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tv   Doznavatel  NTV  March 22, 2024 3:20am-4:06am MSK

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it’s impossible to work, well, what else is it calm there, it’s lyokha who dragged the packages , let him go now arnold borisovich, i can’t work, we’ll burn out, boys and girls , be patient a little, now we’ll continue everything , what’s that noise, excuse me, who? what kind of jokes, i don’t understand, what kind of jokes are there, but well, hello, dreamer, she, she, she, well, san, let’s decorate, feel it, we’re going to have a hot night, yes, it’s a little hot here, guys, guys, maybe we can come to an agreement, but i’ll come to an agreement with you now, i understand. in short, it was like this, for filming they
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they needed suits, they hired a guy who was supposed to buy these suits for them, there were only three, three plumber suits, three underwear, so they also paid him 3 kopecks, well, the greed of the guy ruined him, he started stealing these things and got caught, yeah , well, well done, well done, you see, they closed down a real porn studio, this is... not to collect discs, so to speak, kirill, so, khamenko, what’s the matter , what’s wrong with you, it’s your fault, what happened to you, kirill , they came to you, the colonel decided, come on, get out of here, hello, hello. how
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things are going well, yes, i forgot, there is a car waiting for me, well, yes, i understand, bye, bye, if anything happens, come in. where to go to my duty room, let’s sit and talk, i understand, it’s very difficult when you are abandoned , depression immediately sets in, you want to drink, get away from the sense of reality, but this is a very slippery dangerous path, very dangerous, it’s better to have a heart-to-heart talk with your loved one person, talking with a friend can also be a medicine, fuck you, kirill, i’m telling you seriously, don’t, i just ask you don’t drink, don’t drink today, but drink it tomorrow, then everything will be fine.
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what's broken again? yeah, kind of like that. and why won’t we go at all? yes no, why? is already working, come on in, where are we going? down, where else?
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well, what else does it give, one at a time, no problem, top it up, of course? oops, what
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was that, wow, we gave it a go, jump, jump, jump. quietly, well, come on, come on, i’ll go and see how the brassiet is doing and let him handle it himself, no, i’ll go , come on,
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i need to die, but where are mine, there, yeah, na, not people, but i’d like to hang myself for 3 kopecks. pistil,
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give me, thank you, "great, san, hi, well, how was duty, oh , yes, as usual, i heard that you took these ladoga people yesterday, oh well, today these, tomorrow others, well, don’t be modest about what you’ve been herding for six months, no one can take them, well, who- then i have to do this, what are you going to do, go home, yeah, that 's it, come on, come on, khaminych, great, great!" comrade colonel, the red-haired man is in the building, yes, good, well, how is barsykova doing there, i mean, i’ve been wanting to ask you for a long time whether she knows how to cook or not,
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that’s it, kirill, it’s none of your business, i understand, that means she can’t, oh, marishka, hi, hi, no suvorov i was passing by, i just saw it on the street , there’s nothing for me here, no, twice, twice, it’s a little early, okay, i’ll come back later, he asked to report when you entered the building, you reported, that’s right, well done , you’ll have to come in, comrade colonel, he’s coming to see you, yes, you’re welcome, sash, wait, wait. why did something happen? no, listen, are you going home now? well, yeah, maybe we can have breakfast somewhere together? listen, i’m somehow tired, but maybe after all? marish, what a breakfast, after 24 hours, me too, let’s do
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it some other time, let’s go to bed now nothing else is needed, well, yes, marish, hello! oh, andrey, hi, how old are you, this is my classmate, the uniform suits you, you like it, show me a guy who won’t like it, you look cool, yes, listen, where are you going now, in which direction, forward, you you know, i’m only moving forward , i just need to get there too, i don’t understand why you ’re standing there, come on, sit down, get in, get in, come on, come on, okay, sasha, bye, come on, with a beautiful girl i’m always on my way , listen, i didn’t bother you, go ahead, good service, bye, please, colonel, come in,
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have a seat, yeah, well... why is service so late? what time is it already? so i mean, today in general, what's fair? yes, honestly, i overslept, comrade colonel, so what? yesterday i came home late from a mission, well, i passed out, i didn’t hear the alarm clock, but there’s no one to wake me up, and i didn’t even shave, you see how bad i look, and i didn’t even shave, yeah, yeah, and you know, kumach, and here i am for you i believe it, by god i believe it, but honestly, comrade colonel, why should i lie to you, by god, well, for the first time admitted that he was lying to me? well, that’s what i’m saying, i believe, anyone can oversleep, a major, a colonel, a general, anyone can oversleep,
