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tv   Doznavatel-2  NTV  March 28, 2024 3:20am-4:06am MSK

3:20 am
i can’t change clothes with these, well, yes, thank you, here you go, hello, give me some water, please, without gas, please, it’s deaf and silent, and kondrashov is your accomplice, and there’s nothing to show them. no , well, we can detain our accomplice for resisting arrest, but are you even sure, sir, that they beat up this orphan of yours, yeah, i’m sure the main thing is to prove the connection between emelyanenko and kandrashov, and how to prove it, in short, kandrashov will have to be released , i understand it myself. well, you'll be there soon,
3:21 am
don't move, or you'll break your legs, help, yeah, now, now, now, hello, this is khamenka, i urgently need an outfit for the podrechenskaya street, yes, help! yes, what kind of jokes, yeah, they’re about to come, hold on tight there, and how did suvorov know that this swindler would try to take revenge, but he didn’t come for revenge, cyrus, he came to remove the person who ordered the assassination attempt, that is, the most important witness, sovorov’s hammer, well, what do we want, yes, i
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’m listening, hear, emelya, it seems you owe money, no, i need it today, no question, i ’m at work now, come, as usual, to the cafe, agreed, at work, clown. what is it, what scum, i decided to get out, i have the keys, now, stand.
3:23 am
that it’s like in a zoo you won’t believe it, tolya caught a fraudster, okay, guys, can i have a minute with you, rude, it’s true, but what’s to blame, you yourself and look, these are ours, i think not only, well done,
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i’m the whole region i’ll make it a silk, tolya, let everything take its course, here i completely agree with you, let’s not rush, but i can already get the title, well, you said it right now, let’s not rush, well, why are we standing here, let’s go to work, let ’s work, well done, well done, khamenka.
3:25 am
sasha. you are not catchable, it is difficult to catch you, but why did you come to me? yes, i just wanted to see who you live with, if people find out what conditions you live in, what will they think of me? oh, that is, you’re worried about what i’ll think of you, but you misunderstood me, but no, i understood everything correctly. wait, let’s do this, i’ll rent you a good apartment in the center, while you stay with me, tomorrow i’ll send people. they will help you get your things out, so let's go? first of all, i have everything great, secondly, i ’m not going to move anywhere from here, i like it here, thirdly, we’re not returning to this conversation anymore, all the best, what
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can you like here, sasha, let’s go! here everyone is like, wow, eyes look at 5 kopecks and don’t believe, they say khamenka, khamenko, how, and i say, how, how, elechka, elechka, i say, you have to say thank you for everything, if it weren’t for her, there would be nothing at all it wouldn’t have worked out, okay, homie, i just led you on, you went on the mission yourself, no, well, it doesn’t matter, you and i are now like a gang, like robin hood and this, like her they called, we punished and... the money was returned to the people , oh, oh, look, the pie, he was with me all day, tolya, you're crazy, why, immediately throw it away, well, where, where, where, in the trash bin, yeah ,
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well, i sold my skin to the cops. and elya, elya, what happened, who did it? elya, don’t move, don’t move, my dear, don’t move, everything will be fine, elya, people, people, someone! hey, let me call, but 2 seconds, i really need it, please, the receiver died, what do you hear, maybe you can change it, then smaller
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, i’ll change it for the buyer, zamonnoe cake, old god, well, what kind of person are you, huh? and where is the check? it doesn’t work or something , i don’t understand the check where the money was swallowed, so it means it works. and you’re joking, then now, why, there’s nothing funny here, if they don’t come in the evening, i’ll come back and ask from myself, you stupid ghoul, what did you say?
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tolya, are you crying, no, i just happened to be, everything is fine, calm down, i won’t do it again, i brought you oranges, the doctor said that you will need vitamins, or i’m allergic to them, i can’t have that much, so what , what an allergy, but vitamins, sorry, but time, yeah, thank you, all the best,
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well, whatever, but no. i heard it myself, the doctor said that the vital organs were not affected, eli just lost a lot of blood, now there is no danger anymore, we will definitely catch this freak.
