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tv   Segodnya  NTV  March 26, 2024 10:00am-10:36am MSK

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we know by whose hands this atrocity was committed against russia and its people. we are interested in who the customer is. vladimir putin held a meeting on measures taken after the terrorist attack in kroku city hole. listened to the report of the head of the investigative committee on the progress of the investigation. details from edmund zhalbunov. and at the site of the tragedy , the removal of rubble continues. how much more time does the rescuer need and what is happening right now near kroku city hall. live broadcast of ksenia ignatova. our military received the first captured german infantry vehicle production. will it serve? there is no service, but for let's say.
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hello, you are greeted by the information service of the ntv television company, in the studio of yulia bekhstereva. those who staged the attack on the city hall gang hoped to sow panic in society, but were met with unity and determination to resist evil. the president made this statement during a special meeting on measures taken after the terrorist attack. the meeting was held in video conference format. it was attended by representatives of the government, regions, intelligence agencies and law enforcement agencies. how vladimir putin noted that the investigation into the terrorist attack must be extremely objective. and
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professionally. edmund zholbunov will continue. vladimir putin began the meeting on measures taken after the crocus cityhole terrorist attacks with words of condolences to the relatives of the victims. first of all, i would like to once again express my deep condolences to the families of those killed in the bloody barbaric terrorist attack on march 22. we wish a speedy recovery to the wounded. i thank everyone who is in difficult conditions. saved people, helped the victims. our society, in these difficult times, has shown an example of true solidarity, cohesion, and mutual support. words of sympathy for the families of the victims, as the president noted, are sent by people of different nationalities from all regions of the country. those who planned this terrorist attack hoped to sow panic and discord, but they were met with unity and determination to resist this evil. despite our universal pain and sorrow. compassion and a legitimate
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desire to punish all the perpetrators of this brutal crime, the investigation must be carried out in the most professional manner, objectively, without any political bias. we know by whose hands this atrocity was committed against russia and its people. we are interested in who the customer is. the united states , according to vladimir putin, is trying through various channels.
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in the lives of those who have been fighting our country since 2014 with the hands of the neo-nazi kiev regime, the nazis, as is well known, never disdained to use the most dirty and inhumane means to achieve their goals, especially today, when their advertised counter-offensive is fully the russian armed forces failed, this is already recognized by everyone and is not disputed.
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maintain the initiative along the entire line of combat contact, all measures taken by the enemy to stabilize the front do not bring success, hence attempts to enter from... to gain a foothold in our border territories, shelling, including using volley fire systems of peaceful neighborhoods, civilian objects, including including energy infrastructure, in attempts at missile attacks on the crimean bridge and the peninsula itself. in this series it is quite logical bloody acts of intimidation, such as the terrorist attack committed in moscow, fit into this category. the goal, as i already said, is to sow panic in our society.
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about the circumstances of the crime, about the customers and persons involved in the preparation of the terrorist attack. the investigation also identified three more people who were detained, who assisted in preparing the attack and provided an apartment. for accommodation, a car for transportation, transferred funds. in relation to these persons, the court has been sent for codification about their detention. in addition, alexander bastrykin announced updated information on the number of deaths in crocus city hall. 137 died at the scene of the terrorist attack, two
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died in medical institutions. this gunshot wound killed 40 people from a combination of gunshot and stab wounds. two people. as a result of the fire , 45 people died from exposure to high temperature combustion products. accurate information about the victims was already announced by tatyana golikova. in total, 145 people were hospitalized after the attack. to that at the moment, several dozen have been discharged from hospitals. russians responded in unison to the misfortune and came to blood donation points in moscow and the region to help the victims. over two days off , the country's donor centers received 11. 1.82 donors prepared 4.624 liters of whole blood and 1.130 liters of plasma. the work of donor centers continues now. the fact that passers-by and metro workers, who are not directly related to
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emergency services, and employees of other services , unquestioningly, simply immediately ended up where they should be, helping people, this certainly. demonstrates the maturity of our society and the willingness to defend our interests, to fight for ourselves, for our loved ones, and simply for those people who need help and support. rescuers at the scene of the tragedy are working around the clock, clearing every square meter of rubble. was it possible to avoid such a strong fire, which was completely extinguished only the day before, 3 days after the terrorist attack? this question is now being asked by the prosecutor's office. the supervisory agency is focusing on the fire safety system.
