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tv   Doznavatel-2  NTV  March 30, 2024 3:55am-4:46am MSK

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“yes, let’s go, i’ll tell you this, that vinaigrette without peas, it’s not a vinaigrette at all, well, i agree, it’s some kind of vegetable mush, there he is, who, well, this idiot who almost killed me, it’s so calm, it’s special operation, sorry guy, it's normal in general, sorry , well, we made a mistake, well, yes, it doesn't happen to anyone, yeah , bye, come on. tomechka, let's go, here
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's some oranges for you, eat your vitamins, you just need them now, but i can't handle that much , tomorrow you’ll be going home, well, you’ll finish at home, it’s good, sash, that you’re on the mend, it didn’t seem like anything serious happened, yeah, so scratch, scratch, yeah, lying there, you know, like dead, well, a painful shock, just what a painful shock, laying there like dead bodies, you know, that’s enough, sash, tell me, did our guys visit you? visited, yeah, well, pasha, pavel nikolaevich, i know you , tell me, what’s the news in the department, yes, what ’s the news, so day labor, yes, routine, routine, so to speak, everyday routine, listen, sasha, we’re downstairs now we met here a figure from the administration, his last name is korastyshevsky, it seems, right? yeah, not for you, that means, well, yes,
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well, let's go, let's go , come on, get well , get well, eat some oranges, eat, i'm helping, yeah, let's go, pasha, that means you'll be discharged tomorrow, yeah, yeah, okay. it somehow turned out inconvenient , dear, what happened, i know that the moose will find me when you’re not around, as if he’ll kill me, we’ll still see who finds who first, so just don’t cry, don’t cry, i ’m not crying, everything, everything will be fine, you’re so good to me, let’s go, how’s it going? as
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expected, i opened a case on the fact of armed robbery, but pavel nikolaevich, the perspective is not visible, not visible at all, the victim did not remember the faces of the attackers , she was very frightened, well, she was in a state of passion, yes, they stole her personal belongings, nothing valuable, but it’s strange that her fiancé , to whom she was going, disappeared, the address is wrong, the phone is switched off, why did you invite, you ask, that’s why, it’s just a mystery? yeah, but there’s not enough time to solve it, because there’s a lot of work, you said right now, there’s a lot of work, yes, nothing, sovorov will be leaving the service soon, and he likes to solve these riddles, so i’ll hand over the matter to him, really, really, thank you very much, pal nikolaevich, come on, hello, marich, oh, hello, oh, oshot! yes, listen, you
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visited suvorov in the hospital, of course, well, how is he, very normal, you know, there are such, the sisters are looking after him, that i wouldn’t even mind lying down myself, okay, everything is clear. cool thing, an instrument of torture, hello, merchant, yes, i called, we have problems, but i couldn’t get through to you, they took the wrong bag from the chick, so you let the girl leave the package alive. failed, so solve the question how
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if you want to decide, god forbid, i will have to go to st. petersburg myself, the decision will not be in your favor. fuck you, we know her mobile number, we'll call her, we'll find her, we'll return the goods , merchant, don't worry, idiot, you'll definitely kill yourself someday, hello, hello, this is yulia foralova, yes, and you're from the police, yes, from the police, by in my case, in yours. great, stas , great, you have a disco right here, there’s a conversation, now is not the time, i’m sorry, but there’s nowhere else to go, okay, oh
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, hello, hello, that’s it, we’ve met, olya, nadya, kiril, it’s very nice. okay, girls, let's go quickly go to the kitchen and make us some tea , just don’t rush, otherwise we’re having a very important conversation between men , you don’t want to talk to us, later, why should we drink tea, i don’t want tea, i see, let’s run, run , run , excuse me, this is my house, i have a day off, i’m taking a walk , you’ll drink for a long time, as long as you want, i’ll do as long as i want, my life, here’s some paper, here’s a pen,
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write to asokina, what to write, a report on resigning at your own request, the joke is, okay, yeah, just don’t forget to indicate the reason why you’re resigning, and the general office with major kumach, normal reason, normal, write, yeah, so, only this is not a joke, everything is serious here, lieutenant colonel, now sit and think, either she or us, you have 3 days for everything about everything, you do you understand me? well, guys, the tea is almost ready , and where is your friend, has he gone, where, nadya, turn it off, please, what’s the matter, stas, it’s nothing, that’s it, girls, it’s time for you, stas, get
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out of here already, well, i see, dynamo, nadenka, let’s go, stasta, just don’t drink anymore, okay, and you go to the same place as mine, here it is. hello sasha, hello, good to see you, yeah, how are you feeling, practically healthy , listen, i’m sorry that i flared up at
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you then, you’re not angry, no, nothing, i ’m getting used to it, please tell me, this gentleman of yours, what kind of guy is he, otherwise i’m with i lost count, are you doing a personal burner or an autopa? you are collecting, sasha, you are incorrigible, uh-huh, marish, are you offended or something, well, don’t be offended, marishka, i’m joking, uh-huh, yes, i understand. yes, what floor? i understand, apartment eight, okay, oh, sasha, great, hello, oshot, why, it doesn’t hurt,
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okay, okay, we’ve been waiting for you, there’s even one thing waiting for you specifically, what’s the matter, well, a girl was robbed, her name is julia, it’s an intriguing matter, the swan himself ordered it to be conveyed to you. because you love complex cases with us, pavel nikolaevich himself instructed, yes, and why do you have such a pleased face, and that you found someone to blame a difficult case on, sasha, well... rashishite boris borisovich, yes kumach, come on, come on, come in, come on, have a seat, that means, i’ve just come from the main office, there’s a trend going around the city, it’s not good, it’s under special attention at the main office, it hasn’t affected us yet, but it’s necessary be prepared, what exactly, well, the fact is that three girls were found murdered in the city, well, such is life.