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everyone died, we have five more episodes to shoot, like five episodes , why don’t you survive after such wounds? i’m telling you, they don’t survive, and this movie is not life , we survive, and what will the name of the next episode be? or a zombie named sledachka, but i know it
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track, dead thing, yes, he said everything, well, how long will we have to wait for you, well, let me change clothes, i’ll come now and change my makeup, oh, god, like children, i gave the money, you bastard, i ’ll finish it for you for this thousand rubles now, i understand, but this is not my terminal, not my store, contact the owner if. if you are also being paid by the owner, take your hands off, fuck you, you son of a bitch, what have you done, so what’s the point here? khamenka, bye, tolya, well, like you, like elya, they said, nothing threatens life, further, further it will be better, so i’m a courier for everything. the police department should jump, where are the statistics? so, lieutenant colonel, it ’s lunchtime, and i don’t have lunch, should i
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work alone, so in an hour it’ll be on my desk, okay, rebinin, yes, tolya, what’s wrong with elya? they said that there was no threat to life, then, well, okay, the main thing is, don’t worry, there’s enough money, yes, thank you for collecting. yes, you’re welcome, you’re welcome, what is it, why should i run after you all over the rvd for statistics, and i’m the only one who works here, but it’s not serious, pasha, you only have it in the evening head office, but i don’t need to get acquainted, what do you want so that i read it from a piece of paper in the main office, okay, in an hour it’s on your desk, yeah, it’s not ready, that means, comrade lieutenant colonel, well, let’s report on the form, in half an hour, here’s pash, i never expected this from you. just, well, how they sat there, it’s clear, it’s clear
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, that’s what’s happening, some of these one-armed bandits were removed, and others were instructed, so you, you catch the victims, but you won’t look for the culprits , and you won’t catch them, why not we will, for example, olegovich, took part in a fight. broke a window, charged with trespassing public order causing damage, yes , i only broke three bottles, damn it, there are witness statements recorded from a cctv camera installed in the store, and that i should have stroked his head, but why come to us with a statement to calmly figure it out, okay, let me make a statement, if you want in writing, give me the paper , of course, only after we deal with your hooliganism, wait a second, i only broke three bottles, why should i now go to prison for this, or what? yes, comrade lieutenant colonel, why forgot, i have everything
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prepared, i have it now, i’m listening, i’ll be right there, you added your part of the statistics, right there, and you know what we’ll do with you, here you go, you have paper, a pen, describe everything in detail and we’ll figure out what kind of terminal you have there , they have, well, yes, they have, so why kill you in every episode? kirill, are you kidding me? internet is not enough for me? i mean, i mean, you should read what they write there, they throw such mud at you, it’s just a nightmare, oh, never mind, there are idiots everywhere, listen, have you ever been accused of bad things? work, yes, never, congratulations to me, but they ruined my entire page, and with obscenities, threats, and block this page, and there is no need for you to be visible on social networks, but i would gladly not be visible, but this is my job, i have
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in the morning, the detection rate statistics should be on the table. it’s like this in the morning, but not like this in the morning, and so is the detection rate, well, where is it, what did you write to me here, and how many times have i told you, suvorov, well, don’t take this little thing, there’s no detection rate for it, it’s not small things, these are people’s problems, district police officer went, the district police officer talked to the people, everyone forgot everything, no statements, tell you, comrade lieutenant colonel, what the district police officers say when you try to force them into the case? but i don’t care, finding a common language with each other - it ’s written in your job descriptions, after all, i find it with you or not, find out, here’s the idea, follow through, good, i’m waiting for news, well, what kind of news, but nothing, well sit, how long do i have to wait, where are
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the statistics, where are the statistics, so, here are the statistics, should i run after you all the time? and kumanchik, what is this? this it's a joke, right? what is it? is this a criminal case? this is a criminal case! here are the statistics, here are the statistics, come on! yeah, when were you supposed to bring it to me? and where are you hanging around anyway? i was working through the crime line. yeah, a line, that’s a crime line, let the investigative department work it out! are there any prospects? there are prospects! ok! nice hairstyle, yeah, fake, what are you doing to look like me, get out of here, oh well, what a crime, kira, you and zaira left early yesterday, you know, there are different cases, there such a firearm, wow, in short, i’ll tell you now, the machine gun works, this man
