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tv   Segodnya  NTV  March 26, 2024 7:00pm-8:01pm MSK

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criminals must receive fair punishment. vladimir putin spoke at the board of the prosecutor general's office. how did the president evaluate the work of the supervisory body and what tasks did he set? the search operation will be told by anton talpa about how it happened and what the results were. a decision about no decision, about the caucasian trial of the american british state against a journalist from london. elizabeth gerson. fight for the bottom. russia announced a demarche to the states due to annexation. the arctic sea
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shelf, what the confrontation for the depths looks like, was examined by vladimir kobyakov. hello, welcome to the information service of the mtv television company. program today, its host elmira efendieva and vladimir chernyshov. the safety of russians, the protection of their rights and freedoms, ensuring the country’s sovereignty, strengthening law and order, key tasks of state policy. vladimir putin announced this today. he spoke at an extended meeting of the board of the prosecutor general's office. the president spoke about reducing the number of business inspections, that there would be no deprivatization, but about support for svo participants and work in the republics donbass, zaporozhye, kherson regions. but vladimir started.
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fsb director alexander bortnikov also spoke about this. according to him , ukraine is directly related to what happened, indirectly to the terrorist attack by the western intelligence service involved. nahid babaev, more details. now, perhaps, the most exciting topic for everyone, without exception for russians, is the tragedy in kroku city hall. the criminals were arrested, investigators are establishing all the circumstances of the case. speech at an extended meeting of the prosecutor general's office.
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for their effective integration into a single economic, legal, administrative, social space of russia. the priority for prosecutors should be to protect the rights of participants in a special military operation. in my message during meetings in the regions with our soldiers and officers, i always especially emphasize the state and moral significance of our common work to support participants in special military operations and members of their families. i teach you to act decisively here.
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respond immediately to complaints, red tape, bureaucratic replies or direct violation of the law. i also ask military prosecutors to place special emphasis on protecting the rights of military personnel. russia , a socially oriented state , must monitor the observance of all rights of citizens, including employees of the prosecutor's office. this applies to all areas of life, from supporting families to the environment. in turn , prosecutor general igor krasnov reported. over the past year, the supervisory agency returned more than a trillion rubles worth of assets to the state. property worth 400 was confiscated from corrupt officials alone billion. we restored the rights of 140,000 russians who did not receive the required subsidies and compensation on time. red niches counteraction to extremism and terrorism ran through red’s entire speech. the prosecutor general demanded a strict and prompt response to their manifestation. almost every day our fellow citizens, and most painfully children, die. from targeted
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artillery shelling of residential areas and drone strikes. on march 22 , a terrorist act was committed in moscow, which took the lives of many civilians, these... atrocities have a common goal: to intimidate people, destroy the unity of our people, their perpetrators, customers and curators will inevitably be punished. alexander bortnikov, director of the fsb, also attended the board meeting, making important statements about the terrorist attack at crocus city hall. the customer has not yet been identified, which means we understand and see those who organized this process, who recruited and set specific tasks, which we will continue to do today.
