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tv   Nash Potreb Nadzor  NTV  March 31, 2024 1:00pm-2:06pm MSK

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with your own hands, you have a bed like this with an additional soft shelf, oh, i just want to fall asleep right here, and what a view now opens up, yes, yes, not what it was, all the beauty, i’ll give you a magic remote control now, you can experiment, you just close it, opened it in the morning, too lazy to get up in the evening, closed it, yes, moreover, it works by voice, if you pull a little by yourself... it starts to close using the remote control, also a masterpiece, so i was against large windows, yes, but now i'm changing my point of view, simply gorgeous, the only recommendation would be additionally, when you decorate the facade , put french glass here, i understand, for safety, yes, because we don’t make passat, it makes no sense to install it in advance, it’s a lamp, i don’t know, but it’s original, zone relaxation, yes, appreciate it, also sit down to read, super, soft, and you can drink coffee, read a book, yes, super, what
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else is there to store, everything is hidden, yes, this is the remote control for the air conditioner, in the summer it won’t be hot, and you won’t be cold it will be, ol, because the batteries, yes, oh, how they are hidden, yes , this is a smartly made decision, the fact that the batteries are not visible, they are so beautiful that you don’t have to hide them, well, we are happy that you guys like it, this is the main thing for us the reward in the end, yes, this is a new stage in a new life, and then we need to do something, we need to move on, i would like to make you an offer. to become my wife, it's like so beautiful, i agree, hurray, she said yes, hurray, hurray, guys, congratulations on the remake, congratulations on this wonderful in the afternoon, thank you very much for oh, this chance to combine, these are tears, to build a new stage of life.
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a good combination of colors, yes, in fact , so unusual, but pleasant, harmonious , this is the north-eastern side, and it’s a little dark here, these mirrors, especially when the sun is visible in the morning, they will reflect it again, increase this color, well i think this is one of the best things i ’ve seen in my life, everything fits together so right, in short, words can’t describe it, the patterns on the blanket are on the cabre and it’s amazing
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carpet, pono, how i wanted something everywhere , little things, but interesting, it doesn’t overload, the interior, yes, the bedroom remains calm, but very diverse, it’s super, your project is a very interesting experiment, and we it already seems to me that we are returning here, changed, i understand that most likely something will be different, so i decided to make an offer. delicious breeds of pigs, from which the best bacon is prepared, were secretly exported from ukraine to russia; this is a national treasure and is prohibited for export. russian beer is no longer will be cooked from imported semi-finished products, it will become more natural and tastier. it's actually very bitter. in stores, checks are canceled; you can check whether the cashier has cheated and you won’t be able to return the defect. which? the factory rolls up
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another cheap fish in a jar with the inscription saury, and it’s rotten. instead of saira, the manufacturer put the far eastern sardine ivasi. in the renaissance dumplings, sales records are broken by gadgets for quick sculpting. but which of these works? the grooved edge turns out to be a beautiful edge. it is curious that in the word import substitution up to so far, we have not been able to replace the foreign word import, import substitution, for a grant , commodity substitution, there is something to think about , especially since import substitution turns 10 years old this year, and it seems like just yesterday some were clutching their heads, or rather , their stomachs. when italian cheeses, spanish
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sausages, french pates began to disappear, and the forbidden stuff that seeped in was crushed with bulldozers, and technologists... complained that it was impossible to prepare iconic products, special breeds of pigs were needed, for example, seeds, and recipes from foreign companies kept secret, but there were those who took the risk of occupying the empty shelves, i talked about cheeses and jamon, but what about other products, russian lard is now no worse than the branded hungarian one, what kind of mushrooms are they waiting to replace... everyone and restaurateurs will be hunting for domestic whiskey the scots with the irish, and the germans over beer. this is not a museum, but gennady conducts tours of these cellars more and more often. this is the oldest barrel, here is stained duk, more than 2.0
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years old. but it’s not the old testament wood that visitors want to see, but the fact that it stores, we can... today call ourselves the first producers of domestic malt whiskey. russian whiskey is an exhibit for russian shelves, still rare, but very much in demand, because the favorite drink of scottish monks, experts confirm with dry statistics, over the past 10 years has turned into a hit of russian stories. vodka in russia takes first place, more than 70%. it may come as a big surprise to you, but in second place. in the category of strong alcoholic drinks in russia there is such a wonderful drink as whiskey. all other strong alcoholic drinks, such as gin, cognac and other spirits, can fit into one glass with grace. the need for such alcohol substitution arose,
