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tv   Pyat minut tishini  NTV  March 29, 2024 8:00pm-9:01pm MSK

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why do you need this, i don’t understand, and one, yes , please, pain on a scale of ten, somewhere around a four, and two, okay, a seven. were you running, is running really some kind of disgrace, do you wear orthopedic shorts? yes , of course, take off your shoes, oh yes, i just forgot to put them on today, yes, that’s it, that’s it, i promise, i’ll wear it, sergei saidovich, i’m not a strong group here, i won’t keep an eye on how good you are are you eating porridge and want to run forward? carry heavy weights for your health,
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you want to become a drug addict, yes please, but with this way of life, you have a long time left for me to walk, you’re scaring me, val, well , in short that’s it, turn out the lights, the viewer is gone, the autopsy report is hanging on me, where did i go, what does it mean, how do i know, i don’t understand anything at all, he wrote that he urgently needed to leave, that he would be removed to kabardian, but asked not to tell anyone, and he also turned off the phone, in general, i’ve been waiting for a report from him for 2 days , wait another half hour, we’ll find someone, there will be an autopsy for you, the patient can’t see me, no, no, i don’t need to do an autopsy, this is happiness that you don’t appreciate, sergey sevidich, i understand everything, you are used to saving people, not frying yourself, but now you need to be saved, switch to this task.
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famin just left, he was on night duty, and your commander and doctor haven’t shown up yet, but what happened, what’s the matter? no, don’t worry, but your squad is so bad that each of you could use albie. well, i'll go talk to the others.
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i remember you interrogated everyone then, but i wasn’t at that fire, no, i know, where were you at that moment? i don't remember at all, i don't i remember how i spent my day off a year ago, well , no, no, thank you, pasha? pasha, son, you're alive, be patient, be patient, i'm here now, hello, ministry of emergency situations, 3247, accept the call, a group of cyclists got hit by a rockfall on the highway , there are many injured, the road is blocked, i'm sending a point, come in. and you know, i
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had no doubt at all that you would make the right decision, although yesterday everyone was looking for you, almost with dogs, they alarmed everyone, and i was sure that gereev would definitely return, he would come, there was a misunderstanding, also a general, i wanted to be alone, to think, they lost me, well, it’s...
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my fault, it’s not really about the club, it’s just that in 2 days there will be a concert there, liana manuilova will come from moscow, wow, who is this? you are wild, sergei saidovich, in general , a whole crowd will gather there, there will be the elite of the whole city, you need to make sure that the mosquito does not undermine your nose, don’t worry, it won’t, here is an extract from the order on your appointment, and take one of the young people with yourself, let the guys study, eat, but you want to go, go, hi, sorry, late, that's it, quiet, bye, lazy, here you go if you weren't a beginner, i would drag you in now, never ask this question. question, i understand, so as not to jinx it, i won’t ask it again, but why are you so vaccinated, lun, i haven’t beaten you yet, why did you? yes, the investigator came, by the way, he was also interested
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in you, and why are you guys calling me , there was a landslide on the serpentine road, the cyclists were covered with stones , we are leaving in full force, in full force, ashet, croaked, we are taking full harness equipment to the maximum masya, masya, when was the last time you rode a scooter once, well, a long time ago so what, but in childhood you know how i dissected. “yes, you don’t even ride a bike, because you have to turn the pedals, but i have a joint, you know, i started riding a scooter and my hair is rolling in the wind, so wait, and hold on, maybe there’s no need,
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blaming, you want to ruin my holiday , what are you, what are you, god forbid, that’s it, just like that..." and nothing complicated, don’t speed up, little girl, i beg you, don’t speed up, so sticky, yeah, who died in a fire, under you dig it, you took an unbelievable private matter, you see, grades check? i agree, it’s not a funny mistake , i ask you, take the lazy one off my pencil, really, well, a good guy, not a murderer, no longer, who’s new, okay, famina took it into
