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tv   Segodnya  NTV  April 1, 2024 7:00pm-8:01pm MSK

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suppliers of weapons and financial resources for the bloodshed in crocus were detained in kaspiysk; they also prepared terrorist acts in dagestan itself, video footage provided by the fsb, studied by nikita korzun. how did the preparation go? nazis from the forbidden azov and what lectures they were given, stories of convicted militants, ilya ushenin listened to. from april 1, changes in traffic rules will come into force; they will affect passing the exam and obtaining a driver’s license; nakhit babayev studied the innovation. st. petersburg is now 100 rubles expensive. in the northern capital, there was a resort fee, what tourists will now pay for and how, nikolai bulkin found out.
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everything is ready for the record-breaking jump from the stratosphere to the north pole; the paratroopers in full force have already arrived in murmansk and now all that remains is to wait for suitable weather, as reported by alexander kanevich about how they trained. hello, welcome to the information service of the ntv television company. this is the program today, its host is ava. and igor politaev. foreign fighters detained in dagestan supplied the terrorists from kroku sitihol with weapons and money. the fsb reported this today. the intelligence services provided operational footage of the interrogation and the operation to detain the criminals. as it became known, the gang group was planning to kill civilians in kaspiysk. during a search, the militants found something already prepared. homemade explosive device and
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machine guns, in turn, the foreign intelligence service said that the american authorities are trying to present a distorted picture of the terrorist attack that took place in russia, shielding the kiev regime. nikita korzun, more details. the federal security service managed to detain the suppliers of weapons for committing a terrorist act in the moscow region, as well as the financial sponsors of the crime, in dagestan. this is footage provided by the public relations center of the fsb of russia. they found two kalashnikovs and 460 bullets in the apartment, i carried them, i brought them weapons to these guys who were attacking the korkuhol in the city of moscow, i took the weapons from makhachkala for them, i’m just finished. the detainee
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very clearly reports on camera that he was transporting weapons from makhachkala, the capital of the republic dagestan, in mytishche, a city near moscow. the confession indicates that the terrorist attack in crocus was carefully prepared in advance. the message that the fsb distributed today along with this video clarifies that these are foreign citizens. meanwhile, colleagues of the fsb, which ensure the external security of the country, namely the svr, today published a statement that the biden administration is actively working to withdraw from the international community. any suspicions about zelensky’s involvement in the terrorist attack in crocus. in the white house they fear that the discovery of a kiev trace in what happened will highlight the terrorist nature of the ukrainian regime and will finally derail washington’s plans to increase support for ukraine. the state department and intelligence services have been tasked with convincing the us allies and partners that the attack on kroka is backed by remnants from the banned isis, but this is not selling well, the svr is convinced. the americans are unable to achieve unified assessments of the tragedy near moscow, even in eu and nato circles. on the sidelines they note that washington
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began to shield zelensky even before how did the ashes of the burnt crocus of city hall manage to cool? such haste seems reckless to many in the west, and suspicious to many in the east. meanwhile, the fsb has launched an investigation into the four people detained in dagestan for their arsenal, explosives, batteries or pistols hidden under the mattress at the head of the bed. however, some of the detainees have already explained that they were preparing a terrorist attack in kaspiysk. where are the weapons? at sobir's. where is the bomb in my apartment that was going to explode, the embankment, the unknown person who has already admitted to sponsoring the perpetrators of the terrorist attack in moscow, clarified that in the caspian sea bloodshed could have been carried out not only on the embankment, here they planned to embankment kazbi, the city of kazbi embankment or blow up steam and... the detainees carried out
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reconnaissance of the area, made an improvised explosive device and acquired an automatic weapons, immediately after the terrorist attack they planned to travel outside of russia . would again not be specified, but the foreign intelligence service insists that the kiev regime has long been waging a full-fledged terrorist campaign against russia war, which is openly talked about: kirill budanov, head of ukrainian intelligence, or vasily malyuk, who became head of the ukrainian security service in early february. svr data indicates that when organizing an attack, ukrainians actively use satellite information provided by american intelligence, it becomes obvious, the russian foreign intelligence service clarifies that the united states, denouncing the criminal kiev regime and providing it with it. assistance risk being suspected of involvement in international terrorism. by the way, the investigative committee today began an investigation in connection with an appeal from a group of deputies and public figures demanding an investigation into the organization, financing and conduct of terrorist acts by ukraine, the united states and other western countries directed against russia.
