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tv   Osnovano na realnikh sobitiyakh  NTV  March 23, 2024 1:00pm-3:01pm MSK

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look at what kind of cabinets we have here, you can put a refrigerator in here from someone that wow actually this is original how to do it i have a lot of stumps there at the dacha i should try to make these stumps oh great how so what is this mug we have and i i don’t know, this is a candle and a scent for you. great, when i came in for the first time , i looked at this whole miracle, i realized that the designer should be everywhere, because we wouldn’t have come up with this on our own, the fact that we will now have a soft wall is very cool, most of all for me personally i liked the ironing board, i opened the closet, immediately turned on the iron, ironed everything, closed everything , put it away, and no one sees it, you can invite guests calmly, without thinking that something is wrong with you... this is a
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very convenient workplace for me i like it because it’s light near the window, plus thank you very much, especially for the mirror, for these drawers, they are very wide, comfortable, i can fit all my bottles, tubes, all our wishes, they were taken into account, everything is done, then what we thought, dreamed, asked, yes, well, more like dreams brought to life, thank you very much for... creating for us this miracle , this beauty, yes, balashikha near moscow, a new residential area, boyarinogo street, in soviet times only soldiers of the invisible front knew this name, and that’s all, and
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only a narrow circle knew what kuos really was, even among state security employees. and now look, the memorial plaque on the house says: boyarinova street is named in honor of the head of the advanced training course for officers , hero of the soviet union. killed in afghanistan during the storming of the tashbek palace. but even now only a few know in detail what kind of operation it was and what exactly their role was in it. played by grigory boyarinov. interesting archival footage once filmed by dmitry konyakhin. the participants of the kabul special operation, years later, are back in the capital of afghanistan in the places of their military glory. the task is to disable communications, which means that tamin cannot call for help and cannot turn to the international community.
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destruction of an underground communications center, which was led by boris peshkunov in december 1979, was accompanied by a deafening explosion, which was the signal for the start of the operation to seize government facilities. it was after him that the fighters of the secret zenit detachment stormed the buildings of the ministry of internal affairs, the general staff, the main prison, television, telegraph and, of course, the tajbek palace, better known as the amin palace. object tajbek - code name object oak, was a modern, reliably guarded, perfectly fortified, state-of-the-art fortress with minefields and a well-covered area around. he took refuge here. who killed the former head
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of state and seized power in afghanistan, pro-american figure hafizullah amin, who had close ties with the cia. the assault began somewhat earlier than planned, about 25 minutes later. our special forces were faced with a task of unprecedented complexity; the assault had to go through open terrain, under targeted fire, and attack the citadel, being in an overwhelming minority. we walked this entire distance under continuous gunfire.
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trained and professionals in their field, and the shooting was so intense that it almost seemed that it was very difficult to find a place in order to somehow get close to the object. a well -trained professional reconnaissance saboteur in kuos, then the situation during this assault seemed pitch black. a barrage of fire from the enemy, slugs that were on... the walls turned out to be so thick that the shells rolled away like peas from a sterga, that is, this is how such a flint groove began, we found ourselves in the fire zone, well
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, can you imagine, tropical rain drumming on the armor, this is the feeling from the shots, using a rapid-fire anti-aircraft self-propelled gun. a cannon as a means of fire support for assault groups is one of the know-how of this unique special operation, and this idea worked. after the machine gun was suppressed by the shilka, our group, the broskon, reached the building, and there we teamed up with the group of thunder. in fact, officially a completely different building in the very center of kabulul was officially intended for the afghan leadership, but the cunning and prudent amina, who dealt with her...
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to open it, so the task was his, in fact, he needed to be alive. in the tajbek palace, amina guarded almost 2,500 well-trained and armed to the teeth afghan guard fighters; there were six times
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fewer of ours for the assault; they were led into the attack by their own teacher, whom the officers called batya among themselves, the head of the cooz, a front-line soldier, grigory boyarinov. usually, whoever attacks must be 70 times, otherwise it must be 10 times in order for a full assault to be possible, here everything was the other way around, only 54 people who stormed, but there were more than 300, about 350 guardsmen, personal guards who held the palace only inside, only inside, not to mention the encirclement, so the balance of forces was, well, not in our favor, grigory ivanovich understood this perfectly well from the very beginning, the most difficult, of course, was the palace, here it must be said that just on the eve of the operation, grigory ivanovich boyarinov came to us, flew in from moscow, there are different versions of the purpose of his visit, well, he says
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that he had met the day before with andropov, which could well have been, and androp could have initiated him into this whole plan. here, but the main thing in my opinion is that grigory ivanovich perfectly, as a military man, understood what could... be behind this operation, and in simple language they say that people can his children, those whom he considered relatives, and this is not a figure of speech, it was really so, he considered them all close and dear people, that they could simply die, and he could not imagine himself in this situation, being in moscow, and they will be there somewhere in... afghanistan to carry out the task, and he also did not imagine himself, being at the headquarters, that he, that
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they would carry out the task, and he would be somewhere from an elevated area, as tipaev said, to lead or observe the progress of this battle, so here the situation was combative, there was no longer sentimentality. i don’t care who is the leader and who is not the leader, because all the roles in this situation were outlined, especially since many of the employees were dressed, especially muslim, in general in afghani the uniform was changed, it was difficult to treat, the time had already become dark, the bandages were white bandages on the arms, they practically did not save, at 19:15 the assault on the tajbek palace began, after the explosion of special communications at about.
