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tv   Chudo tekhniki  NTV  March 24, 2024 11:00am-12:01pm MSK

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another 600 m to the southwest. you close the door. aurora, go ahead, there. okay, last question: i apologize, mr. officer, but we are in a hurry, yes, well, in any case, i wish you a safe journey, goodbye, we just rushed towards the forest, and now back, yeah, tell me,
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lieutenant, what these consular officers could have been doing it in the forest, maybe they wanted russian exoticism, russian exoticism, but here it’s 50 kilometers to the nearest village, first, first, answer seventy-first, communications, first, disperse, accepted. that's right, old man dirt road, look, the tread marks are quite fresh, and first we drove there, and then back, so don’t relax, go ahead.
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here the trail ends, uh-huh, i remind you, we are looking for a khaki-colored metal box. there's a corpse in the car. so. so the tread pattern completely
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matches, knight, this car was at the scene of the attack on the guard, it looks like it was one of the accomplices, he was either wounded or killed, and they burned it to cover their tracks, they work roughly, rather they were in a hurry, there are bullet marks on the hood. sea alone, this is shark, how do you hear the reception? the shark is the sea alone, i hear you well, report the situation, i report , a burnt minibus was found at the scene of the fire, the master will now send the license plate number, he has already sent it, judging by the traces of the tread, this is the same bus that was at the scene of the attack on the guard, in the cabin a burnt corpse was found, the control unit was not found, there were also. tell
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me i'm doing it, sharks, communications, wait for the information to arrive at the military investigation department, the investigative group, they will have to identify the remains, as soon as the group arrives, return to the base, as you understand me, uh-huh, the sea is the only one who understands you, end of connection, stay where you are, the minibus is registered. valery zhuchkov born in 1985, native of petrozavodsk. who did you work for? civil engineer, served a military communications center, 2 months ago he was fired under article 81. absenteeism , violation of discipline, bugs worked at the communications center. funny. listen, maybe he is the rat who leaked the information. it’s quite possible, but right now i’m more interested in the car that took out the saboteurs. but the traffic police reports. what
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after the start of operation interception , only one uninspected vehicle passed through the post, why? because the car has diplomatic license plates, it belongs to the consulate. is being done, do you think the people from the consulate decided radionov, we can track the location, help the saboteurs, but what else should diplomats do in such a wilderness? here it is, a minibus with diplomatic license plates, i’m taking it out. screen, drive it around the city, there is, but what if we intercept this minibus, what’s the point
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, we still won’t be able to watch it, then it’s not a fact that the saboteurs are in the car, yes, i agree, go ahead, freak out. we need to stop at a gas station, this is out of the question, we need to get to the consulate as quickly as possible. ali, do what he says. fine. remind us when shahilistan opened our consulate. so, a little over a year. our military schools are full of their cadets. “we are building ships for shakhrestan, well, why should they get involved in all this, i don’t know yet, pay attention, a car with diplomatic license plates is driving up to the consulate, there is a picture, that’s right, i’m drawing it out to the screen. if they are saboteurs.
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they will drive into the consulate with the control panel, then how can we get them out of there? i don't know, i don't know yet. please understand me correctly, gentlemen, my people and i don’t particularly like russia, but the fact that we have become hostages of a certain situation also makes us feel uneasy, these are all emotions, let’s get down to business, we plan to stay under your
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roof for about a day , for so long, i can take you out as soon as it gets dark, we will hand over your luggage by deep mail. a day or more, depending on how it develops situation, i hope everything will be fine, and now me and my people need to rest, of course, olivia, come to me, i’m listening to you, mr. end, olivia, these are our guests, take them to the guest room, they need to rest.
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they burned a man alive before my eyes, there in the forest, this old ishak abdulaziz, our ambassador in moscow, cannot refuse the americans anything. i heard that his daughter yasmin is studying at harvard, i would like to know where he got the money for her education, maybe the ministry should inform you i'm tired of working in the foreign ministry farukh, i won't jump over the ambassador's head, we
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have a cocktail planned for tomorrow dedicated to friendship day, and we have a full consulate of thugs, and now we're canceling the cocktail , we'll have to cancel it, no, i don't know, we'll act according to the circumstances . maybe everything will work out. go, farukh. and reassure the staff. follow me, here is your room, lunch will be in an hour, put it there, thank you, olivia, you are very kind, john. carefully examine here and find where the security room is.
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ali, don't talk to me. what about yourself what does our consul think? such guests can let everyone in for kebab, if something goes wrong, and they won’t regret the consul, maybe we should contact the police, so who are we, we are small people, i hope that farukh will be able to convince the consul, he was very scared, you saw their faces, as only the earth bears such, no, i haven’t had time yet, so look now. who were you going to call? calm down, calm down.
