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tv   Doznavatel-2  NTV  March 24, 2024 4:15am-4:56am MSK

4:15 am
give us back the camera, we asked a friend to take pictures of us, what are you doing , give us the camera, give us back the camera, give us back the disgrace, nothing, for god’s sake , excuse me, excuse me, please, okay, please, why are you crazy, are you crazy? what are you doing? what am i doing? what am i doing? i already see these paporats everywhere? look at this restaurant? did you see the guards near the entrance? is there not a single stranger here at all? please count us in, dinner is at the establishment's expense, have a nice evening. who else is this? well, is that so, friend? well director of this. it’s clear,
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so what do we have with this bakira, we have news, we have a probable mastermind of the assassination attempts, this is viktor gvozdev, aka vitya gvozd, uh-huh, uh-huh. the journalist broadcasts incriminating evidence against him, the nail is generally nervous, he could have gotten angry, there is nothing to show yet, but this is a bagheera that he is accused of, he runs brothels, it’s no secret, in our area, in ours too, and you’re like that to me now you talk about this calmly, but what if i don’t have enough other things to do, or something, comrade colonel, and so the redneck, sort it out, you understand me, i’m your business suggested, so let's act, and the main result, in a short time, do you understand me?
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i ’ll figure it out, let me go, come on, go to work, there are, khamenych, mm, and you know that keeping the woman you love in the workplace is not according to the regulations, so, and you know that for true love there are no regulations, you’d better leave the table stand up, this is not according to the regulations , there is no money, but give up, stasik, oh, you are cheating on your lilies, ker, yes, what, i have enough problems as it is, khamenko, but how is borsukova doing, she’s doing fine. all okay, you’re not changing who i am, well, no, well , we have a serious relationship with her, it can only be built on trust, but do you want to get a captain? i want, well, let's go, where, where, change, where, come.
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choose, yeah, hello, tol, don’t be stupid, choose, i can’t. why? i'm shy. okay, uh, oh, sorry, damn, yes, lilya, i can’t talk, i’m at work, that’s it, come on, wife, yeah, yeah, well then he should have this one, then it’s better the red-haired one, the red-haired one, yeah , and here’s a little black one for me, yeah, payment right away?
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what are you doing, the wrong words, it’s good, i’ll tell you everything, you’re bringing money to the nail, and now i’m doing it for prevention.
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yes, vatik, your business is screwed, why did they screw up the money pipeline for you , why the money pipeline, i’ve been saying for a long time, this point needs to be closed, left on one salary, yeah
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, ma cosa sta succedendo, non capisco, abbiamo pagato, chiamerò subito il succede, che succede, lasciatemi, lasciatemi, che succede? skuzi, senors, what fun, you don’t have to sit on duty, and i said a long time ago that i’m ready for operational work, so television, not late, in the midst of it, only you were missing, let's hurry up, run, run, run, great, right,
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out of the frame, please, what should we do, film it, no, we're filming girls, girls, girls, yes, mom, mom, i don’t watch tv, i have a lot to do, why, okay, and the leadership of the st. petersburg police, i can’t talk now.
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well, i brought the money, he brought the money , so i have to run after you here , i didn’t get up myself, but i accidentally got myself into a fucking mess, it’s such a pity to dirty the carpets , he feels sorry for the carpets, but i’m not there, or what, you don’t care about me respect, come on already, i’m the same, what? put your hands behind your head, raise this one, well, i guessed, come on the quick ones, yeah.
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lily, what's wrong with the castle? wow, lil, at least tell me why. yes, yes, yes, i’ll come to you, yeah, agreed, oh,
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ah! kirill. i asked you, but sort out your personal life, the second article has already been published, admire it, it’s disgusting to read, here, here is the star of police series and her fiance, had dinner at the best restaurant in the city and left without paying, i, for example, am a whole colonel, and i can't afford to go to this restaurant, and what were you doing there anyway?