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which were, let’s say, not put on combat readiness, someone had to control the barracks, so, for example, several of our operatives quickly managed to suppress and disperse the resistance of the soldiers at the barracks, and even, in general, tied up the officer who led the afghan guard , under a hail of bullets, the operatives reached... palace, and the alpha was engaged in security, and the zenith directly carried out the most difficult task
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- the liquidation of hafizullah amin. that is, it is clear that it was not possible to carry out this operation peacefully or through negotiations, it was not possible, but the culprit of this whole process was actually amin’s personal security guard, his name was jandat, he was the nephew of president amin and headed it. therefore, the identification system for one’s own was a selective russian swearing, the special forces
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of the muslim gru battalion and paratroopers controlled the perimeter, they did not give shanks raise the heads of the afghan soldiers and generally drove them inside the barracks. as we age , changes in vision can change the way things are done. the phone is designed for power. restoration and preservation of youthful eyes is recommended to be used daily for 3 months. touphone is now in new packaging, especially for course use. when you want the power of color, you don’t have to save up, buy it right away with a free tenkov platinum credit card. hurry up to get a tinkof platinum credit card with a bright, limited design until the end of march and receive free service forever. teincof. in the separate vk music application everything is included. subscription only now. 0 rub. for 3 months. listen to an endless library of music, your favorite books,
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behind me, had to be at the observation post for virtually this entire operation, had to be all uh separate, he refused, he said that i can’t leave my listeners , i have to be with them, i can’t stay here, i’m an officer, i’m a participant in the war, he says you too, so i’m sorry, and he actually ran and took part in the storm twentieth, many they write that he led, formally led it, but in reality... his presence gave such a fighting spirit to the entire detachment, to all participants, when everyone found out that the boyars were there, everything was clear there in terms of where to go, what to do , first opening the door, they threw a grenade in there, then they added a machine gun,
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they fired several bursts from the machine gun, absolutely. he died, unfortunately , this really happened, but amin was killed, accordingly, he was wrapped in a carpet, taken away, no one knows, to this day, but in in any case, those from whom i was interested, they, and they, in fact, were not interested in where they took this amin, what happened to him later? vodya means right wing, was at the bar.
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to the fact that he considered that he should be among them, it seems to me that this is the most logical explanation. grigory ivanovich reached the entrance, in fact, to
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the palace, he was not supposed to directly take part in the assault operations, but nevertheless he was walking again with his graduates, unfortunately, what is called a stray bullet, it really was a stray the bullet that killed him immediately. mortal wound, as a result of which he died, the boyar and i met for the first time already at the palace, for example, we completed the task of removing the communications center directly, and then the boyar grigory ivanovich and i had to help load it as a transporter already on the armor, here at i also have a letter for you that was written in july on july 10, 1979 in kabul. father grigory ivanovich wrote us this letter from afghanistan, this is the first letter when he was in
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as part of the first subgroup, zenit went to afghanistan to kabul, the flight went well, although we flew over the border, we immediately felt a different world, almost all the way to kabulul, empty rocky mountains with very few people, we arrived in kabul in the morning at about 7 o’clock, here we are. met and taken to the embassy, ​​well, these are the general descriptions of the work, i began to fulfill my duties, everything is going well, the situation is generally normal, so don’t worry. the son of the hero of the soviet union , boyarin, carefully preserves his father’s letters, the pages are covered with even calligraphy in handwriting, in almost every word - concern for loved ones. that’s all i can tell you about myself, but i miss you, i’m worried about how you are... there without me, how is your health, valyusha, how is lerochka, resting camp, this is my granddaughter, but everything was sure to be for her, and once again it’s hot i hug you tightly, kiss you all, very much...