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development, but wait, your famina, it’s unlikely that he has something could have happened with this irina, unlike voloshin, voloshin is serious, he’s a follower, easily and... rina did an internship at his department from the university, did you know? no, so what? look, well, let’s say they know each other, and yesterday you yourself set him on fire with valentina. and valentina was the attending physician irina after the fire. did you know that? uh, no, what? the fact that it is possible that he got along with her precisely because she tried to cure his beloved woman, he tried to prove the guilt of the rescuers, but could not do this. went to kill them, well, yes, but he couldn’t have killed dronov, he simply wasn’t there at the accident, he could easily have been there, approached your accident from the other side, left the canister there and escaped, no one would have even noticed him, by the way, on he was at the wake,
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they will throw him off the wire under nifedov, well, i don’t know, hello? yes, old man, there’s no one at all on the base no, okay, i’ll come now, seriously , your friend was at the base this morning, asking who was where, i mean, what other friend, voloshin, or something, yes, yule, what are you doing, yes, what kind of kish? pashka, son, how, how, how , you be patient, bash, i’m now, vasha, i’m now, hey, sashka, sashka, come here, come here, come here, faster, normal, and what to do, and what to do, what
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to do, come on, help, help, pull, pull yourself, well, no, no, what, what, you can’t fish while he’s lying down, pull yes. will fall, first him, then me, how about you, from you, your legs were hurting, huh? well, the blood doesn’t flow, you’ll become disabled , you’ll forget about sports, oh well, you ’re sick of your sports, don’t let him fall, yakov yegoryvich, stop, it’s really bad there in the van , what will i do, now the ministry of emergency situations will come, you’re the coach everyone, go help them, that’s it, now go,
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wow, rokhonov, take care of the victims, and what, handle the transport, here, here, rather, here, there in the sling, its legs were crushed, there’s a tree. the tree won't let me remove it, oh, now we'll think about how to get it out, igor, this front of work on you, there is, seven, to me , quickly, damn it, come on, come on, so, well , someone crushed his legs, but how much time do we have to save his legs, maybe half an hour, maybe be smaller, i don’t see what he has under the tree, what should i do, calm down, hold on! now we will give him an abscess, it will be easier. thank you, thank you, this, this is my son. don't save me.
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we'll save you, we'll save you, pasha, be patient. so, the first thing you need to do is fix it. come on, okay, i won’t get it. semechkin, take this cable secure this tree. then crawl to the guy in the belay and try to put the belay on him. you will forbid me. well, firstly, for now we will fix the tree and then crawl along it. this tree will crush his legs even more. and secondly, at the slightest shaking. will the backpack strap slip off or even break? so , in the end, you and i are saving people, not trees, guys, do at least something, comrade coach, please take care of your charges, don’t train us, what is this? i woke up, where are you all? quiet, calm, don’t move, just don’t move and we’ll get you out, it hurts, i understand that it hurts, but try not to move, okay, dan, hold on, be patient, they will help you. your friend is also in pain, his legs are now crushed under your tree, friend? pashka, is that you there,
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or what? yes, i am here, don’t be afraid, what is this, what about the competition now? fan, are you sick with your leg or your head? the question is of course rude, but logical, you will miss these competitions, so let’s start preparing for the next one, but only morally, i understand, six months ago it was found on the river bank the body of a girl, the examination claims that... the body and hands belong to different victims, i thought such nonsense only happens in movies, innocent victims, please let me in, three girls, all like sisters, similar to cristina ungureanu, ghosts of the past, my wife was doing a similar thing in st. petersburg, but she was killed, 2 months ago i told your wife everything and gave this damn diary, and literally a day later they found me, the enemies who are nearby, what are you hinting at, someone doesn’t want it, for me to run this? "i will find the killer, i swear to you, and the investigation
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, for the sake of which you will have to do anything, fuck you, black sun, quiet, quiet, quiet, wow, i got you so good, premiere from monday at 20:00 on ntv, vladimir politov, million-dollar secret , tomorrow at 21. if you want to become a modern individual entrepreneur and not pay commission on transfers to your personal account, then open a business account on new big special barbecue bacon is already in combo for 469 rubles. 65% discount on omega-3 from ocean fish from golden apoteca. look for different discounts. one of my friends didn’t have enough gigabytes.
