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tv   Chrezvichainoe proisshestvie  NTV  March 21, 2024 1:25pm-2:01pm MSK

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nikita did not apply this abusive role to them, the actor was unstoppable, talent multiplied by a hefty dose of intoxicating, so he got used to the image of a star bully, got to the bar employee, and she was just trying to calm the artist down. at some point, the kologrevy even calmed down, so he lay down on the lap of an employee, alisa betke, a hostess girl, that is , she greets guests at the entrance to the restaurant, she didn’t seem to resist, but then the kologrevy began to openly pester, was refused and... bit her by the hip, you can see how alice jumped up in pain, well, then the irritated kologrivy began to spread his arms, well, where without the urge to change clothes, the kologrivy, still a man of a creative profession, decided to scare the rest of the visitors with his naked torso, only at that moment kologrivy’s comrades came to the fore, calmed the star and led him to street, the party continued, the management of the establishment wrote the following statement to the police, kologhribov was detained and then sent to...
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who said that unrequited love is the problem of only one person? the heroine of our in the next story, aisha mamedova decided to argue with this and now her suffering has cost the object of her adoration a pretty penny. an employee of a butcher shop confessed her feelings to her boss, he made it clear that there would be no romance, then the rejected girl took a hammer. what happened next, ivan gubin will tell you and show you. a woman in rot is scary, especially when in her hands.
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hammer, and her heart is broken, it was in this state that aisha mabedova came to the butcher shop, where she had been working for the last month, to take revenge with a display window for her unrequited love for employer, i received a call from an employee who was in the store at that moment, he called and told me what was happening here, well, it’s just such things that he was stuttering under stress, that i needed to come here urgently, this couldn’t be solved without me, left behind a destroyed store, egor says since he was 27... i’m not going to change it for something, so everything started spinning further, a man came up with some kind of parallel reality, but... well, in
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which i don’t know, we’re together or what, well , i don’t understand the behavior, this is the behavior the onslaught of sms attacks , bordering on aggression, increased, egor tried to ignore, then online flirting was replaced by threats, the girl promised to come to the store to cause a pogrom, which she actually did. the employer's car took the first blow; in a fit of rage, the girl knocked out all the windows except the windshield; she hit it several times, leaving traces. but i couldn’t break it. the display windows in the store, by the way, also didn’t give in right away, which angered the drunken fury even more. aisha stopped only when she cut her hands. speaking of bloody the girl was traced and later detained, and even in handcuffs she called for her lover. egor, get me out of here, damn it, egor. egor, please pull me out.
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it’s unclear where such love, which is more like a mania, comes from ; yegor says he didn’t give reasons for starting an office romance; there were no prerequisites either, but now the flow of messages from... from different numbers is blocking every new man, it’s impossible to stop. egor, please get me out of the black list, i feel bad, i’m sorry, but i’m in love, i’m scared, i can’t live without contact with you, i can’t i know what my father was talking to you about, but i’m drunk now, i took the car, i’m just listening to music very loudly and driving to god knows where. yegor doesn’t even want to think about what else such persecution could lead to, today it’s a shop window, but tomorrow it might go to his wife, she’s in her last months of pregnancy, and besides, she’s madly in love with herself. it can hurt, so the man found one way out and turned to law enforcement. the prosecutor's office monitored the progress and results of the procedural check carried out on the man's statement of intentional damage to property. the man reported that a twenty-seven-seven-year-old former employee of the organization came to a grocery store located in
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a residential building on scandinavian boulevard and broke the glass windows in the sales area with a hammer. the man now intends to talk with his former employee only in court. matters may be of the heart, but yegor is not going to forgive the damage caused. and if the persecution of the threat continues, mamedova may be protected from society, love news will have to be sent from the pre-trial detention center. ivan gubin, natalya popova, nadezhda zybkina, alexey labachev and eduard grigoriev, ntv television company, moscow. sudden feelings, incorrigible aggression and a reluctance to exist normally in society, what exactly pushed eduard gorbanev, who served 14 years for murder, to commit a crime again, it’s obvious that it’s all together. he was found guilty of the rape and murder of a twenty-one-year-old girl who planned to become not his wife. gorbanev did not accept refusal and began to act. today his sentence was announced. there are things that time does not heal, marina frolova had to see this when
