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tv   Segodnya  NTV  March 21, 2024 1:00pm-1:26pm MSK

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on ntv news about the main thing for this minute in the studio ilya fedorovtsev, hello, right now we are receiving footage of vladimir putin’s address to citizens, society. each candidate had his own approach to solving specific problems. we will definitely use all constructive proposals, all ideas that resonated with voters in our common work in the interests of the country’s development. the past campaign was intense and extremely responsible, because by and large we were choosing the path that russia would take next, choosing the future for... ourselves and our
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children, and the significance of this event was understood by the absolute majority of voters who came to the polls. once again, i thank everyone who took part in the vote, regardless of who you gave your vote to, the main thing is that you proved that you respect your civic duty, value freedom of choice and your voice, each of your votes, i repeat. was of great importance, dear friends, thank you for your support, for me this is more important than a formal victory in the elections, it is support for the political and economic course of our country, our overall results, which , of course, should be greater, but are already making russia even stronger and more independent today, a few words about the work
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of election commissions at all levels, as always, you acted clearly, competently, on the principles of transparency in strict accordance with the law , in our historical territories , members of election commissions were an example for voters, showing courage and courage. dear friends, i thank you all for your trust, i will do everything in my power to... i understand that such a level of trust it also increases responsibility for russia, for the well-being of our people, and requires even greater commitment and efficiency from me personally and from our entire team. we will do everything to ensure that the large-scale national projects and programs that i recently spoke about in detail in my message are implemented; the elections show that russia is alone today. a large,
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friendly family, we are walking together along our chosen and historical path, confident in ourselves, in our strengths and in our future. thank you! well, today at centrezam they officially summed up the results 87.28% of voters voted for vladimir putin's election campaign. the final turnout was an all-time record. in modern russia amounted to almost 77.5%. this was stated today by the head of the central economic commission ella pamfilova. she also thanked all political parties for their wisdom and responsibility, and noted pomfilova and the work of the video surveillance system. head tsyk emphasized that this system has withstood all hacking attempts. in many of their countries , direct elections are not held, like ours, but our main aspect of democracy is that elections of the head of state are direct. direct
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and that turnout, the number of people who came to the elections, this is also an element of democracy, only our colleagues, election organizers from somewhere in almost eighty countries came to us from the central election commission, it was impossible to get a tip, also the chairman of the central election commission said that those who criticize the central election commission for oversights and for damaging the ballot simply do not know the full scale of the work. well, now on to the news from the special operation zone: within 24 hours, fighters from the center group of troops struck 350 targets, destroying 16 enemy strongholds, two armored personnel carriers and more than a dozen vehicles. in the southern donetsk direction , our troops improved their position along the front line and stopped the attempts of the nationalists to carry out rotation. fire support for the operation is provided by crews of russian grad units. ilya ushenin saw the work of the artillerymen. the movements have been worked out.
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automatic missiles for the rszzo grad or as they are also called, the pencils are already ready to fire, all that remains is to get the coordinates of the targets. this calculation now supports the offensive our attack aircraft in the southern donetsk direction. ready for target 1022. according to the rocket artillery crew , the main thing in their work is to leave on time and leave on time. hail is guaranteed to fall on enemy positions, while the characteristics of the target can change constantly. we support our infantry with our fire, we also conduct counter-battery combat, we destroy cannon artillery, as well as our opponents’ rocket artillery. all artillery are fighters of the legendary donetsk calme brigade. have been fighting together since the very beginning. svo, the commander of this crew, for example, he came here straight from his student days, he says, he didn’t even have other thoughts, his wife and parents resigned themselves, but they still always ask to call more often, before that he was a surveyor, pointed guns in the main direction, when he was studying, he didn’t even have time
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to finish his studies , came here voluntarily, of course, voluntarily, i was still studying, finishing engineering, who did i study to be, uh, industrial mechanic? equipment, electrometallurgical technical school. after the shooting, the very moment comes when the nomadic installation must quickly leave the dangerous place. the enemy is still constantly looking for their positions. immediately after combat operation, the hail rocket launcher quickly collapses, since enemy drones are on duty in the sky and hides here in the forest plantation. there are already other disguised calculations here. in parallel with the hail , other weapons are also operating here in the southern donetsk direction. barrel artillery for howitzers 100b, they are like... central control centers correct orland drones with the help of aerial reconnaissance and laser illumination, fighters see stationary targets, each of which spend exactly one projectile at a time. the gun is fired, there is a shot, there is a program. a tank, a mortar crew and an artillery gun,
