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tv   Segodnya  NTV  April 1, 2024 1:00pm-1:26pm MSK

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kilometer 209 + 50 the road surface is washed out, roads are destroyed, houses are flooded, several russian regions are facing a flood wave. a massive anti-government rally took place in israel against the current policy. salaries for doctors, redevelopment rules, exams for future drivers on april 1 , a number of innovations began to take effect in russia. humanitarian veterinary team. animal volunteers from all over the country rescue animals abandoned in the area. about the main thing for this minute in the studio ilya fedorovtsev. hello! in the altai
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territory, where due to floods there is a regime emergency situation, the authorities announced the evacuation of residents, and are ready to receive people in more than thirty temporary accommodation centers. about 200 people, including children, have already left their homes. melt water flooded half a thousand houses and a thousand household plots in the region. the situation is now difficult in other regions with floods in the orenburg, samara, saratov, kaluga, and ulyanovsk regions. the rescuer there is building protective dams and pumping out the water. alexandra tankikh is monitoring the situation. that's it, the water is over. the most difficult flood situation in the altai territory: almost 500 houses were flooded, people were evacuated , a state of emergency was declared in the region, water-filling dams were deployed, road services were filling up soil, eight roads were blocked, and temporary accommodation centers were organized. in the altai territory, the period of meltwater flow is at its peak. work to stabilize the situation is ongoing, and citizens are provided with targeted assistance in... various
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situations. helping people is provided by rescuers, public utilities - 2,500 people, powerful streams of water destroy roads. kilometer 209 +50, roadway swell. in the saratov region, water cut off roads to 62 settlements, 21 bridges were flooded, and embankment dams were destroyed. this is how doctors are brought to the village by boat. take it by the rope. you'll drown, don't scream. here we are driving along this dam from above, here it is. there are problems with electricity in the orenburg region, the electrical substation was flooded , it had to be turned off, mobile generators were delivered to populated areas, the only road to the village was flooded due to the rise of the river the village of oshchebutak was flooded in or, and some residents had to leave their homes. well done, guys, well done in general, it’s a nightmare, there’s already water in the house, christmas trees, this is what a cottage community in the city of orsk looks like now. neighbors
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host residents of flooded houses. the water arrives at an hour, somewhere it moves a meter and a half, or even three. both the bathhouse and the garage, that is, people suffered colossal losses. our neighbors' house is completely flooded. warming is expected in vorenburg this week, along with the peak of the flood. introduced in the region high alert mode. food and medicine are being delivered to the village. equipment and specialists from the ministry of emergency situations from samara were sent to help local rescuers. alexander tankikh, igor akimov, svetlana zakharova, ekaterina kostyukevich, ntv television company. in israel - one of the largest anti-government rallies this year ended in riots near the walls of parliament. tens of thousands of people demanded the resignation of prime minister benjamin netanyahu and his ministers. the jerusalem post estimates that 100,000 protesters took to the streets. demonstrators demand early elections. they tried to blockade the parliament building and the block around it. the police asked to clear the roadway and not interfere with traffic. activists have not...
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now the official results have not yet been announced, but it is even clear that victory is for the republican people's party, the main opposition to the current leader of the country, in their hands are 35 municipalities of the country's largest cities, istanbul, ankara, izmir, antalya. the significance of the victory of democracy
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is great, especially for our neighbors; those who are unhappily oppressed by authoritarian regimes have today turned their eyes to istanbul. these we will evaluate the results within the party, discuss the reasons for the decline in our ratings, and boldly express self-criticism. erdogan stressed that in the coming years, which remain before the end of his presidential term, he and his administration will correct the mistakes made and solve economic problems. today in russia the rules for purchasing foreign goods on the internet have become stricter, the tax-free threshold has dropped from a thousand euros to just 200. next on the air is business news, denis tolalayev is with us, denis, why? well, apparently, ilya the authorities believe that there is no more threats of shortages of goods and sharp rises in prices. russian buyers have lost their benefits in online stores, which have been in effect for the last 2 years. from today , the threshold for duty-free import of goods from abroad
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has sharply dropped from the level of 1.00 to immediately 200 euros. this means that if goods worth more than 200 euros are imported, then the amount that exceeds the limit will have to pay a duty of 15%. but not less than 2 euros per kilogram. in 2022 , this restriction was sharply weakened, instead of the limits of 200 euros, they introduced 1.00 at once, so that avoid shortages of goods and sharp rises in prices under sanctions. but now offline store chains and, for example, the ministry of finance are asking to tighten the rules for importing goods abroad again. his position, as recounted by the vedomosti newspaper, is this: the russian market is already saturated with imported goods. russian marketplaces have a different opinion, as rbc writes.
