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tv   Odnazhdi  NTV  March 31, 2024 2:05pm-3:01pm MSK

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i had to buy it in eric's homeland. they didn’t make micelles in russia. this is actually a whole science. the secrets of which technologists from other countries did not share. mushroom growers from novosibirsk decided to master the cultivation of mycelium. to do this, it was necessary to build a technological laboratory. the premises are strictly sterile. even grain that needs to be infected with pests undergoes sanitation. after infection of mycelium grain. fusses over incubation in this incubator at a temperature of about 20° and one hundred percent humidity , the grains become overgrown with mycelium until they turn into such furry little lumps. since the beginning of 2023 , our production, together with the souran institute of cytology and genetics, has been carrying out tremendous work to preserve their selection, as well as to produce sterile champignon misel. yes, import substitution at the click of a finger from above.
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does not happen, it is a lot of work, complex, risky, expensive, but which in the end can bring tasty and sought-after fruits, the quality of which is easier to understand if you do not skip our consumer supervision, and on weekdays from monday to friday watch the most important, bright and useful investigations, our consumer supervision, on air in the morning program, the best, don’t miss it! any story in the life of every person begins with the word one day, one day the world came up with a common holiday, theater day, one day the outstanding director roman viktyuk created his own theater. one day they settled in the roman viktyuk theater.
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roman viktyuk, an outstanding director, a cult master of the stage, he worked in theaters in russia, europe, america, roman grigorievich's directorial credits included more than 200 performances, which each time became an event in theatrical. world. once roman grigorievich
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said, i quote: “i will be watching from heaven, if you do not save the russian theater, i will come back and give you an op.” after the death of the director in 2020, his students are trying to save the roman viktyuk theater. my colleagues, evgeniy radimov and denis morozov, met with them. you see, the hands are like this, one, pocket, tap, hand, bye, that’s it, this, an open tog without it. one organism, wonderful, well done, well done, he brought light, he carried his charge, his energy, his love, he came, she here it was pouring out with these beautiful multi-colored streams, bravo, if not paradoxical, in the novel viktyuk.
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year it became the home of roman viktyuk, or rather his theater, after the death of the founder’s father, his office still looks as if roman grigorievich went to... to the buffet, here he sat, he had a high chair, now he’s gone , but closed, it was his jacket, it is believed that viktyuk changed jackets all the time, moreover, he brought a lot to the theater, he had such a quantity of them, they did not fall out of his apartment, there is such a story is completely real, when viktyuk, not having his own theater, traveled to all cities and staged wherever he was offered and where he only knew how to ask for it. he staged many performances at the same time, and he did this, he finished the rehearsal, took off his jacket, hung it up, said, guys, you finish the rehearsal, and i’ll come soon , he turned and ran to the station, he flew away or left, and this jacket remained hanging,
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a week later, viktyuk came and said, well, you’ve rehearsed, let’s continue, the star of viktyuk’s theater, lyudmila pogorelova, is in this the memorial office is ideal. suitable for the role of viktyuk guide. she met him back in 1986 at the ukrainian russian drama theater, where the fashionable moscow director viktyuk came to stage a play. as a result, pogorely played in all three of his kiev productions. in dame beskameli i had a role in which i changed clothes every seven times. i was such a house manager, a friend of the hostess. i almost had no words, but i did. seven chic costumes at the artistic council, when they looked at the actress, one of her age said: please tell me, what is pogorelov playing, we just see that she changes clothes all the time, to which he said, pogorelov
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changes clothes all the time, you know, and there was a whole point in this changing, of course, no one understood this, but what what was happening to the public in kiev, what was happening to the public. i took him, of course, to moscow, but we were not
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7 years old and i left him with my family and left, then we didn’t think for a second, not a second, is this human sympathy or purely professional, no little man.
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kalviktyuk, who made pogorelov already a star on the moscow stage. the poisoned tunic is his last production, leaving the actress as a legacy. between them there were outstanding performances by polon saginsky, solomey, and master margarita. i love you so much, leave me alone, he couldn’t live without me, he couldn’t live without me, i’ll tell you more, if you do the math, i can enter the guinness book of records, in my opinion, at least in this country, exactly that much.
