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tv   Mesto vstrechi  NTV  April 1, 2024 2:00pm-4:01pm MSK

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under the pretext that her youngest child is not yet 14 years old, therefore, as her defense lawyer indicated, she has the right to a deferment of execution, that is, she must go to a colony in 2 years if she does not give birth to another child. the victims, understanding the prospects and knowing that kruglova’s children can be fully raised by their father,
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are in our program today. we will not admit this officially, but i am ready to reveal the details to you. high note. the russian foreign ministry demanded from kiev the arrest and extradition of all those involved in the terrorist attacks in russia. what will it be like our response if they refuse? everyone who has anything to do with this will be found and punished. fool's day. but are we ready for such conditions? when putin loses what he has captured since 2022, he will be ready for dialogue beyond the bounds: social activists are demanding a ban on showing video terrorist attacks on tv on social networks, but will it be right to turn a blind eye to the terrible truth? shoots from a machine gun, they shoot into the crowd, watch right now. hello, this is the meeting place
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on ntv, the place where everything becomes clear, i am andrey norkin, my colleague ivan trushkin, we we are working live. we will start today with an official note from the russian ministry of foreign affairs, which appeared the night before; in the west, many immediately called this a new ultimatum from lavrov, well, they generally mean the document that was distributed by our ministry of foreign affairs to...
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the ukrainian authorities to terrorist attacks, in addition to participation in the planning of the recent terrorist attack in the moscow region, this official note lists other episodes of involvement such as: the murder of journalist daria dugina, the attempt on the life of writer zakhar prilepin, the murder of military commander vladlen tatarsky and the injury of more than 40 people in an explosion in... in accordance with the convention on the suppression of bombings in accordance with international standards, as terrorism and the financing of terrorism, russia demanded that ukraine immediately arrest and extradite all persons involved in these terrorist attacks, in including the head of the ukrainian security service vasily malyuk, who recently openly admitted responsibility for the attack on the crimean bridge. revealed details
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of the organization of other terrorist attacks on our territory. fighting international terrorism is the responsibility of every state. the russian side demands that the kiev regime immediately stop any support for terrorist activities, hand over those responsible and compensate for the damage caused to the victims. violation of ukraine's obligations under anti-terrorism conventions will entail its international legal responsibility. in the sbu. have already responded to the russian note, they simply called the document insignificant, there was no further reaction, in the main intelligence department of ukraine, they went even further and outlined a new target for possible sabotage or attacks from ukraine, we are talking about the railway, which should soon connect rostov-on-don, crimea through new regions, it will go, let us listen to one of the main kiev terrorists, mr. budanov, one hundred percent of zaleznyts himself in fact
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, they have been building a railway for more than a year to unite with our southern temporarily occupied territories. this process is almost complete and this could pose a very serious problem for us. but i hope that with the land section of this railway we are in in principle, we can handle it, everyone has experience, this is much easier than the issue of the crimean bridge. at the same time , the official representative of the ukrainian guru, mr. iyusov, spoke to an international audience. in response to western criticism that it is unacceptable to carry out terrorist attacks on russian territory, he replied that it is now simply impossible for ukraine to achieve any success in any other direction.
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defeat putin quickly. the words were called, caused a stir, and many of the congressman’s statements were perceived as a call for genocide. there he is about the middle east he talked about europe too. the congressman himself responded by releasing an explanation, calling his words taken out of context. and
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then he remembered that his childhood passed during the cold war, so the actual use of nuclear weapons was the last thing he supposedly wanted. and the comparison with heroshima and nagasaki, he, as he now explains from... won, but as they say, there are nuances, yes , you see, here is the russian language, it is so rich and unique, so a completely different meaning arises, okay, with context we’ll finish for now, if we talk about the general political situation in ukraine, there is something to discuss, but firstly,
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because today, april 1, in ukraine, in principle , either a new president should have appeared, or the previous one should have confirmed his powers. according to ukrainian laws , zelensky will continue to serve as president until the end of the third second decade of may, but it’s as if there is no new president, because there were no elections the day before, despite the repeated assurances of andriy vladimovich, who, after a short pauses again appeared in the studio, that zelensky will brilliantly win the presidential elections, which means he decided not to hold them, then the interesting begins, because at the same time it turns out that he won them brilliantly, right .