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andrei and igor and irochka did not pass you by, listen to your mother, do not upset her, always yours. years have passed, now the younger boyarinov is himself a veteran of the foreign intelligence service, behind a lot of things that are still classified as secret and cannot be recalled publicly, but he remembers that day, december 27, 1979, almost every minute; on the twenty-fifth he was already in afghanistan, and here we are on december 27th. mom’s birthday, yes, and, as a rule, indeed, on this day, well, we always celebrated mom’s birthday together, because of him we raised a glass, yes, to his health, he was on a business trip, what is this, how it was, we didn’t know, so i think my brother didn’t know, although he was an employee of the eighth department at that time, but he also didn’t know anything about the essence of the operation, his brother said goodbye to him in chekalovsky,
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yes, near the airfield, as far as i know, but still he did not know why his father was flying where, no alarming premonitions, they celebrated his mother’s birthday and until december 29 , boyarin’s youngest son lived in blissful ignorance, brother, on december 29, told me when he came to visit me at the institute, that’s where i already worked at the vauman department, well, and somehow we were not even at the workplace, i was... but there in the audience we were discussing how to organize a new year celebration there, i’m still there i was doing social work, that’s why we had a whole group of some kind and then my brother suddenly appeared, he didn’t even need to tell me anything, because well , it was obvious, but at that second i already understood everything, of course, well then he told me, well, we came out there in these halls near
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the elevators, in the mechanical engineering department, where i worked and studied, there was no one there, he just told me everything in general, and they told him, as it later turned out the day before, yes, that is, the head of department eight invited him there and told him that so my dad died, so he was actually there on the twenty-eighth, they told him somewhere in the evening, and there, well, he had terrible experiences, my brother and i... we are very different in character, yes, my brother is a more emotional person, yes, him, like dad ’s first reactions are so bright , emotional, dad also had such a hot temper, yes, he could flare up, but dad is a gas, my brother is not, and i’m their opposite, i can kind of be more restrained at first, but then it doesn’t really mean what i have, but no worries, somehow everything is inside, well...
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the father died, when the funeral takes place, but soon a telephone call will be heard in their apartment, the voice at the other end of the line will say that he is calling on the personal instructions of the chairman of the kgb of the ussr yuri andropov. kgb general kryuchkov told the family of grigory boyarinov about this at andropov’s personal request. and also the last
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battle. and the feat of the legendary teacher, which he accomplished in front of his students. details now. 5 minutes of silence, new season from monday at 20:00 on ntv. if you get up more than twice at night, afalaza. at the first symptoms of the prostate, afalase is a modern drug for the early treatment of prostate adenoma. hair lacking vitality? gliskur - exceptional hydration. fills hair with the power of hyaluron and seaweed extract, moisturized, shiny and elastic hair, instead of scissors, try gliskur, exceptional hydration, if you want to become a modern individual entrepreneur and not pay a commission from a transfer to a cash account, then open a business account on, meet spring together with wildberries, taking care of your
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i am the fairy of a wonderful day, i give you a wonderful day, my strength is returning, the day is wonderful again, there is a new drug for your activity, prospecta is there. strength to live and enjoy every day. the head of kuos, state security colonel grigory boyarinov, was buried at the kuzminskoye cemetery. and 4 months later, an officer from andropov’s office called the boyarinovs. they called home, from the secretariat.
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i brought them to you today so that you can look at them, record them, well , first of all, this is the certificate of the hero of the soviet union, which was presented to us - after, well , may, it was probably the eightieth year,
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after it was adopted decree on the protection of the pope on april 28, this is actually the original of this certificate, which is awarded upon presentation of the hero's star and the order of lenin. and this was brought by hooks in the month of may 1980, it is written here for the successful completion of the task of providing international assistance to the democratic republic of afghanistan and the manifestations shown at the same time. courage and heroism awarded boyarin grigory ivanovich the title of hero of the soviet union. in addition to the awards, kryuchkov delivered another very important, now historical document to the hero’s relatives. another very interesting and unique document is andropol’s own personal letter. here it is. and here is andropol’s personal signature. so, comrade bayalinova valentina sergeevna. dear. for the courage and heroism shown
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during the performance of a special task, your husband, colonel grigory ivanovich boyarin , was posthumously awarded the title of hero of the soviet union. the feat accomplished by colonel guy, in the name of the security of our beloved homeland, will always serve as an inspiring example for all soviet security officers. i wish you, dear.
