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tv   Za granyu  NTV  March 25, 2024 4:45pm-5:50pm MSK

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her son was born in a shell with his ears glued to his head and his mouth turned upside down, and then he was covered in scales from head to toe. olesya gorbunova and her son matvey are in our studio. hello olesya, hello matvey. hello. olesya, how old is your son? years old, in third grade, matvey, the grades you bring home are mostly bs a's, well done, do you help your mother around the house? yes, i help, sometimes i can wash the dishes, vacuum, wipe the bullets, you are your mother’s only child, but no, i also have an older sister, she is 19 years old, well, you and your sister get along well, yes, we get along well, it happens if she comes, we can play, she says to me: matvey, are you already used to this? yes
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, i’m already used to being looked at, being asked questions about my type, what’s wrong with my eyes, what’s wrong with my skin, i’ve already come to terms with it and got used to it, but your appearance gives you some kind of discomfort? well, sometimes i think that i am somehow separate? that i’m kind of strange, that i’m scary, matvey, you ’re completely wrong to think so, you’re a great guy, you have a wonderful smile, something probably hurts, bothers you, i often burst, well, cracks appear on my heels on my hands, because of this it’s harder for me to do something, and physical education lessons, sports sections, are they
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all banned for you? no, i do as much as possible: athletics, physical education, additional physical education, do you do athletics? yes, great, how are you doing? well, i’m good in sports, as well as in academics. do you have any other hobbies besides sports and studies? maybe you like to listen to music, watch movies, well, not so much, but i like to listen to music, what performers do you like? carolina, shatunov, why carolina? well, because her songs are so, well, interesting. would you like to meet her? yes. matvey, the beer girl you like is called tatyana, in fact, she is in our studio today. tatyana, there will be do you have any words for your young fan? well, of course, of course, hello, my dear, hello. what song do you like?
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well, many, what a smart guy , you are so cool, but that’s the answer to your question, do you like to watch tv or listen to music, and for a ten-year-old child to say that i like to listen to music, this is generally rare, i apologize for my self-will, i went to the place, okay, come on, my dear matvey, have you already decided on your plans for the future, well, what do you want to become, i want to become a blogger, i want become a blogger, though she’s 7 years old, you’re older , why a blogger, because i already shoot a little, i like it, i think i ’ll do it, and you have your own phone, bloggers mostly shoot on phones or you take pictures with your mother’s, no, with your own, you’re happy with your phone, well, yes, he’s being modest, yes, i know that in general, like all bloggers, he wants to do well.
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would you like a nice new phone? yes i want to. matvey, if you want it, then we have a surprise for you, but please use it, not at the expense of your studies, do you promise? yes. thank you, thank you, wow, anton, you run social networks, yes, but as i go into the profession, one might say, i have to, can you give matvey some advice, well, just teach him how to shoot a video, of course, we’ll make some content, yes, yes, yes , matvey, i suggest that you and anton try out your new gadget right now and record a few videos, let’s do it. one, two, well, let's go guys, go ahead, create, oles, you really have a wonderful son, but probably with his illness it’s not easy for him, yes, of course, what a his diagnosis is ichthyosis, lamellar,
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lamellar, eversion of the eyelids, now also polyneuropathy, and he was born full-term, yes, he was born at 38 weeks, when the disease began to manifest itself, from the very beginning? birth, he was born in a hard shell shell , in a brown color, his skin was pounding, well, pounding, it was hard, hard, yes, it pulled everything from the very, well, from the head to the very heels, he had an inversion of his eyelids , upper, lower, ears were completely glued, from beginning to end, well, to the skin, nasal passages, like needles there there were, but it was impossible to see the gap in the ears, well, how could you hear if. for example, were you shown the baby immediately after birth? no , after 10 days, because he was sent to the city in intensive care, you can remember your emotions when you first saw matvey and took him in your arms, the first time i saw him, i didn’t take him in my arms, because