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read the verdict of her daughter's killer. she closed her eyes again and saw the terrible event of that day, and now she cannot fully believe that the man behind bars so easily took it away from her. at the last word she apologized, but i don’t need his apology, i need my child. calm, indifferent eduard gorbunev appeared in the courtroom, did not even try to pretend that he understood the feeling of his grief-stricken mother, but tried to convince everyone at the trial of his feeling of love, supposedly this was the motive for the brutal reprisal against a twenty-one-year-old colleague, as it turned out. the defendant worked at a factory, where he liked a young green-eyed blonde, instantly forgot about his wife and children, but did not receive reciprocity in return, anastasia frolova had a young man planning a wedding, one day a drunken gorbanev waylaid a colleague, abused her and strangled her, hereditary
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actions were not recognized, but why didn’t they exist, that they didn’t happen again, but you understand that he shines for life, yes, you’re talking to odenin, of course. so as not to be suspected, i immediately began to think about how to get rid of the body, move around the territory of the plant, i was afraid, so i moved on to another plan. to hide the crime, the defendant strangled the girl, threw her body through the window onto the street and moved the bunker to the technological installation. as it turned out, this is not the first time gorbanev has been behind bars, and not the first time a person has died at his hands. in 2009, the defendant also, having taken stronger drinks, took a bat and went outside ...
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oksana gonchurenko and anton lukyanov, ntv television company. doesn't give up trying to get out a former policeman from pyatigorsk, evgeny vasilkin, who received a sentence in a penal colony for a fatal accident with an atv in which his friend died, has been granted freedom to reinstate his position. at first it looked like a mistake by the deceased himself, but soon after the funeral. his family found a video of the fatal trip on his phone. the atv was driven by someone else. man, the same vasilkin, he received a sentence taking into account these circumstances, but the relatively lenient sentence still did not suit him, and he appealed to the court of cassation. once again evgeny vasilkin, convicted of the death of a person through negligence, tries to convince everyone of his innocence.
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the proceedings in his criminal case have lasted for more than 3 years, which, after an appeal, are constantly returned for retrial. the main person involved is a former employee of the police department for combating... economic crimes. vasilkin resigned from the police immediately after the incident, and together with two friends he decided to ride through the forest on atvs. the entire trip was filmed by his passenger and friend nikolai. a third comrade rode behind them. dear subscribers, a roller coaster ride awaits you. everything that happened next was also captured on camera. here are men riding through the forest. vasilkin , driving an atv, picks up maximum speed, but then the road goes down sharply. nikolai bondarenko shouts for vasilkin to slow down, but he, it seems, believing in his own strength, just laughs it off. a second, and an accident occurs. both men fly off the atv, but the camera. continues to work, you can hear a third friend, who also had an accident, running up to the men, leading them to
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vasilkin’s feeling and asks where nikolai bondarenko is, the man is found lying under the second atv, we need to go to the ambulance, to the ambulance like a brother, stand up a little, where it hurts , a rib, a back, what hurts, a little ring, just don’t pass out like a brother, having managed to catch a cellular signal and call an ambulance, the friends took nikolai bondarenko to the hospital, he... spent more than two weeks in intensive care and seemed to be on the mend, but suddenly his condition worsened and he died. after this, inconsistencies suddenly appeared in the case. in the traffic police report showed that the atv at the time of the accident was not driven by police officer evgeniy vasilkin, the deceased was nikolai bondarenko. investigators then proved that the police who arrived at the scene falsified the statement; a criminal case was opened against them, but evgeniy vasilkin. still did not give up, the culprits were either the doctors or the third acquaintance, whose atv
