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tv   Goryachaya tochka  NTV  March 28, 2024 12:00am-1:50am MSK

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no, did you have someone here? yes, no , no, then what’s the matter, you know, stop doing nonsense, everyone makes money the way they know how, you don’t like my business, for god’s sake, don’t forget, i suit you, no, tatyana pavlovna, what's the matter, why is the queue noisy, excuse me, please, he's already leaving.
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found it, found it, found it, in short, we ’re slowing down here, let’s do something now. we’ll find a poem, if they even exist, of course, that she sent you, close her grazing, the bitch is filling the stage for herself, okay, let’s bargain, go away, come on.
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you can come in, igor valentinovich, you seemed to be planning to get sick, hello, sofya mikhailovna, yes, i was going to, but everything turned out fine, i suppressed the cold, as they say, in the bud, i’m absolutely sure, otherwise we didn’t have enough to spread the infection, i’m fine, wonderful bouquet? wow, that's cool! oh great, mishka, where are you from? from school, where else? whose device? my! class! like at home? seems to be ok. hungry? no, i ate it at school. do you want an apple, yeah,
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well, let's go, or you can sit behind the wheel, well , sit, i'll bring it now, murin, evgeniy olegovich, i, what’s the matter, you need to come with us to the department, we have a number of questions for you, no, i’m not going anywhere.
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i have a question, ask here, if you don’t want to be dragged through the whole village in handcuffs, let’s go in a good way, okay, okay, i won’t run, i won’t fight either, no problem, you can try, what happened, you’ll find out at the police station , let's go, i have the documents with me, i have them, let's go, i'll put the apple down, put it down,
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i'm already back, why didn't you tell me what it was about? what fell into the frill? oh, marinka, infection, tongue without bones, get ready, you need to go to the doctor, yes, why on earth? but wait, think with this head, is this a stroke? listen to her more, she's completely lost interest in her magazines, she reads all sorts of rubbish, heaven, who is this? i don't know, i'll go and have a look. hello, where? and who are you, the prison department? bear, why are you here? your zhenya was just arrested? lord, why did you decide that? i saw it myself, he bought a car, and there were these cops with machine guns. why did you take it? haven't you heard? i don’t know, they didn’t say where they were taken? to
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prison. my god, calm down, what are you like? police. run home, thank you. let's go home with you, get ready. where were you last night? i slept at home, is this necessary? necessarily, but he promised there would be no handcuffs. who can confirm that he slept at home? no one, you were on the night of the 17th of the eighteenth, where were you, did you also sleep at home? i always sleep at home, and no one can confirm why, valya, my girlfriend, she was with me,
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last name, residential address, valentina malosho, district six, great, now we’ll send a person to check. don’t check, she’s in the hospital, that’s how it is, and what’s wrong with her? happened, you tried, you either tell me why they took me, or i went, where the hell did you go, you’re going to go to the cell to crow now , i understand me, they’ll teach you how to talk there, sergeant, “then listen to me, give him to the investigator , i agreed, she will detain him, then at seven, i understood, that’s right, take it, eat, stand up, hands behind your back, how,
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take him to the exit, “wait here, wait, tell the truth, the day before last night zhenya was with you it was, it was heaven, zhenya was at home, oh, where did you come from here, but there’s no need for anything, i’m zhenya he came to help out, he’s good , wait, how do you know that zhenya was at home at night, he took me in while my mother was out." zhenya went on a motorcycle the day before yesterday, then went to bed. we overslept, i didn’t go to school again. so, so sit here, both of you. lin presents
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the conflict. in paris they continue to discuss all sorts of scenarios about what really macron and the french generals are planning. russia cannot and should not win. which of these scenarios could become a reality in the near future? this will be your central television on saturday at 19:00 on ntv. 5 minutes of silence, new season, tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv. all methods are good when you want to be the first to try the new big special bbq bacon with large beefsteak, instant cheese, bacon and smoky and barbecue sauces. what are you ready for? radi big special bbq bacon. loan with cashback from sber. that's even more opportunities, because every month you will get a 2% return with sber bonuses
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rossbank, this is what i call real premium, rosbank - real opportunities, hearts sounded in unison, the melody of love played, what a pity, but it was just a dream, goodbye, my hope was fading, but parting is a rebirth, we will see each other again and louder i want to say fireworks, then the feeling is a complete yes... and an offer at a very favorable price, and even more profitable with a 50% cashback from alfabank, it’s
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interest, up to 16% per annum in sberbank online. black sun, premieres monday at 20:00 on ntv. hello guys, i came to get sewn on, i'm tired of being a jerk. fuck you. stronger than an oath, boy, now with us , we are on the street, we are alone in this city, people, you think your boys will save you when you drown, stronger than fear, who is older, what am i, immortal or something, it’s scary when your son is in more pain, but what are we going to do when the batch starts?
