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tv   DNK  NTV  April 1, 2024 5:50pm-7:01pm MSK

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this can all be dealt with. can you work with anastasia? yes i can. anastasia, will you fight to have your children returned to you? yes, sure. i want them to know that mom and dad love them very much. and we are without them, like without air. and it is very difficult for us not to see, not to hear and not to feel them nearby.
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“i believe in objectivity, in justice, if you really didn’t do anything bad to your children, then after the proceedings the children will definitely be returned to you, i believe in this. remember that with any problem you will always you can contact our program for help, we will continue tomorrow, a new dna test right now. watch tomorrow in the program beyond. a pensioner has filled his house with rubbish, so he has to climb into it through the roof. i have a refrigerator through which i climb up, walk along the throw of the fence, through the top, through everest, i am a former climber, as they say. neighbors don’t know what to do with the rats, snakes and stench running from the landfill. when i looked, there were various things lying around there, a child’s car seat, i counted. wooden doors, mosquito proof
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nets, leftover food, in the summer, especially in extreme heat, there is a corpse smell, these are all slander, slander against me, it is convenient for you to live like this, it is absolutely inconvenient to live, but i am forced to live, because this is my means of subsistence, this is beyond the bounds, tomorrow at 16:45 on ntv. is it guardianship? she has parental rights to four children, and now she dreams of meeting them and begging for forgiveness. in our studio elena sapozhkova. hello iverna. hello. how long have you not seen your children? i probably haven’t seen my elders for 30 years. and with the youngest are 20, even more. and you... i
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also didn’t take the older ones with me on time and i was deprived of parental rights for this, and the youngest one for drunkenness, all these children, they are from the same man, no, the first five are from one man, and the last one is from another man, six children in total, and who do you think? it’s my fault that everything turned out this way, that the children, the first older and younger ones, grew up without you, it’s my fault, you are your husband, the father of five children, how you met him, i was young, 17 years old, i was in my eighteenth year, and how since grandfather died, my grandmother died, my aunt sold the house, i had nowhere to live, so i, well, one might say, was a wanderer. it was hot that day, so
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i decided to take a swim and dived from the shore into the river, well , then a boat floats, i dived under this boat and almost got cut down with a propeller, i emerge, and he’s at me, well, what are you doing, why? you dive under a boat, we could kill you with a propeller, well, you probably want to eat, i say, well, yes, today i never ate at all. the last bus left, well, i stayed overnight with him, in short, on the very first night we did pashka, what was his name? here is your chosen one and you immediately began to live together, and he said that’s the key. to be
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at home, i’ll come home from work, i don’t have a second key, so to be at home, since then i ’ve been living with him this same thing, when sergei found out that you were pregnant, he asked you to get married? well, yes, we got married, yes, we signed, and a week later i went to give birth, you and your husband took care of the child together, he was also happy about his first-born, of course, of course, of course, we tried to do everything so that the boy’s childhood was happy, so that he would have everything it was good, yes, he was a normal boy, like all children, why was he, because once again the first feed, i gave him a bottle and put it down. i didn’t give it to him in the crib, i put it with me, so i fell asleep, while he was eating, i fell asleep and pressed him down, in short, just like that, the visiting nurse came and said, this is the same thing, i say, but i just fell asleep, maybe we won’t wake him up, all that
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stuff, she says, no, we need to wake him up, that ’s if, if she hadn’t decided to wake him up, i wouldn’t even know that he was lying dead, and how many boys were there? 3 months, when the visiting nurse finally explained to you that the child had died, what happened next, she almost threw herself under the train, stopped me on the edge, caught me by the collar right next to the rails, you felt the loss so hard, very hard, you blamed yourself, oh, that’s not the right word, but the husband is like sergei, and the husband said, until you give birth to a boy, you will give birth, and so after...
