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tv   Zvezdi soshlis  NTV  April 1, 2024 12:10am-1:45am MSK

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uh, two radial bones of the wrist are here , two radial bones are here, two big toes are broken, well, somewhere like that, and recently what happened recently, this arm was broken, this is where this is on stage or stage, yes everything on the stage, tell me everything , but what can i tell you, lord , here’s an artist like this, so small, she came up to me and pushed me, and i was five times bigger than her, heavier than her, well, it didn’t stand like that, you know , right here. i don’t know what it depends on, but you also know what it depends on it depends, such a fall, i always fall , everyone tells me how to fall, but yours still works, i always put my hand in, that’s it, a reflex, and i hear a crack and i understand everything, a crack, that’s it, i understand that yes, but you immediately, tanya, realized that this was right away , of course, well, i already know, immediately your fingers begin to inflate like blue sausages, that’s the hand, and this is only the beginning of the first account and how to play further, we played to the end and... didn’t stop, of course
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, no, never, god forbid, let me i’ll say, i worked with tatyana grigorievna on stage, we played one performance, i confess to you honestly, she doesn’t spare herself on stage, doing the splits and this and that, thief, forgive me, please, but i’ll tell you, you’ve had enough, what am i, you are a horse, and i am a horse, no, you know, i am a horse , how to break an arm and not stop , i ask, i don’t think, i don’t think, no, then it means this is the shoulder, this is the shoulder, in short, the audience understood, the audience, no i know, it wasn’t all filming in france, it was a french film, i played someone there, someone else, well , it doesn’t matter who i played, what’s the difference, and i i say, i can’t lower my hand, it’s like this, i came to them, like this, he says, it’s okay, it’s okay, we’ll put on a cloak like this, so long. they dressed me up, i
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still stood like this, then they put me in the back, and i was one of the main roles there, then they told me, and you can wave your hand, and a man came up to me, lifted me up like this, and here i am so she waved her hand like, uh, well, then she fell in turkey, broke one finger, broke another finger in italy, and this was already on vacation, no, this no, i was the one who selected the costumes for the play, anyway, it’s still connected with the performances , who will then say that the profession, not dangerous, is still dangerous, we all know the football player cristiano ronaldo, that he has his legs insured, and also i heard that jennifer lopez, she insured her, excuse me, butt, so this is the insurance agent’s worst dream, it’s when cristiano ronaldo breaks his leg on jennifer lopez’s butt. ira, from what height did you fall from the stage? three meters. yes, well, it’s so upside down
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, but our scenery was made of i felt like such a labyrinth of metal pipes, and my setups were mostly at the top, well, i was always very athletic, we held on to the bars there, did all sorts of lifts and flips, at some point, too, well, as they say, out of the blue, it’s unclear why, some attention is weakening, in general , i fell, on the way i hit my head on this metal pipe, that is, well, i... what injuries were ir? well, i had a rupture - the cramioclavicular one, too, all the ligaments in this shoulder were torn, and a comminuted fracture of the scapula on the right, naturally, a strong concussion, a laceration of the head and a fracture of the spine, and a fracture of the spine, a compression fracture of the spine, but how did they play next? but no, i fell all over, it was a run-through, there was no spectator, naturally, the assemblers ran there not to touch, not to touch. well, this
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is generally a serious injury, in general, yes , i lay there for 2 weeks without moving at all, only my left arm moved, the ligaments were restored in the same way as leria, well, there was an operation, they inserted knitting needles, but i have lovsan sewn in, that is, i’m not okay i'd like to call there you can’t at the airport, no, i learned to eat with my left hand, to do everything with my left hand, it’s terribly inconvenient when you don’t sleep, don’t walk, how long did it take for me to earn the right, and then the recovery began, how long does it take? little by little, well, for a month and a half i tried to lift her, well, for about more than six months, i listen ira, in general, a compression fracture of the spine is very scary, what did the doctors say? it was funny that they didn’t diagnose it for me, but my back hurts and hurts and hurts and hurts, but i wasn’t diagnosed with this initially, and uh, i even won back this performance is crazy with all sorts of acrobatics, but my back hasn’t gone away in the fall , almost 10 months have passed. i played with a fracture,
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yes, the whole season, i mean, i just have to endure somehow, well, this endless pain, and we came to the academician, who just... bent me over, ran his fingers like that, directly poked me in vertebra, he says: there was most likely a compression fracture here, go to the computer, uh-huh, when they did the ct scan, they could already see this hole in the bone, a piece lies there next to each other, and i say, it’s just god’s way, that it didn’t paralyze me, i’m sorry, it ’s necessary to lie there for at least a month, and what’s more, you still need to lie there for the story to pull you out.