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here you are like yes, stronger than tears , you're lying, you've driven your mother crazy, i'm sorry, the boys aren't apologizing, what are you doing, bitches, they're all in the ground , the boy's word, blood on the asphalt, come on guys, let's give our word, word boy, word boy, boy's word, boy's word. word back! the most anticipated television premiere of the year, coming soon to ntv.
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first mover, why what, do you hear me, let me light a cigarette, are you deaf or something, the elder says, let me light a cigarette. why, egor, why, was zhenya arrested, but
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he was not arrested, he was detained for 48 hours. then they will either let you go, or, for what? sit down, our girls have been disappearing, have you heard? so, yesterday galya levchuk was found strangled, god, what does he have to do with it? everything coincides in time with his demobilization. "we are checking everyone, you are checking everyone, they arrested one of mine zhenya, listen, yegor , you know his little swaddling clothes, tell me, he could have done such a thing, and he was with you twice in the war, and there he didn’t dislocate his brains, now you will write down everyone who was in the war as a murderer, yes where was he the night before yesterday, ask him
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, i asked, he said that he spent the night at home, that means he slept at home." and how do you know, you live with konstantin, and then you are a mother, you will say something like that, defending your child, listen , egor, zhenya took the bear to live with him, well, valkinovo brother, while their mother went on a spree, so mishka says that zhenya was at home , bear, bear, bear is already good, well, your bear is not... an adult, but the testimony of a minor, egor, egor, what happened to you, he was a normal man once, malyakov, where did you put murin,
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what? misha, go home, and zheka, they will let him go, let him go, go home, okay,
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well, they think that zhenya is from tuva. strangled , who was found, the rest, who disappeared, navash cores, they are sick or something, i do n’t know, but it looks like we need to look for a lawyer, die, calm down, we’ll find a lawyer, we’ll find you, at least do you know how much money this costs? and how much would it cost? we won’t abandon zhenya. let me take you home. and you? and i still have a lot to go. wait, wait, what about this fireman arinkin, damn, i forgot about him, well, if you want, i’ll talk to him myself, you can do it, you think i can’t handle it, it will work out, you
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can handle it, yeah. listen, i remember about things, everything works like clockwork without any problems, listen, go ahead with your business, i’ll decide it myself, and you, dude,
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are freaking out, you’re used to the fact that i’m always at hand, and you ’re not afraid to talk to him like that , i what, if any of the boys would talk to him like that, he would instantly be proud of his head. well, you’re right, as they say, what is allowed to jupiter is not allowed to the bull, that it’s okay, that’s what , you’ll have to go after a tank, well, you never know, maybe i’ve found someone here for myself, i need to figure it out, find some other simpler car, otherwise you can’t hide our gawking eyes, i understand, i understand, i understand. you'll pay, i'll go to the room,
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hi, hi! “they told me that you were sick, yes, i thought so too, then i walked to the car, i was a little cold, my throat was sore, so i decided i’d better not go to work , so as not to spread the infection, you are some kind of person, something happened, no, my head hurts a little, maybe i also caught a cold, which means we won’t repeat the cultural trip today, no, it’s a pity, but at least i can i’ll take you home, no, i’m sorry, sophie is waiting for me, of course.”
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why are you bored here? yeah, something like that, they kicked you out of work, how can i get a job ? is it possible? well, you need to talk to the commander, but where is he? yes, yourself? we waited, it should be a long time ago, great, commander, where did he go, he’s healthy, why are you here, there’s no work to be found, then let's talk, the woman was arrested, oops, someone snitched, but no, there's actually some kind of game there. arrested on suspicion of murdering a girl, the one who was strangled, and he was with us that night, damn it, you won’t go and tell me, that’s the point, maybe it’s a cop scam, but you think, well, i’ve heard of such a name,
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like they took him because of this girl, they intimidated him, he swam, then they will start to turn on our business, not a wet one, he has much more, well, maybe so, we need to get zhenya, well, that’s for sure, that’s what he came for, guys, that money, which we took from bek, they got me you need a lawyer if... what, listen, woman, i told you in russian, honey, go get a drink while you're at it, i need to talk to a friend, who knows what? and
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what are we going to talk about? about our warehouse. marina told you? that's it? well, she said that her friend would come. yes, but my husband couldn't. hello, friend. and that means it’s a family contract. but we haven’t worked for a whole week now.