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works, what will please you? the remains of a corpse have been identified in a burnt minibus in the forest. this is engineer zhuchkov. he is the owner of the burnt minibus. we assume that it was zhuchkov who was recruited as a person with access to a secret communication channel. he also handed over the key to the communication channel to third parties. and so the channel has been tapped for the last month and a half. absolutely right. allow me. zhuchkov contacted the captain several hours before the attack on karaul.
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attacks, according to the international vessel search system, the salveik yacht was in our port, i display it on the screen, it’s clear, it means that this berg did not wait for its accomplice, but for some reason it did not go to gradanicai, but remained in neutral waters, yes and what is he waiting for, well, he can only wait for one thing, new appearances, but this bug, as i understand it, will no longer come to the appearance. well, we don’t know all the plans, maybe they have already contacted berg and issued new instructions,
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probably what mikhalych intends to do, i’ll send the sharks to the naval base, as soon as this yacht returns to our waters, it will be immediately detained , well, okay, but i intend to probe the shahrestan consulate with pomo well, i’m not saying goodbye, that’s right, don’t move, gather all the staff, i hope everyone is here, yes, according everything to the staffing table. i believe you, mr. consul, we thank you for your hospitality, but nevertheless i have two requests.
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firstly, no one should leave the consulate premises without my permission. secondly, you all must hand over your mobile phones. believe me, this is a temporary measure, it is in your own interests. i ask you to comply with his demands.
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are you to blame for what just happened ? the consulate has been captured, ladies and gentlemen, it’s time to move out, today there is clear weather and a fair
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wind, i think we’ll get there in an hour, we’ll make it, but... maybe we should turn home? why? we were in letonia for just a couple of hours and they all went. we must attend the second meeting. and we will be there. no ifs. you don't understand who we're dealing with. these people won’t joke, they’ll get you out of the ground. and if the messenger doesn’t show up on time, we won’t wait. let's go home, i hate it when everything happens at the last moment, raise the sail, okay, raise the sails, let's hurry up.
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look, do you think we’ll have a long time to sunbathe here, maybe boats, maybe more, so we need to have time to put yourself in a couple of waterbrods, breakfast is in 10 minutes, time has passed, don’t lag behind, hello, hello, i’m going to the sample, you ’re with me, today, unfortunately, it won’t work out, well, it’s necessary.
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master, tablet. 15° rainier, there is 15° rainier.
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stan, what will be our actions? if the phone rings, then we'll go. pier, and if not, then,
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let's turn around for home, yes, sir, let's get ready to turn. the sea is alone, i am a shark, the yacht is leaving for neutral waters, we see my actions, return to
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base, i understand, return, top car, there are cars, gone!
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we have lost the meeting point with the contact, which means the saboteurs will not be able to leave on berg’s yacht, attention, at the gates of the consulate, something is happening, i’m turning on the replay. wow, manners, yes, officers, now... it’s already clear that the consulate workers are hostages. anatoly sergeevich, as i already said, we are 100% sure that the secret cargo is in the shakhristan consulate. in addition, today we received additional evidence that consulate employees are in the position of hostages, and we do not understand why they are silent and what they are going to do. i assume that the diplomats of shahristan are simply waiting for the uninvited guests to complete their business and leave them themselves, that in the trunks of diplomatic cars, like a spy
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gordievsky with his heel, we cannot allow this, and what do you propose, come with a search, storm the territory of a sovereign state, you will think about the consequences. you mean today’s reception at the consulate, but it hasn’t been cancelled, i wouldn’t be able to share the information yet, well, then, you
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received it officially. cancellation notice. anatoly sergeevich, but you can take my employee with you to the appointment. well, what do you think? i think that the saboteurs are sure that we accepted berg.
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“i want to try to pull off an old trick , twins, we’ll be leaving tonight or at night, prepare the twin, i’ll tell you the details later, you can completely count on me, work,
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connect, good afternoon, mr. consul, yes, yes, glad to hear from you, no, u we are all right, yes, everything is in perfect order, reception at 19, yes, of course, of course, yes, mr. consul, we will be glad to see you,
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hang on, maybe it’s enough, how much is needed , decide, don’t shirk, beeps, what’s the flavor , what’s the name of the dish, it’s bouebes, marseille fish soup, well, adjusted for the gulf of finland, of course, you need to add salt, let me help, oh, mung beans, i'm sorry, but the traditional soup of french sailors is prepared exclusively by men's hands, and then they treat it to beautiful ladies. ball, egor, egor, and what are you sitting , you need to add salt, and uh, where should you put it, well, who did you trust, your lover, now he’s going to over-salt everything , you’re better for us, master, tell me how your margarita is, yes, okay, everything, uh , i see, check
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imat to you, grandmaster. silently envy, kulya, throw onions, yeah, as the gurus say, cooking, a couple more pains, everything will be ready.
