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tv   Segodnya  NTV  April 1, 2024 8:00am-8:26am MSK

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[000:00:21;00] even rubber boots can save residents of several regions from the spring floods. indexing. pensions, redevelopment and driver's licenses, what will change in the lives of russians from april 1? from 25 years to life. ilya usheninin talked with the nazis of the kiev regime who were waiting to be sent to prison. under russian flags , opponents of western participation in the ukrainian conflict took to the streets of amsterdam during the dark night. well, also a one-way ticket to how the church and ordinary scots met
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the discussion of the law on euthanasia. this program today in the studio of dmitry zavoisty. hello. more than 50 settlements in russia are in the grip of large-scale floods. the long-awaited spring warming turned into a real nightmare for hundreds of residents. houses are flooded, roads are washed out, bridges are destroyed. floods are affecting the orenburg, samara, saratov, kaluga, and ulyanovsk regions. the most difficult situation is in the altai territory, where a state of emergency has been introduced. there are already 500 or so houses flooded there. thousands of household plots, residents are being evacuated, about 200 people, in including children in temporary accommodation centers, rescuers are building protective dams and pumping out water. alexander tankikh is monitoring the situation. that's it, the water has entered the house. oh, ukrainian 116. drowning. the most difficult flood situation in the altai territory has introduced an emergency situation in the region. water-filling dams have been deployed, and road
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services are filling them. eight roads were blocked, temporary accommodation centers were organized. in the altai territory, the period of meltwater flow is at its peak. at the moment , more than 600 people have been sunk by meltwater in the region. personal plots, 87 houses in nine settlements. powerful flows of water destroy roads. kilometer 209 +50, road width. in the saratov region, water cut off roads to 31 settlements,
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20 were flooded. igor akimov, svetlana zakharova, ekaterina kostyukevich, ntv television company. today , several important innovations are coming into force in russia; from april 1, social growth will increase by 7.5%. pension payments are received by disabled people, those with little work experience, and those who have lost their breadwinners. in all russian regions increase the salaries of doctors and nurses. the size of the increase will be determined by local authorities. however, additional payments will remain. for the sale of tobacco and cigarettes without labeling or to minors, you will now have to pay a fine of up to a million rubles and confiscation of property. the innovations will affect liqueurs on the first floors of residential buildings. there used to be such
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points. often disguised as general catering. now regional authorities will be able to prohibit the sale of alcohol when providing catering services in apartment buildings in adjacent areas. changes await those who are used to shopping online abroad. their duty-free limit is reduced fivefold to only 200 euros. now it will become more difficult to move a doorway or remove a built-in closet in an apartment. any redevelopment, residential change. tenants, now, if a tenant disturbs neighbors and violates their rights, the landlord will be responsible for this, and it will also be possible to rent out housing only if it is equipped with all meters. but relief awaits those who take the driver's license exam, which
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will change for those who want to drive... this is the case when, as they say, the stars have aligned, i’m just studying at a driving school, today is another lesson, driving around the city, so in practice... we’ll check what changes from april 1, after all, i will have to take the exam according to the new rules. perhaps the most important and pleasant innovation for driving school students is now you can make mistakes a little more often. if previously, in order to pass, you had to score a maximum of five penalty points, now there are seven. you can count how many free throw points i get. okay, i'll try count correctly. another important concession by the applicant for the title of driver, new conditions for... in a limited space, they used to give 5 m, now 7, that is , it turns out that it will be easier to pass, but not quite, if before after the third attempt you only had a month, and you’re like, okay, i’ll wait a little longer, but now you
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have psychological pressure, the fact that you’ll wait six months and you’ll have to give the terrestrial part again. the amendments should help get rid of gray driving schools; how many schools are there in the country where, say, there is a playground exists only on paper, now they will not be able to obtain a license. their graduates are licensed; those who did not appear at the military registration and enlistment office on a summons, people deprived of a driver’s license, or caught for drunk driving will also not be allowed to take the exams. it seems that such drivers were not allowed to take the test before, but there was a loophole, say, they got behind the wheel drunk, their license had expired or they didn’t have one at all. these people were threatened with arrest for 15 days, and then they could immediately go to the traffic police for an exam. now the hole is covered, you'll have to wait at least year. new rules simplify the
