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tv   Segodnya  NTV  April 1, 2024 10:00am-10:36am MSK

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indexation of pensions, redevelopment and driver's licenses, what else will change in the lives of russians from april 1? the other side of spring warmth. the flood affected several regions at once. from 25 years to life ilya ushinin talked with the nazis of the kiev regime awaiting sending to prison, and also a one-way ticket to how the church and ordinary scots met the discussion of the law on euthanasia. this is the program today in the studio of dmitry zaboistoy. hello. today in russia several important innovations are coming into force; from april 1 the increase will be 7.5%. social pensions, payments.
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now regional authorities will be able to prohibit the sale of alcohol when providing catering services in apartment buildings in adjacent areas. now it will become more difficult to move a doorway or remove a built-in closet in an apartment. any redevelopment, changes to the living space and its boundaries, or the construction of new partitions will require approval. for everything you will need to draw up a technical plan. apartment owners will also have to carefully select tenants. now, if the tenant interferes with the neighbors and violates.
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after all, i will have to take the exam according to the new rules, perhaps the most important and pleasant innovation for students of driving schools is that now you can make mistakes a little more often, if earlier in order to pass you had to score a maximum of five penalty points, now there are seven, you can count how many penalty points i’ll type, okay, i’ll try to count correctly, another important concession by the applicant is the title of driver, new conditions for turning in a limited space, before yes... 5 m, now that’s it, that is
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, it turns out that it will be easier to pass, well, no at all, if earlier, after the third attempt , you only had a month, and you were like, okay, i’ll wait a little longer, that is, now you have psychological pressure, that you will wait six months and you will have to hand over the tourist part again, the amendments should help get rid of gray driving schools; how many schools are there in the country where, say, the platform exists only on paper, now they will not be able to obtain a license, their graduates are eligible for the exam. they will also not admit those who did not appear at the military registration and enlistment office on summons, people deprived of a driver's license, caught for drunk driving. it seems that such drivers were not allowed to take the test before, but there was a loophole, say, they got behind the wheel drunk, their license had expired or they didn’t have one at all. these people were threatened with arrest for 15 days, and then they could immediately go to the traffic police for an exam. now the hole is covered, you will have to wait at least a year. new rules simplify the process of obtaining certain categories of rights. for example.
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drivers who have the right to drive vehicles of categories c and tse when having at least 12 months of experience driving category b passenger vehicles, you will be granted the right to drive vehicles of category be without the need to undergo training to pass exams. nowadays you won’t get far with foreign rights in russia either. from april 1, drivers with such documents will have to obtain russian licenses. for our colleague, he created an obstacle for us, we should have let him through, minus a point, a little more, important changes also concern the rules for importing cars into russia. now exists gray schemes, when a car, before registering in russia, is registered in the name of citizens of the ias. the fact is that there is a significantly lower customs duty for a local resident, and the recycling fee is correspondingly lower, it is practically zero, and there is an opportunity to underestimate the customs duty. not
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all cars are more expensive, but this rise in price will affect a very small segment of the market, a very small one, in my estimation, it’s about 2% of the market. so, let's get back to the rules for taking the exam, while we were driving around the city, makar was leading counting my penalty points , did not change lanes on time, did not turn on the turn signal, did not turn on the turn signal three, well , on time it is at the discretion of, probably more than the inspector, one point, one is really a serious mistake that can be interpreted in different ways. this created an obstacle to the vehicle, that is, it turns out that under the old rules i would not have passed, but under the new ones i passed, yes, but this was just practice, the real exam will also have to be taken on camera, but not on a reporter’s camera according to the new rules. nahit babaev,
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alena antonova, pavel kachur and valery egorov, ntv. well, continuing the topic, even today in russia the rules for purchasing foreign goods have become exactly five times stricter. on the internet , the duty-free threshold has dropped from a thousand to 200 euros. business news marina piminova, marin, why is this? well, apparently, the authorities believe that there is no longer a threat of shortages of goods and a sharp rise in prices for them. russian buyers have lost their benefits in online stores, which have been in effect for the last 2 years. today's threshold for duty-free import of goods from abroad sharply dropped from the level of 1.00 euros to... this means that if goods are imported more than 200 euros, then on the amount that exceeded the limit, you will have to pay a duty of 15%, but not less than 2 euros per kilogram. in 2022 , this restriction was sharply weakened; instead of the limits of 200 euros, 1.00 euros were immediately introduced in order to