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it’s difficult, but then one of the young lieutenants responded, he and his a small group, he commanded a platoon, there were only six of them with him , we were already at the facility, we were still at the general staff at that time... suddenly there was somehow a connection,
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it appears between the groups , then suddenly a rumor was spread that grigor ivanovich had died there, of course we didn’t fully believe it , well, we somehow hoped that maybe it was n’t really like that, but somehow later it was confirmed, it was some kind of feeling, such disbelief , they somehow didn’t allow it, but what is it maybe, but the sweep of anxiety, mistrust, even for us... amin died under unclear circumstances;
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how exactly this happened is still truly unknown. the corpse of an amin in striped underwear was discovered at the bar counter in one of the premises of the tajbek palace. according to one version, he ran out to the meeting as a special forces officer with a pistol in his hands and had to be eliminated. according to another, he sat on the floor, awaiting his fate, and was mortally wounded by a stray grenade fragment. another version says that amin was afraid.
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always control behavior the multi-step approach is quite understandable, but nevertheless, the whole complex of those problems that arose at... the end of december gave reason to assume the possibility of cooperation or recruitment of amin by the central intelligence agency as an agent of influence or simply an agent, which in general was not some unusual
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situation. we were in the middle of that part of the cold war when we almost intuitively believed that it would last forever, that there would be two poles, two main forces in the world. states of america, he was certainly in the cia's field of vision, but what was it, did it mean it was cooperation or? it was just such an unspoken surveillance, replacing the fact that he was in the field of view of the cia, there is no doubt, but whether he was an agent, the answer to this question can only be given by the central intelligence agency. on the morning after the completion of the secret operation agathrom on december 28, 1979
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, afghanistan woke up with a new government, beaver karmal became the head of state. the us reaction was negative from the very beginning. on the entry of our troops, this is an invasion, this is occupation and so on, but the reaction to the storming of amin’s palace, as far as i know, was more than restrained, because the americans understood perfectly well that, firstly, it was a brilliantly carried out operation, they know how to respect professionalism, we must give them their due, well, at least their military, then they perfectly understood that in many ways this operation was inevitable, and... if a decision was made - to support constructive forces in afghanistan, yes, and as you and i know, after the death of aminov, yes, babrak karmal became the leader of afghanistan, then it was clear that there
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was nothing special to protest here, so to speak, a large number of politically banned people, including amin’s political opponents, were being released from prison. arrives from moscow, but he arrived the day before, which means bobrak karmal, who previously served as ambassador to czechslovakia, and a number of well-known afghan leaders who were dismissed by amin, but they just took refuge on the territory of the soviet embassy, ​​they became the support of the new government babrak karmal. for zenit fighters this day, december 27, will forever be a turning point. it was.
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see, he doesn’t know the tactics , the methods of operation of special units, well, i think that there was probably some kind of logic in this, that those who were appointed commanders, firstly, probably, the fact that knowledge of the situation played a role, we that we were there in july-august, almost 2 months, we knew where the objects themselves were, to know a little about the country, a little... to know about the people who live there and to know, maybe in general, how to behave properly with them lead, but we they knew this to a greater extent than military officers, who had just arrived there and had practically no such information, could know. valery
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vitalievich rozin, now we will find, valery vitalievich rozin, here he is, this is valery vitalievich rozin, this is kozlov grigorievich, this is... me, well, the thing is, when he returned, he was on the 28th, we waited tensely, because now the information has already gone out, well, the bad news is coming quickly, that someone was killed, someone was injured, they arrived, he got off the transporter, well, in short, we said hello, he frowned a little, let's put it mildly, he frowned and gave it to me... this is the one he got from his adjutant, this is a good german machine gun, what a waste of time? that i won’t take a sin there, but they drank 100 grams each, of course, no one was drunk , because there was no vodka there, well, to
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maintain the mood, everyone congratulated each other, there was a situation when we were met by those whoever was on duty there, hugged, cried, because i had such a nervous breakdown, it was impossible to hold back my tears, such a release came, including tears, i think it’s... normal, it was already clear, they managed to accomplish the impossible. kuos graduates conducted a combat special operation that had no analogues in the history of special services. agat grom will be included in the textbooks of special forces around the world, and new assignments will await kuosovites abroad. what did the legendary sudoplatov say to the son of grigory boyarinov? whose photograph is in your museum? are kept by british saboteurs, which the security of the white house in washington still doesn’t even know about. let's scare them right
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now. 5 minutes of silence, new season with monday at 20:00 on ntv. for headaches , there is ascafen p at an affordable price. and ascafenultra with an enhanced composition to combat headaches and migraines. askafen - when you have a headache. we're going on vacation. and we 're going. third year, so open a vtb savings account, rate 16%, save up faster, well, what did he ask, asked if i knew how to work, it needs people with real experience, skill factory, we teach those who are hired, meet spring with willsberries, stylish, beautiful, fashionable, you you will find shoes to suit your taste, the spring-summer collection at competitive prices from the oha brand is already waiting. my skin looks dry and dull, but now i have lapbiom from natura
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to alleviate even severe pain and helps treat a sore throat. lor atricin acts on sore throats and treats infections. operation agat thunder, with the simultaneous assault of the most important government facilities on the territory of a foreign capital, is still being carefully studied by specialists from all over the world. this is an operation that included the occupation of important objects there.