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another 15 from above, the fine is forgotten, but only tomorrow, i can’t wait any longer, okay, okay, thank you for that, please, goodbye, goodbye, commander, for a minute. what about double bass? there is a conversation, what is it? did lyunya come up with the idea? i think it's a good thing. what's an idea? here it is, if they really start to blame the wife for our affairs, we need to set up a fireworks show for the bull, then they will automatically stop sinning against the wife, he’s like under lock and key, they will stop on the wife, they will start to attack us, they won’t start, you need to show off the whole office in a public place, for everyone to see,
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a distraction. what kind of fireworks are the most important question, who will arrange them, or what ? well me, so what? what do you think, if i’m from the navy, then my hands are from the wrong place growing? he figured out how to deal with electricity, but what am i talking about? and most importantly, no one knows that i’m with you at the same time, i just bought some gas while running. how do you know? yes, the owner of the store said exactly that. i need to think, but there’s no time to think, i have to do it, it’ll be late, i’m free, great, zhek, great.
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what have you come? well, what have you come? i don't believe it's you, galyu. yes. thank you anyway. your mother came to bragin. yes, she did it in vain. tell me, zhek, is it true that you took valka’s brother to live with you? yes, yes, but he’s already home, his mother is sick again, you should come in, i visited, it’s funny, of course, life turns, it’s funny, i fell in love with an alcove in the eighth grade, seriously, yeah, she
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was younger than us. so what, she was beautiful , beautiful, a worm with bows, i didn’t even look at her , i didn’t look, but you remember what she looked like , well, don’t lie to me, you can’t fix the cop, you need something, no, no , you don’t need anything, if you need it, tell me, i’ll bring it, no, no, that’s fine. look, you go, you can’t be with me, okay, okay, listen, bek’s warehouse burned down the day before yesterday and his car was full of vodka, then... no,
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no, i understand. download the application, get a good luck bonus from the five deuces betting league, go to green , hello, i'm on the ad about a room, here's the deal, soldier, who's a soldier, former military man, sat behind the iron, got ready for retirement, bags, well, you got ready survive until retirement? his life is like a battlefield. no shit, turn around. the drifter people were cooking. but he must win this fight. we need a rifle with night optics.
12:32 am
where have you gotten yourself into again? or is he us, or are we him? that's it, there is no turning back. hot spot, new season. such a normal action, soon on ntv, black sun, premiere from monday at 20:00 on ntv, new big special barbecue bacon already in combo for 469 rubles. we woke up, stretched, shook ourselves off from winter, and in the spring sale, we changed clothes, changed shoes, and also transformed. we’re shopping for cool things , i like this update, wake up, sale on ozone, a set of mixit scrubs for 619, bombar protein bars for 469, women’s ultimate shop loafers for 899. a loan with cashback from
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spring, new you, choose your image on ozone with a spring mood, together with yuliana karaulova, dad, you'll be home soon, soon! now i don’t stay late, there are many vacancies on avito work, you will find not just a job, but your place. i came to a tasty point for a convenient schedule, found friends here, and in general there are many reasons to stay, come for a suitable schedule, stay for love, hit the mark with the job, premium, or as it were premium, the throw-in bank knows what you want. premium service, how to get it? you can open a premium card everywhere and constantly look for the one you need, this one or this one for travel, or maybe you need to always select something, pine for something, calculate and calculate, is this
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premium, or you can open all the best and most profitable at once in rosbank , this is what i call real premium, rosbank - real opportunities, running means energizing others to run. and you are with namix, the running continues there, where are you, when the history of the developers lies on the surface, the apartments have been verified in the rosreestr, you just have to choose, a transparent choice on avito real estate, bright, laconic, romantic, new spring, new you, choose your image on ozone with a spring mood, all methods are good, when i wanted to be special bbq bacon. taxson: instant cheese, bacon and smoky and barbecue sauces. what are you ready for? its own savings business for each type of business, special services for retail trade, more information about clients, comparing performance with competitors, finding the best location for
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a retail outlet. open an account with sberbank and use useful services for free forever. sber-business. we wake up to the spring sale, change clothes and renew ourselves. wake up, sale on ozone. discounts up to 50% on. mom, here we live, where is my sister, today... the corpse of a woman was found, but the examination claims that the body and hands belong to different victims, the witness is sure that her rape was part of a ritual of a satanic sect, very serious people, they have their own eyes and ears everywhere, you will run for office, the legislative assembly, i will cut off your finger, i will start with the little finger, stop for a moment. you are not as beautiful as you are unique,
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i’m sorry, i didn’t suggest, i’m trying to take a nap, in addition to being a lawyer, edik has an elite escort agency, he doesn’t sell women, he sells relationships, yuri chursin, pyotr kislov, maxim stoyanov. let me go, black sun, premieres monday at 20:00 on ntv.
