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tv   Za granyu  NTV  March 21, 2024 4:45pm-5:51pm MSK

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families from vladimir constantly turn off gas and water, and their neighbors do it. anna abramova in our studio. anna, hello, hello, why did you displease your neighbors so much that they decided to take such measures? to be honest, i don’t know, i probably turned to the program to find out. do you think that these neighbors are just playing dirty tricks on you? yes, they are doing this on purpose, on purpose, they want ... our family, i think, to move out of there, but how long have you been living in the neighborhood? for 2 years already, we bought a house in 2022, it is a private sector, we have a house for two families, and we thought that our neighbors were normal, adequate people, because the neighbor, as i was told, she is our physics teacher, and i thought that she would subsequently raise my children, prepare them for school, we would somehow be friends with families, we are not conflict people, we always ready to go to... a meeting to talk and discuss something,
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but i don’t know how to talk to these people, honestly, have your conflicts lasted all these 2 years? yes, yes, they just started at first, but then there was such a lull , everything was fine, on december 13 of that year everything started to get very tough, and we are now we are in a very difficult situation, my family, specifically my family and my children, i don’t have water in the house now, we are melting the snow to even flush the toilet, well, flush the sewer, and wash the dishes, we have a water pump next to the house, but this pump is frozen due to the cold weather, i get up in the morning, for example, i get up very early at 5:00 in the morning to get water and send the children to school, i go to this pump, but it’s frozen, how long ago you have no water, we have completely had no water since march 7th of this year, and how do you cook, i buy water for cooking, how many children do you have, how old are they? i have two minor children, 8 and 10. and yet your water supply
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works, it’s just that the water is turned off by your neighbors, yes, we are the same subscribers as them, but how our neighbors decided that we don’t need it, it’s absolutely terrible some kind, and you turned to the authorities or the housing and communal services to solve this problem, all communications pass through the basement of their house, i turned to the head of the mup-vodokanal, to which he told me, and anna, you... there is, how to say, sewerage, everything that comes into the house is not ours, but why? ours, because we are private owners of our own, well, territory, my husband and i simply didn’t know what to do, we were even ready to lay, well, a new pipe, but what to do, but it will take a lot of time now, while we are doing a topographical survey, i have collected all the documents for this, and again our family’s funds will be spent, but not through our fault, you understand? i didn’t warn
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you that it’s not easy to get along with your neighbors relationship because of water, because of something sewerage, they had, there was a problem, and before the sale of the house we found out about it, the problem was with the sewerage, the neighbor claimed that the sewerage had burst, supposedly her basement was flooded, but she money was offered to eliminate this problem from the ex itself, and from the ex, because we told the ex ourselves, solve this problem. topic so that we would not have any conflicts with our neighbors in the future, she offered money to this, yes, she offered a certain amount, but my neighbor svetlana was not satisfied with this amount , she wanted more, to which the first owner of my house, she said no to everything, in the end svetlana, as i understand it,
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because of her greed, was simply left with nothing, although she was offered a good amount, well , when you moved into the house, why didn’t that stop you, you knew there was a problem, the problem was fixed. my husband personally climbed into her basement, checked everything, inspected everything, all that needed to be done in the basement was to sprinkle sand in order to eliminate odors there are sewers there, as svetlana herself claimed, to which my husband also offered to help her, he said: “come on, svetlana, i ’ll help you, i’ll find the boys, my husband is a builder, who will help you, bring you sand, she refused help , and why did your first serious conflict with your neighbors happen? it was winter, february 2000. we had just moved into the house in 2020, when our gas pipe broke, a block of snow came off her garage, at 12:00 at night, and she and the gas service employee turn it off for us gas , they cut off the gas completely, without getting through, no one called us,
