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tv   Doznavatel-2  NTV  April 1, 2024 3:55am-4:54am MSK

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i forgot, he went to the sea, he has diving, when pasha has diving, he is not for anyone, and he will return only in a week, we don’t have time, wait, well, we can do something, maybe i can car to sell, however, this is also not in one day, it’s still not enough. sasha, did something happen? it happened, i urgently need money, how much? 1000 dollars, can you help me out? yes, of course, of course, son, let's go, you tell me everything in detail. elya, i’m actually off duty, i want to sleep. what
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are we doing here with you? today is your football will they show? well, do you want to watch the game? well, of course i want to, so what, are we going to watch something right here? no, of course, now we will buy a tv and enjoy it at home. we'll buy it, but what about the money? but i kind of have it, guess what? and where? well, it doesn’t matter, the main thing is that we can now afford a new tv. hello, how can i help you? hello, we need a tv, well, something like this one and another one. less for the kitchen, and less for the kitchen, so we decided on the big one, here we have a little smaller, oh, just what we need, yes, why do we need a second one in the kitchen, well, you ’ll watch your football, and i’ll watch my tv series, everyone will be happy , we’ll write it out, of course, of course, then please , go to the checkout, i ’ll be right there, yeah, ilya, well , i’m still worried about the money, but... so you’re not
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worried? wow, cool, but you didn't do anything illegal? no, of course, i just found a well-paid job, isn’t there a place for me in this well-paid job? yes no, of course it is work for girls, brother, i called you back, brought you, close the door? “you don’t have to count it, in my
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life i’m used to not relying on my word of honor, the trunks are for the sioux, wait, major, money doesn’t like haste, but i’m in a hurry, do you really think that i’m the trunk here, i’ll keep it in the office, it’s mine the boys will only bring it on my command. so you have to wait, call your boys, and if i don’t call, are you going to shoot, you have the guts of a tank, you think so, yes. everyone should stand
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and work, their hands, you know, i for a long time i received a signal about what was going on in this market, the trade in illiquid, expired goods, the lawlessness of the local security, in fact, a gangster group that was engaged in extortion and even beat up buyers, this large city food market has long been.
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all participants in the transaction will be detained, and we will close the market itself. hello, son, what can you say, chaos. stopped, the culprits will receive the deserved punishment, uh-huh, i see, well done, he got his money back and did some pr for himself. sash, don’t get excited, but i don’t i’m getting excited, i’m just trying to understand if my father is a scumbag and i should send him away, or if there’s still something human left in him. and you, sasha, choose an expression. by the way, it was your colleagues who wasted their service weapons. they made a deal with the bandits and in general there are thousands of such friends. and there is only one family. we must
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do everything together. we must solve all problems together. you're right, there's only one family. and my family is them, not you. kumachnaya lattice. and in your opinion everything is fine. i didn’t give a damn about your redneck, i had my own interests in this market, and in general i’m here, in this place , just so that it wouldn’t happen at all, in principle, great, i recorded our conversation, and now you have a choice, or you make sure that the red-haired man is released with crystal clear reputation, or i post this recording on the internet and testify against you, you will go against your father, you went against my friends, which
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means you are against me, so that your sciatic nerve will be warm. decide, okay, i’ll solve the problem, they’ll release your kumach, but can i at least close the market? myself you know what kind of criminal chaos is going on there, but close the market,
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the little guy is on his way out.