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nikolai fell under, now his relatives continue to go to every meeting, although they admit that they are already tired of remembering again the circumstances of the tragedy and especially to see the person who betrayed them as a friend. we have been friends for a very long time, for many years, we were friends while i was still kind of in that family, it was a wedding birthday, and zhenya, compared to the rest of the guys , was always... the calmest, and what happened now is just for me i can’t wrap my head around these two people completely opposite to each other. evgeniy vasilkin once again stated that he wants to be not only found innocent, but reinstated in his position. the judge, however, does not have his wishes supported, leaving unchanged, the previously passed sentence, two years in a penal colony and monetary compensation of 1.5 million rubles to the victims. the mother and two minor children of nikolai bondarenko were recognized. tamara simonova, oksana goncharenko and dmitry
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salnikov, ntv television company. and then, a storm warning. the prosecutor's office became interested in the problems of tourists who paid for a sea cruise but remained on land. what are the chances now to rest or at least get the money back? we'll tell you after the commercial, don't switch. you can protrude. single skating, but in football play with the team, you can put out fires at work and burn on the field, dress strongly in the right colors, you can be tired after training, but you will never get tired of football, you can be a blogger, but you are ready to score goals, because that you have a real football, a real cup, fonbt - the russian football cup, that is, full carriages, golden carriages are blowing from the south,
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young winds are tearing the clouds in a shred, they have not forgotten, they are sending from afar from home, mother and not the last love, but running across the sky , you see someone's traces, it could be you, it could be me, and it could be waiting for us, it could be their own people singing to us, arseny robok, alexander nosik, hot spot from monday at 22:10 on ntv. do you want to become a modern individual entrepreneur and not pay
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a commission from a transfer to a cash account? then open a business account on hearts sounded in unison. the melody of love played. what a pity, but it was just a dream. goodbye, my hope was fading. but parting is rebuying. we'll see you again. and i want to say fireworks louder. start construction by quickly searching for a specialist filters, ratings and reviews, avito services , who else to build with, the national lottery, we already have more than one and a half thousand millionaires here, and why are you still not a millionaire? hurry up, try your luck, tickets are in the mail at, everyone is delighted from coffee to a delicious spot
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they call it, prostatricum, i remember, remember, better try it once. than hearing 100 times what you think works? what are you, i don’t think, i know, you’re dark, of course i am now you know your wife, how and what is there , how to take it, call, everything is simple, when you order, they will explain everything to you in detail, just a second, wife, yes, dear, i understand, i’m flying, that’s it, i drove off, stay. try it for yourself, then you’ll say thank you, okay, i’ll think about it, i’ll probably buy it too, what can i think, call, be sure to order, remember, it’s better to try once than to think 100 times, meet the new golden prostatricum, prostatricum gold, prostatricum gold is modern complex based on natural ingredients,
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which is presented on the market, men they order it for themselves, and women for their men. by ordering by phone on the screen, you are guaranteed to be protected from counterfeits and overpayments. call the manufacturer's toll-free line to order and receive a special offer. men order it for themselves, and women for their men. men, hurry up, women, hurry up to experience prostatric gold. today at 22:10 on ntv. there's another emergency going on live. we are continuing production. they are looking forward to the end of the cruise with travel companies replacing each other from twentieth year. police stations and
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courts, people who paid for their vacation several years ago and never became passengers on a resort ship. the number of people who suffered throughout russia can no longer be counted; almost everyone is conducting their own investigation and collecting facts about the non-fulfillment of the contract. despite all these arguments and evidence, the police refused to initiate a criminal case, but the prosecutor's office did not agree with this. daria musalova found out what chances of vacation the deceived tourists now have. when travel agency managers promised galina potalakhina was not told that the sea would be a sea of ​​problems. she bought several tickets on her own behalf.