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olya, hello, sasha, hello, what happened to sasha? no, everything is fine , he was discharged, he even went to work today, thank god, but i never had time to visit him at the hospital, it’s not good, what did you want to talk about, ol? and i wanted to consult with you, pasha, tell me how girls should behave in such a situation when her... the young man does not take care of himself at all, because anything could happen to him, yeah, you understand me, oh about that
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, yeah, well, yes, sashka has always been like that, he was born in the forest since childhood, he stood up for the weak, he has such a restless character, that’s what i always liked about him, yes, but now you’re in a hurry , uh, there is time, but what? well, maybe then we’ll go somewhere, have lunch, just talk, the main thing is not on the street, it’s cool, we can, yes, let’s do it. what was in the second bag? in which bag? well , it says here that the victim had two bags and personal belongings were stolen, but what was in the second? so the second bag wasn't stolen, what difference does it make? there was? oh, oshot!
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hello, yulia, hello, captain of the suvorov, i will handle your business. no, i haven't called you yet. please tell me where are you staying? at my cousin's aunt. what's the address? yes. oh, i'll be there soon. we need to talk, yes, all the best, will you go to her? listen, when you talked to her, was she very worried? no, in a state of passion, now, absolutely calm. you see, maybe with a clear head he will remember something. yeah.
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that because he has such a girlfriend, if only he thought the same. no doubt, no otherwise he wouldn’t risk himself so much, he would spend more time with the girl he loves, and he would prove the seriousness of his intentions, so you are a serious person, and you know what a girl needs first of all, and she needs stability in a relationship, reliability, care
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and love , well, yes, of course, i think that sanya is such a person, you can have no doubt about it, i think that you can rely on him in absolutely everything, yes, yeah, on you, i can rely, but what can you not eat, come on, eat, eat, the food here is very tasty. come on, come on, who's there, the police, quiet, creature, quiet,
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where's the second bag, where's the second bag, i'm on my fiancé. don't rock the boat, what, what are you doing? don’t kill me, the country is wide , there’s plenty of stupidity, mom, be quiet, you’re waiting
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for someone, ask who’s there, ask who’s there, who’s there, fuck it, say you ’re not feeling well, i’m not feeling well, come to another once, we agreed with you, another time, what’s wrong with your voice, everything is fine, yes, everything is fine, come next time. hello, cyrus, hello, said hello, sparrow, well, i’ll jump next to you now, but you’re welcome, yeah, listen, here, i have garbage stuck here, pick it up, solve the problem, he’s alone.
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back, garbage, quiet, quiet, quiet, don’t touch me, don’t twitch, quiet, don’t twitch, i said.