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acquisition process. it is possible to underestimate the customs value of a car; it often happens that a car actually purchased, relatively speaking in germany for 50.00 euros, passes through kazakhstan and already costs $20,000. now you won’t be able to save money like that, whether this car will become more expensive, not all. this
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rise in price will affect a very small segment of the market, a very small one, in my estimation, it’s about 2% of the market. so, let's return to the rules for taking the exam. while we we drove around the city, makar kept count. penalty points, did not change lanes on time, did not turn on the turn signal, did not turn on the turn signal three, well, on time this is at the discretion, probably more than the inspector, one point, one is really a serious mistake that can be interpreted in different ways, this created an obstacle to the vehicle, then it turns out that under the old rules i would not have passed, but under the new ones i passed, yes, but it was just practice, the real exam will also have to be taken on camera, well... no longer for a reporter's room according to the new rules, screw babaev, alena antonova, pavel kacher and valery egorov, ntv. in midrossia they demanded that the ukrainian authorities arrest and extradite all those involved in terrorist attacks in our country, and even named a specific name, this is the head of the sbu
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vasily malyuk. a week ago, he publicly admitted to organizing the bombing of the crimean bridge in october 2022, and also revealed details of other deadly attacks. the corresponding note provided for by the convention. on the fight against bomb terrorism and on the fight against the financing of terrorism, russian diplomats conveyed to kiev an established channel through minsk. there has been no response yet. meanwhile , former militants from the azov battalion, banned in russia, who have already been convicted of crimes, are waiting to be sent from pre-trial detention centers to colonies. and even with sentences ranging from 25 years to life in prison, some still hope for an exchange. do ukrainians have a chance? or return home, ilya ushenin found out. the walls of one of the donetsk isolation centers are the best place to understand everything, say uvsin employees dpr. it is here that the militants of the banned ozov, who were recently
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sentenced, are waiting to be sent to the colonies. the conditions are the most severe. artyom stupnitsky, a former personnel officer of one of the neo-nazi units, was captured during the fighting in mariupol and sentenced to 25 years in high security. now he says that the commander. forced him to kill a civilian, he himself, of course, didn’t want to, so he told me, finish this man, here i am, because i was afraid to disobey the senior officer. yes, this is an old-time officer, so i hit three took it once, there was a knife lying on the table , i took this knife and hit this man three times in the abdomen area, here he delivered three blows, the man fell to his knees, on his side, and stopped moving, according to stupnitsky, even before the start of hostilities they were pumped up with nazi ideology , for this
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purpose, so-called lecturers constantly came to the battalion, handed out a call sign, a call sign for an associate professor, lectures were given about ukrainian heroes, let’s say, like bandera, shukhevych, kanavalets, specifically proupa, specifically proun. nachtegall call sign in honor one of the punitive ukrainian battles that served in the abwehr structure. former rada deputy yuriy mikhalchishin 10 years ago proclaimed the construction of banderstat, and at the same time he was awarded a medal of the ss galicia division. now rinat aliyev
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, half azerbaijani, half russian, goes on lectures , but he calls himself a ukrainian and, judging by the open nazi tattoos, he doesn’t actually hide it, that is, you’re just such a nazi, well, i’ve had tattoos for a long time, well , essentially it turns out yes. aliyev commanded department of azov militants , sentenced to life for murder and orders to shoot civilians, recently my appeal was denied, i have criminal orders to... open fire on civilians, and how many such cases have there been, that is, life for as a rule, yes, two cases, four murders, and two murders that i personally committed. like all azov captives, aliyev is counting on an exchange, although he understands that the commanders of the banned organization actually betrayed him to the rest, if ordinary ukrainians the military still has a chance to get home, but such neo-ossovites have none. they didn’t betray me, but they can be judged, because, well, you see where
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i am now and what’s happening to me now, and where they are, and where they are? denis dorokhin was sentenced to 28 years for using prohibited methods of war, he fired from a d-30 howitzer at civilians, now here is a militant with the inscription "thor" our god on his neck and with a swastika drawn in the opposite direction for some reason, he complains about this that no one would change him, because he could only fight in a gang of neo-nazis. u i had an article about robbery, well, i was in the nineties. there he was connected with crime, there he was involved in racketeering, there were such moments, then he gave up on all this, and well, that is, other units, as it were, did not take, carts, well , they took with expunged criminal records, in the near future, after all the documents are completed, the former militants will be sent directly in the colony where they will serve their sentence, and apparently an amnesty will hardly be provided for them. ilya ushenin, maxim belikov and yuri krivasheev, ntv television company, donetsk people's republic