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by god. this is what i wanted to tell you, you carried out a good operation yesterday, good, well done, today i already received calls from the prosecutor’s office, from the main department, from the tv channel’s news service, even from the administration. they called, everyone praised you , they said how you did a very good job yesterday, well, everything was fine, comrade colonel, sit, well, that’s it, we acted according to instructions, didn’t shoot at anyone, didn’t they beat me, they didn’t hit cars, they didn’t blow up houses, and even in the club where these bigots were hanging out, not a single glass was broken, i can even bring a certificate, well, honestly, the chief colonel, yeah, that’s what i’m saying, well done, you can when if you want, can you? i’m personally proud that people like these serve in my employ, and this
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report or something came at me again, it’s that we were in a drug den with this very same son in the face, so we didn’t do it on purpose, comrade colonel, it’s not written on his face that he’s someone’s son, comrade colonel, well, honestly , yes, yes, but i’ll leave some of the extra expenses now, uh-huh, or rather, i’ll try to figure it out, uh-huh, uh-huh, and maybe the usb has run into this again, so comrade colonel, well, well, i’m 100 since i told you that this is not my car, well, this is my ex-wife’s car, and i drive by proxy, comrade colonel, yeah. yes, well, honestly, that’s it, i give up, okay, kiryukha
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, i really wanted to say that you did a very, very good job yesterday, well done, each of you who was at this operation yesterday will receive a bonus at the end month, you prepare a list for me, and i’ll sign it. well done, well done, listen, well , what’s going on in the department, or maybe there’s a problem with the car, it needs repairs, you speak, speak up, don’t be shy, i’m not just sitting here in my office, we’ll solve any problems, i’m here for you like a dear father, well, i have a headache, comrade colonel, can i go and rest a little, no, wait, that’s not what i want to tell you. you, personally , say whatever you want, don’t be shy, come on, well,
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comrade, well, hidden camera, somewhere, and hello, hello, play it, comrade colonel, don’t play around, i need to rest, comrade colonel, yeah, my head hurts. much, uh-huh, yes, go, rest, go, otherwise i’m really looking at you, yes, kirill, oh, listen, maybe i’ll call akhamenko, oh, let him make you some tea, but don’t, no, oh well, go, go, rest, uh-huh, uh-huh.
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everything is fine, uh-huh, you know where to go, uh-huh, come on in. hello , kind, it’s a registered letter, why are you throwing it away, haven’t you been taught any manners, do you hear, what are you doing anyway, and now i’ll call the security, hear you, who are you anyway, but listen, you’ve got me already, closer,
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closer, it was i who called you. say that you will die soon, who are you, you want , i will pay, i have money, for what, explain, i don’t need anything from you, only your death, someone i will pay, i have a lot of money, please, don’t shoot, i beg you, don’t shoot, please, goodbye , ask that, become a monkey , what i want to say, hello, on the one hand, but you understand, your methods, they, as it were, are not quite and not
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i always find understanding, but on the other hand, i am glad that such an officer serves in our team, like you, such an officer and... and a wonderful comrade, on whom you can always rely, and who, comrade lieutenant colonel, i won a million, but i don’t know about it yet, what million, where million, but i don’t know which million, for some reason you all me, kirill, i understand you are in a hurry, but what i wanted to say, i hope you will make the right decisions, go, think, go, right, ugh, what did i want to ask you, how much ? in terms of? no, take me with you, where? i am resilient, i can keep secrets, i have iq tall, give yourself your iq, think about it, kirill, i’ll think about it, thank you.
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hello, great, i wish you good health, good morning.
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you decide colonel, majorcan mother, come in, major, sit down, eat , they carried out a good operation yesterday, thank you, yeah, if it’s not a secret, how we found these thugs, operational information, colonel, it’s clear, well, i... then i called you to about the intelligence network to torture, it’s just that the commander-in-chief was also looking for these makhnovists, yeah, you took it, i took it, comrade colonel, i, it’s mine,
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or something, yours, major. your business, let's get started to the point, it’s necessary, it’s necessary, major, it’s necessary, well, since it’s necessary, it’s necessary, i hope you’ve heard, we’ve had a vacant position for 2 months now as the head of the department for investigating contract killings, but i heard that kolya ponezov retired, that’s right , what do you say? what should i say? me or what? i hope you don’t need to explain what you’re getting, you’d better
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say that i’m losing colonel, you’re kidding, major, yes, you were the owner of one particular district, now you’ll be the owner of an entire city, well, as far as i know, in our city there are other owners, no, major. we are the masters , and you are only gods, and i think that everyone in the department began to lick me like that, you have a leak of information, colonel, well , you probably won’t be able to keep track of everything from the personnel, so we will also fight against this, in short, kirill, i give you 3 days to think, but remember, such proposals are made only once, i ’ll think, colonel, i’ll think, think. let me go, go, yeah, well, i'm off, yes, yeah, yes,
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sanya! sanya, help me out, sanya, are you crazy, valerich, what do you need, i’ve caught up with you, taste it, otherwise i’m on time, my eyes got completely blurry while working.