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firstly, because the range of traditional european whiskey ran out of steam, after which the shelves were flooded with drinks, the quality and taste of which did not suit all connoisseurs. whiskey from taiwan. and also, to our great surprise, we can try with you the releases of both chinese whiskey and indian whiskey, and secondly, because the sanctions have dried up the irish distillate channel, this is the maximum a ready-made semi-finished product for whiskey, the color of which in some russian alcohol factories was only adjusted with burnt sugar, here we set the parameters that we require, what volume, it automatically mixes water with distillate to a certain strength, 2-3 days and whiskey there was no completely russian whiskey on the shelves until the year before last, yes, the main ingredient for this alcoholic barley, in russia they take the most in the world, only now it turns out to be mainly feed and a few brewing varieties, but from such whiskey
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you can’t cook it, it’s dangerous. malting barley contains a substance called nitroamyl glucoside, which is used during the production of whiskey. turns into a carcinogenic substance , unfortunately, farmers can no longer use this, special barley for whiskey, in which there is nothing harmful, there is a lot of starch protein, they began to sow only 7 years ago, but the salad houses of the mordovian distillery are filled to capacity, the barley is soaked in over the next nine days it germinates, and in fact we get here the natural enzymes that we need in the future for whiskey production, and while the sprouts are not... or their roots are dried with hot air, this is malt, and now smell it, oh wow, it smells like smoked sausage, fumigate with peat, when the peat smolders, a large release of crynitrogen is formed, which gives this
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noble taste when aged, by the way, to make whiskey, first they essentially brew beer, which is driven through such a gigantic moonshine still, the result is... transparent alcohol, so that it becomes noble and rich in taste and aroma, it is several imprisoned in an oak barrel for years, the duration of the process itself, if we are talking about the start and the first final product, is at least 5 years, in general, now only the first modest batches of russian whiskey appear in stores, but if connoisseurs try it, then everyone will have the drink year more, filling the shelves with russian beer turned out to be no easier, yes, it seems... three bottles are corked in russia, but the main ingredients are often not domestic at all, made on foreign equipment, very often using foreign malt according to foreign technologies, and the main headache of brewers is the shortage of hops, 97% of which,
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think about it, 97 were imported from abroad until the twenty-second year, hops are only , at most, probably 5% of the cost. beer, but if there is no beer, then there will be no beer, so with this 5% you can control the entire beer industry, in this sense, getting out of such control, well... in my opinion, this is a strategically important task. the most amazing thing is that half a century ago, a third of all hops on the planet were grown in the soviet union, they were transported to bavaria, to prague, but this an important crop, like vineyards, was uprooted during gorbachev’s anti-alcohol campaign, and potatoes were planted between the rows of once green vines. in the 2000s, there were no people willing to get involved in hop growing; the price of cheap imported raw materials was not to beat, but to wait. from the first harvest it takes at least 3 years, somewhere in the third year, as it is believed, it gives a full-fledged harvest,
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the payback of the project is clear, it will last for 7-8 years, in the end , only sanctions that cut off the supply of foreign hops fertilized the farmers’ resolve, it soon turned out that what do you have unusual farming has an advantage , correspondent katya tikhaya found out, who visited the first 200-hectare hop fields in the krasnodar region, hop vines will be a much smaller place than fast-harvesting potatoes and corn, these plantations grow just like megacities, they rise 6, 7 m, and the distance between the drunken skyscrapers it’s tiny, the branches reach each other, the thing is that these plants don’t need much space at all , it’s convenient, on six dacha acres you can grow as many as 150 of these vines. by the way, the first harvests from this plantation have already been collected, from a local batch. arni immediately sold out of beer. katya barely had time to take a sample. in general, hops are the very ingredient
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that gives beer a pleasant bitterness. well , shall we try? it's actually very bitter. and one of the sure-fire snacks for kolkogo is lard, which in hungary, by the way, is considered their gastronomic treasure. it would turn out that this is lard, an appetizer, it seems like it could not be simpler, but here it is not just prepared according to a special recipe, it is salted for several days, and then patiently smoked for 4 days, strong smoke, yes, the smoke has started and now the lard will stay there for 5 days and be soaked in this smoke, and after that it is stuffed with garlic and rolled in ground paprika and this is a traditional hungarian recipe, this is a very tender lard, when you choose, you should not use your fingers
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squeeze it hard, it should crush, float from a light pressure, much softer than what i, frankly, tried in russia, yes, it’s very easy to crush it with your hands, that in fact it’s the consistency of butter, no, the whole point is... what is fat made from the breed of pigs, which... oh what, wow, from a pig of lard, no more, and this fatty meat breed can get 15 kilograms of fat, the layer will be thin and the fat will be hard, the swinger mangalitsa, on the contrary , there will be little meat, here is 50 kilograms of lard, mangalitsa is the fruit of the love of a wild boar for a domestic pig, shaggy wool from dad,