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we need help now. the attention of the united states and other countries is now directed to the middle east. and this could be a problem for ukraine. and zelensky’s statement was considered the main sensation. about readiness to begin negotiations with moscow even before the release of the ukrainian army to the 1991 borders. it was this requirement that was one of the key points of the so -called peace formula. now the terrorist president agrees to peace negotiations within the borders at the start of a special military operation. according to zelensky’s idea, such a step will make it possible to win over to his side those countries that currently support russia. win. to win is to help ukraine win economically.
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changes in zelensky’s position are noticeable by
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indirect signs. so on sunday he appeared in color for the first time since the beginning of the northern military district. t-shirt, not khaki. he also fired several of his closest associates at once: his first assistant sergei shefir, the founder of the kvartal 95 studio and advisers ustenko, trofimov and radutsky. the head of the national security and defense council, danilov, who was dismissed a little earlier, will now resign.
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history, but you know, i want to say that this means that with regard to this whole zelensky and his team, they work very competently, and why now these two interviews have taken place and so on and so on, because for zelensky now the main thing is political the task that has been formulated is to achieve the holding, preferably before the end of may , of this very conference, the final conference according to the selensky formula, and... it is imperative that it be representative of more than 100 countries,
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so that china and india must be there, namely therefore, he removed from the foreground the topic of the borders of the ninety-first year, because on the borders of the ninety- first year, many countries really have such disagreements; they do not support the position of ukraine regarding the borders of the twenty-first second year, here the situation is different, because as we know, except for north korea , not a single state in the world...
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through the american media is the most effective , you just understand the american media yesterday means a person who reads the american media sees a story about the borders of the ninety- first year and then a person who opens the american media sees that they are not ready to leave on the twenty-second, at this moment the reader of the american media has a certain collapse in his head, well, again, not quite like that, he talks about negotiations should you taught us to be practically.
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everything will depend on how the situation develops in the next 2 months, after yesterday the zelensky regime entered a zone of increased turbulence, for this global south, which zelensky says he wants to drag to his side, the question of legitimacy matters, of course it has, of course it has, i generally believe, i am deeply, i am deeply convinced
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that in 2024 there can be no negotiations by definition, why? because in reality we are dealing with an outgoing political elite, not only in ukraine, this is the european parliament, which must be re-elected , again, we are not talking about europe, not about america , but if you follow the logic of andria, china, india, arabia, this is south america, that’s right, there are too many subjects here, i list the ones you will have to deal with, these are the key ones, these are the ones that are visible and heard. europe one, there will be elections in the summer, the british two, they have a deadline of may 25, january 25, before january 25, they must hold elections, plus the united states america must hold elections in the fall.
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western media, which andrei lavach sometimes recommends or doesn’t recommend to us to read, because they are now writing very, very unpleasant things for kiev about the situation at the front for ukraine. at the end of last week
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, the foreign ministries of turkey, china and kazakhstan urgently addressed their fellow citizens living in ukraine. diplomats called for an urgent exit from kiev, kharkov and odessa. the general message is simple, things are getting restless there, and there is a risk that tensions will only increase. by the way, it is in these cities, vks.
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at the front, and he also doesn’t like the fact that the russians have the ability to quickly replenish their arsenal, while ukraine is stuck with supplies. we are preparing for various scenarios, whether there will be a large-scale russian offensive, i am not sure that they are ready for it on this scale, but they will continue to advance, and without weapons we cannot destroy their supply logistics. however, ukraine clearly does not protect particularly valuable weapons; last week our ministry of defense reported on the loss. another abrams tank on avdeevsk direction, it’s already difficult to remember which one. forbes magazine writes that bsus cannot in any way resist russian glide bombs and calls them a miracle weapon.