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money for a failed vacation and bring the dodgy debtor to criminal liability, we believe that the tour operator is carrying out a deliberate or controlled bankruptcy in order to: avoid liability for committing fraudulent actions, and thus
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nominal managers, nominal founders, and this, in our opinion, indicates precisely committing fraudulent acts aimed at not paying stolen funds from their clients. brothers. puchkov, the younger konstantin, was the general director of sea and river cruises; shortly before bankruptcy , he handed over the reins to another person. the company that now sells tours operates under the cruises and travel brand and is owned by vayazh technologies llc, founder, older brother igor, head sergei andreev. the company assures that the company went bankrupt like ships at sea, nothing in common, but in the documents that the victims provided us, the forms bear the seal of the mrk. is it a stamp, a voyage of technology, a coincidence? i believe that they already had this scheme in place, probably from the previous lantatur, so everything they
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had was, in general, designed for this. we have already told you that lanta tur ran aground in 2012, they collected money, went bankrupt, clients ran around the courts, the current scenario is like a carbon copy. they changed the name, but they now say that they are archival documents. refusal to initiate a criminal case, adopted according to the man’s statement about committing fraudulent actions, the money was not returned to the man, and the organization also did not provide a replacement for the tour. now
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the dissatisfied clients of the cruise company have hope that the owners will not get away with it; the travel agency will obviously be facing cruise control from law enforcement agencies in the near future. daria masalova, natalya popova, svetlana merezha and sergei boganov. almost 6,000 workers entered service in correctional institutions in the new territories of russia. about this, summing up work last year, said the head of the federal penitentiary service arkady gostev. the head of the department noted that the conditions of detention for convicts are becoming better, and the work of sin employees is more efficient, including thanks to the active introduction of new technologies and artificial intelligence systems in pre-trial detention centers. as a result of the measures taken, the number of crimes committed at the facilities of the penal system decreased by almost 35%. a convict who made
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the only escape from custody, in was detained for the shortest possible time, returned to the place where he was serving his sentence, five attempted escapes and two penetrations into the restricted area were stopped. the best employees of the department received awards, and then, together with their colleagues , they got acquainted with the exhibition, which presented the result of the work of the convicts, this is a convict. that's not all, see below. computer illiteracy is a godsend for scammers. false it specialists are fighting fictitious viruses for a fabulous fee; we’ll tell you how they were brought to light after the advertisement. my own mother almost five children starved to death, my sister and i collected buckets to feed misha
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vitalik. when the children were taken from the family, they were happy that they would now live in an orphanage . finally, i won’t starve, but then my sister didn’t know that she would never see her younger brothers again, andrei and sveta were taken to an orphanage, and they were taken to malyutka’s house. the new big special barbie bacon is already in the combo for
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469 rubles. hearts sounded in unison, the melody of love played, what a pity, but it was just a dream, goodbye, my hope was fading, but parting there are guys, we'll see you again , and i want to say fireworks louder, then the feeling is complete, give love and technology with smart sber speakers, we 're going on vacation, and we're going, for the third year, so open a vtb savings account, rate 16%, save up faster. when diseased joints become an obstacle to a comfortable life, use ambene drugs, which bioactively solve joint problems and take care of you like those closest to you. ambien preparations for active joints. the real legend is immediately visible, it is almost impossible to reach it touch, but not for you. this is your legendary alfabank credit card. order a free credit card with a whole year.
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home is where the family is, in the bank at home in the russian federation 16.2% per annum on a deposit for 3 months, the most important contribution to the family. what can negatively affect the liver? constant stress, unhealthy diet, environment, this can lead to inflammation and destruction of liver cells. they help not only restore liver cells, but also fight the cause of their destruction, inflammation. phosphoglyph, now in an economical package of 96 capsules. we take out loans, we at sofkom bank, loans that everyone knows. in a separate application vk music, all inclusive. only now subscription is 0 rub. for 3 months. listen to an endless library of music, your favorite books, podcasts and more . subscribe to vka music for 0
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rub. do you want to become a modern individual entrepreneur and not pay commission on transfers to your personal account? then open a business account on for 37 years, dashraq has been preparing the stock base using a fermentation technology that lasts over 100 days. dogerac is the secret of taste in the broth. at tenkov strekovanie we simplify life. and we pay damages in osaka for only one day. car insurance with cashback up to 30%.
