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tv   Mesto vstrechi  NTV  March 29, 2024 2:00pm-4:00pm MSK

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that’s all, goodbye, good luck to you, today in our program we offer you 700,000 rubles for the terrorist attack on april 10 in the city they say, cat and mouse, children are becoming the target of ukrainian recruiters, like...
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centuries, including nine children, these numbers are today the tas agency reports, citing the disaster medicine center, and according to updated data, most of the victims were provided with outpatient care, but still 69 people are still in hospitals, and their condition is of varying severity. regarding the investigation crime, today the investigative committee announced that it had established a connection between the terrorists who attacked crocus cityhall and...
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it is also reported that the investigation has come into the hands of a suspect who was directly involved in this terrorist financing scheme. investigators examined the contents of phones and laptops seized from the criminals; data confirming transactions in their address on the territory of ukraine were found. the name of this attacker has not yet been announced, but the department reported that this next participant will soon be identified terrorist group will be tried and arrested. four direct perpetrators of the terrorist attack, all of them are under arrest, have already been included in the list of extremists and terrorists from rosinfomonitoring, well, the investigative committee is conducting searches where these people lived. it is known for sure that attacks have already taken place at two addresses, in a hostel on dmitrovskoye highway, where the youngest of the attackers, muhammad sabir fayzov, lived, in an apartment in putilkovo near moscow, where shamseddin fariduni rented an apartment. in the footage from there you can see how phased it is. during the arrest
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, the wounded man is carried out of the car in his arms and transferred to a gurney; the shot telegram channel reports that due to fayzov’s condition , his transfer to the matrosskaya tishina medical center is now being discussed, while in the meantime, each of the detainees is under round-the-clock surveillance in solitary confinement in the lifortovo pre-trial detention center. if they write or receive letters, they will not be checked by an ordinary prison officer, but by the investigator in charge of their cases. well, in tajikistan, as the ria novosti agency reports, on suspicion of... nine people have already been detained for involvement in the terrorist attack in krokos, all of them are suspected of having connections with the isis group, which is banned in our country. according to the mshsh telegram channel, the older brother of the terrorist mirzoev, who shot at the crocus, ravshan john, also appears on the list of the national bank of tajikistan, which includes those who are in one way or another connected with terrorism. allegedly, this older brother left tajikistan for syria back in 2016; according to unconfirmed reports, he died there in 2020, after.
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well, recently, perhaps, one of the the most decent speakers of the white house, john kirby. i want to take a moment to respond to the nonsense and propaganda we have been seeing in the last few days from the kremlin and the russian government regarding the egil terrorist attack on a concert hall, which sadly took the lives of over
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140 people. my uncle said that the best manure salesmen often carry samples in their mouths. russian officials seem to be pretty good salesmen of manure. there are no such proverbs in our language, because we don’t carry manure in our mouths, and overseas, but there is our saying, whoever hurts, says so, by the way, now it has become clear why the expression “wash your mouth with soap” is common in the states. at the same time, the owner of telegram pavel durov reported that over the last 4 days over 10,000 attempts have been recorded to somehow engage russian-speaking users, send calls to commit to their accounts in the telegram messenger...
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published recommendations for children and parents on what to do, where run away if terrorists start communicating with the child and somehow they are trying to force him, to involve him in their activities, to force him to commit a terrorist act. this step-by-step instruction states the need to immediately transfer all information to law enforcement authorities at the school where the child is studying. the memo also indicates the hotline telephone number, right here below, but i think you can also look at it on the ministry of education website, in fact , everything is on this telephone number...
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but someone is intimidated, someone is bribed, someone is deceived, well, it’s not important, but the point is that it’s probably some kind of it’s like a psychological technique that terrorists use, now there’s just a barrage, a whole tsunami of such messages, people are receiving them all over the country, let’s really start with children now, because children are probably the most unprotected part of the audience, it’s probably easier to use them for your own purposes, how does this all happen, is there any way, besides what vanya just talked about, to somehow protect the guys from this influence. in yamal, a young man was detained who offered local residents to organize
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terrorist attacks for reward. he is 20 years old and in his free time from recruiting he works as a cashier in a grocery store. several sim cards and phones were found in the guy’s apartment, for example, a young resident of new urenguy. offered to carry out a terrorist attack in the local shopping center goodzon for 15 million rubles. when the girl refused, threats were made to slaughter the family. other children across the country are receiving similar messages. for money they are offered to bomb a building or carry out a mass shooting; some are promised drugs or alcohol as a reward. friends, here i have it right now a child is in class, a friend sent her this letter in a telegram, some non-russians write, send. greetings, i am writing to you because you are from yuzhno-sakhalinsk, we are a very strong group in russia and are looking for guys with similar interests to harm the authorities, we offer you 700,000 rubles for the terrorist attack on april 10 in the city mall. however, not all
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such messages come from real recruiters; often children themselves send them to each other. a third-grader from tv decided it would be a lot of fun to propose to a stranger to the woman from the phone book. sisters, to kill people for half a million, when she was threatened with a belt and the fsb, wrote in response: “sorry, aunt.” the girl told the police that she made this quote out of boredom. now she is registered, and her mother was given a fine for failure to fulfill parental duties, here is the confession of a schoolgirl from novosibirsk, she is about 13 years old, the girl created a fake account on social networks and entertained herself by sending calls to people to commit a terrorist attack , for what reason do the police come to you? have you arrived? and about the terrorist messages, you thought it was funny and sent it to your friend, yes, what can you say about this?
