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tv   Za granyu  NTV  April 1, 2024 4:45pm-5:50pm MSK

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in the home-office there is the best bank, you have a uniform, you need it for baking, you need it for squatting, try it, like this, so , i liked the trial lesson, but save up for a subscription, vtb savings account, regularly replenish it , you will save up 16% faster, and why aren’t you in shape yet, we’ll be spinning for a long time, we’ll buy it quickly, open a vtb savings account with a rate of 16. vtb, together everything will work out. oh, the loan bonus has arrived. how's that? you make all payments on time, and tenkov recalculates the rate. when you close a loan, it's like a holiday. and on holiday it is customary to give present. and tinkof gives you a great gift. money. apply for a loan with tenkof before the end of april, make all payments on time and we will return 5% of the interest rate in cash. we approve your plans. tenkov is beyond the bounds,
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a mother of many children asks to return her husband, against whom she herself wrote a statement and who has already been charged under several criminal articles. in the studio anastasia gileva. hello! anastasia, where is your husband now? hello, my husband is now in pre-trial detention until his trial, in general, a month and a half to two months before he gets here. systematic torture of children, only children, wife and children, and wife, that is, you, did your husband raise his hand to the children? there is no such thing as they present to us , no, this didn’t happen, you could have slapped them on the butt somewhere or something else, everyone raises children, everyone has this, and slapping them on the butt is beating or causing harm to health or something else. something, no. and you hit the children
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with a towel, it was like, well, yes, the girls start , let’s say, making noise, playing, running, i’ll take the towels and pat the blankets so that they go to sleep on or on the blankets or on children, well, i can’t say that let’s say a towel somewhere on the hand is not some kind of game or punishment, that you are talking about it with a smile, i’m trying to figure it out, well , because punishment is when they really slammed it with all their might or... and for what purpose did you hit with a towel? just to make them calm down, to make jokes. valentina, how do you like these methods of education? i was listening to anastasia, and i became afraid of the word torture, it’s simply unthinkable, and this didn’t happen, this didn’t happen, but then he beat me, i get the impression that there was not just some kind of game there, with a towel, or just a slap on the butt, i think that there were serious physical punishments there. well, let's
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really understand further anastasia, did you and your husband often quarrel? no, not often, i don’t argue, we had quarrels, we tried to quarrel without the children, so that they wouldn’t hear to go somewhere or to another room or even go outside, so that this wouldn’t happen. let's restore the chronology of that day: what happened before you wrote a statement on your husband? the husband went to the bathhouse, he said that he was going to a business meeting because he needed to discuss some points with the man. i say, well, how will there be wives, no, that’s all , i’m also interested in who he’s going with, he said no, there will only be purely men’s, that’s all, but you were jealous, well, yes, jealousy slipped through, that’s all , he arrived late in the evening, we quarreled a little , quarreled, just because of jealousy, well, yes, i asked him, but there was no one there, we were just there and we knew what these people had, that’s all, and we are already, as they say, done we went to bed, but in the morning we somehow quarreled a little about this. what am i saying
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, it’s as if there was no one, he’s already a little on edge, that he shook me, what are those shoulders, what are you, are you going crazy , are you starting to say, he says, well, there was nothing, there was no one , why are you going crazy, and as they say, somehow he shook me, i jumped out of his hands, and it fell on the basins here, something else, at that moment his parents just came in, that’s it, they took the girls, we went to his parents, they saw ours for the first time a quarrel, it started that since you quarreled so much that you... are already together, as they say, it’s not going to be everything else, as if they were leading to the fact that you need to call the police, let’s write a statement, because it’s different already nothing will happen anyway , i say, i won’t write anything, no, come on, come on, let’s write, but i just can’t convey the emotions i was in at that moment, a statement, they called the police, that is, if not for the arrival of your father-in-law, your husband would be nearby right now, yes, because if he just acted like a human being, like a father...
