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tv   Segodnya  NTV  March 24, 2024 8:00am-8:21am MSK

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hello to ntv news, in the studio dmitry zavoisty. today is a day of mourning in russia, the country mourns the victims of the monstrous terrorist attack in the crocus city hall near moscow. according to the latest data, the list of dead includes 133 names and most likely. the data is inconclusive. there are 152 victims, including five children, national flags are lowered across the country in moscow, including above the kremlin, the government building, the state duma, and on media facades and billboards there are candles with the word of sorrow. all entertainment and public events have been cancelled. the heart of st. petersburg palace the square was illuminated with the light of mourning lamps, a memorial inscription was laid out by volunteers, more than a thousand people. in nizhniy novgorod.
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people go to the memorial in a stream, leaving flowers, toys, many cannot contain their emotions, the victims of the terrible tragedy are mourned in kazan, whole families with children come to the memorial in the city center, in yekaterinburg, the central square is surrounded by flowers and candles, at koltsovo airport there is a burning candle on the screens . in yakutsk, residents come to honor the memory of those killed on victory square to the slab of the hero of the city of moscow. the easternmost regions are also plunged into mourning. in sokhalinsk, a memorial event on the square of glory, hundreds of lamps as a sign of support and sympathy, in krasnodar, a shrine to the church of st. alexander nevsky, where memorial services are held for the victims of the terrorist attack, believers pray for the recovery of the wounded. there are several spontaneous memorials in makhachkala, one of them is about the monument, at the monument to the hero of russia, police officer magomed murbagandov, the one who died at the hands of terrorists said the famous: “work, brothers.” residents. donetsk bring red carnations and
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lit lamps to the russia stele. in the kherson region, in genichensk, they also honored the memory of those killed in the terrorist attack. residents leave red carnations and candles. everyone who comes says one thing: a terrible tragedy. in krasnogorsk, there is one pain for everyone, but the terrorists will not be able to intimidate the russians. i myself was at the crocus with my wife on sunday last. therefore, for us, of course, this is a shock and tragedy. our whole family is grieving. it was very, very difficult, i felt very sorry for people at that moment, when you understand that they are in a difficult situation and it’s good that there was help coming, which came very on time, this shows the strength of our people and also shows the weakness of those who are trying to intimidate them, who are trying to destroy them, the president addressed the citizens of russia, vladimir putin emphasized that the families of the dead... the dead and injured will be
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provided all the necessary help, the president separately focused on those responsible for this tragedy, punishment for everyone is inevitable, there is no justification for terrorism, our common duty now is our comrades at the front, all citizens of the country, to be together in one ranks, i believe this will happen, because no one and nothing can shake our unity and will. our determination and courage, the strength of the united people of russia, no one will be able to sow the poisonous seeds of discord, panic and discord in our multinational society. russia has more than once gone through the most difficult, sometimes unbearable trials, but it has become even stronger, and it will be so now. volunteers, donors, and everyone who could not stay away continue to respond to the tragedy. airlines
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offered assistance in the form of free tickets for relatives of the victims. carriers are ready to organize flights from different cities. large banks have already announced that they will write off loans and settle the debts of everyone affected by this disaster. now directly to what is happening in the crocus , the search for a rescue operation and the removal of rubble after the terrorist attack did not stop all last day. our correspondent is working on site, in direct communication with the studio , nakhit babaev. nahit, what's going on with you now? they won't let us get close to the burnt building, but we can hear it working. equipment, at night there was information that work was suspended due to darkness, but this is not entirely true, as they explained to us, yes, all the personnel of the ministry of emergency situations were removed from the building, but not because there was not enough light, because heavy equipment was working technology, now the most important task is to create an opening. building, which will facilitate
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access to the concert hall. governor of the moscow region andrei vorobyov said that this is no longer a rescue operation, only a search operation. over the past 24 hours. emergency situations ministry employees manually cleared more than 90 cubic meters of rubble. experts admit that the work not easy. the rubble is complex, the rubble after a fire is always very complex, but here it almost entirely consists of chaotically scattered metal. metal trusses are of varying degrees of severity; almost everything has to be cut manually, using a gas cutter or a gas cutter. visitors to the concert, before which the terrorist attack took place, will be able to pick up their cars and personal belongings today. the governor of the moscow region also stated this. we must provide a convenient scheme that will allow us to transfer property, including
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a car. cars are our task to start transmit somewhere around 19:00 in the evening. the spontaneous memorial, which appeared the day before at crocus city hall, is literally buried in flowers, people light candles, carry soft toys, and leave notes. dima. nakhit, is there any information about the future fate of the concert hall? yes, the company that belongs to croco city has already announced that it will restore the building. also on their official website, they expressed condolences to the victims and added that they would contribute to the work.