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their name was basharov, if there is some trouble, then basharov should be to blame. petrosyan, kraskovi itorgan, who will next become the oldest father, he will die, what will happen next? alexander, how long have you been since you became a father? 63, but still this is irresponsibility, it is better to give birth to a good uncle than to a young, but stupid one. has the boy nikita kologrivy cooled down after seven days in the isolation ward? talent is one thing and the brains are in the head - i’m saying this, i was also a hooligan, it will pass, a small age. "huge fame and slightly lagging brains, all the fun in a couple of minutes, download the application get a luck bonus from the betting league, five deuces, turn to green, what
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happened here, an hour ago, three armed men broke into the house and were shot in self-defense , captain, i didn’t ask you who the new guy from st. petersburg was, he was defending his family, so write in the protocol that the body was originally in the house, stupid lexadlex, the law is on this the law, too independent, come on without this pathos of yours, chitius, altius, we are all not stupid here, we are all our own, too correct, we are not our own at all, two too different investigators, and one high-profile case, girls had their heads and hands cut off, in a similar case my wife was studying in st. petersburg, they killed her, let me go,
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this is the "stars aligned" program. lera kudryavtseva returned to duty after a long illness. elen, you also broke your leg, how long did it take you to recover? and i didn’t recover at all, i broke it, during the rehearsal i performed in the evening with... a performance in heels, on a broken leg, on a broken leg, but i didn’t know then that it was broken , it wasn’t sick yet, but at the beginning, it was sick it’s terrible, in the morning i just, it was another city, on tour, they did an x-ray on me, they said, oh, your fracture is displaced, and where, and where in what place did you break it, this place is only on that leg, but for me they put a cast on, i performed five performances of this tour in a wheelchair, great, and... and i am very grateful to the audience, they were warned that we had such an emergency, the actress broke her leg, well, we
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will not cancel the performance, don’t blame me, she will play in a stroller, when i left, there was a flurry of applause, such gratitude the audience that all this has not been canceled, and somehow it inspired, of course, as we were taught at the studimhata school, an artist does not go on stage only if he has died, and there are no other options, that’s why everything broken on stage heals quickly. the scene is healing, yes, that's what they say. marat, now let’s talk about the performance, what happened at your performance in rostov-on-don. god forbid how anyone can survive this. we played a play, the play was quite funny, a lot of laughter, jokes, music, dancing, and so on and so forth applause, through some applause, i suddenly felt and heard that some kind of movement was happening in the hall, yeah, yeah. this is a whisper, and this is not a standard whisper , not a standard reaction of the viewer, that usually
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there is some kind of wrong reaction in the hall, and then i , so to speak, took a pause, paused when the viewer, as it were, i began to parse these spectator phrases, i heard that water, water was bad, water, water, i realized that one of the spectators felt bad, and i stopped the performance, quickly asked for the light to be turned on hall, i jumped off the stage, ran, ran there, well, yes, to him there... they put him on a chair, he was already lying down when i ran, he really felt bad, they pulled out his shirt, took off his tie, it was very hot, it was very stuffy , it was a lot, there was a sellout, there were a lot of spectators upstairs, as a rule, the temperature of the sauna is always on the last
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shelf, it was very stuffy, i asked the spectators, who has the program, who has something, so that somehow. waved at him, he, he was conscious, they waved programs at him, gave him some water, when i ran up to him, he lay there, just didn’t say anything, but a minute later he began to somehow answer, he started, i tried to joke with him, but somehow support him, when he started smiling, i realized that everything would be fine with him, i i asked the audience if there was a doctor in the hall , two women also stood up, they introduced themselves as doctors, yeah, so we waited for the ambulance to arrive and didn’t touch him, then the carriage arrived, we sort of already carried the man out, took him out in the fay theater, and then started the performance from that, from the same place, that place, well, that is, they continued to finish the game, continued, finished the game, yes, i promised this man, i asked when he came to his senses, i met him, shook his hand,
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supported him, you know what he said, when he came to his senses , surprisingly, his first phrase was: he lies, looks at me, says, forgive me, please, forgive me, please, i say why forgive you, he says, i ruined the performance for you, how touching, while the novel is being examined by doctors, thank you again, i came wife, galina kryukova, hello, they finally promised to take a photo. a friend suggested the play 2 months in advance, 2 months in advance, i say who is playing, marat basharov, i love him very much as an actor, naturally, a week before the performance, a friend breaks her arm, yes, and before that, well, my friend and i wanted
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to go , and my husband even asked, why aren’t you calling me, i said, well, we’re kind of going to a bachelorette party, but she breaks her arm, naturally i say, let’s go... the performance, of course, he was happy too, we went, we sat on upper tier, of course, it was there, well, it was fine for me , but for him, since after the operation, he had an operation 2 years ago, and what kind of operation did he have, valve replacement, yes, yes, and to be honest, the scene was visible, but here i am i didn’t see marat, i only saw a green robe and bows on his head, they were flashing in the distance. i remembered what they are called, well, this robe flashed all the time, of course , i watched the play for half an hour, i saw my husband starting to wipe himself with a handkerchief, i said what i said, you’re hot, let’s take off the jacket, he took it off, yes he took it off, then i saw him collapse, collapse, that is, he lost consciousness, yes, i start him like a novel,
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roma, roma, he is silent, he collapses on the neighbors, and the neighbors had girls, they should have kept him
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, yes, what i remember, i said, i say , you remember the figure skater roman kostomarov, i say, you have a difficult name, people with that name, they don’t just give up, romka kostomarov, my good comrade, he didn’t give up, and you won’t give up, i i promise you, hang in there, everything will be fine, generally a great guy, wonderful words, simple, just super, what the doctors said what happened to my husband, well, it was the stuffiness that had an effect, yes, when the ambulance arrived, they did it and... this yes, yes, yes, yes, they did everything, there is also such confusion there, they say, your last name, me i call , they say, but you are the wrong patient, we , we were called to basharov,