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thank you, for what? for everything, for standing up, for the flowers, oh well, it’s nothing, no, it’s not nothing. and here’s another thing, stasik, and i was thinking, what? you don't need to leave the police. i mean, you yourself said that you never know what a woman can
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say in her heart, i understand that you can’t live without the police, and i, and we can’t live without you, let’s go home, yeah. before transporting our son, we need, yes, yes, to do the cleaning, well, i can imagine what kind of mess you have there, i, by the way, i keep order, yes, i know you guys, your order too. yeah, well , let's go faster, let's go , hello, you're late, sorry, that's all, as agreed, can i? start construction, yes, and you like to feed the ducks , well, let's go, hello,
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hello, gels, you'll forgive me for yesterday, i know everything, i saw it on the news, but i still don't understand why you're at first to blame, and then not guilty, well, this is a long conversation. but i’m not in a hurry, you know, i ’d like to invite you to a restaurant, don’t restaurant, i prepared everything at home, well, let’s stand here on the stairs, it’s cozy here, thank you very much for the flowers, oh, yes, it’s very nice, thank you, but you’re welcome. sasha, can we go to the theater next time? can we go to the theater too? no, it’s just that i’ve been in the city for a long time, but i’ve hardly seen it,
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i’ve never been to a museum, and of course we won’t go to exhibitions. well, olenka, let's go? wait a second, i'm here now. sasha, hello, what an unexpected meeting? hello. and you still work for the police, judging by... how you’re dressed, yes, but i see everything is fine with you, yes better than some, at least he’s human , he knows how to take care of the girl he loves, i wonder what will happen when he gets tired of you, today you’re a goddess, and tomorrow he’ll throw you out into the street and wipe your feet, be careful that they don’t wipe your feet on you , let's go,
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let's go, or maybe we'll go to a cafe, or maybe we'll eat at home, well, at home , at home, roofing felt, roofing felt, well, don't you hear, or what ? i hear you, but what are you ignoring? i was upset that i thought it through, well, it’s normal, it ’s a game, games, someone loses, someone wins, now go sulk, let’s go we’d better grab a beer, i can’t, i have football, i don’t want to miss it. at what time? at three, it’s still normal time, there’s a carriage and a small cart, let’s go, you grab a beer, i ’ll get some for a snack, but why am i, at least boraz bought something for himself? listen, tolya, i’m a poor district policeman compared to the money your wife is shoveling, so i’d like to know where she’s shoveling it from? there must be a higher justice, not yours! and don’t say anything now, but i’ll go,
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i understand you, but today... “it’s a buffet, and here people get to know each other in a relaxed atmosphere
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, talking, doing business and generally relaxing, okay, hello, seryozha, hello, vanya, so, i need to talk to one more person, otherwise go and have fun yourself, vanya, vanya, can i talk to you, excuse me , literally for a couple of minutes, i’ll be quick, good evening, good evening, i noticed you a long time ago, you miss you a little.
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well, a certain level, maybe appoint him as the head of some rvd, his own person in the rvd, yeah, good idea, vanya, why is it taking so long, i’m still going, sorry, i’ll think about it, thank you, look at what a beautiful view it is here. hello, hello, you're going to have dinner, now i 'll warm it up, relax, let me lay out the sofa, no,
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no, don't, now i'll take three minutes, okay, i'll lie down a little longer, yeah. seryozha, that’s what kind of person you are, i don’t ask anyone, everyone says: seryozha, yes,
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you’re lucky, why are you so gloomy? we should have stayed, it was fun there, why did we leave so early? stop the car, go for a walk, okay, seryozha, did something happen? at least once i see someone's hand on your ass, i'll tear your head off, i understand, seryozhenka, forgive me, please, i didn't mean to, it's him, it’s not me, please forgive me, kiryusha, go eat, breakfast is ready. thank
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you, kiryush, i was thinking, why should i rent an apartment on another floor, i’m still living with you, it’s just a waste of money, well, yes, it’s good for us together, and living together would be great, well, yes, that’s all. well, yes, what indecisive men you are, okay, i ran to work, by the way, there’s a list, buy groceries, okay, kiryusha, okay, kiryusha,
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why, why, kiryusha? yes, kumach is listening, and it’s great, yes, and it’s definitely him, that’s it, that means the apartment number, address, yeah, i understand, that means, i’ll send you the address, leave. while i ’m driving, keep an eye on him, understand? yeah, come on!