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continues igor trunov. this amount appears everywhere in the document, quote. the defense believes that the statute of limitations in this case has already expired. that week it became known that the prosecutor general's office demanded to turn mcfa's shares into state income, the corrupt origin of the business was cited as the reason. russian renoctions
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start april in positive territory. alor broker analysts say that the main driver of growth will be the purchase of shares for dividends. the ruble is also trying now. the price of the dollar in these minutes is 92:33, the euro is 99.62. over the past weekend, the film flying ship, created with the participation of ntv, collected almost 254 million rubles in cinemas. this is data from a unified automated information system. by grosses for the period from march 28 to march 31, the flying ship was about six times ahead of the film abnormal and anegina, which ranks second in box office over the weekend, which is in third place. according to.
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it was very good, beautiful. from today, st. petersburg is officially considered a resort city in russia, at least they have started charging a resort fee. now every tourist over 18 years old who comes to st. petersburg will have to pay 100 rubles. for every day of stay in a hotel, inn or hostel. there is no fee on the day of arrival charged. there are beneficiaries who were exempted from it. the authorities of st. petersburg promise to use the collected money for repairs and improvement of the tourist center. infrastructure, but a year ago in the russian union of tourism in the north-west they stated that they considered resort fees in st. petersburg inappropriate until the flow of foreign tourists to the city was restored to the level that was before the pandemic. the experiment of collecting a resort fee has been going on in russia for 6 years; in addition to st. petersburg, it is in
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altai, krasnodar and stavropol edges. by the way, if in st. petersburg the size is 100 rubles. for example, in sochi - 50 rubles. but crimea is its own right. i never took advantage of introducing a resort fee for 6 years, finding various reasons for this, for example, local authorities made it clear that the fee would not be introduced, at least until the end of hostilities in ukraine. everything in the economy. thank you, denis tovalayev, for your economic review. today, several important innovations are coming into force in russia. happy april, 1. social pensions will increase by 7.5%. disabled people receive payments those with little work experience who have lost their breadwinner. the share of salary in the salary structure of medical workers will increase to 50%, excluding compensation payments. the salary share will be assessed quarterly, as well as at the end of the year. for the sale of tebak. and cigarettes without labeling or minors will now have to pay a fine of up to a million rubles. touch on
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innovation and the so-called liqueurs on the first floors of residential buildings. previously, such points were often disguised as catering. now regional authorities will be able to prohibit the sale alcohol when providing catering services in apartment buildings in adjacent areas. now it will become more difficult to move it to the doorway or remove the built-in wardrobe in the apartment. any re-painting, change in living space, its boundaries, construction of new partitions. next lesson, driving around the city, so in practice we will check what changes from april 1,
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because i will have to take the exam according to the new rules. perhaps the most important and pleasant innovation for driving school students is now you can make mistakes a little more often. if previously, in order to pass, you had to score a maximum of five penalty points, but now it’s seven. you can count how many points and penalties i will score. okay, i'll try to count correctly. another important concession. that is, it turns out that it will be easier to pass, but not really, if before after the third attempt you only had a month, and you were like, okay, i’ll wait a little longer, that is, now you have psychological pressure, then what are you waiting for? six months and you will again have to accept the theoretical part, the amendments should help get rid of gray driving schools, how many schools are there in the country where, say, the site exists only... on paper, now they will not be able to get a license, their graduates are eligible. those who
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did not appear at the military registration and enlistment office on a summons, people deprived of a driver's license, or those caught for drunk driving will also not be allowed to take the exams. it seems that such drivers were not allowed to take the test before, but there was a loophole, say, they got behind the wheel drunk, their license had expired or they didn’t have one at all. these people were threatened with arrest for 15 days, and then they could immediately go to the traffic police for an exam. now the hole is covered, i'll have to. at least a year. new rules simplify the process of obtaining certain categories of rights. so, for example, drivers who have the right to drive vehicles of categories c and tse, if they have at least 12 months of experience driving passenger vehicles of category b, will be granted the right to drive vehicles of category be, without the need to undergo training or exams. with foreign rights in russia now there is also far from...