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six months ago , the body of a girl was found on the river bank, but the examination claims that the body and hands belong to different victims, i thought such nonsense only happens in the movies, innocent victims, please let me in, three girls, all like sisters, look like cristina ungureanu , ghosts of the past, my wife was doing a similar thing in st. petersburg, on hers. 2 months ago i told your wife everything and gave this damn diary, and literally a day later they found me, the enemies who are nearby, you what are you hinting at, someone doesn’t want me to handle this case, i will find the killer, i swear to you , and the investigation for the sake of which you will have to do everything, fuck you, black sun, quiet, quiet, quiet, wow, good for you
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... he spoke to us to the audience and it was unclear where he was going, apparently he was looking for help from the artists , but he was waiting for us, he felt bad, he was just looking, maybe apparently he was in the wrong place, he should have gone to the exit and then we continued performance, when we were convinced, when we were convinced that the ambulance arrived and the guy was taken away, continued from the same place, but what should i do? why did i just ask where he went, because
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i had an incident in the theater? nikolai, you also can’t ignore the trouble, i’m trying, yes, why did they call the police for a homeless person, you know, i arrived at the grocery store, in the evening it was already about 35° outside, it’s so cold, and i go into the hall, he’s lying ,
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a man who drank so heavily. in this store's dressing room, and uh, and the doors are automatic, well, it's lying there, well , it seems like the place is still warm, and not on the street, i passed there and bought a product when i go out, i see two store employees , they are throwing this guy out of the store onto the street, everyone leave, we are closing soon, i say, wait, guys, what are you doing, it’s -35 degrees cold there, we don’t know anything, he’s bothering us here, because these doors open all the time, you know? i mean, i stood up for him, i said: no, i won’t let you get him out of here, that means , pull him out, kick him out, throw him away, that’s it , they lamented something there, went somewhere in the main hall, i put him under his arms took it and moved it closer to the corner so that these doors didn’t run, he started swearing at me , swearing, something, well, i’m patient, where, where to go, so i’m telling you, i’m here on the contrary, on your side, well, as if to myself, i pushed him away, but
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i don’t know what to do next, the store will close soon and the guy will freeze and die, it’s just elementary, i, uh, i say, sit down, i’ll be back now, and next to us there’s a police station in malakhovka, i sat down... . car, literally half a minute, i’m already there at the police station, which means i explained everything to them about this situation, urgently, now there are no crews available, but now we’ll do something, i’m going back , it means he’s there, it’s a guy , in about 10 minutes the russian guard arrives, after all, they got in touch there, the russian guard arrived, i say, yes, i called so-and-so , there they wrote everything down for me, and we said , we don’t know where to take him, because there are no sobering-up stations now, we called an ambulance, now since the ambulance arrives, it means... i can already calmly see that the guy is in good hands, i went back to the store, bought another bottle of wine, for him or for myself, for myself, i went home, yes, in a very good mood, so good, but for whose sake did you block the mcat? oh, this
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is actually my favorite story, sunday, i was going to church there to see my rector in the village, friday, suddenly i see five lanes driving along the middle row, and it rolls along, imagine, suddenly everything... the cars on the right start to stop, turn on emergency lights, they slow down, they brake, they brake sharply, and i understand that something is happening there, and i too, that means, i slow down, and i see that these cars that have stopped, there is such a big duck, and behind it there are about 20 ducklings, a person 20, yes, yes, yellow, they just go to their home, there ’s a bump stop, there’s cars flying, cars are flying, and i understand that now it’s all going to turn into dust, but i had a red cap, so i’m jumping out.
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and when i’ve scattered them all, i turn around , there are trucks standing here, and these drivers are standing, and they wave at me, show me something there, yes, there’s even someone there, well, such a balm, you know inside, you don’t have to be indifferent, it’s however, there was a new addition to yevgeny petrossyan’s family at the age of 78, the comedian became a father again, on march 13 , seventy-eight-year-old yevgeny petrosyan became father of many children, the young wife of the comedian published a family photo, with evgeny petrosyan’s four-year-old son vagan, in the arms of tatyana brukhunova a baby in a velvet dress and a red cap. the girls appear to be between one month and six months old. congratulations, do your best. thank you very much and all the best. evgenia petrosyan and tatyana brukhunova are in no
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hurry to share details of pregnancy and childbirth, but an active social life, please. instead of being on maternity leave with their newborn daughter, in february the young wife of the comedian rushed to china. now of course. it’s the dead of night in the central part of russia, and it’s already morning for me, i ’m indignant at the mother, who sits with the baby while the mother is having fun, why goes to concerts while others are handing over tickets after a terrible tragedy, it’s not scary to go to some concerts, more besides, today i’m going to grandson in the theater, i sincerely believe that art heals, young parents still don’t even officially name the baby, but journalists write that the comedian’s third heiress was born in october, named matilda. quite in the style of petrosyan, his eldest daughter from his first marriage is called victorina, she has lived in america for a long time, petrosyan named his only son in honor of his father, vagan. i would like him to become a real person, for this he must first
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of all receive the right upbringing, i’m not saying good, i’m saying correct. however , evgeny petrosyan is not a record holder among older fathers, he only has an honorary bronze medal, and emmanuel vittorgan won a silver medal. who at the age of 79 became a father, which i wish for everyone, everyone, everyone, without fail, but the gold rightfully belongs to ivan krasko, the actor experienced the joy of fatherhood when he turned 90, everything is fine, men generally have an age limit when they have children, 90 years old, at 90 years old, the end of a man’s hormonal levels, a woman’s at 52, a woman’s 52 is already hormonal, why so unfair?
