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tv   Mesto vstrechi  NTV  March 27, 2024 2:00pm-4:00pm MSK

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jumping with stair parachute systems at an airfield near moscow with the flags of the russian federation, with the flag of the russian guard, with the flag of special forces. we wish you good health, happiness, success, peace, goodness. soldiers of the russian guard celebrate their professional holiday on the day the decree of emperor alexander i was issued on the formation of military battalions of the internal guard, this is the prototype of the national guard, a modern unit created in 2016. including for the performance of duty within the framework of the northern military district, where personnel not only take part in combat actions, but ensures public safety in new regions. and that 's all for now, goodbye, good luck to you.
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today in our program salam alaikum. ukrainian jihad. the sbu has been cooperating with islamic radicals for years, when the west admits kiev’s guilt in the attack on crocus cityhall. the perpetrators of the moscow terrorist attack tried to reach ukraine. czech vampires. belgorod survived the night under missile attack. why does washington think that civilians live only in ukraine? could we finally protect ukraine from the messenger putin? money for blood bloggers and artists found a way to make money from the terrorist attack. isn't it time for them to have a lesson in talking about important things? falseness and parody and speculation on human pain. watch it now. hello, this is the meeting place
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on ntv, the place where everything becomes clear, i am andrey norkin, my colleague ivan trushkin, we are working live, ukrainian terrorists are not going to give up their criminal activities, today again at night they shelled our border areas, here you are now heard this in the announcement on the approach to belgorod, it was destroyed according to our air defense 18 air targets. it’s all czech vampires again, the shells of the vampire volley fire system, but unfortunately, some things still hit. now we will show you footage that eyewitnesses publish online; the consequences of the attack are large fragments of ammunition, craters formed by the arrival of enemy shells. according to information from the governor of the belgorod region vyacheslav glatkov. three villages were hit, they are all located near belgorod, these are dubovoe, tavrovo and nikolsko.
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more than a dozen houses and eight cars suffered damage to roof glazing there are, unfortunately, casualties, one man received shrapnel wounds in the lumbar region, he is now being assisted by doctors, and as the head of the region stated, the missile warning signal that went off at night helped avoid more casualties, because people were able to quickly move to a safe place, it was quote, and also vyacheslav glotkov spoke about how the evacuation of children is proceeding.
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dead victims. according to the latest data, the death toll during the terrorist attack in crocus is 139 people. 120 of them like reportedly already identified. the number of victims of the terrorist attack increased to 360 people, including 11 children. these are figures from the tas agency with reference to the center for disaster medicine. deputy prime minister tatyana golikova explains the increase in the number of victims by the fact that people in a state of shock immediately after the terrorist attack left the scene of the tragedy and... did not immediately seek help from doctors, but now they are clearly asking. 83 people now remain in hospitals. well , perhaps we can return to the words of the fsb director about the engagement of one or another of different forces. of course, yes the phrase is those who are engaged on that side are very delicate, our security forces comment on even
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the most obvious events, well, they probably could have spoken more openly somehow, well , their upbringing may not allow it, because the sbu. he doesn’t even flirt, but openly uses a variety of religious extremists, this has been known to everyone for a long time, including, of course, our special services, because many times facts of such cooperation have come to the attention of employees of our federal security service. well, let's see the plot about this theme. the sbu showed interest in radical islamists back in 2009, when the unification of the crimean tatar mejlis, recognized in russia. and extremists sought independence from kiev, ukrainian intelligence agents infiltrated the community to suppress separatism, when in 2014 crimea returned to russia, the majlis, controlled by the ukrainian special services, was already used to fight moscow. the radicals, in particular, staged a blockade of the peninsula and
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blew up lep in the kherson region. now the leader of this gang is threatening to blow up the crimean bridge. we can destroy the bridge at any time, but we will do it when we need to. supporters of the extremist majlis were regularly included in fsb reports. they were caught preparing assassinations and terrorist attacks, mining administrative buildings, railway tracks and gas pipelines. at the same time , the mejlis members often intimidated the performers, in particular , under the threat of reprisals against children, they sent a saboteur to blow up a gas pipeline in crimea in 2021. well, they tell me: your daughter is... playing, and your son is standing near the barrel, and then you have a nut, he says, there is, the next time you look out, your children will be hanging there, they said, you have to take this, well, this thing, go do what we
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say. during the war in syria, supporters of the banned majlis joined international terrorists in isis, and the british press wrote about ukrainians fighting against bashar al-assad’s army. later, the isis trace appeared in attacks on the ldpr militias, so in 2018, on instructions from the sbu, an isis militant was preparing an assassination attempt on one of the donetsk commanders, izushek came, called himself rustan, rustan began to offer such options that he could give us the weapons we needed, they gave us the first order, the order was from the smalino region, they said that this was the commander... the dpr said that after the operation they would give us 10,000 dollars. the ukrainian media have repeatedly reported that radicals recruited in ukraine are joining the banned isis with entire families . the woman under the veil is called inna dobrovolskaya from the city of cherkassy, ​​she has
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two higher educations - financier and international tourism manager. she was brought here by her first husband, who became a militant. the man took us out and said that we were going to turkey, let’s go.