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such bored teenagers who found the tragedy in crocus funny have only become more numerous over the week, examples of other videos that fly to the top on social networks encourage others to post more and more videos with ridicule, in their own words, like moscow, my condolences, you don’t condole at all, you no way. you won’t help anyone, and you’re only stirring up this atmosphere, like something happened, but damn, well, it happened happened, also through social networks, ukrainians are looking for and recruiting so-called mother ’s saboteurs, these are teenagers who agree to set fire to something on the instructions of the ukrainian special services for a symbolic sum, since february last year more than a hundred such crimes have been prevented, literally... on tuesday in st. petersburg for a sixth-grader was detained for setting fire to a relay cabinet on the railroad tracks; slightly older saboteurs
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were caught last year in the kaluga region; they were also planning to set fire to electrical equipment on the railroad, young people were looking for part-time work on the internet, and they found it. he offered me a part-time job, i asked what kind of part-time job, he said, relay panels that are located on railway beams, later they sent us two coordinates.
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you see, and the contact between parents and children , one of the most common mistakes made by parents is that even when a tragedy has occurred, they don’t talk about it with their children, that is, and if they haven’t talked, someone thinks that they don’t know or want protect, well, for various reasons, that is, the most important thing that every parent should do is definitely talk to your child, and for the purpose of explaining the situation, showing your attitude, under no circumstances escalate, scare, or anything else.
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that is, this contact is mandatory and this is a way to find out why the child is really doing this, we not only look at the action, at the root causes, but i don’t know some indirect points that a parent can pay attention to in order to understand that there is something wrong with the child it’s not so that he communicates there with these bad people, reads their chats, what to look for, it’s clear that conversation is the best thing. gets better, moves on, and the other one is confused in tears, this child is at risk, because it means that at home they also show him: don’t make mistakes, this is not possible, the creation makes mistakes, one calm child is afraid to talk about his mistakes, that is, if there is a fear of talking about your mistakes, then most likely the contact, the contact is broken, pay attention to this, these two sheep, which i somehow
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doubt at all, that they know at least one poem, the children are different, which the difference is that they are different? listen, there is something that has changed in our time, and there is something that has not changed, what has changed is that social engineering has appeared, and very serious ones, which are used by all sorts of scammers, terrorists, everyone else, it is clear that if we are talking about the main a lot of normal children, the absolutely correct recipe is said , you need to talk to the children, watch , control in the end what they are doing, well, listen, what hasn’t changed, let’s be honest that not all children, just like not all teenagers, exactly just as not all adults who are initially normal there, there are also those.