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from the point of view of universal human values , inexplicable. head of the investigative committee alexander bastrykin instructed that during the investigation of the criminal case, special attention should be paid to those who help the spectators, helped the spectators get out of the crocus hall, they are planning to nominate them for departmental awards, so, let’s say, yesterday there was footage of a cloakroom attendant helping
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people get out of the crocus center building. there, there, there, there, everyone go in that direction. everything goes there, there, there, there. to the expo, to the expo! a young man named islam helped hundreds of people, hundreds of people, and there are many such stories, those who failed, those who succeeded not to give in, panic helped people get out of the building engulfed in fire. dima, yes, thank you, nahit babai live from the crocus building, by the way, it became known that eighth-grader islam khalilov, who, despite his young age, whom. now he was showing, but he didn’t, he didn’t get confused during the shooting, he saved hundreds of spectators, it was decided to reward, this was stated by the head of the spiritual administration of muslims of russia, a schoolboy himself , who worked part-time in the wardrobe of a concert center in his free time from studying, said, that i was just doing my job of such
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stories, when in the most extreme situations people show their best qualities, against the backdrop of the terrorist attack, dozens took place, about some of them in more detail edmund dzholbynov. we have quite a big one now. the crush is happening in the locker room, dear athletes, you don’t have to worry at all and don’t leave the territory of our grounds. in just a few moments we will continue to enjoy the performance of the athletes on the floor. crocus expo is a neighboring building to crocus city hall, connected to it by a corridor. 8 pm, friday, at this moment the life of dozens of people was interrupted, for the rest it was divided into before and after. anastasia is a participant in those same dance competitions that were not destined to reveal a winner. i was on the floor. i was dancing to the finals in my category, when we left the floor to change clothes for the latin american program, and we began to hear snatches of conversations, shouts that something was happening outside below, that it was as if
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the crocus had been shot at, well, i had no information we were not there, that is , i learned information about the shootout from the internet, and there was a moment when a crowd of people simply ran in panic. the entire locker room to the opposite corner of the crocus, shouting, they are here, they are shooting , everyone run, the warning system, according to the girl, did not work there, so first the athletes went up to the top floor. but at the top the door was locked, then they returned back to the floor in panic, many in light dance dresses ran out of the building through the emergency exit, fortunately, on the street with the militants, none of them collided. anastasia found her car in the underground parking lot at 20:40 and drove away safely, but at that moment she no longer believed that everything would end up like this, and she did not immediately decide to tell her mother about everything. no, no, my mother found out from me, i wrote to her that everything is fine, we are alive, we got out to... she says, but she took some place, i say,
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mom, she says, my broadcast froze, i say , mommy, we have a terrorist attack, a few minutes before the start of the concert and before the terrorist attack, this video was filmed by cameramen who were preparing for a completely different filming, filming of a symphony orchestra accompanying the picnic group, but these shots were the last ones shot on professional cameras, in 5 minutes they will start shooting punctual people in the hall. in a few hours the dome will collapse directly on these chairs. mikhail, who flew from arkhangelsk with his wife and two daughters especially for this concert, shows in this frame where all four of them would have been sitting, if not for one thing. that evening they were late everywhere. just before leaving, just before i practically saw that i forgot my watch and my bracelet. i don’t know, maybe now we should call it a talisman. our places, firstly, had to be directly 3-4 m from the terrorist. fortunately , ekaterina, the concert photographer of the city hall building, also managed to enter the hall; she entered the building through
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the service entrance at 19:58. at that moment, the militants were already shooting near the central one, but it so happened that the unsuspecting girl did not meet them halfway; she was delayed because a colleague left her a gift in the office wardrobe, and this delay may have given catherine life. with my right ear i heard that behind this door, which is precisely on a magnetic key, you know, some kind of noise was approaching, in this... elena is one of those who was waiting for the start of the concert already in her place, now she is in intensive care because... for carbon monoxide poisoning, but he can talk, we managed to talk on the phone, we looked a lot where we could. where you can find a way out, but there was no way
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because they were shooting on the first floor, we were from the second floor, we were in the women's toilet, we broke the wall inside the toilet, and then we broke the wall the basement, and there it was already very high from the second floor, we tore the cables out of the wall, weaved them together and... one person managed to go downstairs to find the firefighters. in total, ekaterina and those who escaped with her spent more than an hour in the building, by this time the fire had already broken out, there was a lot of smoke, it was so dense, there was digging that even the flashlight from the phone could not illuminate anything, it was absolutely impossible to see where to go, because the light in the second floor hall had turned off, we tried.