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wiser, just calm down, and he will calm down, there at home, you are with us, and we have already made up in the morning, so why now you just return your husband if you wrote the statement yourself, well , because i wrote the statement out of emotions, because i was at that moment i was very upset and emotional, as they say , that’s what exactly you wrote in the statement, you wrote that we had quarreled, as they say, you said that he shook me by the shoulders, that’s all i fell.. .that’s all, yes, i wrote that of course he was asking me there, but you were it hurt a lot, yes it hurt me, as they say, because i fell, after your statement my husband was immediately detained, no, they called the police, they called the police and started checking, how many children do you have, anastasia, we have five girls, what age? 12, 10, 8, 3
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almost two, but they interrogated you, your husband, and your daughters, yes, yes, separately, yes, we are at the police. when we arrived, we met, they told us, if your testimony differs, then you will not be reconciled, and the children will be taken away, and when we later arrived for the girls, we said, girls, it will have to be like this to say that mom and dad hit you, because we won’t have it, they won’t measure us, they’ll take you away, that is, you taught your daughters how to answer questions from the investigation, yes, only later, when we talked to people , they said, well we already talked to other people and said, what are you doing, why are you...
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home, how long after your examination and interrogation were you all released , your husband’s statements were detained? in the twenties of january, in february, on february 27 , the girls were taken from us... on the fifth, i was summoned for questioning by the investigator, this is marta, and after the interrogation of your husband was delayed, yes, because we refused to testify, and under what circumstances were your children taken away from you? we just picked up our penultimate daughter from kindergarten, the district police officer called us and said that we urgently need you to be home, we are approaching, there is a bus, and a police car is standing there, and people are already there, somewhere in the car, on the street, near your house , street, yes, we approached the district police officer, he said that we needed to go into the house, we all went into the house and they were already poking us with this piece of paper that they were taking from us children, due
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to the fact that criminal cases have been opened against us, the fact that we do not fulfill parental rights, so that we punish children there, everything else, well, that’s it, the children ran up to me, as they say, grabbed hold of me, already mom, we’re going nowhere we won't go. i hug them , try to calm down, they explain that we will now take the children away from you and put them in the hospital, then i explain to the children that you girls, don’t be afraid, they will just put you in the hospital so they can take tests on you, check that it is your health, after that they were taken away, yes they were taken away, how long they spent in the hospital, from the twenty-seventh to the fifth i also took them chocolate bags, because they had to fold things. the next day, that is, the sixth, they had already gone to see their grandfather, your husband’s father, he became a temporary guardian, now you see with the children, no, at first it was four days, i called him, we talked a little, but well if you talk, if it’s on
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speakerphone, your stepmother is standing there and is already talking, so you don’t talk about it, you just keep quiet, you don’t have time, well, something. in that sort of, therefore, that is, i could , for example, find out, well, how are you girls, how are you doing at school, what’s going on there, what’s going on in the kindergarten , something like this, everything, your conversation was monitored, and then your father-in-law forbade you to call, then i’m calling, maybe it’s the fifth day, or no , it’s probably the fifth day, i’m calling and my stepmother tells me that nastya, that’s it, i won’t let you communicate with the girls, because guardianship... forbids it, it’s hard for you, in the morning i just force myself to get up, there is no one to cook for, no one, as they say, to do anything for, and if i say, they got up earlier, they made some noise,
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we're going to school , while you're combing everyone's hair, until, as they say, someone remembers that somewhere they lost a pencil or something, we start looking, now there's all this silence, it's quite strong and it's very late, victoria, how did you understand the situation in which anastasia found herself? i have the impression that there is no violence against children here, it’s just that an unpleasant circumstance has developed, plus , as i understand it, my father-in-law contributed to this whole situation, that people are legally unskilled, not unfamiliar with the laws, we found ourselves in such a trap, that is , it turns out like this, a good family, a sweet, gentle, kind mother, wife, suddenly she writes a statement for no reason at all. then they incriminate themselves, telling the children: you don’t say this, but say it like this, and why? well, even if you
