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tv   Segodnya  NTV  March 25, 2024 10:00am-10:36am MSK

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the basmanny court of moscow made the first decision in the case of the city hall terrorists. alexey ivliev found out what article of accusation was brought against them and what preventive measure was chosen. meanwhile, back in place. people come from all over the country to honor the memory of the victims. in the morning , svetlana gardeeva has been working at the city hall crocus, live broadcast from the scene in a few minutes. and also the stories of real heroes who saved hundreds of lives during the terrorist attack. that's it, drop your equipment and get out. and this is the share seconds, she saved, because she had time before the panic began.
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the clearing of the rubble does not stop for a minute, heavy equipment worked all night, the flow of people who want to lay flowers at the spontaneous memorial practically does not stop. now our correspondent svetlana gordeeva is located next to the concert hall, she is in direct contact with the studio. light, well, you’ve been on duty today since 4:00 in the morning, and you said that even at night people actively walked to the site of the tragedy, it is clear that now this flow is increasing, increasing, but at the same time , rescuers continue to work on the spot. tell me, doesn’t
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this constant flow of people complicate the important work that is now being carried out there? yes, yul, indeed, we were very surprised that at 4:00, at 5:00, at 6:00 in the morning people came here, even parents with small children came, apparently, in front of the kindergarten, funeral services began at 7:00 in the morning , they take place every 2 hours, they are served by krasnogorsk priests and today they will continue until 9:00 pm, well, now the flow of people does not stop. of course, the queues are not the same as we were there yesterday or on saturday, it’s understandable, it’s the beginning of the working school week, people just come , leave flowers and leave, some said that they specifically took a day off to come here, and there are people who even came from other cities, so we met a girl , who rode the train all night today from st. petersburg straight from the station and arrived at crocus city hall, some kind of momentary decision, i just remembered.
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search work continues inside, and it is known that yesterday rescuers managed to dismantle one wall and thereby provide ourselves with free access to the concert hall, and we can see in the footage how many metal structures there are, metal structures that all need to be sawed and removed from the room in order to free up the space and continue to dismantle the rubble layer by layer, and sometimes this has to be done manually, and even in... most cases , about more than 300 people and about one and a half thousand units of various equipment take part in the work; as we know, over the past 24 hours, rescuers have removed more than 400 metal cubic meters of metal structures, well, in the near future we expect
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fresh news from the ministry of emergency situations, yulia. sveta, let me ask one more question, yesterday it was announced that people can come for things that were simply thrown into the sitiholi croque on yours on that fateful evening. on the street, half-naked without outerwear, some even without shoes, here are some things that remained in the dressing rooms, where the fire did not have time to reach, they survived, of course , the investigators also studied them, now these things are distributed to the owners and the investigators communicate with them, because any little thing, even an insignificant
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detail, can now greatly help in the investigation of this monstrous terrorist attack, and of course, thank you, svetlana was in direct contact with the studio. at the courthouse they took unprecedented measures and sent him to pre-trial detention until may 22, before the precautionary hearing. alexey ivliev monitored his progress. that night we were in the basman court. to the court with a request to arrest the suspects. journalists representing almost all russian media were waiting for the moment when the investigative committee arrived here in paddy wagons