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the magazine of politics writes: it is of course correct that the vzo are digging trenches and preparing for defense, but it is too late to do this; the british publication standard predicts a military defeat of ukraine this summer. rows of military analysts. american billionaire elon musk unexpectedly joined the list. the other day he laid out the full breakdown of the situation on the ukrainian front and came to the conclusion that if kiev wants to maintain access to the black sea, then it’s urgently time to negotiate with moscow. it was a tragic decision for ukraine to attack a larger army when ukraine lacked armor or air superiority. any fool could have predicted this. in my opinion, the question of whether ukraine will lose all access to the black sea or not remains open. i recommend that this issue be resolved through negotiations before it is lost. vladimirevich, the situation at the front is really so pleasant for us, i i’ll carefully say how western
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publications write this, or is this some kind of information curtain to increase support for ukraine, for macron’s plans to introduce someone there under some other sauce. how really? well , i would characterize the situation with very, very restrained, but still optimism, that is, our guys really are now. they are putting pressure on all sectors of the front, this applies not only to zaporozhye or kherson, but especially in the people’s republics of donbass and the kharkov region, and this is obvious, literally right now once during the broadcast, talking with the fighters of the zaporozhye front line, i can say that we have still advanced in the gulya-polye area and in the area north-west of verbovoy, yes, that is , this is in orekhovsky - a section of the zaporozhye front and a little to the east, and here again already internet. footage of the destroyed bridge in goleypoli flew around, this is an important strategically used bridge by the ukrainian armed forces, along which a significant part of the transfer
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of militants to the ukrainian armed forces took place now. the enemy has a colossal number of drones, but there are not enough operators, this is obvious, that is, drones a lot, and the calculations are still apparently lagging behind , that is, they probably weren’t prepared, but i think it’s a matter of just a few weeks ; unfortunately, these calculations will appear, so there’s no point in relaxing, but here’s an interesting point, they’ve switched to the tactics of total mining of absolutely everything, they are mining with the help of agricultural drones, so well , chinese-made ordinary commercial ones, the so-called baba yagas, that is, here.
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but it was necessary to do this for some more convenient positions, but in general we every day we are conquering new territories , we are moving forward, here is someone in general - they, they, they, have you seen this interview, yes, this is such a revealing interview, i don’t know, well, you can’t say that he was under the influence of something , but i have a feeling that he created some kind of virtual reality, inappropriate, maybe. well, it’s just that there aren’t enough shells, but belgorod
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always has them. look, if you want to contact a global yogi, you really need to give interviews to the media of a global yogi and preferably xinhua and preferably at the same time apologizing for all the rudeness that zelensky unleashed towards the chinese. zelensky, let's say, and his friends. this is not so much an operation to the global south as an attempt to drag the global south into the global process of involving russia in negotiations. that is, what does zelensky and his western friends want?
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and he will say whatever he wants for the sake of this, there are two directions, as it were, what he needs to say in this case from his point of view, the first is that everything is very bad, we hear these statements that without the american help, everything will collapse, without american help everything will end, but the problem is that no one wants to help the losers and losers, everyone wants to help the country, which has something for the lucky ones, so mr. syrsky comes out and says that you know, we already in fact, they conquered more than the russians took from us, this is a tactic aimed at...
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nonsense only happens in the movies, innocent victims, please let me in, three girls, all like sisters, similar to cristina unguryanu, ghosts of the past, similar was involved in my wife is in st. petersburg, but she was killed, 2
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months ago i told your wife everything and gave this damn diary, literally a day later they found me, the enemies who are nearby, what are you hinting at, someone doesn’t want me to handle this case , i will find the killer, i swear to you, and... an investigation for which you will have to do anything, fuck you, black sun, quiet, quiet, quiet, wow, i smacked you so good, premiere, today at 20:00 on ntv . kirkorov vs. dorokhov, stars on saturday at 21:20 on ntv. an endless country, above which never.
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president vladimir putin signed a corresponding decree the day before. this call will be carried out according to new rules, which came into force at the beginning of this year. now citizens aged 18 to 30 will be called up for military service. the call will last from april 1 to july 15. in total , 150,000 people are planned to be conscripted for military service. the ministry of defense also said that there would be no conscripts.
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in the avdiivka direction of captured nato equipment, this is the german armored personnel carrier marder, as you can see, it is already its own on the move, that is, it drives, it was evacuated from the battlefields and was even reportedly carried out with it... some first tests, due to its cross-country ability the vehicle is quite heavy, well, in battle, i think, in our conditions it will be enough it’s hard, well, again, because of the dimensions of the car, large dimensions, tracks , with poor grip, lugs
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, cross-country ability, that is, we have already carried out tests, cross-country ability in mud, it’s very low, and yet... another trophy ukrainian drone with the ominous name of baba ega, which our guest recalled in the last part vladimir rogov, russian specialists also managed to study it, and the results are impressive: ukrainian drones of the “baba ega” type are heavy agricultural drones that the ukrainians converted into combat drones, one such drone fell into the hands of our fighters, in general, the engineers managed to baba i can take it apart, talk to it, it became clear from the navigation data.
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we can create a sanitary zone outside of this terrorist context, there are shellings, look, terrorist attacks are separate, shelling of our border territories, we explain our every step, we chew it out, information specialist, judging by the fact that they really forget the next day, what happened the day before yesterday, they need to explain all this.