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established and a long time ago, last year i worked in syria, we did an investigation into the facts of arms smuggling from ukraine to syria, yes, islamic radical groups, and one thing struck me there was that the ties are so stable between , say, the province of idlip, organizations such as hizbutta tahrir, banned terrorist organizations, that from the supply from the order. somewhere in the province of idlib some weapons in ukraine, before they are delivered from
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ukraine to syria for 2 weeks , you know, issues of such trade, i understand that, when they want to organize a terrorist attack, i understand, so they use different people in the dark, that’s when there was an explosion of the driver’s crimean bridge, when the car was replaced, he generally i didn’t know what he was carrying there , so i’m interested in this, well, i want to say that the connections are so close that... this allows you to achieve any results, where is the difference, or order some kind of javelin from ukraine, or on the contrary they will order from ukraine, we need three or four people, who will carry out any task for us , it seems to me that trading in weapons is easier, simpler, despite everything being seemingly underground, maybe maxim anatolyevich, you have a question, because you just raised this topic, so i have no question, i'm waiting for evidence, if there really is evidence that a...
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yes, there are those, on what are these connections based and what is the meaning of them,
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what is the ultimate goal? i think that many intelligence services actually have connections in one way or another, even western ones, and this is not always bad, there may be infiltration they pass through these connections, well, at the expense of the same one and where she is from, from khmelnitsky from cherkassy, ​​this woman here, who, well , obviously, but maybe she is an agent?
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artificially created supervised by the intelligence services of the usa and britain, firstly, secondly, isis was defeated, in the zone from which these tajiks allegedly came, isis kharasan, who in general... never had any claims against russia. isis kharasan is fighting the taliban. they have a mortal feud with the taliban. and the taliban simply crushed them, still prohibited we have an organization. but the taliban completely defeated them; there was practically nothing left of isis kharasan. but today there is information that tajiks are being recruited there. and why do tajiks fall under the influence of isis khurasan? because
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in tajikistan itself a systemic mistake was made, they are prohibiting recruiting, who are the ukrainians , their special services or? as for this isis, which is supposedly still lurking there, and as for the ukrainian special services, they are guided by the same masters, focused on the same masters, and today you will reverse the scheme, as it were attractions, recruitment and so on, it all happens online, the traces are lost somewhere, it happens through telegram, no one should even enter the territory of russia. they were just connected via telegram, like the sberbank scammers called there, and the tajiks didn’t even know each other, ukraine, it’s the same scheme, they call, offer to go to this address, take this taxi, i’m probably interested here already gegorka valerievich, and the role of the sbu in all this, because it’s one thing, this is some kind of
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operational work of some individual the units they believe are doing the right job snatch everyone up.
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the islamic state , a banned terrorist organization, it is, even during the period of its dominance, even during the period when it was strong, it always worked as a franchise, that is, it has a huge number of other terrorist groups around the world, were, as it were , nominally considered igs , because they swore an oath of allegiance, they filmed videos there , and so on, so there is an absolutely
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clear connection here, the ukrainian special services, sbu, main department. islamists on the territory of russia, who associated themselves with eg, were, in general, hired for implementation, but these tajiks, they didn’t even perform prayers, and didn’t even fast, now is the month of ramadan, who told you that an islamist is a person who believes that they can recruit anyone, marginalized people who have debts, i don’t know, who have psychological problems. an islamist, these are slightly different things, an islamist who does not fast, i beg you, a psychologically broken person who you can just call, send him anywhere, say, do this, drive the car, and so on, he
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does all this for money, they don’t look like ideologically motivated people at all, during the arrest they didn’t even say a single phrase that they usually they say... they are afraid, they say: we are for our children of the caucasus, the children who bring us, they are afraid, because they can get into their brains in the same way. you are a little ahead of this topic, we’ll cover it in more detail, and also about ukraine, before the other guests have the floor give: europe is quietly recognizing a certain danger of ukraine from
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a terrorist point of view, as it does, it does not accuse kiev of anything, but says that yes, the territory of ukraine is now such a gray zone through which anyone, including first of all, isis terrorists can freely get into that garden of eden along with their weapons, as the old fascist said. europe. on sunday, the austrian edition of hoyt published an article in which he said: the path to terrorists from the banned isis to europe lies through ukraine. the publication writes that since 2022 , citizens from asia and the middle east have been arriving in austria, from whom local intelligence services then find weapons and explosives. the last time such terrorists were detained was in december last year. austrian intelligence agencies believe there are a large number of suspects. who reached europe through ukraine, this is once again confirmed by the results of the investigation into the preparation of terrorist attacks in st. stephen's cathedral in vienna using explosives and a
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kalashnikov assault rifle. i wrote about exactly the same thing in january german press. the bilt newspaper pointed to the flow of migrants associated with the islamic state group. german journalists did not blame kiev, but they carefully pointed out exactly how terrorists are making their way through ukraine. terrorists give themselves away. ukrainian refugees using false documents and stories of torture and persecution in ukraine. on monday, deputies of the german bundestag found a logical explanation for the flow of terrorists rushing to ukraine; ties have been established there with arms suppliers who this is the second year that the west supplies kyiv. the alternative for germany party issued an official appeal to the government; in its opinion, weapons are ending up in the hands of terrorists due to the carelessness of the authorities. federal government military weapons supply.