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are not at all savvy in any legal knowledge, and we are the majority as a person who was not in such a state emotionally, i personally think why you think so, i am married, for a very long time, i have a daughter, i two grandchildren, you know, i 've seen a lot, i have a huge circle, i i myself have been in some situations like this. it implies a single long-term line of behavior with repeated beatings, with
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repeated acts of psychological or physical violence, including pinching , biting, spitting, hitting with various objects, but this should be a single, long-term ongoing story if some kind of quarrel and conflict occurred once , there is absolutely no such qualification and what is the maximum penalty for this in the family? this is an administrative beating, a fine of one thousand rubles. alena, what reasons should there be for in order for a criminal case to be opened specifically under the article of torture, law enforcement agencies will not initiate a criminal case out of the blue, that is, the guardianship authorities went out, checked, that is, interviewed the children, apparently the children accordingly informed the psychologists about what happened about the beatings, about the torture, that harm to health has been committed. anastasia, here’s... a question: are you sure your husband didn’t beat you or the children? i definitely didn’t beat you, as
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the specific punishment was small, but that doesn’t mean that you’ll be deprived of your phone there, or let’s say, something, as they say, go for a walk not to let go, yes, it was because it was different, but he didn’t raise his hand either to you or to the children, to slap you on the butt, sometimes that happened too, but he didn’t hit him hard, no, of course, your neighbor is sure that now you have stood up for your husband. just because you are madly afraid of him, in the studio marina svinykh, hello, hello, why are you defending him? marina, why do you think that anastasia is afraid of her husband, well, because she calls her mother-in-law and says that he beats her, that she has a bad relationship with him, he told me, her blood, anastasia, this happened , no, this didn’t happen, she sometimes calls at... at night she will tell her, but what do you know about anastasia’s quarrel with her husband, after which she
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wrote a statement to the police, i have such reliable information , that her husband beat her half to death in the bathhouse, she was allegedly covered in blood, then the older children saw, they called their grandfather and said that dad was beating mom, their grandfather arrived, he sort of separated them, took two children, well, how many did i have information such as left and... what did the husband do at that time, when his father took the children, the husband allegedly then walked around the village, talking, and even smashed his car. anastasia, now questions for you, that evening your husband really beat you severely, you didn’t just fall, no , of course, now this is gathering gossip, they said something in one place, as they say, they farted, in another, i apologize , it’s already in your pants, it’s like that, it’s a common thing, so it’s all unfounded,
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for a short time, because when you buy groceries, and the children take it and smear everything there or something else, they’ll cut up the bananas or use yogurt on the walls, on both things, they were closed, but then we talked to him and decided that it was better
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to remove the stools so that they don’t crawl, and not to put anything on the lower shelves that they could smear, crush, or something. bother, well then why are people talking about it? what reason should there be? maybe out of envy that we have a lot of, as they say, cattle, in our village, you can count on your fingers who has at least one cow, but you have a large farm and they envy you? probably yes. marin, neighbors, often heard from anastasia's house screams, crying, noise, a request for help , maybe no one heard anything, they live because they are very far away, they live on the outskirts, almost in the forest, you can’t really reach them there. it’s impossible to get there, well, i think he and my husband did it all so that it was not seen, not heard, and svetlana, in your opinion, anastasia gives the impression of a person whom her husband kept on a chain, you know, yes, i have a suspicion , that really this is the fact that when anastasia presented it, when her husband pushed her, for her
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it seemed, well, just like how you presented it, that it’s nothing to worry about and... this tolerance for violence, this stockholm syndrome, yes, when i get used to the fact that i am constantly in violence, for me this is already the norm, well, the truth is that reality is distorted, and there are consequences and for the children, after all, anastasia, the mother of, let’s note, five girls, they will take a model for themselves for building subsequent relationships in life from their mother, and you bear a huge responsibility for... your daughters, the fact that you are now enduring violence, this will affect your children in the future, unfortunately, and this is something that needs to be worked with. marin, if everyone knew that things were bad in anastasia’s family, why didn’t any of the neighbors help her? no one will step on her, because