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there is another emergency on ntv live, we continue broadcasting. computer illiteracy, which unfortunately affects pensioners, much younger people, and even experienced entrepreneurs, plays into the hands of scammers. residents of nizhny novgorod complained about the lies of the it specialists and said that not only did the masters charge exorbitant amounts of money for services, but they also went as far as extortion. daria vezova has details. on the
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surveillance camera the very moment when business lady. irina sopina realized that meeting artyom reishchenko is some kind of ridiculous bug, as programmers call an unexpected error. the computer master, having not completed the promised work, still managed to borrow money and not pay it back. that i owe it to the suppliers, you and i agreed that information about the site and you are calling me today to the nomads is not ready that artyom is involved in another unpleasant story related to the deception of pensioners, irina did not yet know when she found him number on the free classifieds website, i needed help fixing my computer; for simple manipulations the technician asked for more than 2,000 rubles, but the woman did not suspect anything, he was so good at gaining trust and somehow immediately became friendly. the moment became what is called putting pressure on pity, asking for money for various needs, the most trouble-free features or options, in other words, there was a sick, starving cat. he always needed money for everything , if you listen to him, when he arrives, he never even has money for travel to feed
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the cats and that he hasn’t eaten for 3 days, 35,500, advance for that he will make changes to the site. 77.250. he’s already borrowing money, in total irina transferred almost 800 thousand rubles to artyom, then the master stopped communicating at all, but the smirnov pensioners were able to reach him on a number that belonged to a certain ilya, i live nearby, i’ll come quickly - it was written in the ad, his shortly before this, the couple called to fix a stuck key on a new laptop; the repairman took an hour and a half to fix the problem, and then billed 23,000 rubles. surprised at how the service sector had become more expensive, they paid the money, only later did they realize that they had been deceived. complete disassembly, cleaning, reassembly, all this costs, for some reason eight pieces, 1,250 rubles. cleaning cooling systems , he says, it gets very hot, when the daughter of pensioners found out about this, she decided to figure it out,
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called again, the same ilya, asked to come, this time artyom just showed up, in the same new laptop in an amazing way again there was a lot of everything that could be fixed, look, in fact, you found a couple of viruses and it... the disk is a little no longer in good condition, you need to remove two of them and fix the hard drive from the error. often such masters claim that they work on their own, but in fact it turns out there is a whole group of specialists, all of them call themselves ilya’s partners from the advertisement. and something suggests, says olga smirnova, that in the scheme of their work there are certain rules, something like a minimum check, which must be worked out, hence the invented problems - inflated prices, each person has the right to charge the amount that ... and how much you now they asked you to pay for the removal of one virus? 1,590 rub. for one virus , and the behavior of computer repairmen , the smernovs say, is very reminiscent of the story with plumbers who profited from pensioners, investigators are now looking into it as part of a criminal case, and therefore irina
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sopina the smirnova spouses really hope that they will be the next to call the number in the advertisement will become not clients, but law enforcement officers. daria visa, valentin lyubimov and vladimir tolyzin, ntv television company. that's all for today, more news on our website at telegram channel chupeentv. let me remind you that feedback works there, and if you have witnessed something unusual, if you have seen that someone’s rights are being violated or have encountered injustice yourself, write to us, leave your contacts, and we will try to help you, i’m valeria gavrilovskaya, thank you for your attention, all the best and see you on ntv. today in our program mock himself developed an anthem for neutral athletes. instead of tchaikovsky - bang. mok came up with
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neutral symbols for russians and imposed new ones restrictions. do you need to go to the olympics? what if they don’t want to see us there? i would prefer they didn't come. taming of straptyl. actor kologrivov was arrested for 7 days for drunken rowdy in a bar. will sizo be able to rehabilitate the rising movie star? forgive me, dear ones, that i have made many people nervous. and old scores. a century later , romania demands the return of the gold reserves given to the russian tsar. what will happen if moscow reminds the eastern european countries of all their debts? if it were not for the soviet occupation, we would live like in finland. look straight ahead now. hello, this is the meeting place at ntv, the place where everything becomes clear. i, andrey norkin, my colleague, ivan trushkin. we
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are working live. so, the central election commission, as promised, today is thursday, march 21.


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