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and at the last meeting, the head of the investigative committee announced that 139 people became victims of the tragedy. in memory of them, people still bring flowers to the city hall circle every day. our colleague ksenia ignatova works there now, she communicates directly
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with the studio. ksyusha, well, we see that people continue to actively go to the site of the tragedy, even despite the fact that workdays are now in full swing. have you been able to talk to any of them, what do people say? yes, yul, a lot of people still come here, even despite what is really in full swing. working day, early morning, and people are bringing flowers, soft toys, candles, even icons, balloons here, to be honest, i was even amazed when i saw this spontaneous memorial this morning, how amazed i was by its scale, because i worked here on saturday and saw how the first flower appeared here, it was stuck into the mesh fence, today, a few days later, it’s already here... it’s a sea of ​​flowers, i was here at a concert with my daughter on march 16, and this is for me
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produce in that, as they say, well, in the heart in the mind, that this could happen on any day, in such moments when you lose someone, it is very supportive. when you see that so many people care about something, this of course, this cannot be consoled, this cannot be consoled, this cannot be comforted with words, but at least somehow people will know that they are not alone, that they are not it doesn’t matter to other people, i don’t care what they feel now, all we know is that in parallel with this , active clearance of the rubble continues, at what stage of this operation? yes, the search work continues,
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the rescuers still have about 10% of the burnt building to dismantle, and they are clearing away the rubble around the clock, working literally for a minute since friday evening, now they are working on the most difficult section, this is the rubble on the balcony of the auditorium, and let me remind you that as a result of the terrorist attack , a fire started in the building. which very quickly spread throughout the building, the ministry of emergency situations estimated the fire area at almost 13,000 km, the fire was assigned an increased level of complexity, what happened inside can be seen in these footage taken by rescuer maxim shlychkov. this lining is falling. on the day of the tragedy, maxim was not on duty, but as soon as he learned about what was happening in krasnogorsk, he volunteered
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to help. he told us that a security officer from crocus city hall and a former firefighter named vladimir helped us find our way around the hot building; they were looking for people, many were hiding in the toilets, including two women who called the ministry of emergency situations on duty, and maxim was all i kept in touch with them by phone for a while and was eventually able to bring them out. the last time i spoke to them was about 5 minutes before they were found, because they needed help, some kind of answer, maybe they would try to shout or knock, they could not do anything, they say, i can’t do anything, i’m lying , i can’t move, that’s why help came at the very last moment, and what would have happened if we had delayed or gotten confused or lost is unknown. now additional
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construction equipment has joined the clearing of the rubble, but according to preliminary forecasts, clearing the rubble will last up to 5 hours this evening, they will search for the dead to the last, and will inspect every square meter here, but we continue to monitor the search operation, so thank you, we will wait for new ones. miller’s statement has already been commented on in our foreign ministry; the official representative of the department, maria zakharova, noted that
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there was no evidence of the kind, period, they replaced the famous expression of highly likely, that is, with a high degree of probability. it was used in the eighteenth year by british prime minister theresa may, also addressed to russia. and now urgent news coming from the fsb in the stavropol territory has exposed a large group. corrupt officials, which included leaders of the ministry of economic development and businessmen of the region. according to the intelligence service, the detainees illegally revoked the license for the extraction of mineral water from a local enterprise. in the future they planned a raider takeover. in addition, experts established that the criminal group was engaged in theft of natural gas on an especially large scale. the fsb conducted searches in the moscow region in stavropol region. weapons, communication equipment and premium cars were confiscated from the detainees. and now to the situation in the
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nwo zone. the fighters of the southern group of troops received their first captured combat weapon near avdeevka. the car is fully operational, fully operational , all elements, control units , layout elements, well, almost, almost everything is in its original place, it will still serve, it will not serve, but for, let’s say, for disassembling and studying it, it is as suitable as possible. in the southern donetsk direction, fighters destroyed a support base ukrainian armed forces point, the pilots used high-explosive
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bombs, which allow them to accurately hit targets and not enter the affected area. beating unmanned aircraft, it turns out, a fighter from a codrili uav, the immortal stalingrad , with one movement of the joystick, shoots down a heavy ukrainian drone called baboyga, a device that can carry up to 10 kg of explosives, and falls down like a stone. it turned out that it was on my shift, when i raised my copter, that she was in close proximity, already approaching our position, well, given the gusts of wind there,