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a procedural check has been organized in the central office of the investigative committee of the russian federation. as part of the investigation, the investigation will carefully study the data presented and take a procedural step. decision to kill civilians in the moscow region direct relative massive rocket attacks and attacks by drgs in the kursk and belgorod regions, the svr notes, they remind that no matter how the facts are distorted, the truth will triumph in any case. nikita korzun, yulia agafonova and alexander terzinov, ntv. today, the editor-in-chief of the arti tv channel , margarita simonyan, suggested that the new accusation brought against her in kiev is needed by the ukrainian security forces to justify a possible assassination attempt. sbu in absentia.
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in the donetsk pre-trial detention center , a group of former ukrainian militants. severe sentences ranging from
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25 years in prison to life imprisonment were handed down for the murder of civilians in donbass . they all fought in a formation banned in russia, and they count on being included in the prisoner exchange lists. these convicts certainly don’t have to because of the gravity of the crimes they committed. ilya usheninin reports from the donetsk people's republic. the walls of one of the donetsk insulators are the best place to understand everything, say dpr officials. this is where they wait to be sent to colonies of militants of the banned azov, who were recently sentenced. the conditions are the most severe. artyom stupnitsky, a former personnel officer of one of the neo-nazi units, was captured during the fighting in... sentenced to 25 years in high security, now he says that the commander forced him to kill a civilian, he himself, of course, did not want to, so he told me , well, finish this man, here i am, because i was afraid to disobey the senior officer, this is
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an old-time officer, so i hit him three times and took it, there was a knife lying on the table, and i took it this knife struck this man three times. in the abdominal area, he struck three times, the man fell to his knees, on his side, and stopped moving. according to stupnitsky, even before the start of hostilities, they were pumped up with nazi ideology; for this purpose, so-called lecturers constantly came to the battalion, distributed books banned in russia, such as black sun, and talked about the so-called heroes who fought in the ranks of the ss. and, of course, many fighters had books by the leaders of the third reich on their desks. this is something out of the ordinary.
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armored fighting vehicles and infantry fighting vehicles, as well as up to 500 manpower killed, six elite units stood, but we defeated all six elite units together with the commanders, the task was carried out unquestioningly, everyone knew their maneuver, everyone acted confidently , harmoniously, fear of course was , but everyone overcame it, everyone completed the task even not 100 but 200%, the personnel fully support, fully support the goal of the special military operation, all the people go, unquestioningly carry out combat missions, shaigu
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thanked the officers for the exemplary performance of the task, wished you further success in your military service, congratulate you on this, i sincerely congratulate you on these high awards, on these titles, the title of hero of russia, good health to you, good luck to us all, and of course victories, artillery grouping in. .. the west launched attacks on the positions of ukrainian terrorist formations in the area that borders the belgorod region. the combat mission was carried out by crews of self-propelled galubits 100 s. according to the fighters, these days they are hitting so-called urgent targets. this the work requires maximum speed at all stages, from setting out on a route and choosing the optimal firing point to direct preparation for shooting. this time the artillerymen destroyed a concentration of enemy equipment and manpower at a distance of 20 km. we destroy the enemy’s platoon strong point, equipment, dugouts, fortifications, several
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platoon strong points, trenches and hail. the enemy is trying to conduct a counter-battery fight, but usually he does not see us, but we see him. our reconnaissance calculates the enemy's positions, after which data arrives to the senior battery officer, and the senior battery officer will directly transfer the data to us. we receive information from a senior officer. we aim at the target and destroy it. and these shots were taken in the yuzhnodonetsk direction of the special operation, where, during a counter-battery fight , the crew of the malka self-propelled gun distinguished itself from... one of the most powerful and long-range in russian artillery, the fighters destroyed the installations of crappies and paladins of polish american production, hitting the target, confirmed footage from a reconnaissance drone . russian troops break up the attack on artyomovsk direction. artillery crews fire at the militants' dugouts and command posts. modern
