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tv   Doznavatel-2  NTV  March 25, 2024 1:15am-2:06am MSK

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everything, everything, everything, everything, everything, calm down, calm down, everything, everything, everything, everything, everything, everything, quiet, quiet, it's all over, well, everything, calm down, calm down.
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and ah, there are two more, i see militants, ours, ours, and what, wait, take the flag in your right pocket, yours, yours,
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who are they? ivan eermakov, citizen of the russian federation. tamaev zakir, sergeant of the special group of pmc storm.
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why is fat not your day?
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anything else? thank you, we'll think about it. yes. let's think about it. well, have you seen the prices? couldn't you find a normal place in our area? there are no such things in our area. you haven't seen them, they are like that queens, simply. sasha. let's have a drink. eh, wait, sit with us some more. oh, sasha, hello, but you don’t recognize me, the hospital, the nurse, olya, and you two are bored, they’ll come to us now,
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but then it would be nice to see you, goodbye, sasha, goodbye. and what are they going to come to us now, here they are, hello, hello , hello, boys, ksyukha couldn’t come, i ’m alone, well, sit down, well, it’s not fate, but what, i forgot, i need to go to work, i have today duty, go to work, i 'll see you off. okay, sasha, you're leaving anyway, i can’t leave a little money, this is such an expensive vision, please, that ’s all i have, thank you, so what, i’ll give it back to you, friends,
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let me go, help, leave me alone, come on, charge, charge, uh, guys, help! why were you running? so these idiots, they just had to call the squad, after all, i’m a policeman, a captain, a captain? what's so funny? what do you have? calling to save lonely
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girls? well, this too, by the way, why single people? my girlfriend didn’t come, since some time ago they steal beautiful girls from our city? demands a ransom, then you will find me, definitely, and this will help you in your search, well, next time you are kidnapped and even then, see you, see you. so how was your evening? oh, san, i’m sorry , it turned out somehow awkward with you , don’t be upset
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, there was nothing interesting there, so you didn’t need the money, well, i ’ll return your wages, if anything happens, stop, what salary? do you know that it's still until payday? well, sit down, we sat there, then we drank, then we sat some more, and some more. well, there’s no money, so you’ll never find girls for yourself, you keep drinking, drinking, clubs, restaurants, you you’re just afraid of responsibility, tolya, you couldn’t do this somewhere else, you actually think what you’re saying, it’s better to go and gossip somewhere else. yes, yes, please, come in, i wish you good health, i wish you good health, retired lieutenant colonel, ivan ivanovich stalirov, take a seat, what
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did you come with? captain, here's the thing, the license plates were stolen from my car last night. i found it in my mailbox, so if you want to get your numbers, they transferred 3,000 rubles to the petercreditbank account, funny, us. this has never happened on earth before, it’s funny, but it’s not funny for me, my wife is sick, every penny counts, write a statement, suvorov, where are we going to be now, what is it, can i see you for a minute? me now,
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what are you doing? is this a 100% hang-up? do you want to remain without a bonus? so talkers? maybe these numbers fell off on their own? both at once? so, suvorov, if this case ruins our performance, you will be the scapegoat. nothing new, if you want to look for the kidnappers, then look for it yourself. "sorry, nothing, yes, everything is correct, and what next, we’ll look for how long, if we don’t find it within 10 days, then you can get a certificate for omreo and get duplicate numbers, yeah, and for me to go to the clinic with my wife, that means for now i’ll have to carry it in a wheelbarrow, well, this..." the order, well, what this is order, captain , unfortunately, there is little that depends on me, i
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’m just an investigator, but we will look, i promise you, hello, hello, all the best, all the best, goodbye, goodbye, i told you, that i’m a slacker, and suvorov, as always, saves the world, well, from whom are we saving, so-so, peter kreditbank, who-who? lebedev was actually looking for you, okay, okay , if you want to be alone with the girl, so tell me, i saw lebedev this morning, if i were needed, he would be free, yes, of course, come with me, suvorov, what am i i didn’t express myself clearly, do you want to look for an escape? i have my first really
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big deal, it needs to be noted today, listen, maric, today won’t work, i have a lot to do, well, in general. listen, cyrus, the swans told you not to meddle with you, but there is a bank account number in the ransom note, you won’t hit your own people, but kir, you hear, after lebedev’s words, so as not to interfere with me, you said something else, yes, in vain, of course. hello,
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yes, where and when should i bring the ransom? hello, is it tonight? yes, okay, i'll be there soon. listen, kir, help me out, well, please, a girl is waiting for me, well, go to the bank yourself. you. i was stunned or something, but you can solve your personal problems during non-working hours, you’ve already wet yourself, go to work, in general, marish, what are your plans for the evening? i don’t know yet, now sashka will be free, maybe we can go and have some coffee, sashka, he’s already left, i just saw him leaving the rvd, how he left, well, how people leave, he was actually in a hurry to get somewhere, in a hurry?
