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tv   Doznavatel-2  NTV  March 29, 2024 2:40am-3:21am MSK

2:40 am
and i tell him: put it on your head , you idiot, you’ve already chosen it, elechka, is it you, wow, have you decided to start an honest working life, it was me who put you here, will you place an order or not, so what? it’s a lot, they give you a tip, you chose something, girls, i present to your attention, a thief in prison.
2:41 am
it’s no wonder they didn’t call the cathedral, the jocks are not fighters , the criminal rose , wow, that’s right, stasik, it’s so normal, get up , why are you lying there, kira, i ’ll wait for you on the street next time, yeah, suvora, a gift for you, we took the two of us , yeah, so i’m getting ready to write something crazy. tolya,
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elechka, what happened, is everything okay? yes, everything is bad, tula, i can’t do anything at all, even work as a waitress. el, well, no, no need to say that, but look what we have. where i called my mother from, she sent a whole bag of potatoes from the village, and potatoes - you know that potatoes are the head of everything, bread is the head of everything, bread, and well, yes, but potatoes are also good, you know how many different dishes can be made from them cook, but besides the meat, well, don’t be upset, but i don’t care about the captain they will give it to the captain, do we know how we will survive? and i’ve already peeled the potatoes, now
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we’ll fry them and fried ones are harmful, well, boiled potatoes are also delicious, but i’ll go to work anyway , but of course you will, yes olya, hello, well, what are your plans for the evening, yes, i remember, okay, i’ll call you when i’m free, come on , bye. uh, uh, you two, stand. okay, relax, cop, you have no complaints against us. let's goodbye. you're not going anywhere, obviously. who let you out? back off. sovorov, what's the matter? why are you yelling? so are you free? yeah. what's happened? these same two extortion. yesterday they were brought to kuharkovo with urine, and i interrogated them at night. still no business. why not? and like this. zabrodina withdrew his statement. that's it, that's it. closed, i
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’m generally suvorov, don’t test my patience , i don’t have rubber, but they don’t close cases so easily that they put pressure from above, yes, someone called, did you decide to interrogate me or something, and i said, the case is closed , that's it, sasha, go to work, free, i obey, comrade colonel, let's go. kira, why did borisovich already leave, it seems, but you don’t know why he’s so angry today, you you’ll be angry here, they’ll twist his arms from above , but it’s understandable that now he’ll take it out on us all day, but it’s a shame, well, if you’re a colonel, you’ll do the same, but well, it’s a shame that he hasn’t achieved the rank yet, listen, and you still have some- you don't need help, you mean? well, look at
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someone more carefully, look for something, that is, i missed the mark , now you regret it, yes, no, no need, nothing, well, still have a good day, kira. sash, why are you so taciturn today? don't pay attention, it's just a day today unlucky, maybe we’ll go somewhere, lift your spirits, come on, sasha, sash, who is this, so, an acquaintance, excuse me, i’ll just be a minute. what else do you need? i wanted to talk, explain, explain what, why did you do this, why did borischa force the criminals to be released? i 'm not interested. i'm interested in what else you will do for the sake of your reputation. sasha, you must learn to live in the real world. and let
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this be your father's science. i'm studying in a different program. sorry, my girlfriend is waiting for me. hi, sash, you are completely sad, what? it happened, it doesn’t matter, you said something about lifting the mood, yes, yes, yes , well, let’s go to the club, let’s go, just not to the club where those drunk idiots were, and why are you, a great club, and there are fights everywhere , just not everyone... and not with us, of course , well, come on, i’m listening to you, and katya told me that pash wants to marry her, they ’re even planning a honeymoon, you
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i knew, no, well, you men are all such conspirators, you really won’t get anything from you, oh, easy in sight, oh, san, great, come here, let's get out of here, sash, we just arrived, let's find another place, san, who was it with pasha, no matter what happened, nothing, let's go, find another club, who parks like that, hurry up!