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no one got through to us, she just woke up at 3:00 in the morning, my husband and i woke up, it was wildly cold in our house, and we saw an sms from svetlana: we cut off your gas, since your gas pipe is broken , we... run out at night, look, don’t understand at all what’s happening, wait until the morning, naturally, and i begin my trip to all gas services, and in the morning my husband ran to svetlana and said, sveta, in general, what’s going on, what happened, she was in front of him the door is closed, the switch is also located on their territory, yes, on the territory of your gas, yes, the valve for shutting off the gas is also on their territory, who fixed the pipe, in the end, i ran around to the gas services, for 2 days we sat in the cold, only one room was heated, since... we had only one heater, where we all naturally lived, in the end, after 2 days the service came to me and fixed everything, i paid all the costs for this gas, and my husband he said to her: “sveta, please buy a snow guard, small, one meter long, it cost absolutely nothing, and the husband said: “light, i ’ll supply everything for you for free, i’ll climb in, i’ll do everything,”
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she said, well, in the best possible way, she said: “yes, yes, then no, i won’t buy anything.” i will,” and leave everyone alone, we have a fence between them now, through this fence, her minor children, i don’t even... i don’t know how to talk about this, to be honest, they just started writing through it, then they took sticks, started mine beat flowers with sticks, my husband saw this from the second floor and reprimanded the children, to which they simply threw mud at our car and stones, there was some damage in the car, yes there were scratches, everything was recorded, but the matter didn’t go beyond talking, she, you know, we don’t need any money from her, she would at least just come from... no apologies it was, no, ekaterina , but how to behave correctly in such a situation, the children damaged the car, what should we do, call the local police officer in this territory, formalize all this with a protocol, inspect the car and apply through the court for compensation for damage, well, really at all everything that is happening, yes, this is such a story beyond
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the bounds, but in my understanding, when in the 21st century they hit cars, and flowers with clubs, and often the neighbor’s children play pranks like this, lately it’s just constantly... we have another plot behind the house , my husband and i built a fence there, these children are constantly sitting on this fence, i don’t even know how to say it, they just, yes, on our fence, they just sit, swear, insult my children, me, they say that i, how old are those children who say all this, probably 7 and 12, how do their parents react to such antics, but in no way, they don’t react in any way, i think they even encourage them, sometimes they even simply praise them. i even personally heard it myself, how my father said, well done, his son tells him how he just called me various bad words there, and he said well done, then the same words fly in my direction, although i’m already at home i hear this is all through the window of their kitchen, and parents generally
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scold their children for something, but there is punishment, but he is generally very cruel, of course, even to me i feel sorry for those children too, to be honest, he treats them cruelly, i even have the feeling that he... seems to be asserting himself at the expense of his children, i can’t say that he beats them or anything else, but i i heard him talking to them, he even , for example, when they are clearing the snow, he can tell them, listen, you better clear the snow, otherwise i will shoot you now, to my children, yes, at that moment i was also clearing the snow, the shovel fell out of my hands, you know, i thought it was him first, and someday the neighbors directly endangered the health of your family members, of course, they let toxic chemicals into my house through our common basement, which poison bedbugs, my children inhaled these poisonous chemicals, the children felt bad, well, yes, they had a headache, you know, in their mouths viscosity and soreness, was this the only case of poisoning like this or
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was there something else? on the seventh, my house was also set on fire twice, they threw sulfur bombs through the basement, my husband and i collected evidence ourselves, they took photographs that there was arson there, it’s just that at that moment all my children were at home and on the sixth, exactly the seventh, to be honest, i don’t even know how it was... however, i had short shifts at work and fortunately i i came home early from work, i usually come home at 7 o’clock in the evening, and he threw checkers at 6, if i had come in those days at 19:00, i told the police so, i say, you understand, they took out two pipes of my children, i don’t know what to do now, that’s why i came for help, i need help, i don’t know how fight them, anastasia, on the right , everything could really end in death, she didn’t arrive earlier, very often cases of deaths are recorded when people themselves use sulfur bombs, breathing in
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the room is enough for one minute, if you are right there, if the room is all - is located somewhat higher, then the first symptoms of poisoning begin to appear trivially, this is a metallic taste in the mouth, respectively, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, hypoxia gradually begins, in principle, total oxygen starvation turns off the brain, if she really hadn’t come home on time, the children would most likely be dead, let’s see. what happened to anna's basement after the checkers burned there? simply terrible! smoke came from below, we have a bathroom there, my son just came out with the bath, this smoke came out, he was very scared, i was scared, i didn’t know that it was a sulfur bomb, did you think it was a fire? yes, i asked, i say: vlad, help me open this hatch, i say, maybe we’re really on fire there, maybe there’s really a fire, we we open this hatch, and i understand that there’s a really strong smell there too... my son is like mom, i can’t, that’s it, he runs into the corridor, i quickly kick him out into the street, he says: mom, i