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i they didn’t give it to me, they showed me only one face, it was very difficult, scary, but it was, well, it’s an indescribable feeling. cried a lot, yes, a lot, constantly, you are heroic woman, but just a heroic woman , i bow to you, because they leave healthy children in the maternity hospital, he is extraordinary, just an extraordinary boy, allah, you know from your own experience what it is when there is a child with special needs in the family, yes, well our boy has different characteristics, and apparently an approach. it will still be different, but in any case, i will say that of course, this is a blow, of course, i want to join tatyana’s words in saying that you accomplished a feat, you took it,
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because, for example, to your son, daughter-in-law they asked such a question, and you will take it away, that is, it was assumed that something might not be taken away. and don't pick it up. oles, did the doctors suggest that you give up matvey? it was suggested at birth, i didn’t even consider this question. how was your pregnancy overall? it went well, as it should, i did all the tests, took tests for genetics, for deformity, everything was in order. maria, why didn’t the doctors detect anything during pregnancy? there are quite rare diseases, well, to which most people they don't rent. are tested for something more common, for example, ichthyos, yes, we have one case in 3000 births, so , of course, unfortunately, such a thing could be missed, and often this gene is in healthy people, it is invisible, but it can be its
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carrier, at some point it may appear in the offspring, sometimes it happens that it appears as a result of a mutation, that is , no one in the family had it, but... there was some kind of gene breakdown at the stage of intrauterine development, and we have such a disease, unfortunately, how does this disease manifest itself? the skin is thin, it keratins a lot , that is, like ichthyos from the word ichtheo fish, yes, like well, like scales, roughly speaking, that is, it is very dry, it can crack, it can keratinize, usually we see this on the skin, but there are lesions like we we see the visual organs of the eyes.
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how does matvey’s life differ from the lives of his peers? well, his life is noticeably different, of course, because he needs to take a bath on time, anoint his body, apply drops to his eyes, his feet. the sole very often bursts and you have to put masks on your feet, sometimes that they just burst, well, there are so many holes that he can’t even pick up a pen to write, but how many times a day do you apply cream to matvey, two or three times, at least, when he, for example, takes a bath, it makes the situation easier, yes, he lives on water, and he can stay in water for six to 7 hours, the skin on his feet cracks very often, but what about him then? he walks, well, when he gets really cracked, he doesn’t walk,
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he then crawls on his knees. tatyana, i saw your reaction, you are shocked, yes, by those the suffering that the boy has to endure. i have always considered myself a very strong woman. and now this is what i hear, what i heard from alla, that is, i’m a rag, just, you know, compared to you, i, i’m not shocked either. i’m just shocked, he’s very strong , he endures a lot of pain, he endures to the last, he hurts terribly, every year the situation gets worse, he gets worse, the worst condition of his scalp is, if on his hands it is updated periodically the skin, a certain period passes, it all falls off, then again it becomes covered with scales and begins to harden, and if there is hair on the head, it simply overlaps. everything, and then he scratches and tears everything until it bleeds. oles, did anyone in your family suffer from a similar
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disease? their theosis is not present, it was not in the family, but psoriasis is in the family. maria, are these diseases, ichthyosis, psoriasis, somehow connected? i would say indirectly, because apsoriasis often has some kind of nervous origin, stress, that is, it can be treated. yes, it appears in the background stress, you can somehow relieve it easier, yes, in comparison. achthyosis, that is, a much more severe disease, still manifests itself much less often. oles, the child’s father, how did he react to the fact that his son was different from others? his reaction was also not calm, he was very surprised, but i didn’t know about it, he didn’t show me his reaction, but he met you from the maternity hospital, and after you were discharged from the maternity hospital, what? has your relationship with your husband changed? yes, help, as it were, well, as such, that’s exactly what
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caring for the child, well, it wasn’t, you are at home, caring for the baby, probably applying some ointments to it, the father, what is he doing at this time? well, for example, he is not at home , his hobby is fishing, that is, he has sort of withdrawn himself from the problem, well , it turns out that you think that he simply could not cope with the problems that his son has, yes, i think that ... yes, he could not understand, realize that such a child could be born, it must have been very hard for you, it was very offensive to be alone, it was hundreds of thousands of times offensive, that, but i didn’t have support for him, now, as i understand it, you don’t live together, no, how old was matvey when you decided to divorce, a year and a month, he just didn’t need this problem, as an egoist , he certainly did not behave like a man, in fact, olesya found herself... alone with this problem for the rest of her life, her
