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tv   Segodnya  NTV  March 21, 2024 8:00am-8:26am MSK

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while it is not safe at home, several regions are ready to receive children from the belgorod region, as the first guests were greeted in voronezh, at the end of people’s lives, the progress of the operation against...
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shelling by terrorists of the kiev regime. now literally the whole country is helping. through joint efforts, social facilities are being restored in border areas, where the situation is most difficult, and food and water are being delivered to residents. the victims are taken for treatment to leading federal centers. a fourteen-year-old schoolboy, wounded, was brought to moscow ukrainian shell in belgorod. according to doctors, the boy's condition is moderate, he suffered from a mine explosion, his arm and chest were damaged. today in the russian nursery.
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according to the regional operational headquarters, in the last week alone in the belgorod region , 16 civilians were killed, 98 people were injured, residential buildings, social and energy facilities were damaged.
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they brought me bread on the street, i didn’t go anywhere at all, yesterday, four times, four times and the last time, such a real roar, ten-year-old yegor knows how to act when the missile danger, he says, always reassures his mother and younger sisters; the boy is glad that they left belgorod and were not injured in the last shelling. first there was a siren, we ran home, it started banging, we were all just panicking, but we never panicked. it shouldn’t be, because with panic it’s even more difficult to hide somewhere. at the voronezh center, children immediately began to be distracted with games, the schoolchildren were praised for their responsibility, they brought textbooks with them and even did their homework after moving. first of all, we are now collecting the need to it was possible to determine which of the children needed school; maybe one of the parents would want to send it to kindergarten. plus , requests for employment have already begun to arrive. medical assistance, free three meals a day, leisure activities. voronezh social workers say:
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we are trying to ensure that families from belgorod recover from severe stress. according to the governor of the belgorod region, 9,000 children are planned to be removed from the border areas in the near future. on march 22, the first groups will be sent to penza, tambov and kaluga. belgorod authorities are collecting applications from residents to travel to temporary accommodation centers in other regions. the regional government is ready to help resolve all issues related to relocation. i urge you to listen to our arguments and agree to leave for a while. we will certainly ensure the safety of our homes and the safety of property, governor glatkov meets daily with affected families, personally monitors the progress of restoration work, due to interruptions in food supplies to the shelled areas, from today in the belgorod region they will begin to issue free food packages to residents of 16 settlements; entry into the body of the groyvoron urban district is limited. roofs are broken, windows are broken, some houses are completely destroyed, when will we be able to return to ours. villages and cities, we
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will quickly begin restoration. the evacuated belgorod residents hope that in a couple of weeks the situation will normalize and they will be able to return home. the main thing is that we moved here whole, the main thing is our life, everything else will work out, we’ll earn money, work will be, so everything will be fine with us. in some villages, according to the governor , evacuation is complicated by constant shelling; he assured that everything possible is being done to bring people to safety. ulga chernova, oleg zoltarev and andrey astroverkhov, ntv television company. in the amor region, at the mine, a pioneer, rescuers exceeded the 50 m mark while drilling exploration wells, work does not stop for a minute, two installations are used at once. however, the situation at the collapsed mine, where 13 city workers are trapped, remains difficult, such an assessment rescuers provide. it has not yet been possible to establish contact with the victims, but this is why exploratory holes are being drilled. specialists from the raspadskaya coal company, who flew to primorye from kuzbass, plan to lower a video eye system underground to
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visually assess the situation. in addition, the well will allow, if city workers are discovered, to supply them with additional air. and they take it out of the development. cubic meters of earth and stones are pumped out, special dams are erected to prevent groundwater from breaking through again. total in search and rescue operations involved about 230 people, there are enough people and equipment, said representatives of the authorities of the amur region. in the regions of russia , preparations have begun for the flood; sappers are blasting the ice to avoid congestion on the rivers during the spring melt; they are doing everything as carefully as possible, because there are residential buildings all around. they blow things up at work. these works are always loud and spectacular, but military engineers stage ice explosions on rivers not to please the eye; the winter cover is weakened before the spring flood. peak flood traditionally falls in mid-april,
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so the engineers of the central military district are now in the busiest time, the beloye river in bashkiria has already been freed from winter hacks, and these are personnel from the ulyanovsk region, the rapid rise... of water from the islana threatened three settlements at once, in the village varna, flooding is already a seasonal tradition, but if preventive blasting is not carried out, the ice rises, a congestion is detected, then water immediately rises, water accumulates, and the residential sector passes through, is in the zone flooding, if the nizhny turgazak river overflows its banks and floods 90 areas, the work of sappers should reduce all risks to zero, everyone who lives nearby will shudder from blasting operations, but local residents have already come to terms with such shocks, the vase will break, fall, and flood the the roof itself. alexander kolomytsev’s house in the coastal zone is one of the first to meet the spring elements; after the flood, which destroyed almost all of their property, the family annually prepares for the worst. we lift all the things that are more or less light, put them away