8:15 pm
for business development, manage the cost of the loan, reduce the commission by 11%. you are my basket, favorite chicken for 199 rubles. in rostix restaurants. i am laconic, romantic, new spring, new you, choose your image with a spring mood on ozone. loratricin is able to alleviate even severe pain and helps treat a sore throat. lorathricin works for sore throats and treats infections. we're going on vacation. and we 're going. third year, so open
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a vtb savings account. insert 16%. save up faster. all ways are good when you want be the first to try the new big special bbq bacon with large steak, instant cheese, bacon and smoky and barbecue sauces. what are you ready for? for the big special bbq bacon. central television, tomorrow at 19:00 on ntv. hi, great, are you so happy , yes, i spent the whole night again today , i don’t remember how i got to the hall, i thought i didn’t get out of bed at all, listen, i don’t understand how you do it, i’ve already started to forget how it is it happens, well, what to buy, what is there, as they call it, prostatricum, i remember, more
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remember, it’s better to try once than to hear 100 times. what do you think works? what, i don’t think, i know, dark, of course, now i’m my wife, you know how, and what’s there, how to take it, call, it’s all simple, when you order, they’ll explain everything to you in detail, just a second, wife , yes, dear, i understand, i’m flying, that’s it, i drove off, keep it for yourself, try it, then you’ll say thank you, okay. i’ll think about it, i’ll probably buy it too, what’s there to think, call, be sure to order, remember, it’s better to try once than to think 100 times, come on, meet the new golden prostatricum, prostatricum gold, prostatricum gold is a modern complex based on natural ingredients, which is presented on the market,
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men order it for themselves, and women for their men, men hurry up, women hurry up. no one should be disappointed when ordering by phone on the screen, you are guaranteed to be protected from counterfeits and overpayments. call the manufacturer's toll-free line to order and receive a special offer. men order it for themselves, and women for their men. men, hurry up, women, hurry up to experience prostatricum gold. vladimir politov, million-dollar secret. venechka, you took a video of me, i’ll send you the rolling pins, yes i filmed it , i filmed it, come on, wrap it up, and i’ll wrap it up, masya, come on, slow down, i’m slowing down, slowing down, i’m so boring,
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now, wait, i don’t see the braking . well, well, well, it doesn’t slow down, don’t worry, little chicken, be careful, please press the pedal again, put it down, they wonder, what’s that?
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what do you think, he put bugs everywhere? option, by the way, is not the worst, danila, i’m a doctor, no-no-no, don’t turn around, don’t, no don’t look at me, there’s nothing interesting here, just tell me where it hurts, your shoulder? my left shoulder, yeah, the joint has been knocked out, we’ll fix that, igor, vitya won’t be able to reach it, it’s hanging far from the edge, so i’ll swing the pendulum, fix myself and reach it.
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alexey, alexey, lyokha, doctor, yes, there lyokha passed out, where, i approached him, he was talking, nothing, it seems, i’m looking here. to zero, doctor, i have another one here, all tattered, take the perks from the bag, i ’ll process it, then transfer it, take the bag,
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what’s wrong with the guy, his heart, he’s scared of me, or something, listen, i’m still rummaging around in my bag, take a syringe in the adrenaline side pocket. do you want some tea? no, and you won’t, you’ve already taken a sip, no, i mean, i put in one spoonful of sugar, it all needs to be thrown away, what? i ate cookies, no, i didn’t . take a chocolate bar in your bag, yulia, a person needs carbohydrates, so you can replenish your supply of carbohydrates, dairy, yeah, and you think that
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sledak wants to shoot the whole squad, right? he doesn’t need to eat, if he were to marry irina lipkina, then he could only blame three people for her death: dronov, nefyodov, and kosatsky. dronov died, not fedovit, remains igor. “yes, only after his death his mission will be completed, and how many more people will die is apparently of little concern to him, sasha, i should go to the park, there’s a scooter going crazy , it’s accepted, yur, you can handle a crazy scooter, but what are you doing, no, i didn’t finish that one, i’ll find this bomb myself, and you go to the park, really, take a walk, get some fresh air, maybe buy yourself some cotton candy, take your own..." colic, go for a ride, maybe you’ll be steamy they’ll let you go, i would go with you, but i can’t, there’s no one with the base leave, come on, come on
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, the scooter is waiting, throw away the food, eat, 73.47, oh, this is really not very good, but look at something, yes, a dangerous stone, very dangerous, or am i panicking in vain, are you panicking? of course it’s in vain, you definitely need to secure this shaft, let’s get the rope, i’ll go upstairs. how do you feel better? yeah, yeah, it doesn’t hurt so much anymore, like, oh, hold on,
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is the insurance ready? slowly, like a caterpillar, you go to the tree and try not to damage it, are you ready, san? yeah, let's go, hi guys, let's take this one, he's serious there’s no thrawn, most likely he’s quite cordial, i just injected adrenaline, and are you sure there’s no one else, or what? will come, we were the closest. give, could, could, so
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take the bandage, take it quickly, yeah , move everyone back, be careful, the scooter has no brakes, move away, he’ll give everyone a problem, venya, venechka, masenka, that’s my good one, but can i go into the alley, i have a headache i'm spinning, under no circumstances, my dear, no need, where this alley will take you to a tree or a pole, i can't do it anymore... i can't, be patient, my little chicken, just a little more, be patient, stop those, i’m from the emergency situations, masya, and i , hello, they came, they arrived, shot, hold on
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, she won’t last long like this, since... that ’s great, it’s uprooted, yes i see , i understand everything, fix it tightly, we’ll hope it will hold up. igor, igor, kasatsky, igor, kasatsky, welcome. nikolai, i’m listening. can you see us? i see. listen to me. i need there to be no one from the cars to us, not a single person, everything is clean. understood? and drive all cars away. i understand, we’ll try, do it, we’re working, but why just clear it there, this fool can go anywhere whatever, only if this fool goes crazy on her own, guys, let's get everyone back in their cars if possible.