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well, thank you for the flowers, for the wonderful evening , well, for the rescue, thank you, well, saving people is the duty of every policeman, i don’t selflessly hope for recognition of those saved, why not hope, sorry, well, bye, bye, bye, bye. good morning, comrade lieutenant colonel, khamenko, why are you arranging overnight parking under the department, they set it up here, i
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am not responsible for the territory, that is, in your opinion it’s normal that i, i khamenka, i, have to park my car. in some neighboring yard, i’ll sort it out, comrade lieutenant colonel , i’ll figure it out, be kind, tolya, be kind, yes, i’ll figure it out, great, talyan, what kind of screams, why is he so sad, he was guarding the sayanka, tell me, sasha , it’s normal that i, i, i, anatoly khamenko, i’m on duty in the department or in the territory, that’s why i should care that you see, lieutenant colonel lebedev has nowhere to park his car.
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ուզում ես փոխես։ փոխեմ։ մեքենա ես ուզում։ սաշ։ սաշ։ to you, actually. and you will you be a translator? why a translator? i know russian. i've been dachshund here for 10 years now. sorry. he's making a statement. what, what's going on? you can’t accept the application yourself? sasha. not my profile. did you manage to find out anything? the ransom account was opened a month ago in the name of bogdanov se, and a month and a half ago bogdanov se died, listen , if you want, i’ll talk to my fellow countryman, this is the second
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statement, if you accept, then lebedev will tear you apart, lebedev, you say, listen, so this that’s great, but what, it’s very good that there is second statement, well, as you know, 5 minutes of silence, new season, tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv, for intestinal microflora, enhanced probiotic, meet the new forte dome, it contains 10 billion bacteria of two types, it contains zinc, storage without refrigerator, just one capsule per... acep forte, a new level of probiotics. when you want the power of color, you don’t have to save up, just buy it right away. with a free tench platinum credit card. hurry up to get a teinkov platinum credit card with a bright, limited design before the end of march. and get free service forever. tinkov. we woke up, stretched, shook off the winter and shook ourselves off. during the spring sale
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shadowkov app. someone is always in a hurry to help. aim exactly for the pain. knee pain. pain in the back, in the neck anyway, the shoulder may give out, let’s call soon, pentalki, extragel, finalgin extragel against pain and inflammation in the muscles and joints, bright, laconic , romantic, new spring, new you, choose your image with a spring mood on ozone, what do you want to do when you get enough sleep, go to sports, and do a countdown, you can fall asleep in 20 minutes, sleep soundly at night, so enter a new day full of strength and energy, fall asleep, take out loans, we all... loans that everyone knows. rinostr helps fight the runny nose at an affordable price. and rinostop extra with menthol and eucalyptus helps reduce the duration of a runny nose.