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sucks and dmitry, so in 2015 he had to use a trick and create an unusual route for import. what's next? and then don’t change the channel so as not to miss the most important thing. from ukraine to russia secretly they exported delicious breeds of pigs, from which they prepare the best bacon, champignons are grown in russia, but all the seedlings are foreign, they have run out, so the price of these mushrooms will catch up. truffles, the construction of new houses will be frozen en masse, and compensation for delays has been cancelled, which factories
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are rolling up saury or other cheap fish, and rotten ones, in a jar labeled. dumplings are having a renaissance, and gadgets for quick dumplings are breaking sales records. but which of these works? ural simp is a bank for business, and we work on the principle of all or nothing, everything for are undertaking and nothing extra, we give free service for 3 months when opening an account for business, ural siib bank, nothing extra. try red candies and chocolate, fewer calories without added sugar, red your love is caring, real mozzarella on pizza, in advertising, so it’s delicious, try it, you rose to the sky, you followed him,
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how romantic you are. mind-blowing number, mask, anniversary, fifth season, today at 20:20 on ntv. black sun, premiere, tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv. home is where family, in domf bank 16.2% per annum on deposit for 3 months. the most important contribution to the family. i'm ready to support. you in the most stressful situations, because i am number one for excess stress and lack of magnesium, i am magne b6 and available on the yandex market, we know that it is difficult to surprise you, however oled, try your favorite hobby in oled format, with the new hred s9 tv ultra, appetite anywhere, only dad can tame it, dad can,
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dad can tame sausages. come to samolet plus, a service for apartment solutions from transaction to finishing. it's not easy to catch a firebird's feather, so... anyone can get an interest rate on a deposit at gazprombank. the rate is up to 16.5% per annum on a deposit for 6 months. get real income from a reliable bank. open a deposit on in a separate application. listen to an endless music library, only now subscribe for 0 rubles for 3 months, your favorite books, podcasts and much more, subscribe to vk music for 0 rubles. it is important for us to be visible at any time of the day or night. our work is a race against time and the elements, and we need someone who is
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fully involved, who feels the power to help, there are amounts at stake and we accept you. jetur t2, a hero by nature. you are my basket, favorite chicken for 199 rubles. in rostix restaurants. today we are testing our birthday. have you made a wish? of course i made a wish. good. discounts. how much did you wish for? up to 50%. go to mvideo and eldorado. mvidio and eldorado, the main technology expert. well , what about credit card debt? 50% is dripping, you need a loan, take out credit cards, transfer debts to a loan, divide it into 24 months, conveniently repay, make purchases or get rid of debts by credit cards are easy to use, allergies, i wanted to sneeze on it, i’m a zodok, i help adults and children up to 24 hours, available on
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the yandex market, my earth is spinning. from all the big cities, i'm coming to pick you up , millions of foxes of the metropolis will see us, our movements are full of parsi, my mom is rushing through the streets, the city is as if there is no one but us, we went for a ride to the music, radio stations, we shorten the distance, as if we were friends, we will be offended dancing, i press on the gas so that the lights fly past us, this is mine. with the new 1.8 eva engine and automatic transmission, famous on the whole world has become a hungarian lard thanks to the fact that it is prepared from the fat of pigs of a special curly, frost-resistant breed, but
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such a national treasure cannot be exported abroad, so russian farmers had to resort to a trick. and create an unusual import route. the hungarian mangalica is a national treasure and is prohibited from being exported from hungary, but after the coup in 1914 in kiev, when ukraine began to rapprochement with the countries of the european union, somehow ukraine was allowed to remove, remove pigs. this means that 206 heads left hungary, 100 heads left - in kiev, and 106 heads. arrived in russia. and the efforts were not in vain. foreigners are more tolerant of siberian frosts than local boars, they can even sleep in snowdrifts, and they are unpretentious in food. i can't help you. you can name what they don’t eat, they eat everything, if you offer tree branches, they will eat tree branches, if you offer them khvay, they will eat all the khvay, if
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you bring them aspen trees, they are like rabbits, like hares, they will eat this aspen, so as not to we ate foreign sows, everything goes into lard, the bacon ends up incredibly soft and tender, i tried it, i confirm, please do not confuse me. such mushroom farms have long taken root in russia, but it turns out that the seedlings, that is, micelles, champignons, were always brought from abroad. a ban on direct deliveries, which resulted in higher prices for products. due to the lack of planting material, champignons will catch up with truffles in price, which is a famous european delicacy that they learned to cook in russia and it has become. paper for checks was not produced in large quantities in russia, so in