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san, if anything happens, i’m nearby, yes, well, valeriich, huh?
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hello, hello, marish, how are you, hello, i’m fine, why are you calling, why am i calling, yes, just remember, this morning you offered to have breakfast, well, we can have dinner, and how are you, marish? marisha, why are you silent, and one second, listen, sasha, i, i can’t , why, well, i can’t do everything, i’m busy, where are you, you have music playing, music, well, well, the music is playing loudly, sasha, well, i'm a free woman, i have guests. guest, more precisely, and you know, i can’t talk now, come on later, when , when, someday, ah, hello, hello, marish,
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what are you doing, let’s drink the crown, let’s dance , hold on, andryusha, go home, huh?
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i mean, literally, you have a wife, children, probably listen , well, you yourself wanted to spend the evening with me, somehow the time has already ended, somehow i didn’t expect to spend the night with you, yeah, i understand, that means that’s it , yes? and if anything happens, dear, call, bye,
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eh! well, valeryich, sleigh, why, valeryich, leave here with your swill, is the bouquet bad? go, i'm telling you from here, take it, sanya, i got it, i ’ll work it out, sanya, if anything happens, i’m nearby, get out of here, i got it,
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i got it, i’ll work it out. so, you’re transferring, yes, yeah, great, great, no, of course i understand the prospects, you’ll get half a kan faster, it ’s not far from a general, yeah, if they don’t go to jail for corruption, spit it out, you fool. well, how are we here without you? no, the main thing is how will you cope without us? yes, i ’ll take you with me, don’t be afraid, by the way, i need my people everywhere, so you sit down together, tfu on you for the second time, such people leave, oh well, it’s like you’re burying me, but between other than that, i’m tired of having everyone in the tavern, is everything clear? well, why are you
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, why, i quarreled with marinka again, i didn’t put up with her, now wait, hello, suvorov, you’ll die soon, why, why, i’m calling to say that you’ll die soon, good joke, who’s even saying that? well, some idiot called and said i’m going to die soon. hello everyone , we’ve already seen each other, tolya, you’ve passed your post, it’s so clear that you’re not going home, how about money, what kind of money, you live here like in a deep forest, by the way, we’re collecting for the whole department kumac for a parting gift, because that’s
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what anyone’s conscience will tell. in general, come back later, okay, okay, what else? marina, why did you quarrel with suvorov? come back later, yeah. marin, why did you have a serious quarrel? katya, don’t ask, okay , uh-huh, hi, wait, one, two, great, great, what a fate, well, i came to see my future colleague, the offices will be nearby, yes, nearby, nearby, what happened, what happened,
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what happened ? happened, i need to whisper, so i ’ll be there in an hour, i’ll just look at the tavern for prostavvy kiril, well, in general , listen, in two days we had a lot...