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works, huh? the piece of hardware is functioning, i asked, and i answered, what is the complaint, how to return the money, and you push it with the next bill, how do i know, this is my machine or what? “excuse me, how do i know whether it works or not, it stands here and stands, i’m not responsible for it, i have enough goods, yeah, it’s a group, who are they, and where is the owner of the store, what difference does it make, it’s not our machine gun, yeah, ownerless,
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that means, well, very good." hello, yes, hello, the door will enter, into the car, into it won’t fit in the car, your uaz won’t fit, but the store guy will go in there with the seller, let’s load it, i say, it won’t fit in the car, why are you up, take it out, maybe it will pass, it will pass, are you serious ? , it couldn’t be more serious , well, i have no idea how we’re going to drag him down, we’re getting out of here, let’s go, let’s go, ready for the two-minute, now on the camera, danya,
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as ready as i’m ready, everything’s fine, after 5 minutes of rehearsal, good, you know, it would be very important for me to know this here, you understand, because people like to say such nasty things to write, and what, something happened, you come to our site someday, it will completely confuse me with dirt. yes, everyone gets it there, sonechka, thank you very much, oh , for example, a comrade offers to shoot me so that i understand how to play when a bullet hits you, look, i
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mean, read, how does he know everything, such the impression is as if he ’s watching us, but don’t worry, our extras are always filming everything on their phones , posting them online, no, well, listen, if he has complaints about acting out an injury, then that’s it turns out there’s already a stone in my garden, but not a stone, i’m not bothering anyone here, no, but what do you have? it’s better to tell me what you have, if
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you hide things in the middle of the day , what happened, what’s missing from you, payment terminal, terminal, okay, this is for the interrogator, captain suvorov, second floor, what are you, senior lieutenant, you’re stunned or really, you took it like we did? so then we don’t care for you to go to the interrogators, the second floor is captain suvorov, but he’s not there now, let’s wait, you understand that yes, we’ll go there, yeah, listen, what are you doing you don’t have lunch in a group, have you ever eaten this movie food, but i’ll probably be left without a stomach until lunch, after lunch. very tasty, i come here often, however, i would eat an elephant, it is very high in calories, tough and tasteless, and these are its problems, listen, take me something, and where are you going, well, you,
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movie stars, don’t have to fall, it’s not that we’re just dying, where here, around the corner. excuse me, captain suvorov, is that you? i'm listening. listen, this is the case, captain. by the way, i received the captain's rank even during the union. yes. so well, colleague, there is a misunderstanding here. the terminal is working fine. it’s mine, you know, i need to give it to me, yes. well, finally, and i thought the owner would never show up. now we will quickly close this case. captain. well, what’s the matter , i’m asking you in a human way, in a good way, so to speak, i’m explaining in a good way, the terminal was faulty, and what do i mean, everyone
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checks something, you know, how many of them i have all over the city, how many, and by the way, you are a private entrepreneur, or maybe they are registered with some company, listen, captain, don’t ask me here, if you’re so principled, you’ll talk to other people, uh-huh, not so fast, citizen, first name, last name, patronymic. why don’t i meet you on the street, we’ll sort out the outfit, everything, everything, citizen solomonov, viktor evgenievich, see you, personally bring me the terminal and you’ll apologize, puppy, summons, wait.
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sorry, but your friend will eat, otherwise we don’t cancel prepared orders, but of course she will. light, light, light, light! colonel, why so leisurely, or the load?
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does the imperfection lead to the ground? i mean, i mean, but today, of course, you impressed everyone at the meeting with your report. i don’t understand, comrade general, listen, if your detection rate is so bad, why did you initiate so many unpromising cases? but we are working, and i know how you work, i know, this morning they made a problem out of nothing, so the next report will be no better than the previous one. imagine, yes, the headquarters know about what’s going on here not only from reports, i’m talking about our former employee, colonels solomonov, or you that, i don’t know, my boss , they don’t work like that, in short, our retired former colleague decided to earn his bread and butter, and you confiscate his terminals, for no reason at all, it turns out to be quite bad parsley, but of course we we'll figure it out, but
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right, right. figure it out, figure it out, then don’t forget, we will all retire sooner or later, and with such work , the colonel may very soon, think about it, scare hedgehogs and dogs.