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open it, quickly, you will tug at the urine, remove the car, you hear, you removed the car, man , why are you boiling, i say, removed the car, criminal rozo. great, great, girl, calm down, the worst is over, calm down. give me your purse, please, uh, ul, listen, i have an urgent meeting in the office now, so i’m sorry, please,
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i can’t get you there, it’s okay, i’m sorry, that’s it thank you anyway, well, it was very nice, you know, it’s somehow good with you, calm, fields, bye, uh-huh, bye, wait, wait, i, sasha is actually my friend and i can’t do this, what a fool , so, suvorov, i’m working, comrade colonel, i’m asking for the victim, are you suvorov with us? he himself is still the victim, not only was he shot on the territory of the department, but so much noise started, but he also went under the knife straight from the hospital, so, and then they will say
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that the molosokin does not take care of personnel, he sends sick people on dangerous missions, in -first, comrade colonel, i am healthy , i have a certificate, and secondly, comrade lieutenant colonel, he himself wrote this case to me, what are the claims against me, you can be free, yes , of course, go, work, work, let them loosen their belts, you understand , yes, with your connivance, by the way , just like that, and these are real drugs, no, this is flour, now we’ll bake pancakes, so that means you don’t have parents, yeah, but where do you live, in a college in a hostel, before it was factory stuff, now different people live, how much do you need, it’s funny, then we’ll make a joke, let’s do it. how if you want, i’ll get more, so, you met yuri on a dating site, everything is correct, and you’ve never met in person , not yet, nevertheless, you decided to go live
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with a complete stranger, why , i know that yura a disabled person walks on crutches, a very decent young man , handsome, you see, sit down, how easy it is to deceive women into pity, but i still come across something ruthless, as ours sit down, they go, and go, and go, and go , come on, you went through moscow, yes, then to st. petersburg for on the bus? it’s not tiring on the bus , but it’s cheaper, and yura said so, he asked to give the bag from relatives, yeah, that means you took the bag and didn’t open it at all, well , how am i going to open other people’s things, yulia, please wait outside the door, kir , what is it, well, a couple of minutes, yulechka, a couple of minutes , san, look what kind of parsley it turns out, first he scams innocent girls so that they transport other people’s luggage, well, there’s no risk, no one is on them... they’ll think, they won’t fly on an airplane, expensive , no money, no one on the bus they don’t check their luggage, and then they trace them and point to the side, listen, zhatsukin told
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me about the murdered girls, it seems to me that these are links in the same chain, i’ll go and grind it out with asokin, uh-huh, oh yeah, i forgot, and then i’m still marrying her i'll look. touch colonel, please come in. here. something on the teeth? yes, an observation from an extra life. fresh, with captain suvorov’s girlfriend, inquire. it’s interesting to see this, in due time he will see if he loses the desire to work with us, but for now, for now,
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continue observing, i understand, here, here was yura, but obviously your yura is his i deleted the profile. well, we will continue the investigation, and you can calmly go to your great aunt, okay, yeah, you, there’s no danger anymore, okay, tell me, and you’ll find my things, definitely, we’ll try, eh... total good, thank you, uh-huh, bye, bye. yes, good, kumach
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, well done, here you are, well done, you did everything right, suvorov, wish you better health, yeah, you have to run in the gym, they are in the rvd, they were running around here, you know , yes, boris borich, but i ’ll fly to moscow by plane , business class, what does it mean business class, so time is precious, and the economy class tickets have obviously already been sold out, you need to be on your heels, the girls handed over the drug near the shopping center, and there is a crowded place and there is clearly a video surveillance camera. the record was not erased, uh-huh, yes, you’re right here , yes, so about the business class, uh-huh, we have a limited budget, that’s the crimson, boris borievich, remember, you told me about three murders of girls in a row, well, yes, i remember, well , there is an opportunity to solve all these three murders, this high-profile case will be in st. petersburg, well, i don’t know, our rvd will become famous, uh-huh, well, yes, well, yes, well, yes, well, yes, i believe you, kumach, i believe you, so that’s it, that’s it. the trip
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will be paid for, but not business class , forget about it, yeah, well, i'm fulkova, yes, come on, just don't let me down, okay, come on, work, work, connections, economy, economy, economy should be economical , these are airline ticket offices, tell me, what are your next flights to moscow? well, of course, business class , of course, yes, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, that’s it, yes, yeah, but i’m wondering where you find your suitors, and you, it turns out, pick them up on a dating site, you -what, and what this could turn out to be dangerous, they ’re all so positive on the website, in reality they could turn out to be anyone, i
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’m running a business right now, and there’s this kind of internet... the guy sent the girl under the knife, but i have nothing to do with it, yes what does this have to do with it, you understand that you, too, can run into the same maniac or some criminal pervert in the end, you know what, sasha, there is nothing between us, and i don’t owe you anything, so don’t meddle in my personal life, but i don’t interfere in your life, you understand that i i want to warn you, marina. yes, do what you want! marina , i heard a little here in the corridor, by accident, forget it, i think that sasha is right after all, you really need what i need, i’ll decide for myself, okay, marina, but still, listen, katya , do i look like a defenseless fool, no, of course not, but there’s no need to fence a garden here.