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in this case, and in general, of course, 99% of the time there are some specific preventive measures for children in adolescence, but talk, oh, i would like to hear something else, maybe i’m wrong, maybe i’m a bad father,
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this is probably true, but he says, are you talking to your child and getting them involved in the action? no, that’s how they lured you there, i just wanted to tell you how they lured you, harsh times, ninety-three, ninety- four, and the elders lured you in like that so, what are you, you’re already a healthy man , you don’t want to help your parents, you don’t want to raise money, you can’t do something on your own, this is the kind of argumentation, then
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why didn’t you want to help your parents, you really wanted, really wanted. but at that moment i was just forming the connections that we form with life that every action has consequences, this connection, well , because they told me, but no matter what, nothing will happen, then everything is fine , we see everyone is still free, well, these guys too they say the same thing, you’re not pissing, nothing will happen, but they still don’t understand that there will be responsibility, but did you figure it out on your own or did you talk to your parents? they were just scared, i was scared, well, that is, i still thought because you already had some rudiments of critical thinking, i was thinking about the consequences of someone knocking on the door, but we didn’t talk to my parents, let’s talk about the rudiments of critical thinking thinking not only in people under 18, but in people after 18 there may even be the age of not children and parents, because
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there are many examples of recent weeks, probably this is not only after the baby, when he is absolutely an adult. people, focusing on their beliefs, that is, they are not just some fools , yes, they have certain principles that they are going to defend, it is clear that the principles are absolutely unacceptable and alien to us, we will give a few examples, this is also terrorism. last week , a twenty-five-year-old resident of simferopol was detained in crimea; the girl was preparing sabotage on the railway, she wanted to set fire to a relay closet. security officers found homemade incendiary devices, communications equipment and interest in her possession. correspondence with ukrainian curators. it turned out that the girl deliberately carried out tasks to disrupt military transportation. the fsb believes that all this amounts to a life sentence for treason. the smoothie is ready, our bandera smoothie is ready, i ’m trying it now, i think everything will go fine tomorrow, glory to ukraine, death to the russians, glory to ukraine. a little earlier, another candidate
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for life was detained in moscow. a resident of the capital diligently completed tasks intelligence services of ukraine during the presidential elections. at this time, enemy drgs tried to get across the border in the belgorod region. the saboteur launched homemade drones near ministry of defense facilities and distracted the capital’s air defense. what legion? an opposition entrepreneur, he participated in political actions, he was detained for picketing in moscow and was even assigned to compulsory labor, according to preliminary data, the young man was recruited by militants
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of the terrorist rdk banned in russia this fall, he raised his hands, he raised his hands, he had something in his hands, there something in your hands, throw it away, throw it away, last year in rostov the fsb detained a nineteen-year-old russian citizen, the temptation to look at opposition -minded people who write something on social networks that they do not approve of theirs is that they are all potential, but not everyone is a potential terrorist, is there some kind of trigger that
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forces one out of a thousand, out of tens of thousands, to do what he is doing, what should the special services look at here in order to find this person in time to neutralize him, and the special services will do anything must watch and analyze everything that surrounds them, in this situation i want to highlight three categories that we are talking about, these are primary schoolchildren, middle schoolchildren and students with such a protest, with protest moods , old age, everyone has certain, definite desires, among the younger ones it is first of all a quest, plus money, adventures , that is, adventures, yes, among older people there is a protest mood and, that is , an ideological and political basis and money, and among older people... people either have fear, or so to speak , misunderstanding of something, it’s very even many people who were quite mature were bred to be abandoned for subjugation, it’s like everyone has their own
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story, well, i would actually have money for the older age category, it’s money everywhere, but only the basics, either it’s a quest, or an ideological and political basis, or so to speak, some difficult life situation in which they found themselves, either thanks to themselves or thanks to the drivers. when you are now talking about what special services should do, you know, special services, well, i served a lot, i remember periods the most difficult in the life of our special services, we always tried to maintain a dialogue with society, we are talking about parents, we are talking about teachers, teachers and parents are a product of the nineties, well, we understand by age, yes, a significant part has completely lost their your dialogue with your children, children... and today parallel worlds arise
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in the format of 5-7 years, that’s the age difference of 5-7 years, they already don’t understand each other well. i think that in this situation, of course, we must analyze very clearly in general everything related to our youth issues, i’m not talking about politics, i’m talking about the topic, because. in the system of state security agencies in the eighty -second year, the eighty-first year, a youth department was created that dealt with everyone, metalheads, lyubers, various kinds of movements , even those that were then called informal, this is a unifying one, when 200-300 people gathered in vacant lots people with rocks, chains and fought there to the death, then there were no networks, but word of mouth could unite over the course of several there...