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husband turned out to be a weakling, he could not withstand this blow, this was a life test, well, fishing suited him, probably more than love, care about his son, taking care of his wife, and generally helping, he abandoned her, in fact, according to statistics, 90 percent of couples in this situation, the men leave, the men cannot cope. in their interests, you should still file for alimony in order to provide for your child, and
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moreover, at that moment you still had the right to receive alimony for your maintenance, and if you did not have confirmation of his official earnings, then he would have been assigned this maintenance in a fixed amount of money, and here there would be other consequences; if your ex-spouse did not pay alimony, he would be brought to administrative responsibility. first, well if necessary, this is deprivation of parental rights, obtaining additional support for the child due to this, including state support, the second option is to at least secure it. give your son from the future claims of an unscrupulous father on his own in the opposite direction, and a woman can file for alimony at any time, not necessarily at any time, now you can also file, but they will be assigned from the moment you go to court, and there are exceptional rules when you can recover due to the previous 3 years, but for you need to prove that you have made
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attempts to collect it, here not only alimony is required from the father for the maintenance of the child as usual, but... 1/4 for the maintenance of one child, in this situation you absolutely have the right to demand additional funds for medical care , when you submit, another very important question, given matvey’s illness, the father must pay child support until the age of 18, depending on the disability in case the child, i don’t know if he has a disability right now, he has a childhood disability group at 18, a children's group initially, well, in the future he will get it, as i understand it. olesya, is your ex-husband helping you with money now? for the last 3 years he has been helping with money , but this is not enough for us at all, because huge amounts of money are spent on drops in the eyes, gels in the eyes at night, he sleeps at night, for example
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, he has a mask, like glasses, a gel mask, he only sleeps in a mask, because you are from behind... the gate six times a day you need to drip different drops into emulsions onto creams that are smeared all over the body, well, a bottle, which, for example, costs 2,000 , it’s enough for one time, but not completely the second time, yes, because he has this cream, it just disappears into dry ground, how much do you spend a month if one bottle costs 2,000 for one once, well, 40-50 thousand are needed in a good way for him to feel well, only for medicines, only for him, yes, but where do you get it? he has money for his disability, i also have my disability, and my salary in total is what he adds and well, that’s it, little by little, little by little with finally, yes, but what about your health, you also have a disability, yes, i have scoliosis, curvature of the spine, and you work at the same time, i, yes i work, cashier salesperson,
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tatyana, creams, medicine, numerous, matvey can receive this somehow under the compulsory medical insurance policy, what do i need? give a straight answer, we will definitely talk to you, look at the documents, we will select for you, maybe , some kind of state program, they can be short-term, that is, not generally known, long-term, but there are short-term ones, you can get at least some kind of program that help, but you will advise, i will definitely help you choose a program, and accordingly, if you decide to apply for alimony, then of course we will absolutely do this for you. oles, is your ex-husband at least interested in his son’s health? no, we don’t contact him, we don’t call each other, no , when we go to the altai territory once a year, my parents live there, and his matvey, it turns out his grandmothers are there, so they meet there, there they see each other once a year and don’t see each other, she tries not
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to show her emotions to her grandson, but at night sobbing into the pillow. matveya albina’s grandmother is visiting us. hello alvin, hello alvin, you are matvey patsuk’s grandmother, when was the last time you saw matvey? they came the year before, when or last year they came, in 2023, do you miss your grandson? very much, matvey is your only grandson? no, i have two grandchildren and a granddaughter. does anyone in your line have the same disease as matvey?