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orlan drones, without which not a single major combat operation can proceed, make it possible to increase the accuracy of strikes. they reveal enemy positions before the assault. and also allow you to adjust shooting during an attack. the new modification of arlan is equipped with high-resolution cameras, which allows you to see a map of the area in 3d format. our military correspondent ilya lyadvin reports from the northern military district zone. artyomovsk direction drone footage arlan. the bird corrects the impact of several hails at once on a large enemy support. after a productive night flight, the drone is returned to work. after refueling, the bird awaits another, long one. flight under ideal weather conditions, orlan can spend more than 10 hours in the sky. now the drone will continue reconnaissance of positions in the kleshcheevka area. this is a village, our forces are not attacking head-on, but the main task here is to knock out the enemy from a commanding height in the area. 20 minutes after the launch , call sign kent spotted a concentration of infantry, the target
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already for barrel artillery, the enemy says, he often tries to interfere with the work of powerful electronic warfare installations, but there is no way out. we are starting to manipulate the range of frequencies at which we control, of course i won’t name them. the pilot already has enough experience, you can’t tell from his management style that just 6 months ago kent was a lawyer, he decided to sign a contract after losing his best friend in the zone, his wife and two children are waiting for him at home. i think that this was 100% the right decision, and my family also accepted my choice. i understand what is involved with danger, with risk, but they are proud of me. a few kilometers away, in artyomovsky itself , the kamikaze drone operator of the ivanovo paratroopers is preparing to work. the call sign burning sends a bird with a shell from a hand grenade straight into the enemy dugout. according to the fighter, there are enough drones for daily work on fortifications. when
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an offensive is underway, they give a command, damn it, we even have to figure out where the drg group is sitting. now we are destroying them, the paratroopers are trying to adapt to the raid of the same drones from the enemy, because even a simple car can become a target for a comedian's drone. the most successful configuration for countering them in transport is a drone detector, which warns of approaching birds, an installation for suppressing dome or, in our case , directional action, they disrupt the copter’s communication with concentrated interference. with a control panel, similar devices often protect tanks and light armored vehicles, with their support in the artyomovsk direction, our forces have already come close to the chasko yar, there are battles in bogdanovka and novo. there are results west of avdeevka, where the list of our trophies was supplemented by the first captured marder infantry fighting vehicle. this infantry fighting vehicle took part in one of the failed counterattacks of the kiev forces near
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avdeevka in the area of ​​the village of severnoe, but it didn’t even reach fire contact with our troops, simply. got stuck in the mud and the crew abandoned her with full ammunition. afterwards , the car was finally immobilized by our drone operators, and under the cover of darkness , the reconnaissance officers of the center group towed it to the rear, where the engineers were already working. german technology is not a sticking point became, and now marder is back on the move. we restored the fuel lines and also worked on the cooling system, well, our electricians dealt specifically with the electrical wiring and parts.
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reported to the president on how assistance was organized in the region to the families of participants in a special military operation, he said that each family received its own curator from the regional government, who should help in resolving various issues around the clock, this includes the formation of a package of documents for receiving payments, this and everyday issues, contact the management company in order to conditionally repair the battery, well, support, full turnkey support until the problem is solved , we created a unified platform for receiving applications in order for correspondence, so that parcels reach our fighters with things, equipment, equipment, this is where there is a big demand,
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because, unfortunately, parcels are often lost, letters are lost, so this is a single platform that aggregates applications without unnecessary bureaucratic red tape and failures sending correspondence directly to the fighters, parcels and a separate front of work collecting for... repairing or building 80 municipal infrastructure facilities. earlier , the government of the vologda region reported
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that the wear and tear of utility networks reaches 80% in a number of municipalities. another priority is the development of tourism, in particular the main tourism brand of the region, the residence of father frost in veliky ustyug, now operates year-round. more than 180 thousand students and... and on these sites, they will not be available only in higher education, and what is very important, as well as scientific organizations of various profiles. such support is a real
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investment in the future successes of domestic industry, science and education, and i would like to thank you once again for your effective cooperation with the ministry of science and higher education. mishustin noted the active participation of the new people faction in projects to modernize donbass and novorossiya. a large-scale protest against arms supplies to ukraine took place in amsterdam. many city residents came out to demonstration with russian flags. on the posters one could read the words: “no nato, no war, no weapons for peace.” similar protests have been regularly taking place in amsterdam on the last sunday of the month for more than a year, but this has become the most widespread. the operatic performance of russian songs katyusha and...