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3:49 am
the same, listen, ir, you said that you received threats on the internet, what kind of threats, now i’ll show you, read, yeah, so, the actress playing the main role disgraced the honor of her uniform, no idea about the work of the investigative authorities, i want to ask her, girl, do you have any idea what you’re doing? ivan 63, it’s okay, the name is bright , listen, you continue to act , i’ll shoot you, mind you, i’ll shoot you, i won’t kill you, i won’t kill you, i’ll shoot you, what should i do now, well , never mind, we’ll go on a visit today, okay, let’s do it
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. suvorov, so that you have a piece across the city, understand? what are you talking about, vadik? nothing, i just came from lebedev, you have is it always the policeman's fault? yes, i wasn’t talking about you specifically, i generally meant the work of district police officers, oh well, i also had this work in mind, but you know that sasha, if you ever need anything from me, don’t contact me with these with their capercaillie, scoundrels, understand? okay, vadik, i’m sorry, i’m sorry, vad, but if you want, we ’ll give you promising cases as moral compensation, yeah. look for a fool for 10 solds, it’s not true, you have a network of illegally installed terminals in your area, through which the account is replenished, yeah, with such beautiful stickers, an unplowed field , as much as you find, you’ll open as much, really, sasha, yeah, and with swan-like opening you’ll give a heart attack, okay, ashot, stop it, well, that’s it, sasha, no, stop it, so what, i 'll take this case, okay, what did you do? shot?
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it's not me, it's his own hotness. listen, it’s not good. tolya, rebinin, where? yeah. oh, suvorov. yes, comrade colonel. it's very good that i met you. yeah. tell me, does the name solomonov mean anything to you? he speaks, comrade colonel, about illegal business activities and an attempt to put pressure on the investigation, which was unsuccessful. yes. but this information about illegal activities, how has it been verified? check it out, comrade colonel. and... they say an honest person, well, since he’s an honest person, that means there’s nothing to be afraid of, right? this is right, sasha, this is right, by the way, keep me informed, i obey, comrade colonel, and khamenka is doing great, yeah, well done, well done, work,
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work, come, listen, maybe we still, we’ll manage somehow without these safe houses, but what about me? i have to film somehow ira, there is no second take in life, but here it’s safe, catch the killer, then you’ll come back, and if it takes a long time, you’ll argue, i’ll tie you up, understand? today, the set of the detective series sledachka has become a real crime scene. svetlana
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koneva, the understudy of the leading role, was killed here. the girl was shot with a pistol with a silencer. the shot was fired in the back almost point-blank. unfortunately, this is all the information which we have at this time. yes, the freaks have learned to write anonymous letters. stasik, did you wake me up? so what, are you sleeping? tomorrow morning, urgently bring up all your contacts in department k, there’s no time to waste time here, but you go to the website and look, everything is shut down, but listen, seryoga,
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can department k calculate any equipment or just a computer? not only, but i have to upset you, don’t deal with air conditioners and coffee makers, yeah, here’s your address, where your unknown writer is writing from, yeah, that’s for sure, we have everything for sure, finishing, cyber accuracy. thank you, i helped, uh-huh, eleventh, boy, hello,
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hello, the terminal is yours, if you want to top up your account, i can do that, what am i asking you about, is the terminal yours? no, it’s on a rental basis, probably, well, it’s clear, i hear this every day, so that means we turn it off and seal it, there are questions about how to turn it off, and why? i probably owe it to the owner, you can do this in parallel, it’s generally parallel to me , how does it turn off, how does sasha, sasha, good afternoon, how can i be useful, what models are you interested in, long-legged, he’s probably from i destroyed some, yes, suvorov, listen , i’m in a wonderful mood, i’ve already found more than a dozen of these machines, what do you mean, what do you think, i’ll fall for it, okay, that means, listen to me carefully, this is my prey, and don’t you dare show up to lebedev before i do, i realized, well