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’ve inhaled too much, that’s it, mom, i’ve inhaled, i can’t , at this moment i’ll call 112, i’ve written more than twenty applications for this family, including to the traffic police authorities, that is, the main thing is that you don’t remain idle, study in all instances, this is the time they throw checkers at you through a hole in the basement, today you came to our court to find out the true the cause of the conflict, now you will have such an opportunity, because your neighbor also came to our studio today, svetlana stepanova. hello, svetlana. hello. svetlana, your neighbor anna is sitting in front of you. and anna has many questions for you. svetlana, please tell me where this hatred towards my family and my children comes from. there is no hatred towards your children at all. then why does your husband plant sulfur bombs in my basement and turn off the gas? shuts off the water, cut a pipe, which pipe, water, it’s all recorded
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police officers, i have written a statement, you know very well about this, please, you know the story from the very beginning, we don’t know, tell me, 4 years ago i bought my half of the house, 2 years ago my neighbors bought it, and then when they moved in tenants shortly before this, and i had a very unpleasant smell, and the sewage system stank so much that our house... in fact , there was a station toilet, the smell was very strong, and my children were smelling it when it turned out that i made contact with the former owner, it turned out that she had already sold the house, you are now you’re not telling the truth, because when we hadn’t even bought the house yet, my husband personally went to your basement, together with the previous owner, she also provided her expert to assess your damage, you sealed the sewer, i personally fixed it, that’s it you're right, vladimir didn't come...
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i had a smell, i told the landlady, but we first talked to her on the phone, then she got a little lost, and i asked the tenants, i say when she appears, they told me that some people are walking, well, the house was on sale for three years, people periodically came to me and asked what was there, how it was there, how you live, who lived there, i had never seen the abramovs, they came to me. they never came in, they didn’t come to get acquainted, they didn’t come to get acquainted, until the moment when i myself - they called me, they said that ’s it, they’ve arrived, i go out, vladimir is standing there, this woman here and...
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he’s leaking some kind of ... then maybe with a screw piece of iron from impacts, maybe, i don’t know what, it ’s just old, but it periodically starts to leak and periodically we clean it we are repairing it, it’s causing damage to your house now , naturally, the first leak caused enormous damage, because there was a generation of all this, and our house is located in such a way that their half is mine, and my half is sloped both here and there, due to the fact that these slopes happen in any case and it flows towards us in both directions, we have leaked under the foundation - there are traces on the foundation, that is , all this was recorded by an expert, everything is visible, you informed the neighbors about this, no, when i said that they needed to resolve their issue pipe, they sent me to court. svetlana , let's start, it was at the end of december, the last time you came running, i said, when will you solve the problems with the pipe, what did you tell me, go to court, stop, svetlana, you were sitting in
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my kitchen personally when we they dealt with you over the gas pipe, it was in '22, yes, did you tell me that i did it myself? there is a certain amount of money for which i can tell you how can i at least take it from the previous owner , svetlana said, if you don’t have evidence, you won’t get anything from her you demand, they offered you the same amount, they offered, you agree, svetlana , what are you, what are you denying now, they offered you money, they offered, yes, this is a past problem, but the fact that there is a problem now, you reported to your neighbors, so i reported to end of december, svetlana, explain how? it turned out that anna’s sewer pipe runs under your house, the house is in an old building from 1953, when they did it, they did it on their own, and then the owner’s husband got sick, they sold half of them, so the new owners, that is, the house it was originally planned for one family and only then was it divided, then it was divided , and part of the communications remained on your site, but at the same time they serve