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somehow successfully fight the spread of these terrorist games, if we haven’t fully figured out those problems, then something is missing, yes, but the fact is that when we announced a banned organization in russia, it did not have a legal structure, we very often try to ban the system of worldviews, sinnikite, and oue, well, what does the ministry of justice and the blue whale have to do with it, and what does aue have to do with it, i would like to say this. parents today need to be taught, no one is doing this, no one talks to parents about these threats, our schools have turned into incubators where only the main academic achievements look good against the general background,
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because here i am... i served in drug control, i often met, i gathered, forcibly held parent meetings in order to explain to them , what are the signs of use, what are the signs of sale, what are the signs of some other circumstances related to the drug business, he explained, now no one is doing this, literally at all, especially in the field of terrorist sabotage activities, this is the most terrible problem we are faced with today, we need more teachers, by the way, more to teach, not just parents. when we talk about how this is all spreading, vladimir vladimirovich, we often mention social networks and say that there are no solutions, parents there don’t understand anything, what kind of social networks are these, where the child communicates, well , maybe they see an application there, but don’t understand with whom, through social networks, we can and somehow and how exactly the state, whether social networks or press this story, because durov has already says: you can now we have identified some of the worst people, but in order to isolate yourself from bad people, here is your function, so that no one
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explains this to you. an all-russian digital immunity program in order to tell parents and children about these dangers that exist, our test visits to schools, to various schools, a survey of directors across russia show that everyone wants this subject, everyone wants to be explained and told about modern threats, because when we talked about the blue whale, when we talked about other threats that exist on the internet today, in front of parents who are considered advanced, everyone seemed to have the hair on their heads moving, and after everything was over, they ran up to us, grabbed their chests and shouted: you must tell everyone about this russia, so there really is a problem today, but the solution is clear, we need to create an all-russian program for schools, convey it to teachers and school principals, in the format of conversations about
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what is important when we. although well, we have this obzh or whatever it is called and we asked the directors whether they want it to be within the framework of life sciences or not, the majority said that there should be a separate subject, it should not be mixed, so well, here there is a certain debatable point, but there are a lot of teachers there, or rather directors spoke in favor of having this separately, now about your question about monitoring the internet, monitoring social networks and so on, i will not surprise you by the fact that today monitoring
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is already... they are looking for people who are trying to recruit, they are looking for those who are trying to play v recruitment, let's call it that, and disseminating some kind of disinformation and so on, today we have a wide range of threats that are spread, including through the internet, including, this means that not only through it, but through other channels, plus we must not forget that there is also official advertising that runs on various advertising platforms, which... are recognized in russia as advertising for some reason, there are also various advertisements running there to involve children and adults in various illegal structures, this is a big problematic sites, for example, i open
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some social network, i have advertising banners on the left and right, you can open your phone, your phone of a certain chinese company, the built-in application in your phone will show you such an advertising banner, that is, in clear text? what will it say there, do you want to become a terrorist, dial such and such a number there or what, we will take you on an incredible adventure with arson, how about more veiled, there may be different text options for how you do this, i have a couple of times, i tell you what, you know i can to say, i had a couple of times and in, well , i was sitting playing something, i usually play, always the same thing, these puzzles are there, there are advertisements from time to time, a couple of times i had some navalnov’s ones, here like this.
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i have arrived, forever, that this cannot, cannot be replayed, that is, this is such a psychological, psychological moment that deprives them of responsibility for their actions, they do not have this factor of responsibility, so of course you need to emphasize this, but you must also understand that this won't really help, that's what you said, yeah
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an important point, we really live in the era of digital technology, where the attention of the russian state cannot be fully controlled by either advertising on phones or... those, let’s say, hypertsi, which, i remind you, fall to the events of the first days of the northern military district, when it was just advertising on the internet, both in the now banned social networks , and in principle on the internet, it was simply filled with pro-ukrainian videos, no one could do anything about it, because it was paid for, and you don’t, you can’t cut a person off from the internet, ban him use, so the only option that can be done here is to hit the organizers directly, including physically. b to have those same conversations about the important , conversations about the main thing in the hope that they are at least some of the people, not all, but some of the teenagers, that’s it, we have the time now, let ’s talk further about those people with whom it seems to me , it’s too late to have conversations, although apparently we’ll still have to,
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short pause, let’s go back on the air, my earth is spinning, there are small cities. uk is the secret carrier
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of power, wealth and fertility. call order a free commemorative medal for every russian citizen. you only pay the delivery cost, 349 rubles. order by calling toll-free 8800 600 68-05 or on the website matushkaarossia.rf. black sun, premiere. from monday at 20:00 on ntv, this is the meeting place on ntv, the place where everything becomes clear, we continue, and this part, let's start with reports from france, they are talking about the possible cancellation of the opening ceremony of the olympic games, according to radio europe 1, this recommendation was made by the general directorate of internal security of france. according to the radio station, after the terrorist attack in crocus, french intelligence services announced