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tonight in jerusalem , tens of thousands of demonstrators plan to gather again for a protest rally demanding the resignation of prime minister netanyahu and early elections israelis took to the streets, first in tel aviv and then in jerusalem. these actions united two separate movements - the political opposition and the families of those israelis whose relatives were held hostage by hamas. perhaps for the first time since the beginning of the conflict in the gaza strip, the israeli prime minister faced such powerful pressure. the organizers of the protest action hope that...
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according to netanyahu, plans for the military operation of aurafahi, where more than a million palestinians are sheltering, have already been approved and will definitely be implemented. even allies israel is warned the operation could lead to huge civilian casualties and worsen the humanitarian catastrophe in the gaza strip. this is the program today. next in our issue. in april , changes to traffic rules come into force; they will affect passing the exam and obtaining a driver’s license; nakhit vabaev studied the innovation. st. petersburg is now 100
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rubles more expensive, a resort tax was introduced in the northern capital, what tourists will now pay for and how - nikolai bulkin found out, all the ways good when you want to be a special barbecuebicon whipped steak, immental cheese, bacon and smoky sauce and barbecue, what are you ready to catch? it’s not easy to quote, but anyone can get a rate on a deposit at gazprombank of up to 16.5% per annum. open a deposit on yaandex tv station pro. culet screen with anti-glare coating, voice control by solis, unlimited content - all the capabilities of the station. alice, continue the film. i turn it on. forget about the remote control with the new yandex tv station pro. tires can be found conveniently and quickly. there is a search by car brand.
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hmm, she smiled, that means she recognized her, she smiled, that means she’s real, they recognize her, hmm, she loves, she remembers, she appreciates her, for real. psb is a bank for the present. i demand that the banquet be continued. ryaba, fabulous, delicious. kfc, now rostix. we discover the secret of juicy pulp and crispy crust. we cook from whole chicken. and we bread it in the restaurant. legendary chicken in rostix. sergey and marina realized that it was better to try durian before buying.
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it’s good that... in investments you can first try investing and only then invest your money. open an account in tenkov investments and receive a starting 50,000 rubles from the bank. you take the income from this amount for yourself, and if there is no income, then you do not need to compensate for losses. with tenkov investments you quickly get the hang of it. tinkov, have you made a wish? discounts? how much did you wish for? up to 50%. smartphone? huawei nova y91 for only 15.999 in bambi and eldorado. we wake up. during the spring sale, we are transforming ourselves. wake up, sale on ozone. a set of mixit scrubs for 619. bombar protein bars for 469. women's ultimate shop loafers for 899. you're in shape there is, for you to bake, for you to squat. try it like this. so.
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shift, but i’m sorry i’m late, because colon cancer is growing in the bird. guys, get a medical examination, free of charge, health is important here now. black sun, premiere today at 20:00 on ntv. i found out my credit rating and chose the right loan. check your credit score on the compare website or app. it's free. and we will select the most profitable loan, taking into account your current payments and credit history. found out.
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compared, chose! compare, on your side! check your credit rating on the compare website or in the app, and we will select a favorable loan based on your credit history! compare on your side! find out your credit score on the compare website or in the app! it's free! see if you have any arrears and if anyone has taken out a loan in your name? keep your credit history under control! maybe! that the credit history is better than you think, compare, on your side. find out your credit score on the compare website or in the app, it's free. keep your credit history under control. compare, on your side. new season, sunday at 20:20 on ntv. this is the program today. we continue our release.