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tanca atali premium is a symbol of male success and maximum sexual energy. get the atali premium tank right now for free, find out how by phone. 800 2009 456 all conversations confidential mask new season on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. beyond. this is beyond the bounds of a ten-year-old boy covered in scales, but lives the life of an ordinary child and dreams of becoming a blogger. albino, your son is now in contact with matvey. well, there’s no strong communication, sometimes they’ll talk on the phone, but that’s when. come to altai, matvey always comes to me, i try to somehow, if he is not on duty, i take him, for example, to the playground and call my son so that he can talk
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about what... he told me, i try, certainly, why is there no initiative from him himself, but the boy, who is 10 years old today, and he especially needs a father, especially considering his problems, maybe i didn’t raise him that way, that he doesn’t strive for this or, i don’t even know , how to explain this, tatyana , you see albina’s guilt here, you know, this is a very, very difficult question, it’s generally very sad and bitter, i think, especially for a mother who still sees her son’s behavior and relationships, especially moreover, she herself loves very much, as i understand it, matvey, and matvey, he generally wants these meetings, well , for example, if you compare, he, if he wants , he sees his grandmother, then he is on a ten-point scale, with dad, but he says, well, i don’t have any common topics with him, what a trap there is with age, matvey, this scale of up to 10
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points is mandatory. still alone, yeah, albina, was your son married before his marriage to olesia? yes, does he have children in that marriage? yes, the eldest son, 22 years old, does he communicate with him? no, that is, your son is not inclined to communicate with his children at all? well, maybe he feels guilty. galina, here some strange pattern. yes, yes, we missed one more person here, this is the father, your son. albino. did he know his father?
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certainly. his father raised him. communicated with him , yes, raised him, communicated with him, well, the father too , probably it’s his fault, the kingdom of heaven, he’s no longer alive, but that he didn’t cultivate this trait in him, such masculine actions, materially there’s something... then he could help, he could do it, he could help, for some reason he left in education, or because he himself was alone in the family, there were six daughters, here is the husband there was... one son, the father himself must have, this core must be formed, educated, well, your son has not been educated in this, this core is missing, but he doesn’t have it, he doesn’t want to do this, this is for him it’s a burden, i, of course, would really like for dad to show up, we contacted him, invited him to come, offered to call him, he doesn’t want to, now he’s simply
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unavailable. albin, are you worried about matvey? do you really, really cry at night? yes, i’m ashamed of my son, and i’m sorry for matvey, but he’s a boy wonderful, yes, wonderful, wonderful boy, you are trying to help matvey, of course, not very much financially, but morally. first grade, he comes to school from school, he came from altai, he also lived, took him to me too, and we go to the lake to swim , well, you haven’t seen matvey for a long time, you ’re wondering how he lives now, of course it’s interesting, we have a plot in the rented apartment
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of the gorbunov family. mainly on his head, he’s tearing it apart, well, he’s combing it very hard, i’m this place that he combed, i’m giving him peroxide i spray it on, then i help with a stick so that it’s all distributed clearly, then it dries up, i take the cream, but due to the fact that his eyelids are turned out, matvey says, it doesn’t
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leave him. a feeling of burning and sand in the eyes, to eliminate the discomfort, he drips a moisturizing solution four times a day, the boy has to use special masks to sleep, and this is a gel mask. it kind of helps, well , after i sleep in it, i take it off, my eyes are so wet, moist, and because of this it’s easier for me to wash it. matvey is ready around the clock take a bath, because in the water the skin is saturated with moisture and becomes soft and smooth. sometimes in the summer he sits down and sits for 6 hours, all these shampoos, oils that are specially for his bathing, for dry skin, there is hyaluronic acid, there is urea. well, i look at the composition, which they taught me at the hospital, at home the boy prefers to wear open, loose clothes, sometimes in just shorts, because the hard fabric irritates the already damaged skin. i don’t like everything, everything that scratches all the skin,
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i especially don’t like socks that have a lot of all sorts of drawings, well, there are threads, i just put them on, they are completely squiggly , it doesn’t hurt me, but it’s unpleasant, but despite all the difficulties, matvey is a four and five in school, participates in creative competitions and even plays sports. his mother says proudly. he loves physical education so much that he can’t help it, he will run through the pain and say that everything is fine. albin, well, you smiled at the end of the story, of course, because the boy is really wonderful, she is making progress, but you cried throughout the entire story. is it hard to watch? yes. i always ask the question, why? who do you think matvey is so strong in? probably in ales, i always say:
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you have so much patience, it’s such hard work! what a great fellow olesya is, what a housewife she is, look how clean her place is, how neat her place is, how cozy her place is, and how all the conditions are created so that the boy can feel comfortable, so that everything is at hand, well, boy, just a magnificent, well-developed boy, you have a golden child, thank you, and the main thing is that he absolutely amazes me with his illness. not closed, yes, it is open, a sociable guy , the boy is really amazing, i’m just watching now, thank you for this topic, for this program, i didn’t expect, i just came, i didn’t expect that it would be so hard,