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what is most important and highly valued in our country depends on this, this is justice; the internal political state of russian society depends on how effectively we ensure this social justice; this is preservation. of our state and ensuring the achievement of the goals that we set for ourselves in all the most important areas. and prosecutors have a huge responsibility on their shoulders. nahid babaev, alena sumina, ntv. and today, the federal
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security service called on citizens to be vigilant, as the number of messages calling for terrorist attacks in russia has sharply increased. in the department's public relations center noted that calls and sms. attacks on the city hall network came en masse from spoofed numbers from the territory of ukraine. the fsb emphasized that parents should pay special attention to their children, whom the ukrainian special services are offering to carry out explosions in shopping centers at social and transport facilities in russia for money. teenagers need to avoid conversations and correspondence with provocateurs and immediately block suspicious contacts. the fsb called on all such cases to be reported immediately law enforcement. authorities, the analysis of the rubble at the site of the terrorist attack has been completed , the consequences of the fire have been eliminated , the ministry of emergency situations reported this less than 3 hours ago, they noted that every meter of the territory was checked by dog ​​handlers and specialized robotic systems, the remaining damaged structures will be removed using heavy
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equipment, judging by according to the footage filmed by a drone, the fire that raged for almost a day completely destroyed the auditorium. anton talpa visited kroku city hall and talked. carried them by hand, as on a stretcher it was inconvenient to do this, from the second floor , they handed over an ambulance, making their way to the victims, stanislav shtonkin also risked through the thick acrid smoke, the flame was quite
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strong, and besides, at that time the terrorists had not yet left the building, they reported this to the firefighters made a choice in favor of salvation, i gave the command to my... from behind, i heard women’s cries for help. largely due to the fact that firefighters risked themselves, they managed to avoid more casualties; according to the ministry of health, more than 60 people were discharged from the hospital. in about 100 patients remain in hospitals,
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although among them there are those whose condition doctors assess as serious. there is a fight for the lives of 22 victims. anastasia tarasova received a bullet wound. we called a taxi, there were already people in our taxi, when i got here, i was immediately operated on, when they did an x-ray, they saw that there was a field inside and margarita chevyshalova was already recovering, in the first minutes after the start of the terrorist attack she managed to get out of the burning buildings, security services and rescuers helped show the right path for evacuation. we found our car, got in, drove to the nearest gas station to drink water, there i already felt dizzy. and we entered the nearest hospital in the navigator, how are you feeling ? well, health-wise, of course, it’s already
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better, morally, of course, it’s hard. meanwhile, new details are emerging in the investigation of the terrorist attack, today the eighth person involved in the case, alisher kasimov, was arrested and is suspected of aiding terrorists. it was he who rented out an apartment to criminals in putilki near moscow, in which, according to investigators, preparations were underway for the attack. the accused kasimov alisher khatamovich was given preventive measures in the form of imprisonment under strict detention for one month 27 days until may 22, 2024. the events of this attack will remain in the memory for a long time : the spontaneous memorial, which was organized near the concert hall, is becoming larger every hour, more and more flowers, children's toys, notes. today a church service was held at the crocus building. of course, this still won’t scare us, but i feel very sorry for the people. we often came to this hall, performed ourselves, and the concerts were watched, and children and grandchildren participated,
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now there is no hall, and there are no people, the worst thing is how we mobilized at the moment of grief, at the moment of such an ecumenical, as they say, misfortune, how people responded, lists with the names of the dead victims are updated hourly by as information becomes available, the data is available on the official website of the ministry of emergency situations and... the search operation is over, rescuers have cleared away the rubble, now forensic scientists will carefully study the place , people continue to bring flowers to the memorial near the crocus building in memory of the dead. anton talpa, daniil karatun, alenurov and svetlana kostyunina, ntv. the russian mik-31 fighter today prevented two us air force bombers from violating our state border over the barents sea. this was reported.
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to do this, we had to clear the area of ​​mines, we worked under fire, but
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we completed the task. the london high court today extended the intrigue surrounding the possible extradition to the united states of wikileaks founder julian assange. they did not extradite him, demanding from the american authorities guarantees that asanja would not will face the death penalty, and the court also decided that all appeals from one of the most famous whistleblowers of our time should be considered first. however, assange’s supporters believe that the british court is simply playing for time, trying to save face, and sooner or later, under pressure from washington, the person who published information that the us authorities carefully concealed will be extradited. elizaveta gerson reports from london. they decided that nothing had been decided, apparently, when a person faces several life sentences in an american prison, force waiting a few more weeks, in an english prison it seems like a trivial matter. announced for today. irrevocable solution to the issue, once again it was irrevocably postponed. in may, it will only become clear
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whether the journalist can or cannot challenge the extradition decision. in the british court, in order to deport asan, they are waiting for a guarantee from the united states that the journalist will not be executed and will be kept in prison in humane conditions for 175 years. now the british court has invited the us to provide guarantees. the biden administration should not provide guarantees, but close this is a shameful thing. which should never have started. julian did not have to spend a single day in prison. well, sansh has already been fighting off attacks from the prosecutor’s offices of sweden, britain, and the usa for 14 years. of these , he spent seven in isolation at the ecuadorian embassy in london, and another five in belmarsh prison, from where terrorists who then committed terrorist attacks in london were released early, while asan is kept in a prison for especially dangerous criminals without any particular reason. why continue this circus, this game of law against julian. in 2 weeks it will be 5 years since he sitting in belmarsh prison, 5 years, and still
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the case is not closed, the responsibility lies with the us government, that's where you should go ask them why?