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only until 10 months, i fed her, she ate a lot, well then, well, like a burp she was having trouble, she was belching air along with the mixture, that’s when that day i i fed her, well, as usual, as usual, she ate two bottles, well, i held her so that she would burp into the air, well, apparently she didn’t hold her much, but the new apartment, the cold... at home, we wore outerwear so as not to freeze, well, i wrapped her in a cotton blanket, when apparently she didn’t burp all the air and belched out the air along with the mixture, i went up to check, to see
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how she was sleeping normally, not sleeping, but it was already choked, how did you survive the loss of your second child , very hard? was there any investigation? no, i called it myself police officers, i called an ambulance. alexey, should there be some kind of check on the mother in this case, for a mother whose second child dies due to negligence. most likely, a pre-investigation check was carried out, as a result of which it was revealed that there was no criminal element, most likely this is exactly what happened. seraphim, you can imagine that. i was worried about a mother who, like this, almost one after another, loses her children, understands that she is to blame for this, it’s terrible, it’s very difficult to imagine and i don’t want to imagine it, terrible picture. elena, after luda, have you decided to have a child yet? well, yes, the fifth one was
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a girl, nastya. how did girls grow up? olga was born just like me in character, just like me. he was a father to the girls, well, well, an ordinary father, like all fathers, what a great husband he was , especially when we lived in a barn, next to his mother, he was coming from work, he was walking through their house, to his mother i definitely
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looked in, his mother is telling him noodles, lena is so and so, lena is fornicating, lena is walking, that’s it, kraev is coming to educate me. oh, how i brought you up, i didn’t know where to look, saving, in order to hide from this upbringing, i still have our scar. he put a knife to my throat, put a knife to my throat, shot with a gun, swung an ax, someday the realization that i had to leave such a husband, it came, it came when the last time he put a knife in my back drove me to the fifth floor alone in an apartment, now i will raise you, i decided, that’s it, stop mocking me, after that they immediately filed for divorce, but i first. i went to the city council to find out what i can do so that later to take the children with me, so they told me that
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this is the same thing, you can do a selection, as they called it, so that they can be taken away for a while for the care of the state, and then, well, in a year or there in 2 years, until when i settle down in a new place so that i could take them to my place, pick up the necessary certificates and take them to my place, that is, you agreed on... about the condition of the housing, is it suitable for children or not, well, when
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i went there again, i went to meet the cow, my cow took me to the stadium, and i came here filippov is sitting, crying, i came up, what is it, what is it, here he is, he attacked me, but i have nowhere to live, but let him in, well, i say, if you help with the housework, i ’ll let you in, but.. well, i let him in, so you took a certificate about the condition of the housing for the children, there was no time, as they say, he suggested that i go with him to my mother in the tula region to abandon this entire house that you bought for the girl, sell the house, sell the cattle, i warned him right away that if i go, i will take my children to you if you will be against it, i won’t do anything, i agreed, everything is fine, well, in general, you moved to this very tula region and took the girls, no, i didn’t take the girls,
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thank god i didn’t take the girls, like then vanya did to me i told him about the son whose son i gave birth to, how he tied him to a bench and beat him with a belt, in short, we come to his mother, here he is, mommy, mommy, hello, i haven’t been with you for 10 years, here i am, i ’ve arrived , here, meet me, they drank, so, well, he, in short, us, what’s his, her started me to raise me, he gave me a black eye, he broke my mother’s face and bled, she also beat her roommate half to death, on the very first day, the very first day, why didn’t we go back, because where, the house was sold, the money was squandered, as they say, there's no other way to say it, he's just...
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then i went on maternity leave, i was immediately put on maternity leave, and before the birth of the child i was on maternity leave, when ivan was born, in ninety-seven, on june 17, you took him home, well, yes, how did it happen, what you were deprived of parental rights to him when we already took him from filippov to saposhkov, and who is this? my third husband, vanya, how is he, how is it, how i didn’t give birth to anyone,
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well, not a brother or sister, he had no one to hang out with, we bought him a bicycle, that’s it, here he is on this bicycle to his friends began to leave, came late, one fine day he also lingered on the street, his neighbors, well, in short, nikolai, as... i remember his neighbor’s name was nikolai, he found him and suggested to him that let me take you to home, this, and vanya, no, i have friends there.