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what are you doing? what do you see every day? you need to help the girl, you are the driver yourself? help, help! let's! the brave prince saves the beautiful princess on a blue horse. thank you! oh, our hero! well done! what a beautiful princess! thank you very much, no problem, hold on, stupid car, something else
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happened, it won’t close, oh, thanks again once, you're welcome, she's so pretty, well, i'm shocked, well, she's really pretty. thank you, please, hello, hello, why didn’t you find it strange that she set the car alarm for so long, nothing strange, a typical blonde, not a car . scan, let's go check it out, but there's no offense , let's hurry up, why are you digging around there? now, no, let's go check it out, my intuition has never let me down, sasha, lunch is not rubber, let's go, let's go, let 's have lunch first, cops, what are we going to do, yes
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it’s too late to rush around, why don’t you call the squad, yeah, what have you arrived? we’ve arrived, we’ve arrived, pasha, why are you here, then? what's wrong again, what happened? there are already two reports of resignation, bor, if things go like this, who will we work with? pasha, just give it up, go ahead, just don’t panic, pasha, let’s don’t panic, okay, people come and leave, but the organs remain, as i said, sineka, kolamitos, vertutios, okassio, why, well, a trial disaster stone of valor, well, yes, by the way, you didn’t see the kumach, no, but i didn’t... anyone at all i haven’t seen it, yeah, clearly, but i hope it works, i hope, i hope, i hope, pasha,
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i hope, just think, his wife left for america, she’s not his wife, but who cares, life happens in all sorts of ways, but what is it, yeah, look , the investigators are also working, and you were worried , take care of your heart, i wish you health, i wish you health , yeah, so... melkumen, suvor, stand, who are the hijackers, detained at the crime scene, yeah, i saw it, eh you say, there’s no one to work with, well done, eagles, come on, come on, come on, well done, work, work, well, i hope they don’t kill us anything to please you, eh? what, he hit me, stasik, you hit my friend, come on,
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listen, kiron hit me too, give him his hand here, well, let's go? let's take a look, let's go, you're heavy, kir, that's what i think, stas, how are you, i don't know, everything seems to be okay. kir, he shot me point-blank, how come he didn’t kill me
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, but only shot through my shirt, well, that means he was born in a shirt, yeah, but that’s not bad, oh, stasik, yes, it’s a hangover, now we’ll come to the department, we’ll get better , yeah, simple weapons work, amon, rebinin, vadik, you, or something, me, and you who? come on, the danger has passed. oh, guys, hello, i hear shots, and it’s you here, and who’s that? kharya, an acquaintance, a damn recidivist, on the wanted list, for sure, i saw him in the photo, but i was running around, it says here that your mother is a disabled person of the first group, do you think if you go to jail, this will contribute to her recovery, to her treatment need money. a lot of money, to earn such a sum in a short period of time, why did you commit a crime, but
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for the sake of my mother, i will do anything, okay, who gave you the order for the theft, don’t you you understand that you are about to go to the colony by steam locomotive, the one who gave you the order will find other idiots. understandable, but you will have plenty of time to think. kira , well, you’re there, don’t forget about me, i still helped you, when, well, when i heard the shot, i came to the rescue, well, you ’ll indicate there in the report, yeah, we’ll indicate, badik, we’ll indicate, thank you , but the face won’t crack, well, kira, why are you sorry or something, come on, my land, well, that means you should be busy, you heard, but the pockmarks are already completely fearful... stas, well, kirill! yes yes,
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i'm sorry, i was told this is where i can find my saviors. hello! hello , yes, of course, it’s us, the saviors, come in , please, take a seat, my name is ashot, this is sasha, well, it doesn’t matter, what, hang on, yes, you wanted something, i didn’t know what else? i could give it as a gift , i hope i guessed right, yes, of course, you guessed it, i’m now organizing everything with cups, i hope you’re not in too much of a hurry , i’m in a hurry, my friend is getting married, if it weren’t for you, i would have been late for the wedding, boy, i’ll tell you grateful, uh-huh, goodbye, goodbye dates, yes, what perfume, what lips, what temperament, sasha, i fell in love, and why do you say the same thing about every girl, young people
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don’t understand yet, oh, you might think that sand is falling from you, listen, they are everything to us these bottles are being carried around for a while, but will they be installed soon? nowhere, move, i didn’t realize that it was here the day before yesterday, there was a whole battery of bottles, and the cook came in yesterday, he told the redneck that he was ill, he needed some treatment, yeah, oh, lie down, have a drink, what’s left there, and what happened, and what happened , what is this, oh, whiskey, it will do, i will i have to, but what happened, our life is short, tomorrow may not come... never , pull yourself up, you need to drink less, yeah, borya, what happened again, can you imagine, i just brought some food, yeah, four people are asking to come to us, yeah, excellent track records, yeah, i'm wondering who to choose, yeah, yeah, okay, well, i told you that