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does not expect the english court to release asandzh in may and give him political asylum, this is only on requests for extradition from russia, britain does not extradite people, and real criminals and murderers, not just swindlers, swindlers and speculators of various calibers, but also terrorists. since 2003, akhmed zakayev, one of the terrorists, has enjoyed political asylum in britain. leaders of the chechen separatists, he is accused of committing a number of serious and especially grave crimes, murders...
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vladimir kobyakov examined the arctic sea shelf, what the confrontation for the depths looks like. pulled out of the ground, the fsb detained an official of the ministry of economy in the case of mineral water. denis talalaev talks about this.
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this is where insurers fight for you and offer the best prices. buy asag cheaper. compare on your side. this is the program today, we continue our release. international disputes over the ownership of the continental shelf are gaining momentum. russia refused to recognize the borders that the united states unilaterally outlined for itself in the arctic and staged an official demarche. this is what this can lead to and why the arctic spaces are so attractive to major international players. let's find out from vladimir kabyakov. volodya, well, as i understand it, the americans, actually. once again they grossly violated international laws, this caused such a sharp reaction from moscow, right? well, to understand, el volodya, what the americans did with
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the annexed shelf, why this does not suit russia, you need such a small, short lecture, so i ask for 30 seconds of attention. so, what did the americans do, let's look at the diagram. in international law there is the concept of territorial waters, this is 12 nautical miles, well, in fact, this is the territory of the state. there is an exceptional economic zone, another 200 nautical miles, here the state already owns only the fish, the bottom and the subsoil, and navigation of other states is free, and beyond 200 nautical miles the state can only claim the shelf, and then under a large number of conditions of scientific evidence, which must be approved by maritime convention of the un structure. so this is what the united states did, without approval from international authorities, it simply annexed more than a million. shelf. the question is simple, why? the americans' answer is this is in the interests of washington and because the states have not signed the international convention on the law of the sea. now in jamaica, where
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the headquarters of such an international body on seabed issues is located , russia calls for keeping the actions of the americans in focus. by acting on a unilateral basis, the united states not only acquires additional benefits for itself and limits the rights of other states to access the resources of the area. but without being parties to the convention, they exempt themselves from the need to pay royalties for use of continental shelf resources beyond 200 nautical miles. the russian federation declares non-recognition of the external boundaries of the continental shelf established unilaterally by the united states. we consider the us steps as another example of a rules-based order promoted by washington, in which the rules are determined each time depending on the current situation, regardless of the laws and rights and interests of other states. well. by the way, the map that the us state department published 3 months ago. washington announced that it was annexing the shelf in five regions of the world to its jurisdiction, in this
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pink and purple color. this. north of alaska. after this, the states held military exercises there in the north, american generals explained that over many years, many of the army’s skills in operating in the arctic had simply atrophied. let's look at a fragment of the report about these american exercises. army pacific conducted the exercise in february near ferbings, alaska. these were multi-week exercises involving 8 thousand military personnel. russia has many strategic interests in the arctic, especially in the next 20-30 years, including trade routes, natural resources and the arctic will become a place of strategic competition. well, this is how the american media explain it. by the way, according to the annexed shelf in december , washington explained that this new place contains 50 minerals, well, in addition to oil and gas, there is also lithium, telurium, and these are
