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tv   Za granyu  NTV  March 28, 2024 4:45pm-5:51pm MSK

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a resident of an astrakhan high-rise building is afraid that her neighbor’s 26 dogs will kill her thirteen-year-old daughter. in our studio tatyana mamleeva with her daughter sofia. tatiana, sofia, hello. your neighbor keeps her dogs in the most ordinary way. yes, my neighbor keeps dogs in a nine-story building, in a two-room apartment. are there any other animals besides dogs there? yes, there are more cats there, about 20, 20, yes. and the neighbor who set up a nursery at home? you can’t call it a nursery, because the nursery takes care of animals, but she doesn’t take care of her animals. how close do you live to her? our apartment doors are opposite each other.
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we try not to run into each other with our neighbor, she smells very strongly, and after her, this trail remains of a terrible smell, and if she passes in the elevator, then in the elevator too, we had to deal with her animals, there were such cases, that the dogs attacked my daughter, i was not there. sofia, please tell us in detail what happened, and my grandfather and i were leaving the apartment, we go to the elevator, the doors open. she, with her dogs , they began to bark, become aggressive, rush at me, i was very scared, they did not bite you, and they did not have time to bite me, since my grandfather pushed me back, thereby protecting me, and how many dogs were there? three dogs, big, yes, big dogs, they didn’t have muzzles on them, no, they didn’t have muzzles on them, the neighbor’s dogs attacked at you once, twice, the girl and i were also leaving the apartment, and she opened... the doors
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, and dogs ran out, barked, rushed, and grandfather shielded me with himself, not allowing me to be offended. ekaterin, how to defend yourself if a dog attacks you? you need to behave calmly, stand up, without waving your arms too much. this probably applies to dogs that could have been genetically trained, for example, a shepherd, a doberman, and so on. and here. if these are mongrels, they generally have something in their genetics that in any case they have fear, fear for their life, here you can make some kind of movement, as if you were picking up a stone from the ground to swing, here you can scare off this flock a little. tatyana, do you live together with your daughter in an apartment with such a bad neighbor? no, my parents live there, so i go there all the time. sofia, after the attack, you began to come to visit less often... and
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grandfather, i come with the fear that i will go out and they will attack me again, there is such fear, but you would like to go to visit your grandparents and not i was afraid that dogs would bite you, but i wanted you to go out calmly, i didn’t even think that some dog would attack you, run out and bite you. sofia, thank you for coming to us today, we will see you off now, and we will continue the conversation with your mother. jean , well, agree, but it’s wrong that neighbors are afraid to go home because of other people’s animals, well, to be honest, it’s terrible, of course, it ’s terrible and you just get discomfort at home in your own entrance, you ’re just thinking once again, how to get up, how to get down, plus of course all these smells, this it would be wrong, if, well, of course, if let’s say there were 26 dogs there, yes, you say, no one contacted the authorities, because if such a thing was constantly contacted by the police, but it doesn’t open to anyone, tatyana, it only smells... from the neighbors or in general from
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her whole apartment smells from the whole apartment, even in the entire entrance, the smell is such that neighbors from other apartments complain, not just us... who live opposite, from the fifth floor, and even from the fourth, the neighbor lives on the eighth floor , what other problems do you have because of your neighbor? you are there, endless barking , 24/7, it’s really hellish noise, dogs make them bark, they howl, when she’s not at home, they fight among themselves, i suggest you listen right now to the noise you endure every day, it’s unbearable, this kind of constant noise is an irritant for our nervous system,
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in general noise is a very aggressive factor, so it’s not for nothing that we have sanitary regulations that normalize the noise level, but here’s what we heard in the story... constant barking when absent the owner , the crowding of a large number of animals in a small living space, which is not intended to be such a nursery, a foster home, the dogs are cramped, they bark for a reason, they call their owner, they want to take a walk, so they irritate each other, but the neighbors are hostages of this situation , this noise disturbs sleep, people do not rest at night, this leads to nervous system and gastrointestinal disorders. tract due to a nervous system disorder, endocrine diseases, cardiovascular, in a neighbor hypertensive crises can be triggered by just such a stressful effect of constant noise. what we heard is unacceptable in an apartment
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building. tatyana, do you, or your parents, have any health problems that can be caused specifically by dogs, well, what is natalya talking about? yes, yes, my mother has health problems. just caused by this situation with dogs, and her blood pressure often rises, and once there was such a case, she made a remark from her neighbor about this barking again, the neighbor reacted very angrily, my mother was very upset because of this, she just had a hypertensive crisis. natalya, where should i go in this case? these are territorial bodies of rospotrebnadzor and also have the authority to check noise levels. noise, you have the right to go to court, citing that your rights to a healthy environment are being violated, that