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each has its own renaostp. touch croc star, burger kings. water, cooked on fire, tastes better. i’ll compare where it’s cheaper to buy osaka on the website or in the app. here insurance companies offer the best prices. compare in your country. for headaches, there is ascafen p at an affordable price. and askafen ultra with an enhanced composition to combat headaches and migraines. askafen - when you have a headache. we wake up. we're getting a makeover for the spring sale. wake up sale on ozone. vivien sabo mascara. women's trousers and fajo for 839, pikul diapers and panties for 949. meet the new acipol forte. it contains 10
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billion bacteria, containing zinc. just one capsule per day. acipol forte. a new level of probiotics. there are few good clubs today. so i decided to make my own. the quality is no worse than imported ones. and to keep up with demand, i act proactively. i take out a loan to develop my business. manage your loan cost. reduce commission by. 11%, after all, take off your hat, why, well, take off your hat, take it off, vova, look, you’re going bald, and i have hair, why? because i drink beer, comrade policeman, i’m talking about the dog, wait, there are a lot of useful things in beer substances, b6 there's solo, there's a lot of stuff in there, and i love vodka, comrade, but wait, policeman? did you freak out today? and you understand, after the bath, what will you do? but tell me, come here! listen, vadik,
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i have two reports of license plate theft, both in your area. soot, do you have a statement? yes, very good, grandma, come here, but tell us, what was your dog’s name? why did they call you? savut, tamerland, here, sasha! tamerlane has disappeared, a living creature, and you tell me about some glands, we’ll find him, grandma, we’ll find him, do you want beer, it’s clear, varik, comrade, what’s your dog coming to me, i’m telling you, i know a bar, here around the corner, there are 12 drinks, very tasty, that’s your mouth.
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i wish you good health, lieutenant colonel letev , what happened, your driver’s license and registration certificate, please, thank you, what happened, the reason for the stop, so lebedev pal nikolaevich, ford focus car, registration plate, which means a095 hr98, matches here, but not here matches what? what's this? article 122 of the code of administrative offenses,
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management of technical equipment stateless license plates. well, you see, they were stolen. so, i noticed, but you didn’t. well, i was in a hurry. what an enchanted word. this isn't the first time i've heard it today. who are you talking to? with citizen lebedev mon. the violator of the rights pays an administrative fine in the amount of 5.00 rubles. what are you doing? or deprived of the right to drive a vehicle for a period of 3 months. so what is the date today? which is clear, you’re enjoying yourself, well, enjoy yourself, come to me, hello? lieutenant colonel lebev says,
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listen, we have a free patrol car, wait a little, hang it up, my wife is calling, anya, i can’t talk now, the market is cancelled, well, i got it, i got it, i got it. yes, business, there’s nowhere else to go, the watchman’s gun was stolen, and pasha, i’m not reproaching you, i heard enough of this from my wife yesterday, i promised her, i looked like i’d take her to the market, i’ll help her, i understand you, yes, come in, sit down.
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so, kirill, yesterday pasha’s, or rather lieutenant colonel lebedev’s, numbers were taken away next to the rvd, that’s it, it’s not me, a sense of humor is good, i welcome that, but the numbers need to be found and returned, it’s up to this one, suvorov, at suvorov's, uh-huh, i have nothing else to do but look for the numbers of a comrade lieutenant colonel, by the way, here a challenge is thrown not only to me, to our entire team, yes... yeah, now the bandits will think that they can rob policemen, very funny, very much, kirill, this is my order, an order, yes, yeah, well, informal, but an order, a statement by numbers, where, and what is tetrakovich, whoa? a question for
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you about russian history, come on, why did alexander suvorov die, who was the commander, who? i don’t know, but because of old age, here is our suvarov, he won’t die his own death, and what does suvorov have to do with it, a year old instructions to block the account , no, of course, why does he need it, don’t overexert yourself, relax, drink some tea, why do you need this? well done, the one who doesn’t want to work with his head, his legs hurt, we’re preparing for round-the-clock patrol of the site, comrade lieutenant colonel, i can’t do it today, my wife is waiting for me, i understand, i understand, yesterday my wife was also waiting for me, waiting, waiting, waiting and did not wait , so take rebinin in search of
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the villain. pavel nikolaevich, maybe we it’s better for one, and it will be more effective, but it’s better for me to know how it’s more effective, yes, cooks, stas, comrade lieutenant colonel knows better, let me go, i’m free, well guys, let ’s go, let’s go, let’s go.
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i didn’t understand, as always, uh-huh, no, kirill, mikhalych, what are you doing, just hurry up, god, how boring.