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eight you visited him yes i, well, when he was in when he was in the hospital i didn’t know where he was and i didn’t know where this hospital was i didn’t come to see him when he was transferred to the center, i don’t remember what this center is called there i i went there , i get a pension and that’s what i’m going to see him there
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, i’m bringing food there, well, hotels, every month i came to see him. what did they do to get him back? nothing, because one fine day i was invited into the courtroom and the verdict was read, deprived of parental rights, so, when i went to the center, they told me that he had been transferred to an orphanage, so i found a woman who helped me find this orphanage, we arrived and were told that vanya had already been adopted, so... and with all the desire i just didn't have time to pick it up. elena, why is it important for you to find children now? to see how they have grown, what they have become, i don’t want anything more from them. we conducted our own investigation and found a young man who was taken from his mother elena kraeva.
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only now he doubts that she, except him, there were also children. in the studio ivan philip. hello. hello. where did you end up after you were taken from your mother? afterwards, i ended up in the first mitsan unit in the tula region, then a boarding school, an orphanage, and a foster family. do you remember mom? vaguely, very vaguely, well, the blonde is tall in the body. did she ever visit you at the orphanage? no, i somehow arrived on the internet with a neighbor. once. did you expect mom to pick you up? every child is waiting to be taken away. what do you remember about life with your mother? i remember uchima, his desire to send me somewhere there, where i ended up. the grandmother who loved me through my stepfather, my mother’s alcoholism. probably everything. vague memories of that image, because i abstracted my life
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from those memories, because if my biological parents needed me, they would have found me long ago and taken me away. wherever i am, tell me about the foster family? well , in my foster family i became a family member, so in my memories my mother is still my foster mother. have you ever thought about finding your blood mother? no, she was the one who should have thought about it. i, an adult, an established personality, why do i need a person who did not participate in mine, in my life, in my upbringing? do you think you have brothers and sisters? according to the document that i have, and it states that i have neither brothers nor sisters, we have this document, let's look together, the guardianship and trusteeship authorities of the administration of the central district of the municipal formation of the city of tula report to your request, that filippov ivan yurievich is not an adult 17 born june 1997,
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has no brothers or sisters. according to my mother’s stories, i had a deceased brother, whom... she killed out of her own stupidity, and some sisters, i don’t remember the exact number, i know that it was definitely not one relative, perhaps not even two, more. alexey, how can you explain such a document? he definitely says that no, no brothers, no sisters. firstly, there is a secret of adoption; it is quite possible that they simply hid this in the documents. it is quite possible that when the second family was deprived of parental rights, there was no information in court about the first family. with the mother that you still have, understand, take a closer look, if in our studio the woman looks like the woman in your memories, well, i remember quite vaguely,
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i don’t dare to bravely say anything, so probably not. elena, you recognize in this young man your little skin like your father, like filippov, he’s like that.
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he might have wanted to be with you, but i would n’t allow it, well, i would wait, wait, when you went to first grade, we didn’t even have to dress you in anything, how decent, how smart are all the children there they dress, but looking at the way you are dressed, you were sent to a boarding school, well, children study there until the fourth grade. from your recollections, ivan, i understand that he really insisted that you be sent to a boarding school, they wanted to send me to school, since my birthday is in the summer, and on
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september 1 i am only 6.5 years old, and i i didn’t fit in there by age, you went to school at the age of 6, i went to a boarding school at the age of 6.5, you sent me, where, from where they took the children for the weekend, they took everyone except me and you we took it. they took you away, i personally went to pick you up, myself personally, and more than once i got on the tram, i sat down like a hare or something, damn it, well, i grew up early enough, we didn’t allow you to go on the tram yourself, because we were afraid of something, i would agree with the statement, if you tried not to allow, but you did, but you did not allow, what you did not allow, my homelessness, you are fornicating. when we bought you a bicycle, you began to go to your friends, to your friends somewhere, yes, who for some reason gave you a concussion too
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punished, after which they took me away, yes, yes, you remember this very well, but it was not a lesson for you, and i still ended up in an orphanage, do you believe now that elena can repent, mm, i don’t believe that that people change, i believe that this person may need something from me, that’s why i’m here, i don’t need anything from you. i only need one thing, to look at you, how you have grown and what you have become. elena says that she is a mother of many children, yes, but she lost all her children, no wonder, because own stupidity. do you want to ask who elena lost? well, of course i would like to know. olga sergeevna, kraeva, nadezhda sergeevna, kraeva, anastasia sergeevna kraeva. three daughters. ivan, i would like to. meet them, see what kind of people they are, yes, of course, a man came to our studio who adopted a girl nastya kraeva 30 years ago, our guest is
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alexander mokin, hello, hello alexander, please come in, why did you decide take a child from an orphanage, i lived with my wife for about 15 years, children. worked out, well we decided to take children from the mezhdrichensky orphanage, children, yes, two, nastya and seryoga, the children were not brother and sister, no, no, they, how to say, well, the wife wanted to take the girl, well, i tell her, well you will have a daughter, but i need a son, when we arrived in mezhdurechensk to the orphanage, well , this teacher showed me, well, he brought out the girl, a blond girl, this little dress, as
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it were... well, she opened her arms, immediately ran up to me, hugged me she screamed at my leg, dad, dad arrived, and then svetlana, as it were, also started communicating, my heart trembled right away, well, when the child hugs you, he says, dad, this is the first time in his life, and they began to change some of nastya’s data, well...