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everyone is afraid of him, why are they afraid of anastasia’s husband, and her husband is an aggressive person, yes, he is aggressive, he can hit, he can... that is, hit, i have a friend, he has an employee, he worked with him as an employee, just what he owed him, he beat him half to death because he did not pay him back. anastasia , do you know something about this case ? you say, but about the children, anastasia, what can you say, when their children were taken away from them, i personally know that... when they were in the hospital, for 2 days they were all silent, the children did not say anything at all, they were silent, not answered the psychologist’s questions: do you think the children were afraid of their father? yes, i think they were afraid, anastasia, your children were afraid your husband? it’s possible that then, that dad was swearing a little, somewhere they were a little wary, well, they weren’t wary, but they were afraid that dad would swear, but in
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another sense there’s no such thing, but what do you think the children could have done? the truth comes out, it’s unclear, i don’t think there’s anyone out there like she doesn’t really deny it anymore, she just applies it a little and every time she reveals something, alexander, what do you think, i think that most likely it could have been be, because it’s not even physical punishment, but enslavement, so -called forced labor, that children from from dawn to dusk they could be forced to work in the garden, take care of animals,
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when they have to study at school, when they want to meet with their peers, of course it’s depressing and of course it’s torture that they... well, you did such a thing here, it tore me apart. i'm delighted, i'm just , i'm just delighted, mask, anniversary fifth season, here are
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call free anonymous mask - new season on sunday at 20:20 on ntv abroad it was beyond the bounds of the wife who wrote a statement to the police against her husband when the man was taken away and presented. i didn’t beg to take him back home. marina, tell us, what else do you know about a father’s attitude towards his children? well, there were also rumors, nastya, that he was locking us out and didn’t give us food, didn’t feed us, locked them out where? of course, no , this has never happened, during the game we can, let’s say, hop, closed the doors, they go around like that and catch up, they all caught dad, here we are in the stable fooling around, maybe dad will just take us like that, like that, hop v snowdrift, he’s right there with... floundering with us all, yes, we have that, it’s like then in general with a child you can’t not touch him at all, god forbid, in general ugh, you don’t even have to play with him, or what? everything
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the neighbors say. from your point of view, this is just a game, in fact, no, not what they say - it’s not true. marina, if everything was as you say, why did anastasia allow her husband to abuse the children, is she afraid of her husband, maybe she herself was somehow involved in this? do you think that children are in danger with them? well, i i think, if with such a dad, yes, to summarize, do you think that anastasia is under the yoke of her husband? i think yes. so she believes that anastasia was behind her husband , like behind a stone wall, in the studio veronika savchenko, hello, veronica, hello, as i understand it, you think that anastasia was lucky with her husband, i think so, if something it wouldn’t be like this in the family, nastya wouldn’t have lived with her husband for so many years and wouldn’t have given birth to so many children, and how many years have you been married, anastasia? we have been living together for 15 years. all this
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time you were a happy wife, yes, veronica, you’ve known anastasia’s family for a long time, i come with a relative, nastya’s husband, nastya and i have known each other for more than 10 years, all this time i can’t say anything bad about this family. well , marina, anastasia’s neighbor, says that the locals are afraid of your relative, that he is aggressive, what nonsense, this is not fear, this is just not love. a lot of dirt is poured on those people who achieve something in their lives themselves. well, okay, then tell us the truth about anastasia’s husband, what kind of person is he? he is responsive he is a good father, caring, nastya is behind him, like behind a stone wall, in fact, she is protected from all external worries, absolutely, from material worries, from paper worries, she knows nothing of this, absolutely.
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the word was chosen, they say that anastasia is not allowed out anywhere, and you say, she is protected from external worries, maybe this is a form of protection for him, just like he doesn’t let her out on children’s holidays, nastya is always present in the hospital if the child needs to undergo a medical examination there or the child is sick, nastya travels with them, not dad, do you know anything about the fact that your relative beat a man to a pulp, which one? it was an employee of my friend in dolmatovo, he beat him to the... where are the facts of this statement according to you and i was beaten half to death, you explain this, tell me how you can know how the family lives, please tell me, what kind of neighbor are you ? i think that nastya’s husband is so cruel that...