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the twenty-second, when contracts with foreign companies were broken, it became more expensive, sellers began to inquire about us en masse, but a check was needed, not everyone agreed, but despite this, they are still considering canceling paper checks altogether. find out more in our roundup of the most important consumer news. a receipt is not just a piece of paper with a list of products, it is a document confirming the purchase, with the help of which you can return the goods if something happens, for example, but for stores it is much more profitable to not mark expensive special paper with special expensive ink. therefore, the heads of retail chains supported with both hands initiative of the ministry of natural resources. the department insists that checks are a source of waste and cannot be recycled. it's not really paper, it's a mixture of cellulose and polymers. tax officials also approved the idea, saying that all information about purchases is already stored electronically, but the government
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still needs to refine the idea. for many older people , a familiar paper check is more convenient than a pile in an electronic mailbox. yes, digitalization seems to be convenient and great, but perhaps it can be overdone. but in the case of labeling. and goods, electronic progress has really been beneficial, tomorrow, by the way, is the beginning of a very important stage for all buyers: cash registers across the country will begin to block overdue payments themselves. the law clearly states that expired products on the counter: this is a violation, however, yesterday’s milk, chicken, bread, every now and then lie in wait for inattentive buyers on the shelves, but from tomorrow there will be... less risk of bringing home expired products, the program is an honest sign with which the cash registers are equipped, recognizes and blocks expired products . not all products will be like this yet
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analyzed by the system, only draft beer and cigarettes, but from may 1 it will not be possible to buy expired milk, then gradually other categories of goods will be added. so, control is being tightened in grocery stores and in construction. on the contrary, an unprecedented relaxation, fines for developers for late delivery of entire houses were abolished. developers lure buyers with advertising promises, which often contain a specific date, for example, the keys to an apartment are already in april twenty-fourth, the date is stated in the contract, and if the housing is delivered are delayed, then the developer pays a penalty for each day of delay, but recently the government... exempted construction companies from fines, penalties will not be accrued until the end of this year, that is, the developer may be overdue for six months,
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maybe a year, in these conditions, a citizen who took out a mortgage, he pays extra interest on his debt, he is forced to rent an apartment, some of his life plans are disrupted, his children cannot go to school or kindergarten because he cannot register and receive all the forms state. support for families with children, yes, it is obvious that there is too much money tied up in the real estate industry, everything is built on bank loans, which will also fall, and after them inflation will jump and prices will bomb, such a business has to be protected, but how they will feel behind a stone wall not only developers who are experiencing a cash crunch due to unexpectedly soaring... build materials prices, but also those who will delay deadlines specifically in order to extort an additional payment from residents for the early delivery of keys, or here... not
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to finish the money so that this money can be used for the start of a new long-term construction project, in russia , by the way, they have already counted almost a thousand, all this does not discourage the desire to invest hard-earned money in reinforced concrete ones, on the contrary , paradoxically, it fuels the interest of snack manufacturers who make the same chips with taste red caviar, it would have been high time to come up with a new taste of fresh concrete, for example, and now about the quality of saira, which is such a problem that the controllers asked the prosecutor general's office to take the producers by the gills. now buying these canned goods feels like a game in a thimble: i twist, i twist, i deceive, i want, we walk, we walk, we pass by, we don’t pass, the wizard suleiman has everything without deception, life is good.
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whoever has a diamond eye , whoever plays, gets money, whoever has wide eyes, will not receive anything, because saury has turned from a budget fish into a budget delicacy, because it has sailed away from the russian shores, instead of it they are putting cheap mackerel, herring and... god knows what else, what was caught, what brands engage in such fraud, we will now find out from the example of canned food from these brands, primrybsnap, russian fish world, spiro, head product, bering, seamles, tape, which
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cans are not made from saury at all? in which saya swims, but alone, in the ocean of broth, saury or not saury in jars, this is the first question, the answer to which the laboratory experts found, otherwise somehow strangely it turns out that the catch of saury is on the historical bottom, but it is still in in every store in the canned food section, suspicions were confirmed; in baro and siles they slipped it instead of saury.