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for the second time he shouts something about may 10th, i didn’t hear it. economic union on may 9, that is , we have no time, we simply cannot take risks before these dates, and what will happen on the tenth of the tenth - that ’s exactly what i’m afraid of, to be honest, that in the period between the sixth and the tenth we will face a similar act, as was the case in krokusehul, do you have any new ones?
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black sun premieres today at 20:00 on ntv. for headaches, there is ascafen p at an affordable price and askafen ultra with an enhanced composition to combat headaches and migraines. askafen - when you have a headache. finding a job is good. and finding a dream job is even better, one where you can work in the office, or right from home, where there are all opportunities for career growth and career take-off, where you are confident in a reliable future and a reliable present, thousands of jobs and vacancies are good , but finding your place is even better, join the team of one of the best employers in russia, tenki, come on... so
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an endless country over which... when the sun does not set, mesmerizing nature russia is now in your hands, on the new teinkov black cards, have time to get a think of black debit card with a limited design: gorich and stead, because she was deprived of parental rights to four children, she put it with her, well, she fell asleep and crushed her, the older ones i didn’t take her home on time, the house was sold, the money wasted, she swears that she has changed and
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wants to look into the eyes of the children who grew up without her, to beg for forgiveness, i don’t deserve for them to feel something towards me, but will it be possible? to find all the children decades later, will they be happy to meet you, they said that she died, to a boarding school, you sent me, from where they took the children for the weekend, except for me, she tied us down and went to drink with the neighbors, so her heart did not touch her to come to us, just i had no one to leave the cattle with, you used us for cattle, i lost my house, my husband, my cattle and my children, i open the envelope, dna, today at 17:50 on ntv. this is the meeting place on ntv , the place where everything becomes clear, we continue, now we will have a problem of this, well, ethical nature , probably, which, by the way, is related to
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the work of the media, and not only, well, now let’s talk a little about the media, andrei vladimovich once again told us that i’m really completely confused, whether we should believe the western media or not, but here vanya just got news about another sensational thing. american security. as part of our five-year investigation
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, we want to share with you new information about brain injuries caused by white house employees, cia and fbi agents, military personnel, and their families. there are serious reasons to suspect that they were injured. secret weapon involving the use of microwaves and ultrasound. let me remind you, for the first time, the so -called govan syndrome, that is, this is noise and pain in the ears, a feeling of vibration, pressure in the head, and so on and so forth, back in 2016 , employees of the us embassy in cuba complained, from which the phenomenon actually got its name. since then, according to cbs around the world, the united states has counted at least one and a half thousand similar cases, and all the victims were like...
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or any other countries to this notorious havana syndrome, here you see the head of the cia, because not so long ago he counted this out, stated that all this was caused by various reasons, from some hidden diseases in certain
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employees, to electromagnetic effects from ordinary devices that are used in everyday life. the intelligence community is inclined to believe that today there is no accurate explanation for the condition of more than a thousand of our employees around the world. or don’t ask dmitry peskov about these conclusions, dmitry peskov is forced to state all this, to state it exhaustively. for many years now, this topic of the so-called govan syndrome has been discussed in the press, and most often from the very beginning it was somehow linked to accusing the russian side of this, but no one has ever published or expressed any convincing evidence of this unfounded accusation anywhere.
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so all this is nothing more than a baseless accusation , an unfounded accusation by the media, well, this is an excellent conspiracy horror story, eternal, they don’t know what a neighbor’s hammer drill is, okay, i’ll call it govan syndrome, which, by the way, yes, here you are here, you carried out repairs, but just recently, the neighbors there didn’t complain about you, that you and everyone peace in the world, but well, now they may have had “i have all this to do now, okay, let’s get back to our topic, it means that we want to discuss today, but well , you’ll probably agree, in general, that’s not even that is not explained by the work of the media, well, the media in the traditional sense, yes, but rather it ’s the spread of the internet, social networks of all sorts of messengers, and so on and so forth, but the tragedy that occurred the day before last in the moscow region
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was probably the most publicized, richest in recent years for that the amount of video material that was thrown onto the network, and well, because several thousand people were in this zone where these tragic events took place, a lot of people filmed it, a lot of people posted it all, so millions of people saw it all and that means the question arose again: is it necessary, is it possible?