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rare earth elements. now the states are largely dependent on supplies from china for precisely these elements, that is, confrontation not only with russia, but also with china, it turns out. yes, it’s clear what the interest in this shelf is, but russia and other countries, naturally, also have their own claims to the arctic shelf, but let’s say, we have russia, as i understand it, uh, a different, different approach, and to this question, well , regarding the arctic shelf, yes, russia also has claims to a million square kilometers of this arctic shelf, but moscow really has the approaches. washington are completely different. russia, unlike the united states, ratified the maritime convention of 1982, which includes 168 states, and what the convention requires, to conduct scientific research on the shelf and prove that the seabed is a geological continuation of the shores of your state, and not another. for this purpose, the un has scientific subcommittees that review applications from states and study these research data so that
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the shelf is recognized as yours. you need to carry out expensive expeditions over the course of decades with botimetry, this is using a holot to create a detailed relief map, with gravitometry this is studying at different points of seismic similarities with soil samples at the bottom for chemical and geological analysis, then all this data is presented to an international commission of scientists, which draws conclusions: the shelf is a continuation of your territory, or the bottom and underwater elevation were formed there by volcanic methods, it cannot belong to you. this is the regulation that the russian side operates in the arctic, here is a map of the seabed territory claimed by the russian federation, they are shown in purple-pink, there are also more than a million square kilometers in the arctic, but research of the bottom has been going on since the beginning of 2000, for example, a fragment of a 2007 ntv report from one of these expeditions, let's see,
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this russian flag, which over the past 24 hours... has been covered with snow, indicates the point of the north pole, it was there that two boats descended to the bottom of the arctic ocean . the first crew has a special task for research: they must take soil samples at the bottom, so that scientists can then carry out an analysis to determine whether the underwater lomonosov ridge is a continuation of greenland or, after all, the siberian platform. this will determine who has the right to claim the oil-bearing shelf of the arctic ocean. the mir-2 deep-sea submersible is already diving. at this time, the first crew was somewhere at a depth of 300 m
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, what if you go no, well, by the way, then in 2007 the foreign ministries of canada and the united states turned on such irony, they say, what are you studying there, don’t tell me, and after the first such large expeditions it turned out to be such a diplomatic shootout in 2007, i don’t know what kind of flag they installed there, metal, rubber, maybe they stretched out a sheet, in any case this step. has no legal basis and in no way can support the russian point of view. now it’s not the 14th or 15th century. you cannot travel around the world and scatter your flags anywhere and say: “we are claiming our rights to this territory.” no one is throwing flags. russia has the same right to plant a flag on the north pole as america has on the moon. as far as i understand, this is only an attempt to prove that the underwater part of the shelf is a continuation
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of the continent from russian territory. continuation our shelf, this will of course need to be discussed with colleagues, this will need to be proven in international organizations, the results of your expedition also need to be used as a basis. russia’s position on solving these problems, well, look, after 13 years such a geopolitical circle in the arctic closed, then the states grinned, we don’t need your research, don’t fly your flags, now after 16 years the united states simply put its virtual flag on the map. by the way, the us state department stated in the winter that these are similar, similar studies, as in russia, studies of the shelf around alaska were also carried out, but the problem is how to evaluate or verify this, because the states are not. with a member of the convention on the law of the sea, they are not actually obliged to provide their documents and research to a court of international experts, so this is such a conflict on the part of the united states, thank you, thank you, vladimir kabikov about international disputes
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around the boundaries of the continental shelf. meanwhile, in the united states itself, in the city of baltimore , a road bridge collapsed after one of the its supports were hit by a cargo ship. surveillance cameras were removed at the time of the disaster. in the footage , you can see how the bridge, after the impact, literally falls in parts into the water, along with the debris , cars with people were in the river, now rescuers are looking for survivors, there are two dozen people on the list of missing people. the state governor declared a state of emergency in baltimore , and intelligence agencies are studying the circumstances of the crash. the version of the terrorist attack has already been rejected, considering that the collision of the ship with the bridge support was not intentional, along with the search and rescue operation, local the authorities are now trying to eliminate it.