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the roof, it’s heavy, there are walls, sofas, we lift it onto cinder blocks, onto all sorts of devices. before starting demolition work, sappers conduct reconnaissance, assess the condition of the banks, and check the thickness of the ice. when there is a residential sector on all sides, you need to calculate with pinpoint accuracy the strength of the charge, how much it costs to put in the hole so that the ice cracks and does not harm the surrounding houses, let’s say here the thickness of the ice is 70 cm, we calculate that we need 2 kg 400 g , if we lay more, then we may end up with boulders in our houses and there will be destruction, so ensure free flow and avoid congestion. ice was removed immediately in five sections of the river, including in the area of ​​bridges, to reduce pressure on the supports. fire, ice has moved, the winter cover of the river has turned into fireworks of loose crumbs, so now during ice drift there should be no problems in this section. in the aquatic ecosystem , the operation also did not cause any harm; the explosions
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were carried out in those places where the river was frozen almost to the bottom, and in principle there could be no fish here. olga zenkova, artemy epifanov, valeria proskurikova, tv company ntv. the migrant takeover of the united states is reaching a new level. illegal bloggers began to publish entire instructions on social networks on how to take possession of housing with minimal effort; they explain, for example, that in new york the law allows you to occupy empty apartments or houses. even if the owners just went to work or to the store, their square meters become a desirable goal for migrants. to drive out the invaders, the owners will have to go to court, the matter will drag on for months, huh. if they try on their own protect your home, do not be afraid to call the police, they say in the instructions, the new york post publishes the story of an american woman who, in the hope of getting rid of uninvited guests, changed the locks, as a result she was arrested, homeowners are prohibited from changing anything on the
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front doors, turn off utilities and even take things out, intrusive tenants, hey guys, i want to say that the states allow their land to be seized. and it looks like that's my next business project, invading empty homes. i know a few guys who are my friends from africa, they have already captured seven houses, everything is in perfect order. migrants feel more and more at ease not only in new york, residents of texas are trying to defend the right not to let illegal immigrants in, but they are not giving up in washington and are actually forcing them to keep the borders open. our correspondent alexey veselovsky clarified who really lives well in the usa now? texas is not going to give in to the white house will continue to protect the american border as it sees fit, the confrontation between state and federal i will reach the government again. peak after a series of unexpected court decisions, the day before the us supreme court allowed texas authorities
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to arrest and deport illegal migrants, but as soon as this law came into effect, the appeal court immediately suspended its action pending further proceedings. it would seem that the biden administration may be celebrating victory, but the governor of texas insists that the state still has the right to self-defense against illegal immigrants. even without this law, texas has the power to arrest those. who climbs over the barbed wire fence on our border, and we will use our power against those who cross our border illegally. the border dispute between texas and the biden administration has been simmering for months. last year, state authorities , faced with an unprecedented flow of migrants, decided to take control of some sections of the border, for example, the crossing in the town of eaglepass, through which thousands of illegal immigrants entered america every day. the texas national guard has closed the approaches to the border with mexico.
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stated that if texas tries he called the texas law inhumane to send illegal immigrants back across the border, then mexico will not accept citizens other than its own. the country will hold presidential elections in june . abrador does not need scandals with migrants. it's also an election year in the us, but local democrats are blaming it. i believe that it is he who benefits from the chaos at the border, which is why it is not possible to come to an agreement with the republicans on
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security. there is, however, another version of what is happening: those around trump believe that by flooding the country with illegal immigrants, mainly from latin american countries, the biden administration will improve its chances in the upcoming presidential elections. the us president himself recently made it clear that he needs latino votes in the elections like air. this election will not be re'. in 2016 , he called latinos criminals, drug dealers, rapists. now he says immigrants are poisoning the blood of our country, what is he even talking about? and trump really doesn’t go into his pocket for a harsh word against illegal immigrants, but more and more americans support his immigration policy. the borders need to be closed, our the country is dying, our country is being
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invaded by no one knows who, where they are all from, millions of people, i can assume that about 15 million crossed our border in a short period of time, just think 15 million, yes, this is more than the population of several states, all these people are coming from not good places, bad places and no checks, no registrations, what happens. against the backdrop of the inaction of the white house, several states at once, following the example of texas , are ready to take their own tough measures against illegal immigrants. iowa state house tuesday supported a bill that would allow police to detain anyone who is illegally in the state, and if the governor signs it, the law could come into force as early as july. oklahoma is considering a similar document, tennessee is studying the texas experience, and georgia is discussing a bill to strengthen it.