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wait, yes, lily, yes, on duty, again , lilya, i can’t now, i can’t say that, i don’t, i don’t know when i’ll be there, so, let me come home, lilya, please don’t start, lilya , lilya, when i get home, we’ll talk, please, i... rebini, i’m cold, i’m cold, well let's go to the store, okay, let's get stuck here without fuel, wait, stas, so i have a three percent card, so you
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want to say that you accepted the documents personally from bogdanov? yes, i did everything according to the instructions. is it okay that he died a few months before ? vladimir mikhailovich , let me continue, please, well, let’s say he didn’t die, but was killed, like me, and what are you doing to me, so you killed him, cleaned out the apartment, and the documents, you ’ll sit with me, no, i don’t know anything, who knows, who, who did it, who? who's coming, who i’ll tell you everything, quickly, i owed money, you know, a lot, but i didn’t have it, they forced me to help them, who brought this to you, puny, who is puny, where to look,
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olya, huh? you have tea at home, but you’re somehow frozen, of course, stay here, i ’ll bring it now, i’m kidding, let’s go, yeah,
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be healthy, it’s over, maybe we’ll go now, i need to go home, we still have to be on duty and on duty . okay, let's go, wait a minute, vadik, and substakh, can i have her, what, vadik, wait, hey, man, come on, stand, police, rebinist, what did you do to him, huh? will go away, i'm at full strength, in what’s the problem, kid, so, here’s his
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passport, here’s mine, that’s it, who’s the car registered to, her, her, my wife, me, of course, but why take the license plates off? so that they don’t steal, why the rumor went around the area, they’re stealing , and we were going to egypt for a week, yeah , we were going, we were going, why do i have to persuade you for another six months, yes, well, we’ll formalize resistance to the police, so that means we we’re not going anywhere, yes, great, thank you, just wait, commander, maybe we can come to an agreement? from this place in more detail, vadik, well, a present, but what the hell, the captain doesn’t drink, i realized
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, well, are we flying or not, fly you, witch, wherever you want, that i’m a witch, i’m a witch, oh you, it’s me that’s a witch! now i ’ll give you such a witch, now i’ll give you a witch, now i watched, lucky witch , i’m ashamed to say that in front of people, but 5 minutes be quiet. new season, tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv. for intestinal microflora - enhanced probiotic. meet the new product. acipol forte. it contains 10 billion bacteria of two types. it contains zinc. stored without refrigeration. just one capsule per day. acipol forte - a new level of probiotics. when you want the power of color, you don’t have to save up, just buy it right away. with a free credit card. in platinum, have time to get a tinkov platinum credit card with a bright limited
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design until the end of march, get free service forever, for headaches there is ascafen p at an affordable price and askafen ultra with an enhanced composition to combat headaches and migraines. askafen - when you have a headache. let's wake up! we're getting a makeover for the spring sale! wake up, sale on ozone! licata face serum for 279. jeans for women and family! for 729. infinity nada set for 1,399. the pain can vary. it doesn’t matter what caused the pain if pintalgin is available. a universal remedy against different types of pain. pentalgin. let's do without pain. touch the croque star of burger kings. vottya. it tastes better on fire! buy
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asaga or any other insurance on the compare website before april 26 and win a car or a million rubles. compare on your side. what can negatively affect the liver? constant stress, unhealthy diet, ecology. this can lead to inflammation and destruction of liver cells. the two components of asphagliv help not only restore liver cells, but also fight the cause of their destruction. phosoflife: now in an economical package of 96 capsules. hair lacking vitality? gliskur - exceptional hydration. infuses hair with the power of hyaluron and seaweed extract. moisturized, shiny and bouncy hair. instead of scissors. try gliskur. exceptional hydration. toufon eye drops are created specifically for nutrition and restoration of preservation. car insurance with cashback up to
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30% for clients who subscribe to osaka tinkov applications. renost helps fight the runny nose at an affordable price. and rhinostop - double help contributes to the careful restoration of the mucous membrane. everyone has their own renostop. the new big special barbie bacon is already in the combo for 469 rubles. we woke up, stretched, shook off the winter and shook ourselves off. during the spring sale, we change clothes, change shoes, and also transform ourselves with cool things and buy them. i like this update. wake up, sale on ozone. set of cephali frying pans for 2,499. kremlin dried fruit candies for 299. meskaholic face mask for 299. complement to support health, performance and well-being.