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he saw me for the first time, i started to do something, he said, what is this, what is this? such a cry would begin, viktyuk would not viktyuk, if he hadn’t brought me to tears, i cried in all his performances, i cried at rehearsals, he adored it when an actor cried real tears, his special pleasure was to bring me to these tears, he could torment me for hours, well, he it was necessary to yell at someone there... there was such an emotion, and since i told him, why should he yell at me, after
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that, he says, well, who should i yell at, you’re one of my own, or, for example, i told him he said, why do you praise everyone, but not me, he says, why praise your own, he had one like this, but for for several years before his death he did not praise me, for example, publicly and in front of the guys, but every evening he called me after the performance and said how well you played today, it was more valuable than anything in the world. how did you put up with it for so long , i was offended, because there was one very simple thing, he wanted me to be different in every performance, and he achieved this, i am in every job and i also love it madly, i try don’t repeat your previous self, and it costs so much, why did roman viktyuk undress the artists and... why did he stole books, we’ll tell you about it right after this advertisement on ntv. greenfield club where
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discounted items. take what you need for your loved ones and for yourself, order from a scooter in a selection of a profitable shelf, delivery is free, a scooter without extra expenses, i talked with roman grigorievich vektyuk many times, we could talk for a long time, he literally paralyzed me with his intellect, it was worth me... a little revived to insert some, in my opinion, appropriate quote, he immediately finished phrase and casually threw out: “don’t be smart.” but when i first received the tefi national television award, viktyuk was the first to call and said: “don’t stop smiling. the memory of roman viktyuk is in the project today once. roman viktyuk has always been sharp
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not only in the russian language, but in the dramatic language.
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they can be poked, so without at any moment of conscience, he came to visit, from any guests, he wrote a little book, considering that you are, in fact, viktyuk’s golatea, when he was gone, didn’t it seem to you that all life was over, over, yes, here i’ll start now from this, yes, for me it was death. death, it seemed to be fading away before our eyes, we understood that sooner or later, we could never come to terms with this, it was always unexpected, and of course... life began in a completely different manner, the tail was still stretching, but that was all, already new people were included, but new directing was already included,
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especially since we now have a very difficult situation, we don’t have an artistic director, we don’t have a person who would lead, even if he were 500 times more mediocre than vektyuk, he would still be well, some kind of hand that is something i decided, we don’t have such a person now , so he comes... no, you’re right, for this you need to be a vektyuk only a vektyuk, you could simply move in the direction of poetic, mystical theater, look for some kind of psychological
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performances that can still be felt like, forgive this word, infernal, that is, it still makes it clear that the most everyday story, it... exists in the space of the universe, that is, people live small lives, but no one has canceled space. today another mysticism is happening on the stage of the roman viktyuk theater, a new galaxy is being created. honored artist of russia, director dmitry bozin adjusts the light, sound and his mood before the evening performance of scorpio. first time natives. shkek, who grew up in a siberian village near tyumen, was noticed by roman viktyuk as a student of gitis when he was doing a parody of his scandalous play “the maids” in the institute skits.
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when i first met viktyuk, that ’s what they call him by profession, he just first said: “i’ll come to you for some excerpt.” i'm just rehearsed dostoevsky, and the karamazov brothers. i was just alyosha karamazov, and my lame girl, well, my partner, i said yes, we are playing dostoevsky, come, we’ll show you, he was late as always, my partner said that it was time for her to run and disappeared, viktyuk came, i’m sitting, sitting teacher, i say, but my partner left, i don’t know, but he says: so play for two and... here i am, jumping from one point to another, playing alyosha, then her, then alyosha, then her , my teacher
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looks at me with such eyes, she doesn’t believe it, miktyuk said, i had no doubt, then naturally he said that i played disgustingly, that is, i played like a dog, and then in chomsky’s office, he asked me to read something from excerpts from the speech. i read bunin, at first he said: “no, no, you tell me the words as you memorized them, but you should, well, if you cut something out, and you should say between the words, well, like, you understand, i would like you, you just have to understand what this is and what this is in between, somehow now it’s easy for me.” understand, accept, hold on to this kind of thinking pause, and there it was as if he had broken what was given to me into pieces
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, like this he was split into components into some kind of atoms, my misunderstanding then. since 1995, dmitry bozin, leading actor of the romanov theater. not a single premiere was complete without his participation. viktyuk made sure that his student forgot everything that professor pavel chomsky once taught him in gitis. i looked at the butterfly, i saw the maids. i understood that this is a powerful director who thinks in a fantastically interesting way. the magical structure that i saw in the maids in mba batterfly, it was me from the inside. desirable, i was constantly looking for opportunities in gitis to encounter poetic and magical theater, he wanted...