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the noise level is exceeded, the court may ultimately decide that it is permissible to prohibit your neighbor from making noise or in some other way to protect your rights as a co... you’ve already been suffering from these troubles from your neighbor, to put it mildly, for about eight years , exactly, constant barking, howling, an unpleasant smell, and all this you have some kind of angelic patience, you know, tatyana, the owner of the menagerie assures that her dogs only bark
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in the morning and do not cause inconvenience to neighbors, in our studio nadezhda ponomarenko, hello, hello, hope! make it clear right away how many dogs and cats you have? 20-25, somewhere around how many cats? somewhere around 11-14, like that. you don't know the exact number of your animals? no, i do not know. a why? and my loved ones, i’m my family, how can i consider them something, they are my dear ones. where do you get so many animals? animals we took this dog , my grandson liked the dog. how many years ago is this? now my grandson is 13, somewhere like this, then they found a small dog in the garage. she was the only one left, apparently everyone there had already been killed, maybe her mother was there , i don’t know, so we took one, this jessie, we took the gray one, and the first one was called jessie, that’s a dick, two further on, when she grew up, i stylized her and carried a dog , this jessie, everything was fine, about 5 years old she started giving birth to me, they brought you
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puppies, how many dogs there were, so she brought me the first four kittens, and the dogs continued to breed, of course, but you didn’t have you taken any steps to stop it happening to me? there was no money for sterilization, even sterilization was per kilogram, it was already growing, increasing, increasing, sterilization was already expensive, but with dogs , let’s say, of course, with cats, we took the first cat when we moved in. as expected, the cat there was a haze of us, then i was in an orphanage, we have an orphanage there, a siamese cat, a siamese cat, she grew up, so they moved on , well, that is, the cats also just multiplied, yes, but it turns out that you have about 40 animals in an apartment, well, how many square meters are there in an apartment, 48.5, that is, a little more than 1 k per animal, so you take a step, this is another animal, another step, you have a place left, but you can’t see them there at all, i don’t i know, it’s the kitchen,
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we have a long corridor, you can’t see them there, the dogs are big in general, we only have one dick big, the rest are all small, hope , that is, you’re not cramped and they don’t cause you any inconvenience, i’m in the bedroom, they’re in the hallway, and how do cats get along with dogs, and they’re in the bedroom with me, dogs are in the hallway, they’re in different rooms, ekaterina, how many animals can you keep in one?
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so we went for a walk with two and three dogs , they stood near the elevator, the elevator opened and these three dogs ran out and attacked her , father, father defended her, that is , behind her back, i don’t even know this at all, i hear this at all, who was with your animals? my husband was walking, the dog goes out on a leash, comes in on a leash, only in the apartment we unhook it, and why without a dog muzzle? but because they are aggressive through a muzzle, you can only walk your dog in public places wearing a muzzle, because of violation of this rule, a fine is provided, the entrance is a public place, i explain to you, you are not the owner there, it is not your property, it is the property of all owners, therefore, in public areas you must also wear a muzzle, you have the right to call the police,
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if you see a violation of the law, if the dog is without a muzzle, what liability comes depends on the region in moscow, for example, it could be 5,000 rubles. did you know the hopes about this, about these fines, no , i didn’t know anything at all, how do you walk such a pack of dogs, i physically can’t just walk everyone, so i wear blue rags, i then wash them every day, they see what’s hanging on me rags every day, tell me tatyana, i’m not getting enough. yes, but i remove them right away. nadezhda, you realize that for the dogs themselves, the conditions you are, in general, unbearable. dogs should go for walks, they should not relieve themselves in the apartment, they obviously need more space than a meter per dog. okay, i’m telling you, we tried, my children tried , they went online, they came out, we wanted to give them to a shelter, shelters, shelters say, we don’t take pets, some don’t even have pipes, you have a hopeless situation . he just doesn’t want to part with the animals, it’s really a hopeless situation, or she’s