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like this every day, great, hello, hello, kolya. kolya, maybe you know why the general called? well, he now has khristyshevsky, an adviser to the governor, they whispered to me that he wants to put his own man in the rvd, yeah, so what? bori, not in your place, he wants to put this little man in prison. why exactly mine? well, i heard rumors here. the general asked for your personal file. just think, you never know, the main thing is that we have come to mutual understanding. certainly, sorry for making you wait, boris borisovich, come on in, how long to wait, so
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first thing, bori, sit down, uh-huh, the order for your employee khamenko has been signed, you can congratulate him on being awarded the rank of captain, the petition has been considered. thank you, thank you, very good news, very good , well, now about you, well, well, in short, his apartment is on the second floor, he has windows all the way to the courtyard, he didn’t leave the apartment, well, i understand, that means, i’m going to the apartment, just wait, yeah,
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i know this joke. lyokha, there are a few surprises, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, i i’m going to look for who didn’t hide, it’s not my fault.
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why are you making so much noise? you can hear it on the street, well done, tasik, hello colonel, don’t you hide it, eat, eat, yeah, something happened, boris borisovich, no, everything’s fine. khamenka, tolya, they gave you a captain, congratulations, as soon as the order comes,
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the order will come soon, and i knew, i knew. guys, great, talya, i have news for you, great, khaminich, you better look who we got, lyokha ogonyok himself , the bosses are here, boris borisovich, at home, but he’s not in a good mood at all, well, that’s okay , now we’ve cheered him up, cheered him up, and why are you shining like a light bulb or a cell, but they gave me a captain, and congratulations, boris borisovich just said. how sadly you said all this, nothing bad has happened to us lately, everything is fine, let’s move the pasta, open the chicken coop, i’ll open it.
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hello, borya, pasha, you have cognac, but you can find it. did something happen? yes, it happened, i think they will remove me in the very near future. i mean, directly,
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they will send you, so to speak, to a retirement pension years, wait, borya, wait, are you sure, uh-huh, they told the headquarters today, and then the general confirmed it, so he said, get ready to fight. there is information that they are looking for a warm place for someone, and the general would not initiate me into the intricacies of the body, if it were not my concern, who will take your place, but i don’t know, and what difference does it make now, they will remove it, they will remove it, an order is an order, pasha, well then i
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too, in my own way. well, at least don’t be a fool, maybe you can work together again, tell me, what about borya, i know from experience that everything is good someday it ends , i can’t get used to everything, and i want stability, reliability , or something, well, come on, as the french say, all ’s well that ends well, yeah, for stability and reliability, yes, yes, this model suits you very well, yes, yeah, you'll take it, yes, please pack it, everything's fine, i
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left the card at home, now, and you can put it off until the evening, of course , it's okay, we'll put it off, okay, let's go, great, hello, great, news, heard, call, promoted, given captain,
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okay, okay, so, what's the matter, oh you bastard, you 've been having fun with this slut all this time, shut your mouth, here you go, fuck you, child! “vadik, yes, that i’m running with you, khamenka was given the captain, that khamenka was given the captain, well, yes, congratulations, but you’re not congratulating me, you’re congratulating him, i have no time to go, where did you go, but to chip in, i’ll also give you money , but why, i don’t have it, vadik, everyone chips in, listen, stas, it’s like it’s written in you that your organizational skills have awakened,
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how much do you chip in, oh, that’s enough.” all for 1500, captain khamenko, well, in short, i i say to this suspect, sergei sergeevich, it’s so good that you are still here, it’s just amazing, what? well, you look amazing, it's the end of the workday, and you look like candy? what do you need, stas? khamenko has been promoted, we want a holiday and throw you into a banquet. great, how much? well, only 1500 each. it's clear. only one and a half hundred. kuharkov, i wish you good health. by the way. and what kind of fee? so, either khamenka got the captain, so we come here,
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that means, stas, keep it, make it the best banquet of all banquets, this is mine please hold it! goodbye, boris boris, goodbye, he’s kind of strange, what is this? so what and where did you spend the night? at his secretary’s, but it’s none of your business, none of my business, none of my business, i’m serezhenka to him, dear, beloved, and he
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lights up the secretary, gathered his clothes and went out. get out, it hurts, it hurts, you don’t know what it hurts, yes, yes, yes, come in, san. and the woman was found on the street unconscious, she seemed to have recovered, she asked to be brought to you, well, start, yeah, let 's start, start, quietly, quietly, quietly, quietly, quietly, come here, come, sit down, san
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, as they say, i gave a post, a post coach, yes, yes, yes, come on, i’ll continue on my own, fields, olya, can you hear me, quiet, calm down, quiet, quiet, quiet, quietly, quietly, olya, who is calling you this way, huh? this is him, who is he? do you remember that time at the store, did you see him? yeah, i see, why? i’m his secretary, quietly , caught him, clearly, listen, shout, you ’ll need to write a statement to get things moving, sasha, i don’t want, sasha, i don’t want anything else.