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the collection, it is practically zero, and there is the opportunity to underestimate the customs value of a car, it often happens that a car actually bought, relatively speaking, in germany for 50,000 euros, passes through kazakhstan, already costs 2,000 dollars, now you won’t be able to save like that, will this car become more expensive, not all. this rise in price will affect a very small segment of the market, a very small one, according to my estimates, it is approximately 2% of the market. so, let's return to the rules of delivery. exam, while we were driving around the city, makar was counting my more than the inspector, one point, one, penalty points, did not change lanes on time
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, did not turn on the turn signal, did not turn on the turn signal three, well, in time for this discretion , probably the most serious mistake, which can be interpreted in different ways, it created an obstacle to the vehicle, that is , it turns out that according to the old i wouldn’t have passed the rules, but i would have passed under the new ones, yes, but that was it. the real exam will also have to be taken on camera, but not as a reporter, according to the new rules. nakhit babaev, alena antonova, pavel kachur and valery egorov, in the territories who freed. in the course of their work, animal volunteers are now undergoing large-scale work; they search for, feed and care for animals that are left unattended, and these are hundreds of wards; almost every volunteer trip is associated with a risk to life ; emergency operations have to be performed under fire. olga zenkova met with those who were concerned. i grew up listening to my grandmother’s stories about the war; from early childhood i knew
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that if my homeland was at war, i would be there. her mission in donbass is to save animals. to the nvo zone anastasia. his the humanitarian veterinary team has already traveled 35 times; the team includes 40 veterinarians from different cities of russia. today we have work in mariupol again, it’s a surgical day. we will also bring a lot of dogs to us whose legs have failed, we will x-ray them. on the first trip, i had practically nothing with me except the desire to help, 20 doses of vaccine and 40 kg of food, and the scope of work was immense. in cities destroyed by fighting , there were many more animals than people. the owners evacuated or died. we are here from morning to night, and at night too, we are here, home , our team of volunteers comes very rarely, i was in my apartment six months ago, the cat house shelter in donetsk is one of the largest, 400 tailed orphans from the hottest spots have already passed through the good hands of volunteers donbass. this cat had a shell shock, we found her after the mariupol shelling,
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she could not breathe at all, she was a skeleton, but it also happens that an ordinary apartment can become a refuge.
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how he killed a twelve-year-old girl, his fifth victim, however, now investigators are not he is serving time in the polar owl, he said, they are in a hurry to put an end to it and are not sure that this is the last story of the st. petersburg strangler, a shocking statement. merciless killer and details of his past crimes, watch ilya on our broadcast. daler, thank you, this is not only in the emergency program after a short pause. that 's all for now, go to, see you!
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on ntv, the program is an emergency in the studio of valeria gavrilovskaya. we're live. hello. the attempted murder of a resident of the khabarovsk territory is being investigated by the investigative committee; the man was attacked in broad daylight. the killer acted clearly and quickly, and also quickly, he fled the scene , leaving his victim to die, but the victim managed to get to help. now he is in the hospital, he can talk, but he doesn’t want to. so the investigators are counting on the fact that he will break the silence after all, these are the versions and motives they are considering, daria musalova found out. the attacker was not embarrassed by daylight hours, there were many eyewitnesses on the street, he was waiting for the victim in the parking lot, as soon as the man with the package headed towards the taxi, the masked criminal ran up from behind and fired several shots, the wounded man was lucky, the gun was
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traumatic, he managed to reach the nearest entrance to ask for help, guys, he’s on his way soon, eyewitnesses examined the wounded man and didn’t leave him until the doctors arrived, they were afraid to touch and turn him over so as not to make things worse, rubber bullets hit him in the back... and there was little blood loss in his legs, the victim remained conscious , we will hold the door, yes, of course , i can get up, making sure that the pressure is stable, the man was transferred to an ambulance , first aid was provided on the road, alexander shcherbin, that is the name of the victim, he was urgently operated on and has already been transferred to a regular ward, the main question is who for what it was necessary to make an attempt on his life, he is still lost in conjectures, honestly i still can’t understand it at all. why did i go to the car to the taxi, when i came up, shots started coming from behind, i fell, stood up, ran 2 meters to where, saw a woman, she said, go through the entrance, which one?


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