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tatyana, hope is not lying, she thinks that he doesn’t want to part with animals, because the neighbors, not only my parents, and we told them about the animals, but in general the neighbors of the entire entrance asked her to get rid of the animals, well, not get rid of them, but give them away, give them away, give them away, what was her answer? she ignores, she says, i like it that way, you don’t like it, no one approached me, no one approached me, no one spoke to me like a human being, they should have come and said , maybe they can help you with something, otherwise everyone just keeps coming, she says, the neighbors friends came, came, you don’t open or launch anyone, tatyana, have you ever been inside nadezhda’s apartment, didn’t you see the conditions, wouldn’t it be interesting to take a look, a question, it wasn’t easy, but we managed of course, we are all neighbors wondering about this,
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to visit nadezhda and look at her cats and dogs, let’s all take a look together, sixty-four-year-old nadezhda panomarenko barely opens the door of her apartment in astrakhan when her pack of dogs runs towards her, the number of pets in the narrow corridor is too many to count, guys, what did they bring you? a what did they bring you? for you, for you, the owner has allocated a separate room for adult dogs, here they eat, play and relieve themselves. over there they are walking on a rag , you see, they were sitting on a rag, you see, they peed on a rag , you see, there is no urine, there is nothing, you see, everything is clean, i use it to wash and clean everything here, the woman placed cats and puppies with herself in the bedroom, tailed animals sleep in boxes or with the owner on the bed, animals destroyed her renovation, she admits hope, but
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it’s not scary, because she has grandiose plans to transform the home, i want panels here. here are the panels where they scratch , they don’t scratch the panels, but i want a tiger here , something, a tiger here, a leopard here, something like that, and here the wallpaper will work, i don’t want a bed, i ’ll throw out the bed , i want a sofa, a bed, a sofa, all her free time, says the pensioner, is spent on caring for her four-legged roommates and maintaining perfect cleanliness in the apartment, i get up at 8 in the morning, clean everything i can, what’s on top? then i feed them, then i wash these floors, here then i wash the floors at night, and during the day, if i need to go to the market, then i soak these rags and these rags, then i take some off, hang others at night, everything is in bleach, everything is in powder, she feeds the cats and dogs three times a day, in the diet barking and meowing, dry food, pasta,
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bones, fish, skins, rich broths, so much food, there. here are the skins , that’s it, everything is there, bones like these, chicken bones, like these, i make broth with them, i cook with them, listen, before this story i only felt sorry for the neighbors, now i feel sorry for the animals, i understand that you can't count them, because they are swarming there with these dogs, what kind of bones do you give them, only bones are left from the dog, not even fur, they are half-haired, this is a vitamin deficiency. ekaterin, comment on the condition of the animals in this video, please , normal condition, are you saying that the condition of many animals in the video is clearly serious , perhaps the old one, which is jessica, she doesn’t even have vitaminosis, as you said, she has most likely
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endocrinological disorders, because she really does not have enough hair, she old for a long time already. natalya , as you can see, i feel sorry for everyone, i feel sorry for the owner, i feel very sorry for the animals, it is clearly clear that there are a lot of health problems among animals, there are demodecos, most likely, and staphylococci, there, i don’t know, i feel sorry for the owner herself, how she herself didn’t catch anything at all, especially with regards to walking there in general. it’s not in vain that they say, it’s not in vain that they say: we are responsible for those we have tamed, where is your responsibility, this is the torture of animals so that they are killed again, let’s have them killed in the street, what are you you are doing, this is unacceptable, it is not clear who needs to call for help, this neighbor or this one, help, that is, this is what we saw, we really need help here,
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this is all about doing something about this, and this can be called cruel treatment, she is here in good faith, maybe she is mistaken. that she saves, helps, in fact creates a not very favorable environment for herself and for others, there is a cruel attitude towards animals, this is the appearance, that animals are not walked, that they are sick, that is, this is suitable for a cruel attitude towards animals, who else were attacked by the dogs of hope and what claims the other neighbors would make against the owner, the dog was walking, she suddenly ran up to me from behind, bit me on the buttock, we find out immediately after the advertisement they dreamed of marrying him. fans of the group nana, oh, it’s a shame, it’s a shame that it’s the first time to go out in shorts, and vladimir politov chose an unknown olga as his wife, more than 29 years old, and how old are you, i’m 53 years old. why did nanaets hide his chosen one for 5 years? he is a rather private person, and for a woman this sounds
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because their neighbor keeps 25 dogs at home. hope, because your dogs relieve themselves in your apartment, the smell is probably strong. i clean, i tell you everything, i clean everything, i wipe all the doors, i open everything windows, i have a draft like this, here tatyana knows, if you open the hall, all this, with us it’s all drafty, where it comes from.