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three accurate shots with a krasnopol adjustable projectile, as the soldiers say, after their hits, these targets no longer pose a threat. sinus, i am an electronics engineer, the target has been hit. in russia, after 2 years, the moratorium on inspections of digital giants is being lifted, then business news is on the air, denis talolaev is with us, denis, why did they come to this decision? well , this is probably due to the fact that they have been asking for the return of the ability to check for a long time antimonopoly officers. starting march 28, the government will lift the moratorium on antimonopoly inspections of it companies, which was in effect for 2 years. the resolution was published on the portal of regulatory acts. the federal antimonopoly service has already announced that
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the lifting of the moratorium will allow, quote: to effectively combat abuses on the part of the dominant digital platform services, it seems that it has long been clear with whom... they will start. the fas has stated several times that yandex taxi has a dominant position in the market, and that there are questions about the service regarding commissions for carriers at prices for passengers. and the head of faz, maxim shaskolsky, said that there are questions for marketplaces. the ministry of digital development clarified that the lifting of the moratorium will apply only to a few it companies that own their own digital platform and have revenues of more than 2 billion rubles. and which occupies more than 35% of the market. also. the ministry of digital development reminds that the moratorium on scheduled antimonopoly inspections continues to apply. following the meeting, the american federal reserve left the key rate at 5.25, 5.5%. such the rate has remained since july last year. the main question has traditionally been what
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the federal reserve will say about the future reduction of the key rate. and investors had the worst suspicions before the meetings, after the us inflation figures in february turned out to be worse than forecasts. but the federal reserve, having improved its forecast for american economic growth this year, still indicated three possible rate cuts in the twenty- fourth. american exchanges decided that the fed's unchanged position is good news in an environment where inflation is worse forecasts, because the indices rose noticeably the day before. the russian stock market is also trading in positive territory at this moment. alor broker analysts say that investors are gradually starting to buy those shares for which they expect large dividends. the dollar, having not heard any toughness from the federal reserve, began to fall in price compared to other currencies, including the ruble, and at these minutes it costs 91/88. large fishing businessman oleg kan, known as the crab king, has died, but this is not certain, at least
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the prosecutor general’s office doubted this, about the death of businessmen in february last year in great britain, at the court hearing his lawyers said they asked to close the case against the entrepreneur. but a representative of the prosecutor general’s office stated that the russian legislative office has no information that a citizen of kan has died; until a record of this appears, his death will be regarded as a staged act. founder of the meneron group of companies, which includes a crab mining company. in october , the twenty-second businessman was accused of organizing the murder of businessman valery bkhidenko in 2010 and was put on the international wanted list. and another criminal case against oleg kahn was brought in after he was suspected of smuggling crabs abroad, as well as tax evasion. ilya, everything about economics. thank you, denis talalaev with his economic review. in russia they began to prepare. before the flood, its peak usually occurs in mid-spring, but in order to minimize the consequences, the ice on the rivers
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is already being blown up. the military is doing this; the amount of explosives is calculated to the nearest gram in order to break the ice blocks and not damage residential buildings in the neighborhood. olga zenkova saw how the riverbed cleared. these the work always takes place loudly and spectacularly, but military engineers arrange ice explosions on rivers not to please the eye; the winter cover is weakened before the spring flood. the peak of the flood traditionally occurs in mid-april, so the engineers of the central military district are now in the busiest time, the beloye river in bashkiria has already been freed from winter hacks, and this is footage from the ulyanovsk region , the rapid rise of water from the isra threatened three settlements at once, in the village of varna , the flood is already seasonal tradition. but if preventive blasting is not carried out, the ice rises, a jam is detected, water immediately rises, water accumulates, and the residential sector is passed through and found. in the flood zone, if the nizhny turgazak river overflows its banks and floods 90 areas, the work
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of sappers should reduce all risks to zero, everyone who lives nearby will shudder from the explosions, but local residents have already come to terms with such shocks, it is better to let the vase break and fall , which will flood the very roof of alexander kolomytsev’s house in the coastal zone is one of the first to meet the spring elements, after the flood, which destroyed almost all property, the family annually prepares for the worst, we lift all things that... more or less light, we put them on the roof, heavy ones, there are walls, sofas, we lift them onto cinder blocks , for all sorts of devices. before starting demolition work, they conduct reconnaissance, assess the condition of the banks, check the thickness of the ice, when there is a residential sector on all sides, it is necessary to calculate with pinpoint accuracy the strength of the charge, how much waste to put in the hole so that the ice cracks and there will be no harm to the surrounding houses. let’s say the ice here is 70 cm thick, we calculate that we need... 2 kg 400 g. if we lay more, then blocks of ice may fall into our houses
