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tv   Segodnya  NTV  March 24, 2024 4:00pm-4:21pm MSK

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and today is a day of mourning, the country mourns the victims of a monstrous terrorist attack in the crocus city hall near moscow, 133 people became victims of the attack, but this figure is most likely not final , the rubble at the site of the tragedy is still being cleared, national flags have been lowered throughout the country, entertainment and public events have been cancelled. , spontaneous memorials appeared in all regions, trouble united everyone. people continue to come to the crocus building, to the spontaneous memorial, they bring flowers and children's toys, and also light the fire. candles, the line stretched
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hundreds of meters. enhanced security measures are in place at the site of the terrorist attack; the perimeter is cordoned off and is patrolled by canine teams and members of the russian national guard. our correspondent anton talpa comes into direct contact with the studio. anton, what do people say who came to the end of the tragedy today? well, now we are a few hundred meters from crocus cityhall and people continue to come here to the crazy memorial, holding flowers and soft toys. and according to our estimates, here is now near crocus city hall, on the right side i have crocusexpe, here there are several thousand people present, and this endless line does not end, it is also worth noting that despite this rain, people continue to stay here in the square and continue to bring flowers, it seems that this rain, which began this morning, thus nature is together with all the people mourning the victims of those killed in this terrorist attack, today we managed to talk with people who...
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it’s completely beyond my comprehension, let those who did this be punished. there's a lump in my throat, i can't do anything, i think maybe it will be easier to come here and lay flowers, well, it’s hard, it’s hard, it’s hard to remain indifferent, that’s all, this is a very big tragedy for our country, a very big one. i feel very sorry for the people, we came to honor
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the memory of the victims, very deep condolences to all the relatives, in this endless queue it should be noted that people of different ages, and those who are younger today, they also have flowers in their hands, there are also people who are of an older generation, and despite , again, these difficult weather conditions. it's pretty cool here and a lot of these people are standing in the rain, it should be noted that news is also coming from the ministry of emergency situations at these minutes, according to the authorities, it will take a rescuer about 6 hours to dismantle the main rubble in the area of ​​the kroku cityhall stage, only then they plan to install a hundred-ton crane further into this technological hole, who will continue to dismantle heavy metal structures and continue to clear out the rubble, it is also worth recalling that by this moment it is known... that the rescuer removed
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about 250 cubic meters of metal from the cityhall croque and work there is now continuing. meanwhile today we were able to talk to eyewitnesses of these events. today we spoke with the security guards who were on the scene trying to save people at the time of the terrorist attacks, this is what they told us, they told us, by the way, quite a lot of details about how they got people out and how many they managed to save? at first it turned out that... i saved them from execution, closed them, blocked the way with doors, held the doors, evacuated them, then i saved them , took them out from the fire, from them through warehouses, there through this i brought people out, well, more than a hundred somewhere like that, i looked behind the curtain, saw people running to the side, walking, running, crawling towards the stage with the words, crazy shooting, crazy shooting, then i didn’t even listen to anyone, i decided to open it - such a heap of small things, i
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tried my best to see people off, get them up , get them out, meanwhile news comes from the ministry of health, it is known that 32 people have been discharged from the hospital, 110 people continue to be treated, 12 of them are in serious condition, but we remain here at the kroku city hall and continue to monitor how events are developing. anton talpa was in direct contact with the studio; he works on site. the spiritual leader of russian muslims , ravil gainuddin, will reward fifteen-year-old islam khalilov, who led more than 100 people from the crocus during the terrorist attack, the council of muftis of russia announced. the schoolboy worked part-time as a cloakroom attendant in a concert hall; during the terrorist attack, he, acting on
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emergency instructions, helped evacuate more than 100 people. he brought visitors out of the dead end and walked through the service entrance and such stories when in the most extreme situations people show your best qualities as a phoner. after all, the winner, i was on the floor, i danced to the finals in my category, a crowd of people panicked, they just ran across the entire locker room to the opposite corner of the crocus, screaming, they are here, they are shooting, everyone run,