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here's a discussion about whether we can somehow prevent this negative media and emotional effect. visitors to the canceled concert of the picnic group filmed and posted videos of the crocus cityholi terrorist attacks almost in real time. some videos show armed attackers in camouflage and masks mercilessly shooting people. people recorded other videos for their loved ones, not knowing whether they would be able to get out of the burning auditorium alive. we are at a concert in crocus city, something is happening here. shooting, a lot of people are running, everyone is screaming, someone is shooting here, shooting from a machine gun, they are shooting at the crowd, some people are shooting, a stream of similar videos and photos on social networks has worried the state duma deputies, the deputy chairman of the security committee, anatoly elective, said that people are asking to take measures to protect children and relatives of the dead victims from such content, because now...
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there are no prohibitions, the deputy has already sent the ministry of digital development a proposal to ban social networks and bloggers from publishing any cruel video if it appears on internet is blocked. the tragedy in crocus city showed that today on social networks, including telegram channels with an audience of millions, there are no limits to the broadcast of this terrible and egregiously cruel content. this destroys the psyche of even adults, not to mention children. and teenagers, their values ​​and life attitudes are just being formed. this is not the first attempt by deputies to limit the display of hard content. at the end of last year they introduced a bill amending the media law. the reason was tragic incidents in schools, where students attacked their peers with weapons. deputies propose to ban scenes of brutal violence in the news and social networks if the offender is under 18 years old, and also not to disclose any information about his biography, to... avoid romanticizing the crime.
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in june, the state duma is going to consider these amendments in the first reading. i propose to support the legislative initiative, it has been prepared, we will now send it to the government, education, including chisleyevich, you, yes, the essence of which is to limit the mention of information about the biography of the school shooter in the internet media. unfortunately, this is not the first time the country has faced such ethical dilemmas. october 2002 moscow. the terrorists hold the hostage for 3 days.
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the point is that we will publish most of what they wrote down so that they would let at least someone go with us, so anton met, for example, his neighbor there, yes, in this theater he was with his wife, who was in a position, we didn’t exchange a word with him at all, but baraev noticed our gaze directed at each other and immediately said, he says, you know him, i say, yes, i know, his wife is pregnant, maybe you’ll at least let his wife go. to which he said, we’ll talk in the morning, but apparently waiting for the material to come out. at the end of last week, the country remembered the victims of the terrorist attack in the moscow metro. on march 29, 2010, with a difference of 43 minutes, two terrorist suicide bombers carried out explosions at the kholubyanka station and the cultural park.
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40 people die. after the terrorist attack , state duma chairman boris gryzlov accused several russian publications of aiding terrorists. they publish the position of the terrorist doku umarov. claiming responsibility for the terrorist attack. the leader of the chechen militants, doc umarov, after a long silence , published a new statement on one of the extremist websites. at the same time, deputy robert schlegel introduced an amendment to the duma media law prohibiting quoting the words of terrorists. in his blog, he writes: news about militants should be limited to reports of their destruction, but schlegel’s proposed amendments did not pass the hearing. the media should not be a platform for...
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and calls for terrorist activities and justification of terrorism, we cannot show such footage now. in addition, videos created by terrorists are considered extremist material in our country. but there are legal restrictions on publication there are currently no violent scenes related to terrorism or videotaped by eyewitnesses. so, dear friends, we would also like to involve you in this conversation, well , this is not the first time we have done this, you see next to me.
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to vote, we will then, as usual, at the end of the program, show your opinion. so, ivan alekseevich, tell me, you were there at the center of events the friday before last. how quickly did you realize that a terrorist attack was happening around you, then, when everything was over for you, but you became this? see everything on social networks, here are some of your feelings, whether it turned out that you had to experience it all again or not, share this. yes, that’s exactly what happened, and i’ll even say that the realization of what happened came the next day, when information began to come in, that is, i and my camera crew got out of there, and you had to
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film the concert , yes, we would have to film a concert, and even in the area there , eight people from the group are related to ntv, because we have been filming a series for many years an ambulance, which... we were lucky, we had operator communication, we were in touch, and it so happened that we got out of the thick of things, and even the girls who got into the hottest spot for me got out of there, but we were so happy at that moment that we went outside, we didn’t understand what was happening, that is, we didn’t have anything yet. that we just understood that people were running out and shooting, we were very happy that we were reunited, of course, everyone first rushed to shoot a video at...
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ambulance, we have a lot of restrictions, medical manipulations are constantly in the series , we always think about ethics, like what to show on the screen, what not to show, just in medical manipulations. and these materials can be used in one direction, used in another way, the question of publication is on, as it were, on the main
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channels, and well, you know, that’s how television works, that’s how the press works, journalists are always chasing a sensation, always chasing something very, unfortunately, but tough, i’m in front of my eyes an example of two operators who at one time left hungary for the states.