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i’ll tell you yesterday, how much did you have, well, i don’t even, in short, i have a son, a son of 18 years old, i’m 60 now, no, younger, younger, but you see, a decent person, i’m surprised by something a little different, still the quantity yevgeny vaganovich’s husband, well, if i’m not mistaken, four, after all, he had children only from his first last marriage, here for me there is some kind of masculine grief, that
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with elena stepanenko, that is, at that moment he didn’t want to, they didn’t plan, or so to evgeniy, in the end i thought, god forbid, that you were hinting that it wasn’t him that she gave birth to, but no, no, in general, it’s a favorite activity, the work of children, i ’m alexander, how many years have you become a father, but 60-three, well done, keep it up, how old is your daughter now, 3 years old, how do you cope with sleepless nights, tell me, everything, everything is okay, nothing, nothing, nothing , nothing is a record, charlie chaplin’s last , in my opinion, eighth, child was born when he was 82, there was no ico yet, is it good when dad is old enough to be a grandfather?
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real opportunities, where you managed to fight, where, where on the street, you can’t spare your enemies, this too dangerous. i’m afraid that they will come to me again, i’m afraid for you, i just thought that i shot back, we didn’t start this, i have a murder, zhenya, they left me, guy, decide for yourself, just don’t be mistaken, hot period, tomorrow at 22:15 on ntv, download the application and get... a luck bonus from the betting league five deuces, go to green, the stars came together to discuss whether it’s good when dad is old enough to be a grandfather? len, a father at 78, well done, and like every medal there are two
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countries, how can you not welcome the birth of a child, of course, bravo, you can say i i guess, that. many people were in charge of him, which he could and wanted, yes, but the fact is that no one canceled the responsibility either , he probably provided somehow, and so on, but it is not easier for a child to have a living father, then a grandfather , so to speak, god forbid he reaches 120, but his mother can get married again. it’s okay, i think he should be congratulated. tatyana, who risks more in this case, evgeny petrosyan or his wife? of course his wife, he will die before the kingdom, lord, may god grant us to live all the years, forgive me, lord, forgive me, lord, yes, well, how, how will we do all this in our time, and what will happen next, i think about this, men don’t
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think about it at this age, what will happen next, okay, i left an inheritance, i have money, there is a mother, the mother will naturally want to bring a man into the house. that is, he already condemns the child to a stranger in advance, how will he develop a relationship with a stranger, how shouldn’t he think about this, well, will money give a person happiness? why am i asking, even when my daughter was born there at about 30 years old, but i i still model sometimes, she will be 18, how old will i be, she will be 20, how old will i be, i project my future life a little onto her age, trying to understand, will i be around, in what state will i be around? yes, these thoughts still come, of course, i don’t understand why they don’t come to women’s minds, well, at the end there will be a graduation ceremony, i don’t know about the wedding, can i have 5 kopecks? i'll insert it into this matter.
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well, dad died when he was 8 years old, it was very unexpected, in fact he was very healthy, and no one even imagined that
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this can happen, but it happened , but you know, in this sense, i can just watch even my loved ones, yes, indeed, you look, a couple, he is young, she is young, a child is born, since the husband has screwed up somewhere, she one is dragging him, and what and where are these? of course, he feels responsibility there , well, there is some kind of discomfort, maybe from the last name, yes, because he also followed
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the same path, yes, he is a future artist and so on, so, but at one point i wanted to say that once... then he said such a remark when he it was probably 15 years old, maybe like that, but i want me to have three children, two boys and one girl, and somewhere like that, well, until 21-22 years old, i say, so? will be able to, will not have time, money, property, just imagine what happiness, a man
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of age, lives an honest, magnificent life, earned it himself, made himself, gave birth to children, gave life, fell in love with a woman, is happy, the inheritance leaves, the legacy is passed on through children, so evgeny vaganovich, if anything, the star of the boys nikita kologriv again arranged scandal. let's see the plot. nikita kologrivy was released after 7 days behind bars. the sharp-tongued actor is now unrecognizable. eyes to the floor, hood over your face, run into the car away from the journalists. nikita, a couple of questions, a couple of questions. and just recently, the boys star didn’t hold back. video nikita , a waitress, tears off her t-shirt in the heat of the moment.