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and wool is a strong allergen, of course, the hair of animals, both cats and dogs, is the strongest allergen, and this is the most common allergen, cat hair, then not only wool is an allergen, it is also the dander of animals, first of all, drool, any discharge, these are all allergens, it is all carried into common areas on clothes, the owner, the animals themselves, if these are dogs, it all ends up in the ventilation apartment building in such quantity. of course, in constant contact with an allergen , with a certain genetic predisposition, an allergy can develop, but it’s not only allergies that are scary, it’s generally the air quality with such an amount of hair, it’s suspended air particles that affect the respiratory tract and can contribute to the development of various
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cut, he cut off, he cut off the weld, that is , he cut off the door, the only disagreement is whether she asked or not, hope, now we’re talking about dogs, tan, they don’t get along all day long, that’s right, when i leave, they start howling , they bark and pester for literally 2 minutes, that’s it, bloom , they don’t bark all day, then when you leave, they bark endlessly until you come absolutely right, how do you know how they
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behave when you leave here. they sleep in silence, they are not only not walked, they are questionably fed, they live crampedly in one corridor and in one room, where all 25 dogs are crowded together, isolated from the other twenty cats in this two-room apartment. in addition, the conditions for keeping the animal implies preventive courses against helminths, because on the paws, on the fur, under the nails, there are eggs and worms everywhere, which are transmitted from adults to puppies
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and even... puppies that have not gone outside, they are infected with ticks that irritate them , why animals itch, parasites that bite them, blood-sucking, these parasites transmit the larval stage of helminths, so this cycle of crowding aggravates this problem. hope, this doesn’t scare you, a whole bunch of diseases are listed, you, yours may have it animals, but nothing hurts me at all, but nothing hurts animals? no, what do you feed dogs and cats? i feed cats, dry food, liquid food, of course, i buy these skins for 10 rubles each, these skins for 10 rubles each, i buy heads, boil it all, i say, then i cook these bones for 25, i take pork bones, i choose these soft cartilages , so that there are bones, i choose, this is how much money you spend, by the way, somewhere between 5-8, and what is your income per month, i
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have half a pension now, it’s just that i have... you money ekaterina has enough for herself to feed her animals, everything that hope feeds her pets. this is generally normal food for animals, due to the fact that, probably, these are mongrel animals, it’s in their genetics to survive, they are still alive, if there was any other dog, a french bulldog, the only bone, just a little bit now the owner i would be at an appointment for severe pain due to pancreatitis, this is the pancreas, dogs generally cannot digest or tolerate fat, but bones yes... this is the moment when they clog the intestines, bones, not even a millimeter of bone is digested in the dog’s body, that is, they ate it and they came out, and of course the animals suffer very much, that is, the process of this keeping
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in the house of hope is a slow death for animals, what a horror, hope, we so we looked at the footage and it’s clear that you have problems with frequency at home, in my opinion, do you have insects at home? no, it used to be, now my daughter buys this, some powders, in short, it’s diluted with a liter of water, you say that you don’t have insects, but your your neighbor claims that she sweeps kilograms of cockroaches out of her apartment after you bred four dozen animals, our guest is liliya stupina, hello, liliya, shameless, i helped, i carried her bags, is there really that much in your house? do you know that you sweep away kilograms of them? well, we have a large number of cockroaches periodically appear, that is, we constantly poison them and they come to us again from a neighbor who has bred a very large number of dogs and cats, do you mean hope? yes, sure,
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and nadezhda says that she has no insects at home, do you believe that? no, of course, hope, where does he live relative to you? it happens on my riser, that is, higher up, all the neighbors say that according to our riser they all have cockroaches in the basement. i note that with the number of animals it is difficult to see the walls, let alone cockroaches. lil, how long have you been fighting cockroaches? oh, for several years now. and in professional stores, that is, these products and traps help for a short period of time, that is, they
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disappear, then reappear again. if a person constantly breathes in insect poison, how does this affect the body? of course, this is not useful, especially since the lady participant said that she bought dust. this is generally a highly toxic substance, it irritates the respiratory tract, again a risk factor for the same diseases, respiratory tract disease, i regard all this as a health risk, of course. lily, are cockroaches the only insects that crawl to you from your neighbor? but no, there was one period when aunt nadya fed the birds, that is, she hung a five-liter bottle, poured food into it, this feeder hung above mine.