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elena, this girl, according to the description, looks like yours, she looks like, she’s always like that, she met me, mommy, spreads her arms, runs, mommy, mommy, mommy, mommy, mommy, she greeted everyone like that, no matter who approached her, she loved everyone, and everyone loved her, what age was nastya when you they gave her away for a while, a year and a half, alexander, does elena look like your nastya? yes, there is just a nose, lips a little. maybe this woman is your mother, anastasia? she has a mother. irina. irina - who is this? svetlana and i had a fire, our house burned down. and after that it was very difficult, the relationship began with svetlana. well, a year, i... but it didn’t work out, we
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got together and the kids stayed with me, i met this irina, how old was nastya then, about 11 years old, and nastya, she always knew that she was adopted, no , you know, how can i say, the village, it’s all talk, and the children, the parents, are talking in the kitchen, the parents, these children are listening, and... then comes to school and seems to begin that it’s not my family, not my family, well, nastya, seryozha, they asked how, well, i explained to them that somehow i’m not my family, then i went to the director, talked to him, well, it seemed to have stopped a little , well, somewhere around the age of 13, when nastya was, well, seryoga was older, well, we talked
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to the kid. well, nastya says, i knew, but i feel that her voice seems to be completely different, and she never wanted to find a biological family, she didn’t have much desire, so irina, so she found nadya, that ’s who nadya is, well i don't know what she is like older sister or younger, well, how did she know that she needed to look for a woman named nadya, she was looking for... so she knows that she has sisters, so she’s looking for you, can i give you nastya’s phone number, that’s how much your nastya has sisters, there seem to be three of them in total, where else will someone
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make ivan sad or happy by meeting his supposed sister and what will the dna test show? all the fun after a short advertisement. it’s not necessary like this, it’s necessary like this, like that, like that, clearly, i understand. this is how children's adidas sneakers are sold at the megamarket discount up to 20%. this is a star show. duels. denis dorokhov. let me go! let me go against philip kirkorov, so i’m actually a singer, and i do taxi for the soul, while there are no concerts, deceitful nature bent me and deprived me of beauty and height, i’m ugly and distorted, and before my time i was sent into the living world, that’s how i i see luntik, this is a housing issue, yeah,
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remedy, the emperor’s secret, is a happy opportunity to forget about failures and again feel the enjoyment of long-term intimacy with your loved one. do you want to know more? call: 800 100 exactly 30 27 8 800 100 exactly 30 27 find out details about the emperor's secret, free anonymous call, happiness to you and good luck in love. central television on saturdays at 19:00 on ntv. on the air on tnk. mother deprived of parental rights. dreams of looking into the eyes of her children and begging their forgiveness. elena, alexander’s adopted daughter, is happy that he raised her. in the studio anastasia gutova.