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today the procedure for passing driving license exams is changing, the practical exam will be a little easier, the incidence of errors is increasing, however, if a driver fails the driving test three times in a row, then he will be able to come again... to the traffic police for it no earlier than in 6 months. there are a number of other innovations that concern both citizens with driver’s licenses of foreign countries and the cars. our correspondent nakhit babayev tried his hand at driving as a student. this is the case when, as they say, the stars aligned. i’m just studying at a driving school, today i have another lesson, driving around the city. let ’s check in practice what changes from april 1, because i will have to take the exam according to the new rules. perhaps the most important and pleasant innovation for driving school students is that now you can make mistakes a little more often; if earlier, in order to pass, you had to score a maximum of five penalty points, now seven. you can count how many
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free throw points i get. okay, i'll try to count correctly. another important concession for the contender for the driver title is new conditions for turning in confined spaces. previously they gave 5 m, now 7. that is, it works out. then it will be easier to pass, well, not really, if before after the third attempt you had only a month, and you were like, okay, i’ll wait a little longer, that is, now you have psychological pressure, that you will wait six months and you again we will have to transfer the theoretical part, amendments should help get rid of gray driving schools, how many schools are there in the country where, say, the site exists only on paper, now they will not be able to get a license, their law graduates, those who did not appear at the military registration and enlistment office for...
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not less than 12 months, you will be granted the right to drive vehicles of category be, without the need to undergo training and exams. nowadays you won’t get far in russia with a foreign license either; from april 1, drivers with such documents will have to get russian ones certificates. now, because of our colleague, he was created as a nuisance, we had to let him through. minus point, a little more, important changes also concern the rules for importing cars into russia, now there are gray schemes when a car, before registering in russia, is registered in the name of citizens of the ias. the fact is that there is a significantly lower
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customs duty for a local resident, a correspondingly lower recycling fee, it is practically zero, and it is possible to underestimate the customs value of a car, it often happens that the car is real. purchased, relatively speaking , in germany for 50,000 euros, passes through kazakhstan, and already costs 2,000 dollars. now you won’t be able to save money like that, whether this car will become more expensive, not all. this rise in price will affect a very small segment of the market, a very small one, according to my estimates - it’s about 2% of the market. so, let's return to the rules for taking the exam. while we were driving around the city, makar was counting my penalty points. didn't change lanes on time, didn't turn on the turn signal, didn't turn on the turn signal three. well, in time it’s probably at your discretion more than an inspector, one point, one is actually a serious mistake, which can be interpreted in different ways, it created an obstacle to the vehicle, that is, it turns out that under the old
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rules i would not have passed, but under the new rules i passed, yeah, but it was just practice, the real exam will also have to be taken on camera, but not as a reporter according to the new rules, nakhit babaev, alena antonova, pavel kachur and valery egorov ntv. today, the limit for duty-free purchases in foreign online stores has returned to the previous 200 euros. before that it was 1.0 euro. now russians who make purchases on foreign online platforms will be able to order goods for no more than two hundred euros duty-free. denis stalaev joins us. denis, what is this connected with? well, it was such an anti-crisis measure, apparently, the authorities decided that it was time to cancel this measure. today, for russians, the rules for purchasing in foreign online stores have become stricter exactly five times. the threshold for duty-free import of goods from abroad has sharply dropped from the level of 1.00 euros to 200, which means that if goods are imported more expensive
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200 euros, then on the amount that exceeded the limit you will have to pay a duty of 15%, but not less than two euros per kilogram. this restriction was sharply weakened 2 years ago , instead of the limits of 200 euros , the same 1.00 euros was introduced to avoid. shortage of goods and sharp rise in prices under sanctions, but now the new tightening of the duty-free threshold is supported by offline store chains, domestic manufacturers and, for example, the ministry of finance. his position, as recounted by the vedomosti newspaper, is this: the russian market is already saturated with imported goods. in service by delivery of goods from foreign online stores shopus , our program reported that russians most actively order clothes, shoes and vitamins abroad, and shopas also predicts an increase in prices due to new rules and adds that orders over 200 euros are 15% all parcels. but in the sdek shopping service they say that they have the vast majority of orders over 200 euros, and that the new import rules will not
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only lead to an increase in prices, but the convenience of placing orders will decrease; on many sites, the client must now independently once his goods arrive at the customs service, he must pay a customs fee. sdek shopping calculated that the demand among russian buyers for foreign equipment, for example, has already decreased three times. receipts of the x5 group companies, which belong to the chain of stores pyaterochka, perekrestok and chizhek, fell in price today on the moscow exchange by 7%. this happened after the exchange announced that from april 5 it would stop trading in x5 securities. the reason is still in the friday news. the ministry of industry and trade then reported that it had filed a lawsuit to terminate the rights of x5 retail group nv, registered in the netherlands, to its russian subsidiary. if we talk.