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reported that she had uncovered a criminal group of high-ranking employees of the ministry of economy and businessmen of the stavropol territory. today, the fsb also published a video of one of the officials being previously detained at work. judging by the footage, this happened in the iq quarter in the moscow city area, where the central office of the ministry of economics is located. good morning, the fsb does not name any names, but as follows from the data. leninsky court of stavropol. the director of the department was previously arrested in a criminal case of corruption socio-economic development of the north caucasus federal district ministry of economics igor khranovsky. as the fsb clarified, the detainees, being in collusion, prematurely terminated
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the company's license for the extraction of mineral water in the stavropol territory and remained in effect. quote: for the purpose of raider takeover. the ministry of internal affairs adds that the defendants demanded that half of the shares of this company, worth 70 million rubles, be transferred to them. threatened one of its top managers. according to the fsb, it conducted 17 searches both in the moscow region and in the stavropol region region, on the operational shooting of the fsb, mansions with carved wooden interiors, stacks of cash, firearms in a safe, jewelry, cars, bentley, mercedes-benz and premium pens from dupon. and today it became known about another detention of a high-ranking official. taz renovosti. they clarify that she was detained in her office immediately after the meeting, searches were carried out in the office itself, according to the website
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of the federal customs service, elena yagodkina is 48, she has the rank of colonel general customs service, according to an rbc source, the claims against it relate to the period from 2011 to... departments, which she rose to the rank of colonel general. at the end of the day, russian shares, well, we can say that they grew, although analysts still see uncertainty in investors trying to find some new
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drivers. the current news background can hardly be called positive. the ruble tried to rise during the day today, as if indicating that exporters have a peak tax payment on march 28, but by the evening it abandoned these attempts. and the dollar at the end of the day imitated 12 kopecks, the euro added 1 kopeck. the ministry of energy wants to invite russians to participate in reducing the demand for electricity. the kommersant newspaper got acquainted with the department's action plan: citizens who agree will be required to turn off their household appliances during peak load on the power grid, in return they are promised a reward, which has not yet been announced, but in order to participate in this demand management, as it is officially called, the owner of an apartment or house will have to abandon regulated tariffs and switch to tariffs for commercial enterprises, and those approximately 34% higher than prices for the population. they doubt that russians will en masse
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, analysts interviewed by a businessman , refuse low tariffs in order to participate in some kind of demand management, the essence of which is quite difficult to explain to the average person. sergei sasim, director of the center for research in the electric power industry at the higher school of economics, says that in order for consumers to participate in such savings programs, the benefits for them must exceed the sharp increase in tariffs, but now such benefits are not obvious. avtovas has chosen new words to... call out its products. the plant, as tas reports, citing data from rospatent, has filed an application to register eight new trademarks. these are altra, astera, azimut, gravis, merida, ritiva, tarusa and x-tour. the press service of avtovas says that the names can be used for future models, but they are registered with a reserve, so it is impossible to say which of them will actually be used. while the car is getting around you, words.
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that's what we'll talk about after it. he saved dozens of lives and was a respected commander, not the last hero, mikhail chibanenko. credit with cashback from sber - this is even more opportunities, because every month you will receive a 2% return in bonuses. thank you! hurry up to get a loan with cashback. savings with
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alexey took his son to school along this road at the beginning of the 2000s, and now he carries his combat backpack with the inscription “diamond”. this is arthur's local call sign. that the hero of a special military operation, artur kuznetsov, lived here. in this series, not the last hero, we decided to move away from the usual format, usually we spend the day with a participant in a special military operation who was wounded and returned home, but this time we will talk about a hero who died on the battlefield, company commander arthur kuznetsov, call sign diamond, he served
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here, the fifteenth separate guards motorized rifle brigade. he participated in the special military operation from the very beginning, during these 2 years he saved. not a single life has led a dozen successful offensives, but arthur himself preferred not to tell his loved ones about his achievements and exploits , his friends talk about this with pride, and we will tell you right now, a prize-winner and a diamond, welcome, with a song to attack, didn’t get discouraged, didn’t let the guys get discouraged, and at first svo didn’t get a single scratch there was, because of hundreds of people who wanted to say goodbye to the hero, a funeral.