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the neighbors’ house, these communications, yes, but the house was divided as a block building, so communications should have been provided. already divided, but this is the responsibility of, well, the old owner or theirs, these are not my questions, but wait, but you have a city sewer, look, i can do it, my pipe flows into my well, it flows out of it into they are right next to each other, citywide, with whom in general, an agreement has been concluded for the provision of these public services or the provision of public services with the municipal municipal water utility, svetlana and i are subscribers of this organization, two different subscribers. different, of course, we have different personal accounts. okay, so did you try to conclude some kind of agreement among yourselves? no, let’s say, divide the area of ​​responsibility , this option was proposed, that is, you get it, there is a wall both in the house and in the basement. yes, there is a small wall there, the back of the block was placed meter by meter. for in the beginning, we still need
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to sign some kind of agreement, if this is possible in principle, well , between the parties, let’s say, if they are ready for this. and then within the limits. passed it on to you, no one assigned it to you, it doesn’t belong to you, it’s like no one ’s well, which is part of a common, let’s say, communal network, no, no, it was the owner who dug it out. his house, they personally dug it, do you have any rights to it? well, gorvodokanal also has no rights to it, well, somehow, it’s essentially not registered anywhere, it doesn’t exist according to documents, yes, according to the documents it is not there, okay, then the question is, how is payment for sewerage made? usually, because well, it flows into the general sewer, so we pay for the sewer, it’s just some kind of
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fixed amount, no, no, depending on the amount of water spent, how much water we spent, as usual for everyone... how much was spent, so much for water supply and sanitation. svetlana, regarding the sewer system, your kanny has complaints, yes, they flood you and so on, but you won’t deny that you also brought this damage to the family, it fell from your roof into the snow, which damaged the gas pipe and left the neighbors without gas in the winter. it was several hours, and the neighbors came, they called me, i called the gas service. and in the morning the gas workers arrived, fixed everything and i paid them for everything , so on my part everything is clean, what a liar you are, it’s terrible, it was i personally who ran to all the services, i... i also called the authorities police because i wanted to bring her in for leaving us in a dangerous situation, me and my children, that’s all it’s recorded, what are you talking
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about, now you’re sitting there and just lying, how anna’s husband tried to establish contact with neighbors, what consequences this led to, we’ll find out immediately after a short advertisement, stickers 2 are impossible not to slow down only when purchased with a magnet card for every 500 rubles on the check, this is a show of stars, duels denis. dorokhov, let me go, let me go , against philip kirkorov, that’s right, i ’m actually a singer, and i’m a taxi for the soul, while there are no concerts, the deceitful nature has bent me, i ’ve been deprived of beauty and height, i’m ugly distorted, and before the deadline i sent him into the world alive, that’s how i see luntik, this is a housing issue. yeah, a million-dollar secret, all my ex-women began with the letter a. amin, where are you going? i don't want to start. why is
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beyond, a family from vladimir melts snow to wash their face dishes, all because the neighbors cut off their water. svetlana, after all, you are in a situation where you damaged a pipe, no, look, the snow just melted, which turned the gas pipe, damaged it a little, it was not registered there on the roof. who is responsible for the snow on your roof? i am for the snow, but they are for the gas pipe, but you have taken some measures so that it no longer falls on its gas pipe. we clean it every year, now we clean the roof, but it was probably easier to install a snow guard, as my husband told you, why didn't you get up? by the way, they offered it for free, no , they didn’t offer it for free, they said, a snow retainer, i buy it, it will screw it on, but why would a stranger screw it on for me, what if it gets old there later, what a light stranger, you ’re sitting in my kitchen at home, you communicate with my husband at the same time and say that he is already
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a stranger to you... svetlana with the gas, at least they understood your position, now let’s use the water, why did you cut off the water to your neighbors? well, because they have already moved on to too active actions and if within 2 years they verbally insulted my children, then on the seventh her husband threw such a log at my child’s hand, and it’s good that it was in the hand and not in the head. svetlana, please tell me , have i insulted your children at least once, now they insult me... constantly, on an ongoing basis, you understand, but what kind of log that flew into the child, i have no idea what she says to the log, to be honest, two of my children, two sons, were playing in the backyard, they weren’t playing, they were swearing, let’s start with this, what are you talking about, can you leave me alone? interrupt, please, i don’t interrupt, for some reason vladimir doesn’t treat my children very adequately, he constantly calls him names, that you’re pathetic, a complete loser, he says, this is for a child, how old is he? at