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the fact that the russian division of x5 has a foreign owner, this creates risks, a quote to russia and its citizens, although of course, this foreignness of x5 is only formal, it is a russian company, simply registered in the netherlands, in the same way, for example, with yandex and the parent company was registered in the same netherlands for 20 years, deputy head of the ministry of industry and trade victor. today clarified that the speech in the ministry’s lawsuit this is about reducing the share of the dutch company, and not about seizing a russian asset from x5. the russian stock market started april with growth. in more corporate news , the moscow exchange announced that from may 15 , shares of the new parent company of yandex, the one that is now registered on oktyabrsky island in the kaliningrad region, will be allowed for trading. oil, which was trembling by about a dollar at these minutes, obviously supported. and the ruble exchange rate. the dollar at the end of trading was 92.14, the euro dropped
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to 99.10. over the past weekend, the film flying ship, created with the participation of ntv, collected almost 254 million rubles in cinemas. this is data from a unified automated information system. according to the box office for the period from march 28 to 31, the flying ship was about six times ahead of the second-place film abnormal and anegin, which is in third place. according to iyais, the total collection of the flying ship has already amounted to more than 600 million rubles. this film was directed by ilya uchitel based on the 1979 soviet cartoon of the same name, starring alexander metelkin, ksenia traister, leonid yarmolnik, andrei burkovsky, fyodor dobronravov, sergei garmash and others. everything is bright, the colors are good, well , the well-known plot of our childhood, well, we give it an a out of five, that is, it was very good. okay, beautiful. mobile operator tele-2 announced that
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they will change their name by the end of this year, all because the brand license from the swedish tele-2 expires on december 31. the russian mobile operator belonged to this company until 2013, and then the russian division of tele 2 was bought by vtb bank. and one of the terms of the deal was that the russian telecom operator would be able to use the tele 2 brand for 10 years. last year it became known that the deadline was short. by the end of the year, tele 2, which now belongs to rostelecom, promises to present the quote “new positioning and identity.” it is unknown what the company will be called, but back in the twenty-first year, tele2 registered more than twenty domains, playing off , for example, the names t-2 and t+. everything about the economy, denis tolalayev with an economic review of the day. in st. petersburg today they started charging a resort fee, now you have to pay 100 rubles per day. guests who stay in hotels, party hotels and
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wanted. the money raised will be used for the construction and maintenance of the city’s tourism infrastructure. in russia , such an experiment began almost 6 years ago, and the northern capital became the fifth region after the resorts of the krasnodar territory, stavropol territory, as well as the federal territory of sirius and altai velokurikha. nikolai bulkin looked into how the new fee will affect the st. petersburg urban environment, who may not pay it. to all. usual expenses of a tourist in st. petersburg, be it a ticket to the armitage, donuts with coffee and a night walk under the raised bridges, a resort fee of 100 rubles per day is also added. for the development of tourism infrastructure, welcome to the legendary luxury hermitage, a hotel on the car wash next to the museum, pushkin’s apartment and the palace square, the high season is still ahead, but the innovation is already welcoming tourists from the doorstep, we have a resort fee, adult tourists pay an additional tax foreigners and russians, that is, families do not have to pay for children, only those who
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check into hotels, hostels, apartments, apartments, officially registering the rental of entrepreneurs, the procedure is such that the amount of the resort fee is not paid in advance and is not included in the cost of living, guests upon arrival, filling out the registration form, also pay an additional amount of the resort fee. the fee is 100 rubles - this is for every day except the first, but there are those who will not pay at all. these are veterans, people with disabilities, students who study at st. petersburg universities, families with many children, and so on. the atelier prepared a special program, through it, the money will immediately go to the city budget, they will be specially marked, and an additional tax will be paid. to improve the tourism infrastructure, which the city’s guests themselves use or admire. during the 9 months of the experiment, this year from april 1, the budget of st. petersburg can receive about 300 million rubles. an example of a solution is a triumphal arch in honor of russian victories on the road from the airport to the city center; money for
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its restoration will be allocated from the resort tax, and there are also plans to use this money reconstruct the field of mars, improve the st. petersburg beaches in finland. the bay of gentle dunes will create a new tourist destination on vasilyevsky island. irina and her son gleb arrived in st. petersburg from barnaul for a few days. resort fees have long been introduced in the altai territory, where they are from, where the money collected improves the famous resort of belokurikha, so guests of st. petersburg understand the value of such a personal contribution. you know, this amount is probably small, it’s a resort fee, but it’s probably still like gratitude or thanks to this city. last year, the city was visited by more than 8 million tourists. the fee , confident in the market, will not scare away new guests , well, yes, let’s say, why did we, we were in sochi, they also collect this payment there, in addition to the fee of 100 rubles per day, maybe guests have a different attitude towards hostels, and people react differently, of course, for a hostel this is a significant increase in cost, given the average cost of a room in the low season is 500-600 rubles.