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i walked and walked, what did i say? wants 50,000 plus another 15 towards the fine, tomorrow, normally, we’ll pay, what will we pay, where do we get that kind of money? i have the money, i just need to find out how much a lawyer will cost. kostya, where did you get that kind of money, what difference does it make, okay, kostya, let's go, let's go, paradise! well, where are you, let's
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go, let's go, come here, what's there, heaven, my love, there's enough here for everything, for a lawyer for everything else, from where, miklimishov shared. he had extra ones, tell me honestly, zhenya came with you, auntie, brought you, damn, edik, hello, hello, hello, so why did you come, i want to say that i know it’s not zhenya’s fault, we ’ll sort it out, don’t worry, you’ll figure it out , maybe first.
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i have to leave, i'll be back soon. wait, tell me, could zhenya be imprisoned because of this money? no, i think not. call a lawyer. khasanov, where are you wandering, how pernienko searched, run to him. valera, then, yes, double-check this. uh-huh, come out, what
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happened, i want to talk to you, please come out, well, is the examination on gali, ready? done, what's your business, they took scrapings from my nails, you decided to teach me how to work, kolya, you scraped they took it, they took it, what next, show me the conclusion. “i’ll tell you this, i don’t care who your dad is, you’re not my boss, and you don’t have access to the case, so you’re free, listen to me carefully, kolya, i ’ve known murin for 100 years, he couldn’t do this, he could , he couldn’t, it’s not the first day you’ve been married , you know everything, yesterday he couldn’t, and today he ’s running after his own mother with an ax, okay,
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you don’t want to show the conclusion, at least in words, tell me, there’s something there to cling to , skin microparticles were found under the nails, she i'll either give birth to him." so, here's my price list, well, read it, and at the next meeting we'll clarify with you, it was nice to meet you, mutually, uh -
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huh, goodbye, goodbye. tanya, wait, i offended you with something, i'm sorry if that's the case, but i really don't know, you have nothing to do with it, don't be offended, explain what 's going on, igor, let's not now, okay, but i'll... i'll take it to you, you're kind of strange today, okay , come on, if you want, i ’ll write out the scoreboard for him right now, how simple everything is for you, i want to see what happens next, let’s go after
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them, just don’t light up, you’re a natural mazahi. shut up, let's go! and what's behind it now? behind him.
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look at the windows, i understand, i’m not a fool, oops!
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well, shall we come and visit? not now, let's go, what do you say?
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and these otmorovsky ones are also great here, just what you need, look,
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they’ve completely lost their fear. maybe you’ll wave, your prophet will forgive you.
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you can’t figure out who you need urgently, then you disappear,
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i’ve been waiting here for you all day like a fool, commander, i’m sorry, well , god, well, really, well, honestly , there was no time for that, problem after problem, let’s do it tomorrow, tomorrow it won’t work, why is the gauge rejected? went, no, says she has nothing else, handsome, quickly got his bearings, was it just like that? i don’t know, it seems like he’s burning at the gas station, not a bender, the blood of fitness needs to meet, i ask you, sergeevich, talk him out, i’ll try, thank you.
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a living fighter, where they were wounded, an orderly here, quickly, run, come on, everything will be fine, go up to the investigator, did you smile in a dream, did you dream about a woman? it’s not a war , i’m completely crazy, let’s go out, hands behind our backs, we have a call, we have to go, whatever you
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don’t have, because i’m a rescuer, at any moment may happen. bullshit, come with me to catch ghosts, well, who else if not me, the most important expert on ghosts, of course, bloggers, be thrice wrong, 5 minutes of silence, new season, see what a difficult life our commanders have, tomorrow at 20: 00 on ntv, black sun, premiere from monday at 20:00 on... ntv. bright, laconic, romantic. new spring, new you. choose nazon, your image with a spring mood. a loan with cashback from sber is even more opportunities, because every month you will return to 2% rate with sber bonuses thank you. hurry up to get a loan with cashback. get a better deal with prime. mom, guess who
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spring, new you, choose your image with a spring mood on ozone, together with yuliana for karaulova at avito’s work, just find your place, dad, you’ll be home soon, soon, i won’t be late now, mom, guess who started a new job today, grandma, what a hat, 10 minutes until the new job. many vacancies are new every day. avida work. you will find not just a job, but your place. if rice is national in your kitchen, this means that uzbek pilaf, italian risotto or your favorite porridge is no longer someone ’s national pride, but yours personally. national rice is ours. hearts sounded in unison. the melody of love played. what a pity, but
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it was just a dream. goodbye, my hope was fading. but parting is a rebbe, we’ll see you again, and i want to say fireworks louder, then the feeling is complete, give love and technology with sberbank smart speakers. hello, buddy, as promised, today we are preparing a flow. hey, hey, butter isn't the first thing. oh, i need to transfer money home. by the way, it’s better to transfer from btbon, it’s faster and more convenient. thank you for teaching me. this is also who taught whom. vtb, together everything will work out. the main shaman of russia speaks and predicts. why visit him in the tuvan steppe? did pugacheva come? there is no need to sell or betray yours. what did berezovsky want from him? give me, make me rich, he says how he heals illnesses, looks for missing people, helps in hopeless situations. help, i beg you. and that in days of difficult
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trials, he will predict for all of us. you can't feel sorry for your enemies. a special expedition to the main shaman of russia on sunday at 6 pm on ntv. any thoughts, but it’s too early to say, it’s good that the tank hasn’t ruptured yet, it’s so good that there’s nowhere better, well, let’s find out, why bother finding out? why caught fire, that ’s what we’re finding out, let’s cry, come here, quickly in order, tell me what
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you saw, nothing, i have a purse there, documents, almost a thousand money, anton alekseevich, it’s true, there were no clients, i was inside, then. .. i dug everything up, it looks like i hit someone, the blood is still fresh, there are no wounded at the gas station, it’s either someone random, or someone who might
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be random here at night, just think about it, we need to look around the hospitals, we’ll look, don’t worry, it’s you if you're worried, i'll tell you. come in, come here, undress, take off your t-shirt too. yeah, what do we have here?