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hello, anastasia. hello. your father spoke very touchingly about you, touchingly spoke about your first meeting. do you have the same fond memories of your childhood? yes. well, one of the memorable ones was watching some movie, and there were the main characters, they were with a bow and arrows, that is, i kept pestering my dad. i say, i want a bow, i want a bow, i want a bow, dad, i want a bow, do it, do it, do it, make me a bow, and one morning i wake up, open my eyes, dad made it, i even remember what kind of wood it was, maple, in our garden there is a maple growing in the front yard, and from this maple he made two bows for me and seryoga with arrows, there really are arrows there were curves, but we were running, shooting, that is , this is the memory when we found out that you are not my own daughter, i found out this by accident, it just... happened, we went through a medical examination, well, this is a school one, when from office to
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office, from doctor to doctor, so they gave it to me, well, i don’t even remember how the medical card ended up in my hands, that is , i didn’t want to go to class, well, well , just because i didn’t want to, so i went , sat down on the bench there, i think i’ll look through it, that’s how you found out, yeah, i’m opening the first one page, so oh, i didn’t understand, anastasia viktorovna edged it on top with a different pen, different ink, different handwriting. it was signed mokina aleksandrovna, i think i didn’t understand, somehow i was so tense, i think, further, i scroll further, there’s more there, that is, well, me, why even, probably, i didn’t recognize and didn’t want to find out anything, because that this is what is written down, that it’s an unwanted child, that the umbilical cord didn’t heal there for a long time, there, well, that is, this is what i have right away, like this, no, i don’t want to, i won’t, but this is me for a long time still in to myself... uh, i kind of saved it like that, then i don’t even remember,
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to be honest, how i had a conversation with my parents, i even probably did this, well, i just remember that i got this card like that, well, let’s tell you, because that before this, as a child, i was despised and told, but you’re from grandfather, i say, why did you get the idea, i approached my parents with this question, i said, am i from grandfather, they’re like that, no, you’re our dear, here you go in the mirror, let's look at you, that's when your father confirmed your doubts? are you talking about your biological family? we started thinking, the desire to find already when you became, perhaps, a little older, no, the desire arose, no, the desire did not arise in me, it, it turned out like, for some reason, it arose in tetira, she began her own search and search , that is, she then said, i found, i found your relatives, i’m there, well, that is, she told me this, they say you want to know, i said, no, i don’t want, i’m not interested, so she said: that she found her sister , then i already had something there, something
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moved there, you began to communicate with hope, beijing already gave me a phone number, and at that time i was working in an organization , we went to kindergartens to give performances, then i understand that i have a business trip to mezhdurechensk, and nadya is in mezhdurechensk, i think, damn, well, i need to call, i called her, me it was really scary, and then a word, another word, another word, off we went, she and i talked for two hours, then i, well, i’m calling, i say, i’ll be there on monday, i say, actually, i say , come on, i say, let’s meet in person, we met, anastasia, nadezhda also came to our studio today, cool, i i haven’t seen her for 10 years, our guest is nadezhda yakovleva, damn, it’s been a while since we’ve seen each other. and really, hello, hope,
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hello, what did you feel when anastasia called you, excitement, because my sister died, i felt empty, and after 2 weeks nastya writes to me, an incomprehensible feeling, i can tell who you are talking about talk about olga, you grew up together, in an orphanage, and what happened to her, her roommate beat her, he was jealous, they... he beat her, well, there was no living space on her, to be honest, such a tragic, terrible death, you grew up with olga, you knew olga well, when anastasia appeared, called herself your sister, you immediately realized that nastya really is my sister, yes, we went to boarding school together, remember, how we ended up there, this is the event itself, how i appeared there, this fragment, this is from the words of... the nurses, the social teacher there, as i understand it,
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we were taken away from my mother and taken to the hospital, i clearly remember how i ended up in a boarding school, it was 3 years, and there were a lot of children it was, everyone looked at us like that, why were you taken away from your mother, she treated us badly, according to my aunt, they tied us to the bed, she tied us and went to the neighbors, hope... you immediately recognized this woman, my mother, never this didn’t happen, i never went to the neighbors, never, and where are the other two, pasha and lyudmila? wants me to talk about this, i fell asleep, if so, well, how, as grandmothers call this matter, i fell asleep, and luda stood in the apartment, luda choked on her own burp, and where was she at that