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to beat her or the children half to death, well, this is stupidity, but have you ever seen anastasia’s bruises on children, i haven’t, the fact is that children are children, they all grow up with bruises, they come home from school with bruises , our children study in the same class, i specifically asked my daughter when this all started, daughter, have you seen the girls have bruises, they change clothes in the gym, he says, no, mom, i never... never saw and i never saw any bruises, either on nastya or on the children, and anastasia’s husband took care of the children, the husband is a caring father, he always takes his children to school, when i ask him to take him to the city for shopping, he always leaves the store with full bags, because i saw it all myself, there are sweets and fruits , all this is being done to an exemplary father, i think so, but what about the children, anastasia, how do they behave at school, are they
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in general? did they look thin and hungry? hungry, god forbid, judging by the holidays, they never rush for sweets or fruit, that is, they don’t enough, and how can children be hungry having their own farm. anastasia, do you always have food in your house? yes, we always have potatoes, meat, we always have fruits, vegetables and milk, there’s butter, sour cream, it ’s always there, the girls love cooked food, so i mean, if you have a large farm, you
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probably do something else yourself . so that they can make us different sausages. veronica, did your husband provide well for his wife and children? well, judging by the way the children look well-groomed, dressed, dressed according to the season, the clothes are clearly old or new? of course, the children are provided for. maria, veronica’s words sound convincing to me, as veronica’s words about being in such a situation about him being with full packages are not an indicator, because i had a friend for a long time who was with full packages. beat me so that it was simply merciless, so this, unfortunately, for me personally, does not show how terrible it is, sergei, on the other hand, if everything was really bad, but for sure
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they would have paid attention to the condition of the children at school, first of all , if this was not done, the same they didn’t see any bruises, yes, if the school didn’t pay attention, there’s probably some truth in veronica’s words, the children are not withdrawn, the children communicate. this is violence within the family. let's get back to the situation. veronica, how did you find out and from whom did you find out about what happened? from our mutual relative, i immediately called to find out what happened and how, in general, how could it be that they came and took the children. and after what happened, did you see the children? a couple of times, just recently, after a parent meeting, the eldest girl came into school, said hello and quickly ran away, the middle girl, when she saw that the adults were leaving the school, she immediately
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separated from the flock of children, ran headlong into the school, the middle daughter after the parent meeting, the parents entered the class, the chess room, where the children were sitting, studying, taking their children. she looked that something was wrong, lowered her head and thought, and then my daughter told me that she would like to live with her mother, daughter nastya, that is, the children miss their mother, and why do you think grandparents do not give anastasia see children? i think what they are going through is the children rebel, communicating with their mother regularly, and go home, home, home, and... after what happened, anastasia can’t find a place for herself? you know, it seems to me that she has lost 40 kilograms, aged 40 years, that’s how much she has changed, when talking, coming to her or on the phone, she constantly
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tears, do you think that the children should be returned to their mother? this is a must, children cannot live without a mother. let's see what conditions the children lived in? forty-year-old anastasia gileva shows a small wooden house in the village of shikovskoye, kurgan region, another month ago she lived here with her large family, here we have a sofa, a three-bedroom sofa, here my girls slept, the older ones, here my husband and i were together, as they say, we slept, here on this side we had a small bed children's room, but since there is a stove here, a wooden bed, it has dried out, and the new bed is in the garage, i can’t assemble it alone, the closets with clothes and school supplies of anastasia’s daughters are empty, only toys, personalized pillows and a small chest with embroidery hoops are left at home and threads for embroidery, our whole chest is embroidered, they didn’t
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embroider last year, now after the new year they have crocheting, mom shows how to crochet, since... she was left alone, the desire to cook has disappeared, the hostess admits, although she used to love to spoil her daughters and husband with a variety of dishes, they love homemade sausages in pastry; they were in the hospital, my mother ordered cooked, they love borscht soup, or this creamy soup with croutons, so that the house is always warm and cozy, a mother of many children every day lit the stove, if we allow days cool, when... you just get up early, flood, when they go to kindergarten, the school is already heated, they are just getting dressed, crawling out from under the clothes, everything is fine, every evening parents and daughters took turns washing in the bathhouse that anastasia and her husband we built it with our own
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hands, we steam in the bathhouse with birch brooms, my husband usually steams it before he steams, the girls lie on the shelves, everyone likes to steam. anastasia, i see that you can’t hold back your tears, because you immediately remember how we played, how we were fooling around. dad first throws one child on the sofa, as they say, and throws the second one, we immediately pull the little ones away so that they don’t end up here right away, they immediately climb, so it’s like, i don’t know, i don’t think that we have such these are the conditions, as they say, or all this gossip that is collected, we don’t have that. olga, how do you like the conditions in which the children lived? yes, you understand, normal village conditions, this is not some kind of drunken family whose children need to be taken away. this is not the kind of mother who needs