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fell off a motorcycle, uh-huh, wow, look at this. well, we don’t need that, what else do we need? well, you see, there are no marks from the nails, perhaps they are lower, take off your pants, what else can you do, young man, this is in your own interests, take them off. sergeant, help him with his pants. just a second. why are you slowing down? i’m unclearly saying, stop,
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stop, what are you saying? are you completely bored here? get up and come with me. have you seen his back? he has more awards than you have girls. i ’ll talk to you again, i’ve already dropped my hands, where me, slow down, they burned down my gas station at night, i don’t know who, but it looks like he was wounded, he’s now looking for bikov in the hospital, ours too, why are you telling me this , it just rolled off my tongue, old man, if i were younger, what
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would running then know? your place, okay, stomp. who else is this? guys, nikolaevich, where? commander! oh, hello, kostya, hello, what fate? by chance i didn’t see zheika, i haven’t been able to find her for the second day. the house stinks, i call,
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he doesn’t answer the phone, you can’t get through, and it won’t work, he was arrested, why? not for what you thought, and why i thought, about the fire, the nature reserves, but they took it for some other murky story by mistake, but he told you about the reserve, what do you think, it... i did it myself i guessed, you were there, we’ll answer with you, lena went to sea, that’s right, that’s right, where lenya lives, you know, i know , but what, that’s the thing here, he promised to come in the morning, no, you’re driving me away, i’m driving you away, and what the hell, they’ll let you go , they will let you go, we hired a lawyer, he says 100%, you will go with music, double bass, he will go with you, great! goes to lena, only
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first, look around, be careful there. well, let's get up, let's go, be careful with your packing. wait, you need to look around, was filling gas last night your job? what gas station? what are you talking about? okay, about what. “i’ve heard the saying, you know
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less, your head is in the right place, i’ve heard a lot of things, well , let’s go cool, mish, there’s no one, or you’ll stay in the car, okay, little guy, we’ll talk later, you’re always welcome, hello, and we’re killing it, yeah , mom is at home, but where should he be, a parasite, a beast, never drying out? after all, he hasn’t
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been out since yesterday, maybe it’s already about a while, but we can pass, just dare me to set up a drinking hole here again, i’ll immediately call the police , but what a drinking hole mothers, we don’t have anything, you want to insult me, honestly, it’s painful, we’re on business, i, for example, don’t drink at all, oh, he doesn’t drink , he’s pouring out his ears, you ’ve been looking at yourself in the mirror for a long time, you don’t drink, m... go already, it’s great that the pipes are on fire, maybe i should go get a beer, close the door. eh, the piece of iron caught them, quietly, quietly, quietly, don’t
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touch, listen, you need to go to the hospital , because of the infection nearby, but you’ll have to, something’s really bad for me. everything is in place, yes, sign, well, let’s go, your mother is waiting for you there. zhenya, hi, mom , hi, how are you, okay, thank you, i’m happy to help , by the way, i’ll give you a ride, no, thank you, no need, we’re on foot, well, all the best, goodbye, how much did he take, what’s
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the difference , nikolaevich gave me money, yes, but what’s your business? but he never tells me anything, everything is fine with him, why are you asking, now excuse me, i need to call, where did you get the phone from, bought it, just a second, be patient, bro, let’s go slowly, phone, be careful, be careful, geez , found time, hello, jacques, i can’t talk, i’m in the hospital, what are you doing there, some salt, no, the sea brought lenya already for... he was hurt, hello, rus, can you hear me, don’t poke your nose into the hospital, they're looking for him, i'll tell you later, get out of here now, i don't know, let me come soon, i'm looking for him.