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the pigeon will go, you don’t have fleas , hope, no, i have, of course, where do i get fleas from, well, she, of course, won’t have them if they all sit with her, feed, all these feces fly to us. natalya, what are the dangerous fleas that lilia is talking about? well, fleas, firstly, parasitize animals; when dogs groom themselves and bite them, then by eating the fleas, they end up with the flea. dog gastrointestinal tract, the larval stage of helminths, thus infecting dogs and circulating in this entire ecosystem, all parasites, so the dog is a source of infection for humans, parasitic
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infections occur both by contact and through saliva, ascaritis eggs, common lettuce, bovine tapeworm, and also birds are transmitted, they suffer from their own diseases, they also have ticks, they are also carriers, and such close proximity is not good at all, it’s dangerous, it ’s not for nothing that your neighbors are sounding the alarm, hope, you generally take animals to the veterinarian if they they don’t get sick, are they vaccinated or what, i have this dig vaccinated, one of the twenty-25 dogs is vaccinated, when it is not clear, and what is unknown, ekaterina, you need to take an animal to the veterinarian not only when it gets sick, how often an animal can get sick, but the owner can find out about this right up until he begins to develop the ogoni state and dies in a few seconds, one did not die, but - this could be, natalya, how often should dogs be taken to the veterinarian for examination? and what vaccinations should i get? for rabies mandatory
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vaccination of all pets, cats, dogs in the apartment, in russia it is free. allah, what threatens a person if he is bitten by a dog without a rabies vaccination? if a dog , god forbid, has rabies, it bites a person, rabies at the moment is a disease that has no cure and is 100% fatal . lilya, have your neighbors ever been attacked by dogs? yes? or cases, it was last year, and i went to the store , it turned out, it was very slippery, there was ice, i slipped, well, no matter how i fell, i just gasped, at that moment for a dog was walking with a young couple, it suddenly ran up to me from behind, bit me on the buttock, but it couldn’t bite through, since i was wearing a very thick down jacket, this is your dog, damn it, who was it? this is your dog, wait, i called the authorities that are catching. dogs, at that moment you ran out into the street
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and said that this dog that bit me was by this catcher, that this is your personal dog, and it was not taken, which dog is personal, yes, you forgot this fact when dog walkers came, such a fact, lilya, hope, and you understand what could have happened if god forbid there had been a bite, this dog is vaccinated, whether your dog is sick, no one knows, including you... why has nadezhda’s son not been visiting her for 3 years, did she really get dozens of dogs and cats to escape loneliness? we will hear answers to these questions very soon. buy everything you wanted in installments for 24 months with the holva card.
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how marat basharov saved a person, i’m happy that i had the opportunity to participate, you won’t believe it, on saturday at 220 on ntv. beyond the limits, this is beyond the limits, the neighbors cannot find justice for a pensioner who keeps 25 dogs and 14 cats in her apartment. lily, knowing the love of hope for animals, street dogs, she does not feed, very constantly, she feeds, walks, every single day. in the morning and in the evening she goes to water the dogs, no, only in the evening, in the morning only the girls feed, in the evening she goes and i feed, there are five dogs in total, five, i bought collars for them so that they wouldn’t have them, they are sterilized, they are on state duty , in short, they are all numbered, wait, you have sterilized dogs on the street, in your apartment they are not sterilized ,
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they took the shelter, they were small, they were planted, we they were raised, they were raised in a tepeshka there at a thermal center, then they grew up, they were taken to this shelter, then they were released after 3 weeks, and already typed, sterilized, which means they can go somewhere.