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the viewer to immediately understand that he is in the theater, he is not in life, but in this theatrical space life seems to become more scrupulous, or something , it is as if she is under a magnifying glass, or vice versa, as if the viewer is given a telescope to see distant, distant worlds. today the corridors, staircases and faye of the theater are decorated, ladies from eighteen over, eating strawberries with sparkling wine under them, at all times tuned in to the powerful energy of the upcoming action, someone gloatingly called it a highly artistic striptease, someone a striptease of human souls, on the sidelines they whispered why viktyuk chose the father of a large family dmitry bozin as his favorite, i... managed
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to dive very deeply into improvisational flow, and viktyuk was very interested in improvisation at that time, he , who at some stage was considered simply totalitarian, from the turn of his head, to the movement of a finger, everything was choreographed by him, then suddenly he began to train our entire team on an instant dive somewhere where you weren’t going to end up, and it worked out, he was specifically looking for people, ippolit is the only one who doesn’t drink. do you remember his
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last words? unfortunately , there were no last words, because we couldn’t reach him for a month, and he was lying there, it was impossible, they said that if we called him, it could, well, turn him off instantly, but we still hoped that he would return. there was a look left when you boiled over, in anger or in admiration you reprimand something to him, and he looks and just does, well, yes, dem, yes, yes, you have right away, everything is yours, this stubborn,
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unique thing. becomes large and diverse, multi-variant, multi-variant - this is the main thing that he suggested. roman viktyuk had several musas: lyudmila gurchenko, elena obraztsova, vera vasilyeva, valentina talyzina, alla dimidova and margarita terekhova. for margarita borisovna’s daughter, anna, the maestro became a godfather in the world of theater and cinema. about what it’s like to be viktyuk’s student. we will find out immediately after this advertisement on ntv. refresh and renew yourself with the big spring sale at the megamarket. buy geox children's shoes with cashback up to 40%. there are small cities. i'm coming to pick you up. and they will see us. megapolis, our
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is it good when dad is old enough to be a grandfather? charlie chaplin, whose last child was born when he was 82, should try to do everything before he turns 50. it is better to give birth to a good uncle than to a young but stupid one. did the boy nikita kologrivy cool down after seven days in the isolation ward? talents are one thing, but brains in the head are completely different. small age, great fame and slightly lagging brains. the stars have aligned. today, right after show. mask on ntv. mom, i'm looking at fish on a scooter. what kind were you frying when we arrived? well, so juicy. high-quality products from scooter, which is what i needed to order. we continue our story about
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the outstanding director of our time, roman viktyuk. after his departure , a new artistic director did not appear at the viktyuk theater. but there are still disciples who continue to carry on. public his unique philosophy. my colleague denis morozov met with anna terekhova, for whom roman grigorievich became the godfather in the world theater and cinema. october 2019, the last birthday that roman viktyuk celebrated with his troupe in his theater. on the occasion of cabbage day from students and pupils, speeches from colleagues, bouquets from friends and stars. anna terekhova knew roman grigorievich since childhood. her mother, margarita terekhova, was
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one of viktyuk’s favorite muses. in his cult play the tsar's hunt at the mossovet theater, margarita borisovna played knizhna tarakanova, her photograph together with the director was included in the recently published album, which anna dedicated to her mother. i conceived this album a long time ago, because we had a lot of my mother’s photographs lying in drawers at home. and... i wanted my mother’s beautiful face, her face to somehow be put into some kind of beautiful album, so that it would be in someone’s house, so that it would be here, i’m happy that i gave this theater, well, i personally couldn’t give roman grigorievich into his hands, my mother , thank god, she was able to take him in her hands, although well , she didn’t tell me anything, she doesn’t say anything anymore, but from the look in her eyes, i understood, that she me too... thanks and happy. at
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the age of 12, anya herself became an actress in a television play by roman viktyuk based on the play by mikhail roshchin, girl, where do you live. i already knew roman grigorievich at that moment, because there had already been the play the tsar’s hunt, there had already been other television plays, and i was already familiar with him, i had never acted in even small episodes in my life, this is a big role. huge, and i came to see him on krasnosilskoye, he lived in one room, in a communal apartment, where the whole room was littered with books, like this they stood in stacks like this, a small bed, like a trestle bed , stools, a table, and i made my way, and my partner and i sat down, i had a rewritten role, and we rehearsed, then when we started filming, we filmed, by the way, here in sokolniki, then there were wooden houses in... the depths and people lived there and we
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rented right in these wooden houses, it was cold and scary, i was in such and such clothes, so simple in a headscarf, and my mother was still afraid that i, so that i don’t catch a cold, but roman grigorievich says, no, no, that’s how it should be, that’s how it should be, well, in general i have some absolutely very kind and wonderful memories of these shootings, but unfortunately the film was not left anywhere, then it was possible to erase it on television, that is , it was possible to erase and record something new on this film. he advised her on what program to read in
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all three qualifying rounds and rehearsed. having received the coveted diploma as an actress, anna terekhova began working in the independent company of alla sigalova, then in the luna theater, but one day she returned to roman grigorievich in the role of isidora, in his play, sergei eesidora. i saw when he watched performances, he sometimes came, for example , a performance is going on, i see that he is standing, tears are pouring, flowing... so tears, well, it’s wonderful that he was so inspired even by his work , of course, we always remember him, especially since his voice is heard at his performances , nikolai koleda was there yesterday, and he even wrote there that he said, i came to the theater, i heard his voice, and it seemed to me that he was just now he'll come out here, he'll just come out and start a rehearsal, or he'll say something with his with an amazing voice, and that’s why we... leave him with this voice, and it inspires us every, every second
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throughout the performance, director roman viktyuk addresses you, respect the artists, turn off your expensive toys for the duration of the performance, and we begin. later in the program the great vikchuk will be remembered. it will be emotional and heartfelt, we will return to the air immediately after this advertisement. greenfield club, where good taste is always rewarded. the more tea, the more gifts. greenfield club. you are invited. i
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i'm coming to pick you up. and they will see us.