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something happened, mom, i'm sorry, i have to go, i'm sorry, zhenya, where are you going? the bastard , well, in short, he’s a bastard, only three were brought in overnight, one had a heart, the second had benicitis, and the third was a total bastard, and in zaozerskoye
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there’s also a first aid station, maybe he snuck in there, well just hurry up, i need you here, yeah. well, who pulled your tongue, idiot, now a cockroach is darting into this darkness? come on , it’s better to go there than to get away from him here, well, that’s also true.
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hello, darling, leave me alone, don't you understand? i don’t understand, secondly , i don’t believe it, you can’t just cross it out, i’ve already crossed it out, you mean, this pimple that’s bothering you is cooler than me, now you like them like that, yes, how dare you follow me. what do we need here? looking for someone, sorry that it’s not you, i love it when you bite , you’re mine, and once again you’re next to... with you i see , i’ll turn my head, just try it, let’s have dinner
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, no, you, listen, how did you persuade this, and i. .. didn’t break it, that is, how, he didn’t want to meet, he doesn’t want to now, fuck it, well, where are we going then, straight, straight to him, i just don’t like it when he takes me for a fool, i want to figure it out, that he started wagging his tail, that i had to figure it out, i got a captured barrel from the back, so this is an assault rifle from the same batch as my ak, well, i’m something i expected something like this, but no, i’m not complaining , times are hard, everyone is spinning like... maybe i’ll still have to explain something to my comrade, he pulled me, damn it,
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sergeyech, i’m not dragging you by force, if you want, go ahead i’ll drop you off here , pick you up for the return trip, just send me the client’s address, and i’ll manage there myself, i’m happy, but that ’s if you go back alive, no , let’s go together, then you’ll make a mess there, the commander is worried, which is nice, not really, why do you want to chill out here? i was happy, let's look at the road, someone should cover my ass, yeah , soon there will be a turn, great guys, i came to get used to it, i'm tired of being a fool, fuck you, stronger than an oath, the boy is now with us, we are the streets, we are the only people in this city, she will save you when you drown, stronger than fear, who is older? am i, are you immortal
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or what? it’s scary when your son is stronger than the pain, but what are we going to do when the batch starts, then you’re like, yes, stronger than tears, you’re crying, you’re crying. you drove your mother crazy, i'm sorry, the boys don't apologize, you what are you doing , bitches, they are all in the ground, the boy's word, blood on the asphalt , come on guys, let's give the word, the boy 's word, the boy's word, the boy's word, the boy's word, the boy's word, the most anticipated television premiere of the year, soon on ntv, 5 minutes of silence. new season, tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv. enhanced probiotic for intestinal microflora.
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1:20 am
knows that one day my mother sent a letter that my grandmother hid from the children. grandma was secretive about these conversations. did the beloved granny really take her grandchildren away, depriving her daughter-in-law of parental rights? maybe her grandmother told her, don’t show up in their lives. will emmy be able to find out the truth about her birth? maybe she found someone, but we got in the way, she wanted attention from men, and her family was a little like her. we are four brothers, whether my mother had children from her first marriage, i don’t know, here’s a woman they look a lot like my mother, they were looking through the photographs, and she said that this girl, this boy, these are my children, i am hiding the envelope, dna, tomorrow at 17:50 on ntv.