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the curly-haired man waves his fists as hard as he can. the evening ended at the police station. one of the bars in novosibirsk. the actor pushes. an administrative protocol has been drawn up regarding the part. first article 20.1 of the code of administrative offenses of the russian federation, petty hooliganism. according to eyewitnesses, kologrivy first flirted with the waitress, and then bit her on the leg and away we go. the next morning i had to apologize. excuse me. dear, that i made many people nervous, and this is not the first scandal involving the star of the series, nikita kologrivy has gotten so used to the role of the bad guy that he does not hold back either in his actions or in his expressions, he called abdulov from maktunovsky boring, and his colleagues in the series, including ivan genkovsky, he can’t hold a candle to what you learned for yourself from this film, what he gave you, nothing, he went through his young colleagues like a tank of kologriv, a bortich without a higher education. i barely finished school, not that he has a honors diploma from gitis, oksana ginshina , who would have thought, a scandalous
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famous artist, a wonderful actress with a higher education, i know nikita, if you don’t... that’s it, you won’t stop him, young , still like that, no need to be offended, but he’s trolling, damn it, he’s trolling you all, but if his colleagues are ready understand and forgive the actor who turned on the star , then the court sentenced kologrivov’s performance in a bar in novosibirsk to seven days in pre-trial detention, i will correct myself and i believe that i will prove to you that i am a worthy member of society, well, this is a disease of stardom, of course, fire, water pipe , through which we all went and must go , some don’t pass, some... pass, this is a test for each of us, well, who didn’t drink, well, i drank too, well, did you bite the waiters, no, the waitress, who said that he was different before this movie pushil ofi, this outbursts of passion, outbursts of anger, maybe this is how he shows his feelings for this waitress, maybe, but for me it’s somehow different, well, maybe it seemed to him that i
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somehow really think so. for nikita and which i hope he will pass, because the guy seems to be talented, but talent is one thing, and the brains are in the head - that’s what i’m saying, so i don’t know what i would do now instead, well, i’d go to the this bar would work there as a free cleaner, you would work now, then that's when then, yes too carried, i didn’t carry in the bar, well, not in the bar, it doesn’t matter everyone in different places. this bar already has comments in reviews, a wonderful bar, an excellent menu, only sometimes kologriv comes in. morad, did you have star fever and how did it manifest itself? i think everyone has had it , well, i don’t think i’ve ever had such a run-in as to be able to bite the waiter so directly, of course i wanted to bite, now i want to bite the waitress, because
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the girls are often very beautiful, cute and the desire is not only to bite but to want. firstly, after all, a person is engaged some kind of charity, he goes, we are talking about the positive, that in general he is a man of words, this is an image, you know, as we were told not to write about you, the main thing is that they write, exclusively. in the courtroom after the verdict, he said, oh, how i was going to see my daughter, that is, before that, unfortunately, he probably didn’t think about them, but the frivolous behavior of the waitress can also be noted, because he was lying on her knees, that is , all this to some extent, of course, is fun, because well, what will this make us feel, not we agreed, we don’t know that , i have a feeling that he got a little overplayed, because the main thing is balance, don’t get overplayed, don’t enter any doors, yes,
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as we know, just stop on time, but he this is the sequence.
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money, including impunity, then it naturally blows your mind when you did it once, they didn’t do anything to you for it, you did it twice, you understand that nothing will happen to you for it, he loves you, they carry you in their arms, you still they pay money for this, why don’t i do this a third time, i’ll also go out i think i need to be punished, as in principle life punished me and i think absolutely rightly, they stopped filming me, i lost my job, and excuse me for the actor, for us it’s me, by the way, i just wanted to talk about this is to talk about what it seems to me that nikita will be stopped... only money, lack of, lack of work, not even money, lack of work, now the time is completely different, no longer the same as before, nothing is forgiven anymore, so right now , artists are an example, they should show this for example, let's look at the plot, alexander shirvint was very charming in life, on the screen, he can wave his hand at him, and susanna allowed,
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no, then there is no need for amateur performances, this is science for everyone, sit down. in recent years, the people's artist has not acted in films, and almost never appeared on the stage of his native satire theater. well-deserved rest alexander shirvind. met at the dacha in the circle of loved ones, but his fans did not lose sight of him; they followed the life of their favorite actor through their son’s video chronicles. where is this handsome guy going, what kind of work? even at 89, alexander shirvint was in no hurry to put life on hold; he loved to eat delicious food. i don’t need to blow, the main thing is i don’t need to blow. with the same pleasure i drank another glass at family feasts. come on! shirving did not deny himself the pleasure of driving with the breeze, he was full of different signs , he was looking forward to the end of the theater season so that
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he could sit with his son on the shore of istra, the child agreed to go fishing with me, i need to put the gear in order. alexander shirvint even with for years he did not lose his sense of humor and optimism and laughed off all questions about the eternal.