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it’s our anniversary when we met, so we were celebrating, so i would pay, am i a fool in my area to pay? kirill, i’m already tired of this, i don’t know what you’ll do, but this should be the last article in which you appear, you understand me, kumach, i ’ll figure it out, boris, boris. “that’s it, i can go, here’s another thing, yes, you closed this nail, yes, you closed it, and you know that there was another attempt on bagheera’s life, so let’s get to work, please do both so, i understand, i can take it, yes you can, yes
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, experts examined your car, they believe that it was a shot from a traumatism, and that i don’t understand that you have some kind of strange killer, instead of killing you, he’s doing some bullshit, you know, he didn’t show me this bullshit. nail is now under arrest, he no longer needs to intimidate you, you need to end, who needs it, nail, you destroyed his business and he himself is on trial, all that remains is revenge, you yourself, what do you think, what am i, sasha, you have us investigator, that is interrogator, don’t you believe me, but i do, i do. only the nail is under arrest, and there is no need for him to pursue you, all this is strange,
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listen, maybe it’s someone else, but you think carefully about who else you could cross the path of, sash, take me, listen, i still have to cross the whole city . nag , let me call a taxi, well, sash, please, i’m scared, okay, girl, yes, can i have some more whiskey, just a second, well, the last thing, it’s always very dark here, where, oh, well... it was, but it’s always very it’s scary to walk, especially now, but what
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let's stand, let's go, that's it, we've come, no, let me take you to the apartment, no, no, no, nothing can happen here, let's kiss, "bye, sasha, stand, stand, knife on the ground, oops, but i know you." well, do you recognize the attacker? i told you, i had to look among my own people,
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oh, i’m cold, how can i tell you? great, great, well, let's talk in the car? you know, let's get some fresh air, but aren't you afraid of getting cold? i know that... "your fighters have claims against my major kumach, to your major kumach, there are no questions there were a lot, and after the article in the newspaper there were even more, yes, i know, i know, you saw his car, it’s his ex-wife’s car, and he drives it by proxy from his mother-in-law, but fight, smart man, no, well shines on such
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a car, it’s not the first day you and i have been in uniform, your red calf will be trampled to dig there, and he also..." does everything so that they dig under him, well, you know me, and i know you, that’s why i came , dima, i ’m talking to you now not as the head of the osb, but as a comrade, yes, the major is crimson sugar, but i’m the best opera i haven’t met, he understands, he’s a real man, yes, he has his own cockroaches in his head, but he’s correct, just tell me he lives according to the laws, he lives yes...
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he’ll draw conclusions, there won’t be articles, yeah, but, oh well , porso, why don’t you change, i say, come on, hello, yes, boris borisovich. yes , thank you, but i promise you that no one else will write, i guarantee you, yes, yes, again, thank you, yeah, that’s it, come on, come on quickly, wait, what, dear? it's time
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to write about the honesty, but i'm not to blame for anything, it's unlikely, now you'll meet the major kumach, by the way, he immediately wanted to hit you, well, now he’ll make up for it, but by the way, everyone says, who wants it, who doesn’t want it, and even those who don’t know how, yes, yes, but gira, sasha, what, sasha, i, well, well, well, well, well, well, the hero is not to blame for anything, i came up with everything to raise my ratings, but without ratings there will be no show, we have an editor like that. bastard, well, well, well, i, well, yes, what are you, well, i didn’t mean anything bad, well, forgive me, sasha, that’s why they shot at you from a traumatome, with the same car, well, i didn’t think that this will happen, why don’t you do you understand what pr is? well, sasha, well , forgive me, forgive me, actually
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, perjury is an article in the criminal code, yes, yes. what will happen now? i don’t know, but let him go, he ’s not guilty of anything, you should be more careful there and everything is clear, yeah, sasha, what, should i go there too now? great, great, well, are there problems with lilka again, or what? yes, that’s not the right word, it ’s good, what’s good, kir, it’s good that you ’re here, i’m here, but i’m not at home, let’s go,
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let’s go where, let’s go, basotho. come on, stand there, turn around slowly, quietly, quietly, okay, kir, come, i took it. don’t hide the thing, please let me go, let’s go there, now your hands so i can see, oh
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, oh, who we have here, and we have a killer here, kiryukh, look, he has a lyoshka here, who are you aiming at? , but no one, i’m not a killer, are you crazy , i’ll let me go, so, he took the bag, yes he took it, he took it, okay, i think we’ll take it away together , it doesn’t seem heavy, which bag, where we’ll take it, then it will fit me just right. company for the follow-up series, follow-up, what company, what are you talking about, i’m not lying, the producer ordered this advertising company in the media, and i’m a photographer, i’m just a photographer and i write articles, that’s all, what kind of articles? “kir, i’m asking you for the last time , please forgive me, no, i said, well , kir, i didn’t know that they
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would come up with such a dirty trick, but i understand that you had troubles, yes, there were, i hope, they won’t happen again, please forgive me, no, he said, okay, okay, forgiven.” moreover, it’s not your fault, it’s your producer, he gave the order for us to be featured in the newspaper, well, yes, well, supposedly an advertisement for your continuation of this series, yeah, of course, it’s necessary i would like to carry out preventive work with him, yeah, okay, let him live so that he can fire me later, yes, on the contrary, he will increase your fee, and with joy, but you don’t want to become my agent, huh?