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you’ll manage by the evening, but where are you from here, it’s great, and you won’t get sick, there’s a conversation, let’s go outside, it’s noisy here , let’s go, let’s go. but what kind of conversation is that, i’m sorry, your order didn’t work out well, it didn’t work out,
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it’s a pity, but i’ve already collected the money, so when should i expect it now? i don’t know, not soon, but it’s better to look for another place, but you also refused, or only to me, you know that, buddy, it’s none of your damn business, who i sell to and who i don’t sell to, truncated, truncated, well done, i don’t dare talk to me juicy, how many machine guns did you sell to beck, i’m asking how many, quietly, cool down, son, otherwise i’ll make holes, stood up, quietly, quietly, quietly, quietly, walls, hands up the hill,
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alive, alive. guys, don’t worry about screwing yourself up, you asshole, we need you, i repeat the question, how many machine guns did you sell to the bek? four, two tomorrow he’ll pick up where they are, there, he’s gone, he’s looking , he’s gone, wait, calmly, you’ll have goals, you won’t jelly, let's see, forward, without sudden movements. where's the weapon, i took the box, went to the wall , hello, they're going to kill me, i'm somehow confused
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, so which of us isn't a bastard, you or me, and you somehow decide, stand, sit here, bitch. you answer, it will be necessary , i’ll answer, i’ll bring the money tomorrow, the officer’s word , well, he’s breathing there, at least as long as we need him to breathe, then, thank you, live, tell me, commander, oh, where did you get the gun from, what a gun trunk, and with what? him, what is this, you old bastard, and i fell for it, bone, if these
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if he catches fire, we’ll sit for a long time, and you croak, there’s a risk to them, i understand. hot, uh-huh, lost a lot of blood , here it is, give it to me, it hurts, who’s talking about what, i’m talking about a bath, okay, wait here, but where, behind the doctor, is there vodka in the refrigerator, why did they get up, they said it’s in the refrigerator? in the kitchen, there you are
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, and i already thought you were hiding from me, i’m not hiding, by the way, you don’t know who the police are looking for here, they say some kind of wounded, wounded? tanya, you’ve been strange for two days now, what’s wrong with you? i'm always like this, but no, not always, i saw when we were walking, you were cheerful, tatyana pavlovna, at least in three minutes, come over, i’m coming now, what ’s going on? it’s okay, we shouldn’t go out anymore, why? because i decided so
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, tell me, why are we sitting here, it’s not yours , she’s at work, she’s definitely not going anywhere until the evening, i want to eat, be patient, but i can’t, i’m a sugar addict. let me go get some pasties, you sit here, but shut up already, where are you going? yes, here i am, over there , i’ll ask the price of 200 bucks, you sheep. doctor, hello, hello, i need to talk today, tell me, maybe we can
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office, let's go. “i’m listening to you, i need your help, my friend is wounded, he can’t go to the hospital , the police are looking for him, why are they looking for him, it’s a long story, but he didn’t...” did anything wrong, why did you turn to me? i don’t know, but if you don’t want to get involved in this, no problem, and if i report it to the police, well, that means i was mistaken, why do you think that i will help you? i’m telling you, i don’t know, by the eyes, it’s probably your friend, where is he? he’s at home, i ’ll take him, what kind of wound does he have, gunshot?
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alive, more like alive, here, well, i don’t surgeon, yes, but you are a doctor, okay, i need to change clothes, collect some medicines , wait for me downstairs around the corner, i don’t want them to see us, it’s good that uncle, i like it, but are you selling the land? no, sorry, i’m not selling, i’ll give you 200 bucks right away, i told you, i’m not selling, what’s sharp? well,
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why didn't you buy it? sales of bast is rustic, he thinks someone will give him more for this wreck. and you, then, are the type of urban, urban, yasvagiriyeva. oh, well, of course, that changes a lot. okay, let's go, let's eat somewhere. what's real? not in find a hotel, something decent. why did you die? and i offered you good money for it. weird?
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broke, but no, everything is fine, but what is this? tool, so there are fewer questions, well done, you figure out which ax mannots, from these same ones, we went with.
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open it, why don’t you pick up the pipe, huh? sit down, go for a walk, but i can’t get through to you all day, why? what why? why are you calling me? to tell another story about how taranov burned down our gas station? i will find the bastard, i will find the bastard who did this, i will turn everything around. he got out of here if
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if you need me, i will find you myself, you see how i speak, remember, you will fish for me, no one will even look for you, there will be nothing to look for, let’s go, that’s it, let’s go.