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foreign fighters, for example from syria. andrei yurivich, this terrorist window , which the western press is now carefully writing about, it appeared in connection with the hostilities, or, according to your information, the ukrainian special services could have played some kind of tricks with isis before, trying to do them somehow. attract when it all started, because so quickly, well, it’s also strange , well, carefully recruit to your side , of course, this happened before, and the window was prepared earlier, i would like to draw attention here, that’s what, we are now all the time we’re talking about the fact that we, the organizers, the customers, are recruiting, but the fact is that let’s take terrorist attacks, say, the explosion of the crimean bridge, and so, that means october 9, 2022, this terrorist attack, if we look here the handwriting itself, yes, the organization of these terrorist attacks, then they timed, that terrorist attack was timed to coincide with the seventieth anniversary of the birth of vladimir
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vladimirovich putin, this one obviously happened somewhere and was timed to coincide with the elections, that is, when we are talking about recruitment into isis and so on along the line of the caliphate of islamic terrorism, there, after all, the work is carried out across areas, this recruitment is in telegram channels, there is no targeted recruitment, they rely on everyone, on the masses. and here we see that they were specially prepared, that is, to prepare such a terrorist attack for a specific date from clear, practically, the very nature of the terrorists’ training suggests that they were prepared very carefully, that is , most likely computer modeling, and the fact that they were sure that they would leave, that they would leave, that they would go to that window in ukraine , that is, they are theirs. they were carefully prepared, so there is not even an islamic trace here, but a purely material one, that is, here are these rushing people, who ended up here from tajikistan, they are told that we
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will provide for your families, you will receive a lot of money, and you do not risk anything , we are all now we will work out such terrorist attacks, which means that it is not the sbu that is able to prepare and carry them out, but more serious intelligence services, of course, so we did a lot of that.
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there is absolutely no doubt , and they don’t go over who is allowed to take part in hostilities and who is not, they, they host everyone who is ready to fight against the russian federation today. as for izbondri, you very correctly recalled the speech of the head of the security service, if we take as a basis his admission that he is immersed in the details of the commission of a terrorist act, since he was ready to commit this kind of terrorist act, where, where is the guarantee
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that they were not ready to accept.
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now we can argue endlessly, is it the sbu , gur, isis or any other radical organization, but by and large they are all in the same stable, it’s just who, who to be released when, the owners of the stable decide and how to comment on what is happening, we just - we are still here, uh, i hate the word paradigm, but it turns out that, yes, the west has been saying things as before for what now 5-6 days it turns out that this is not ukraine, for sure. firstly, let's put it this way, the ukrainian security service has been working since 2014, it has been working under the close tutelage of western intelligence services, the cia, actually in the uk, so you need to understand that cooperation with islamic extremists in ukraine is approved from above, this is absolutely clear, because that's all there.
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what the austrians are saying about the movement of militants to europe, the europeans know about this, they just understand perfectly well, yes, ukraine at the moment is a gray zone, but here this situation appears, you know, this is the situation of the late thirties, we understand that these are killers, and we understand that they are dangerous, but we are sending these dangerous killers to the east, while they are going to the east, we believe that we can cope with them, very much so a well-known story, so you see, someone opposes this, then, let's not forget, isis after
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the defeat in syria is...
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lada with a new 1.8 eva engine and automatic transmission. don't miss central television - the first information show about events and people weeks. france sends its military instructors to ukraine. france sends its engineers to kiev and builds military factories in ukraine. france is deploying its air defense systems near odessa. well, finally, france sends troops directly into the conflict. in paris, they continue to discuss all sorts of scenarios about what macron and the french generals are actually planning. russia cannot and should not win this war. which of these scenarios? may become a reality in the near future, it will be on your central television on saturday at 19:00 on ntv. 5 minutes of silence, new season, today at 20:00 on ntv. every day daniil
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today at 20:00 on ntv. this is the meeting place on ntv, the place where everything becomes clear, we continue this... part, let's start with the sudden news about the dismissal of the head of the national security and defense council of ukraine, mr. danilov, he headed this structure for more than 4 years, that is from the moment as a terrorist zelensky... is in power, in fact, zelensky sent him, his longtime comrade-in-arms, to resign, the reason in the decree is not, somehow, not approved, the terrorist president explained everything with some kind of reboot of the management system, but what do ukrainian social networks write : danilov was removed for his recent gross insult to the chinese special representative for eurasian affairs, li hui, who called for peace negotiations between kiev and moscow. in one of the interviews, then still the head of the national security and defense council, he deliberately distorted.