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get away with it, unfortunately, current legislation and regulations have a gap in this part and allow the use of such manipulations, but personally i will not forget this, i will never buy it forever , i will put this brand on my black list, because even this cheap sardine and vosia at the spiro factory were spared more than half the can, the broth, and even suspicious dark, looks like the contents are not fresh. two more cans, so now i’ll give you a hint that our consumer supervision has still dug up from its team, then we’ll continue the commercial break for a couple of minutes, don’t switch whether they’re fishing in russian waters tuna, which famous fish does not exist because marketers invented it, how much can you earn from knowledge about it, dumplings are having a renaissance, gadgets for quick modeling are breaking sales records, but which of these
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works? what do dumpling factories add to the dough to prevent it from tearing and crumbling after being frozen? champignons are grown in russia, but all foreign seedlings have run out, so the price of these mushrooms will catch up with truffles. the bargain shelf has all discounted items. take what you need for your loved ones and for yourself. order.
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our own, two too different investigators, and one high-profile case, the girls’ heads and hands were cut off, my wife was involved in a similar case in st. petersburg, but she was killed. let me go, elite escort agency, black sun, who were the clients? hello, brother, there are elections for the legislative assembly, you will run, those who are at the top of the food chain did not call from st. petersburg, they ordered you to be fired yesterday. i don't play by the rules anymore, it was a pleasure working with you. come on, what do you think, i jumped off, crap, black sun, premiere, tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv. mask - new season,
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today at 20:20 on ntv. do you confirm the transfer? we will warn you about unwanted or blocked calls. activate call protection in the my security service in the deline application for free. it's good that you have it. the safest operator is the safest operator, detralex helps fight the symptoms of varicose veins, swelling, heaviness, pain and acts on their cause at any stage. detrolex is tested by experts, the choice of millions. among dozens of brands and thousands of models with a guarantee of authenticity. find in sportsmaster for those same sneakers, those same sneakers, look for them at sportsmaster. what are you doing? i say, of course, from here. grandfather, do you prefer fishing or tinkering? receive? pension in the postal bank, of course, because there are benefits there, transfer your pension to the postal bank and receive 2,000 rubles. and a chance to win a car every month, and this is for you, receive a pension is profitable, mail in a bank, when you are an adult, it is so easy to forget that joy lives
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inside us, it can be found in every moment , easily shared, a holy spring with natural juice, fills life joyful moments, the source of joy in you, in a separate application, music, all included. only now subscription is 0 rub. for 3 months. listen to an endless library of music, your favorite books, podcasts and more. subscribe to vk music for 0 rub. today we are testing our birthday. have you made a wish? of course, i made a wish. good discounts, as much as you ordered, up to 50%. tuite v.
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there will be jaga-jaga only in a megaphone, panic, let’s do without panic, there is belain’s internet, but let’s go to a better hotel, with belayn’s smart network you have connections in a variety of situations, again i’m spaing everyone with such and such the internet on your side, the mask is a new season, today at 20:20 on ntv. the most holy theotokos, who gave the world the savior of mankind. highly revered by orthodox christians. christians all over the world have been praying in front of the kazan icon of the mother of god for more than 500 years. tsars and great commanders prayed to her, russian lands were liberated with her, and they entrusted their sorrows to her, asking for health and
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help in everyday needs. every believer needs a patron to be nearby. the imperial mint issued a commemorative medal dedicated to the miraculous image of the blessed virgin mary. kazan mother of god. the medal is plated with pure silver. order a free medal by phone number or on the website medalkazanska.rf. the medal is absolutely free for you. you only pay delivery 299 rur. all medals are illuminated. call and order right now by phone or on the medalkazanskaya website. rрф. black sun. premiere. tomorrow at 20:00 on enter. icy heart, the court decision, it is simply inexplicable, shocking for me personally, why the russian court decided that a child should be sent abroad it will be better, like the famous hockey player maxim maltsev lost the decisive battle with his son, i
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live at home, this is my home, and russia is no longer your home, no, hand over your passport after such disgraceful words, what is good for a swede, a russian cannot understand, the flag of sweden, city ​​flag, flag. swedish hockey federation and in front of them is twice as rainbow in the lgbt flag. and why is a date with your son now always a lottery? the swedes can take a child away from him at any time, without explanation...