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christmas tree-sticks, what luck, paradise is at home , so what, did you put a bottle in the bottle, are you kidding, you’re funny, sergeevich, hello, hello, paradise, what are you doing there, that you’re not going into the house, yes, i’m just a minute, rayechka, dear, now i’ll see sergech off, i’ll get up, okay, yes, okay, come on, you can walk home yourself, no offense, well... i’ll get there, am i drunk or something, of course, i’ll get there, commander , i’m sorry it happened so early, how it happened, it happened, i just have no way back now, either run me or i run him, and now you ’ll have problems because of me, it’s unlikely that the goborata
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will forgive you , oh well, i’ll get out, not the first , but are you really going to give him the money, but i’ll give it back, he’ll be useful to me, listen, let me stay with you... let’s put up a double bass, well, for peace of mind, at least, what are you talking about, well , when i was hiding behind a soldier, well, that happened, no, commander, that never happened, well, i won’t go any further, i’ll handle it, thank you , what happened here, an hour ago, three armed men broke into houses and were shot in self-defense, captain, i didn’t ask you who the new guy from st. petersburg is. the man was defending his family, so write in the protocol that the body was originally in the durex house, the law is the law, too independent, let’s go without this pathos of yours, chitius, we are not stupid here and we are all our own, too correct, we are not at all our own, two
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too different investigators, and one high-profile case, the girls had their heads and hands cut off, my wife was involved in a similar case in st. petersburg, they killed her, let me go. black sun, who were the clients? hello , brother, elections to the legislative assembly, you will run, those who are at the top of the food chain, they called me from st. petersburg, they ordered me to fire you yesterday, i no longer play by the rules, it was a pleasure to work with you, come on, what do you think , did i jump off? crap! black sun! premiere! from monday at 20:00 on ntv. mask, new season. tomorrow at 20:20 on ntv. for
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a country that never ceases to amaze. discover your russia on the unknown russia tv channel. well, did they release it? released. god bless. will you feed me? kostya, and what's happening? in terms of? zhenya
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rushed somewhere, called ruslan, shouted at him , told them to quickly leave somewhere, i couldn’t even really make out anything, he had his phone from somewhere, what did you get him into? i didn’t drag him into anything, i’ll soon, where did you go, today we have to take money to the fireman, trample on. “i need an assistant who is not afraid of blood , i can, i wash these hands here, i need to disinfect them, there is alcohol in the house, there is vodka, okay, the rest have nothing to do here, well, these are my hands, yeah, yeah.” ay,
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let’s water it, well, it’s rotten, if i saw lenya, i’d kill him if you don’t, don’t tell him, he ’ll smell it anyway, okay, don’t speak ill of him, and the doctor won’t disgrace himself in a nice way, here you are. i didn’t see, it’s one thing to cut someone else’s in battle, and another to pick through your own guts , you want, you got involved in all this, silently, you can’t escape fate, and you’re also good , why did you go quiet, couldn’t tell me right away what you ’re doing something here, no, you’ve already won yours, those... i’ll decide,
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i have my own head on my shoulders, i’m also a friend, back to the warehouse, your job? the warehouse fell under distribution, i just made a truck with vodka, who knew that he had a hot fix there? yes, the guy was unlucky, yes, i wouldn’t let him go alone, whoever it is brought something difficult. sit here quietly and visit us, tweezers, yeah.
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oh, great, great, what kind of people, great , but rusik and i just sat down, you just sat down, then you won’t live out the evening, well, you join us, we’ll survive with you, i’m at work, oh well, that’s something today is possible, i ’m free from... man, that’s why i came to you, i congratulate you, i immediately knew that this was some kind of mistake, well, yes, yes, only the one who is naked is now walking free, we will find, i promise you, a swab, so get wet,
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yes, it’s rusik who is rowdy, listen, your mother said that you’re the one who got the lawyer. well, i gave the coordinates, she negotiated it herself, no , well, thank you anyway, listen, you leave him like this at your place for the night, okay, then i’ll pick him up myself, of course, of course, that’s the number, i didn’t understand, what are the police doing here, they came to arrest again, hello, consadino. great, but i came to find out how he is here, yes i see, great, you see, we didn’t have time let go, already notes, it’s not the mother who didn’t wait , not me, handsome, okay, i’ll run , come on, that’s it, there’ll be time, stop by , we’ll talk, congratulations again, what happened, alyonya hooked me, i’m
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your hell, much, what’s going to happen, your motto. why did you let him go alone? there was no other way out, who did what? tanya, doctor, why did you invite her to the house? that it was impossible to take him to the hospital? no, you can't, why? they're looking for him, how do you know? bragin said, that’s how it is, why is he leaking official information to you? i don’t know, apparently he wants it with our hands with beck figure it out, you know, but it needs to be coated, just this. “you ’ll forgive me, of course, but i don’t believe your doctor , she’ll put us in jail, she won’t, i’d like your confidence,
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uncle kostya, there’s another one, as i understand it, he’s aware of all our affairs, i’ll be with you if you take it.” . well, what should i do with you, since you’re here, zhanya, hello, hello, how is he , okay, can you have a minute, he’ll sleep for about six hours, when he wakes up, you’ll need to inject him with an antibiotic, so i left you where to inject? can you be mousey inside? think, yes, will you take me back? yes, of course,
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did something happen? no, i see it. well, tell me, the fact is that i ran away from moscow because of one person, and now he found me here, do you want me to talk to him, no, thank you, well, i can accompany you home, if necessary, no need, he won’t touch me, you won’t tell me where your friend got hurt like that, no, i’m sorry, i understand, your girlfriend, did you go to see her? yes, but they didn’t let me in, of course, but she will be fine, why do you
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say so confidently, she has you, reliable, everything is with you it will work out, you don’t need to go to the hospital itself, stop here somewhere. you won’t take the money again, i won’t, but maybe i’ll need your help, yes, of course, you have a phone, yes, write down my number, look how, but this is all stupid. what doesn't work here?


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