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laris, we were all fascinated by matvey, no doubt, but we watched the plot every day - it’s a struggle, literally, a struggle for life, it ’s true, you know, i’m looking at the whole... this story at these destinies, matvey is going through some absolutely incredible experience, and we need to talk about it tell because this is a wonderful, amazing example of humanity, kindness, tenderness, feminine stuff, well , serving your human friend, children should be told so that this is known to those who may still doubt whether to leave their child in the maternity hospital or not, amen here... you watched the story, olesya that’s it does everything right, yes, they do everything right, and the fact that they use drops in the eyes, gile in the eyes, a mask, they thus retain moisture in the conjunctiva, since the eye dries out if you do not persistently and
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purposefully do everything that mom does, then matvey may be in danger of blindness, so that’s all it is being done correctly, but this is probably still not enough, he needs more... extensive medical care, to alleviate the symptoms, which are aimed, first, at soaking these scales, what mom does is urea, baths, they soften the skin, soften these scales, they go away better, secondly, you need to moisturize and lubricate with fatty preparations in order to maintain this nutritionalization, because if these measures are not carried out, the skin will crack, this will be an entry point for infection, which is why it causes such pain. because the skin dries out is cracking, this is a vitally important event that he will have to do for life until the end of his life, it sounds hard, but i’m very glad that olesya is great, she ’s doing everything right, i was amazed by the fact that matvey doesn’t feel like an outcast from society,
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he feels like that an equal, full-fledged person, and god grant that this lordship will continue to remain with him, and this will help him live a full life, thank you olesya, that you are... friends, but he has a best friend at school, matvey, and the parents of matvey’s friends, how do they feel about the fact that such a boy is friends with them, there were no questions at first, they treat matvey well, and even they call him, they take him to their home there so that the boys can frolic and play there we spent time together, not only at school , but also at home, well, on the weekends, for example, looking at the happy family of his classmate, matvey began... asking more often, where is his dad, in
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the studio seryozha tsvetkov and his dad, mikhail. hello, hello, hello, greetings. seryozha, they say, is matvey’s best friend, well, i don’t know, the best, but matvey, my best friend, he is a very good person, how did we even meet him? he came in first class, then at the beginning we didn’t...
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components. complements every day. at tenki insurance, we make life easier, we direct you to repair shows. well, you know, i personally haven’t seen it, that is, everyone treats him well, yes, well, at our school , yes, everyone is already used to it, well, if they, god forbid, offend you, you will stand up for your friend, well, yes,
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i will say, that if you don’t like him, then just move away, don’t insult him, please, people, well done, don’t insult him, well done, well done! well done! seryozha, now your friend is currently filming a video for his blog, right behind the scenes, and we invite you to join him, the two of us, it will probably be more interesting, i ’ll join, mikhail, are you helping olesya and matvey? sometimes i drop matvey off at school. and vice versa, what impression does matvey make on you? matvey is very kind, very - well, emotionally developed in fact, very sociable, cheerful, but modest, it’s really nice to be with him, and i like the fact that seryozha communicates with him, well, when you found out about
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your son’s friendship with matvey, you didn’t were afraid that this is some kind of disease that can be passed on to my son, no, honestly, it’s some kind of disease. there is no fear , visually, of course, especially when i see how, for example , a child walks to the car, how he gets into the car, we see how he moves smoothly, slowly, how he hurts, in fact only i would like to help him with something there. oles, matvey really began to ask questions about dad more often, seeing before him the example of seryozha’s family. yes, he began to ask, because he probably, deep down in his soul, was envious of what seryozha had. such a caring dad, and like misha, he is a male role model for matvey. galen, but can matvey’s feeling be understood? of course, a boy, and all children, girls and boys, need a father with adolescence , this will really intensify. you know what i thought: matvey’s environment
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should be as many as possible not just physically strong, but mature men who will influence his further development. olesya, when was matvey first born? he was specifically offended, beaten and he was beaten, yes, more than once i took him from school with with a broken eye and a broken lip, i turned to the class teacher, and he asked. it’s difficult to heal, it’s probably all terrible, yes , it’s very difficult, especially where there is a bend, it’s simply impossible, but what about the class
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teacher, the class teacher, she talked, i’ll take measures, several days pass, matve has the same problem again, he then began to deceive me that i was there, my stomach hurt, i wouldn’t go to school, he just didn’t want to go there anymore, i ran out of patience, i just transferred to another school, to another everything is fine at school, great, i just regret that i didn’t... they claim that in difficult times you can always count on their support. in the studio olga and margarita shishkina. good afternoon. who are you related to, olesya and matvey? i am olesya’s sister and... i am also matvey’s godmother, and i am olesya’s niece, matvey is my cousin. olga, alesya, was one of the first to tell you about her pregnancy? well, yes,
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since olesya and i have a fairly warm relationship, i found out about pregnancy one of first, were you happy? of course, of course, because well, i was kind of glad that she finally decided to have a second child. how did olesya tell you that the child was born with a serious illness? my husband told me that the child had a serious illness.