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aleksey is already being greeted at school, hello, together with the teachers they are dismantling arthur’s backpack, here are personal belongings, letters from his beloved wife, children, sisters that he kept, even the dirt , yes it was preserved, but that’s what was there, here in the dugout, it’s all in the museum everything is passed on so that everything is preserved and everything is fine, everything will be done as you are for. this is his belt , this one, yes, i don’t know that i don’t even know, the badge is indicated, look, it’s half past four, in this museum, the history of the old school textbooks equipment and recently
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a corner dedicated to the heroes of a special military operation appeared; school graduate kirill kraskovsky died in the kharkov direction. when the special operation had just begun, now the things of another graduate artur kuznetsov appeared in the neighborhood, and i want this list not to be replenished, the teachers say that even though artur graduated 12 years ago, they remember him well, all the qualities that helped him at the front were successful to hit the enemy to save the lives of their guys, they were still in childhood. he was loved and respected in the class, appreciated, it’s difficult for me to talk about arthur in... the past tense, because i can’t believe that he is not with us now, but one thing reassures me that after all, he lived like... a short, but very bright and worthy life . valentin was in arthur’s company, says the commander, taking care of their lives, he himself was ready
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to blow himself up, if only the guys were safe. valik was wounded after he left arthur’s command; the ukrainian sniper took out the diamond and saved valentin’s life several times. i took only one step, the only one, and i feel someone behind me pulls back, that is, i was already flying backwards with my back forward, and in front of me i saw caliber shells like they were flying. that is, he flew exactly to the place where you were standing? yes, yes, yes, yes, i don’t know how he understood it, i don’t know how he managed to see it, signify that he managed to pull me back. arthur was friends with the commander of the neighboring company, achilles. colleagues say that both were heroes, the achilles covered his comrade during the shelling, he himself died, and was awarded the hero of russia posthumously. and here's another story about arthur: we must it was time to lead the guys through the minefield, the commander walked ahead. everything there was mined, but he was the first to go on foot. showed where the mines were and at this pace we were able to get out of there, that is, he laid out on the corpse, that is, he first advanced, saw that there were no mines, then
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we could advance there, and so he brought out how many people? at the moment we probably had about 20 people, and he also noticed the enemy’s wandering mortars, knocked them out himself with an rp, and then covered his wounded comrades during the shelling, although he could calmly give orders from the trench and i was constantly in touch with my family. last year , for his birthday, he was given... a large musical speaker, and arthur said that this speaker should survive the entire war, and the guys, in memory of their brother, gave this speaker to me. christina, the sister sends humanitarian aid to the guys, was constantly in touch with arthur, he was sitting in a trench near avdievka, this was the last attack, after our military liberated avdievka, but there was a targeted strike on arthur’s trench, inside was him, the commander of a neighboring company and two signalman. everyone died. the guys under fire returned to search for their bodies, they found them 4 days later, he never boasted about his actions, unfortunately, this
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became known only after his death, the guys said that last year there was such a situation that they occupied a stronghold, a stronghold the enemy’s point, my brother occupied it, the mortar shelling began, and through the skillful, courageous actions of my brother, the personnel were withdrawn. his unit without losses of 90 people, his wife yulia, daughter adeline, son dima were waiting for him , they did not know where the head of the family was, a couple came once on vacation, he said, then he will tell everything, we went on hikes, did everything so that the family did not know about the details of the front, this is pain, it will not subside over the years, it will only become dull, no one will return to us a loving husband and a natural father to my children. i didn’t want to believe what happened, we hoped to the last that he
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was alive, but the children don’t let me lose heart, life goes on, we have to raise the children, school, kindergarten, clubs, when arthur left, he always told his son that dima, you are now the eldest, help your mother, and now she my right hand helps me. catfish and with his daughter, and he is already an adult, he can also stand up for himself, his sister does not let him get bored, he entered the northern military district zone as a sergeant, and for his qualities as a commander he received a guard lieutenant, he was proud that he belonged to the black hussars, that’s what their brigade is called, this is daniil khacheturov , finalist of the show you're super, who goes on ntv, a blind singer, nephew of artur kuznetsov, as soon as he found out about the death of his uncle, he wrote a song, here's work in... sound recording and what kind of dreams come out here, let's look at harmony in general, first chord, danya heard stories from arthur, sometimes we called each other, and
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now he is proud of his relative, heroes, he was always very bright, he was always very joyful, no matter what situation he had in his life, he was always, before and during the time when he came on vacation, he was very he was a kind person, such light, one might say, emanated from him. almaz's song is about a dear man who never told about his exploits in the north military district zone, and dozens of fighters are grateful to him for saving their lives, a block, and even there i will protect you, and you live for me, my call sign is diamond, my name is arthur. is already on the list of heroes of a special military operation, and his family and friends continue to learn about his exploits from colleagues from different parts of the country. friends
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are convinced that this fighter deserves the highest award. posthumously and he is not the last hero. today in the kremlin, vladimir putin presented prizes in the field of literature and art for works for children and youth, as well as prizes for young cultural figures. the ceremony took place in the catherine hall. in his opening remarks, the president emphasized that after tragedy that happened in the city very...