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take away the children, what’s wrong, what did they do with their husband against their children, that it was necessary to destroy this happy family, as far as i understand and see with my own eyes, i don’t know, i don’t think that the husband tortured everyone there, or they there, together, especially with her husband, they tortured their children, i think that they raised them, as they had been raised for centuries in villages, children were taught to work, well, nothing that would go beyond the norms. we, i think, my impression is, after all, it didn’t happen there. what impression do you have, vladimir? anastasia is used to living good, like behind a stone wall, as veronica said, with her husband. and such a small conflict, the fact that he went to the bathhouse, they had a fight, she fell, she expressed so many emotions of resentment that she went to file an application, but she did not think that these were the consequences and consequences would be like this, but it turned out so, it turned out terrible, yes. is it really possible that out of one conflict a person can
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go and write a statement, like a mother, i want the children to be with their mother, better than their mother, no one can love them and support them, but there cannot be a conflict out of nowhere, and i i think many felt this, understatement, insincerity, it turns out the beatings were filmed in the hospital, in the clinic , in all likelihood, where they were filmed, there are documents confirming... the offer is at a very favorable price, and even more profitable with a 50% cashback from alfabank,
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that her rape was part of a ritual of a satanic sect, very serious people, they have their eyes and gosh everywhere, if you run for office, the legislative assembly, i will cut off your finger, i’ll start with little finger, stop for a moment, you are not as beautiful as you are unique, sorry, i didn’t offer, i’m going to take a nap.
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there are a huge number of cases when a family looks happy, prosperous, even to their closest friends, and then something happens, they dug, it even happens by accident, such a terrible truth is revealed that you wouldn’t even think about, which is hard to believe, maybe it’s this is exactly the case, it seems to me that this is exactly the case, because too many people cannot be mistaken at the same time, these are representatives guardianship authorities, it was the district police officer who was at their house when the children were taken away, these are the neighbors who say and admit that the refrigerator was locked, these are the children who hung their heads down when they returned from the hospital and after they were taken away, everything says
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that children could still be tortured, of course, children are better off with their mother than somewhere in the reflection. other relatives or even worse in the orphanage, but the situation, as you correctly say, most likely could have taken place, it was hidden, for some reason this concealment took place. anastasia, she claims that you were under the complete control of your husband and even agreed for his mistress to live with you. in the studio of ekaterina shirokogo. hello, ekaterina. where did you get the information about your mistress? well, my sister told me that when they met, he brought her home with him. nastya was against it at first, but then agreed with his opinion. that is, your sister met her husband anastasia, and do you have any specific examples? well, as my sister claimed, nastya was sitting on one knee,
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on the other, she, that is, anastasia, did not mind the fact that your sister, essentially a mistress, was sitting on her husband’s lap. well, she agreed. with his opinion, because she was afraid of him, it was 7 years ago, you also know about this, she was pregnant, yes, they had a relationship, for 3-4 months, and he took her to his home, she lived there for a week in such a harsh attitude, at one moment, when he left home, she ran away, ran away, that is, he kept her there forcibly, she came home to us, told us what he had taken from her phone, then when he left, ekaterina, your sister was pregnant from anastasia’s husband, no, no, she was pregnant from jogo, and how long did this triple union last, 3 months, this is the first time i’ve done this. yes , i’m shocked too, marina, this village , everyone would know it, it was, it was, it was, why only you know, well, because they know,
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let’s say i don’t know about it, ekaterina, if anastasia was afraid of her husband, as you say, why didn’t she just divorce him, but she was afraid of him to such an extent that suddenly she would have gone there to write a statement, i don’t know, if a woman was afraid of a man, she wouldn’t give him so many children, how could a husband scare his wife like that, is he white? yes, he beat her, she’s even from home , how do you know that he beat her , please tell me, you yourself were present at this, you saw it, someone told you, not only someone told you, it was all in front of the children, that children will also lie, and the children talked about it, yes, they talked about it, they were interrogated, but if she is not afraid of him, why didn’t she withdraw the application then, they asked her not to let them take the application, i want. continue with you, you saw anastasia often, i saw you only once , he didn’t let her go anywhere, it’s good if you think that he
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didn’t let her go anywhere, like she was at children’s parties, at which ones, at least someone would say what was she there? katya, we study together in the same class, we also went together, i never saw her there when her eldest daughter studied there, if you studied in the same school as your eldest. anastasia’s daughter, yes, you said, tell me about her children, what they are like, well, i only know her eldest daughter, when we came to school, it was as if her daughter was also intimidated, intimidated , even someone came up to her, her hands were shaking, don’t be stupid, i mean, don’t be stupid, that’s how it was, children come to school in the summer we can play from the other end of the village to the other end of the village, ride bicycles, i don’t see scared children, and anastasia’s daughter never complained. no matter what, she didn’t ask for help, didn’t tell her about any problems with her parents, no, she was afraid, maybe all of this. victoria, what do you think?