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moment, she was lying in the crib wrapped water bottle, and where were we all ? like in the apartment and they rushed there to the apartment, and she was already choking, you thought it was normal, i would have been me nadya, i was at home, i was in the next room, we didn’t leave her alone, we feel sorry for her, that grandfather died, he would tell everything, i want to hear exactly what why she sold the apartment, why she left us in boarding school? for what? did she throw 100 thousand to us like dogs? what 100 thousand? well, when she sold a two-room apartment, our bills dropped to 100,000, well, in those days it was a lot of money, it was cashed out; upon release, we only had 5 rubles left. they laughed at us, in
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those days it was a lot of money when i spent it, but now i understand why i didn’t have any help, because you were not deprived. very quickly then it was all deprived in absentia, that you, that dad, was, i was not deprived, here we are just like that in a boarding school lived, so we had nothing, we left with such zero, i filed a selection order in order to take you, but i met filippov and filippova said, i have children, if i go with you, i want them to take you to you, it was necessary to abandon us so that we could at least have some kind of help, i don’t want anything from you, i just. i wanted to see you, i don’t need anything else from you, i also wanted to see you very much, as many as 34, i want to hear from you why you, when you came to the boarding school, wanted to pick us up, they asked you about do it in the apartment, put a sofa, a tv, a refrigerator there, to which you replied,
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okay, in the end you didn’t come for us anymore, you didn’t come for us anymore, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet. you understand that for you, my sister died, she’s not alive now, i can’t, come on little one! skeins, come on, come on, come on, come on, elena, you understand what happened to olya, my eldest daughter died, she, one might say, repeated my fate, she went out, got along with a drunkard, the drunkard is her,
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kraev didn’t manage to do that with me done, succeeded and her live-in partner. to do this to her, well, you hope, you consider the mother to be responsible for the death of your sister, well, perhaps, if we still lived somehow in a family, maybe something was different, well, maybe somehow they, looking on us, somehow we both improved, we have something to say, elena, but what to tell, nothing can be changed, well, maybe we can still somehow establish contact in the future, if you forgive me, but you will never forgive me , i know this for sure, maybe after all. it’s worth starting to somehow improve, to somehow find a solution are we somehow communicating or something else? i will always, i will always, as they say, be grateful to you for this, but i, i, i, i’m not sure that you will forgive me, i just want to hear how all this happened for you, that we really ended up in a boarding school , that
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you still had the opportunity, you say, you bought a house, yes, i met vanya’s father at the wrong time, i was already collecting. documents to pick you up from the boarding school, well, from the edge, he wrote me a letter only once, he wrote that nastya was adopted, and you and olya are on the fifth internet you are there, and he visits you all the time, you’re smart, you’re beautiful and all that stuff, and your heart didn’t touch you to come to us, it touched you, but i just didn’t have anyone to leave the cattle with, i understand. i started this beast, a damn beast, for you, so that you, as they say, would have a dowry, in the end, and then i went to another city, there i lost my house, and my husband, and my cattle, and my children, hope, tell you how do we know that mom had to return, some conditions were set, because i’m talking about her i constantly found out, i have a court
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case, when they were looking for her, that she was in the tula region, when they were looking for her regarding the elements, that’s when they told me, i communicate, i communicated there on the internet with everyone well, i’m like there my own, probably there was some kind of fish in the water, everyone there loved me, when i sold the house in this side of the road, i was assigned alimony for you. this is the same thing, i probably paid 1.5 million for alimony, there was nothing, they looked for my mother for the elements, my mother and father, they said that my mother was hiding, about this, how do i then they already said that she gave birth there almost in prison, there she was in the hospital there, i don’t know, tuberculosis or what, in short, in the end they told us that she died, so that we wouldn’t poison our hearts and look there you, but after graduation i still. “i wrote , i applied, i tried to find you, is there really a mistake in the document issued to ivan, and he is not