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terrorist attack, he was in this room and survived, and it so happened that he published some video or i don’t know, sent it to some media, this video was published, we went to this person who was still at the formalities yesterday, then there is a witness on the verge of death, fortunately he avoided this death, we will come to him with a criminal or administrative article and say: ivan ivanovich, you saved yourself, which means you’re from crocus city hall, for example, well done, and now pay, or i don’t know which one can... ivan, well, you are absolutely
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asking the right question, and moreover, in the state duma there are constantly discussions about generally aggressive, so-called content, yes, which is not overwhelming only the media, today we understand that in essence we are not talking only about the internet, because television is regulated in this regard, even in tv series. media, that is, we can say that, in general , the legal field is sufficiently regulated, and professional ethics, as a rule , well, at least among our television companies, in general, well, i wouldn’t particularly complain about it, to put it mildly, compliments, as they say, so as not to give out unnecessary ones, and you understand, here i am a colleague of the elected and i will support metelev , i will support from what point of view, that by and large we really should give access to information about the ongoing event, that there really are terrorist attacks or... some kind of incident or something else, there must be information, there must, of course , but
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the content that is related, i don’t know there, brains flying out of a human skull, this is not necessary. give and bring to the masses of the population, why? because, by and large, what will we teach young people, what will we do with people with, i don’t know, heart disease, why do they need this? that is, by and large, i ’ll tell you my personal recipe, that is, at the moment when some extreme situation occurs, i always prefer to receive information in the form of text, because at the moment when you watch the video, you don’t even adequately you can evaluate this information, that is, you have well up to chemical?
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why is it impossible, they will not work, because there is no one and it is impossible to create a body that would monitor all content, working with messengers, ban nothing or ban everything. yes, here the question, unfortunately, or fortunately , i don’t know if it’s exactly like this, i’ll give an example, from my practice today, i literally returned from china from a business trip 3 weeks ago, i had a conversation there with different people, with politicians, with representatives including the media, and i told them i asked one simple question regarding the security of instant messengers: why is there only one messenger working in your country, called v chat? despite the fact that when i arrived, i immediately registered in order to somehow communicate, do something there, after 3 days i was blocked, immediately blocked, i didn’t write anything bad there, but
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they blocked me, explaining this by , that i have a russian sim card, russian, it’s absolutely true, this is the first reason, the second is that i’m in certain places, and there it can be done, i used a vpn, yes, that is, i accessed our networks there and so on, and i told them, how can that be, freedom of speech, they say, you know, we are safe.
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let's continue where we managed to fight, well, somewhere on the street, you can't feel sorry for your enemies , it's too dangerous, i don't feel sorry for them, but for us, i'm afraid that they will come to me again, i'm afraid for you, i just thought that i he shot back, we didn’t start this, i have a murder, zhenya, you? guy, decide for yourself, just don’t make a mistake, hot spot, today at 22:15 on ntv.
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kirkorov vs. dorokhov. stars on saturday 21:20 on ntv. there are so many things to do, we can handle it, because i have a compliment. just one tablet a day to support health, performance and well-being. complivit is a vitamin and mineral complex made from... an endless country over which the sun never sets, the fascinating nature of russia is now in your hands on the new tenkov black maps. hurry up to get a tingkov black debit card with a limited design in april and get free service forever. tinkov. one of my friends decided to relax there.
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and money, we approve your plans. tinkov. this is the meeting place on ntv, the place where everything becomes clear. we continue, at the beginning of this part i will remind you about voting in our telegram channel, we asked there the question of how ethical it is to publish videos filmed during terrorist attacks on social networks. you.
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there were 18 minutes between the attack on the first second tower of the world trade center, this was done so that the main channels had time to turn on the live broadcast, so that the second attack would already be live. the september 11 terrorist attack was watched live by 2 billion viewers around the world, and for the first time amateur footage was also widely used in news stories; much more video was shot in manhattan by eyewitnesses than by professional reporters. horrible footage of the terrorist attacks and its consequences. in the first days they play without interruption, but later some media decide to introduce restrictions. abc news is one of the first to understand that constant replays of footage of the plane colliding with the tower traumatize viewers. for several years after the terrorist attack, the most impressive footage, in a sad sense, completely disappears from american airwaves. but hollywood is getting involved. since 2005, film studios have produced many hard-hitting documentaries.