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detainees will be delivered. in addition to the dense ring of journalists, there were also heavy police presence at the courthouse. precautionary measures, given the significance of the trial, are increased. the wait dragged on. the film crews laughed at each other and only late in the evening were journalists able to get inside the courthouse. to say that the interest of journalists is enormous is to say nothing. there are still several dozen of our colleagues on the street. and then, finally, the paddy wagons with the detainees arrived at the court. we have a black minivan. suspects from the investigative committee was brought separately, each in his own special vehicle. criminal code of the russian federation. the maximum penalty under this article
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is life imprisonment. both suspects fully admitted their guilt. we accuse john borotovich of choosing a preventive measure in the form of imprisonment. detention period of his detention for 1 month 28 days, that is, until may 22 , twenty-four. following the first suspects , two more members of the group were brought to the basmanny court: muhammad sabir falzov and shamsidin fariduni, the third and fourth shooters, who mercilessly opened fire on unarmed people, the verdict is the same. elect the accused lezadeh, saidahrami, muradali, preventive measures, video of detention. the period of his detention for 1 month 28 days, that is, until may 22 of the twenty-first year. next up is the basmanny court and others involved in the sitikholi terrorist attack. it is unlikely that the article of indictment and the chosen crimes will differ from those brought against other shooters. alexei
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ivliev, irina lemkina, alexander tiunov, konstantin zveroboev, ntv television company. basmanny court, moscow. we will try to return to the topic of the identity of these terrorists during the broadcast. in the meantime, let’s tell you that military personnel from the unit covering the state border participated in their detention; the soldiers who distinguished themselves during the operation were presented with state and departmental awards, medals for courage from... the resort honored the memory of the dead with a minute of silence. in krasnodar, lamps burned all
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night on the main city square. lighting up lights, people expressed support for the victims and relatives of those killed in kazan. they mourn together with the whole country in donbass. there, like nowhere else, they know what terrorism is. in lugansk, in memory of the victims of the terrorist attack , a projection of flying cranes was launched on media screens. and in donetsk they took part in the action. students and schoolchildren, they laid out hundreds of burning candles in the form of the inscription “dpr mourns.” the children who are vacationing in artek these days did not remain in the country either. they gathered near the stella children's center to honor the memory of the victims. in that the moment i found out about what happened, i was overcome with fear, because i myself am from the border region, from the city of bryansk, and fear for myself, for my family, for my friends, and i express words of support. to all the friends , mothers, especially who lost
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their children and relatives there, i really want this to never happen again, and of course, the tragedy in the city hooligan kruku united people all over the world, in many cities near the russian embassies spontaneous memorials, many concerned people come to the building these days diplomatic offices in sofia, local residents bring flowers, candles and... toys there, and these are shots from yerevan, where a memorial event took place near the embassy: people brought flowers to the building and laid out the word we mourn with lamps. in berlin , dozens of local residents come to the spontaneous memorial every day, including both our compatriots and europeans who were shocked by what happened. those who died cannot be brought back, and this is a tragedy for everyone, no matter where it happens or how it happens. you have shots from paris, there are caring people there
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they will find solidarity and comfort with their comrades, my thoughts are with them, now before i find this extremely terrible, i hope that the people who have now suffered from this, people brought flowers to our embassy and expressed words of support for the russian people. as the local press writes, emmanuel macron has been pitting his partners against our country for several weeks now. the situation surrounding the terrorist attack may interfere with his plans. the french leader fears that europe will forget about the conflict in ukraine and join forces in the fight against terrorism. every day more and more details emerge about how people escaped during the terrorist attack. a first-person story in a report.