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the only child of his biological mother, the dna test remains unpredictable, we’ll be back in a couple of minutes, the star of the nineties, the singer lika star, god, what a beauty, i tried to, reveals the deepest secrets of russian show business, i knew for sure that i was on the blacklist. why was she included in the list of allagachev’s personal enemies? revenge, it ’s good, cold, she was, very cold, that she was connected with vladimir presnyakov and fyodor bondarchuk, jump under the curtain, take off your clothes, how she gave up everything for marriage with an italian, he actually deceived me at the initial stage. why did you return to russia? i wanted to get a divorce 1.1 times, and for how long i haven’t hugged my children. oh, i already burst into tears, i missed you, of course, daughter. her million-dollar secret on saturday at 13:00 on ntv. black sun, premiere today
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sells relationships ". yuri chursin, pyotr kislov, maxim stoyanov. let me go! black sun, premiere, today at 20:00 on ntv. this is the dna program. and today in our studio a mother of many children wants to find out what happened to her children, for whom she was deprived of parental rights. tell nadezhda and anastasia who you met today, your son. are you surprised, anastasia and nadezhda, that you might have a brother? yes, i heard that she has a son, but i don’t know what his name is, they told me about this on the internet that she has a son. nadezhda anastasia, please meet me, this is ivan, nice,
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hello, ivan, hello, hello, nice to meet you, but only. well, according to documents, ivan has neither sisters nor brothers, he one. and ivan grew up in a foster family. take a closer look at ivan, he is tall. anastasia, do you notice any similarities with ivan? i look and look, i don’t know, i can’t understand, here i look at nadiya, i immediately see our family nose. ivan, how do you like these supposed sisters? the sisters are cool, i'm glad . i met, why is she here? good question is that she was left all alone, your supposed mother only has herself to blame. let's see the plot. elena sapozhkova has been living in this apartment in the village of dubovka, tula region, for 12 years. the only thing a woman's entertainment is television, but lately even her favorite programs do not
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bring her pleasure. i can't watch tv without crying. i almost feel a lump in my throat, i have tears streaming down my face, i just have time to wipe myself off, but lately i ’ve stopped turning it on simply to cry less, it’s not easy to live alone, elena complains, there’s no one to whitewash the walls, fill up the cracks in the wooden floor, the floor is on standing on the ground, it’s like a sewer clogged, everything is pouring under the floor, and from under the floor, through the cracks, midges, these here, here they are, they fly, she would happy to hire workers and update. making rooms, but her pension is 1,500 rubles. barely enough to live on, elena complains. in the empty refrigerator, as they say, the last mouse hanged itself, you see, it’s not there, i have butter, here it’s bread, cabbage, meat. whiles away the evenings, elena is reading a book or sewing machine, well, once i sewed, okay, i sewed for myself, i sewed for my husband, i
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sewed a dress, well, whatever i needed, i sewed, now... the same curtains sew, this is the most necessary thing, when it becomes really sad, elena invites her neighbors to visit, with you can drink tea with them, talk about life , share how much she misses her lost children, well, in principle, she is a very kind woman, very much so, every day when we sit, she somehow talks about her children, she dreams very much ... shines with them, no one comes for her, at least my daughter comes, life is so hard for her. nadezhda yakovleva, although she grew up without a mother, her life was quite successful, she lives in the city of mezhdurechensk, she gives all her love to her husband, two sons and daughter, to the wall in the children's room there are certificates and medals for success in
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athletics. i grew up in a boarding school, everything that i didn’t have, i guess i’m... trying to bring into the children everything that they wanted, like, they wanted to go to athletics, they went, they wanted, well , here’s a computer, we’re with the first my husband bought it for the children, so that they could have it, so that they... would not be different from other children, as if, well, you try. nadezhda’s alleged sister anastasia gutova lives in kemerovo, but often comes to visit her adoptive father in the village of yashkino. in childhood she liked spending time with her dad in the garage more than playing with dolls with her friends. well, it was fun, there i was sorting out bolts, nuts, screws, that is, everything had its place, and it was the place that i, and not dad, chose. and here. for ivan filippov, who lives in the tula region, the garage now remains a place of rest, here is his main passion, his favorite motorcycle, it cost me 70 or 75 thousand
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, about 13 thousand in it, well, in our small town this is more than enough, of course, after purchasing the iron the horse had to be put in order, but it was only a joy for him - says ivan, preparations for the new motorcycle season are in full swing. the tidy was replaced, a phone holder was installed so that the navigator could be seen, the headlight and turn signals were replaced. elena, are you glad that everything turned out well for your supposed children, of course, it’s not like me, you could raise them like that, maybe, maybe, maybe not, i don’t know, fate didn’t let me, as they say, raise their children, and...
