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tv   Segodnya  NTV  March 30, 2024 4:00pm-4:21pm MSK

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in the netherlands, an unknown man took hostages in a cafe. for 9 days , mourning events are held throughout the country in memory of those killed in sitikholi. washington, despite the disagreements over rafah, is going to put out...
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it all happened in the city of edya, in one of the popular cafes. a man came in with an explosive weapon. the only people in the establishment who were held hostage were four people. the criminal threatened to blow up the building, residents of nearby houses were evacuated, and the city center was blocked off. after almost 6 hours, the hostages left the cafe on their own, and then a man in a balaclava with his hands up came out of the establishment. he was handcuffed and put into a police car, but there is still nothing about the motives of his action. not reported. the federal security service detained three citizens of one of the central asian countries in the stavropol territory. they planned to carry out a terrorist attack together with a mass gathering of people. a search was carried out at the residence address of the detainees. components of a homemade lifting device and damaging chemicals were discovered and seized. the investigative department of the fsb of russia in the stavropol territory has opened a criminal case under the article of preparation for a terrorist act. sergei shaigu
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threatened to bring to justice organizations that fail to meet deadlines for the construction of new military-industrial complex facilities. this topic was raised during the visit of the minister of defense to one of the enterprises in the altai territory, which produces components for ammunition and weapons. based on the results of acquaintance with his work, shaigu demanded that the production process be optimized. place this design bureau here so that it sits here on the site?
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between the united states and israel regarding the military operation in the city of rafah in the gaza strip , according to cnn, may take place in washington on monday. they were originally scheduled for march 25, but the israeli prime minister canceled them after the united states did not meet at the un security council. vetoed a resolution calling for an immediate ceasefire. benjamin netanyahu responded by saying that israel does not intend to retreat from its plans, but now, as reported, the american officials at the negotiations plan.
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a memorial service was held in the building; caring people, employees of dozens of foreign embassies, came to honor the memory of the victims of the terrorist attack that took the lives of 144 people. about the funeral ceremony nikita korabenkov. despite the fact that the memorial service began only at noon today, people with flowers flocked to the memorial from the very morning. when our family heard this, we decided to go donate blood in the morning.
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the flow of people did not stop even after the funeral service ended; among those who attended the funeral event, representatives foreign diplomatic missions. i came to express my condolences on behalf of the state of israel, on behalf of the people in israel, how much we sympathize with the russian people, how terrible the terrorist attack is. very sad, this is a tragedy that has touched everyone's hearts. on behalf of jordan, i condemn this barbaric act against the citizens of our friends in russia. the funeral events will continue until late evening. at 19:52, it was at this time that the first shots were fired on march 22, a commemorative event dedicated to the nine days since the tragedy will begin.
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the action will be opened by a minute of silence, and then all those gathered will remember the names of the victims. all this to the accompaniment of classical music performed by valery gergeev’s orchestra. nikita korabenkov, olga afonina, pavel kolesnik, alexander ivanov. the ministry of emergency situations reported today that the number of victims of the terrorist attack has increased again, now there are 551 names on this list, 70 people still remain in hospitals, doctors are now preparing some patients for discharge, mikhail plokhotnik listened to the story of their rescue, remembers that day and eyes in a wet place but the mood seems to be good already, thank you, can i have some coffee, it will be
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possible as well... silence and once, cotton, she is there, i say, kamilochka, alive, alive, this may have saved her life, she sat there until the arrival of rescuers, very soon she will be discharged from the cliff , she will finally hug her babies , the doctors of the krasnogorsk hospital will not forget that day, then at about half past eight they brought 21 people, among them was camilla, well, i was already starting to slowly choke, coals were falling on me, and i was already so resigned that everything i can’t get out of here, and some miracle happened, i just lost the floor under me , i fell down another 3-4 meters, i just fell on the coal, got my burns, she was saved by a miracle , the doctors helped, now she’s more likely to go back to her hometown , sergey will also go home to vladimir, they were able to get to the door there, the door
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was already closed, so i lost consciousness , first i, then my wife, already on saturday 9:30 am i opened my eyes, a member of the film crew was working... that day at the event, this is not the first story, it just so happened that i got caught filming, when they were taking place with the nordost and watched it all when the whole thing started , i heard shots, the first thought was the second nordost, now they will take hostages, for him it turns out to be his third birthday , for his colleagues the second, for all of us, well, a lot whoever has crocus bracelets left, we are like a newborn on them and now let’s write a new date of birth, like the thousands of people who survived in that hell, march 22, 2024. mikhail polokhotnik, ulyana talpa, ntv television company. a state