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avoid a shortage of goods and a sharp rise in prices under sanctions. but now offline store chains , such as the ministry of finance, are again asking to tighten the rules for importing goods from abroad. his position, as... reported by the vedomosti newspaper, is as follows: the russian market is already saturated with imported goods. russian marketplaces have a different opinion, as rbc writes in the sdek shopping service, they note that there remains a great demand for goods that have no analogues on the russian market, for example, children's products, pet products, vitamins and dietary supplements. russian stocks are starting april in positive territory, alordroker analysts say that the main drivers of growth will be the purchase of shares for dividends. the ruble is also becoming more expensive in the morning. the dollar is 92.31, and the euro is 99.59. over the past weekend , the film flying ship, created with the participation of ntv collected almost 254 million rubles in cinemas. this is data from a unified automated information system. based on box office receipts for the period from march 28 to march 31, the flying ship was approximately
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six times ahead of the film abnormal and anegina, which is in third place. according to the unified automated information system, the total fees for the flying ship have already amounted to more than 600 million rubles. this film was directed by alexey ilya uchitel based on the 1979 soviet cartoon of the same name. of the year. starring alexander metelkin, ksenia traister, leonid yaermolnik, andrei burkovsky, fyodor dobranravov, sergei garmash and others. starting today , st. petersburg begins to charge a resort fee. tourists will pay 100 rubles per person for every night of stay at the hotel. or hostels. there is no fee charged on the day of arrival. for now, the resort fee is valid until the end of the twenty-fourth year. the authorities of st. petersburg plan to collect 310 million rubles in this way. and direct them to repair and improve tourism infrastructure cities.
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for example, those who came for treatment and combat veterans were exempted from the resort tax. previously, the russian union of tourism industry emphasized that the fee could have a negative impact on tourist flow, and people would start looking for apartment rooms. are published unofficially, the experiment to collect a resort fee has been in effect since 1818 in the altai, krasnodar, and stavropol territories, but crimea, which received the right to introduce a resort fee back in 1918, has not taken advantage of this right. as the authorities stated there, the tax will not be introduced, at least until the end of hostilities in ukraine. dima, that 's all for me. thank you, marina piminova, for business news. the metropolis demanded that the ukrainian authorities arrest and extradite all those involved. to the recent terrorist attacks in our country and even named a specific name, this is the head of the sbu vasily malyuk. a week ago, he publicly admitted to organizing the bombing of the crimean bridge in october 2022, and also revealed details of other deadly attacks, in particular on daria dugina and vladlen tatarsky, as well as an attempt on the life of a writer
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zakhara prilepin. the corresponding note provided for by the terrorist bombings and the suppression of the financing of terrorism conventions was issued by russian diplomats. former militants of the azov battalion banned in russia are waiting to be sent out of the investigation. isolation wards in a colony and even despite sentences ranging from 25 years to life imprisonment, some still hope for an exchange. ilya usheninin found out whether the ukrainian punitive forces have a chance to return home. the walls of one of the donetsk insulators are the best place to realize in general that’s it, say employees of the uvsin dpr. it is here that the militants of the banned ozov, who were recently sentenced, are waiting to be sent to the colonies; the conditions are the most severe. to the left, we continue moving. artyom stupnitsky, a former personnel officer of one of the neo-nazi units, was captured during the battles in
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mariupol, sentenced to 25 years of maximum security, now he says that the commander forced him to kill a civilian, of course he didn’t want to, so he told me, stop it man, here i am, since i was afraid to disobey the senior officer, this an old-timer still an officer, so i hit him three times and took a knife there on the table. and i took this knife, hit this man three times in the stomach area, then struck three times, the man fell to his knees, on his side, and stopped moving. according to stupnitsky, even before the start of hostilities, they were pumped up with nazi ideology; for this purpose, so-called lecturers constantly came to the battalion, handed out books banned in russia, such as black sun, talked about the so-called heroes who fought in the ranks of the ss, and of course, many fighters on...