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how's peter? peter, peter, normal, rain, slush, level. great igor, yeah, kumach, yes, listen, in moscow now, and even a major, major, yes, with
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us. the climate is cold, so ranks increase bad, listen, give me one number, and i have a tavern in st. petersburg, okay, i dictate, so what happened, what is the urgency, what happened, what are you doing? “son , i went under the knife, i don’t need your heroic death , some kind of posthumous order, i need you alive, so that’s it, it’s time to end it, of course, that’s what i thought, you know, that you ’re wasting your time, and mine, and mine, so the situation is simple, either you leave the police yourself, or i will make sure that
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they kick you out of the police. choose!
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what do you need? is the car b047 or yours? so on it the tree fell.
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so, listen to me carefully. who is this? probably my courier came for money. quiet, lie down, understand? oh, how! hello,
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roe! i think i was wrong! standing! great, khaminich, tell brasukova to sleep peacefully, i solved your problem, yeah, new questions have appeared about zubov, and the answers are on his computer. in the computer, yes, in his personal computer in the office, you need to look there, well, carefully, who will let me see him, school friendship is a great strength, and i
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count on it, but on your natural ingenuity, no, i’m afraid it won’t work, i’m not an expert in this matter, i’m generally at the level of a teapot in computers. you have to learn a lot in life, and not just digital technology, but in general, when this was filmed, yesterday, that’s how much you don’t see when you don’t look closely. but there certainly could be passwords on his computer, or rather 100%, they are there, if something valuable is stored there, this is already a substantive conversation, our specialists wrote down
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one program here, your task is just to dump it on zuby’s computer, that’s all . sorry. we're closing, i'm crazy we’re closing, what time is it, but we’re closing , what the hell, we’re working until 10 today, we’re having a special event tomorrow, there’s a sign hanging on the door, i have nothing else to do, i’m actually stunned to read your signs. goodbye, goodbye, goodbye,
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there! man, man!
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before mongol times, but the final settlement occurred in the 16th century. to protect
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the borders of southern russia from tatar raids and further development of the black earth region, the russian government built fortress cities, including tombov. tambov region is located in the center of the east european plain, the region belongs to the black earth zone rich in fertile soils, from moscow to tambov by rail 480 km. travel by train will take about 9 hours. one of the most popular places in tambov is the embankment of the tsna river, from here you can enjoy picturesque views of the ancient city, including the spasopreobrazhensky cathedral. the first stone temple of tambov. in front of it on the cathedral square there is a monument to the heavenly patron of these lands, saint peterim. about the wealth of local landowners merchants resemble ancient ones. mansions, one of the most exquisite house of the merchant mikhail oseev.
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the building, similar to a palace, was built at the beginning of the 20th century according to the design of the moscow architect lev kekushev, a master of modernism. now the estate is a branch of the petergov nature reserve museum. in terms of elegance and beauty , only the estate of brother-owner vasily oseev could compete with this mansion. the estate was located near tambov in the city. experts suggest that the main building of the estate was also designed by lev kekushev. the history of tambov is almost 400 years. the city was founded in 1636 as a military fortress by roman babarykin as a stronghold of the moscow state in the wild field area. an earthen rampart has been preserved around the city, part of the defensive structures of the 16th century to protect against raids by nomads. they had hand-held
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firearms, in the prisons they even had hidden caves, this is such an average weapon between cannons and a rifle; in principle , they could hold the defense of this area for quite a long time until help arrived. in the middle of the 16th century, these fortifications were also supplemented, then there was a ditch in front of the rampart. in front of the ditch there were wooden gouges, inside the ditch they also made a fence, a spike with sharp logs, six meters high, 4 m above the surface, two down. they stood like this, that is, if the enemy approached the fortification line, he would come across gouges, they had to be pulled apart somehow, then the ditch, in the ditch there were so -called pieces of garlic or coli driven into the ground, that is, in order to make it difficult for the cavalry to pass, then he came across a high four-meter oak wall, which also had to be pulled apart, and that’s all
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it was still servicemen who were under fire, because the space between the two guards was shot through with a gun, so this system was quite effective. the south of the modern tambov region was then part of a wild field where steppe peoples roamed for thousands of years. this is evidenced by archaeological finds, burial grounds and monuments of sacred art. some of the artifacts are presented in the exhibition of the regional museum of local lore. these are actually the first nomads, these are the traces of whom we find here in the region, these are scythians or scythoids. it begins around the century bc. and it goes. in waves, this replaces each other, these are the scythians, sauromatians , then come the sarmatians, they are replaced by the goths, then the huns, these are the so-called swords, akinaki, in this case, based on the characteristics of some details, be it the top or the crosshair, we can date them, in this case
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, the earliest, so to speak, sovromat version is a bronze handle, that is to say, an archaic type of weapon, the first weapon was bronze, but here... the handle was left bronze, then this is somewhere in the 7th century bc, maybe the very beginning of the 6th century, that is, this is a typical thing of a scythian warrior or a scythian group, sarmatian, svromatian, which, in fact, every male warrior was simply obliged to have. in the 14th century , russia encountered the crimean khanate on its southern borders. only powerful fortifications could protect the settlement from attacks by steppe warriors. for their construction, foreign specialists were invited, the work was supervised by the governor roman fedorovich babarykin, it was possible to establish that he was about 25-26 years old at that time, according to in modern times, he is a relatively young man, but already experienced, he was a governor in shatsk in 1632, showed himself well at
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the court of mikhail fedorovich, was kindly treated by the authorities, it was he who was given such an order to build a new city. they wanted to build the city on the lesnaya tambol river, when they arrived here, the place seemed unsuccessful to them, then they chose another area - this is the merger of the student with the tsna, it was here that the merger of the student and the tsna laid a new roof, that is , in fact, by the middle of the 16th century there was exhibited dolgorodskaya line, tambov line, shatsky fortifications, lower upper lomovskie, nsarskie to simbirsk, 1,200 km, a single continuous line of fortification, this...