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that time i was 11 years old when i even was. moment that we were doing something on my side, we get their entrance and my entrance, that is , they enter from this side, we from this side, it turns out that vladimir walked with his son like that, past me, and my son and i were on the street, and vladimir and his son began to insult me ​​in front of my eyes, and i i said, vladimir, if you have any questions, let you address them to me, to which they continued to insult my son and moved on, but you are talking about anna’s husband insulting your children, which is surprising, anna speaks to exactly the opposite, that... your children insult her herself, in front of her children, calling her about the same, in general, as you do now, yes, but we do not insult their children, only in december we allowed our children, because already i'm tired of enduring it, my husband allowed it, he said, tell him what he tells you, just in response, svetlana, you are lying , you, well, now you are sitting there blatantly lying, how are you not ashamed at all, yuri, whose position is closer to you, i understand that the conflict has reached quite deep, that is, indeed, you are
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completely ladies of each other don’t... want to hear, it’s so obvious and strange, it’s true, you have children on both sides, this is at least one argument in favor of the fact that you will still have to come to an agreement, because you are neighbors, one house, this is , this is one house, well, we’re all probably sitting here and a little, as it were we’re surprised, i, for example, i’m surprised, you and you, anya, are just sweet, charming, intelligent women, that this damn... collector turned you into some kind of well , you’re just a fart, both of you are just like you’re just aggressive, i think , that the problem is precisely that you need to do everything in a businesslike manner, and this is a question for your husbands. mish, what do you think, whose side is the truth on? the dialogue is not working out, but it’s been 2 years already, this is of course terrible, because the people who live nearby would like them to live, well, in some kind of world, but sometimes they really
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impossible to agree. how about me, i wake up one day, under my door, i live in the house, there is a piece of paper, a note like this, i open it, and it says if you don’t stop throwing leftover food. pour drinks out the window , we will write to the local police station, because we came to you, but you were not there, and i understand that i was going to this apartment, well, recently, 2 years, they periodically tried to get to know you for something, probably yes, but i said right away, i don’t want any housing and communal services, chat rooms, shmat, so i don’t need this, and i realized that with these people who are looking at me from the bushes like this, spying on me, it’s useless to say anything, yes, i took an a4 sheet of paper, just like that, i wrote...
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we endured for 2 years, what did you endure, please tell me what you endured, so i want to personally hear what you endured from me for 2 years, but tell me, let’s start from the very beginning, yes, that when they moved in, they didn’t get to know each other, for almost a year we had a very strong smell, water appeared periodically, which we they were cleaning, there is also a building that is collapsing, we have an examination that proves that the building is collapsing, and if repairs are not made soon, then we already have... there is a problem with the foundation, there is a problem with the veranda that wants to escape, and there is a problem with the roof that will escape behind this veranda, all this is because of the neighbors , yes, and if we can’t do anything, then part of our house will run away , if part of our house runs away, what will the neighbors say, especially the roof will run away, again
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we will be to blame, that’s right, you said that you have some conclusions regarding erosion foundation within the framework of the conclusion in tied to this sewer pipe, is there a way to solve this problem? and the cost and transfer, what amount are we talking about? we asked for no calculations for now, well , at least approximately, except, look, weren’t you interested in the order of the numbers? why should i be interested, this is not my pipe , we are responsible for our pipes, why should we be responsible for other people’s pipes if people don’t want to look after them, svetlana, i want you to look at the situation anna’s family finds themselves in after you... cut off their water. we have plot. for 2 weeks now, every morning of the abramov family begins with vladimir, armed with two ten-liter cans, walking to the nearest pump for water. in the morning four or five times. in the evening it’s
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the same, because you have to eat and cook. 2 days ago there were severe frosts, and the pump was caught. fortunately, we have friends nearby, we went to friends to get water. to wash dishes or floors. the spouses have to wait for the snow collected in iron buckets to melt in advance. this is how i wash my floors with melt water. like this, and i wash dishes in the house. the water is poured into the shaker, the water is very cold, you have to wash it very quickly. anna complains that she is forced to lift huge buckets, but she is absolutely forbidden to do this. hernia, i can’t lift anything heavy due to my illness, here we have a toilet, we flush the toilet like this, here is anna and vladimir’s daughter, eight-year-old vaselitsa,