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there, let's say, ah, like bandera, shukhevych, kanavalets, uh, specifically, propa, specifically proun. nachtegall is a call sign in honor of one of the punitive ukrainian battles that served in the abwehr structure. former rada deputy, yuriy mikhalchishin, proclaimed the construction of banderstat about 10 years ago, and was then awarded a medal of the ss galicia division. now he goes around giving lectures. rinat aliyev, half azerbaijani, half russian, but calls himself ukrainian and judges. according to open nazi tattoos, and this himself, in fact, he’s not hiding
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it, that is, you’re just like that, like a nazi , well, i’ve had these tattoos for a long time, but in fact it turns out that aliyev commanded a department of azov militants for murder and orders to shoot civilians , he was sentenced to life, recently my appeal was denied, i criminal orders to open fire on civilians, and how many such cases there have been in life. two cases, four murders, and two murders that were directly committed by poison. like all azov prisoners, aliyev is counting on an exchange, although he understands that the commanders of the banned organization actually betrayed him to the rest; if ordinary ukrainian military personnel still have a chance of getting home, then such non-ossovites have none. whether they betrayed or not, well, you can judge, because well, you see where i am now and what is happening to me now. and where are they and where are they denis dorokhin was sentenced to 28 years for using prohibited methods of war, he
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fired from a d-30 howitzer at civilians, now here is a militant with the inscription thor our god on his neck and with a swastika drawn for some reason in on the other side, they complain that no one will change him, because he could only fight in a gang of neo-nazis. i had a robbery charge, well, in the nineties i was connected with crime there, i was involved in racketeering, there were such moments, then i gave up on all this, and well, that is, other units did not seem to take the carts, well, they took them with expunged criminal records. in the near future, after all the documents have been completed, the former militants will be sent directly to the colonies, where they will serve their sentences, and apparently, there will be no amnesty for them provided. ilya usheninin, maxim belikov and yuri krivasheev, ntv television company, donetsk people's republic. russian drone experts talked to baba egu. that’s what our soldiers called the agricultural drone that you... converted to drop mines, it specialists opened the navigation computer, found out the full flight map and
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the supply chain of components, it turned out that before the drone was intercepted by our specialists, it had been in eastern europe for a long time . another catch from our military marder infantry fighting vehicles, ukrainian militants abandoned her when they fled from avdiivka. the german car was simply stuck. the testing of the repair battle on the dirt road showed that mardor is not at all suitable for mud and off-road conditions. he is returned to work. after refueling, the bird will have another long flight. under ideal weather conditions, an eagle can spend more than 10 hours in the sky. now the drone will continue reconnaissance of positions in the kleshcheevka area. our forces are not attacking this village head-on, but the main task here is to knock out the enemy from the dominant position.
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heights on the site. 20 minutes after the launch, call sign kent spotted a concentration of infantry, the target was already for the barrel. the right decision, and my family also accepted my choice, i understand that there is danger and risk involved, but they are proud of me. a few kilometers away, in artyomovsk itself , the kamikaze drone operator of the ivanovo paratroopers is preparing to work. the call sign zipper directs a bird with a shell from a hand grenade straight into
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the enemy’s dugout ; according to the fighter, there are enough drones for daily work on fortifications. when the attack is underway. give the command there we need to dismantle some kind of dugout, where the drg group is sitting there, so we destroy them. the paratroopers are trying to adapt to the same drones from the enemy, because even a simple car can become a target for a kamikaze drone. the most successful configuration for countering them in transport is a drone detector, which warns of birds on the approach of an installation for suppressing a dome or like ours. in the case of directional action, they disrupt the connection between the copter and the control panel with concentrated interference. such devices are often protect tanks and light armored vehicles. with their support in the artyomovsk direction, our forces have already come close to the hour of uyar, there are battles in bogdanovka and novy. there are results from the avdeevka trap, where the list of our trophies
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was supplemented by the first captured marder infantry fighting vehicle. this infantry fighting vehicle took part in one of the failed counterattacks of the kiev forces. near ovdeevka in the area of ​​the village of severnoye, but she didn’t even reach fire contact with our troops, she just got stuck in the mud and the crew abandoned her with full ammunition. after the car our drone operators finally immobilized it, and under the cover of darkness, the reconnaissance forces of the center group towed it to the rear, where the engineers were already working. german technology did not become a stumbling block, and now marder is back on the move. they restored the fuel lines, and also worked on the cooling system, and...