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high terrorist activity within the country and the possibility of repeating a coordinated attack on the opening day of the olympic games. as the agency writes, france does not want to show weakness in front of the whole world, and therefore the local ministry of internal affairs recommends abandoning the existing format of the opening ceremony and moving to some kind of plan b. the original format involved holding a river parade on the seine, but now it is being considered. too risky for athletes the special services are especially concerned about people from central asia, and they are afraid of both lone terrorists and certain sleeper cells controlled from afghanistan. against the backdrop of the already tense situation around the olympics, the head could be thomas bach, only raising this level of tension even higher and higher. so he boasted that he could, managed to avoid a boycott of the olympics from both russia and ukraine, and this, thomas bagh tells us, is an indicator of the good work of the olympic committee and the fact that it knows how
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to look for a middle ground. on the one side, russian authorities want us to ignore the military conflict. on the other hand, ukrainian authorities say that anyone with a russian passport should be completely ignored. neither one nor the other is possible, taking into account our values, taking into account human rights. where bakht found this mythical golden mean remains unclear, because according to the decision, those few russian athletes who have a chance to get to the games will be left without a flag and anthem, they will be prohibited from even participating in the opening ceremony, while the ukrainians will be ... full participants, despite numerous episodes of unsportsmanlike behavior in the politicization of sports. in addition, it was ukraine that threatened to boycott the games because of the participation of russians in them, but the olympic committee, as it turned out, is not very concerned about all this; bach directly stated that if both sides are unhappy, this means that he could have done a good job. well, against this background
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, russian athletes are increasingly declaring their reluctance to participate in this humiliation, which is called the summer olympic games in paris. so from participation. this is some kind of completely pure comedy, without his quirks, the curse of the jade scorpion, there are actually people there, but they reacted to some kind of key word, fell into such a state of hypnotized some kind of zombie and went there performing a completely alien freedom, but these citizens of ours, whom we now want
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to show, are adults, with education, or even more than one, so they listen to calls from these scammers on the phone, but they are not hypnotized. well they say: go set fire to the military registration and enlistment office, go spoil, spoil the ballot, go rob a gas station, and we will write off your loan, this is what should be in your head, people go, do this, and even film it on their phone to send a report about sodeevno. in october 2022 , sbu officers convinced a russian to commit a terrorist attack using threats; they threatened to kill his father, who worked as a security guard in one of the ukrainian schools. the son was afraid that he would not be able to stop the sbu from killing. his relative and agreed to set fire to the military registration and enlistment office, but he did not have time to commit a crime, he was detained in time, we will call number, a number unknown to me, i picked it up , i heard my father’s voice, he said, i’m fine, he says, i’ll put it in, do whatever they
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tell you, participants in sabotage in crimea in august 2021 then blew up a gas pipeline in a mountain parts.
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that he cannot help but go to the law enforcement agencies, but excuse me, dear professor, why didn’t she go, i don’t know, to the police, she went to do this, you can explain this to me, because this is... already cumulative stage, at first she was in a state of fear and aggression when she gave these 15 million, having realized that she cannot
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resolve this, a person in this situation really has a neocortex, his conscious and not just critical, logical thinking is turned off, and he is ready to cling to absolutely any hope, and they catch people in precisely this unstable state , fear , aggression, and, as a rule, still in a long-term state of anxiety, that is, this connection is very clearly shown here, that at first they were deceived, they began to... the person is really ready to believe, unfortunately, because she is already in principle in the risk zone, because these are the people who are given to scammers, that is, she was already there
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in this state, and then it goes on, this can be done, no, no, this can be done with any person with you, with me, with andrey vladimirov , you’ll screw me, well, nevertheless, or are there still people who are predisposed to this, because you say so, it turns out that anyone can have something bubbling up there in the limbic, as you said, system, that’s all, and you, then, are following a zombie somewhere out there. green, there are people at risk, there are people to a lesser extent, when there is internal support, then such people certainly have less logical and critical thinking, which is why those who fall for scammers are people of a certain type, which is important, this needs to be worked on level, these security codes , instructions, they are calling you, find it in advance, you need to say in advance, not in a moment of stress, who i will call, if they tell me that i am from the bank, if they tell me that even now telegram is very dangerous social networks really maybe, excuse me, neural networks can
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... it was enough, here this is a pure scam, and these are completely different situations and inside there will also be a lot of different sub-situations and of course the investigation and in the future the court must, of course , take all these circumstances into account and make certain decisions based on these circumstances, you can’t put everyone in prison for life or you can’t put everyone in prison for 15 or 20 years, of course , someone less about this one thing can just be very important short very very short me i respect you, please wait. well, he comes once a year. i agree , what kind of staff should our special services have in order to
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really counteract everything, because somehow the scale scares me, and what kind of staff, excuse me, should the other side have, because what the number of people should fall on this one, the central bank, someone else, something else, some kind of straight, let’s look at it from the other side, there are now about 800 call centers that deal with these things, uh-huh, uh-huh . just fall for it, as soon as you have entered into a dialogue, they immediately switch you to another, third, fifth, tenth, creating the appearance of a kind of friendly atmosphere for the return of your money, but you must understand that these 800 call centers are not special services, they are just people whom taught, yes, of course, of course, and of course many there. has something to do with the special services, but not the essence, but the essence is different, we - unfortunately, that’s when we come across such things, and why didn’t she go to
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the police, well, the degree of trust in the authority.