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“they gave you a captain, now i ’ll make a festive dinner at home, and you’re dark clouds, and that everyone is staring at you, but who? there, there again, and you’re jealous of me, or something, since when, since your posters were hung all over the city, you know, i also promise you that when you have epaulets with stars, i will too jealous of you , and how, oh well, borya, are you like, yes, i’m here in the morning? at the stall, oh, i see you too, well, there’s something interesting, but where is there, there’s only one youth everywhere required, where should i and my yes vkallash row, well, don’t tell me, i circled a couple here, yeah, so borya, you don’t
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be upset, life doesn’t end there, well, yes, you also say that i ’m going to dig a garden at the dacha, i don’t want to, i’m an officer, pasha, i’ve given this profession my whole life and now digging beds, it won’t work for them, that ’s all you -it’s an eye-opener, i circled it in red, so the company is knight, knight. invites the head of security to work, well, pasha , some kind of nonsense, well, the boss , that’s it, i ran, oh, as i understand it, the bosses are here, yes, i... i’ll come with your permission, yes, of course, you who, what do you
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need, just interesting to look at a healthy man who is able to raise the hand of a weak girl, wait, wait, is it you , olkin, the former, right, listen, captain, if you came to teach me about life, then i’m a scientist, don’t get involved in this matter, break your neck, i understand ? and now listen to me, if you even lay a finger on her again, i’ll not only break your neck, you’ll be jailed, i got it, i got it, well, now either we ’ll talk here, or i’ll arrest you for assaulting a policeman in front of execution, yes, yeah, then i demand a lawyer, i also have rights. captain, i'm not going anywhere with you, send a summons, send a summons if
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necessary, and by the way, i’ll also interrogate your guards, something tells me that they didn’t see anything, olya fell herself, but i ’ll sort it out, remember, if i come here again, then consider that you are already sitting, come on, come on, petya, where did you bring me, and to the address? did you happen to have the wrong address? offend me, boris borisovich, i was wrong at least once. who do you want? hello, hello, i'm following
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an advertisement, what advertisement, well, in the newspaper, do you need a security chief? so this is boss, where did you bring me, and the devil knows what? ask him to wait, okay, i’ll tell him, yeah, well, that’s the case, the elder asked to wait, in general, such things, nikolaevich, i broke through the bunk itself, nothing is registered with him, so i don’t know what to do, pavel nikolaevich, what to do -what should i do? what to do? what am i saying to you, chernyshevsky,
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or what? so, sasha, if the victim’s testimony is not confirmed, close the case. so how? you will have many more such things to do. tell the girl to sue her. hmm, not sure it will work. but we certainly are for her. we won’t help in any way, yeah , excuse me, of course, nikolaevich, but i can’t do this, now we’ll close one case, then another, people will stop trusting us altogether, they don’t really believe in the police anyway, sasha, what am i doing today? - i’m not in a position to argue, do as you know, i’ve voiced my opinion to you, you remember the deadlines, it will work out, okay, it won’t work out, i’ll tell you everything. go, depal nikolaevich, go,
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you were looking for me, uh-huh, hello, hello, are you here, the main thing? well, yeah, that's it you advertised in the newspaper that your company needs a security chief. well, well, well, do you need a security chief or not? to be honest, we need a replacement. mihaloch has been sewing up alone for a month now, without a replacement he’s just a pipe, so you need a watchman, well, yes, so why are you fooling people’s heads, but why would you write that you need a watchman, that’s what we
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wrote at first, but no one is coming, so we figured it out to stimulate the people, so to speak, and... so you will work for mikhalych’s boss, we could come to an agreement, but part-time, hello, well, there is news, i'm afraid that we are flying past this case, and he and his guards claim that she fell herself, they are lying, he beat me, just for... he forced them to remain silent, that's all . nevertheless, we have no witnesses to your beating, and we cannot do anything to pin him down. can. today at 3 o'clock he meets with someone to hand over a bribe for some important
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matter for him. i heard it myself. and all his meetings take place in the same restaurant. this will help us. but we don’t know who. and for what? sasha, dear, please find out. hello, kira, hi, i need your help. so attention, hello, great, have a seat, well, join us, there is very good cuisine here,