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you breathe very well, by the way, well done, everyone would breathe like that, i’m already tired of breathing, calm, calm, but how beautiful we are going, look, even at the circus, perform like bears, calm, calm, don’t make sudden movements, look, now i’ll insure you, control you, guide you, and we ’ll get where we need to go, okay, well, let’s go, let’s go, let’s go, what? something hurts, how come your joint wasn’t knocked out, okay, oh, oh, venya, what a vacation!
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igor, okay, sleepyhead, you guide me , otherwise i can’t see anything, okay, yes, stay to the left, a little bit, uh-huh, a little bit, a little bit, stop, it’ll be more convenient to put on a headscarf, guys, you’ve got me exactly don’t drop me, the main thing is don’t drop yourself and don’t turn your head, just a little more and move me closer, carefully. there is, now a little bit, more, come on, semyon, you do everything slowly, carefully, straighten your legs so that i can hear your knees crunching, i start working, hold on like that, it’s accepted, i hold on.
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factories, france is developing near odessa their air defense systems. well, finally, france sends troops and gets directly involved in the conflict. in paris, they continue to discuss all sorts of scenarios about what macron and the french generals are actually planning. russia cannot and should not win this war. which of these scenarios could become a reality in the near future? this will be your central television. tomorrow at 19:00. on ntv. black
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sun, premieres monday at 20:00 on ntv. alfabank for business. everything will work out together, so what did he ask? asked: can i work? v does it need people with real experience? skill factory, we teach those who are hired. well, are there any credit card debts and interest ? you need a credit card,
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svetlana now knows for sure that there is a park in the city center, sergei vitalievich wanted a new square, got it, and maria ivanova whispered to us that the playground is mine. everyone can influence the improvement of their city; choose a project and vote for its implementation on the website how long have you been working for mikhail? michael? it’s been almost six months, but i’ve never been to such a cool club. here. it’s only thanks to you that i’ll get in, well, at least someone’s lucky, but just to be inside, it’s clear that they won’t be allowed into the concert, listen, son, lieutenant, especially since we came here to work, if i see you trying to get tickets, yes you what, comrade
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lieutenant colonel, no, i’m just like that, but who will offer me, yes to you, but to me, i would like to look at that kharbrets who will offer me something, and you will watch your money changer, manulova on tv, especially... well, we drove everyone away, what are you going to do ? i don't care, don't panic , everything is under control, for sure, stopudova, the devil knows, i brought it, well, yes, it's bad,
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it's crawling, you fool, it's pulling after you, at any moment, it's going to crawl around, you idiot , i brought it, yes, great, i hope it’s enough. where are your fire extinguishers? let's go, here you go. they changed it recently, that's good
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i checked the emergency exits, check the fire extinguishers, yes, yes, the arrow is in the green zone , well, you see, everything is in order with us, yes, i see , everything is in order with you, i really want to write out a letter, let’s look at the warehouse, please understand, an establishment of this level. we simply have to be in perfect condition, the elite comes to us, of course, please, everything is secured, well, there’s nothing more to worry about, you won’t fly away anywhere, aren’t you tired? no, everything’s fine, i’m here on a sun lounger, only i’m missing a cocktail, molotov seeds, cocktails for you, it’s good to cook, do the work there, i ’ll give you the strap now...