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and there will be destruction. to ensure free flow and avoid congestion, it was decided to crush the ice in five sections of the river at once, including in the area of ​​bridges, in order to reduce the pressure on the supports. fire! the ice has moved, the winter cover of the river has turned into a firework of loose crumbs, so now during ice drift there should be no problems in this section. in water the operation did not harm the ecosystem either; the explosions were carried out in those places where the river was frozen almost to the bottom, and in principle there could be no fish here. olga zenkova, artemy epifanov, valeria proskurikova, ntv television company. a few hours remain until the launch of the soyuz 21a launch vehicle, which will deliver a new crew to the international space station into orbit. at the baikonor cosmodrome , final preparations are underway for the launch; it is scheduled for 16:21 minutes moscow time. they will be watching not only in russia. on a two-week stellar mission the first female cosmonaut of belarus, marina vasilevskaya,
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a port attendant for a belarusian airline, departs; as a sign of admiration for their colleague, the employees covered the plane that flew to kazakhstan with images on space themes. before being sent to the iss, vasilevskaya underwent serious training. we are ready for the flight, i feel good, just one word of gratitude to the backup crew headed by ivanov, who gave us maximum comfort during the pre-launch preparations. in addition to the representative russian oleg novitsky and american tracy dyson are sending belarus to the iss. the flight will take place on an ultra-short route, lasting less than 3.5 hours, already at 19:40, the ship is expected to dock with the russian berth module. this flight was dedicated to the ninetieth anniversary of the birth of yuri gagarin, the head fairing of the rocket is decorated with a portrait of the first cosmonaut on the planet. for the first time, the skills of future dentists, together with teachers, are now assessed by a person. a similar robot yuri, he himself describes his symptoms and is able not only to support a dialogue, but also to express
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dissatisfaction with asking a future doctor a tricky question, just like with ordinary people. svetlana gordeeva appreciated the iron nature of the digital patient. my name is permikov yuri alekseevich. yuri alekseevich, because the first is like a loon, his surname is based on his place of birth, or rather a creation. he, of course, is not an astronaut, but the mission is no less responsible - to be an experimental patient under the drills of future dentists. for dunyash, it took almost 3 years to finalize; a smart jaw was created separately, not just a dummy with plastic teeth, but an independent gadget. in the robot's mouth there are five cameras and about a dozen sensors that allow you to track all the positions that the student performs, such as treating caries, milling a tooth for
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a crown, treating the root of a tooth, removing teeth. displays the video on the big screen and the teacher can evaluate the student’s work: you see in the interdental space, it’s too close to the gum. if in soviet times students trained on living patients, now there are phantoms, sometimes it’s just a jaw on the table, and there are such advanced options, but they don’t give patient communication skills. if we look at how students treat phantoms, when talking to each other, they can allow themselves to put their hand on their head. this phantom, and here it is not silent, but in fact, one might say, to a certain extent, a co-living creature that reacts, hello, doctor, hello, the doctor answers, why is your robe wrinkled, he says to the student, or why do you have stains on your robe, doctor, you forgot to wash your hands, doctor, you
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understand, this is already a dialogue, and it also has a function for educators, robat yuri will such a teacher, anthropomorphic, that is , humanoid, not for pathos. while working with it, students remember how to stand and how to hold instruments so as not to accidentally hit the patient or cause injury. what did you mean? the robot, by the way, thanks to artificial intelligence technologies, will not remain silent, complain about pain, and in the future it will be able to throw a tantrum. a conflicting patient at an appointment, yes, or, for example, an emergency condition, when the patient, an emergency situation arises with the patient, for example, in the form of fainting.
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began to have feelings for her boss , which she did not hide, but the affair never happened, bitter experiences, the girl did not suppress, on the contrary, she splashed out, smashed the boss’s car with a hammer, and then the window of his store, when she was detained, she said that he it’s his own fault, what does this mean, we’ll tell you after the advertisement, ilya, dalera, thank you, this is not only in the emergency program after a short pause, that ’s all for now, go to our website, see you. in tenko in insurance we simplify life, we send pokask for repairs in just one hour. car insurance with cashback up to 30% for tenkof clients. apply for a helmet in the app. tinkov. a credit sbercard is beneficial in any
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in court in a new role. the artist was detained for disorderly conduct in a restaurant. the scene of action is novosibirsk, where about the mane came to meet with fans. the rider, of course, did not include a visit to the detention center or the local courthouse, but the travel time to siberia, as our correspondent pavel kuznetsov found out, increased, and the leisure time offered changed greatly. having made himself comfortable in the courtroom after a night in the isolation ward, nikita kologrivy is preparing to watch a documentary short film in the role of the main villain, a brawler, himself, a movie star. exciting plot from the first frames. novosibirsk, night, restaurant. after a dramatic monologue surrounded by others visitors to the staff of kologreva's establishment began to engage in scenes of violence, hit one guest with his head, pushed a second and attacked a third with his fists. no matter how the clients asked nikita kologrivov’s employees not to apply this abusive role to them, the actor could no longer be stopped. talent, multiplied
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by a hefty dose of alcohol, so he got used to the image of a star bully, went to the bar employee, and she was just trying to calm the artist down. at some point , kologrivy even calmed down, so he lay down on the employee’s lap, alisa betke, girl the hostess, that is, she greets guests at the entrance to the restaurant, did not seem to resist.


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