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i didn’t do it in vain, and you won’t come up with anything else, i won’t, well then , happy bagheera, natasha, what is natasha for you, you know, i’m moving to a new channel, they’ve been calling me for a long time, by the way, they don’t have any crime, i'm starting a new life, bye, that means natasha, that means natasha, bye. yeah, yeah, people don't change, well, so be it
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we'll stand there freezing, let's go to work, open it. thank you, hello to all fans of extreme sports, flash is with you, the king of the bicycle and the master of downhill, watch my new trick, it will just tear off my head, well , not in the sense that i will go down this steep hill on a bike and my head will be torn off, in short , let's go trendy, let's go.
4:40 am
your left, man, how are you? ask, a hidden camera agency, is engaged in professional detective work, using all modern technical capabilities, the head of the agency, retired lieutenant colonel mikhail ilyich troshin, served in the operational search department of the fsb, transferred to the reserve after being wounded. olga yurievna sirova, operational officer of the ask, daughter of major sirov, troshin’s deceased partner. pavel, a technical specialist, was involved in a number of cases solved by troshin during his service. sovitsky egor pavlovich. a full-time employee of the ask agency, a hidden camera agency, for me the best time of the working day is
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its end. if you don't like your job so much, why are you doing it? chief, me misunderstood. i mean, well, the end of the day is the end of a task, which means the anticipation of a new task. i don’t remember that our cases were investigated in one day. chief, well, i'm speaking figuratively. okay, i'll go home. just don’t conclude from this that i’m better at home than at work and don’t suggest i quit. from your words, i can only draw one conclusion: you are going to walk, so i propose to let you down. thank you, of course, for the offer, boss, but this morning i could barely fit into my favorite jeans, and you know that an alarm bell, so i’d rather take a walk, or even run. yes, i'm listening. hello, is this a detective agency? no, the detective
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agency is at this number from 9 to 20:00. zero , call back tomorrow, i can’t wait until tomorrow, but i can pay extra overtime, okay, if the matter is really urgent, i ’m listening to you, this is not a telephone conversation, how long will it take you to be on tukhavsky boulevard, well, taking into account the traffic situation in minutes 25-30, it takes me about the same amount of water to get there, let's go to the beginning of the boulevard in half an hour, when i recognize you, look for blue microcar? i'll turn on the emergency lights, see you later, are you coming? well, of course, i said that i love my job, i’m really looking forward to a new job, i mean, maybe you want to walk or even run for the benefit of your figure, pavlik, are you with us? if you’re talking about a new business, then i’m always there, but if you offer to go together,
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then no. the minibus is humping me , some sissy, well, 15 minutes, as i expected, why did you tell the client that you would be there in 25:30, well, firstly, this is not a client yet, and secondly, olya, remember who has more time, he has an operational advantage, this is useful not only during the investigation, but in negotiations. so what will these extra 15 minutes give us? they are not superfluous at all; during this time we will be able to listen to the certificate about alexey that pavel prepared for us. pavel, did you prepare it? well, i’m not a clinic to issue certificates. by the way, i am a certified user of search engines, so i did not prepare a certificate. but prepared? yes, come on, don't cling to words, time goes by, we
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we are losing our operational advantage. so, alexey yuryevich kozlov, 40 years old, a major businessman, co-owner of the consulting company 3k , had no connections with crime, nordic character, unmarried. well, i see you also arrived a little earlier than planned. alexey kozlov, i called you. hello, i guessed it. i succeeded , i was robbed, let's get into more detail, well, in general, i was running in the park in the morning, well, you know , i run in the morning so that i don't get too hot, in general to keep myself in shape, then further, then some cyclist snatched it from me the mobile phone disappeared, well , of course, i couldn’t catch up with it at the end of the workout, but what do you mean i grabbed it out of my pocket or you were talking while running, it was hanging on my hand, i’m listening to
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music. while jogging, there is such a special mount on the arm of runners, i understand, i can’t understand anything else, why did you contact a detective agency because of a mobile phone? well, you see, this is not an ordinary mobile phone, the fact is that the access key to my company’s financial accounts was encrypted in it, in the sense that they kept the key in the phone in a case or something? a or key, is this the password and was it in the file on the smartphone? no, no, not really. so the thing is that it was encrypted in the memory card, i honestly don’t really understand these technical details, in general, it was in the memory card that was inserted into the phone, yeah, and it’s not easier to order a new key than find the old one, no, you understand, to order a new key, you need to block the account, activate the new one, this will take at least a week, this is if the account is in our bank, and we have an account in switzerland - this is a month, you know, a month, imagine , what's happened a whole month for a large financial firm