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made a reset on it and it turned out so well that it hit the target. hunting for... which causes a lot of problems for fighters on the front line, shooting it down with a ram, as other operators often do, was risky, you could lose your drone, so the decision was made to shoot it down like this. soldiers from codrili immortal stalingrad work, as a rule, in dense forest plantations or from such destroyed houses near the line of combat contact, this guarantees them safety from enemy drones, which are also in the sky. brother, i watched yandex, the butterfly worked , the equipment stopped, before the hostilities yandex worked as an ordinary manager in a computer equipment store in his homeland in the volgograd region, as soon as he found out about the recruitment of fighters, he volunteered, when i first arrived they found out that i was working in such an area, they immediately told me that you would be a uav operator, but in principle , i volunteered consciously as
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soon as mobilization was announced, and my friends and i arrived. he fights with him too fellow countryman, commander sparkled with the call sign brother, this is how they work around the clock on their goals, in a secluded place, which is prohibited from filming from the outside, but at the same time quite close to the enemy, one fell, one, the second ran, this is where control comes in, but in the near future as our forces advance , the immortal stalingrad will be relocated to a new direction, even closer to the enemy’s positions and, apparently. once again they intend to organize a hunt for the baboyga. ilya usheninin, maxim belikov and yuri krivasheev, tv broadcaster. south direction of a special military operation. meanwhile, ukrainian nationalists are not giving up attempts to attack belgorod. as governor vyacheslav glodkov said, our air defense system worked last night. she
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hit 13 air targets on approach to the city. two people were injured. in the belgorod region, they were provided with medical assistance, we will begin door-to-door visits in the morning, and of course, as always, we will begin recovery as quickly as possible. according to the governor, about 20 houses were damaged as a result of the attack, and they are already working on the site operational services, border areas also came under fire, three people were injured as a result of the attack, including two firefighters, and they were hospitalized. another aid package from the states was nothing more than a symbolic gesture. washington simply made it clear that it will continue to support kiev. this is especially important given the fact that the issue of
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additional funding has not yet been brought up for a vote in the house of representatives. a number of legislators noted that new tranches will not help kiev overcome the crisis. at the same time, american negotiations the elite does not want it, despite the fact that the states do not have a plan b for ukraine. as reported.
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allies around the world, against iraq, libya, afghanistan, syria, the results of these adventures are well known to everyone, and the anti-constitutional retranslation in kiev in 2014 has its roots there. the destruction of a sovereign state has led to the chaos that is gaining momentum not only in kosovo, but in the balkans as a whole. the nato operation against sovereign yugoslavia lasted 78 days. the number of deaths as a result.
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5 years, wanted for more than ten years. in states consider him an enemy of the state due to the publication of materials that showed the world the cruelty of the pentagon. in particular, the journalist spoke about american atrocities in iraq and afghanistan, as well as the killings of civilians. in baghdad. based on the totality of the charges brought, the founder of wikileaks in america faces 175 years in prison. the largest
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cryptocurrency exchange in the world, binance, will have to again look for a buyer for its russian assets. the previous one suddenly announced that it was ceasing to exist. next business news with us marina piminova. marina, why did the deal fall apart in the end? this is a mystery and about the same as the closed exchange itself. the comics cryptocurrency exchange, which in september last year, as it clarifies, proudly announced that it was buying the russian business of the world's largest cryptocurrency exchange binance, unexpectedly announced that it was ceasing operations. it started wrapping up yesterday and expects to complete the process on may 10th. the following formulation is offered as an explanation: after careful analysis current situation and review of strategic plans. it is worth recalling that exchanges. where all russian clients of binance were supposed to go was lighted just a day before the september deal. there are no links on its website to social networks banned in russia;
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the komix crypto exchange itself, answering questions from users, said that it is not a russian company, but an international quote. however, many experts were not convinced by this; they believed that the binance and comics exchanges were connected. now binance has announced that it is already looking for a new buyer for russian assets. from 2022. russia actively uses cryptocurrencies to transfer money abroad. previously, comics expected that approximately 1 million russian clients would switch to the binanes exchange. the russian stock market rose yesterday and today is trying to gain a foothold at this height. negative for the market is, of course, the terrorist attack in the city hall, but yesterday's rise in oil prices supports the players. the ruble is becoming cheaper, the dollar is 9273, and the euro is 100 and 60. the ministry of energy wants to propose. russians can participate in reducing the demand for electricity, with the department’s project the newspaper kommersant took a look. the point is to turn off household appliances during peak load hours, this should lead to