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my favorite technique is to shoot as if manually. viewers called it heartbreaking and were not prepared for such a spectacle; the film recreates the event on board the third plane hijacked by militants. as for interviews with terrorists, direct legislative only britain has a ban, and it concerned irish terrorists, and the american authorities. after september 11 , secret recommendations were sent to the media not to broadcast sama benladon’s speech, the pentagon recommendations ask not to talk about the past of bandits during terrorist attacks, but western publications are happy to break all these rules for the sake of sensation, so in july 2007 abc news in the popular evening the show shows a fresh interview with terrorist shamel basayev. by that time he was on the international wanted list, russian special services have been chasing him for almost 10 years, here he is sitting calmly on the
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edge of the forest threatening. most european broadcasters have corporate codes that limit coverage of terrorist attacks. in france, several television channels and print publications in 2016 refused to publish the names and images of terrorists. after the terrorist attack in nice, in which 86 people were killed, the court banned all media from publishing. from the scene of the tragedy, however, some violate prohibitions for the sake of shock content. sometimes the media makes grave mistakes, like the bfm channel, who reported during the hostage-taking in a kosher store that he had been contacted by phone. the woman who hid in a refrigerator, thereby endangering her life, or the second channel of french television, which had to apologize for the correspondent who interviewed a man in nice with the corpse of his wife in the background. the reuters agency, in a special manual
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, instructs employees to generally avoid the word terrorist in any materials and captions to photographs; as a replacement, they offer a more general quote or, on the contrary, a more general one. specific terms, such as militants, bombers or armed men. would we call an attack on a bus by rebels or a bombing of a village by government aircraft terrorism? refrain from all judgments and use neutral terminology. in israel, back in 2011, the local parliament banned the publication of photographs and videos of victims of terrorist attacks. the public was then too impressed by the images after the bus bombing in jerusalem and the footage of the attack in the city of itamar. but as we remember, in october 2023 there are no restrictions on shock.
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deformed, yes, like certain organic changes occur when a person watches something like this, that is, it was customary to turn children away, but to say, you know, yes, well , he was driving there, everyone was turned away, this does not happen by chance, this is an absolutely normal natural defense of consciousness, unfortunately, any person, not even a child, when he sees something that he has never seen before, the first thing to say settles in his consciousness that this is possible, then this phenomenon is already assessed from the point of view of goodness, it bad, that is, it's already it's already the second step of consciousness, so we place it as possible, here we also have psychological thresholds, but american soldiers in vietnam had psychological thresholds, they could not shoot at women and children, we specially came up with these
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shooters, which are now widespread, yes, this threshold weakened for them, that is, it was easier for them, they shot very well there and not only shot, but the guys didn’t really reflect.
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separating flies from cutlets and so on, then let it cope with its mind there is even, well, there, in my opinion, a dog even attacks, so they say: excuse me, excuse me, are you ready to see this, you know, that is, for some reason they have done all this , let’s take the good from there, an adult , i’m right for you i understand, you, too , we must ask if you want to watch it, and here we are talking not only about terrorist attacks in our country, if they happen, but about any video , no matter to consciousness. happened, this is shocking content, we telegram will ask me about this, we are changing, wait, mikhailovich, come on, it’s possible just not about rights and not about humanism and transhumanism, but technically, what ilina yurina is saying now can be done, so that, well,
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so that the network itself, the platform there, somehow automatically blocks this extremely cruel pictures, of course, are possible, this is what is being done, most sites try to make sure that their content is in the usa and other countries, as the media have the limit.
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relatively speaking, a message about some strange incident is five lines on
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the last page of evening moscow, or relatively speaking, the nineties, when you turn on the evening news, and there is a close-up of a corpse in all guises, or, god forgive me, a man who looks like the prosecutor general, you know, too, you know, everyone would somehow understand that that option is not very good , and this one, that’s what concerns us, we want to deprive you of your freedom, you know, i even watched the crocus, the man watched one video and said in all seriousness, they shot at that very place. work as a professional, when the terrorist attack is over, everything is already over, that’s all
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the main part of these videos, it appeared , after all, let's be honest, somewhere next, all content related to a terrorist act absolutely must pass through the filter of the special services, and should only come in the official form, all this talk about what is being hidden from us the truth is, even if they give you absolutely everything to leave as it is, you will get the darkness of conspiracy theories, we have already gone through this very well, this story that this is some kind of suppression of freedom of speech at all. eyewitnesses, no, i don't think so eyewitnesses need to be punished , because eyewitnesses mean, if a person broadcasts a live broadcast, someone does it differently, wait, i say it again, i don’t think that if it’s filmed by a human eyewitness, i don’t think it should to punish for the fact that he filmed this, but this content definitely needs to be blocked, it is the special services that should work with this eyewitness, get the information of the witness, wait, on the social network of this video broadcast, the person who was there saves it and this video begins to block such a person kind of content.