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republic, state secretary. the event took place on the museum square and also attracted
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a record number of participants. many came out to protest for the first time after emmanuel macron’s recent statement about the possible sending of the french military to ukraine. turkish leader recep erdogan's party is losing elections for the first time in 20 years. the country barely slept last night. supporters of different parties closely followed the data that came from the electoral commission. the final results will be announced in the afternoon, but in general the situation is already clear. frightening statistics about the state of british medicine was announced by the national health service. the details are provided by the skynews channel. every week , 250 people die in emergency departments without waiting for help. in the emergency room, patients are often
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left to their own devices for more than 12 hours. all this speaks of a deep crisis in british medicine and a shortage of staff. scottish parliamentarians added fuel to the fire by... again starting to consider the bill on euthanasia, traditionally opposed by the church, the authors of the document themselves call their initiative caring for terminally ill patients who have the right not to suffer. elizabeth gerson understood the issue. this is the third time these joyful scottish mps have proposed a bill on euthanasia. debates and voting are scheduled for the fall; deputies claim that they have the support of citizens on this issue, which means that the bill should now be passed quickly. jump into another world, the world of laws. public support for changes to this law is overwhelming. we have 2/3 of scotland's population with us. the bill proposes to allow euthanasia for terminal cases patients over 16 years of age, whose diagnosis was confirmed by two doctors without mental illness and without signs of being forced
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to end their life. to exclude suicide tourism from england, the applicant must live in scotland. in the past, as it now seems, happier times. young lovers ran across the border from england to get married; in scotland, then , peers of romeo and juliet were married, without the consent of their parents. scotland is amazing, it makes the right decision, i wish i was born in scotland, a limitation that what breaks my heart is that you have to live in scotland for a year to use the law to choose how you die. scotland may become the first jurisdiction within britain to
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legalize its own. churches, both anglican and catholic, both losing influence in both canada and britain, warn against mortal sin. no precautions can improve the human heart, cannot make a relative kinder or a doctor infallible, no rules can cause a disabled or vulnerable person to do so. feels safe if the law is changed in this way. the swiss system, unlike the canadian one, is for the rich; death, like life in this country, is expensive. to receive assistance in suicide, you need to become a lifelong member of a closed club, pay a fee, then undergo formal medical examinations, the result of which is a glass of
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poison. the procedure costs from 10,000 pounds. last year , 1,500 britons became members of the swiss club. clear. that it is cheaper for the state get rid of a citizen whose treatment costs for the prospects of returning to work are small. a glass of poison costs a few pounds, and palliative or psychiatric care costs tens of thousands. those who in europe today advocate a complete ban on euthanasia worry that once the taboo is broken, society will forget about humanism and return to pagan principles, such as in ancient sparta, where there is little prospect. members of society were thrown off a cliff. elizaveta gerson, boris halfin and valeria polukhina. tv component. london. that's it for the program for spectators in the central part of russia is completed. thank you, whatever. with us
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star, enjoyment of life without heartburn. about the weather for today, well, it’s april. in the far east it will begin turbulently on the shores of the sea of ​​okhotsk, there will be snow or rain everywhere, especially strong in the center of kamchatka, in the north of sakhalin and khabarovsk territory. the wind is also strong. it's quiet further south. and getting warmer, in yuzhno-sakhalinsk +5, in vladivostok +7, also near lake baikal, noticeable precipitation in the north, light rain in the south. a cool front is moving across the south of siberia, in irkutsk it’s still +6 with a little rain, in krasnoyarsk it’s zero and sleet, it’s cool in the south of western siberia, but it’s still warm in the urals near the urals, and it’s not paradoxical that the northern cyclone is coming from the kome republic , in tyumen yekaterinburg to +6, of course, rains, well, the warmest cyclone will take the european territory for a couple of days at the beginning of summer, it has unwinded over the baltic, driving powerful waves of warm air into the center, although there, under the sun of the anticyclone, the temperature was ahead of schedule, but


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