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that this happened to her with the child, one day she sent me a photo, i looked at him, well, of course, at the emotions, the photo also brought me out, i slowly cried, well, i think, what should i do, i already have a child , which means you need to live somehow, learn to live with it. olga, but did your sister manage to become the most loving, caring mother for matvey? yes, she did, literally already on the third day, probably, i began to notice that she began to show off her child to me, she began to tell me, look, and he lay down like this, and he looked like that, and he looked like a grandmother, then looks like dad, she had already started, that is, you helped overcome this barrier, and then she shared everything with you openly, well, yes, from the perinatal center... she was already discharged with this child with absolute confidence that she is happy that she has a child. well, now you, too , probably defend matvey’s interests in
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everything? well, of course, it happens, somewhere, when we go for a walk, for example, to playgrounds, mostly, to be honest, reactions come from adults, and mothers, mothers with children and their children walk on the playground, yes, on, for example , the child is trying to play with matvey, and the mother tells him: “well, something is wrong with the boy, well, here i have to enter into battle and say that it’s probably with you something is wrong, please leave, but you explain that this is a contagious disease, of course we try to explain that if we had any contraindications to visiting public areas, we naturally would not do it ourselves , but it happens that people are scared at first, yes matvey, and then you explain to them, they apologize and continue to play normally, but this happens, and you too? spend a lot of time with matvey, we try to see each other, of course, as often as possible, these are mostly weekends, and so on during the week,
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if for some reason we also see each other, but as i understand it, you, like olga, like olesya, like albina, are most concerned about matvey’s health, well, that goes without saying, yes, matvey was examined by specialists from the moscow clinic, let's see how it was, first of all, matvey gorbunov and his mother alesya go to a plastic surgeon. arthur dzatsoev, to find out whether it is possible to correct the boy’s eyelids with the help of surgery. the doctor feels the area around the child’s eyes to assess the elasticity of the skin and understand how the facial muscles work. closing eyes, let's look straight at it for now, maybe you'll close your eyes. uh-huh, good. next, matvey goes to dermatologist ana puriliana.