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and also, this is also very important, pay attention to the details, to gestures, to facial expressions, i understand, yeah , that’s right, and so, come on, give me a plate, then come on, master, oh, come, please, thank you, your opinion you need it , come on, this is it, these are the power lines that feed the consulate, they are laid in very narrow trenches, no one will ever crawl through them, clearly, this is it, this is the sewer, i believe it is
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filled, bon appetit, well, in a word, you can’t go through the sewer either, wait, what’s this? these are mines, yes, judging by the reports of the operational services, they are filled with concrete, yes, there are nets installed in the pipes, that’s all, yeah , it’s clear, okay, so, i didn’t understand what ’s unclear, saboteurs can’t escape through underground passages, nor on sewer communications, but i’m not talking about that, at least try it, but... it’s tasty, but not enough, but seriously, let’s get ready,
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because a rat driven into a corner is no more dangerous than that, thank you. "there's not enough saffron, a car without diplomatic license plates entered the selection. we can get the numbers already. the car belongs to mahmoud zahri, philanthropist, head of the rapprochement foundation. recently , a representative office of the foundation was opened in st. petersburg.
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allow me. please , wow, is this our aurora, wow, however , so guys, let’s not relax, according to etiquette, a cocktail reception lasts an hour and a half, no more, yeah, she has very little time, what...
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mr. consul, let me introduce you to my companion, maria sokolskaya, an aspiring diplomat, maria is finishing magimo, now she is at our pre-graduate practice, i am very glad to meet you, i hope that this reception will allow you to make useful contacts. thank you, mr. consul, you have a wonderful atmosphere, thank you, everything is ready, mr. consul, thank you, maria! let me get on with my immediate
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responsibilities. of course, mr. consul. this is exactly the girl who tried to escape from the consulate. ladies and gentlemen, please pay attention. as you know, tomorrow the week of friendship between russia and shahristan opens in st. petersburg. this week will include theatrical performances.
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later this painting was lost, but over time it was found. thank you, well done, i restored patron, philanthropist, owner of the convergence fund, our dear friend, mr. zachry. “mr. zachry, this painting would certainly decorate the collection of our paintings within the walls of our consulate, but unfortunately, tomorrow it will be presented to the museum of the east, where it will add to its wonderful exhibition. mr. zachry, in front of those gathered, let me once again thank you for your selfless contribution to a matter of friendship between russia and shahrestan." hm, i would have shot myself from sheer rage. so, aurora,
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come on, stop laughing. thank you again, mr. zachry. well, that's it, ladies and gentlemen, the official part is over. the official part is over. come on, take action. then a buffet awaits us. some kind of kindergarten. i instructed you not to touch the camera with your hands. consul, maria, did you mention the collection that is in your consulate? maybe after the reception one of your assistants will show it to me? you know, maria, renovations are currently underway in other rooms of our consulate, and mr. zachry, sorry, yes, thank you, mr. zachry, let me introduce my charming guest, maria, maria, an aspiring diplomat, very interested in oriental painting, very, very nice, very.
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yeah, so do you agree? i wanted to say if they don’t load me at the representative office. yes, i’m here in practice, and you probably know that trainees are given a million different orders, i’m sorry, it’s a pity,
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that’s all i can do for you, i have to go, i have one question, where do they keep khaki box, right? there you are, darling maria, there are still you everywhere, please, i ask you to treat me, i have to leave you for a while, mr. zachry, so i can accompany you, it’s unlikely that you won’t be allowed there, huh?
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and you have no choice, should you go to the police, we’ll do without the police, as you say, you saw, yeah, that’s enough, please don’t kill, please, i didn’t see you, i wasn’t here, you have to do one more thing for me. in the trunk, everything will be ready in half an hour, stan.
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aurora left the reception area. what does it mean? it doesn't mean anything, she just walked away so that without... i want your peace of mind, you know, clean air, vegetables from your garden, yeah.
