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tv   Segodnya  NTV  March 30, 2024 10:00am-10:21am MSK

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hello, you are greeted by the information service of the ntv television company, in the yulia bekhtereva studio. let's start with the news, this. it was prepared by three citizens from central asia, the criminals were detained. during the searches , a homemade explosive device and chemical agents were confiscated from them. a criminal case has been opened. today is the ninth day since the terrorist attack at crocus city hall. throughout the country, mourning events are held in memory of the victims. according to the latest data , 144 people became victims.
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seems good already, thanks, can i have some coffee? drips, it will be possible, like many, ekaterina, they don’t remember how they ended up in the hospital, but how she escaped with her two daughters will remain with her forever, door, shots, corpses, door, shots, corpses, door, shots, corpses , there was nowhere to go, we went down to the first floor, where there was no way out, how scared she was all, not for herself, for her babies, in a panic we were looking for where to hide, i have a child. falls to
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the floor below, that is, i just hear the rustling of clothes, and such silence, and once, cotton, she’s there, i say, little cat, alive, alive, that’s it, may have saved her life, she sat there until the rescuers arrived, now ekaterina definitely believes in miracles, good mood, good health and beautiful. a look into the future, very soon she will be discharged from the club, she will finally hug her babies. the doctors of the krasnogorsk hospital will not forget that day, then at about half past eight they brought in 21 people, among them was, i was already beginning to choke little by little, coals were falling on me, which was not very pleasant, and so, to be honest, i was already a little resigned that that's it, i won't get out of here anymore. i nailed myself to
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the wall and some miracle happened, i just lost the floor under me, i fell another 3-4 m, i just fell on the coals, got my burns, the doctors helped save her miraculously, now she’s more likely to go home to her native long-term home to vladimir, sergey will also go, they were able to get to the door there, the door was already closed, so i lost consciousness, first i, then my wife, already at 9:30 on saturday morning i opened my eyes, a member of the film crew who worked that day had a room.. .they
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produce components for ammunition and weapons. following the visit, the head of the military department set the task of speeding up the process of building new areas. place this design bureau here so that it sits here on the site. are they sitting on the platform? this is the first. secondly, look at the examination, we need to come to an agreement, they worked faster. at three sites here, the examination has been going on for 3 months. yes sir. listen. this is why we
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are doing it, so that it is doubled, so that productivity is increased in all directions, after inspecting the workshops, held a meeting where he spoke about the progress of technical re-equipment. in addition to the k-52, the combat group included mi-8 and mi-35m helicopters. the pilots performed anti-missile maneuvers and returned to the airfield. the destruction of strongholds was recorded by aerial reconnaissance. in the kherson direction, artillerymen
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cleared the way for the infantry. fire from d-30 howitzers destroyed armored vehicles, guns, enemy warehouses and boats on which the nationalists tried to cross the dnieper. near the village of hours. yar paratroopers using combat drones carried out more than forty strikes on the positions of the ukrainian armed forces. the liberation of this village will allow the restoration of artyomovskaya to begin, so our troops are actively displacing the enemy. and in the donetsk direction , kamikaze drone operators, together with artillery, destroyed the nationalist trench dugouts on the front edge of the line of combat contact. fire was brought in from geotsint b. howitzers. and in kiev, a new round of rusafu.