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time is running out, let's finish up with things and i 'll go. no question , not ancient, i meet people here all the time, as you can see, i’m having lunch calmly, i have to go, i’ll go,
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kir, and i’ll talk to this one on one, well, take him to the next room, let’s go, pack this one in car, take it easy guys, be careful, head, what kind of person grew up like this? arrested his own father i’m a normal person , after all, my mother raised me, and this is my job, i’m a policeman, and it’s your own fault, it
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wasn’t a loss of mind, that’s right, you knew what the consequences would be, san, can you have a minute, well, bunko yourskis , said that he could compensate everything for olga, the fact that everything in the case is hers, if we hush it up, it’s a matter of taking money, what a bastard, although listen, if we put them in jail , then olya won’t get anything at all, well, yes, but if we don’t put them in jail, he’s always on our hook, there’s a recording of the conversation, well, you warn him about everyone, well, you know, i feel like a rabing. so hello, who am i then? and you, little john. you can be free, i don’t understand. citizens korastyshevsky, you are free, remember, if
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something like this happens again, you shouldn’t tempt fate, she’s a capricious girl. well, guys, thank you, changing the box of vodka , of course, we were happy to help, if anything, please contact us, okay, okay, well, what are we going to do next, the money, the cops took it, but i’ll still shake the client, no problem , no, this is a problem, and what kind of one, you set me up me, that’s it, we won’t have anything more to do with you, but if the road. if you come, i’ll break your back,
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hello, hello, well, i managed to arrest him, no, bunko went to war. here you go, he gave this to you as compensation for what he did. hold it! wow, what generosity! yes, maybe you can come through? no, i'm off. sash, stop. you forgive me, and i have already... forgiven you, and maybe it will be possible to start all over again, but no, it’s all
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over, you know, i’m even glad that we met under such circumstances, i let you go, you know, i absolutely need another girl, you and i have diverged paths, and you know very well why, in general, it’s better for us never to meet again. no need, kiryush! “i made a little mess here, i was waiting for you to put things away, listen , you have so many old things, if you throw them out, then my things will fit, i’m not
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ready to change anything, and my things suit me, that’s all, wait, you’re not glad that i moved, but i told you to move, listen, well, we talked, you didn’t mind, it’s one thing to talk, and another thing to move, but i told the hostess. that i’m moving out and that i won’t rent an apartment anymore, motherfucker, kiryush, what kind of people are you women, and you first act and then think, and don’t call me kiryusha, i’m really irritated, why are you shouting like that? , kirill, well, hello, dear, what’s going on here, has mom passed? “you don’t want to at least ask me why i came back, my heroine was killed, so we can start living on, this is a woman, a woman, and
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what is she doing there, crying. and boris borisovich, can i ask a question? you can ask, sing 2 days ago you were darker than a cloud, but today it’s the opposite. eh, life is getting better, petya, we are still wow. we will still work, there is no one to replace us, as general glavki told me today, i congratulate you, thank you, and by the way, the end
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of the month is coming soon, we all have a bonus, just... don’t tell anyone, so as not to jinx it, it’s a good one news, but i’m a grave, can i book a table with you for sunday, well , for 15 people, maybe even more, okay, but the price of the issue, no, well, usually how much can such a company cost, wow, i’ll call you back, yes, it’s great, talyan, it’s great that he’s so sad, if only i knew that these restaurants were like that? prices, i would start preparing for this simpleton a year in advance, listen, maybe we’ll sit at our house, or he’ll set the table, you know , for the family, yeah, maybe, or maybe three, four, congratulations, congratulations,
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congratulations, here khamenoch, this is from our entire friendly team. thank you, guys , thank you, i probably should check in, of course i should, but here we just have, yes, listen, there’s another surprise, today at exactly 7:00, hello colonel, right, what is all the noise here, and kumach, khomenko , congratulations on conferring another title, beautifully decorated, well, continue, continue, continue, today at exactly 7:00 pm it will take place at a friends restaurant.