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taking water from a bucket into a mug to brush her teeth and wash her face, about hot she had to completely forget about the bath, the girl says, before i could somehow play in the water there with toys, now i... i can’t do it, because the neighbors turned off our water, or rather, they cut it off. sveslan, don’t you feel sorry for your neighbors? honestly, no, because my children were breathing feces for a year , there was unsanitary conditions, i’m a tutor, other people’s children come to me, you would be pleased if your child walked, but the tutor’s place stank, how did you put up with it for 2 years, did they live? in the end, you still repaired it with your own money, on our own territory again, we repair it, it wears out again. svetlana, how long do you plan to keep this family without water? i i think when, well, either they come to an agreement or begin to behave adequately, you know, svetlana, anna’s husband assures that until the very end he tried to resolve the conflict with you peacefully, our guest is vladimir abramov, everyone
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, hello, hello, vladimir, in your opinion, why do you have such tense relations with your neighbors, here we need to keep a dialogue going somehow to come to something, well, some dirty tricks, well, that’s how they are, roughly speaking, but
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they said such immoral words, well, i didn’t do that, svetlana, you have a spouse, why doesn’t he can he talk to vladimir like a man , when vladimir comes to talk like a man , the first time he came, he came with a telescopic baton, and the last conflict was on march 7, in the video there is how vladimir with a telescopic baton steals our keys completely, steals keys, and what kind of conflict is this? on march 7, we were going. to go on vacation with my family, i went to my husband’s garage, i said: that’s it, get ready, i’m done with the students, you can go, after that my son comes running, saying that a stick has arrived, and then he comes running vladimir, the ministry of emergency situations arrives, and they say that they have some kind of smoke there, and vladimir - with anna they cause my husband to quarrel, wasn’t it your husband who threw checkers into their basement, my husband didn’t throw anything, he was sitting in the garage, studying in the garage with business, then vladimir hits the husband on the neck, the husband has an interception...
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this mark was made more than once, when vladimir tried to talk to my husband for the first time, there was exactly the same mark on his neck, he hit him in the same way with a baton. vladimir, why did you attack your neighbor? there was smoke for 2 days in a row, and we called firefighters, this happened after 7 pm , i came home from work, my wife was hysterical, she said: we have a fire, she says, something is burning, it’s unclear, i walk in, the smell is like wiring, well, i’m really scared, i say, wife, evacuated and tell everyone, i open the hatch. i looked, well, i wanted to see technically what was happening, where what was, maybe somehow buckets of something, i saw that there was no open fire, nothing was happening, the hatch, i closed this one accordingly, well, in the end it was sulfur checkers, which, as svetlana says, no one to you, when, when the smoke cleared, there are also photos and videos of it, a sulfur bomb, even the firefighters themselves came, they said, by the smell it’s a servo bomb, this clearly tells where they came from, there is a technological hole where it goes through. here’s a small one, there’s 10 by 15
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, a person just throws it, because when they climbed in, he had no smoke, and all the smoke was with us, what do children do while their parents sort things out with their neighbors, we’ll continue in a few minutes, well , calm down, i saved you from a bullet, i'm tired prove that i didn’t commit any crime, don’t you see that they’re setting me up, hello, yes, i’m listening, a bear overtook a guy in the forest. we're wasting time, take your equipment, gun ready, that's it, end of connection, we're saving a person, he's dying there, hold on, hold on, tyum, i'm already close, 5 minutes of silence, new season, dad, today at 20:00 on ntv, mask , new season, sunday at 20:20 on ntv. choice of millions for varicose veins vinarus can help 1 2 3 one tablet
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from vladimir living through the wall, not a day goes by without a quarrel. vladimir. you want to say that you found no other way out than to go hand-to-hand with your neighbor, then yes, i went, no one had arrived yet, the fireman, i went there, there were some people there too, either the police or someone, i don’t remember anymore, people were walking there, so i went there to the garage, plowing he runs out with a hammer, so i ran away, the firefighters arrive, they go there , i also need to be interested to see what ’s happening, what’s next, i say, pash, come out here, i say, let’s talk like human beings, let’s talk like men, because i had an explosion of emotions, because for 2 days in a row we simply didn’t sleep.