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was the girl just afraid or did she really have nothing to talk about? children always, if something bothers them, they are not adults, yes , who can control themselves and know who to say what, children always divide among each other, and this always spreads very quickly in the classroom, between friends, therefore. i think if she doesn’t know anything, most likely there was simply nothing to tell, and a story with shaking hands and intimidation, who notes? i don’t know, i just didn’t quite, not really, they approached, her hands were shaking like that, svetlana, but because of what could it be, the girl’s hands are shaking, this is evidence of this, it definitely indicates that she is being beaten, which means she is nervous at this moment, that is, these could be the consequences of the contact that happened before, some kind of traumatic one. ..
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they cope well with conditions, because parents can contain, return emotions , that is, parents take care of their child , including emotionally, that is, this is at least a signal that there were emotional swings in the family, so to speak, as if parents did not could take care of exactly emotionally about the child, because most likely there was no place for them, well, there was no place emotionally for taking care of the children, because most likely, well, there were a lot of problems of their own and... and you know what anastasia is asking now return her husband and children? yes, i know, just so that he comes out and starts
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this whole story again, but yours shouldn’t be returned? i just want to understand, in this family the source of evil for children is the father or father and mother, father, if he were not in this family, they would live happily, i hope do you think so, what punishment do you think this man deserves? deprive him of parental rights and imprison him? we have a comment from the investigative committee. investigative authorities have opened criminal cases against spouses living in the dalmatovsky district of the kurgan region for torturing their young children. according to the investigation, during 2023, parents systematically beat their own children for disobedience. as part of the preliminary investigation , a legal assessment will be given to the actions of the spouses for improper performance of parenting duties. were adults exterminated? of course not. alena, what do you say about the investigative committee’s comment? the act has been committed, that is, there is a law, according to which,
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accordingly, the guilty persons will be punished. but i think that here in a quiet moment the devils are being introduced, i think there really were beatings and torture , all these chains, but they won’t out of the blue initiate criminal cases under such serious charges, well, they won’t take the children away from the mother , that is, without reason, there is a whole the investigative team carried out the event , the prosecutor's office supported it, that is, everything here is within the framework of the law, and if anastasia's guilt is proven, what could she face, from three to seven, so i think there will be such a serious punishment imposed? and if it is proven that anastasia herself was subjected to violence, will this be a mitigating circumstance? i believe that this may be an acceptable mitigating circumstance, but we need to understand how they collected the evidence base, that is, what they started from, certain measures have already been carried out there investigative actions that formed the basis of the conclusions and prove guilt, as i understand it, and if it is
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proven that anastasia’s husband. sassia can’t find a place for herself and admits that she’s very worried. the woman tries to add an explanation to each answer. have you ever hit a child with a belt? no, with a belt, no, in latin, yes, no comment, please, i'm sorry. a few minutes later, anastasia pulled herself together. the specialist continued asking questions. have you ever raised your hand to your children? no. there were cases when
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you deliberately did not give it to children. food? no. have you seen your husband hit your children with a belt at least once? no. did you know that your husband beat your children? yes, i punished him. did you or your spouse deliberately lock your children in the stable for punishment? no. then the polygraph examiner finds out whether the woman herself suffered beatings from her husband. has your spouse ever beaten you? no. has your spouse ever held you back? on a chain, no, you are afraid of your husband, no, anastasia, when you took the polygraph test, it was scary, yes, i was very worried, you were questions that were unpleasant for you, yes, for me all these questions were, as it were, unpleasant, because my husband, as they say, punished, which means for the purpose of raising children, yes, and i clapped the towel, well, that’s the same not murderous, as they say, as
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she tells everything like this, ah-ah-ah-ah-ah, there was no such thing, anastasia, but nevertheless...