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the black streak will end someday, but here you go, let's keep it for you, and then i'll i'll take a look, well, i... brought it to you so that you can choose, yeah, okay, listen, and me today the cooks and the red calf were also delighted, can you imagine, they took the baked goods, what are you saying, yes, here we are saying good morning to our neighbors, but life is getting better, but pasha’s life, it’s striped, give me a cigarette, pasha, and pasha, listen, you tell ours, let them not particularly celebrate this matter, otherwise give them free rein, you know, it will begin, pasha, i said, you heard, do it, yes,
2:58 am
hello, lord! what is it this time? am i normal? i see what kind of holiday? what holiday to sit around? what, do you need a holiday? that is, now we are biting for no reason, yes? lilya, stop it, okay? i'm a drunk, here i am, a drunk, i need a reason, i'm alive! yeah, i came home, but i might not have come, hmm, this is not a reason, this is a very good reason, a reason, uh-huh , i calmed down, well, go, water it, you need to, fire,
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no one, everything seems to be quiet. come quickly, heart, ready, great, let's go! oh, i don't understand! lil,
3:00 am
what are you doing, i repeat the question, if you weren’t at your workplace at night, where were you? i told you, the situation is like this, well, i can’t let a man down, you are a man, and i am a man, but a man must understand a man, i ask for the third time, where did you go at night with parking lot, what difference does it make, where, what, okay , i’ll explain, on your shift , a car is stolen from the parking lot, by the way, a very expensive one, you were absent, where you were, you refuse to say, hence the conclusion, you were in cahoots with criminals, but you have no alebi , i have. alibi, great, i ’m listening to you carefully, so we’ll play the game of silence, but what was the question, where were you
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at night, if you weren’t in the parking lot, i was absent, where, i can’t say, okay. please stretch out your hands, don’t shake, what are you doing, i’m not to blame for anything, there is no punishment without guilt, where does the phrase come from, where, i know, that’s it, lesh, take him away, then we’ll figure it out, well, let’s go, let ’s remember the classics. let's get in, oh, so you say , the car was new, new, yeah , it has almost zero mileage, i bought it as a gift, for someone,
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for someone, my girlfriend, her birthday is in 2 days, and now you see, to hell with this car, i would buy another one, the boots are not a problem, i won’t have time for the airbrush, it’s not the best feature, you understand, yes, great for the workers, sorry, workers, get it. after that, and we’re working, and i just came here, that we’re standing there, who are we waiting
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for, kira, my dear, kira, i ’m disturbing you too, oh, why are you lukewarm here, how did it turn out to be my, i i came driving, let’s get my dear one into the car and sleep a little, i need you fresh, come on, come on, come on, sorov, i need him, he says there was airbrushing on the car , i gave it to my girlfriend as a gift, guys, you find her for me, it’ll take a long time i won’t stay, i know how to be grateful, but you understand me, i understand, i understand, of course, i understand, only you tell me what was painted on your car, every little detail is important to us , then we will definitely find it, you understand me, yes, sayh,
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i’m telling you, well, i can’t say, you ’re a man, i’m a man, a man’s man must understand what you are doing, now will you see what it is? give me your hand, why, i’ll show you something , that it’s a grenade, a real grenade, well, you ’re a real man, and the grenade is real, hold it tight, and now the most important thing, sit and think about what’s more important to you, your brains are all over it department. or truth, pure and immaculate, and if here you and this office are torn apart, then it’s okay, repairs still need to be done, i’ll come soon, what are you doing,
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help, and people, people, so, pasha, where are you going, well, where are you going, you asked, here i go check the kumach, yeah, kumach, well, let’s go, i ’ll go with you. people, people, wow, they are working , i look, so, where is cuba, help, let's run , where are you going, faster, lie down, what happened, rebinin, lie down, lie down, come on, it's about to explode, teaching, what, yes, well, you go to bed. boris borisov, tell me, if a person is walking and hears a shot, he runs there to help, everything is already there, thank god , resolve it well, what shot, then that’s it, then.
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kubach, lie down, lie down, lie down , come on, everything here is about to explode, and what kind of teaching is that, and there is a guy with a grenade in the office, a combat one, now it’s exploding, yeah, kubach, are you going to explode, colonel, someone has to do it, where, where, take it.
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kumach, this is what it is, and so i’m interrogating, yeah, this is educational, educational, educational, that means, well, i’m telling you, but you’re at my place, you’ve gone wild, you know, is that all here, come to my office, i understand, i'll come in, what? that means i’ll come in, that’s for sure, definitely yes... pasha is behind me, pribinin, why are you up, yes, take it off carefully, what?