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complivit is a vitamin and mineral complex of 21 components, complivit every day. there are few good clubs today, so i decided to make my own. the quality is no worse than imported ones. and in order to keep up with demand, i act proactively and take out a loan for business development. manage the cost of your loan, reduce commission by 11%. meet the new product acipol forte. it contains 10 billion bacteria. contains zinc. just one capsule a day acepol forte - a new level of probiotics. hello, hello
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, what a beautiful day, maybe we can go somewhere for breakfast, m. sasha, get up , what happened, get dressed, my husband has arrived, what a husband, my husband, he... was only supposed to arrive the day after tomorrow, what date is today? number, get dressed, oh, weren’t you taught to get up and get dressed quickly, actually it’s high up here,
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come on already. well, how did the patrol not get enough sleep? oh, great, san, great, your night seemed uneventful, but how can i say, what, but yesterday we got some ribs in a gingerbread, and why don’t i? i told you that you’re at home, but oh, san , don’t ask, why are you ignoring me,
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colonel, what kind of meeting is this, that there’s nothing to do, yes, that means, gentlemen officers, the day before yesterday the numbers disappeared, for... .man, yes, homenych, he’s not there, what’s wrong with him,
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what’s needed, i’d like to see shublova, come in. are you skinny? well, what do you need? do you need any buddies? i can fit a couple at a good price. stolen, in different ways, exposed.
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look yourself. why are you falling, why don’t you just stand here, come on, lie down, i’ll live, what, what, police,
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well, you already decide this way or that way, let me help you, come on, come here, yes... and now if you sell bank cards to whom, but lie, but not for you, but can you remember everyone, boss, yeah, wrong answer, on i thought you were smart, but hundreds of people pass through me, yeah, i didn’t ask all of them for documents. mikhailovich, why, who were the cameras filming, and the weirdo who took the money, well, now i’ll be there, yeah, i’ll clean up. and i will, yeah, what 's the difference, where, that's it, come on, yeah, well, i'm patient, let's go, cooks, i wish you good health,
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yeah, who are we here, gang, comrade colonel, we took the red kumach, we, when did you manage to do this, i watched you half an hour ago on the territory, but yes, i mean , i took the red kumach, and here i am... processing it, but well, it’s clear, now where do we have the red kumach, that’s how boris borivich works, yeah, you see, he works, learn to be a cook, yeah, you can see his face, like in the movies, yeah, and who is this, a dangerous criminal, dangerous, very dangerous, that is, you have a disclosure, well , yes, well , why, well, come back more often, otherwise it’s
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boring. sasha, are you okay? are you sick? i'm fine. i'm not sick you're just kind of sad, i'm not sad , you know, if we had good red wine, i would say such a toast, but we don't have wine, so i'll say it straight, relax, suvorov, suvorov, your printer is working , well, yes, why move away, but you need to print out a photo of these number stealers of yours, give me the disk , yes, i’ll move away already, the disk is from where it came from the camel
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, oh, what is it, i know it, oh, show yourself, come, call . well, why do you need all this? my part was cut.
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the pension is small, my wife is sick at home, i had to think about something. and you thought of demanding ransom for stealing license plates. 3. the money is small, the fine is twice as large, it’s easier to pay than fool around with new numbers, no meetings, everything is on a credit card, and they can’t figure me out with it. i didn’t figure out how to use a video camera, that’s true, but why did they come to us ? i was conducting reconnaissance, i wanted to understand how you would react, i understood, i understood, write how it happened, yes, to steal the numbers from the police lieutenant colonel, and from the rovd himself, this is, of course, reconnaissance, i would even say reconnaissance in force, like... a lieutenant colonel, what ruvd, our ruvd, kir, but i don’t know anything write about it!


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