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she saved us, because how could we have managed it before the panic started, these are the words of one of
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the camera crew shifts, he is always armed with a camera, he himself saw a lot and understands what exactly was happening. the armed people were absolutely prepared, as if they had military training, because such a number of people, four people, well, it’s impossible to just make that many casualties. experience, of course, is useful, but even the first doctors to arrive on the scene. we were confused at the beginning, but not for long, we quickly gathered , it was impossible to get there inside, it was impossible to drive directly even close to the parking lot, because when we were there, having already arrived there, we still heard these you... in this situation, which is still it’s not over, there are scoundrels, but there are also heroes who have already
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been nominated for a reward, like the same mikhail who tied up one of the terrorists, there was a man there. who neutralized the terrorist who was near the stage, and just the same, most likely this terrorist had to fire at the balcony where we were actually on, that is, he saved not only the people who were below trying to get through the stage, but he also saved all those people who were on the balcony, any terrorist attack - it’s a pain, but it’s a reason for everyone to be a hero, i s... saved my wife only later, well , first of all the person closest to me, only then did i begin to realize, when we were all driving in the car, that i had also saved people, i think that every man who is well on if it were me, under those conditions, i would probably do the same and begin to protect my
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loved one, while this hero prefers not to show his face, he has... mikhail plokhotnik, susana pruchikova, irina prochukovskaya, irina lemkina, television company ntv. and now we return to the topic of the court hearing in the terrorism case. during the hearings, the first details about the identities of the criminals became known. as it turned out, some of them turned out to be husbands and fathers of minor children, which did not at all moderate the cruelty terrorists. mikhail chabanenko collected all the information. lived in a hostel on the highway, 15-20 days, he and his during the first interrogation, he stated that before the terrorist attack , an acquaintance allegedly bought a car to work
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as taxi drivers, 10-12 days before the terrorist attack, he met a certain person in the messenger... 30 years old, married, has a child, never worked anywhere, incomplete secondary education, during interrogation he claimed that he did not remember where he was registered in russia. judging by the video from crocus city hall published on social networks, he shot at point-blank range from a machine gun people lying on the floor in the concert hall in the corridor. during interrogation, he stated that he did not know russian, and said that the terrorists threw the weapons he had with him onto the road from the car before they were captured by security forces in the bryansk region. the third is shamsidin fariduni, 25 years old,
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married, has an eight-month-old child, was employed at a factory in podolsk, registered in krasnogorsk. it was he who said during the first interrogation that he shot people for money, more precisely, for half a million rubles. there , during the first interrogation, he said that the weapon was for him given by people who contacted him via telegram. why they contacted him specifically, he allegedly does not know. a certain assistant to the preacher suggested killing him. according to him, it took a month to prepare for the terrorist attack. at the trial, like the other defendants, he communicated through an interpreter. according to arianov. personal details: 19 years old, single , no children, engaged in martial arts, temporarily unemployed, was hired at a barbershop in ivanovo, registered there, worked there for 2 months, quit, went to another city,
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presumably it was fayzov who was driving the car in which they escaped from crocus was beaten by terrorists. an eight-year -old boy, the child miraculously managed to survive, he was in the hospital , as his father said , he deliberately ran into fayzov’s son, the same accused shot a video distributed online as a recording from a forest of terrorists, he also does not speak russian, the interrogation went through translator mikhail chebanenko, ntv television company. large russian companies could not stay away from the tragedy. they announced assistance to the victims and families of the victims. in the studio marina piminova, further business news, marina, who from the business reported on what specific measures, tell us: banks are writing off debts, carriers are helping with tickets, and many companies are giving away part of their revenue. russian business began to react to the events at croc city hall within the first hours after they became known.
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on friday evening, the yandex taxi service made all trips from the crocus area free and, moreover, promised that for those trips that passengers had made from there earlier, the service would return their money within 2-3 days. gazprom neft announced on friday that at several of its gas stations until 80 a.m. starting saturday , emergency workers will be able to. refuel and get coffee and hot dogs, actions followed from carriers, several airlines, including aeroflot, s7, ural airlines russia offered free tickets to and from moscow for the families of the victims, as well as for their injured relatives. those who for any reason decided to cancel flights to and from moscow from march 22 to 25 will be able to return their tickets or exchange them without additional charges. russian railways also reported that it is possible return the ticket free of charge.
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they said that until april 5 they will not write off money for calls to emergency numbers. banks also showed solidarity; they began to announce that they would write off the debts of those killed in the terrorist attack. sberbank, vtb, uralsip promised to resolve the issue with loans. sber and the russian red cross have also opened an account to collect assistance; money can be deposited at the bank’s office, through terminals in the sberbank online application. in addition, over the weekend sbermarket launched free delivery throughout territory of russia. businesses that cannot help with tickets or free services decided to help with money. the federation of atelier restaurateurs reported that they decided to share part of their income over the weekend.