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this is a request, if i thought badly of you , i wouldn’t come, a car was stolen last night , with a picture like this, you know people in the city where they could have been hidden, i’ll think about it, but knocking is not good, i’m not asking you to knock, i please help, this sounds much more noble,
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armen, okay, i’ll find out your title too, that’s it, thank you, go ahead, the phone is the same, 02, very funny, and devurekli, who’s there, open the police, hello, hello. from the police, me? yes, i’m from the police, yes, kirill alekseevich, major, i need to ask you a few questions, right here, i don’t understand, well, maybe we ’ll talk in the apartment, you come in, come in. are you
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going to ask a question now or maybe a little later? yes, maybe a little later, i ’m not in a hurry, well, you ’re standing in the doorway, you’re coming in, come in, tell me, let’s have some tea first, you’re terrible! do you like to drink tea alone in the evenings? and you? and i don’t like drinking tea at all, i would like something stronger, but stronger, stronger, don’t be shy, come on in, come on in!
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this is how you understand, yes, you need to drink less , okay, what is this, but remember,
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if you crawl drunk again, i’ll go to my mother, it’s clear, i didn’t crawl, but... i walked on my own, yeah, blah, blah - blah, this is a significant difference. hello, who? and soborov, are you? what time is it now? oh, the tip somehow worked,
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they called him and told him the address where our car could be? well, now i’ll pull stas, yes, i’ll pull kukharkov, yes, okay, go ahead. hello, stas, is it you, where did you go, but no one your stas can’t get drunk, what are you doing? i don’t understand, well, why did you jump up, you need to serve , why did you jump up, you’re a man, you’re always running somewhere, what do you have to do today... you have to cook, what? well, are you coming to dinner? i ’ll call,
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in general, the boss of the bargu, indeed, on the day of the abduction, he was with his mistress, that ’s for sure, it couldn’t be more accurate, i had a detailed conversation with the girl. in general, the thieves miscalculated the guard and stealing the car was easier than a steamed turnip. i see, where is stasik? and stasik is out of shape now. well, san, let's go to work. not the first time, just for the sake of it, don’t bother me, hold on. come on, control yourself.
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who are you, your master? shora, visyak, interesting surname, find him, do you know where? i'll show you, come on, come on, come in, come in, come in.
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buy groceries, tomatoes, cucumbers, sausages, sausage, bread, milk, yeah, right here on the left, call. bro, shora, it's me, veniam , venya, what the hell, let's talk , who are you, i'm your problem, go ahead, go ahead, guys, i'll be a bastard, there was no order for such a machine, and why do i need these problems anyway, well she’s all painted, well, who could ... steal one, you never know, but you know, in any
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business there is a division, in ours too, if something like that flashed somewhere, i would have known a long time ago , but i’m silent about others , ask them, i’m definitely unlucky this morning, why, i have one thought, well , let’s go where, to the department, of course, we’ll talk in more detail. and the division of business in individual criminal areas, did you understand what you said? i understood, yeah, then let's go, let's go, let's go, come on, let's.
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let's pass, thank you, free, yeah, sit down , you can, of course, ask how much light we have, and now it depends on you, i mean, remember your new legend, you were walking down the street, you felt bad, you saw a car with an open door, i put a comrade there , i was going to call an ambulance, then suvorov came at you, it was me and melkumyan, you didn’t touch anything, the car started up and drove off, and we all tried to stop it together , it’s clear why we need all this to go to the zone don’t sit down, we’ll change our airport, we’ll write, that they say they didn’t see any preparation for the theft , but i knew it, there’s always some but, but in return you should help us find people who could steal this car, other people’s car thieves wouldn’t come into our area, so as not to cause problems run into trouble, you should know your people , well, so, yes, there was such an order, but it was not
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for us, great, who is the customer, when, why, lyokha is a racer, he steals a car to order, they order him this or that brand, but he hires people through his intermediaries, uh-huh, this is it, he especially for his brother yuras he stole it himself, yuras is a street racer driving around the sun. highway, they bet a lot of money on it, and in order to win, they needed a car with a powerful engine, it’s now broken into rubbish, here’s lyokha the racer, he noticed this one with the drawing, so it’s complete stupidity to steal a car that’s all in airbrushing, it’s very noticeable, but it’s only for one race, there are no others, force majeure, yeah, force majeure.


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