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minikaev, although there will be a war soon, leon kemstach, i see in the area, i’ll bury you, nikita kologrivy, don’t you understand that they will now catch us all one by one, anna peresilt, help, anton vasiliev, we are now creating a new department, it’s ours now strength, we will hand over all of you in 2 weeks, sergei burunov, for which i became the father of a bandit, ivan yankovsky, they are sharpening their teeth on us.
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said, then we will work according to this law, it will not determine everything, really, well, like a person who himself is it forbidden to film in this room? and then punish him, but it seems to me that no state will agree to do this, well, it seems like there’s no point in not showing the sacrifice dead people, mutilated in some way... to put pressure in this sense on the owners of social networks, but on the other hand, we now have personnel coming from the ukrainian front in droves, and z patriotic telegram channels, here are the mutilated corpses of ukrainians, they are shown right up close, savoring the details, you understand, there is either some kind of general prohibition here, in order to prevent the dressing up of society, it won’t work out, which are soaked in everyone there, but can you make a minute remark, let’s have a minute. these channels, i now understand why you shouldn’t give the secret services the key to this, no, no, well, these are lyrics, but
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mathematically, who works at the site of the terrorist attack, the special services, will the special services write a law according to which society will be able to control them, look for their mistakes, seek punishment, and this is key for you in the event of a terrorist attack , which is organized by non-humans and terrorists, which ones to find? the official website of the sledkom channel or other law enforcement agencies is leaked to the network under their own, he
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publishes official information, this is the same official information not yet punishments have been imposed, there is no court decision yet, sorry, a lot of things are being violated there, i’ll list a lot of them for you at once, generally speaking, they have no right to show them in apartments and so on, there’s a lot of things there, that is, you propose not to show the terrorists themselves, because the investigative committee showed us these four. since there is a complete overlap of information, this is exactly the soviet option, which is also not no, i completely disagree, this works so much, because they don’t give us some kind of trash, the investigator doesn’t leak some trash, absolutely clearly verified operational information is given, nothing unnecessary gets into the frame, unfortunately, i have to stand up for law enforcement agencies here, this is it, if we don’t give this information, then people will really ask, what’s going on?
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your decision in a few minutes. the father
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of the family is accused of keeping his wife on a chain, beating his five daughters and locking him in a stable. he had her there in slavery, slavery. were the children afraid of their father? he is aggressive, he can hit, he can beat. scary rumors about a neighbor with many children have long circulated among residents of the village of shirokovskoye. all this gossip that is collected, we don’t have that. punished children for the purpose of education , well, it’s not murderous, now the man has been detained, he is accused of torturing his own children, the children’s officers arrived, it turned out that their refrigerator was locked, and they did not feed the children, her daughter was also intimidated, even someone approached her, her hands were shaking, but now her wife denies everything, did she really write a statement against her husband under pressure ? father-in-law, he already beat her to death in the bathhouse, i wrote a statement for emo...
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a person has the right to see what happened, the terrorist attack in the text with all due respect, this is completely in a different way than a terrorist attack on video, people should be able to understand what happened. well, okay, let's return to our traditional scenario for the finale, about the shock of what we saw, i want to return to the topic of emmanuel macron's visit to brazil, which we also discussed today, because local journalists, in general, they were shocked, shocked. a photograph with details of this visit, you probably saw them too, photographs of emmanuel macron and president dasilva running, holding hands, through the jungle, literally running, this is how they have it: snow-white shirts, some brazilian media wrote that this suspiciously looks like a wedding, and macron, by the way, commented on this that yes, this is a wedding, because france loves brazil, brazil loves france. in general, we would like, on behalf of the meeting place program,
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to ask the president of brazil to be more careful, because such events, you know, are different. at a gay wedding, the guests at some point got completely confused and kidnapped the groom. it was a meeting place that could not be changed. 14:00 weekday mtv broadcasts. goodbye, pumping up nazi ideology, as in ukraine they trained militants of the azov formation banned in russia, against the current policy in israel.


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