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of emergency has been introduced in the altai territory due to flooding. thawed almost 90 houses in nine settlements and hundreds of household plots were flooded. two temporary accommodation centers have been set up for the victims. now there are almost 70 people, including 22 children, and seven more points are ready. the ministry of emergency situations daily monitors the flood situation in the country using data from satellites and drones. at the moment, flooding has been recorded in eighteen regions. in komsomolsk-on-amur, the philosophical question of contrasting form and content arose in a completely unexpected area of ​​housing and communal services. many soviet panel high-rise buildings in the city are decorated with monumental mosaics. but... the houses themselves have not met modern energy efficiency requirements for a long time, in other words, the residents are freezing, insulating the facades on top of socialist realism means depriving the city of one of its urban features, alexey yalash figured out what to do. and this place is blowing directly from here, with
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the cold in the apartment, katrina is struggling as best she can, to survive this winter, for example, helped in the closet. the neighbors also use all available methods, but then they decided that drastic measures were needed. measures. advice. decided to insulate the façade, but to do this we will have to hide the mosaic panel under the siding. just a couple of days ago , the end of a residential building on krasnoflotskaya street looked like this, but today the builders have already half sewn up the panels, panels and mosaics
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; still, at least they can do something beautiful; apparently there is a need to save it from oblivion, the mayor’s office cannot, the housing code stronger, under state protection are only those works that are included in the appropriate register, such units, fate the rest are in the hands of the scroungers of panel high-rise buildings, the main thing for us, as residents , is that it’s comfortable. the cloud of civilization, not the departure of all neighbors, nor the persuasion of relatives, all this did not force ninety-two-year-old patimat saidov from
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dagestan to leave his native village. for many years now she has been the only resident of the remote mountainous aul. locals began to leave here half a century ago after a powerful earthquake. grandma patimat is called the guardian of the village. how she lives, how she manages the household, visit her, omar magomedov went. this is what the mountainous aul amushi looks like now. many houses have been destroyed and the narrow streets are littered with stones. the only and last resident of this village is ninety-two-year-old patimat saidova. we couldn’t come to grandma potimat empty-handed; we called our relatives first and it turned out that she has a sweet tooth, which is why we bring her a whole box of sweets. we found the long-living woman cleaning the yard, having learned about the arrival of the television. in the morning, the goryanka was putting things in order in the house, chopping firewood and washing the tablecloth. allah to you health, amar is good, she responds to all persuasion , requests from her daughters to move closer to the family
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with a decisive refusal , the village will not stop talking, this is tantamount to a betrayal of the memory of her ancestors, her house is tamburg, the pantry is a tiny room with a stove, from the blight of civilization in the house there is only electricity, and then until the first heavy rains. when i was little, there was no food or clothing, many walked barefoot, times were difficult. at night such a cry of wolves happens here because of this, she says: such a beautiful sound
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happens, sometimes at night from wolves, it’s difficult believe, but half a century ago more than a thousand people lived here, but due to a devastating earthquake, a third of the houses were completely destroyed, people moved to a safer and less inaccessible place, everyone left, except for grandma patimat, about once a month... the hermit is visited representatives of the pension fund, local police officer, head of the village administration. recently, her great-grandchildren laid a drinking water hose to her house. the nearest spring is hundreds of meters away; sometimes it took several hours to replenish supplies. time saved grandma now spends a lot of money on books, and she reads her 92 years without glasses. with the onset of the holy month of ramadan, she observes strict fasting, does not eat or drink during the daytime, prays a lot and asks the almighty for peace and...
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“this is for you, granddaughter, and this is for you, hold it, where does all this come from, you are on pensions, and the pension was registered with vtb, and there the rate for pensioners on the vtb savings account is up to 18% per annum." “how skinny you have become, and it’s good, dad, i want to be like my grandfather, rich in retirement from vtb, together everything will work out, wake up, stretch, from winter and shook ourselves off, during the spring sale we change clothes, change shoes, and also get transformed with cool things , we buy, i like this update, wake up sale on ozone,
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vernel fabric conditioner for 399, seltex dress for 799. board game imaginarium for 999. catch a firebird feather it’s not easy, but anyone can get an interest rate on a deposit at gazprombank. the rate is up to 16.5% per annum on a deposit for 6 months. get real income from a reliable bank. open a deposit on iskrat greenbelt remedies for sixty species of insect pests. greenbelt works. we are the entrance. we are going , and we are going, for the third year, so open a vtb savings account, the rate is 16%, save up faster, svetlana now knows for sure, there is a park in the city center, sergei vitalievich wanted a new square, got it, and maria ivanova whispered to us that there is a children's playground my work, everyone can influence the improvement of their city, choose a project
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most of it remain under the sun of the southern anticyclone, it is also distant, while the western cyclones drive the warm wind here. the result is truly impressive. in the north-west in the center of chernozim the temperature will soar to +20 and will exceed the norm by almost 10°. this hot wave has not yet reached the volga; there the temperature is mostly in the single digits and there is rain in places. in the south, as well as in the center, it will smell like summer, the temperature will successfully overcome the twenty-degree mark, sunny everywhere. and only the north still remembers that the time has not come for such warmth, there is near zero or frosty and snow in places, but in st. petersburg there is no precipitation, plus. 10:12 april 1 to +17 and light rain in moscow tomorrow the weather will be like this with light rain and +15-17 april will begin with twenty degrees of warmth.


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