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in the minute of silence is called, the plot is this, so i saw in lugansk, when i came in the sixteenth year, i went there as a volunteer and an artist, among other things, here on the riddled asphalt are children's drawings, that is, i was so amazed and inspired by this, i decided to paint this picture, here is where a girl draws the world on the asphalt of her parents, who may no longer be there, unfortunately, we visited orphanages, that is, this girl drawing as a symbol of hope , how... famous international venues, but often he prefers to organize tours around the russian outback, where stars of such magnitude have never been seen, and live concerts . a virtuoso musician has engagements with the most classics, never heard of. i am committed
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to continuing to serve music and my country. moreover, i intend to. due to the unique education, passing on to the next, passing on knowledge to the next generation to aspiring musicians, which unites today's award winners for young cultural figures, not only age, but they are all 30 with a tail, not only professionalism, but in their fields, each of them has reached real heights, they are distinguished by an active civic position, they serve the country with their talent. nikolai didrenko, an opera singer with a deep bass voice, is focused on educating a new galaxy of vocalists; the white steamboat foundation and festival he created takes patronage over talented children with physical disabilities or helps children from low-income and large families open the way to the big stage; this summer the festival will be held for the nineteenth time and he will become international, young artists will come from abkhazia and belarus, we will have children from
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kamchatka, the kurel islands, siberia, the entire urals. it fills the soul of the peoples of the russian federation, the soul of the peoples of russia, makes our peoples invincible, confidently standing on their feet and looking to the future, precisely
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thanks to you, because art. reflects the state of the soul and supports it from the inside. russian art has always been distinguished by high spirituality and a special attitude towards its native land, and there are people to preserve these traditions. roman sobol, irin, in moscow today it’s like this quite cloudy and windy, when will such stable spring warmth arrive? well, it is already unfolding, it is very pleasant to announce forecasts for the central regions, everything is in the best spring traditions. the sun during the day will be enough to warm up the air more and more and... night frosts will not be able to prevent this, in the north-west the sun is not so clear, there is a new atlantic cyclone nearby, but its main task for now is also to increase the temperature, the kola peninsula will have enough , and then the whole north is
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will appreciate, but the main bad weather will remain in the volga region for now, strong wind, heavy precipitation , snow, snow with rain, everything that happens when immersed in the cold, in the south the precipitation will already disappear, you can quite count on an increase in temperature, in yalta tomorrow + 12, in krasnodar 14, and there are already... twenty-degree prospects, about the capital's prospects after a pause: if the joints bother you when the weather changes, take rheumoflex, it helps reduce pain in the joints without damaging the stomach, and also normalize the level of uric acid. rheumoflex evalar, movement without pain in any weather. how to reduce joint pain without harming the stomach? rivmoflex helps reduce pain in the joints without damaging the stomach, and also normalizes the level of uric acid during... in st. petersburg, precipitation at night is not excluded, during the day it will most likely be +8-10, in moscow there is only sun and the maximum
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you can expect is -9, well, then this burst of heat is small, so far it seems like this, if it is more powerful, we will be only happy, of course, ask again, thank you, irina polyakova with the weather forecast, well, these are the main news for this hour and we are elmira fendeeva. and vladimir chernushov, we say goodbye to you, see you, goodbye. hello, yes, sunshine, i’m already here, but there’s also a snowstorm here, it’s hot down in sochi,
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hello, gor, hello, i came for dimka, but for... also, well, yes, the rest of my parents have already been taken away, ha ha -ha, very funny, fable, you ’re ready, we’ll go soon. hello, hello, how are you, i’m already packed, almost ready, we’re breaking all the snow records, what did you
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