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a butcher. the owner of the white house hopes that the world has forgotten about his military crimes in yugoslavia and what the americans did in other countries. watch today on ntv. this is the meeting place on ntv, the place where everything becomes clear, we continue, today is a holiday for the guys, the pioneers are rejoicing, no one knows exactly who wrote this, so they say, in general, this poem, it appeared after lavrenty beria ceased to be lavrenty beria, today is the 125th anniversary of his birth, and we traditionally want to offer you this section about the role of the individual in history, that ’s who he was, lavrenti himself?
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there was a trio of not young american superstars, the event in new york was dedicated to raising funds for biden’s election campaign, the show was held on an unprecedented scale, more than 5,000 tickets were sold, the price of some reached half a million dollars, old man biden collected money like a real infocigar, because for 1000 you could get a joint photo of a guest with biden, clinton and obama, for 250,000 you could also attend some kind of closed meeting of theirs, but not without...
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during this election campaign for biden managed to collect a record 25 million dollars, but this holiday was overshadowed by news from the american lower house. biden was officially summoned for questioning to talk about the affairs of his family and how it would all happen. the american leader must will tell congressmen under oath about the participation or non-participation in the business of his relatives, primarily his eldest son hunter. the subpoena was sent to biden by republicans investigating why certain foreign partners sent $24 million to the personal accounts of the biden family when he was still vice president. on capital hill
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, the head of the white house is expected with explanations very soon, this is around mid-april. biden is not doing very well with ratings; recent polls show that trump is already conceding significant percentages, if now for trump, you see, they are ready to vote. outlines andrey lavinevich, i’m done. let's now talk about the ratings of lavrentiy take, i repeat once again, 125 years since his birth, why we decided to remember this man, who, probably, well, among all this huge series of former soviet leaders, well, probably, somehow in his personality is least susceptible to rethinking; nevertheless, such a stigma is attached to beri, absolutely. indelible,
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although indeed recently they began to tell her a little differently, that is , if before beri was clearly some kind of executioner, a maniac, now there are voices that say that no, it wasn’t all that way, actually in fact, beria was a talented manager, maybe even too executive, well, a good manager, as they say now, well, let's try to figure this out... 931 stalin and beria at the leader's dacha in abkhazia , in the arms of beria, stalin's daughter svetlana alliluyeva. it was in the thirty-first year lavrenti palych holds the post of first secretary of the central committee of georgia. an ordinary mingryl peasant beria begins his career in azerbaijani intelligence. in the thirties he became the people's commissar of georgia and met stalin, about whom by that time he had written a large historical article about his contribution to the cause of the revolution. there are legends, supposedly. he will even save his life, although
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he allegedly organizes the assassination attempt himself. in the transcaucasus, stalin's new comrade-in-arms has been leading for several years, showing himself, as they say now, to be strong business executives. we we see that the process of development of industry, agriculture, and the economic potential of this region was very, very good. during this period of time, if we compare it with the level of income and standard of living of the peasantry, for example, in the central regions of russia, it was significantly higher. that is, in general , the population here, in some sense of the word, well, let’s say, flourished and prospered during this period of time. in 1937, at the height of the great terror, which was led by the people's commissar of internal affairs nikolai yezhov, beria and excitedly carries out party purges in transcaucasia and complains to stalin that the scale of repression is clearly insufficient. in august thirty-eighth, beria, at stalin’s request , came to moscow and first became yezhov’s deputy, and then took his position. under iberia the pace.
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the next test for the people's commissar is the great patriotic war. beria takes over the entire industry, is engaged in the evacuation of enterprises, and supervises the production of ammunition and tanks. the biryevsky sharashkas, essentially design ones, helped the front bureaus where convicted engineers and scientists worked. thanks to them , new aircraft and artillery systems appear, and if at the beginning of the war the country had 36,000 guns and mortars, then by january forty-four there were already...
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at the same time, beria heads soviet intelligence. it was to him in 1941 that information was received that serious work was underway in the nuclear power plant in london. and then materials on the use of uranium as an energy source end up in rukibiria. this is how the soviet nuclear program came into being. to in a word, the first soviet bomb is a copy of the fat man. a plutonium bomb dropped by the americans on nogasaki. after the war , beria fought hard against nationalist groups.
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puts beria's portrait on the cover without understanding the intricacies of soviet politics; abroad he is considered stalin's successor. but beria will not stay long in the new leadership of the ussr.