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there are four of them, they are armed, they have already killed one, we are all hostages, well done, girl, well done, lord, maria, where did you go, i was already starting to worry, sir. mr. sakharov , thank you very much for your welcome, if you need any help, then thank you, we are fine, in any case, thank you for your participation, thank you, it was a pleasure to meet you, goodbye, goodbye, please, maria , i really
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hope to meet such a person soon a charming girl like you, maria, but in a less formal setting, can i call you? let me call you myself, though i don’t have your business card, now it will be, well, bye, let’s go, i did everything i could. what will be the considerations? well, the publications have nowhere to go. i think they will start to get out soon. and they only have one remedy. yes. a car with registration plates in which they will rush the borders, but in any case, the sharks are fully prepared, gleb, yes,
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please send me the recording from the aurora camera, you never know, maybe i missed something, yes, zagikata, i understand, we will also move forward, we have fulfilled all yours. no need, let's go, they've quieted down, what's wrong with
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the sharks, get ready, gleb, i need a file on this impressive oriental man who courted our aurora like that, it's done, i'm the sea alone, sharks, how can you hear me, communication shark, so , object, black minibus with deep license plates, drive it carefully , don’t do anything yet, as understood, understood, think about the consequences, you are crazy, muslim, shut him up, we are being followed, stay closer to him. act on him the nerves, as we understood, are to hold on tighter, the object has accelerated, let’s turn right, where are they,
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i don’t see them, there’s no one on the right either. let's eat straight away, i see the object, there is contact.
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the russians will find a million options against us , but they won’t let us out, we’ll transport the cargo by sea, it’s safer, but i would like your confidence, sten, to dissuade me, but it seems to me that the dynamics of the saboteurs’ car have changed, and when cornering it skids, the car is clearly it became easier, uh-huh, uh-huh. they decided to play with us, okay, sharks, i’m the sea alone, how can you hear me, welcome, the sea is alone, connections, sharks
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prepare for the assault, get ready for the assault, we’re taking a risk, comrade rear admiral, we’ll run into an international scandal, don’t, don’t interfere, sharks, i order you to detain the pursued car, a greek captain is appointed commander of the detachment. i serve russia, there is only one victim, yes, i understand you, the call has been accepted, the rescuer is leaving, where are you going, equal to peacefully, leave, sah, i can’t understand, chaicha, alcohol, gasoline, everything mixed up, men, fire extinguisher, minute silence, 5 minutes of silence, new season, tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv.
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“i’m holding, i’m holding, it’s clean, come out , come on, who are you, shaitanov teimur, 19 years old, local, well, a woman hired me, she paid us to rent a loaf of bread and micri. and rooms to do it urgently, red , diplomatic, how did you end up here , weirdo, she forced me, she killed my friend , she said, sit in the car and as soon as you see exactly the same one in the mirror, start, are you going to put me in prison, don’t doubt it, the shark is calling
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the sea alone, we missed them , the shark is the sea alone, wait for the command, let's hope that we will do, think, let's do everything in order from the very beginning, but there is no doubt, the saboteurs had assistants who helped plan this trick, and i blame the imposing oriental man, yeah, how the hell is he, diplomat?
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may leave as a saboteur , please let me know, mahmoud zahri has a yacht, judging by the gps tracker, it is now in the old dock, and by the way, there is a phone number on the business card, try to find out where he is now, yes, we need to send a shark to these docks, let them look around, i agree.
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sharks are the sea alone, act as accepted, concentrate. aurora to the position, contact, look what is happening, everyone lie down, work special forces, we were surrounded, in position,
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they have a hostage. i see the target, but i’m three hundredth, hands, one more step, i’ll kill him, the barrel to the ground, quickly, ah!
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back, and this is you, here we met, mr. zachry , in an informal setting, you are as normal, the sea is alone, we have the control element, the master is slightly wounded, the hostage is alive, we are returning to the base, i understand you, welcome, stand up, follow me. let me report yes, control element the newest hypersonic anti
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-ship missile kassandra m-21 was delivered to the base, yes, the last moment, well, that’s it, thank you, just kidding, just kidding, well done, get ready, so mikhalych, is this what’s going on here? “the consul of shakhristan finally came to his senses , conveyed a huge thank you to you, and in general he even wanted to thank him somehow, in general, we need to answer him with something, uh-huh, uh- huh, you know, tell him something from all of us in words, yes, where, well, approximately like this, so? just put it that way, or what? yes, exactly like that, but as you know how, diplomatically language, of course, but as always, what can i do,
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margarita! and i thought only the girls were late for a date, sorry, thank you, but what happened to the hand, it’s nothing, it’s a gangster’s bullet, in a computer game, or the server was tormenting me again, yes, well, a pistachio one.
12:01 pm
then, i observe object number three, as i understand it, a reception.


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