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the warning system, according to the girl, is not there was working, so first the athletes went up to the top floor, but the door at the top was locked, then they returned back to the floor in panic, many in light dance dresses ran out of the building already through. shoot punctual guests, and through in a few hours the dome will collapse directly on these chairs. mikhail, who flew from arkhangelsk with his wife and two daughters especially for this concert, shows in this frame where all four of them would have been sitting, if not for one thing. that evening they were late everywhere. just before leaving, i practically saw that
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i had forgotten my watch and my bracelet. i don’t know, maybe now we should call it a talisman. our seats, firstly, should have been located directly 3-4 meters from the terrorist; fortunately, ekaterina did not have time to enter the hall either. concert photographer of crocus city hall, she entered the building through the service entrance at 19:58, at that moment the militants were already shooting at the central one, but it so happened that the unsuspecting girl did not meet them halfway, she was delayed because a colleague left her a gift in the official wardrobe, and this delay may have given catherine life. i heard that behind this door, which had a magnetic key, there was this kind of, you know, impending noise, at that moment our girls started... already running out, well, they started shouting to us, shooting, shooter, arrows, run , save yourself, one of the first, together with my colleagues , we ran out and just someone we met along the way, asked to run in the opposite direction, and these are just a few stories of those hundreds of people whose lives, thanks to luck, coordinated
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actions or in time for the open door, it was not interrupted at 20:00 on march 22, each of them had their own way to the street to freedom, but they are united by one thing, they survived, dozens of people who bought tickets at the end... the basmanny court today may consider the issue of arresting the suspects in the case of a terrorist attack, all four have already been delivered to moscow, investigators are now working with him, the suspects face life imprisonment. the investigative committee appealed to all eyewitnesses of the tragedy to provide all information to restore the full picture of the events. straightaway. moved towards ukraine. alexey khovashenkin visited the place where four suspects tried to escape and the arrest operation took place. this is the 376th kilometer of the m3 ukraine highway. it was here that the pursuit of the white car in which the terrorists left moscow ended, now everything is here
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removed, but we found this fragment of a white bumper, also gloves, a balaclava, a tape measure, and also... we will try to restore the chain of events with a separate piece of information, what happened after the militants left the scene of the terrorist attack, the four attackers left in the same car in... which arrived at crocus , a testimony was published from a family who deliberately hit a white sedan while leaving the parking lot, they received injuries of varying severity, an 11-year-old child is now in the hospital with fractures. appeared a photograph from a traffic camera in which you can see the car itself: a white renault symbol with a black roof and its number and the faces of two people, the front passenger drivers. traffic on the m3 highway was limited, an interception plan was introduced, then there was a pause of several hours, filled only with assumptions about whether it was really possible to drive up to the venue like this . concert, shoot people with impunity, escape with impunity, look, just to get from moscow to the place where
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the actual pursuit of the terrorists’ car began, it took us 6 hours, it happened here, here is the traffic police post of the bryansk region, not far from partizanskaya polyana, the employees already had an orientation, but naturally the terrorists ignored the demand to stop, a chase began, it lasted about 10 km and the militants responded. but the police managed to shoot in the front wheel and the car turned over the roof, one person remained in the car, his eye was knocked out, he could no longer escape, the rest fled into the forest, this is the very place where the denouement came, as they say, our sources in law enforcement agencies, in general, they say, it’s good that it all ended right here, the place is remote, you can’t run far, there’s no one to take hostage, there are no people , the nearest settlement is several kilometers away, soon here... bryansk region, one fugitive was found in tree, soon the police went in a chain, combing the forest
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, found the rest, they no longer had weapons with them, look, i’ll see for myself now, in these footage the last of the detainees is being taken out of the forest, video interrogations of all four attackers have now been published crocus, first twenty-three-year-old shamsuddin faridoon, he said that he was recruited on social networks because he was listening to a lecture.