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some diplomatic place, they will send him working as an ambassador to norway, it seems like this is already such a tradition, everyone who has become out of favor at the court of the terrorist zelensky is appointed to diplomatic positions. at the beginning of march , it became known that the ex-commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, valery zaluzhny, could be sent as the ukrainian ambassador to london ; the ukrainian mit reported that his candidacy had been previously agreed upon; the terrorist zelensky indirectly confirmed this. so, now let's see who will replace danilov, this is... alexey litvinen, before that he headed the
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ukrainian foreign intelligence service. danilov's replacement a very interesting figure, if only because he graduated from the moscow institute of cryptography. in 1994, he graduated from there with a degree in encryption. then he worked for 4 years in the sbu, in the government communications department, then for 7 years he did scientific work at the institute of strategic studies, then again for 2 years he worked in the authorities, and after the euromaidan of 1914 he became... deputy of the then secretary of the national security and defense council alexander turchinov. in 2019 , the terrorist zelensky, who won the presidential elections, fired litvinenko from the security council and sent him to head the institute of strategic research, which was already dear to him. and in 2021 he appointed him head of the foreign intelligence service. litvinenko is remembered for his forecast that russia intends to wage a long war of attrition with ukraine and is counting, as he believes russia, on a global redistribution of the world.
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maybe he will participate in this now, or maybe he participated before, i don’t know, but this recruitment process, it covers huge swathes of the population, unfortunately here yes, there is a big problem, they are trying to recruit children, teenagers, let’s see, last weekend russian schoolchildren began receiving anonymous messages on social networks and instant messengers in which unknown people offered to carry out a terrorist attack, mine a building, or carry out a mass shooting for money . if they agreed, they promised to transfer the advance and give the coordinates of the weapons cache. are you from
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naryanmar? i have a proposal: on march 29 , to mine the arktika palace of culture. i'll equip you. is 700,000 enough? i'll send you the coordinates pick up some things and i'll tell you where to go. our next goal is khinki, balashikha. we will carry out terrorist attacks in large shopping centers. you live next to the iridium shopping center. there is a proposal. 400,000. immediately, if you do not agree, you will be very sorry, not only you, but your relatives will suffer. judging by the reports, the attackers knew very well where the child lived and where he studied. experts from the safe internet league suggested that the data could have been taken from a database previously leaked to the internet. it has already been established that the accounts from which the newsletter came were registered in ukraine. during this time, i received 27.00 messages from teenagers of their parents who... encountered a similar mailing: provocateurs do not hesitate to directly
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write from ukrainian numbers using ukrainian symbols. some schoolchildren, unfortunately, fell for the provocation of the ukrainian special services. on tuesday in st. petersburg , a sixth-grader was detained for setting fire to a railway relay cabinet. he acted together with a twenty-year-old accomplice. in the krasnoyarsk territory, at the achinsk station, the police managed to prevent an arson, two friends detained.
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heterogeneous, even russians study with us , this is the first thing, children want to understand, they need to be explained somehow, you need to work with children, often in schools they don’t have time to cover them with this, and besides, we have classes of both caucasians and asians, for each category you need to tell separately, and this example of the use of muslim peoples, and zelensky was generally filmed in the background, there is
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this... well, firstly, they send it to children of any nationality, this is clear, yes, secondly, andrei nikolaevich, that means here even here, in these examples, there is a thing that, child, which a child cannot resist, if you agree, we will give you a lot of money and another console, a second, and if you do not agree,
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we will kill your entire family , here the child , well, as a rule, some kind of stupor begins, because he is afraid to tell his parents, he is afraid to tell the police there, and he begins to do all this, but here it’s just the factor of large numbers that works, of course, the ninetieth , well, probably 9.999 in such calls, they pass by, because either the child himself will react correctly, realizing that in general, or he has a normal relationship with his parents, the parents react to this correctly, but the calculation is that there will be one morally unstable one who is really you can put pressure, and what you were talking about, it shows that someone... is driven by the promise of money, someone can be intimidated, it really works, that is, since this attack is carried out in a very massive way, that is it goes on for a long time, we we’re just talking about this factor now, because it works in connection with the crocus, and the fact that this happened and the fact that we know about the wonderful existence of , again, the ukrainian gray zone, where such
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terrorism is legalized and does not matter, what is it aimed at, here it is for making money, here for terrorist acts, the principle of influence is the same, to fight against it, as i say again, is to talk with your loved ones, be prepared, again with children, for the fact that this can happen, explain what's going on and that they may generally require you to understand that you don’t need to be afraid of these threats, because this is precisely a factor of an attempt to pressure, in fact they have nothing to do with you, if they name the address, the names of relatives, children of course in general, well, this is intimidation, one must understand at the same time that this is not something that is really capable of fulfilling this threat.
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surveillance, who lays the plant, will neutralize one, two, tenth in this way, but we will have fewer terrorist attacks, fewer such tragedies, we should not be afraid in any case, they will still be afraid.
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so now we’ve been concentrating on children , but here we have to explain to many adults, because they behave worse than children, i don’t know what ’s in people’s heads, by the way, in a sense, we’ll talk about this in the next hour, but look , i just wanted to say about adults, that is, for how many years we have been having these telephone scams for... about cards, transfer money there, and so on. everything was explained to everyone 100-500 times, chewed out 1500 times on various broadcasts, a lot of
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articles have been written about this, it’s still the same there are people who fall for these scammers and who make and transfer money, the same thing will happen, unfortunately with this children's terrorism, we can explain 10 times, 100 times, 10 thousand people will not fall for it, but one of them will carry out a terrorist attack, the second will come across and so on, this problem is being solved comprehensively, the first complex here is already...