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but the law, with the exception of preferential categories , is the same for everyone; in case of refusal to pay, administrative fine, well, all the rules. russia, but in the future it may turn into a tourist destination and affect everyone. the situation in tourism has changed dramatically, and there are territories where no one went at all, now these regions, these territories have gone en masse, they are in dire need of a resort fee, because they don’t have enough toilets and benches.
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everything is ready for the record jump from the stratosphere to the north pole; the parachutists in full force have already arrived in murmonsk and now all that remains is to wait for the right one weather, about how they trained in the report by alexander kanevich. find a job well, find a job. dreams are even better, one where you can work in the office, or right from home, where there are all opportunities for career growth and career take-off, where you are confident in a reliable future and a reliable present, thousands of jobs and vacancies are good, but to find your place is even better, join
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this is the program today, we continue our release. in the altai territory, 32 temporary accommodation centers are ready to accept people who will leave their homes if the premises are seriously flooded. now there are about a thousand household plots and half a thousand residential buildings in the flood zone. today local authorities will determine the financial amount. support for those who need help, a hotline has been opened in the region , reporting by alexandra tankikh. that's it, the water has entered the house. oh, ukrainian 116. drowning. the most difficult flood situation in the altai territory. almost 500 houses were flooded and people were being evacuated. a state of emergency was declared in the region and water dams were deployed. road services are engaged in soil filling. microdistrict, losikhin island goes under water. on the river they use heavy equipment to break things down.
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to rise, so they hoped that it had already gone less, today the ice began to move away again, it will open up, but unfortunately not, so the decision was made right now to dig out this jam with excavators. eight roads have been blocked and temporary accommodation centers have been set up. in the altai territory , the period of meltwater flow is at its peak. work to stabilize the situation is ongoing, citizens are provided with targeted assistance in the most. yes it goes, that's all, that's all, that's all. in three villages of the orenburg region there were problems with electricity; the electrical substation flooded and had to be turned off.
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mobile generators were delivered to populated areas. the only road to the village is flooded. due to the rise of the or river, the village of ashchebutak was flooded. some residents had to leave their homes. well done, guys, well done in general. nightmare. there's already water in the house, right? tree sticks. this is what a cottage community in the city of orsk looks like now, neighbors. host residents of flooded houses, the water arrives in an hour, somewhere it moves by one and a half meters, or even three, both the bathhouse and the garage, that is, people suffered colossal losses, our neighbors’ house is completely flooded, warming is expected in the orenburg region this week, and at the same time a peak flood, a high alert regime has been introduced in the region, food and medicine are being delivered throughout the region, equipment and specialists from the ministry of emergency situations from samara were sent to help local rescuers. alexander. stankikh igor akimov, svetlana zakharova and ekaterina kostyukevich, ntv television company. three russian paratroopers are now preparing for
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the world's first stratospheric jump to the north pole from a height of 10. daredevils are distanced from an il-76 aircraft, according to the plan, they will land on the ice drifting base of borneo. for the first time , high-altitude, low-temperature overalls and other equipment developed in russia will be tested in extreme conditions at a temperature of -50°. the preparation consisted of several stages, including a training jump from a height of 6.00 m. alexander kanevich supervised the preliminary tests. this is what landing from a height of 6 km looks like: the most important stage of preparation for the world's first stratospheric jump to the north pole. before making it, all parachutists underwent special training in the pressure chamber of the cosmonaut training center. the task is to test yourself with all the equipment. now it's a completely different matter. it's good here.