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my beloved, pasha, yes, i have good news, what, captain khamenko invites everyone to the restaurant, to wash their ranks, well , i hope you will, yes, of course, it’s a sacred thing, and why are you, pasha, bought so many newspapers, and well, why borya, i’m preparing the rear for retreat, so to speak, yeah. uh-huh, pasha, put aside the retreat, i mean, well, literally, i’m staying, they won’t knock me down, i’m staying, pasha , borya, borya, that’s it, pasha, that’s it, pasha , that’s it, oh, that’s what a stone has been lifted from my soul, listen, in this matter, it’s necessary , you need
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a little bit. a little at a time, no, no , wait, come on in the evening, let’s call your wife at the restaurant, that’s where we’ll celebrate all our good news, let’s light things up, so to speak, my dear, just don’t be late, yeah, kira, that’s all, yes that's all, but what's not enough for you? ok, oh, stasik, what the hell did you come out for, lilka said, he’ll be right there, it’s taking a long time to come, and you called irka, well, right? i arrived, you will call, but i won’t call on principle, otherwise you understand, i arrived, didn’t call, didn’t write anything, and now it’s on you, i would call, oh, cat quickly, yes, bunny, yes, i’ll catch up with you now ,
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well, everything is fine with you, everything is fine, and the lieutenant colonel? showed up, called, is delayed, only waiting for you, yeah, well done, well done, yes boris borisovich, yeah, yeah, stasya , lilya, hi, this is, i’ll go to the trunk , i’m cold, i’ll close it, yeah, i’m frozen, they left the position for you, yes , bunny, promotion, when, bunny can have champagne, yeah, got it, captain khaminka, give me a plump one. warm-ups, listen, i actually wanted to not drink today, i was crazy , when it was, this is when we were celebrating the new year, and you’re coming, that’s it, i ’ll see you now, as always, you look great, thank you, why is it in shape, and i didn’t have time to change clothes, yes, i’m going out, sash, yes, hi, girl, sash, hi, where is she, she’s with
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the cop, i didn’t sign up for this , let’s get out of here, don’t be a fool, you don’t need any more money, we’ll charge this woman double for a cop, let’s go, let’s go. i asked you there, why should you stand, i didn’t ask you about this, let me go, i’ll start screaming, let me go, let’s leave, what, what, is the party cancelled?
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are you kidding me? in artek, i was a nurse, does it hurt here? yes, no, great, i have experience, i know, well, there are no fractures, the bruises are grazed, we’ll go to the hospital, no, do you want it? i’ll smear some green paint, thank you, i’ll get by, happily, yes, san, you were born in a shirt , well, suvorov, stop being sick, let’s go to the restaurant, we’ll cure you there, that’s right, otherwise we’ve forgotten why we’re here, look right now, found not guilty in view the absence of his actions and crimes, look at yourself, you need a war, and we have such fronts here. well, stand there, oh, who are you talking to, well, actually , i live here, consider that i got a job, where is your
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frame, blaming, you’re a roan yourself, suspicious, because someone should fight for justice, well, let’s try . prisoner kozyrik, article fifty- eighth, part two, fifty-eighth, part five.


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