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at a very high level, now representatives of the moscow authorities, the federal authorities are visiting our ramadan tent, please, on minskaya street in front of the mosque, our interaction is at a very high level leads, is carried out, but abroad we cannot control how spiritually, ideologically mature, strong this person is, how protected he is from this influence, this terrorism, it is scary because no traces can be found, you know, they they break off somewhere. how he called, how not, it’s time to figure all this out, here it seems to me that there is no problem, regarding people who have matured spiritually, ideologically, yes,
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mature, immature and overripe. this is the topic of the next hour, now there’s a short pause, every third business develops with the circuit ecosystem, based on real developments, this is its own game, this year our program turns 30 years old, 172,000 questions, the topics are more beautiful than ever, let's play 160,000 answers, let's all-in right away, let's all-in. 132 thousand correct answers, you studied history well, 48 million rubles in winnings, as well as 21 kg of money, the value of which is still unknown to me. 20 cars, 20 times the winners left our studio in cars, 1311:19 on air, exactly three tefi awards, this is a tradition, its own
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is able to alleviate even severe pain and helps treat the patient. gorlotricin acts on sore throats and treats infections. well, that's it, let's go, the rescuers are already leaving, i'll go after them. i see, i’m against it, you stay , grown men can handle it themselves, a child is having an asthma attack, the car doors are locked, they don’t let you do anything, don’t touch this, don’t go there climb, then we’ll speed up, hand will soon, 5 minutes of silence, new season, thank you, rescuer, contact us, or that is, don’t contact us, today at 20:00 and this is the meeting place on ntv, the place where everything becomes clear, we will now
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continue , that’s because we were just talking about those who are recruited in our country and not in our country, to commit various illegal actions, including terrorist attacks, but we have a number of citizens who, in my opinion, don’t even need to be recruited, i don't know, did you agree?
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here you see the french president, who wants
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to send some troops to ukraine, this step, as the bloomberg agency worries about washington along with him, may turn out to provoke a clash with moscow, otherwise they did not know before, which is typical, by the way, of macron, we remembered, after the crocus cityhole attack, he did not repeat his statements about the possibility. entry of troops into ukraine, but at the same time on french television they continue to discuss all sorts of plans for how this all could look. here is the lsi tv channel, it updated such a map where they could french troops in ukraine to enter. earlier, let me remind you, we showed you that their military expert presented only two scenarios: deployment on the border with belarus along the banks of the dnieper. in both cases, the presence of the french was seen as a defensive shield against a possible attack from moscow. now, to choose from, their experts offer five scenarios, they vary in the degree of france’s involvement in the conflict, you see, from green to red. let's take the most harmless one: france is helping to build military factories in ukraine
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all. then comes more serious assistance in demining territories and training the armed forces of ukraine. the third option involves protecting odessa from shelling. and then there is the deployment of troops on the border with belarus so that the ukrainian armed forces can. the deployment of french troops on the border with belarus would push france to the fifth scenario, when the french and ukrainians fight against the russians in the same trenches, this would lead to world war iii. well, okay, at least that's what it is. a woman in a red skirt, at least this states that he understands, this would lead to what pyotr olegovich tolstoy said, and we will kill you all, and they are still impressed by this interview that our first deputy speaker gave to french
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television, okay, so let us let's get back to our citizens, who are not behaving very well, this is said very mildly, let's start with those who suffered a tragedy in a concert hall near moscow, and... blogger prince yuri el, who has almost 40,000 subscribers on youtube, makes money, a couple of hours after the terrorist attack, he posted it on his video page, where he spoke in tears about the loss of a friend and announced a fundraiser. dima, he was 24 years old, we communicated with him for, well, a little more than eight dead, as long as he could, though. somewhere around 50 rubles.
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subscribers quickly found out that the comrade was not only alive, but was not in the crocus at the time of the tragedy, and he only found out about the blogger yuriel when they began to write condolences to him; the fundraiser for his fake funeral, dmitry, wrote a statement to the police about fraud. a lot of people wrote to me, my friends, acquaintances, a little i’m shocked by this situation, that’s why, roughly speaking, i was buried on the day of the tragedy, scammers taking advantage of the fact that people want to help the wounded. and relatives of those killed in the terrorist attack, created several dozen groups, allegedly on behalf of charitable foundations. the attackers took advantage of the data about the victims and asked for help from compassionate russians on their behalf. it even got to the point where the website of the british newspaper guardian was faked, where money was already stolen from western audiences. such schemes are popular due to the fact that by sending money, the donor does not expect any backlash, which means, in most cases, even. will not understand that he was deceived
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, and the money went to the attackers, information businessmen did not miss the chance to make money on people’s fear these days, on the internet, almost an hour after the tragedy , an online course appeared on how to act in the event of a terrorist attack, one of these advertisements looked like this: buy yourself a life for 10,000 rubles. the author of the course is non-military, not an intelligence officer, not even a life safety teacher, just a fitness trainer who previously sold...