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the moscow zoo will also donate all proceeds over the weekend to support the victims. yulia, yes, thank you, it was marina pemenova, about how russian companies responded to the terrorist attack in the citihole circle. and now about the situation in the zone with... near artyomovsk, kostroma paratroopers thwarted the attempt of the nationalists to carry out a replacement personnel. the militants were discovered and destroyed when they tried to enter the positions in small groups. and the tankers of the southern group of troops in the same direction supported the advance of the assault groups. with an accurate strike from a closed firing position, they destroyed the dugout where the enemy was waiting out the shelling. after the end of the artillery attack, our military took up new positions and confidently secured them. on them. and in the liberated ovdeevka they will soon begin to restore housing. dpr authorities reported that 19 houses, the renovation of which will begin first
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. many residents did not leave the city during the fighting. now they are being helped by volunteers. they deliver humanitarian aid, distribute food and sim cards. in addition, so-called street committees have been created in avdeevka, which draw up russian documents. our correspondent talked to local residents.
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this one is standing there, yes, yes, and i’m looking for you , well, wait, igor, now, i brought you a card, you need a passport, of course, that’s it, now yes, igor letvinov, neighbor rais, like many residents of avdeevka, in addition to food, the people's front gave him a sim card from a donetsk telecom operator, this is now perhaps the most valuable asset, before the liberation there was practically no communication here, and from here, why didn’t they leave, as in were waiting, where to go from here, wait?
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meanwhile, greeks are on strike against their country being used to send western weapons to ukraine. they did not let a train with american tanks pass, while some stood on the railway tracks with banners and flags, others wrote on
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country, for which no one has yet suffered any punishment. under the pretext of protecting democracy in the person of the pro-western kosovo albanians, the alliance raised military aircraft more than ten thousand times in 2 and a half months, a thousand. 300 cruise missiles and 20,000 heavy aerial bombs. the death toll as a result of the operation, according to various estimates , ranges from 3.5 to 4,000. moreover, after due to this aggression, serbia came out on top in europe in terms of mortality from cancer, because the alliance used ammunition with depleted uranium. sergey khaloshevsky will continue the topic. a three-year-old girl, milica rakic, was killed by a nato cluster bomb in her home in 1999. at night i hid from the bombing with my parents, the police monument in the center of belgrade is a symbol of all the dead serbian children, every year on these days wreaths and flowers are brought to the monument on the anniversary of the bombing. these days, for 25 years in a row, the serbs have been mourning for those killed from
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nato bombings. in ninety-nine, the west killed them for 78 days in a row. russians on this day are always together with the serbs. every year, wreaths are laid by the russian delegation led by the ambassador. and not once in all these 25 years have there been americans at the monument; the current us ambassador to serbia, christopher hill, somehow called on the serbs to forget the past and move forward, but the serbs just can’t get the dead children out of their memory. 25 years have passed, and we still do not give up, we still do not agree to the dismemberment of serbia. in europe there is a small nation that still stands proud and dignified.
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in our hands were all the details of future attacks, what targets, what objects. nato planned to smash yugoslavia to smithereens and dust within 96 hours, making a gift to the alliance’s fiftieth anniversary. thanks to the information received, the command of the yugoslav army took action and nato postponed the operation for six months. the nato operation against yugoslavia was the first time the alliance so openly disregarded international law and moved east. methodology of western action in ukraine now the same as in yugoslavia. the west has learned to sow internal discord and collapse the state, that’s what they did to us then, they succeeded, they want to do the same with russia with the help of ukraine. the serbs have long drawn conclusions regarding the americans and their european partners; there are no
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illusions left. now they hope for russia and sympathize with the tragedy that happened in crocus city. the people who committed this terrorist attack do not deserve prison time and do not deserve to live. "i think it's time for russia to act like this israel is doing so that those who commit such evil know that they will not hide anywhere, neither they nor their families. the serbian people deeply feel the pain of the russian people and understand what evil has been committed, there are few peoples in the world who understand what it is like to turn a blind eye to their dead children, we are always together with russia. vlada radojcic and boris filchikov, european bureau, ntv, belgrade, serbia." and that’s it for now, stay on ntv. how to reduce joint pain without harming the stomach? rivmoflex helps reduce joint pain.


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