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there is honest, fresh saury, i recommend taking a photo or remembering it. and the most it’s nice that our consumer surveillance is not only important, up-to-date information that helps save the family budget and choose quality goods and services. those who apply this knowledge can earn extra money. and we come to you, and we come to you. hello, hello, where did you run, come here
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, what are you doing, my name is oleg, the sun, that’s why i say with a desire, since you are watching my program, to return to you all the money that you spent in the store today, perhaps even more, let’s let's try, it means that i i suggest you do it, choose a product that you wouldn’t be sorry to put on the line or would be sorry, but you would take a risk, and i... i’ll multiply its cost by five, let’s have mushrooms , so mushrooms, without hesitation, oyster mushrooms, how much do they cost? please look, victor, 1199, well, let’s assume that it’s 120 rubles. and we multiply this cost by five. so, first question, sai is most often substituted for sardine, alas? and what other fish is often sold
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under the guise of canned saury, this is herring or kamchatka mykizha, i think it’s herring, mykizha seems to me to be a rather unpopular fish, for some reason i have the feeling, you know what kind of fish this is, maybe you ate mykiza instead of saury, well, maybe give herring, but if you only replace it with some cheap product , right. your mushrooms, thank you, the first question too , kamchatka mykizha is a valuable species of salmon , well done, great, please choose the next rate, so, good, 299.99, yeah, 300 rubles, we multiply this cost by 10, rates are growing, the complexity of the questions is also growing, what? they also catch fish in russia, tuna and
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dorado, tuna, tuna, in soviet times we didn’t know what dorado was, but we knew tuna, but we knew tuna, of course, the canned food was all with tuna, why, of course, tuna, tuna was always in soviet cans, the yellow ones were so blue it was written tuna, that means tuna, that is, your answer is that right now in russia they are catching tuna and not catching dorado, well, they were definitely catching it. he’s fishing now, yes, i have to upset you, yes, we are glad, yes, you are absolutely right that tuna was caught in the soviet union, there were special seiners for catching tuna, but in russia doesn’t have this fleet left, it was cut up like tuna, and now dorado is caught in the crimea, the tuna, alas, is all foreign, yes, we will know, well, nothing, but don’t be upset, don’t be upset, question number. if you choose a product, then i will ask it,
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pasta is everything, we would like something for pasta now, yes, such a compliment, better than any words, 379.99, the cost of this product is 280 rubles, we multiply it by 15, come on, sometimes you take a tin can, and there squish-squelch, squish-squelch, squish, the can has 100% of the internal volume, how much should be for... specifically fish, specifically saury 50% or 70, 50, which is 70, yeah, i feel a disagreement. it’s just very little, well , 50 is half a jar of fish, and the rest is sauce, but this can’t be, 70%. you take yourself this answer, it snatches it right from you, yes, well, let's 70, even insists, this is correct, good, that was it, it was powerful, i see that you have chosen the product for
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the next bet, well, we have enough for everyone here to drink tea, by the way, 2790. 280 rubles. we multiply the cost of this tea by 20, what is the name the fish was invented by marketers, because its real name, well, doesn’t sound very appetizing, anaplapoma, black shake or sole, but to know what it looks like, it looks like a sole, it’s so flat, it’s similar. tongue, it seems to me, black cod, there is no such name, black cod, but there is a sole, i don’t know, they wouldn’t, you think black cod, because black cod, cod is a fishing cod and what, and this what is not a fish, tongue, is a fish, and this i think is a fish, tongue, sole is a fish, it looks like
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a tongue, that’s what it’s called, not here, it’s somewhere in vietnam, somewhere there it’s found, there’s no such thing, i think there is, no, it’s black cod, i just have ... analapoma is unfortunate, it is associated with the fact that this is some kind of formless story, i have never seen it, this analapoma, come on already, language is language, now at least you unanimously gave the wrong answer, well you i was left without tea, it’s nothing, nothing, you’re good, it’s like a quail, how much does it cost, 429 rubles, here wonderful, 430 rub. these quails cost, and we multiply this cost by 25, so, the saury was introduced, it floats towards the sailors, and they are ready to catch it, but when this happens,
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fishermen and saury meet day or night, i would say that they still catch it it arrives at night and is brought to the port in the morning. and fishermen in kamchatka will catch saury, so the absolutely correct answer is, of course, yes, it’s yours, thank you, how worried you were, and 15,600 rubles. your slogan in the program, in our opinion, is the most correct one for the manufacturer was in... in the first place, but do your job honestly, there are a lot of them, and we trust you, which manufacturers to choose, if saury is a recognized canned hit, then dumplings are the most popular semi-finished product and one of the most popular food stashes, 88%
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of russians keep them in the freezer for a rainy day ; these are, of course, mostly purchased ones. well, homemade ones end up on plates more and more often, because making dumplings at home is no longer an old-fashioned boring thing, a trend that came along, both with these gadgets, videos with devices that swaddle meat into dough gain millions of views, their sales on marketplaces are breaking records, although everyone seems to already know how the products...