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it’s amazing, i’m listening to you now, and what you’re saying, and this is some kind of attitude, i would call it contempt, courageously, like a man, you know what and before the interview you told us the executioner, the executioner is something else, it’s more, but you turn out to be some kind of slug, you know why, because i don’t want to let you down, because the topic on which i will now i’ll explain, you’ll say, yes, indeed, maxim, you’re right.
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i apologize, heydrich is the embodiment of evil, heydrich is a man, how to say, the architect of how to specifically exterminate jews, this is very brave, and i will now explain to you why, because he was never an ideological nazi, he was just careerist, he was given the task of exterminating the jews, and
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gedrich, like a wonderful mechanism, created a structure and completely carried it out, in the same way, beri was given the command to carry out mass repressions, he did them in the same way. put an iron pallet, because it was discovered that when people die, this pallet gets dirty, i can’t call it a cog in the machine, it’s something more, it’s evil in its absolute classical incarnation.
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now i’ll give the floor to andrey yuryevich, because you have andrey yuryevich before the interview, and you say that biriya is a man who has been slandered already in the times of khrushchev, in fact, he is not an executioner, please, first of all, i would say that it is impossible to compare heidrich and beria, because heidrich or heydrich, as we say, yes, this is the ss, the ss is a party structure, he is not a statesman, even himmler was not a statesman until he stood.
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let's do this, yes, now as for the execution and other things, well, we know that there are no authentic documents, all these stories, they contradict each other, i would and of course, as for the repressions, well what repressions, stop the repressions, well, everyone still knows what happened before him, before him, of course, there was a conspiracy in the country, that is, all these yagodas who seized power, that is, everyone who represented.
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i liked the question when they asked who is beria the executioner or a strong business executive? beria
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the executioner, a strong business executive, a talented organizer, i don’t see a contradiction.
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further quantity, yes, of course, not in such volumes as under yezhov from 1939 to 1945, that is, while beria was at the head of the people's commissariat, later he only supervised official statistics, 335,000 people were sentenced for political crimes and state crimes, in the sense of ax head, 335 people, this is not enough, at
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what point do we begin the executioner, beria was characteristic.
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the camps were near beria, these well, gulak, and in the winter of 1941-42, in percentage terms , the death of gulag prisoners is approximately in percentage, almost up to a percentage coincides with the percentage of deaths of soviet prisoners of war in captivity, the same mortality rate is that you take an effective manager, well, in fact, everything soviet managers don’t...
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i just can’t, six months ago a girl’s body was found on the river bank, but the examination claims that the body and hands belong to different victims, i thought such nonsense only happens in movies, innocent victims, please let me in, three girls, all like sisters, similar to cristina ungureanu, ghosts of the past, my wife was engaged in a similar business in st. petersburg, but she was killed. 2 months ago i told your wife everything and gave this damn diary, literally a day later they found me, the enemies who are nearby, what do you care? you're hinting that someone doesn't want me to handle this case, i'll find the killer, i swear to you, and an investigation for which you'll have to do anything, hit, fuck you, black sun,
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work, you will find not just a job, but your place, well, debts on credit cards are hanging, interest is dripping, you need a handyman, take out credit cards, transfer debts to a handyman , divide into 24 months, conveniently repay, make purchases or get rid of credit card debts, easily with holwa. clearly, we continue, and our guests continued, despite the fact that they were not on the air, let us now try to look at this image of a bloody executioner, i now underline the words image with three stripes, take it, it didn’t even appear in the nineties years, he... after the execution of beria
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, nikita khrushchev launched an entire campaign to expose the former people's commissar. already in 1954 , the first secretary for the whole country declared beria an enemy of the party and the people. among the accusations , beria allegedly destroyed and... to question what kind of scoundrel he was. i was surprised his tricks, i often thought that only a seasoned provocateur could do this. but dark spots on beria’s reputation appeared in the early fifties, during his lifetime. contemporaries claim that it was then that rumors spread throughout moscow that the lubyanka marshal was abducting and raping very young girls; in other urban legends even schoolgirls appeared. after the trial of beria at the party plenum , secretary of the cpsu central committee nikolai shatalin shares piquant details, allegedly in beria’s house
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they found... items of women’s clothing, stockings, underwear and so on, all this is new and far from being made in the soviet union, beria is accused of moral decay for this, he was an ordinary man, without any perversions, and i certainly wasn’t a libertine, i was an ordinary woman and usually had ligaments, but the accusation of espionage becomes fatal for lavrenty pavlyvich; after... six months of trial in december 1953, beria is recognized as an agent of british intelligence and is shot on the same day. the key for the prosecution is the data of the ussr prosecutor general roman rudenko, that beria in 1919, while in baku, began secret connections with the british, which is treason. for the soviet people, the second person in the state instantly turned into an english spy. georgy, i demand
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that this be looked into.