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taking into account repairs. vladislav, if we return to the issue with stray dogs, where to go if there are too many stray animals in the yard. in this case, it is better to call the police and... accordingly, the police can already attract the appropriate services, well , they will figure out what is actually happening there. lilya, and you said, once you
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were lucky, yes, you were attacked, the down jacket protected you, there were other cases, yes, there was another case when i was walking my little yorkie dog, we were returning from a walk, that is, we were standing near the elevator , as usual, we waited, the elevator came down, the door opened and from there, simply with a huge bark, our dogs, but i didn’t hear it at all, the first time i heard this, it’s all fake, it’s all fake, it’s sitting here and will invent on purpose, what did i do to you, what did i
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do to you, and why did you say hello, don’t say anything, why are you so double-faced , tanya smile, come up, hello , don’t say anything to my face, you ’re getting along with me, thank you for helping, thank you for helping, and now what are you saying, you’re sitting there, my dear, why are they slandering you, why? ? i don't know, it's okay for mother's sake not my prayer how was she so sick in life, i understand her , but i don’t understand you, i don’t understand lilya at all, i like it, my dear, i always helped you, how can you say all this, i didn’t carry you, i didn’t help you bags carry my bag from the elevator once, your neighbors didn’t come to lie about you and tell some kind of lies, they want... for you to understand this, so that together with you, here a person gave you excellent advice, as an example like someone just moved, yes, you
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gave away at least one dog, you have a valid an advertisement on the internet that constantly says that you will give these dogs away, then you say that these dogs on the street that you feed in the homeless, someone there has sterilized them for free, so be sure to ask for the phone number here this kind person who didn’t give this... advertisement, i don’t have the internet, but the children have the internet, that’s right, yes, but they have no code, my son has six children, the children know that you have such a problem with your neighbors , no, i don’t talk, but they visit you often, they can’t visit, i have my son works , he has one day off on sunday, i go to them, despite this, your son, hope, believes that neighbors should help you and not judge you, in our... studio oleg panomarenko, hello, oleg, hello, oleg , my mother always had
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a lot of animals at home, no, no, when we moved , i was about eight years old, she had one cat, we had one, then somewhere, while i lived there, for about 20 years, somewhere- then seven or eight animals appeared, then i got married, moved away, and you know how many there are now, well, according to my mother about 20, 25, some dogs, dogs, windows , about 10, probably, but do you think this is normal, well, to be honest, no, of course, where to go, where to put these animals, i think it’s necessary just to help, i, when my mother called me about three or four years ago, when i found out how many animals there were, i didn’t know before, she help me, she says, we tried, how we tried, tell me, we looked on the internet for these nurseries, uh, they called, in some places they didn’t pick up, in others they said there were no places, well, it’s not easy, it’s not easy, sterilize animals. there are no, no, unfortunately, no finances left for this, but do you know, oleg, that your mother has problems with
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her neighbors because of her pets? yes, i heard about this, she told me, but not like that , again she told me about the seventh floor, she told me that they constantly threaten her there , on the seventh floor, they threaten her, yes, she writes a text message threatening her there, then on the eighth floor she, the door was flooded, she had a stroller for my sister, for my child, but my sister didn’t have a stroller. the neighbor threw out this stroller, then there was a bicycle, as he told me , for my son, again the neighbor from the eighth floor took it, they threw it away, why do the neighbors do this, well, animals are probably in the way, as i understand it, dogs are in the way, cats are in the way, most likely, but this from the words again, the neighbors say, and you visit your mother, the last time i visited her was about three years, or rather, i didn’t come for three years, i was with her, but i didn’t go into the house, but because i i don’t have a specific time, i work for 6 days, i have one. the day is just a day off, but in this way case, i think you will be curious to see what your mother’s apartment looks like now, where they are not well-groomed, where they
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are sad, one sick person, how do you like it, well, you understand what? my mother is such a person in her own right, she, she is kind, she takes pity on all these animals, she, and the animals are good, you think, i think it’s good, she takes care of them, she walks, he, i personally i say to me, mom, where are you, i went to the dog market for bones, yul, by the way, maybe this is some kind of compensation, yes, replacement, for lack of attention from a son, from a daughter, loneliness in general is replaced by so many animals, yes, this is really possible when a person accumulates animals and there really is such a thing... which perhaps shows that communication with pathetic, real people is not of sufficient quality, not close enough, there is no love and acceptance from people , and through such a large number of animals, a person compensates for this love and acceptance with them. oleg, don’t you
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feel sorry for your mother that she lives in such conditions, of course , but how can you not feel sorry for her that she lives like this? get rid of extra animals, problems with and do you think that after mom there will be no neighbors? so i would like them to not have problems, i would like, let's listen to what other neighbors say about your mother, come on, peter milnikov's apartment is located three floors below the shelter of the dogs and cats that nadezhda pa has arranged for her.