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ukrainophobia was also found in the works of joseph brodsky and alexander solozhenitsyn. according to the institute's commission, all three abandoned humanism as soon as it came to the ukrainian question. and mikhail glinka for the opera ivan susanin was accused of monarchist beliefs and russian patriotism. in 2015, ukraine adopted a law on so-called decommunization. after that, soviet monuments there began to be dismantled and streets renamed. in recent years, the kiev regime has begun to aggressively fight not only the legacy of the ussr, but also everything russian in general. the united states will give israel fighter bombs worth several billion dollars, writes about this washington post newspaper. the biden administration took this step despite concerns
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about a possible idf offensive on the city of rafah. as the publication's sources reported, the new aid package included several thousand units of explosive weapons and dozens of self-propelled weapons. the issue may take place as early as april 1. during the negotiations between the two countries on this komsomolsk-on-mura, the management company, at the request of local residents, due to the cold weather, decided to insulate the old apartment building, but only because of the work, utility workers
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mosaic panels were covered with building materials. it was created during the soviet years by those who came to the baikal-amur mainline. alexey yalash understood the cultural and everyday conflict. our previous tenants sewed, here they sewed up the walls, but with govel, but not completely, well, not completely, in short, the wall, they had it standing about here, it was sewn up, but from here it was no longer sewn up, we ourselves completed the sewing without insulation it turns out, oh, or rather, we finished it with this way, they had it with insulation, but we didn’t, this is the place where they have it was before, here the uncorrupted side ends, straight from here. and they put a closet behind him so that the child wouldn’t have to. katrina fights the cold in the apartment as best she can. for example, a closet helped me survive this winter. the neighbors also use all available methods, but then they decided that drastic measures were needed. the council of the house decided to insulate the facade, but to do this , the mosaic
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panel will have to be hidden under the siding. just a couple of days ago, the end of a residential building on krasnoflotskaya street looked like this, but today the builders the panel, which had been a real decoration of the neighborhood for more than 20 years, was half sewn up. there are dozens of similar houses where you have to decide what is more important, the legacy of soviet decor or the warmth in the apartments, in komsomolsk-on-amur, a young city almost everyone tried to embellish in their round date, for example, this panel, which... is still showing off on a ten-story building on the highway, which is the name of the area of ​​the city through which the main highway runs, appeared on the fiftieth anniversary of the komsomol naamuri. if you look closely, the faces on the figure is very similar to the komsomol members, the first builders of the city, who are depicted on one of the main monuments. the images of komsomol members, brave, courageous, determined, in some ways even harsh, they seemed to move from one work to another, if you look closely, then... by and large they are somewhat similar to all the panoramas that we looked at today , also
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a reflection of the era. ivan lavrentyev can talk about his native komsomolsk for hours, he says that almost every pono and mosaic has its own unique story, for example, this one, decorating the youth house by the artist darbinyan, was opened by yuri gagarin himself, and this in the city of tets at one time was the largest in the entire far east. at this time, in architecture, as they say , there were no masterpieces, which was started by khrushchev, when the excesses were completely removed from architecture and when this era ended, apparently there was a need to still do at least something beautiful, to save the ponos and mosaics the mayor’s office cannot escape oblivion, the housing code is stronger, only those works that are included in the appropriate register, there are only a few of them, the fate of the rest is in the hands of the priests of panel high-rise buildings, the main thing for us as residents is the comfortable living of the residents, so
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there is no need to prevent this, or to say anything, or to invent anything in this case, we need to make sure that people feel warm. now in new houses, of which there are not so many being built in komsomolsk-on-amur, insulated facades are already provided at the design stage, but officials will have to find a solution on how to preserve the architectural heritage soviet times. alexey lash, alexey sakhno, khabarovsk territory, especially for ntv. in dagestan, a ninety-two-year-old woman became the only resident and keeper of a remote village. half a century ago, a powerful earthquake occurred there, after which many locals fled their homes. despite the persuasion of her relatives, the pensioner refused to move. why did omar magomedov find out? this is what the mountainous aul amushi looks like now: many houses have been destroyed, the streets are littered with stones. it is not safe to go inside buildings; collapses. only. the last resident of this village, ninety-two-year-old patimat saidova. we couldn’t
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come to grandma patimat empty-handed; we called our relatives first and it turned out that she has a sweet tooth, which is why we bring her a whole box of sweets. we found the long-living woman cleaning the yard, despite her advanced age, potimat was energetically sweeping the porch, having learned about the arrival of the television, the mountain woman was putting things in order in the house in the morning, chopping firewood and washing the tablecloth.
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here at night such a cry of wolves happens here from she says such a beautiful sound sometimes comes from wolves at night, it’s hard to believe, but half a century ago more than a thousand people lived here, but due to a devastating earthquake, a third of the houses were completely destroyed, people moved to a safer and less inaccessible place. everyone left except grandma patimat. about once a month, the hermit is visited by representatives
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of the pension fund, local police, and the head of the village administration, and although the aul is considered abandoned, the authorities pay special attention the monument to those who fell in the great patriotic war is restored every year, and flowers are laid on memorable dates. recently, her great-grandchildren stretched a hose with drinking water to her house; the nearest spring is hundreds of meters away; sometimes it took several hours to replenish supplies; grandmother saved time. one peace and prosperity for the country and the republic. omar magomedov, rabadam bagomedov and kamil ibragimovkaz ntv bureau. dagestan. and that's all by this time. stay on ntv. this is moscow.
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