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in the ovdeevsky direction they continue to break into the enemy’s defenses in berdychi and semyonovka. ilya lyadin and gormichkin and andrey bogrov. ntv. donetsk people's republic. in russian regions they continue to meet children and teenagers from shelled belgorod areas. 200 guys came to the federal territory of sirius on the black sea coast. they will relax, learn to train at the disposal of the sports school students, all sirius facilities. but the most important thing is safety and recovery from stress. due to constant shelling from the ukrainian armed forces. ukrainian nazis are targeting peaceful neighborhoods, kindergartens and schools. almost 30 russian regions, from krasnodar to sallykhard, have already accepted 6.00 children from the belgorod region. total, on they plan to take 9.00 guys out of the front-line areas. next, a short advertisement,
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after which we will show the underwater life in captivity, the spring flood in several regions at once, and how it ended. alpha investments are for money, we give shares every day, open an investment account and receive for the purchase of any share. one more as a gift, not just profitable, alpha profitable, i consider it one of the most significant and responsible projects of gazprom, expanded. social gasification program, now it is extended not only to residential buildings, but to socially significant object, educational medical institutions, halmy kelin
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black sun premieres today at 20:00 on ntv. settlements in russia, in the grip of large-scale floods, the long-awaited spring warming turned into a real nightmare for hundreds of residents, houses were flooded , roads were washed out, bridges were destroyed, floods swept the orenburg, samara, saratov, kaluga, ulyanovsk regions, the most difficult situation is in the altai territory, where a state of emergency has already been introduced, there 500 houses, about a thousand personal plots are flooded, residents are being evacuated.
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the most difficult flood situation in the altai territory, a state of emergency was introduced in the region , water-filling dams were deployed, road services were filling up soil, eight roads were blocked, and temporary centers were organized. placement in the altai territory of the peak period of melt water flow. at the moment , more than 600 household plots and 87 houses in nine settlements have been flooded by melt water in the region. powerful flows of water destroy roads. kilometer 209 +50 range road surface. in the saratov region, water cut off roads to 31 settlements. 22 bridges were flooded. this is how doctors are transported onto boats. take a rope, you will drown, don’t scream, here we are going along this dam from above, here the water is coming, that’s it, that’s it, that’s it, in three villages of the orenburg region
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there are problems with electricity. electrical substation, it had to be turned off, mobile generators were delivered to populated areas, the only road to the village was flooded, due to the rise of the or river , the village of oshchebutak was flooded, some residents had to leave their homes. well done, guys, well done in general, it’s a nightmare, there’s already water in the house, yes, trees and sticks, warming is expected in orenburg this week, at the same time, the peak of the flood, a high alert mode has been introduced in the region, food is being delivered all the time and...
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one of the largest anti-government rallies this year ended in riots near the walls of parliament . tens of thousands of people gathered at a rally demanding the resignation of prime minister benjamin netanyahu and his ministers. the jerusalem post even says there were 100. demonstrators are demanding early elections. they tried to blockade the parliament building and the block around it. the police asked to clear the roadway and not interfere with traffic. but the activists did not obey, many even defiantly.