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of the last century. for a long time moscow was restrained watching viktyuk’s successes in lvov, kalinin, and now tviri in vilnius. he was a dissident, a fashionable provocateur, much like konstantin bogomolov is now. absolute authorities broadcast their delight about viktyuk. valentina talyzina, leonid. as the master, people's artist of the country sergei vasilyevich makovetsky, recalls, i saved this part of the interview with the great artist who took
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last summer, during a tour with him, especially for this program, you are a svektyuk from ukraine, you are from kiev, he is from lviv, you talked and maybe joked in ukrainian, we always talked to him, switched to the language, and when kiev, if i come at once, then i... tour, when we came to kiev with performances, unique performances of mm waterfly, we played at the october palace of culture, i go to the performance at 5:00, and i can’t get to the official entrance, because people are standing so close at 5 o’clock, i shouted to the guards, and without pushing them away, they made such a corridor with their claws, they took me by the hand, they dragged me, but i don’t drag, because i
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have a line of seven students behind me, they are like that, i say, this is with me, they are begging, and we are like this line, they dragged the name, these guys came in, this, i say, well, now they have disappeared, we know, i saw when people are sitting on the floor, and on their knees three, i saw, standing along the wall, there was a huge hall there, standing against the wall in three rows, at the end, at at the end of the hall the doors are open and in the lobby of the theater there is a crowd of people trying to watch something, so i sometimes think that if at least one person’s fate changes, that’s already good.
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after this performance we want to love, in the east a woman is ready to sacrifice herself for a man who is not worth her little finger, an honest death is better than a life of dishonor, finally i found her, i am also known as madame butterfly, after this performance you became not just colleagues, but also friends, as far as possible? in the theater, you always they talked about each other delicately, but ironically, a high relationship, but i once asked , i said, romochka, my dear,
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please tell me, aren’t you sad that they are talking about your little play, and not about the play , my baby, i’m going along towards the theater, this snake comes towards me, with such a sting, instead of frying me, it is distracted by this... at home - it was music, on all the tours he came to these music stores and spent all the money on cds, i say , roman grigorevich, you probably have, he says, mediocrity, i don’t have that conductor, or i don’t have this performer. i’m sure that he read at home , listened to a traviata performed by one
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performer, and then staged another conductor, which means... look at the story, it took him so long to build his theater, he built it, finally got the premises, the theater was called a theater roman viktyuk, but now he’s not there, there are still performances that he staged, they live, but...
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the author tells me, come to me tomorrow, i say, okay, i’ll come to visit, i didn’t come, i forgot, i got wrapped up, remembered this, remembered about this late at night, and i think, i won’t even call, well, it’s late, where am i going to call at 10:00 at night to alarm, god, if i knew that this was our last conversation, literally
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2 days later he was gone, if only i could have foreseen this, and i would have come and given me a play, we would have talked, laughed, because he had it, it was unbearable, it took strong nerves, especially if he was going somewhere, i never i won’t forget israel, when we were there for the first time, and you yourself, just me, anyone was present, god, god forbid, i’m alone, that’s all, i’m alone, gifts, no, none, you have a gift there, no gifts, nothing, i cried, when the girl came running she said, keep it serious, because she’s starting to get nervous, we’re already the first time this, she can say , i don’t let you on the plane, now it seems to you that you are unreliable, this is the security service , the security service, being with him on the road, it was always a gift, it was funny, it was
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the old man, especially. .. like, everything needs to be done on time, everything needs to be done on time, unfortunately. scary the tragedy happened on march 22, the pain was a little over time.


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