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nothing was insinuated, there were extortions, and various scams, and they especially liked to plant drugs on someone, and then shake the money, but maybe, maybe, i’m telling you i say, i haven’t communicated closely with them, well, i’ll help you in any way i can, help me in any way you can, i’ll be happy with everything, i’ll go talk to you, and for now i ’ll have a little fun. well, why did you call me, what happened? yes, i wanted to talk, to find out how things were going. kuharkov, what do you want? yes, i don’t need anything, but what i need is to talk wanted. oh, ashot, i’m listening to you carefully. lebedev was looking for you, he said very urgently, and
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the publication would not release you. what can you do? okay, sasha, i won't be long now. this will take a long time, but what? for how long? didn't understand. for a long time, and sasha and i were going to buy a gift for the redneck, that’s what to do, sasha, here’s marina, sash, maybe he and marina will go for a gift, and i’ll go to klebedev then, for a long time, yes, but i’m off, go. no, no, that’s not it, the next one, well, where
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are we going, i don’t know, i don’t care, and neither do i, actually, i’m not going anywhere at all i wanted, you might think, i wanted, but why did i go then, you fool, because. marish , don’t start, why don’t you start, sasha, why marish, let me tell you something now, just listen to me until the end, don’t interrupt, okay, okay, i’m standing, listening, what’s funny, sasha, no, you’re just funny when you’re angry, that’s it, i can’t talk to you anymore, you’ll buy the gift yourself, great, marish, stop, don’t twitch. i get up, what do i need? the car on the left, you see, is green, let’s go to the car, and if i don’t go and shoot, i will,
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so that everything is in the best possible way, right? yes, yeah, advance, that, ah, well, i understand, we’ll do everything in the best possible way, come on, don’t let me down, yes, sorry, yes, yes, marin, yes, what’s wrong, don’t shout and speak plainly, that’s it, i got it, i'm on my way now. how many people per bed? okay, listen, well, he doesn’t remember, the girl , was there a deuce in the number or an eight, you try all possible options, yes, come on, i
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’m waiting, but what tomorrow, in 10 minutes, yes, i’m still waiting, but he didn’t have any a lot of troubles lately, listen, maybe you somehow imagined it, but no, that guy he hit him in the neck, then... his legs gave way and he threw him into the car, well, that’s it , just don’t cause panic, well, anything can happen, kidnapping, well, no nonsense, sanya doesn’t handle any high-profile cases and in general.. .. what to take from an ordinary interrogator, yes, that’s it, listen , or maybe it’s this actress’s ex, but the trustee, so he’s wearing crosses, and no one let him out on an undertaking not to leave, yes, well then i don’t understand anything at all, you have a meeting, well, yes, something like that, but what’s urgent, well... here you have such a suvorov, i can’t find it anywhere
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man, why do you need it? well, it’s all about the same case, i told you, about a double murder, this pack of yours could be next. so what if you remain silent for a long time, you are my last, i have nowhere to rush now, but i’m happy for you. tell me, suvorov, why did you
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go to work in the police? what? you know, i ’ll kill you anyway. this is not even discussed. the question is, a little earlier or a little later. and that depends on you. listen, are you really sick, huh? do you want to kill me? 3 years ago, apparently you had just arrived
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their mintour to work, two of your patrolmen stopped a guy, a student, on the street, he was just returning home, accompanied the girl and just went home, they stopped him, checked his documents, searched him and found heroin. so much so that the court sees in this not personal use, but distribution, do you understand what i’m talking about? your patrolmen were doing this all the time, scamming suckers for money, demanding money for not moving forward with the case, and they also wanted to scam this guy, only this guy had no money, student, what kind of money do students have, scholarship? he lived alone without parents, however, he had
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an older brother, only he was very far away at that time, and the guy said that he had no money, then they took him to your department, one investigator formalized the seizure of drugs, the guy said that he’s not guilty of anything here and the drugs were planted on him, but the young interrogator didn’t listen to him, because he didn’t care, remembered him, remembered him, creature? yes, i remember him, he was lying at your feet, asking for help, and you i just filled out the paperwork, and you know what happened next, what?
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but the guy never found the money, he didn’t say anything to his brother, why stop his brother from fighting, the guy was tried, and with a good lawyer he could have gotten off with a suspended sentence, but he didn’t have money for a lawyer, and the judge didn’t care. my brother was given 6 years, a month ago he died, me. it’s a pity that you’re sorry, and this is something new in our history,
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well, it’s empty, no one, but the car is here. "it’s easy to say, look for it, but don’t panic, stas, we are suborov’s phone number via cell phone the operators were hit, he’s somewhere here in this area, and where they can’t take cell phones, then you go to the attic, and i’m in the basement, yeah, just rush alone, i understand, it’s clear.” yes, i didn’t kill anyone, i’m mine did the job, you did your job, you did the job, did the job, you didn't even ask
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where the student got the drugs, you just filled out the papers and crossed him out of your biography. you went to drink beer with your friends, and my brother went to prison!
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wait, and that there won’t be drinking? why won’t there be, there will be some more, we’ll invite everyone, even khamenka, can you imagine how i’m in the main room without a joke, nonsense, nonsense, let’s go, kira, it hurts, what’s wrong with you, huh? listen, what about the drinking, kira, well, colonel osokin, i’m listening, what? sorry, but you can't go any further.
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sasha, what? let's go to. uh-oh.


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