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one of the astrologers responded to criticism from her subscribers that it would be better if she transferred money to those who really need help now with obscene language. they tell me that all the public pages have already trashed me, some bloggers, i just think that i, i think that bloggers have easy money, it’s true, i... want to be a useless vegetable for society, so i constantly help children someone with a disability, i just don’t post it, because i don’t even like to read words of gratitude, so that i feel uncomfortable, some kids with disabilities, pip-pip, and valery valeevich, this is some kind of new deviation , because look, i think that, well, until there was no internet, such things.
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you can’t save people, here’s a fine of 10 million, that’s all, if he can, and if the problem is that he can, he’s a prepared person, he just decided to speak the day after, earn money, earn money, he’s in general didn’t seem to have done anything even illegal, but if he can, if he’s really a specialist, then
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it turns out he has the right, yes, but then he must have the appropriate license, the right to conduct such activities, we have talked about this 100 times, because these sell fake medicines, these... security, ensuring personal privacy is a really important topic, this is about safety, the necessary knowledge, skills, i conducted a survey in my
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satellite program, do you have the appropriate knowledge to protect yourself in an extreme situation, a huge number of people do not know how to behave in this they were not taught.
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doing this is not the worst thing, the first case is not just a swindler, there are much more moral and ethical questions that arise, there is pure deception, deception associated not just with a tragedy, the death of some person, but everything is clear there. bear responsibility from my point of view, although according to the law, i don’t know what to hold him accountable for, and if he says, i was mistaken, you know, it’s really important to focus your attention on what, that there are more good people when terrorist attacks happened and taxi drivers raised prices now taxi drivers delivered for free, now banks, let us not have taxi drivers either, because the taxi service worked differently in the city of moscow on friday evening and if. and if they worked fine in the corcus, then what people told me who were frightened and tried to leave the center, how much did it cost? let’s talk about the taxi service separately sometime, okay, this needs to be sorted out directly, right? but... when there were terrorist attacks before and taxi drivers increased the price tag in this place, this
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caused, now a huge number of people are responding , huge queues at donor centers in bad weather, i don’t know , people raised a billion rubles to look at this mountain of flowers, that’s what, that’s where the positive is, that’s what we need to talk about, but forgive me, i was in pain, i also spoke before the start about the banks, yes, which, one after another , began to issue large press releases. is that they are ready to help everyone, thank god that they are, that they are ready to help everyone, but you see, it immediately flares up in me, so when people are suffering in groyvoron, they are delivering something there, when people from there , too, banks come out with press releases saying that they are ready to help, i just write again, thank god, this is how it should be, but when a certain pr performance comes out of this, you know, i get chills from my heels right up to the very point where someone does good, and you tell him, are you doing something?
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in fact, it’s clear why this dispute is happening, but it ’s so sad, it means that you’re doing good, but you’re doing little, you’re doing good, but you’re doing it somehow insincerely, and you’re generally an asshole, you’re doing something like this ilina yuryevna, we’re somehow doomed to rush around in these three pines, well, generally speaking , we can’t remain human beings that don’t concern anyone -it seems to me that it’s not very delicate to discuss violations of criminal articles now , not very noble from the point of view, but because it’s really... because it’s really starting to be some kind of marginalism, you know, there really is not
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much or little, i really think we need to pay attention to those things that alexey said, how much, how much nobility, how much heroism was shown, and not notice behind it, we, you know, we see how the immunity of society is rising, social immunity, as we we are recovering, yes, pay attention to some kind of something that will now go away, that is, a foreign body that is about to yes.
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and how he heals from illnesses, searches for missing people and helps in hopeless situations. help, i
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beg you. and that in days of difficult trials he will predict for all of us. you can't feel sorry for your enemies. a special expedition to the main shaman of russia on sunday at 6 pm on ntv. vladimir politov. million dollar secret. saturday at 21:20. a credit sbercard is beneficial in any situation, an interest-free period of 120 days begins every month, and service notifications are free forever, which is why the credit sbercard is the best in the country, apply for a credit card, everything will be the way you want, wake up, we are transformed into a spring sale, wake up, sale on ozone, mixit scrub set for 619, e bombard bars for 469, women's ultimate shop loafers for 899, premium or, as it were
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sale on ozone, discounts up to 50% on salamander shoes, bed linen. unicute with discounts up to 80%. a loan with cashback from sber is even more opportunities, because every month you will get 2% of the rate back with sber bonuses, thank you. hurry up to get a loan with cashback, it’s more profitable with beri with prime. this is the meeting place. clear, we continue, let's talk about sincerity and insincerity, because in recent days we have been very strange, at least i pictures i observe, to the stars who, famous people, who somehow transferred some money, came to crocus city hall, laid flowers, just recorded a video, regular questions that they are doing this insincerely trying to somehow pr, despite
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the fact that to the stars who remained silent and did nothing, claims of a different kind, and why you... can’t do it, because now in dubai, but with heart and soul in moscow, if i were in moscow, i would also go, i would really like to i wanted to go and lay flowers too, please do someone is for me, it unites us, the truth is that those bloggers who came to lay flowers in person also got it, nastya ivleeva and ida galich came to the rokus, the reproaches are the same, why mourn on camera, people with families come to lay flowers,
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very there are many who... and in general, speculation on tragedy is false in literally everything, falsehood and parody and speculation on human pain, on human tragedy. the instagram rapper also received a share of hatred for posting condolences; she donated 1 million rubles to charity. about what hastened to report on the telegram channel, and this is supposedly pr for the tragedy. similar accusations are being made against the rapper and foreign agent margenstern. he transferred a million rubles to a fifteen-year-old cloakroom attendant.