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, we’re standing there, turning it off, sealing it, oh, and i was only thinking about the cathedral, they don’t teach you to knock. what, captain, did you come to apologize? that 's right, well, i'm waiting, i ask you, read it and sign, a signature about not leaving, yeah, so, mm, i'm lucky today day, who did you bring this to, puppy, me, yeah, on what basis? on the basis of illegally installed terminals, officially
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discovered sealed, and why are you trying to get kicked out of the police, i ’ll arrange it right now, if you want, right now, but why, in my opinion, in retirement, law enforcement officers live well, earn great money, albeit through illegal entrepreneurial activity , but these are nuances, that’s right, citizen solomonov, you want me to sign you, yeah, i’ll sign for you now, puppy, i put on my shoulder straps at home, everything is possible, or something, i’ll rip you off these shoulder straps, creature, let go, creature, well, now the subscription is absolutely not relevant, let go, you bastard, now everything is much simpler, let go, in general, take action, if one more time one of the parents complains about this establishment of yours, i will drive your cybernetics to hell , got it, got it, oh, major kumaral, your farm, hello, right?
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and here the man was an adult, and the signs were, an ordinary man, an intellectual, like, yeah , that’s why, but he’s holding the mouse like that, the amizin man is flying away, it’s semyon petrovich, or something, he’s an intellectual himself, the man has a combat wound, so you came up with the idea that semyon petrovich, a respected man, a former opera man for 30 years, by the way, he has experience, in short, is an old man, just go to the address, okay, let's go, we just made a mistake with your electronics, you see... get in , let's go, we made a mistake ,
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guests, and we are not waiting for anyone. it’s true, my dear, that you’re calling, open it, say what you need to say, right, i’m where, open it, come on, who is it with you? screen actors guild. if anything, i’m on the stairs,
4:00 am
i have a weapon, yeah, they sold themselves as a vineyard owner, so that’s what you think, stasik enough, you break the door, just don’t expose yourself, yeah, that’s it, they started, one, two, three, so this is 16 17 18 19 what’s there 20 open the police 23 24 25 so where did you go? 31 32 33 34 35.
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everyone has sold out, i will shoot you all, i will kill you all. listen, puppy, are you going to regret it, give it away , will you regret it, san, you're going, no, come on, come on,
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powerful little thing, yes, one hit, they're waiting for you, where? in traumatology, okay, come on, okay , come on, funny, they're waiting in traumatology, in traumatology, in traumatology they're waiting, hello, hello. yes, it's me, why am i calling? uh, well so, let me know how you are doing? oh, here it is, what? well, then we agreed. how many weapons? and also a respected person, they say. oh,
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i found another one. so that's what you are! ivan 63 , you, what are you doing, you’ve gotten in touch with the filmmakers, the liars , you’re dead, you’re falling for their bullshit, but what about the profession, you’re the one who’s now bashing me for my profession, why didn’t you think about this profession, when you shot an innocent woman, yes, you made a mistake here, but were you? don’t worry, it’s also the turn of preobrazhenskaya, oh you, oh you creature, kira, kira, kira, kira, that's it, that's enough, cinema, dobino, coat, what's wrong with him, and dimo, pencils, codenys,
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winnings. lilies of the valley, lilies of the valley, okay, but if he has such a serious roof, why would he shoot at you then, well, his nerves were gone, he probably grabbed the traumatizer, or maybe he thought that his connections, well, up there would help hush up the matter, yeah. but how is this solomonov normal? well, i don’t know how much one can call a criminal a normal person, but i think he will pass the psychiatric examination with a bang. uh-huh, i see. so, well, dacha false testimony, he was warned, and uh-huh, yeah, he was warned. so what, what, what,
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what? interesting surnames of suvorov? at least one thing will ever be problem-free for you, but sasha, that is, you want to say that you started to improve after constructive criticism, 14 terminals were discovered, that’s for sure, but why? solomonov, one suspect, one case, a big deal, but one thing,


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