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i found out what works from this and what doesn’t work so well, which store-bought dumplings to take, if so it didn’t pay off, but in general there’s no energy or time to sculpt it yourself, they also fill it and even use forms, very similar to the soviet ones, they spent er, they are made on a similar basis, but i think that it will even be
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easier to make dumplings with these with this with dumplings, which was the same as the raveli, because it seems to me that there are more holes here, more space to put minced meat, these gadgets are very similar, because the soviet dumpling maker was modeled after the italian ravioli maker in the seventies. then, thanks to the new product, dumplings began to be prepared more readily and more often, and therefore dumpling makers began to produce millions of copies. but still, soviet engineers are not italian chefs, and therefore made changes to the design for the sake of economy. the bottom, for example, is through, half the amount of metal is needed. is this critical? grigori will leave to evaluate. masters, here are chefs in italy, they can even cook 150-200 ravielles in half an hour in a ravenette there. well, do you think you can do it? let's try, chef ivan kulakov will also prepare a hundred dumplings, but by hand,
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he assures that he is no stranger to it, in a restaurant he supposedly cooks tens of times more, per day, well , i think, around 3,000 dumplings somewhere, but definitely not 100 and not 200, as it were, because there is a flow of guests and it lasts all day, as it starts from morning until evening, well, grisha, shall we start sculpting? come on, and gregorio immediately goes into the lead. there is no need to cut the dough into circles, just roll it out, put it on the mold, stuffing on top, another layer of dough on top, press well with a rolling pin so that the mold cuts off all the excess, and 37 dumplings are ready at once. in 30 minutes, as many as 111 dumplings appear on grigoriev’s tray, during this time ivan has only 50, apparently it’s too
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early to put away the soviet gadget on antrisol, and this conveyor belt at the mirotorg plant in the kursk region prepares more than 5 million dumplings per day, all as usual selection only having time to prepare minced dough, while the base is still the same form, through which the machine is used in exactly the same way. like housewives in the kitchen, it presses the stuffed dough, and although the recipe for the dough for dumplings is also homemade, flour, water, eggs, salt and sunflower oil, the dumplings do not tear and reliably hold the meat inside at such a speed, the technologists assured correspondent anya kirsanova, because the ingredients are chosen very meticulously. this machine produces more than 50 thousand dumplings per hour. she rolls it out herself. add minced meat to it later forms future dumplings using a special mold, it, by the way, is very similar to this one, in the end they turn out super
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strong, but the point, by the way, is not in this form or even in the machine itself, in a special flour with a high gluten content. gluten is a special wheat protein, without which the dough cannot be elastic; it gives fluffiness to bread, for example, and the dough... only if the dough is allowed to rest for 20 minutes after kneading. during this time, gluten absorbs water and the dough becomes viscous. this allows you to get a thin dough, just like at home, which then does not crack, does not sag or become soft during cooking. moreover, its proven recipe. does not change and is strictly controlled, and if you are going to make dumplings, then the minced meat should also ideally
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be made yourself from meat that you have seen and smelled. this plant produces pork and beef only from its own farms, and mirotork is one of the largest producers of these types of meat in the country, so it is loaded into a meat grinder, frozen onion cubes from its own fields in tula are added to the finished minced meat area, if you grate it, there will be more juice. which will oxidize the filling, all raw materials are exceptionally fresh, all initial components again undergo careful quality control, only after their approval the process of unloading the mixing of minced meat is started, each stage is strictly timed, this is what allows you to maintain a stable structure of the minced meat and makes the dumpling juicy. it’s not for nothing that gost’s mirotorg homemade dumplings topped the latest rating of luxury, and although everything is fine, dumplings and all their relatives. which is also prepared here, undergo strict control twice before shock freezing immediately after it. we produce more than twenty types
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of dumplings, as well as dumplings with potatoes and mushrooms. created according to traditional manti and khinkali recipes, we cook for you as for ourselves. so maybe it’s the dough that is unsuccessful, or there are such gadgets for home modeling, thousands of varieties that are sold on marketplaces, from 60 rubles apiece, up to 20,000, and under each of which there is a mountain of negative reviews, they say it’s a waste of money, nothing sticks, it’s bad secures, has to be done by hand to finish, and now on the table in front of the brand chef of the dumpling chain there are three of the most popular gadgets: a plastic one for 350 rubles, a steel one for 2,500 and an automatic pepper maker for 900. this is the last very necessary pause, because at the end the most important, unexpected thing, is to
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learn it , i need a break, to warm up, to think about what i’ll tell you. after the advertisement, cheap gadgets for making dumplings work and are even better than expensive ones, i don’t know, well, maybe about dinosaurs, champignons are grown in russia, but all the seedlings are foreign ended, so the price of these mushrooms will catch up with truffles, fried with potatoes, too, which famous european delicacy they learned to cook in russia and it became available to everyone.