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asks the boy’s mother about matvey’s treatment, diet and lifestyle. look, for example, matvey went there, washed his hands, and after that he applied tapes to his hands, but not always. oles, are you worried about your son? of course, i worry about him every minute. are you ready to hear the expert's verdict? yes. i invite dermatologist ani pulariani to the studio. ani, hello. what can you say about matvey’s health? the condition is serious, since there are complications, yes, of the scalp, there is a very large keratosis, keratosis, in simple words, what is it? these are scales. can you give olesya any recommendations? olesya and i already talked at the reception, and recommendations were given about the medications
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that he would take so that... the itching would subside a little, so that he would at least sleep normally, with quality sleep. ointments have been added, which we will try and see how they work, because today matvey has a very strong itch, that is, he constantly scratches himself, which regarding treatment, perhaps we will find exactly the medicine that matvey needs to take throughout his life, and there are options that we can still operate on matvey’s eyes, the surgeon said that it is possible to perform the operation using direct skin transplantation forever for olesya and matvey, it will be free of charge, yes , it will be possible to do it through the ums, and there is an option that, thanks to this particular operation, we will improve matvey’s quality of life at least a little, there is a possibility that he can sleep without a mask, yes olesya, you
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will give your consent to the operation with the proposal of annie and her... i just looked at him today, i had so many emotions, so much life in this child that you want to help this child and lend a helping hand, thank you thank you very much for providing assistance, for providing consultations, and for giving advice. for the fact that you put effort into the drug, because his whole life depends on this drug. maria, besides medication and creams, how else can you make matvey’s life easier? very it is important that you have humid air at home, of course, because in our country, especially in winter, the heating is always on, our air is very dry, so it is very important that sufficient humidity and skin are maintained, oles, and you
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have a humidifier at home ? no, let's take this to... yes, will matvey want to hug his paternal grandmother and how did the first video for his blog turn out, all the most interesting things after the advertisement. the mother of seven children went to work on a farm near the black sea and did not return 20 years old, they brought us to the hangar, we were locked up by men in shackles, they were for work. these are women for fun, they were taken into slavery, their documents were taken away, her children remained with their father, she lost contact with them. we didn't have enough food, so we collected the leftovers. now she wants to restore the documents with the help of her children, but they refuse to help her. mom, please don’t interfere with our families. we have many children, our mother abandoned us and went to work with
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excuse me, what's your name? albina, this is my grandmother, it’s nice, very nice. look, are you glad to see grandma? does grandma love you? yes. matvey, is your paternal grandmother next to you? yes. what is your relationship with your dad? well, we mostly don't communicate. he doesn't call me at all, but i don't call him. well, not bad at all. would you like to communicate with your dad more often? you probably liked how you and anton spent time, yes, very much, we told each other funny stories from life, we
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shot a video, danced, anton shared some secrets on how to make a video correctly for a blog, well, yes, you need to educate yourself , that is , the words are shorter, like somehow trying to replace, and you use words like that, well, yes, i sometimes use them, sometimes you will try. the most important thing is to believe in yourself and strive for the best, well, that’s wonderful, anton said it right, well, that’s his idea, by the way. yes, yes, that is, he taught you this, but what can you say about matvey, what impression he made, well, the vector of the profession in general was chosen, in my opinion, absolutely correctly, because this is such baltushkin, he has no difficulties in communication , the guy is very erudite, informed, with a lot of stories, so, well, he’s learning something new, he’s very inquisitive, in short, a cool dude, we became friends, exchanged phone numbers , well done, well, let’s see what you managed to write down,
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hello everyone, in short, guys, i had one argument here, can i become at 10 years old, a successful blogger, well, of course i can, if i believe, if i do everything for this, then of course i can, by the way, but wait, what is this, anton zatseykin, anton zatseykin, is it you, hello, yes, who are you, and i'm matvey, i'm filming a vlog here about my personal life, yes, you're parats, yes, you're already managed to pick me up that you want to talk to me, yes, come on, you’re serious, right? yes, come on, two fists, one elbow, two elbows, yes he is talented, and he also knows how to dance, he will become a cool blogger, e, matvey, seryoza, anton, super, super, tatyana, what are your impressions, well great, everything
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will work out, strong and you are a very handsome guy, believe me, i am a very capricious woman in relation to men, and you are just handsome, so everything will be great, matvey, you are a wonderful guy, i wish you good luck, i wish you everything your dreams came true, i wish you the most important thing, health, thank you, if you or your loved ones need our help, call our editorial office, tomorrow, right now, a new dna test. tomorrow in the program beyond, a pregnant girl brutally beat her friend in front of her friends, one of whom was filming it. i'm on the verge of shock. this is very scary, it is inhumane, it is cruel, to say the least. the victim's mother demands that everyone be punished to the fullest extent of the law. i will be here. here i had hay, all the whole
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beaten, covered in blood, she said that she would kill my child, set me up for a fight, are you going to die for me, are you sitting here, tell the truth, tell the truth, who really initiated the bloody showdown and what the former girlfriends did not share , i think i’m right, this is beyond the bounds, tomorrow at 16:45 on ntv. a concerned passerby could not pass by the women.


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