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we are all one big family, there is no other person’s grief in a family, i am ready to pay for the funeral of every innocent person who died, as well as the treatment and rehabilitation of every victim in this terrible tragedy, after which a photo of a fake correspondence with the singer was distributed on social networks, where he allegedly refused.
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we continue to process requests, this is only start. nikolai igorevich, he arrived, it’s bad, he didn’t arrive, you insensitive brute, he sent money, oh you. he’s a bad person, he’s promoting himself, he didn’t send any money, oh , you don’t care, why are you silent, what does the public expect from famous people in such difficult and sorrowful moments? why does the first part of your question happen, because the public is different, people are different, those whom you call stars here, you can call them whatever you want, well, let’s say, famous people are also all different, how to...
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qualify differently, than household journalism, it is logical, for example, in the criminal code the murder or attempted murder of public figures is assessed differently, but because this is
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caused by socially significant activities, and indeed here, too , changes can be made related to a different punishment for the use of tragedy in such cases , things related to some i don’t know about these... courses, something else, it ’s really impossible in any way, from the point of view of the law, from the point of view of the law, yes, because let’s say, endless advertising, which comes with all sorts of bad things, it’s also illegal , there’s nothing, but many people are led, it’s just a matter of education and attitude towards this, because each person can choose for himself whether to follow this or not with an attitude towards good deeds.”
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what they are shouting about him, he believes that he is doing, everything is the right noble deed, the scandal is further, this is our question as a society, to be led to some kind of stupidity, to be led to some kind.
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everything is so good, we haven’t seen nikolai igovich for a long time, don’t be alarmed, everything will be fine, after the last program we’ll be with him we had an active correspondence for a very long time, because nikolai igorich, well, he expressed this to me , as if he made a remark that at one point in our last program, i told you, nikolaich, i said, you should shut up, after that, when we they argued that the yabloko party was calling for people not to go to the polls.
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i agree, but now we are talking to you about a much more complex matter, because you van said that a person is little good, or alexey gennadvich said, you do little good, so come on andrey nikolaevich, now you , here’s what we should do about it, there was such a popular film, it’s actually what men are talking about, and there was a phrase discussing the issue and transferring the grandmother across the road, and there was
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a phrase there, maybe this is bad human.
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and to say that you somehow so that the story of the crocus does not affect you in any way formally treat it, treat it, this is another question, you see, i will not somehow overestimate my attitude towards these people, because it was not formed one by one action, i'll just take note of it. and i advise others to perceive it in exactly the same way, okay, and then we will now give you other examples, just vanya, well, in one, in one of the previous programs, you remember you had a news block, we showed the guys when they were awarded , well, those who worked, you’re still artyom, islam, then he said, they say how bad our youth are, so we show you the real ones, thank god they exist, but our youth are really different, now we are some kind of freaks to you - then we will demonstrate moral ones. six months
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ago a girl’s body was found, someone doesn’t want me to handle this case, let ’s go out, i won’t stop, black sun, premiere from monday at 20:00 on ntv, 5 minutes of silence, new season, today at 20: 00 on ntv. a credit card is beneficial in any situation, interest-free. the 120 day period starts every month, and service notifications are free forever. that is why the credit card is the best in the country. apply for a credit card. everything will be the way you want, one of my friends didn’t have enough gigabytes, the internet is over, you’re not there yet megaphone, look, a megaphone is given unlimited social networks to everyone, i write in marmalade, and there is also unlimited video constantly, connect megapowers
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sad, immediately after the announcement of the day of all-russian national mourning , a dozen videos appeared on social networks in which schoolchildren commented on the terrorist attack in crocus city hall, this is one of these shameless statements , on the social network vkontakte, some claim that they recognized the girl thanking the terrorists as fourteen-year-old alla from nizhny novgorod, who regularly participates in writing competitions, since there was some kind of terrorist attack on happened, i don’t care at all, the main thing is that if a terrorist attack happened, then i’m not going to moscow tomorrow, thank you very much to the terrorists who came to crocusi, because i really needed to get drunk today, another girl with a serious face claims that there is no tragedy in what happened, because this happens, and it’s normal. there are almost 19.00 angry comments under this video, demanding an apology from the girl, what are you writing, like moscow is a condolences, tragic situation.
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i really sympathize with the families of the victims, i really do my joke was terrible, i really apologize , this girl, who immediately after the terrorist attack recorded an obscene video with the words that she did not care at all, neither the dead, nor the terrorist attack itself, she did not understand what there was to regret, she was forced to apologize by her mother, and she herself too i asked for forgiveness for the behavior of my child, i am very sorry for the death...
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but there is also something to say, one might say, a social conscience, what kind of conscience do they have, they have a mother, you see, they have a conscience, a mother, which means a mother, most likely passed on to my daughter, so to speak, some knowledge about this conscience, yes, but something broke in the process, something broke for those people in the process, we really are now, as you say, that somehow we can subordinate this broken thing, glue it together, well, let’s put it this way, i think that this not hopeless people, especially if there is enough around.