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i went, yes, everyone came to us after the performance, mom liked it, in general, it was all about feeding everyone, dad liked to joke, and that was, in general, a lot of the money they earned was spent on these here were the events, and there was a big company, and i was amazed when my father died, suddenly everyone disappeared, only shura chervinsky and alexander anatolyevich remained, shura’s dad, in fact, on all issues of life, married his own there. divorce, that is, such serious ones, from whom you only ask your father, but there, how to act in some serious situations, i of course went to him, and then we also had our company hippodrome, that is, the first
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person who brought me at the stables to the hippodrome, it was papshura, when i was about five years old, he was a tatist, he played at the races, and he took me with him, and there in the stands he wore a cat, a mat and a child, but he more often won or lost, only won, but you didn't get involved? i didn’t put it either, i have second adult category in equestrian sports, and i was at an equestrian competition and some press came up and said: it’s alexandrolch’s birthday, tell me how you congratulated him, i took a friend’s horse into the frame, i say, you know, i just bought a horse and am giving it to him, so shura calls and says: is it true that you bought me a horse, but it’s too late, i say, yes, he says: okay, i ’ll take a look, let’s take it, i went to the lower one. says for 2.0 dollars i bought an oryol trotter voronov, which one, no, this is not the end, i keep my word, yes, but then this year, and we thought that it would be shura
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’s anniversary, i would bring out the horse, then we would decide what to do with it, well, with this horse, okay, buy it, it i have to feed him, that’s also money, he should have been brought in, that’s not a problem, i looked at the horse and then i told him, i ’m still living with this horse, i called him, i said, at least they’d look, yes, yes, of course, finally, he’s coming to my house, which means there ’s a stable nearby in khimki, look at the horse, i say, maybe you can take him to the dacha, there what is it, maybe you can give it to the hippodrome , well, because okay, i bought it for 2,000, you have to pay 30,000 rubles every month so that it eats, shura comes, looks, says, yes, great, thank you, dear, very good , but you know what i’ll tell you, the horse must be given as a gift with a stable, that’s all, i stayed, stayed with this horse. then somehow i managed, for the same money, for the same 200 dollars, i sold it. mash, when did you see papa shura, alexandro, the last time i saw papa shura was 2 years ago, i was walking past the theater, i was just walking, and
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just suddenly passing by the checkpoint i thought, i need to come in , i go in, i say, alexander anatolyevich, at home, they say, yes, they are rehearsing, i say , i’ll just go in for a second, i just came in, i said, dad, i i came to kiss you, smacked you, do you need something, i said, no, no, i was just passing by, how did he look, but how is he all? it’s a good pipe, and i know a little about it, then good glasses, well-groomed, a beautiful scarf, yes, slightly damp hair, and of course, a sense of humor. tanya, you and alexander shirvint served for many years in acted together in the theater, that’s what made him different from the others for you, everyone, such... there were
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smart actors, i’ve never seen and never will see, he was so smart and talented, of course, i don’t even know, but to a greater extent he there was an actor or someone else, so he looked at it a little from the outside, even from the outside, and i always had a persistent feeling that i was an idiot, i kept thinking, well, how should i behave, how would it be better to remain silent, then you’ll be a fool and say something bad too. well, what in front of him, what can be said interesting or funny at the shura, i don’t know, i don’t know, you can laugh, it’s very nice , well, we laughed, of course, but when it was somehow out of place, in short, my first interview in my life, and some complete idiot came, how can i do an interview, i apologize , of course, i starred in some film, and she came, and we talked about something, she was very funny, it seemed to me, and for the first time in my life... i portrayed her at the shura
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and shura laughed, that’s when it became easy for me to be a fool in front of him, my complexes went away altogether, i think, well, i don’t know, just stupid a person can feel on par with a shura, that’s how long i’ve been living, that’s how long i’ve understood that there are irreplaceable people, there are very few of them, this is a shura, this is a shura, tan, that’s generally what he has... and the image of such a ladies’ man as this in his life he behaved like a woman, never in his life any vulgarity, no, you know, everything may have happened, but no one ever knew about it, we’re all shushu, here’s to talk, here’s what to do, what to do, and i ran to shooting, well, did he compliment women or not, well, he was dutch, but who did he love, with with whom he slept, with whom he had children, i personally don’t know. from natalya nikolaevna misha, and
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period, period, and he loved only her, nothing to say about shura of some kind, but okay, we know him, no, no one will say, he never had enemies, in any did not participate in conspiracies in the theater, everyone loved, everyone will love and will not be the same for everyday life, he was adapted to life at all, there was no adaptation, sprats, a jar of sprats , then with butter and sprats. there was butter left in the jar, like some bread, no, he wouldn’t be pleased when the sprats bread, he smeared his hair, can i tell you, can i tell you about the hair, i’m telling you about the hair, because well, accordingly , i was friends with... people on the cliff, and so somehow
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i come to the office in the satire theater and i see aleksanich sitting by he has a dandelion on his head like this and he usually has it like this, everything is smooth, everything is so black, everything is smooth, right here, just like this , curly hair, i’m saying this, what is this, this is the first time i’ve seen it in my entire life i birth, he says, i washed my hair , i mean, i mean, what in 50 years have i never i saw you washing your hair
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, or what did he say, and he wasted there over this fishing rod, and by the way, i know something about fishing, because when i was little, he took me with him, my parents raised me well, they i was forbidden to make any noise at all, it’s just a very quiet place, i’m a quiet place, he took me with him to this and we sat, that we sat in the boat there
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for hours, so let’s look at this float for hours, and we never caught anything , then i realized that the point is not to catch, the point is to stick. and the neighbors have you ever had a feast? yes, we had this long table near the volleyball court, birthdays were celebrated there and someone’s birth was commemorated, but it was all somehow such happiness, this was happiness, it was an amazing time, but it’s still there so, yes, yes, we had a huge tour of italy, that we took maikovsky, a club or something, no one understood what we brought, what we were playing about, there was no drive, there was nothing, but we played, we drove all the way. the whole country from and to italy a month and a half, my girlfriend and i had a very large suitcase, huge, such a big suitcase, there was everything, all the food, all the food, potatoes, onions, garlic, that’s everything we needed for life, we saved all this daily allowance, yes, yes, there were only
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daily allowances, but, well, just imagine that we all came for these daily allowances with sheepskin coats, daily allowances with boots, and so on, in short, only our team had food, but also, by the way, your dad... .he also traveled with us, he had, he had, he had a fire in the room, in the room, yes, he burned a fire in the bathroom, there was a pot hanging here, and we followed the smell, and there was a monstrous smell in the hotel, a gorgeous , monstrous stench, finally we reached this door, the door was ajar, and we looked, and he was sitting like this, cross-legged, near this fire, and he opened these canned food there in hot water, all that was there was noodles, and how did he not burn down the room, in the bathroom on...