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liquidation of amin and the capture of the palace, several units acted at once, it was the level of interaction that showed professionalism, because it is always very difficult, in fact , between different units to build a common strategy, common tactics, in general there was an innovation, no one had ever stormed in their life, and the task was set storm
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quickly, decisively and effectively, yes...
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years will pass and the youngest son of grigory boyarinov will meet the unsurpassed master of secret operations, the legendary famous pavel sudoplatov, who gave lectures for kuos students and was well acquainted with his father, it was the nineties, it was one of the big meetings, when they first began to gather, that is, vympelovites, alfovites,
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kuosovtsev, here under the events of december and it took place on the arbat , in a large hall, literally somewhere there in... in the fay they told me: oh, let's go, let's go, we need to introduce you, here is pavel anatolievich, here we are now introducing you, and they let me down, so pal anatolievich was sitting sodoplatov, yes, they said that pal anatolyevich, here andrei boyarinov , he says: oh, andrei, come here, he sat me down next to him, he took my hand, put his hand on my hand, he told me, andryush, remember, your dad is a great man, here in fact, that’s all, yes, because yes, so my meeting took place, in general , we are in the museum of a special forces group, in fact, they now call it
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the museum of special-purpose intelligence, because this museum is not in either the svr or the fsb , we have stands dedicated to sudoplatov and starinov, here we see three stands, which are dedicated, therefore, to kuos and his leader, then to the zenith detachment, the kosk detachments. these scenes reflect those teachers, those heroic persons who actually taught and led. grigory ivanovich boyarin, colonel, participant in the war, had the order of the red star, the order of lenin, the order of the red banner, was awarded many awards during the great patriotic war, here they are standing in this photo, here in this photo they are standing just the three of them left.
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also because never before the world's intelligence services have not been able to solve a problem of such a scale, so quickly and effectively, but few people know what secret tasks the participants in those events carried out after that. july 18 , 1980, top secret, decree of the central committee of the cpsu and the council of ministers of the soviet union number 615200, to form an operational reconnaissance and combat detachment of the kgb of the ussr cascade, to include in its composition fighters of the krasnodar and almaty regiments and the tashkent battalion of a separate special-purpose brigade, as well as former fighters special forces squad.
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using the entire arsenal of knowledge and skills available to special units of the state security committee. there were five cascades in total, then there was the omega detachment, they
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were stationed in a number of afghan cities, well, maybe the largest group was in kabul, of course, but the rest, in my opinion, they operated in eight provinces, including... along with let's say, direct reconnaissance - this means providing assistance to local security agencies, including reception. agents, including those from abroad, organizing security, a secret stay in a city there or in kabul or in the center of some province, then providing, escorting them to the territory of a neighboring state, that is, a lot of tasks that were solved, plus training afghans and special forces. unit and
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the counterintelligence officer directly , these cascades were headed by major general lazarenko, all the cascades, all these all these years were under his command, so they were there for about six months, 6-7 months, each one was here as a commander business trip, we carried out the task of strengthening, which means the existing authorities for the preparation of afghan forces -
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so we left as part of a cascade detachment of about a thousand people, structurally it consisted of a headquarters department and eight combat special groups: the urals, the deployment of kabul, the caucasus, the deployment of kandahar, the carpathians, dislocation herat, carpathians one dislocation shindant, tibet - dislocation jellabat, north o - dislocation mazar-i-sharif, north-2 - dislocation kundus and altai - dislocation ghazni, this is just the same. this is placement by the provinces where our detachments were located, this is a group or rather not a detachment, they were there from seven to ten people, sometimes even three people, nine such regions where the cascades were located and 1 2 3 our fourth cascade was exactly the same, and since it was concentrated over the territory throughout afghanistan, but we were mainly engaged in these regions... collecting information and
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implementing this information, but out of necessity, at the end of the eightieth year, it was the month of december, right from the entrance to the combat, operational-combat operation that we carried out together with a motorized rifle brigade with troops, i was on the third day of this operation,
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preparing food, so it happened, there were representatives of our department with us, they lived with us, it happened very often, some kind of time, and i had already trained instructors, cooks, they themselves , knew everything, did everything, we bought some things in the markets, the rest we got everything at the