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don’t worry, i said everything fine, you’re a real champion, the best, come on, sleepyhead! pull it off, well done, sonya, well, as you can see, everything is in order in our warehouse, and what are these, fireworks, you know, manuilova demands that there be cold rain on her stage, it’s absolutely safe, i know what fireworks are , where are the certificates for it, there... must be somewhere, i know this rubbish,
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counterfeit from china for 3 kopecks. there have already been spontaneous combustions, but we bought this a thousand times, i wouldn’t do it if i were you boasted, where are the certificates for it? enter into our situation, this is the demand of the artist , it is written in her rider, minyailova, manuilova, especially, it’s written there, minyailova needs counterfeit china, guys, if you don’t save on... you’ll still fight, we’ll fight, of course, let's fight, listen, that's it, that's it, then
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talk, come on, take him, i'm not tired, okay , i'll take him off now too, so the tree needs to be removed , danil, i'll set your shoulder, come on, come on, insure, yeah, ready, yeah, wait , quietly, don’t touch, that’s okay, you be careful, that’s it... lenya, now we will lift this log, when i say, you can, pull it out, ready, ready, let's go, come on, come on, come on, that's it, baby. pash, pash, well, how are your legs, so far it’s catching, it’s okay, so free up at least some part of the road, what’s burning there or something, it’s not burning yet, but it can flare up,
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you know why i’m so angry, because there are wounded bicycles lying there, and you will yell at me again, i will drown out your shouting, i understand, yes i understand, i’m vovka, vovka disappeared in a hurry, he was bringing up the rear, nowhere i can find it, but you couldn’t count it right away, let’s go, wait, it’s not him, vovk, he most likely fell asleep, quietly, it’s definitely him, well , help, come on carefully, guys, who can, come here, carefully, that’s all very carefully, i hope they played jenka’s game?
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you can’t use water, why are they, because there’s nothing to buy buffalo, it’s clear, the lieutenant come to me, i understand, run, i have a feeling that you’re fired, alive! well, blink, yes, he’s alive, but why were you silent earlier, fell asleep or something, so guys, this is not the time to throw stones, let's carefully put it to the sides , i have to arrive soon, come on, yes, now , now, a second, be patient a little, now,
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oh, especially since they've already arrived with you, so get ready, now, commander, yeah. commander, come on, launch it, let it come closer. why are you standing? come closer and help me load it. so i’m not here, i have a different route. do you mean a different route? i'm actually on my way to change my shift. what are you mumbling about? where is the elder? and who are you? man, listen, let's agree, i'm late for the plane. let's talk. yeah, come on, i understand it’s free, that’s great, we have a neat pit, so what, let’s lay it out with stones to
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make a pipe, or maybe we’re in vain, we could just disperse everyone downstairs and wait until it falls, and what if it doesn’t fall now? tomorrow, when people come here, and we still need some kind of flat, larger one, it will do, yes , we’ll make a damper, a damper here, oh, we have to hurry, otherwise it will fall off, fly right into the prokhor’s forehead, a damper, but everything will definitely work. and what might not work here, everything is as simple as shelling pears, elementary, targeted explosion, i don’t know, i’ve just never blown up anything, but let’s lay it out carefully, great, good, great, guys, guys, everyone,
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attention, now there’s going to be a small, very neat explosion.” accepted, didn’t explode , you say, you have to start sometime, set it on fire, have fun, update and renew yourself with a big spring sale at the megamarket, buy a set of three the egg scrubs for only 850 rubles. all the fans of the group nana dreamed of marrying him. oh, it’s a shame, it’s a shame that this is the first time you’ve been wearing panties? he is a rather private person, and for a woman it sounds like, well, he doesn't need me. does he cope with the role of a young father? he
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was always in touch, the video was sent right away, the umbilical cord had not yet been cut. why did he run away from his mother to bari alibasov? will you change your mind when you don’t know where he is and don’t know what’s wrong with him? i understand that i was in this situation. who broke his eldest daughter's heart? it so happened that i fell in love with a boy from the moscow region, abandoned him and moved to vladimir politov and his million-dollar secret. tomorrow at 21:20 on ntv. black sun. premiere from monday at 20:00 on ntv. alpha friday. supercake every week from alfabank. this friday, get 50% cashback when you pay with any of our cards in yandex food. and if you don’t have a card, order a free alpha card and receive a superkick. on alpha fridays it’s not just profitable, alpha is profitable! hearts sounded in unison, the melody of love played, what a pity, but
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it was just a dream, goodbye, my hope was fading, but there is a rebirth, we will see you again and louder i want to say salute, then the feeling is complete, give love and technologies with summary columns of sberbank, if you want to become a modern individual entrepreneur and not pay a commission from a transfer to a personal account, then open a business account on vtb. for life to remain fulfilling, our body needs the key to launching internal resources to get rid of pain. salvisar oil is the key to activating the body's internal resources and helping to eliminate the source of pain and inflammation. solvisar in green packaging is the key to a fulfilling life. one of my friends decided to relax in a place where there is no connection. look, this same lyucha...