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this is a separate whole story, i’m actually telling you that you’re just beating him, beating him, you know, beating him aggressively. ekaterin, we see in the footage of the fight that the baton really appears, yes, it’s not visible how svetlana's husband will be killed for her, but she is in the frame. this can be regarded as protecting their children in this regard. situation or is it more like an attack? in general, in principle , we have a rule-of-law state and we are structured in such a way that we do not solve issues with our fists; if you have any complaints, you can contact law enforcement agencies and all other mandates. of course, it is all the more absolutely proven in the video that you cause bodily harm to the opponent you beat, and as for the telescopic
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baton, this is an object that can can only be used by the police, you must have a special permit for the storage and possession of this item, do you have such a permit, no, there is administrative liability for this, i contacted the police more than ten times, more than 10 statements, we looked at how it is now family lives. how they have to not only be without water, but you, too, svetlana, invited us to visit you, told us about your hardships, let’s see, svetlana stepanova’s husband climbs into the basement of their part of the house to to clearly show the epicenter of the problems with the neighbors, this wet spot right here in that area is located just under the foundation of the alluvium that comes out of this pipe, the most important thing is that i lost that piece of the foundation of the wall where... directly per mouse due to the constant humidity in the kitchen , a huge patch of mold has grown right in front of the dining table. the man is indignant; soon
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the hated fungus will consume the entire house. here we have this very moldy spot, it’s creeping from below. here we can see this gap, through this gap, and so on. in addition, due to dampness , the façade sank and cracks appeared. here we have the ceiling line and... the leaks themselves, that is, the roof there on the other side seems to be fine, but the roof is already trying to move away from us, because this wall goes into the rubble, and also, says svetlana, a camera has appeared video surveillance, which completely films our space, and here children walk, clear snow, and if before the neighbor was across the fence, there was a chain-link rider, he he just talked directly through the fence, well , he didn’t talk, he mostly insulted, but now here’s... the camera, he also communicates with them, calls them names, insults, calls them complete losers, yuri, you must admit, it ’s not pleasant to live in such conditions, and
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somewhere you can understand svetlana that she solves the problem radically, well, i got her, that’s it, she just cuts off the sewerage system, the neighbors’ water, but we saw the mold with our own eyes, yes, i understand it perfectly, because really the house is not intended to exist, coexistence. two halves , it must be modernized, this is clear, it seems to me that it should have been clear to all of you, and to them, yes, and i am on your side in this regard, why, because this monstrous collector that remains, probably from a temporary septic tank , which was in this house before the connection of central communications, is most likely a weak and superfluous link, anastasia, what danger does mold pose for svetlana and her family, tell us, mold is, strictly speaking... fungi, and if you constantly live in conditions where fungi are respiratory diseases, these are chronic bronchitis, this is bronchial asthma, mushrooms
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cause allergies, accordingly this leads to constant sensitization of the body, which means susceptibility to a larger number of allergens, food allergies appear trivially, some household allergies to household allergens, chemicals, and so on, that is, the conditions are disgusting, and indeed, the risks are high, because this is usually a debilitating disease, now and... i’m asking you, don’t you see your own fault for such a picture at your neighbors’ house? no, i can tell you, such mold does not appear even in 2 years, why doesn’t anna have this, and why don’t i have this, a year ago, when we moved into the house and did help at home, one house, one wall between us, i have there is no such light at home, my house is clean and orderly, despite the fact that you even turned off the water for me, i know geographically, i was at their house, where the kitchen is and where the water supply and sewer are, you were t...
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paying more attention to her children in the studio larisa kolesnichenko. hello, hello, larisa. larisa, as i understand it, that you know both families well. yes i know. whose side are you on in this conflict? i am for anya and vova. because they suffer, their children suffer, from water, from gas, and there are constant
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power cuts. right now i have cut the pipe altogether. please describe anna and vladimir as parents, what kind of parents are they? well, good, responsible parents. how can you characterize svetlana and her husband? what kind of parents are they? none, to be honest, none, because children express themselves in unceremonious words, even at adults, i am a stranger, they they also said obscene words to my face. i propose to see how svetlana’s sons communicate with their neighbors. thank you for your attention, this is for you, thank you for.
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this is your presentation, the fact that children have begun to treat adults this way, this is your conflict, what to do, no one told me what to do, she doesn’t even go out, she sits at home like a mouse, this is the way out, i’m watching to this video, it’s just some kind of nightmare, a nightmare, how vladimir insulted my children, this was in the twenty-second year, that is , they learned from him, in the twenty-second year from him learned in 2024 because of mine.