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army base, there i met with the guys who stormed, there i learned that grigory ivanovich participated in this at all, i am there i found out that he died, and i was one of the first to find out, here among the georgian part of the koosovites, so... well, how do you know, well, something dear, well, they tell you that, well, your dear the person died, and... when you are in this situation , you see, you have already seen death, you , that is, you understand what it is, when you are sitting in a calm situation, somewhere in
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the city of tbilisi, at the table of the deputy head of the department, and there and you reason that it’s somewhere in afghanistan. when you're done you see this and they tell you that here is your teacher, your teacher, your, your father there during the assault, and there you can read on your fingers how many there are, well, why, that’s why , yes, that is, this feeling, this, well, they did not hide their tears, for each of the kuos graduates the death of grigory boyarinov was a personal tragedy, but the legendary colonel... from kabulul along the kabul-ghazni road,
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chakvardak is called, it was once a province, and then it was abolished. for the operation i'm talking about, a meeting with an illegal immigrant from pakistan, my group must i wanted to meet with him, get information from him, and he returned, which means we passed this information on to the center. central television, the first information show about the events and people of the week. anna lena berbak secretly works for zelensky, as the head of the german mit intrigues behind the chancellor’s back and tries to bypass the chancellor to send long-range german missiles to kiev. is macron bluffing? is
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paris really preparing troops to be sent to ukraine, where will the first nato soldiers appear there? the last american warning to china - don't touch the philippines. as well as taiwan, why the line of defense against chinese expansion has become thousands of nautical miles closer to the american coast, why a real military clash between the american eagle and the chinese dragon may not happen where politicians and experts expected it. this will be your central television, today at 19:00 on ntv. i came to work in a tasty place for a good salary, for stability, reliability, but i found much more, come for a decent salary, stay for love,
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at 6 pm on ntv. for this operation , the province of chak-vardak was restored, and we brought there the governor, the chief of khad, the chief of tsarondoy, and so on, that is, the entire administration was brought there, that’s all. half of our squad, about half of the squad, flew there, arrived
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there, we lived in a separate broken, bombed hotel, but we lived separately from them, all this was done in order to move in two armored personnel carriers to the point where the illegal immigrant would come out and meet him.
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there were privates, non-commissioned officers, warrant officers, and this team, which
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was called the cascade, and it...
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there was a lot of civilian population, unfortunately they sometimes came under some kind of shelling, attacks, or even hostages, so we freed the hostages, have already carried out the task of obtaining information about where the traps are located, how to free them, what operations were carried out, one of the most impressive operations of the cascade group was
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in 1983, the fact is that these are...
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in general, religious fanatics, then it became known about such a character as usamila, i once was invited to london, it was a meeting there were veterans there, they were invited to one of these, they kind of had a museum, like we have a museum with photographs and so on, we had two people and they invited a friendly
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meeting, we were invited to the museum and they showed a photograph there... afghanistan, right on border of pakistan and afghanistan, i then walked in afghanistan and during this period of time i walked with a beard, not like what i have now , much more there, more elongated , with greasy hair, and so on and so forth, sometimes we disguised ourselves there in kabul and so on, well, they were interrupted, there was such a thing, and so when one of such a full general general told me in english, well, in our case, as a colonel general. we worked there too, the british started to grab at me, i think so, i assume that they were employees na6 or military intelligence, well, it doesn’t matter, they show photographs and say, we worked there, one says, here i am standing here, and in one photograph i saw a man there, very similar to me, i was just
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surprised, well, you we worked, we worked, look, there’s the top row there, second from the right, can’t you imagine what a shock it was? when they came to this photo , they came up to me, they compared me, he said, valerie, it’s you, i said, well, i just spread my hands, but i didn’t say anything, i didn’t say anything, he said: well, you worked. already, so to speak, permanently operating vimpils, and before that we were changed,
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new ones came every six months in the eighty-second year , cascade 4 was already changed, these were already employees, then it was called a separate training center or a special-purpose group, we did not know this name special group purpose, we found out only 10 years later in the ninety-first year, this new unit later turned out to be called: a special purpose unit of state security agencies for action also behind enemy lines, in general it was sharp the unit, so to speak, was a very serious means in the hands of the country.