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something clanged even once nearby , well, they didn’t see anyone close, in general, well, it was probably lucky that it was like that, and these are just a few stories of those hundreds of people whose lives, thanks to luck, coordinated actions or a timely open door, were not interrupted at 20:00 on march 22, each of them had their own way to the street to freedom, but they are united by one thing, they survived, dozens of people who bought tickets to the concert of their favorite group did not even manage to leave the hall that day, anna martynova,
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the entrance is also we will try to reconstruct from scattered pieces of information the chain of events that happened after the militants left the scene of the terrorist attack. the four attackers left in the same car in which they arrived at crocus. testimony has been released from a family who intentionally hit a white sedan while leaving a parking lot. they received injuries of varying severity; an 11-year-old child
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is now in the hospital with broken bones. a photo from a traffic camera has appeared, in which you can see the car itself, white. with a black roof and its number and the faces of two people, the front passenger drivers. on the m3 highway movement was limited and an interception plan was introduced. and then a pause of several hours is filled only with assumptions: is it really possible to drive up to a shopping center like that, shoot people and escape with impunity. look, just to get from moscow to the place where the actual pursuit of the terrorists’ car began, it took us 6 hours, it happened here, here is the traffic police post of the bryansk region. not far from the partisan clearing, the employees already had an orientation, but naturally, the requirement the terrorists ignored stopping, a chase began, it lasted about 10 km and the militants opened fire back, but the police managed to shoot out the front wheel and the car turned over the roof, one person remained in the car, his eye was knocked out, he could no longer hide, the rest
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fled into the forest . our sources in law enforcement agencies say, it’s good that everything happened here in a remote place, you can’t run far here, the nearest populated area is several kilometers away, there are no people, there’s no one to take hostage. soon they were here perhaps all the available power resources of the bryansk region. the police went in a chain, combing the forest, they found one fugitive on a tree, they soon found the rest, they no longer had weapons with them. look, i ’ll show you now, in these footage the last of the detainees is being taken out of the forest. video interrogations of all four attackers have now been published.
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denied. all four, according to the ministry of internal affairs , are foreign citizens. the fsb also reported that the criminals were planning to hide on the territory of ukraine. that a window could have been prepared on the other side of the border to leave, president vladimir putin also said. who is behind this attack? there is only a guess. information about the terrorists was published by a news agency associated with
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the islamic state organization banned in russia. yesterday it published photographs of her. four people , whose faces were retouched, but dressed like those of the detainees, then the news agency also published a video of the execution on behalf of the militants, but this could be either an admission of responsibility or a falsification, of which there have already been many in connection with the tragedy, so this statement must be taken with caution. alexey kvashenkin, stepan lesakovich, gennady lesitsky, tv broadcaster. today, on the day of mourning, the kiev regime marked the most massive attack on... in the belgorod region this night, the kiev regime unleashed a batch of czech vampires;
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according to the ministry of defense, air defense hit 19 targets, two people were injured, 15 houses and two were damaged. the russian foreign ministry noticed that while everyone is discussing the attack in crocus, kiev is giving the order to attack, in the ukrainian pavlikahs dance on bones. words of condolences continue to arrive in moscow from all over the world; not only officials, but also ordinary people empathize with the human tragedy: flowers and lighted candles, as a sign of grief for the innocent victims of terror, appeared at the walls of the embassy and consulates of our country on all continents, in christian and muslim countries, ordinary people react the same way. humanly speaking, the islamic world has already expressed itself through many of its representatives that terrorism has nothing to do with traditional muslim faith, last night the highest in the world. the skyscraper budshkhalifa in the united arab emirates was painted in the colors of the russian tricolor, which was also done on other iconic skyscrapers in dubai. it began with a minute of silence.


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