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to be without access. to your financial accounts? well, roughly, can you imagine? but i have a very specific idea, which is why i decided to contact you. well, why not the police, why now, and not in the morning? police, while they are fussing, i will have time to make two new keys, but why not come to you right away, you understand, i had to study the market, after all, this is my specialty, having studied the market, i realized that it is your agency that can help me in such situation, give me the number of your stolen cell phone, and i will track its location, who are you asking for, this is pavel, our computer specialist, understandable. the thing is, pavel, that in general, our security service did a little magic on the phone, in general, it can’t be tracked by the number, it’s like this, well, as i understand it, the gps module was removed from the device, but i can
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track it using the sim signal. cards, so you 're lucky that i don't work for your competitors, give me the number, i think the sim card is no longer in the phone either, what is it? the security service also confiscated it, well, rather... i, of course, immediately called my number, i wanted to buy the phone, but the subscriber is no longer a subscriber, yeah, well then we’ll try to track your phone using other methods, where the robbery took place, in the park in sokolniki , i was running there in the morning, they remembered the criminal , listen, well, i saw him literally for a couple of moments, but he was dressed like all athletes, tracksuits, he had a bicycle, or it was white and gold of some strange color, but... by the way , maybe it seemed to me, but in my opinion, he has it right here on the back of the neck there is a tattoo, some kind of animal , like a squirrel, but for some reason with membranes, is it a squirrel, pavlik, you’ll get through it, well, look
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what a quick search gives us, squirrel tattoos are tattooed on themselves by soldiers of the third parachute division of the caribbean special forces, and a group of russian extreme athletes called “
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this is called a bicycle, this is called amateur performance, i’m not going to infiltrate you into a gang of extreme sportsmen, according to our plan , we have secretive surveillance, well, watch yourself secretly, and i’ll infiltrate, there’s no a gang, but just a get-together of athletes, and spending a day on a bicycle is not only harmless, but also good for my health and figure, and do you even know what the road situation is like in moscow, there are only dummies and reckless drivers around, a bicycle on the road - this is a direct threat to life. well, just look at it, i’m currently racing in a car simulator, they add 10% of my life for every cyclist i hit, very funny, hello, and i was already thinking that you had detained a robber, but i was late, hello, you’re just right
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on time, come on olya, load your iron horse, or you will go to the dragnet under your own power, that wouldn’t be too extreme, what do you allow, i’ll help you, oh, thank you. boss, are you sure it's here? there’s no one here, you’re sure, be careful, hello, grandma, you’re lost, yes, i really look like you’re lost, it doesn’t look like, i thought the stained-glass windows hang out here, there are some kind of clowns here, and you’re a freak, they don’t let just anyone into the stained-glass windows. i see that they didn’t let you in, ho-ho, easy , easy, it’s simple, you want to go to the carminatives, you need to prove whether you're serious, how to prove it, bring a certificate from the clinic
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, you see the path, i see it, go down it, what 's so extreme about it, it's weak, blindly, olya, don't even think about it, come back, let's launch a quadcopter there, i need to get ready, get ready , boss, the quad won’t fly close unnoticed, the client from a height is unlikely to know anyone... knows everything, there’s no need to slander my quad, i put an excellent camera there, you can see every bristle on the cheek, but for this territory it’s really not an option , concrete slabs shield radio waves, so we might lose control, heard me, i’m going full stop, ollie, don’t you dare, oh, mikhail lich, i can’t hear you, here apparently the hill is somehow shielding the waves, what are you babbling there, praying? i’m remembering the route, let’s finish it,
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just better, so that later i won’t say that i was spying, come on, i’m ready, i’m always ready , let’s go, olya, left, left, olya! she doesn’t hear you, she’s shielding everything there, and she’s shielding her nonsense, olya, you’re losing the path, take a left, go nuts, that’s a feeling, but well, welcome to the wind party, and what’s that, northerners, i think you have a central branch, well that’s what it is, just the main crowd.
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oh, here comes the flash, she knows how to appear beautifully , damn knows, it’s hard to see, olya, try to take it off better, beautiful, great, flash, meet the new girl, what’s the name hez, but she has an excellent sense for the track, she’ll do you right , having never been very far, i’ve been developing my instincts for years, no one has one, now they do, but in words we all.
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you say chuika is perfect, how come you were so not perfect with her, but no one is safe from idiots when everyone is drunk the wheels are climbing, so flash, aka igor zhuravlev, 18 years old, master of downhill, downhill. kholmov, has been a member of carminatives for 3 years,
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has several reports to the police, was registered in the children's room of the police as a difficult teenager, it seems that he really is our client, olya, take off his mobile phone, maybe on alexey’s phone, or maybe he’s just great flash lost the path, went off the road and was scratched by tree branches, or your mythical drunkard can confirm this story, so he can? i took a video, watch it for yourself, listen, there’s something you can’t see, but maybe i’ll see, it’s him, it’s my phone, that’s right , olya, the client identified his phone, put a beacon on this flash, we’ll take it when he ’s left alone, now we won’t risk it, hmm, new girl, where was she going? give me your mobile phone, it's not yours.


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