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we are fulfilling an international duty and that this is a very responsible, responsible job, well , many wrote, many, by the way, from the officers in the territorial departments, i knew many of them, wrote rapports that, please send me on a business trip to afghanistan, to fulfill the international debt, many wanted, but not everyone took it.
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they suspect and don’t know that somewhere, somewhere there is a war going on, somewhere they are shooting, that somewhere people are dying, there was no such thing about this a lot of information about what and where they actually did , there is almost no open information today, you are a full-time employee of vympel, this is your job for the rest of your life, so you return from a business trip, continue to work at impel, that is, do it again with the same questions, from the units to hone their skills there, prepare for the next business trip, and so on. rare footage on the thirtieth anniversary of the creation of vympel , veterans, albeit not directly, still
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speak about the conditions in which they had to work. walking through the jungle, basing in swampy-foxy terrain, selecting routes, surviving in unusual conditions, this is not so bad, this is only a solution to the first problem, reaching the goal. this is a very important stage, but still it is not the main one, the main thing is to solve the problem. they were brilliantly educated, perfectly prepared, capable of fulfilling any order from their homeland anywhere in the world. the events that are taking place today in the middle east are well known to me, so syria, lebanon, jordan, israel, egypt, and kuwait, cyprus also didn’t come, that’s all the middle east, about seven countries didn’t have to carry out tasks for...
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it was africa and latin america, it was on these battlefields, where we were next to each other and had everything possible contacts with each other, but where there was no such mass surveillance as there was in moscow, and where there was no persecution of yours. everything, including carrying out deadly dangerous work on the territory of the main enemy in washington, two steps from the white house. we behaved calmly, we behaved the way the place behaves. i had one leader, one of the first, who said, no matter where you go, first look carefully around you and never make defiant movements, you better look carefully, do as they do the place, don’t stand out. under a legend on foreign soil,
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deep behind enemy lines, secret missions of the homeland, secret special operations of kuos graduates, a glorious military path, about which much cannot be said now, literally in a minute, pride in full carriages, golden they blow from the south. young webs tearing off the clouds in a wisp of clouds, they didn’t forget, sending from far away from home, mom and not the last one, but running across the sky, you see someone’s footprints, it could be you, it could be me, it could be waiting for us, it could be for us sing their own.
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global village - ripe for your table. pyaterochka helps out. on the throat, as if cats are squeaking. lorathricin works for sore throats and treats infections. deposit is the best interest rate in a savings account with clear conditions. this is a reliable and profitable way to increase your savings at a rate of up to 16% per annum. quick registration in the sberbank online application. deposit is the best interest. it's more profitable with prime. 5 minutes of silence, new season. from monday at 20:00 on ntv. the soviet union is the country of our childhood. we remember going to demonstrations with warmth. pioneer detachments. songs by the campfire. and friendly subbotniks, we are proud of our common homeland, its endless fields, labor exploits and scientific achievements, we come from a country with a great heritage, in honor of the centenary of the founding of the ussr, the imperial
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your homeland, north ossetia, you are free, and these are people who were born and raised in georgia, some have a georgian mother, a georgian wife,
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children in a georgian school, well, how is it like with a living kgb chairman, with a living secretary general, well, it’s clear that this was all done on purpose. all this was thought out when we returned, i personally was already returning, left the soviet union , to actually return back then, in my opinion , there was no name for the russian federation, they just called russia, it was december 7 , 1991, on sunday in august, we were preparing to celebrate the tenth anniversary of the pennant, we had, the tables were set, and it was as if on monday we had to... they were celebrating 10 years of the bintel special forces group, so somewhere in the afternoon they played zareu on the nineteenth and as a group
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we all went to the center of the capital. the order to create the pennant was dated august 19, 1981, and 10 years later, literally on the same day on august 19, 1991, at 6 a.m. to the all-union. the radio reported that in connection with gorbachev’s illness, his powers were transferred to the vice-president of the ussr yanaev, the state emergency committee was being created in the country, the state committee for a state of emergency, and on the nineteenth there was an order from andropav to create a special purpose group of the kgb of the ussr. we knew this name, it was written on the banner of the unit, which was supposed to be awarded on august 19, in the past decades, this did not happen, because the events of the state emergency committee took place, if you remember, on that very day.
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it was on the territory of the club that all the meetings and so on were held, and the heads of departments carried out the re-enactment, changed into civilian clothes, went there to the white house, assessed the situation, talked with people, and then made a decision.