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unloading. energy systems, however, for this , the owner of an apartment or house will have to refuse to purchase electricity at regular tariffs and switch to tariffs for commercial enterprises, and they are approximately 34% higher than prices for the population. however, in return, the russians are promised a reward, but what it is is not disclosed. this idea was put forward six months ago by the system operator company, which is a dispatcher of the energy system. edition notes that it is economically unprofitable for the population to participate in the unloading of consumption. in saving electricity due to reduced tariffs, while analysts interviewed doubt that the population will voluntarily agree to give up low tariffs in order to participate in demand management. as sergei sasim, director of the center for research in the electric power industry, higher school of economics, says, for this to happen, the benefit to consumers must exceed the sharp increase in the tariff. julia, that's all for me. yes marin, thank you, it was marina pimenova with economic review, now we will take a break for
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a short advertisement, and after. let’s talk about the important topic of ecology for a couple of minutes, don’t switch gears, drinking is prohibited, a city in the ivanovo region is suffering without a quality water supply, who drains industrial waste, andrey shamin learned. hey guy, are you sure you chose this hairstyle yourself or your mother? said that it ’s fashionable now, at bigfest you definitely choose a big hit for 115 rubles and other offers at a very competitive price, and even more profitable with 50% cashback from alphabank, it’s delicious, period, feature dyshirak in fermentation technology, bezhirak is the secret of taste in the broth, if you want to become a modern individual entrepreneur and not pay a commission from a transfer to a cash account, then open a business account on, i, laconic,
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for free forever. sberbusiness. 5 minutes of silence, new season, today at 20:00 on ntv. this is the program today, we are continuing the release. in the ivanovo region, several settlements were on the verge of an environmental disaster. local residents complained about the work of the textile factory. according to them, the enterprise operates without treatment facilities and discharges paint directly into water bodies. people's health is at risk, as water flows from the taps, which is unsuitable for drinking and domestic needs. andrey shamin understood the problem. in a city with a name that says... the springs, the springs have really gurgled, now it’s still bubbling, even more, wow, that’s just the water in them that moment was dark viscous, look , look, send it to ntv, next to the enterprise
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where textiles are dyed, local residents filmed this footage last summer, but the quality of drinking water in the apartments, the part of the city that receives water from the local reservoir, he’s complaining now, oily people, there’s... such a sediment, it’s always there, yes, it’s always there, but like water it’s become like that, it’s always like that. five-month-old philip’s skin reacts exactly this way to tap water, his mother is sure. after contact with water, the child develops a rash as soon as i remove the child from water, that is, after 10 minutes, all rashes disappear without the use of any drugs. water quality in the reservoir with breakthroughs in production, city authorities. they don’t connect, the winter is quite cold, the ice has frozen, a large layer of ice has formed, which has taken over itself, well, clean water, the ice doesn’t take up any dirt. from above, the situation looks like this: this is the shevriginskoye reservoir,
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between it and the enterprise, where there were discharges in a straight line of 10 kilometers and several settlements, but the closest ones are boris gleb and baltino, that's what happened in baltino, take a look. bare, and the water is purple, and you , of course, we have a special stream there, that is , there are blue springs there, the enterprise had emergency discharges, there were emergency discharges, and several facts were stated, well, like 2-3 -4, then somewhere like this, there were 14 breakthroughs a day, you understand, thick blue paint flowed, it spread over all areas, now we note that here, where there were faults, two streams originate, then they connect and flow in the reservoir, here such cool water flows, from that factory, that’s how it goes along the ditch, they drove along the ditch, it goes somewhere in boris gleb,
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black black, the fabric dyeing enterprise is located on the territory of the industrial park, which is exactly what the park provides to its residents area and communications, director... about six months. there is a criminal
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case in this story. the court imposed a fine of 250 thousand rubles. the city was eventually allocated 740 million rubles from the budget. all treatment facilities are being reconstructed, but the water discharged is still still black. until november 2024, while the wastewater treatment plant is being reconstructed, rosprirodnadzor officially allowed the industrial park to discharge pollutants. oil and petroleum products exceed 30 times the ammonium ion, which accumulates in water when ammonia is dissolved, 30 times; the bod indicator, one of the main indicators of water pollution, can exceed the norm by 32 times. andrey shamin, alexander stefanyuk, evgeny anisimov from sofia lesovets, ntv, ivanovo region. that's it for now, stay on ntv. how to reduce pain in joints without harm to the stomach? rheumoflex helps.


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