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they’re crawling, it’s right here, just a bunch of pipes , as you can see, everything is sprinkled here, another neighbor galina khalova says that she generally tries to leave the apartment as little as possible, because of the stench that hangs in entrance, you can suffocate, the smell from her is so impossible, it smells like urine, and feces, and in general it hurts your eyes, it’s even some kind of nightmare, in addition, the woman is afraid that the aggressive neighbors’ dogs...
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emotional stress, due to this increases high blood pressure, you have to take medicine, oleg, we didn’t expect that there were so many dissatisfied people, well, of course not, about these wolfhounds, i don’t know at all, she’s walking with two dogs, some kind of wolfhounds, the pain of the neighbors you don’t understand, dogs are bothering them, cockroaches are bothering them, so instead so that the neighbors...
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at least they could get together again , i asked this question to say, let's somehow resolve this issue, these dogs are bothering them , as they are, the gentlemen are not obliged to do anything, on the contrary , yes, the neighbors are not obligated to you, the neighbors are making a claim they are making claims, but they have already said that they were trying to get ready to explain , they don’t hear, and you let’s say for a second, a second, this is your this is your mother, yes, you are a son, a daughter, you are, after all, you are her successor, you should get ready, not come to the yard, but go up to your mother, to your dear one, sit down at table say mommy
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come on yes they shouldn’t, their rights to a normal environment, they have property rights to their property, their apartments, are you violating? noise, unsanitary , unsanitary conditions, you are talking from the position that your neighbors owe you, you owe it, you can ask your neighbors, not demand, but you demand, is it possible to try on your neighbors’ hope, don’t miss the most important thing. all her life emma has been tormented by the question of why her mother abandoned her and her brother and her mother-in-law disappeared. i
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have never seen my mother. the woman knows that one day mom sent a letter, which grandmother hid from the children. the grandmother was secretive about these conversations; did the beloved grandmother herself take away her grandchildren, depriving her daughter-in-law of parental rights? maybe for her? she said: don’t appear in their lives. will amy be able to find out the truth about her birth? maybe she found someone, but we got in the way, she wanted attention from men, and the family seemed to be a bit of a burden to her. we have four brothers, did mom have children from her first lie? i don’t know, this woman looks a lot like my mother. we were looking through the photographs, and she said that this is a girl, this is a boy, these are my children. i'm hiding. dna envelope, today at 17:50 on ntv. 5 minutes of silence, new season, today at 20:00 on ntv. five percent gel
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hope, that is, you are ready to give all the animals into the good hands of a specialist and keep only two dogs, and jesse and gitva are ready for yours, ready, yes, yes, yes, but no one will help us, natalya , i want to turn to you, you can take on the issue of placing these animals in order to help your neighbors first, yes, i will take this matter under personal control, i will contact the shelters that you have is in astrakhan, and we will place all your animals, after 3 weeks they will be chipped, they will be sterilized, after 3 weeks they will be thrown out onto the street, they will not be thrown out, but why are you so sure, why are you so sure, i will trace the path of the animals, you can them to come and be a volunteer of the astrakhan plot here are the nurseries, and look at the dam, you can come and see these animals, you are a bitch. evgeniy, if nadezhda
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does not keep her promise and does not give up the animals, where should the neighbors turn and , most importantly, can you defend their interests in this case, then we will go to court with a claim obliging her to vacate the premises from these houses.


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