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well, i mean wait, you're our mother, you're you have to somehow atone for your mistakes, you have to somehow try to fix it all, somehow start communicating, somehow get to know us better, at least ask for forgiveness, or something, i don’t know, ask me, please, here you go i would talk to ivan and, as it were , contacts, we would probably exchange, as if our brother, nadezhda, anastasia, are ready to find out if you and ivan are related, yes, yes, ivan. yes, i invite our forensic medicine expert, candidate of medical sciences, yulia severtseva, to the studio. what will
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a dna test show? will the sisters find a brother today? mother? in a matter of minutes? the whole truth is known. watch at 19:00. three russian skydivers are now preparing for the world's first stratospheric jump to the north pole. how the training goes and how the special low-temperature suit was developed. from twenty-five years to life , neo-nazis from azov, banned in russia, who killed civilians in donbass, are sent to colonies. why don't they have a chance to get in? under amnesty or end up on the list of prisoners for exchange? watch it on air tonight, on the website in the application now. black sun, premiere today at 20:00 on ntv.
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now free, find out how by calling 8800 2009 456, all conversations are confidential, black sun, premiere today at 20:00 on ntv. in the studio of the dna program, a mother of many children, deprived of parental rights, met with her supposed daughters and son. julia, you have the floor. come to us today for a dna test. fifty-six-year-old elena sapozhkova appealed. the woman repents that her inappropriate lifestyle in her youth led to the deprivation of parental rights to four children. now she dreams of asking her children for forgiveness establish relationships with them. in our studio , elena met with ivan filippov, anastasia gutova and nadezhda yakovleva. all of them are the children of a certain elena kraeva, but their
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mother did not raise them, and elena’s last name from her first husband is also kraeva. in addition, in our studio, nadezhda told elena about the tragic fate of her sister olga, who, like her, was raised in an orphanage. in this envelope, the answer to the question: did elena’s dream come true, did she meet... her children. attention, i am opening the envelope. with one on the one hand, the alleged mother is elena sapozhkova, on the other hand, her alleged children. ivan filippov, anastasia gutova, nadezhda yakovleva. it is likely that you, elena, met your family and children today in our studio. is 99.9%.
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nadezhda, anastasia, which means that ivan is your brother. cool. really cool. numbers must be exchanged. certainly. i congratulate you. well, with this, yes, we can congratulate you on this. yes. have you gone to visit your mother? we live far from her. if she came to us, maybe i would i would be glad, i don’t have the money to come, my pension is only 1500, i have three children, i won’t take three children to your house. i won’t leave them, elena, well, you understand what ’s happening, the daughter you once abandoned is ready to invite you to her place, i ’m happy that she’s inviting me to her place, but she doesn’t need me like that, they’re offering you the opportunity, damn it, to get to know your grandchildren
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, to get to know your grandchildren, and here you are acting like a sissy, i couldn’t let this happen, as i understand it, i have the only one, yes children, yes, you have. ivan, well then, are you sure you want to meet your nephews? yes, there will be an opportunity for them or me, of course, to cross paths. will you communicate with elena? i don’t have this need, because for me my adoptive mother became my mother. now i feel good without her. the only thing i can say is thank you, well, damn, i met my sisters. oh, my god, oh, oh, oh, oh, how small you are, right? if you need a genetic examination, contact us and we will help you, tomorrow on ntv, a new test dna. i consider it
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one of the most significant and responsible. gazprom projects expanded social gasification program, now it is extended not only to residential buildings, but to socially significant facilities, educational and medical institutions, halmykelin, minikelin, halmykelin, minikelin, khaznatse, davuh khazyn, khaznase davu khazyn, falde bols gonorin,
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weapons suppliers and financial resources for bloodshed in crocus were detained in kaspiysk, they were also preparing terrorist attacks in dagestan itself, video footage provided by the fsb, studied by nikita korzun. how the prohibited nazis were trained and what lectures they were given, ilya usheninin listened to the stories of convicted militants. from april 1 , changes in traffic rules come into force; they will affect passing the exam and obtaining a driver’s license, the innovation was studied by nakhit babaev. st. petersburg is now 100 rubles more expensive. in the northern capital, there was
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a resort fee, what tourists will now pay for and how, nikolai bulkin found out.


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