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the security forces cleared the highway only with the help of water cannons. prime minister netanyahu himself made an address in which he explained why he does not think early elections are a good idea. calls for elections now in the midst of a war, just before victory, will paralyze israel, according to my estimates, for at least six, or even 8 months. they paralyze negotiations for the release of our hostages. they will end the war before its goals are achieved. and the first one to thank you. hamas will be for this, and that says it all, but activists do not agree with the prime minister’s opinion; they are sure that the country needs a radical change in course and intend to continue their actions. frightening statistics about the state of british medicine were announced by the national health service. the details are provided by the skynews channel. every week , 250 people died in the emergency department without delay, who never received help from doctors.
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some patients were provided. themselves for more than 12 hours; in february alone there were almost 45,000 of these in england. journalists talk about a deep crisis in british medicine and a shortage of staff. scottish parliamentarians added fuel to the fire when they again began to consider the bill on euthanasia: whether to allow it or not, the debate flared up with renewed vigor. traditionally the church, as well as some other parties and public organizations, are against it. here’s what the authors of the document call their initiative:
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2/3 of scotland’s population is with us. bill proposes to allow euthanasia for terminally ill patients over 16 years of age, whose diagnosis is confirmed by two doctors without mental illness and without signs of coercion to end their life. to exclude suicide tourism from england, the applicant must live in scotland. in the past, as it seems now, happier times, young lovers in scotland then ran across the border from england to get married. scotland is amazing, it makes the right decision, i wish i was born in scotland, a limitation that breaks me the heart is that you have to live in scotland for a year to take advantage of the law and choose how you die. scotland could become the first uk jurisdiction to legalize self- death. it is possible that this initiative will affect the rest of britain sooner or later.
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will spread. an attempt to pass such a law in london failed in 2015. but now labor leader kirstarmer is proposing that euthanasia should be discussed immediately in the british parliament.
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precautions cannot improve the human heart, cannot make a relative kinder or a doctor infallible, no rules can make a disabled or vulnerable person feel safe if the law is changed
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in this way. the swiss system, unlike the canadian one, is for the rich; death, like life in this country, is expensive. to receive assisted suicide, you need to become a lifelong member of a closed club and pay a fee. then undergo medical examinations formalities, the result of which will be a glass of poison. the procedure costs from 10,000 pounds. last year , 1,500 britons became members of the swiss club. it is clear that it is cheaper for the state to get rid of a citizen whose treatment costs for the prospects of returning to work are small. a glass of poison costs several pounds, and palliative or psychiatric care costs tens of thousands. those who in europe today advocate a complete ban. euthanasia is worried that once the taboo is broken, society will forget about humanism and return to pagan principles, such as in ancient sparta, where unpromising members of society thrown off a cliff. elizaveta gerson, boris
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halfin and valeria polukhina, tv component, london. that's all for now, thank you for being with us, all the best and see you soon. stagnation of lymph can cause swelling. lymphotransit helps reduce swelling by accelerating the movement of lymph. lymphatic transit from the company evalar. spring is a time of cleansing. take lymphatic transit. lymphatic transit helps cleanse the body and remove toxins, as well as reduce swelling by accelerating the movement of lymph. lymphatic transit from the valar company. your spring update. a now about the weather for tomorrow. european territory of russia is confirmed. that spring unscheduled, sharp heat never lasts long, the weather situation on tuesday, the way for cool air is opening again, tomorrow it will reach the kome republic, the north vologda region, the northwestern regions, the temperature will drop by five to 7 degrees. for the great for novgorod
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, it will most likely turn out like this: tomorrow and the day after tomorrow the maximum will be +17 and a thunderstorm, and the cold will set in on tuesday evening. central regions in the chernozem region on tuesday the peak of abnormal heat will occur , it will be 12 degrees warmer than expected. but already on wednesday the atmosphere will try to return the temperature closer to normal, but for now in the voluga region it will become warmer and there will be no rain, in the south it is warm, almost summer-like, sunny, the prevailing temperature background is +21.26 , it’s a little cooler in the nezovye volga in the republics of the north caucasus and the capital, in st. petersburg tomorrow it’s already +10, not heavy rain, in moscow tuesday is hot, potentially a record hot day +20-22, then it’s still cooler. well, everything is clear, we’re working.


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