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nothing. everything for entrepreneurs. and nothing extra. we give free service for 3 months when opening an account for a business. bank ural. siip. nothing extra. on the table in front of the brand chef of the dumpling chain there are three most popular gadgets: a plastic one for 350 rubles. a steel one for 2,500 and an automatic dough maker for 900. i take the dough, put it in the middle of the mug, so it should completely fill, well, not go over the edges, and i put the minced meat there, fold it, be sure to i need these things well.
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but even correspondent anya kirsanov’s dumpling stuck together, even because this is a debut. i have never made dumplings in my life, now we will test this unit on me, i put the minced meat in, press the button, well, in general , it went over the edges a little, but the result is there, everything worked out. true, it may be so, the recipe is correct, the device for modeling costs as much as 1800 rubles, but you can’t cook anything with it, even an italian chef, the dough breaks, the edges don’t stick
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together, the filling comes out, it’s a pity for the product, the tasty filling is just a matter of hand, the dough doesn’t hold together well, explains roberto, because the distance between the rollers is large, they are about... in general, tasty and high-quality dumplings have become more accessible, you can buy them much faster than sticking them with your hands using gadgets, but both will work out, nevertheless
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, if you know which dumplings are considered high-quality, what their taste depends on, what makes the dough strong and viscous, that is , you need to cook wisely, it’s easier for the audience to supervise our needs, and now ... .time to return to the topic of products, which until recently were only foreign, but which they learned to grow and cook in russia. but we have already found out that domestically prepared whiskey has appeared on the shelves. using traditional technologies. 3 years of aging, on the first day of the fourth year we already have malt whiskey. finally , we managed to grow the ingredients for foamy, brewing, and barley hops. hungarian pigs of an exclusive breed have also taken root well in russia, from which the most famous exemplary hungarian bacon is made. i had no idea what they were like there are animals that can live in such conditions, that is, essentially in the snow in the cold. now
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you can enjoy unusually tender lard in russia, and we salt and smoke the lard, it sells with a bang, but it turned out to be more difficult to import the spanish meat delicacy jamon; bringing rare black pigs from europe, from which this snack is traditionally made, was not possible for farmers, we simply don’t have them, so we basically don’t bother, we are siberian jamon, we bought russian pigs on a siberian farm, and they feed instead of... spanish mountain acorns with pine seeds, then everything follows the classical technology: the ham is buried in salt for almost a day so that the upper layers quickly dry out and turn into a crust that protects the meat from putrefactive bacteria, remove excess crystals with a brush, and then hang it in cool for at least a year so that the meat inside seems to dissolve and become just soft and edible. another product with
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a european background, which is grown in russia, champignons, their taste is confirmed by the chef who moved to russia, monsieur le provost, is the same as those from his homeland. classic, all the children have already tried champignon, the second one, because it’s not very expensive, and it can go in a salad, it can go, it can go as a side dish, fry it. with potatoes, too, however, despite the fact that champignons have been harvested on russian mushroom farms for the ninth year already, correspondent katya tikhaya made sure that they use domestic ones, unlike other mushrooms, which are like parasites that survive by clinging to the roots of trees, champignons they feel best among manure. until last year , calling champignons russian was still disingenuous.
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together with the institute of cytology and genetics , colossal work is being done to preserve their selection, as well as to produce sterile misel.


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