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that in the very first month of my opportunity to eliminate krushchev and zhukov is a complete mystery to me, but i don’t know this, this is understandable for the second class in politics, accordingly, we can say that this is a person who performed certain functions from the point of view of the system performed ok, wait, it turns out that now
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for a second he wasn’t even capable. about the home crematorium, in which these raped girls were burned almost alive, 90% of what we know about...
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his whole history of relationships with women causes nothing but disgust, but despite all this, his wife for some incomprehensible reason, until the end of the day, he retained, well, let’s say, a fairly warm attitude towards him, but which of the two was the second one, which changed hands after that, she had two one.
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the army, state security, khrushchev as a party leader, malinkov as a soviet leader, everyone decided that he was extremely dangerous to them, that is, in other words, they knew this man well, that if they did not kill him, he
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would kill them all, early or later, the decision to treat this person was really like a very dangerous, very creative executioner, yeah. they all knew him very well, which is why they did not want a second stalin. he is, firstly, a caucasian, and secondly, a close person to stalin, really, well, practically a second person, the character is approximately the same, that’s why all the people who decided to kill him, they just barely sighed after stalin’s death, then a second one appears, an absolutely natural desire to strangle the second stalin, what is called back in the cradle. they did it, now the question has to do with his crimes, listen, i specifically calculated how many peoples were sent into exile for his leadership,
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more than 2 million, more than 2 million, these are crazy numbers, this is in addition to the numbers mentioned, who were repressed, there was a gulak it is the most populated area...
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kazakhstan and central asia. this was explained simply: there might be japanese spies among the koreans. the leadership of the former soviet union decided to resettle us koreans. during. i also think my mother ’s sister died, my mother told me, she was little, how difficult it was, these were
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the pre-war years, and then the war years, later during the great patriotic war , the crimean tatars were taken to central asia, along with the crimean germans, italians. greeks, armenians and bulgarians , allegedly as punishment for desertion , assistance to the enemy provided by some representatives of these peoples during the occupation of the peninsula, people were sent in freight cars, many died along the way due to overcrowding, lack of food and water, everyone was tried for 15 minutes gather noise, uproar, crying in the square, they thought that they were being taken, shot as well, because they were fresh...
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you understand how i don’t always agree with ramzan kadyrov, but when he talks about stalin and beria, what are they executioners, i agree with him 100%. and therefore, when we sometimes have problems...
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the second husband of a mother with many children is sure that 9 years ago she gave birth to his official son from her ex-husband. i ask polina, i say: where have you been? we were with dad, zhenya, dad and mom, kissing and hugging. just after this, your wife told you that she was pregnant. this is literally yes, it happened in 2 weeks. but he refuses to believe that he became a father after the divorce. this is complete nonsense, i didn’t have a close relationship with her. their common ex-wife is not denies that she dated both of them at once. i came to visit evgeniy velichko with my daughter. you
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as a system, he is part of the system and a functionary of the system, when the system no longer needed him, the system threw him out and destroyed him, just as he did within the system with others who turned out to be unnecessary, yeah, so, konstantin aleksandrovich, you know, i would he said that lavrentiy pavlovich beria’s main merit was that he was a good
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organizer and, as they say now, an effective manager. and his main crime against our people, that is , our country, was that he was a good organizer and an effective manager when he was instructed to carry out a punitive policy, during historical discussions there is such a technique that let's take the scales, on one, that means, put the cup that he was an executioner or actually killed someone, on the other let's put his merits. the reality is that there is no scale. if a person is an executioner, if a person killed someone, i’m not talking now in relation to beria, i’m saying in general, there are no scales, he remains an executioner, even despite his positive merits, i still don’t i know. i didn’t say so boldly, because too little time, it seems to me, has passed to draw such a conclusion, you can remember many different figures and see what they said about them immediately after death, for example
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now, we naturally don’t have time for this, this there was a meeting place that could not be changed, as always, 14:00 weekday ntv broadcast. all the best to you and goodbye. in st. petersburg we met a large group of children evacuated from the belgorod region. record-breaking progress on how russian marines storm novomikhailovka. michael chernov. there are too many risks, the french intelligence services are proposing to abandon the opening ceremony of the olympic games. shells for ukraine. europe is over and now little bosnia and herzegovina can become a leading player in the arms market.


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