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this is reliable, these trainings are precisely aimed at adapting to a real buckle with 10,000, fitting the equipment is crucial, there should be no trifles here, practice working with fittings with oxygen, feel that such a drop from a height of 10,000 m, up to 2 km, yes, these are the main aspects, to undergo desaturation, that is, the full range of what we will have on board. during a simulated ascent to a height of 10,000 m , the pressure in the pressure chamber drops so that there is no decompression sickness, or, more simply put, so that the nitrogen in the blood does not boil, the paratroopers breathe pure oxygen, the doctors at the cosmonaut training center monitor their condition, and blood pressure, electrocardiogram, frequency si forgiveness
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descent, depletion of oxygen in the blood, everything as usual, no comments in the same mode. the third member of the expedition, denis efremov, an engineer of space and stratospheric technology, is undergoing training; during the jump he will test in extreme conditions various equipment developed in russia, such as radio communications, gps navigation, that is, what works at the north pole, and what will work at an altitude of 10-11 km, ah, what kind of equipment is needed to survive these stratospheric conditions of temperature -50? do you think it will break the glass, no, i think not, on let's check the six, for a training jump from 6 km, parachutists are preparing in the equipment in which they will set a record, before takeoff, useful advice from the head of the airborne group of the borneo ice base, where they will wait for the stratonauts to land, when you separate, you must give all the instructions so that you firmly held your hands there, like this with your elbows, so to speak, the area
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is needed, but at the same time give yourself the command to close your legs, this... in a few days you should deliver paratroopers to the drop point at the north pole, on a training flight in in the ivanovo region, they practiced interaction with everyone who would help them during the record jump. after opening the cargo hatch of the plane, the future stratonauts remain on board for almost a minute and begin to jump together with the instructor only after the releaser’s command. all participants in the training will be wearing special beacons, and they will also be there during the landing on the northern city, so that the ground group can find everyone as quickly as possible. we have a prototype, we brought it here for testing, through for some time they fly over us, their beacons are turned on, and relative to our location on the screen we see the location of these beacons, that is,
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the parachutists. when jumping from the stratosphere , the free fall will continue. during training, the conditions are different, but without it it would be impossible to understand what else needs to be taken into account and improved, you need to perform well, but the speed will be about 500 km/h, the temperature is much lower, which is now, now i already understand what will need to be protected hands a little differently, and this and other nuances have already been taken into account by this point, so that on the day of the record jump, nothing would prevent the rear from being accomplished.
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not only adults, but also children dressed exactly like this. not surprisingly, in central russia the number of temperature records goes into the tens; they do not break by just a few fractions of a degree, but by four or five units at once. and tomorrow. records again, as temperatures are just reaching their peak. in the center it will overcome the twenty-degree mark, in the black earth it will reach +25, in the south 27°. it is still fresh in the volga region, but there is no precipitation everywhere. and what will happen next is clearly demonstrated by the north-west. today there is also rossicord, including in st. petersburg. and tomorrow on the banks of the neva it will no longer be higher than +10, then even less. the north, from its high latitudes, looks at all these premature ones. prompt
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resolution of issues, individual approach and favorable offers. when opening an account for a business, uralsip bank gives free service for 3 months. spring is a time of cleansing. take lymphatic transit. lymphatic transit helps cleanse the body. accelerating the movement of lymph. lymphatic transit from toxins, as well as reducing swelling due to evalar company. your spring update. stagnation of lymph can cause swelling. lymphotransit helps reduce swelling by accelerating the movement of lymph. lymphatic transit from the company evalar. in st. petersburg tomorrow it will rain +8 in a day +2 precipitation. in moscow on tuesday it was +20-22, unthinkable in early april. it’s unlikely, we expect them on wednesday, then the wind will pick up, and in the afternoon it will be +16, and on thursday +8. by friday night frosts will return, but the gift of two summer days cannot be taken away from us, and thank you, this
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was the weather forecast from evgenia neronskaya. these are the main news at this hour, right now, the premiere of the action-packed series black sun, 2215, the astro-story series hot spot, and we are igor politaev and aina nikolaeva, thank you for your attention. turn right.
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turn right to the end of the route 100 m.


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