name. whether he wants to be an armored person or not , it doesn’t matter. went. we wish you the best morning, further in the program, we listen to the chronicle of the emergency
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incident, we will arrange a personal search of the car in first gear, tv program emergency in the studio of valeria gavrilovskaya. the conflict between neighbors in a suburban area in kursk in its development transformed into animal hatred. men have long since become personal, but at some point this was not enough. this pomeranian spitz pupi and the girl cannot tell the owner how much pain she is in, she doesn’t even whine, silently looks at the owner, the owner looks at her. in these shots, pupi has just recovered from the shock of anesthesia after emergency surgery on her back, bullet wound. the decorative dog remained disabled forever. the owner of the animal is sure of all this. the love result of many years of neighborly feuds, as if a black cat ran between them, someone fired several bullets at the animals while they were walking in a fenced area, all the suspicions of the novel fell on the owner of the neighboring plot, and as he believes, not without reason, we told him,
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that's what you did dog, he said, i was drunk, maybe i had a squirrel.


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