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the fourth terrorist was taken to intensive care only there he was able to testify, none of those interrogated denied their participation in the terrorist attack, all four, according to the ministry of internal affairs, are foreign citizens, the fsb also reported that the criminals... were going to hide on the territory of ukraine, that a window for withdrawal could have been prepared on that side of the border, president vladimir putin also said. who is behind this attack? there is only assumption. information about the terrorists was published by a news agency associated with the islamic state organization banned in russia. yesterday it published photographs. there are four people on it, their faces have been retouched, but their clothes are like those of the detainees. then the news agency also published a video. execution on behalf of the militants, but this could be either an admission of responsibility or falsification,
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of which there have already been many in connection with the tragedy, so this statement must be treated with caution. alexey kvashenkin, stepan lesakovich, gennady lesitsky, mtv television company. on all continents , flowers and lighted candles are brought to the walls of the embassies and consulates of our country. last night, the tallest building in the world, the burchkhalifa skyscraper in the united arab emirates, was painted in russian colors. as well as other iconic high-rise buildings in dubai. francis of poprima expressed his condolences to the relatives and victims of the terrorist attack and said that he was praying for the victims. politicians from different countries behave differently, although they say similar words. i drew attention to the peculiarities of these statements close attention to elizaveta gerson. the flags on the buildings of our foreign missions are flown at half-mast, and the embassy receives thousands of letters of condolences from ordinary citizens.
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there are flowers outside the russian embassy in london, where a week ago relaxants were trying to disrupt the presidential elections. there are flowers lying outside the embassy buildings in australia, in the countries of asia, america, africa, europe, there is an exception, even in such a situation the latvian authorities remind of their russophobia. they did not allow a memorial to be held and did not express condolences. they are expressed out loud, in writing, in europe mainly by opposition politicians. these terrorist shameful actions need to be condemned, no matter what country they occur in, in any situation, it’s despicable that people came with weapons, shot at innocent people in the theater or in...
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having said that they don’t care about sanctions, but soon everything references to ukraine began to be removed from the airwaves and replaced by the opinions of experts on the middle east. experts present the terrorist attack in the moscow region as russia’s revenge for restoration of state order and the fight against terrorism in syria in 2015. they say terrorists are taking revenge on russia after 9
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years. the western press makes no mention of victoria's recent farewell threats that unpleasant things await russia. the united states should allow ukraine to use all kinds of weapons and all kinds of tactics to confront russia. maria zakharova responded to this statement: this is direct incitement to terrorism. this same lystraz, a minute after the northern streams were blown up in 2022, sent an sms to blinkin, everything was done. but not everyone in britain thinks these words and events are just a coincidence. member of parliament george gellaway wrote: "if the biden regime is found to be involved in the mass terrorist murder taking place in moscow, a de facto state of war between the superpowers will arise. former trump aide douglas mcgregor believes there remains little doubt that mi6 and the cia are involved but western authorities are gradually pushing through the press another idea, a backup
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idea if no one believes in the islamist addition to theories that the russians they themselves are shelling belgorod and..." although the thoughts of western political strategists have a well-practiced dual purpose, to distract their viewers from the fact that the terrorists were moving towards ukraine, a country they supported in any circumstances, in russian society, by launching these theories through their channels, sow discord, fear and chaos. russia in the west continues, and even a terrible tragedy does not mean even a minimal respite from this. elizaveta gerson, boris halfin, maxim zaichenko and alexander gusev, ntv television company, london. a minute of silence in the spirit of fire film festival began in memory of the victims of the terrorist attack. its president, serbian director kusturica, offered his condolences to the loved ones of the victims. you know,
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we had a very similar situation. serbs today remember their own tragedy. 25 years ago , the first nato bombs fell on their country. a few hours before the attack, having learned that the decision to attack a sovereign state without the sanctions of the un security council had already been made, yevgeny primakov, who headed the russian government at that moment, ordered his plane to turn around. flying to the usa. the alliance bombed serbia for several months. 6.00 dead in nato terminology are still collateral
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casualties, but the attack itself in the west is still called a humanitarian intervention. my name is andrey kunitsin, this program is a man in the right, hello, forty years of ignorance of traditions.


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