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that this is impossible, good, what to do when an adult insults them, an adult insults them, what to do, explain to me, well, of course, start yourself, until the age of 12, children, as a rule, have not yet formed morality, they absorb it from the norms the morals that their parents convey to them at home, that is , they completely intercept their moral values, so the answer starts with yourself, alexander, and such behavior of children is a reason for inspection by the guardianship authorities, inspection of the parents. yes, absolutely that’s right, this is a reason to write a statement on anna’s part that svetlana’s children, it ’s written, anna wrote that the pdn authorities came to us, five people, a commission came, yes, what are the results, can you show it on the screen, please, additional information about the family: the family lives in a private two-story house, the living area is 100 km2,
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the minors have separate sleeping places, clothes and shoes, we see svetlana now, they are absolutely confirmed by government officials, who carried out the exit, drew up an act of household conditions, no problems, no complaints identified, we can conclude that the opposite side is simply slandering and slandering. svetlana, if such a situation , such a conflict, a terrible conflict between families, did you ever think that it would be easier to just sell the house and move away, well, we actually bought it earlier and we moved there earlier and we lived there without thinking about it,
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well thought well. anna, vladimir, have you ever thought about simply leaving, selling your houses and moving to another place, if life is so difficult for you here? i really like this house, it took us a long time to choose it, roughly speaking , we lived there all our lives, but... we know this area, we know this location, we know that there is a school nearby in the kindergarten, it’s not ready, we’re not ready, but it sell , will the neighbors be able to reconcile and how can they continue to live together in the same house, we will find out the answers after a short advertisement, my own mother almost starved her dead children to death, my sister and i collected b... to feed misha vitalik when the children were taken from the family , they were happy that they would now live in an orphanage, finally i won’t starve, but then my sister didn’t know that
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1985. the brain is responsible for memory, attention, thinking, movement, mood, sleep and regulates the functioning of each of our organs. however, with age, we all experience memory deterioration and this year, a russian distributor purchased a batch of the japanese drug braintherapy, which contains all the phospholipids that promote brain restoration . prolong the youth of your brain 800 100 exactly 1985 800 100 exactly 1985 find out more about the japanese product brainterapy 5 minutes of silence new season today at 20:00 on ntv. beyond the bounds, this is beyond the limits, a quarrel between neighbors
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ended in a fight in the middle of the street. ibrahim, in general, it will be easy for these people to leave, is it possible to sell the property of one family, knowing that they have such a conflict? yes , of course, such properties are sold, but of course, they are relatively not easy to sell, because any potential buyer will check documents, communications, it will all stretch out, the best option if you want to live. that you will buy shares from him if you are ready to sell, agree on a price , it’s probably a question of price - to buy back the second part, a question of price, we just don’t know how much this half is worth at the moment, and even more so if it has mold there, you see them right away, but you mold, and there is a leak under your house, and your walls are allowed, svetlana, you know that we are not afraid of difficulties, we, we may buy it, what way out do you see in this situation, well, court, alexander, court is the only way come to an agreement or is it still possible to somehow come to a compromise, was? wishes, you know, here
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i have the impression that you don’t hear each other, because of this, one side cannot make any concessions, the other side does not make concessions, throughout the entire program we only see complaints, which one side puts forward, the other side puts forward, and because of this, until you sit down at the negotiating table, you will not solve this problem, including insults, both from adults, as from minor children, on the other on the other hand, anna and vladimir no longer have water now, how can they live while they negotiate, if they do something, as i understand it, it is technically possible to carry out all this in your basement, well, these are pipes, to bring something out, so that you do not depend on others to carry out our communications, it will take time, and we will calmly bring water to ourselves, believe me, in terms of money, well, we won’t stand behind the price, because... maybe for these 3
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months it’s conditional to bury the hatchet, so let them use it some more three months conditionally with water, sewerage, and then they will spend it for themselves, and you will be satisfied, i’m not ready, we have expert opinions, they should compensate for the losses. ekaterin, if svetlana needs help in representing her interests when the case comes to court, will you provide her with this help? yes, of course, after the transfer we will exchange contacts, i will leave it.


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