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8:52 pm
my, where, milky, bright, what are you, your backs have grown together, let's get out. maybe we’ll fall apart first, maybe it’s better upstairs, or maybe even tomorrow there will be seeds , i’ve eaten everything now
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, i’ll get it, don’t, let me down, i myself, the stretcher here, quickly, at least, what happened, sleepyhead, got lost, there, yes, oh my.
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i, i will give guarantees, you don’t really look like a guarantor, so i’m suspending the work of the club until all your employees pass the safety test, sign, think about the people, the people are waiting manuilova’s concert is not the first month, people,
8:55 pm
this is the elite, or what? mikhail, sign it. and i ’ll go and sit in the car, comrade lieutenant, maybe we ’ll sort it out somehow, the employees will be briefed, and we’ll check everything for fire safety, but after manuelova’s concert, well, you check everything yourself, i’ll give you two tickets for the best places. thank you, i ’ll watch manuelov’s best concert on tv, call the hospital right away, understand? try not to get lost along the way, huh? semechkin,
8:56 pm
come here, you were loading equipment, so i loaded, well, i didn’t load with my teeth , i couldn’t bite through the rope, and they didn’t teach you to check what you were loading, so igor, well, well , well, don’t be a duster, with a cold head you have to figure out who loaded, who checked, for what cold head, they didn’t give him his head at all, who was the last to conduct the inventory with “i’m asking who did it, i did it, you ’ll go to court with me, igor , this is too much, too much, this is not too much, kosatski, it’s necessary remain a man, or if you want , i’ll give you a reassuring kick, i’ll tell you straight, sergei saidovich, i didn’t
8:57 pm
expect such a result, they call me every 5 minutes like..." it’s my birthday, apparently they don’t congratulate me, but what kind of congratulations, it’s time to express condolences, cancel manulov’s concert, but i didn’t cancel anything, general, i no... into art, let them sing to their health, but not in this club, let’s not wave a saber , otherwise with your zeal in a week, if everything is closed, imagine how good it would be, human life is more precious, i can imagine it gives you goosebumps, sergey sevidevich, settle down in the office at the facilities, you don’t need to run around anymore, why is everyone forbidding me to run, let me go, go, just don’t run, oh, sonya, lord , what happened to you again, well,
8:58 pm
you’ve packed everything up, we can go, uh-huh, the age has sunk, do you really think that he blew it, look here, maybe it’s frayed, well, this is frayed. this, apparently, was cut, lord, yura, this is what my office was opened with a sliver, why, i’m a neurotic cop. yes, great, what happened, nothing, came to visit, or check, that too, here you are
8:59 pm
last night it seemed like she stayed on duty , but left the hospital for the whole night, it turns out you were on duty in another place, you think you were a lover, where were you, i know, i’m warning you for the last time, you shouldn’t have anything to do with these rescuers, absolutely none, and if one of them is brought to my hospital, they will probably be brought more than once, but you are not the only doctor at the hospital, valentina, i’m not joking now, i’m never joking now, stay away from them , otherwise it will end badly.
9:00 pm
you were lucky with the weather, but the wind is the main thing fresh, hypoallergenic, can you imagine, we barely pushed our chalk out of the room for her , mom’s birthday is not a reason to go out, but they are so old, they don’t need anything at all, what? as soon as we get out, and how we rush , the sea is wide, this is the most budget option for a walk, but i have more, but no, no, you don’t need a vazgen, the team is small , the captain is up to the yung, okay, give me the keys, and don’t forget to put them on bulletproof vests, definitely heard, beauty, let's go dress up, let's go, let's go, yeah, and you have wi-fi here, dear... i only have vaiwai on the boat, let's rush, oops, so i'll button it up, and what is this, the kayyota...


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