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they came to us, too, exhausted after the performance there, already overgrown with some kind of, you know, homeless people , two homeless people, well, where can they wash their clothes, where can they change clothes, but they are not nobody not i guessed what it was. a month and a half trip around italy, but they were given two pairs of panties and socks, and what should they do next with it, some holes in it, and two geniuses come, comes to our room, we have everything ready, everything, bowls, soup , first, second and third and drinks, everything is there , that’s it, they were sitting down, i’ll never forget it, just like that, two backs, without undressing anything, one already with a beard of some kind, they were sitting , it was impossible to recognize them, they sat like this and sipped, without saying a word, without looking. they slurped this on a friend, then they fell off like that, and i understood that they felt good, they were so happy, that we, that we could do at least something for them in this life, what good bright memories, let’s send alexander anatolyevich a round of applause, the tragedy of vasily
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utkin, why a sports commentator lived only for work, we will discuss after the advertisement. the father of the family is accused of keeping his wife on a chain, beating his five daughters, locking her in a stable, he had her there as a slave, in slavery, the children were afraid of their father, aggressive, he he can hit, he can beat, terrible rumors about a neighbor with many children have long been circulating among the residents of the village of shikovskoye, who collect, we don’t have that, the husband punished the children for the purpose of education, well, it’s not murderous, now the man is detained, he is accused. and not their own children , the children's staff arrived, it turned out that their refrigerator was locked, and they did not feed the children , her daughter was also intimidated, even someone approached her, her hands were shaking, but now the wife is all denies whether she wrote a statement against her husband under pressure
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father-in-law, her husband beat her to death in the bathhouse, i wrote a statement out of emotion, there is no such thing as what is being presented to us, this is beyond the bounds, tomorrow at 16:45. on ntv. black sun, premiere. tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv. we woke up, stretched, shook off the winter and shook ourselves off. during the spring sale, we change clothes, change shoes, and also transform ourselves with cool things and buy them. i like this update. wake up, sale on ozone. set of cephali frying pans for 2,499. kremlin candies and dried fruits for 299. mask for home is where the family is, in the bank of the russian federation 16.2% per annum on a deposit for 3 months, the most important contribution to the family. how are you there? take glycine renival. and sparkam renival. we trust renival. we
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of sefal frying pans for 2499. a loan with cashback from sber is even more opportunities, because every month you will be returned 2% of the rate with sber bonuses, thank you. hurry up to get a loan with cashback. it's more profitable in sberbank with prime. a unique country with a unique destiny, a unique culture, unique people, original and full of mysteries, with a broad soul and rich traditions, a country that never ceases to amaze. open for yourself your russia on the unknown
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russia tv channel. the stars aligned over the tragic departure of sports commentator vasily utkin. the voice of russian football - this is what fans all over the country called vasily utkin. over 35 years of his career, utkin managed to go from a reporter to a sports commentator and presenter. and the channel’s editor-in-chief, now we understand perfectly well that tv plus, sports channels, are just such a system of windows into the world. in 2017, vasily utkin announced his retirement from his career as a sports commentator and did not appear on screens when appeared, it was impossible to recognize him, they said the journalist weighed more than 200 kg, he could hardly move, was breathing heavily, but continued to joke, this is how he reacted to a gift from the players of his amateur team...