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usa. today , a flying ship begins its great journey across russian movie screens, an adventure comedy about love, magic and friendship, created with the participation of the ntv television company, based on a favorite soviet cartoon. however, in the viewer's new feed new plot twists and new characters await , where will ivan princess zabava arrive this time? and how the film was received by classics experts, vlada kopyllovskaya, and the reactions of the first viewers. great love, magic, testing and necessarily the victory of good, the classic ingredients of a favorite fairy tale that has never been. won't get boring. the creators of the fantasy film the flying ship promised viewers more immersive adventure. today , the first to see it were the residents of kamchatka, then vladivostok. they got up early on purpose to catch the first session at 9:00 am. he is really cool, and there is very good acting , my favorite actors, for example, are fyodor dobronravov. i always like
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to watch films with his participation, he always captivates me, directly touches my heart. in vladivostok and siberia , whole classes come to watch a movie, then during the break they share their emotions, both children and adults. amazing, i even cried. i really liked polina gagarina in the role of the witch, i really admired her, i really liked the princess, she’s so funny, everything is very cool, very the image of a beautiful princess was selected. did you like the film? yes, very cool, but what, what did you like? i liked when they avoided and when the bullet hit. and he almost died, it was very touching, the flying ship flew to us from 1979, the legendary musical cartoon directed by gary barden, about the princess's fun, the chimney sweep ivana, the evil polkan to the accompaniment of the ensemble of attendants hedgehog and the songs of vodyanoy, and not only people know him those who are older, and the flying ship is actually my
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favorite cartoon when i watched it, and i i really wanted to go to the cinema when i first found out that he was also sailing to the kingdom, and he was already wooing for fun. the main roles, not yet familiar to the mass audience, are ksenia traister and alexander metelkin, lovers zabava and ivan. among the stars are leonid yarmolnik, sergei garmash, andrei burkovsky and polina gagarina. in the role of a fairytale thicket, real forests near moscow and the swamp, where the members of the film crew spent unforgettable days.
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when i dived into the water and needed to drown, all this icy water came straight towards me there inside. and it was very cold, so cold that right in my temples there was a crackling, ringing sound that at some point i said, wait, give me a little rest for 3 minutes now. however, the viewer did not see any minor hardships, only fabulous trials, and wow, what they were. fortunately , in such cases, either magical helpers or jokes come to the rescue, there are many of them. the dragon egg is real, it's a coconut. there is also a lot of music in the film, just like in the original cartoon, only in the hundred-minute flying ship there is more of it. more. the musical parts of the main characters are performed by actress anna peresilt and rapper feduk. there are also legendary songs, rewritten in a new way, sometimes even daringly, but you want to sing along with them, and that’s what they’re counting on. by the way, while the film was being filmed , alexandra metelkina, who played the role of ivan, had a daughter, fun, and after filming
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, the participants stole pieces of the scenery of the flying ship, everyone wanted to take home a piece of the fairy tale, to create. the film hopes that the audience will take a piece of the magic with them after watching it. vlada kopylovskaya, victor melnik, sergey antsegin, svetlana zakharova, evgeney matveev tv. far east, siberia. this concludes the program for spectators in the central part of russia. thank you for being with us. deposit is the best interest in savings - this is an easy way to profitably invest money online. just one button, the investment in your child’s future has already been made, one button, savings grow at the maximum rate, one button, and you look forward with confidence, together, open a deposit with the best interest with a maximum rate of up to 16% per annum in sberbank, in sberbank with prime it’s more profitable,
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yakutia, mart’s successes are more noticeable, tomorrow in the capital of the republic experienced the first thaw, but immediately followed by a collapse of cold snowfall. this cold will come from the country of siberia, where it has conquered almost the entire territory, from krasnoyarsk to tomsk, there is already snow and frost today, only the western half and the urals are in no hurry to leave. warm, +6 sunny in yekaterinburg. in the north of european territory , frosts remain only in the northeast, while other areas are adjusting to warming. but in the northwest it will be accompanied by rain, because the atlantic cyclone is responsible for the heat. they will already begin in kaliningrad today, here it’s +7, in velikiye luki it’s almost +10° and just cloudy. and in the center it’s sunny again, but it’s freezing in the mornings, so it’s too early to think about changing tires. and during the day from yaroslavl to voronezh +6. on the banks of the volga it is even colder, in kazan +4, in saratov +2. in the south, the weather will be rainy and cool until the end of the week. in simferopol only +8, in sochi - 13 strong wind. in st. petersburg today it rains
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+6, in moscow also +6, but no precipitation. foggy in the morning. be careful on the roads. let's quickly count your earnings, you'll be patient. well, of course, then you go straight home, and i still have to set the alarm, hey, dogs are not allowed here and we’re closed, get out.


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