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was actually supported by nikolai igorevich, and i agree with what he said, which means there should be an increasing coefficient of punishment in the case of such public, significant, tragic stories, yes, we must look at what is published on social networks, not imprisonment, i say right away, there should be a colossal fine, and the money will go to help the victims, well, it’s not like that, these are these girls who apparently have nothing in their heads yet.
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from the rostov region, where there are arrivals , she understands everything, she sobs and says: i feel so sorry for this terrorist, he is freezing in a t-shirt, they saw, and there were others, they all feel sorry for them, they cried, so she will pay 5 million for such sobs , and this will stop for her, i don’t understand how you can buy society’s conscience with millions, you know, from such scum, so that. they spoke, the money will be sent to help the same
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belgorod residents, the same people who lost their housing in donetsk, in gorlovka, and if these don’t have money, let them go help the utility workers of gorlovka repair the destroyed infrastructure under the arrivals, that’s all, they will spend it when there a forced labor camp without barbed wire will return to such silken ones for a month, they will see with their own eyes that the logic behind the work, there is a conscience in this, cannot be bought.
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got up and i went out at the entrance , someone wrote and joked: no mines have been checked, shamil bosaev, this, this was in ninety-nine, not yet the internet, nothing, what i mean is that such people have always existed, which means that here is something worth really paying attention to, that we are mourning, crying, with one eye, that means , we look at everyone, is everything sincere, and who says what, who did how much good, who did something else, here, here we go...
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the day before yesterday there was an episode, nikolaich, and you might know, because it’s some kind of st. petersburg there, he ’s an artist or something like that, he’s a husband, he’s a nobody , it doesn’t matter what the difference is, he’s already like a husband who doesn’t exist, that’s his last name, yes, konashenko, that means he really
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is the husband of the lady who headed, as i understand it, no longer, new holland, st. petersburg, that means he wrote there, which means, but is it really so different from what these girls say , just some more little girls, but there are certain compositions, in this case, dear comrade, he moved towards the justification of terrorism, here people still find themselves somewhere on the brink, plus we do not forget that we have a statement of the age of criminal responsibility, just some we haven’t gotten there yet.
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world experience, the world is faced with the challenge of social networks all at once, everywhere at once , damn it, don’t wait for peritonitis.
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a sixty-five-year-old resident of tver believes that it is much better to cope with raising three grandchildren than her thirty-four-year-old daughter, who goes on sprees and brings home dubious companies, they don’t go to kindergarten, they don’t know how to write or count, they live in a mess, i’m all for i will do them so that the mother does not call the guardianship, the woman broke her phone, there is a hair on her head no, she tore out all my hair, your daughter beats you, but the woman assures you that she started a long time ago.
3:52 pm
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in memory and intelligence, disturbances in the functioning of our organs. this year. 5 minutes of silence, new season, today at 20:00 on ntv. at ntv, the meeting place, in general , this is such a dilemma, yes, that means, should we still pay attention to those whom ilina wrote as rats, their
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actions, statements, somehow so disgusting for them. .. must be engaged in suppressing violations of the law, if the law is broken, it means that it pays attention, we all, if we go to the trash heap, should not be surprised by the presence of rats in this very trash heap, that’s how i understood you, so alexander... pay attention and immediately react because otherwise informational the infection will metastasize throughout the body of our civil society, so we need to treat, so to speak, cut, without waiting for overtension, yeah, so nikolai igorevich, convert, but in the process of conversion it is important not to become like these citizens, because
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, unfortunately, very many search engines... these days have become indistinguishable from these girls, so ilina yuryevna, if there are no signs of a criminal or administrative article, then you need to act like a channel admin, he removes 80% of the hate, and leaves 20% in order to dealt with them constantly subscribers, yes, that is, it is useful and for this they show social immunity, that is, they themselves will eat these people - they will explain why they are wrong, i understand, a little differently now, well, it doesn’t matter. so vale vale agrees that in order for subscribers to turn into unsubscribers, we need to understand that we have two problems before us, some lie like garbage, they need to be thrown away, and others are like snow, they will go away on their own, and andrei nikolaevich, if there are rats in your house , you need to at least have a well-trained cat, otherwise your home will turn into a garbage dump, during today's discussion i was a little embarrassed and a little jarred by one proposal to take
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these same rats, to use the terminology , and send them. somewhere in gorlovka and so on and so forth, our ukrainian regions suffering from shelling as such a kind of punishment, it seems to me that this is wrong, it devalues ​​the heroism of a huge number of people, including yours, alexander alexandrovich, who is from warm moscow or warm st. petersburg, builders, doctors, utility workers, going there work, because these people are heroes, and it seems to me that this simply belittles the feat of good people, when we come to them, it means that we send those whom we call rats as punishment, it seems to me that things are changing.
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weekdays, ntv broadcast, meeting place program. the state duma is going to strengthen the requirements for security measures at public events; at okhotnaya ryad today they awarded awards to teenagers who helped evacuate people from crocus city hall. how liberated avdiivka is being restored and what culinary masterpieces the locals are preparing, ilya will tell you about it usheninin. firstly, this resolution is not binding.


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