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in a small exhibition hall you can see reproductions of paintings by the artist maria alekseevna polenova, the mother of the famous painter. for composer sergei rachmaninoff, his favorite place to relax and work was the estate of his relatives in the village of ivanteevko. the musician came to the estate every summer... until his immigration in 1917. there is a museum dedicated to the composer in the house. every year the estate hosts music festivals. in tambov in 2015, the only monument to military composers in russia was opened. ilya shatrov, who wrote
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the famous waltz on the hills of manzhuria, and vasily agabkin, the author of the march farewell of the slavyanka, are immortalized in bronze. this song is now an anthem. libovsk region. another monument is dedicated to lieutenant general valery khalilov, head of the russian army ensemble named after alexandrov, who died during a plane crash in 2016. twice in its history, tambov land became a reliable rear during hostilities. first time during the patriotic war of 1812 with napoleon's army for the second time during the great patriotic war of 1941. a memorial erected near the building of the tambov museum of the history of medicine is dedicated to the feat of military nurses and doctors. since 1944,
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the outstanding surgeon-archbishop luke, known in the world as valentin voina jesenecki, worked in the city. in tambov, he not only worked in hospitals, but continued to conduct church services. in the center of tambov there is a monument to one of the most famous heroes of the great war. because the fascists, as far as i know, the village was not burned, that is, she saved the village with her silence. zoya kosmodemyanskaya
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was born in the village of asininagai, 115 km from tambov, the settlement is noticeable from afar by the domes of a wooden church of the 19th century. the rector of the church was zoya’s grandfather, pyotr kosmodemyansky. a museum appeared at the osinagaya school back in the late 1960s. in 2018, with the support of the russian military historical society, its modernization took place; the museum is dedicated to three heroes of the soviet union, natives of asin gai, zoya kosmodemyanskaya, her brother alexander and stepan perekalsky. this the battle of kursk, just stepan perekalsky, it was his division for the first time, the first to enter kursk, liberating this very kursk, and there is a perekalsky district there in kursk. and russia is told by the exhibition of the tambov museum and exhibition center, one of the best military history museums in russia. among
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the exhibits of the center are copies of battle banners, weapons, personal belongings of heroes, the ceremonial jacket of three times hero of the soviet union, pilot ivan kozhedub. here you can learn about the contribution of the tambov region to the cause of victory and the formation of the second guards army on its territory. story - this is a big book of human judges. and here there are about 10,000 names of ordinary war workers who paved the road to victory, and generals, and military commanders, and pilots, and tank crews. among the honored guests of the museum and exhibition center, veterans of the great patriotic war, alexander bodnar took part in the defense of moscow, leningrad, stalingrad, fought on the orel-kursk bulge, in the kuban and in the crimea. he celebrated his twenty-seventh birthday at the victory parade in moscow on june 24 , 1945. as navigator alexander
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nikolaevich completed 300 night combat missions. there were no radar devices of any kind at that time; they simply did not exist. therefore, we just calculated the compass , eyes, and shturmansky’s calculating instruments. three devices that made it possible, and the main thing is visual orientation, observation, what the navigator observes as a flyer, he looks, there are railways, rivers are visible, nights are visible, no matter how dark the night is, it is still visible, and timing, of course, for his contribution to the fight against the nazi occupiers during the great patriotic war, the city tambov was awarded the order... of the red banner of labor.


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