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he trained in eloquence on table football, she recalled at the funeral his older sister anna. football players who could use special levers, the first comments related to this kind of game. it’s beautiful to me, i was so pleased to hear his voice, here’s the first report on tv, cardiology of the pirogov hospital , intensive care, thrombus in the pulmonary artery, cardiac arrest, news about
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such reports that he did with such zeal, with such knowledge about his business, it was obvious, and i remember, he was always overweight, he never was not thin, once he was very, very thin , and there were conversations on the sidelines that this particular girl who worked with us, a correspondent, a beginner, he really liked her, on the condition that she, he would bring herself to order and will not gain weight, it seems could. sveta, was he somehow worried about his excess weight? he was such an educated, intelligent person that he did not allow any conversation about any of his problems, he did not impose his stories, we watched from the outside as it all happened, this is the final part of his life , of course
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, maybe, maybe this is connected with personal relationships, he even had an operation in germany, in my opinion. to reduce the stomach, there was information that a number of years ago he had an operation on himself, but unfortunately he couldn’t keep the weight off, he had surgery to reduce his stomach, and in october , information appeared in the media that he was strongly recommended to go on a diet, i even know that he ’s been on a diet lately, and how much he weighed recently time, you don’t know, but 215 kg, as far as i know, 215, and of course, sometimes we’re too late, probably behind... and he left, i said, what’s the reason, they say something, what’s wrong with him there is weight, i heard
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it when vasily utkin appeared, and in a voice i heard on the screen that it was a football match. his statements were sorted into quotes, so he said neymar’s fall, it’s so beautiful, even the plus sign doesn’t fall like that, or not everyone spends as much time in marriage as they spent on the field akinfeev, berezuvsky ignashevich, he has an amazing expression, do you agree that he’s the presenter? a lot, and commentators are a piece of goods, it’s always in short supply that you have this skill, the ability to speak the russian language, speak so beautifully, it’s amazing, not everyone can do it, that’s why it’s a piece of profession, you know, i also wanted to add, i’m a football fan, i support spartak, but i’m also a fan, i ’m a fan of vasya utkin, you know why, you know
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why, because i came up with a pattern as soon as spartak plays a match with someone, and if vasya commented on the match. spartak won 90% of the time when he stopped commentating, very much, but i personally really missed his commentary, because it is a separate form of art. here is his great career on television, of course he was now very successful as a blogger, he still has a crowd of fans, but unfortunately, here is television this career, this is a little more work in the frame for a second, because well, again, for us, for ordinary fans of his, his work, after all, this was such a moment, yes, when he was on the screen and then here he is appeared after a while. we have a cardiologist in our studio, yaroslav, tell me, what does the diagnosis with which vasily ended up in cardiology tell you? i will say this, in people who are overweight, super overweight, yes, let’s call it that, unfortunately, three disasters most often happen: the first is thromboembolism pulmonary arteries, yes, this is physical inactivity, and
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stagnation of blood in the lower extremities, fat of course, this excess and visceral, these are blood clots. fly out, the second problem is myocardial infarction, since the heart also has the property, well, let’s say, to become fat, yes, to swim with fat, and the last problem is heart rhythm disturbances, most often, of course...
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here, if a person wants to lose weight and wants to live, yes, create and be needed, then of course you need to pay attention to yourself, if he lost weight and maintained at least 130-140 kg, as he already did once, then the probability of these events would be extremely low, of course, well, in any case, he was an amazing person and commentator, and we sympathize with the friends and relatives of vasily utkin, and let's end with the usual phrase, play football, he's cool. how pierre narcissus's widow decided to marry her late husband's friend, all the fun in a few minutes. mommy, this is where
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gabia and i live. where is my sister? the bodies of women were found today. but the examination claims that the body and hands belong to different victims. the witness is sure that she was raped was part of the ritual of the satanic sect, very serious people, they have their own eyes and ears everywhere, you will run for office, the legislative assembly, i will cut off your finger, i will start with the little finger, stop for a moment, you are not as beautiful as you are unique, sorry, i'm not the proposer. he doesn’t sell
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women, he sells relationships, yuri chursin, pyotr kislov, maxim stoyanov, let me go, black sun, premiere, tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv. we woke up, stretched, shook off the winter, changed clothes , changed shoes during the spring sale, and also transforming with cool things shopping, i like this update, wake up, sale on ozone, mascara for 229, women's trousers fajo for 839, diapers picul panties for 900. 49 wake up to the spring sale transform wake up sale on ozone adidas backpack for 999 zeva toilet paper for 349 protein
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april on ntv. the stars aligned with this program. dava pierre narcissus married a friend of her late husband. chocolate bunny pierre narcissus never complained about his health.
1:42 am
played football, tennis and jumped around the stage like a crazy person, i’m a pianarcist, i’m a sweetheart , the singer went to the doctors when he was completely tired, in june of twenty-two pierre narcissus went to the hospital only after an exacerbation of asthma and gout. i myself am in shock, i’m just going to go to the hospital. after 5 days , pierre narcissus was gone, he was put into medicinal sleep for surgery, from which he never emerged. the artist was buried in his native cameroon.
1:43 am
this is evgeniy, it’s very nice, tell us how you met, we met 7 years ago.
1:44 am
lera, well, let’s go celebrate, and i’m such a home girl, i don’t really like events, get-togethers, parties, but still i thought why it’s really not such a resounding success, today we did it, and my director also says, let’s all go, lyurus, come on, well, i say, okay, we come and... yes, no, of course, this role does not play here, this is my kindred soul, dear, very wise, intelligent, please, you once said that you wouldn’t be averse to giving birth via ivf to your already departed spouse,
1:45 am
it’s too early, it will never heal, i live with it, i have a serious health problem, but that’s what i recovered thanks to evgeniy, he turned out to be such a powerful shoulder for me, and of course i remember everything that i said, i really wanted to continue. and dad is always with us both mentally and morally, and he is in our hearts, but how old is your daughter? 18, evgenia, were you married, do you have children?


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