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he didn’t assign us to work, we had a separate building near the railway station, where we were based before, well, during the soviet union, and also, it’s quite big there was a spacious transport department, we gathered there, all communications were there, and high frequency, everything was complete, a call to moscow, we reported the situation, what should we do? wait, we
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will confer, already, it’s already interesting, yes, the employees of the state security committee are not allowed into the building, they will confer hastily, okay, confer, somewhere by the end of the day there will be a counter question from moscow, and you have an emergency entrance, we say , well, a parallel street, there you need to go through the zerzhinsko club.
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in 1992, after the establishment of the ministry
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of security of the russian federation, it became there, but in the ninety-third year, in the month of may, which means that the vynpil group was withdrawn from the ministry of security and transferred to the subordination of the presidential security service, and during the tragic events of september-october of the ninety-third year in october. it was a shakiness expressed in all levels
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of society, in the special forces in the ministry of defense. he was on vacation, nevertheless he arrived, he was with his fighters, directly, when they moved out for reconnaissance, he was also there, he was out of uniform, he was just in a raincoat, they met with dmitry mikhailovich geressiev, he commanded
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vympel at that moment and together they made a decision not to take the white house, in front of everyone's eyes...
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they left home of their own free will, therefore, having before their eyes not so distant experience, only 2 years have passed, in fact, in the ninety- first year, the special forces were betrayed, betrayed, well, let's call our things our own. it was precisely a betrayal, because special forces of this kind, they carry out the orders of the president, and no one, and no one either personal initiative, desire, reluctance
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a million-dollar secret it’s impossible to listen to roman kostamarov without tears, his hands are black and his fingers are all bent like some kind of king- conga. why did the olympic champion in figure skating agree to the amputation of his arms and legs? i just burst into tears and understood that there was no other way out, how much? he underwent surgery, i was just screaming in pain, what happened to his loved ones in those days, when he was in home, under anesthesia or unconscious, she sobbed, roared, fingers, legs, arms there, how roman kostamarov was saved by doctors, nine out of ten such patients die in the first hours when he was able to show himself to others, yes, i am disabled , but i want to come home on my feet, you are now my idol, promko, well done, yes, still you? you'll get up on skates, the tragedy of a great athlete, son, husband, father, as soon as people start feeling sorry for me, i start crying, a
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million-dollar secret, today at 20:20 on ntv. everyone worked, great, until the pennant they set the task of repression, but they couldn’t do it. according to their convictions, human convictions, they resolved this issue through negotiations, and i remember very well this fellow, a lump of a guy who entered into these negotiations, they came and offered them to surrender so that there would be no bloodshed. “we won’t take the white house , there won’t be bloodshed, there will be a sea of ​​blood here now , they calmly surrendered, they
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took them all under escort into sailor’s silence, that’s all, when they reported to yeltsin that without a fight, without a sound, that means they all surrendered , now they everyone was in sailor silence, he became enraged , he said, then..." that means, when the events took place in the white house, i was already from vympel, among other colleagues, vimpelsky, i was the commander of one group of 50 people, i got a plot in the white house at home, of course, we knew that our people were also sitting there, and the matter passed, i gathered my team, said this and that, guys, we
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will be prepared for this, for that. our officers are the same there, so , if we attack our own people, kill someone, we will then be dragged to the prosecutor’s office, and so on, and, by the way, i was not mistaken in this forecast, the prosecutor told me twice about what and how these events of the white house, how he behaved, and all the time they tried to force me, literally, i am not afraid of this word, so that i would write in writing in report, how my leader drank from the fire, how he ordered us to go to his... i said it as it was, he did not give such a command, this is wrong, he is also a normal person, replaceable, god bless him , in the ninety-third year, when the order came, the order, well, in any case, there was articulated, in this case the head was told that they had to go somewhere there,
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he said, let them write to me... a written order, there was no talk about the fact that the officer of the heads, the colonel of the heads, refuses to carry out the order of the supreme commander-in-chief, well , probably, this could not have happened, here you also need to understand such a thing that a military man, sometimes, he cannot fully evaluate any information.
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so that it was recorded, this did not follow, and accordingly , execution did not follow, this is how everything proceeded, but in as a result, in the ninety -third year, advanced training courses for officers ceased to exist, they were abolished, well, in my opinion, it’s a tragedy that the class was dispersed, why, for example, because...
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special forces like the legendary training center did not exist anywhere in the world, this was even admitted foreign intelligence services. however, in a difficult moment for the country, boris yeltsin ordered the disbandment of a unique, objectionable unit. today , the very course of world history proves the existence of units similar to vempel courses improvement of the officer corps.
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no, because kus remade the officer corps to such an extent that i think no other school.
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