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she didn’t close her ears. in answers to the question , she explained that she could have made some rude statements or slaps that were for educational purposes. as for the spouse, she found strength and admitted that her husband beat the children. and she also lied on one question: did her husband beat her? she said no, to the right. she said no, and that was a lie. her husband beat her, yes. yes, it happened that he just like that, when we had a fight, were arguing, he pushed me onto the sofa like that, and somehow i... that because i fell, that he waved, it hurt, it was physical, but that doesn’t mean that there it is, as they say, he beat me, anastasia, tell me honestly, you need help, no, you ’re covering for your husband, because children and husband, no, i’m not afraid of my husband, i only need help so that my children are returned to me and my husband is released, because as
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they say, it doesn’t exist, does anastasia have a chance to get her daughters back, we’ll continue later. a fifty-six-year-old resident of the tula region recalls her turbulent youth. of four children, she took the house with her, well , the house, because she was deprived of parental rights , she fell asleep and crushed her, i didn’t take the eldest ones with me on time, the house was sold, the money was squandered , she swears that has changed and wants to look into the eyes of the children who grew up without her, to beg for forgiveness, i didn’t deserve for them to feel something towards me, but will they be able to find all the children decades later, will they be happy to meet you, that you died, you sent me to a boarding school, from where they took the children for the weekend, except me , she tied us up and went to drink with the neighbors , my heart didn’t touch me to come to us , i just had no one to leave the cattle with, you
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tankatali premium - a symbol of male success and maximum sexual energy. get tank from ali premium right now for free. find out how by calling 8800 2009 456. all conversations are confidential. kirkorov vs. dorokhov. stars on saturday at 21:20 on ntv. victoria korlyakova, let me go, maxim stoyanov , someone knew that sooner or later you would get involved in this case, yuri chursin, i will find the killer, i swear to you, black sun, premiere, today at 20:00 on ntv, beyond , this is beyond the bounds, in order to prove her innocence and the innocence of her husband, the wife was tested for lie detector, hello. and anastasia has a chance
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to return the children, of course, it will be very difficult , that is, practically possible, there is little chance at this stage, in her situation now , i think, she needs to raise the question of acquittal in a criminal case, to retain parental rights for with this in mind, then she will be able to get the children, i think that this is the real way in which anastasia could get the children back. alexander, can you, for your part, take control of this situation? yes, of course, i will advise you that the way out this situation exists, there is no need to give up, if, as you describe, you are prohibited from changing your testimony, that is, the lesser evil, you can admit that you gave them incorrectly, the most important thing is that you must be protected, including by organizations, the bodies that exist are the ombudsmen for children's rights under the president of the russian federation, she can take this matter under control, the ombudsman for human rights in your region, then you can too. go to an appointment with the head of
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the investigative committee for the region, the prosecutor in the region, the first thing that needs to be achieved is the termination of this criminal case by explaining that there was self-incrimination, you will advise her about these steps, and i will advise her, i will help you, it will have an impact. svetlana, do you think anastasia needs your help? i believe that yes, you are now grieving the future you dreamed of. it has disappeared, and this is such a loss, time is needed to live it, to build your present and your future on this empty place, and of course, the fact that anastasia is alone now is very unusual a fortune for a mother of five children, i see your tears, all this can be dealt with, can you work with anastasia? yes i can.
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anastasia, will you fight to have your children returned to you? yes, sure. i want them to know that mom and dad love them very much. and without them we are like without air. and it is very difficult for us not to see, not to hear and not to feel them nearby. not a hug, not a kiss, not a hand to hold, not a fairy tale to tell. that is, it’s very difficult, it’s like they forbade me to breathe, for me it’s like this condition, i just can’t live without them, well, these are mine, these are my children, whom i can’t, i don’t see myself in this life without them, without my husband, i just don’t see this, anastasia, you know, i...


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