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tv   Chrezvichainoe proisshestvie  NTV  April 2, 2024 1:25pm-2:01pm MSK

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on ntv, the program is an emergency in the studio of valeria gavrilovskaya, we are live . hello. a possible series of terrorist attacks on russian territory was prevented by fsb officers and customs officers who intercepted the explosives supply channel. they found a large batch of hexogene in orthodox icons in the pskov region, where a truck that had traveled 2.0 km across europe was inspected. but that the destination is moscow, but the point of departure, this is not surprising, is kiev. security forces seized the entire contents of the heavy truck, it would be enough to destroy a five-story building. details of the special operation from pavel kuznetsov. the operational shots are actually exquisite work. fsb officers very carefully unload the trailer of a minibus with foreign license plates. special precautions. the service dogs smelled traces of explosives in the boxes, although according to the documents there were orthodox icons and a church icon. utensils from
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kiev. at first the transport driver assured that he was doing something pleasing to god, taking the shrine to moscow, for some reason across half of europe, but then he became suspiciously agitated. then they brought service shepherds , they reacted to boxes wrapped in black tape. upon first inspection, they really are icons. they opened the back wall, and underneath it around the perimeter there were bags with something that looked like wet sand. the examination confirmed it. this is hexogen with a total weight of 70 kg. the power of this explosive was one and a half times greater. the mass of the seized explosive is sufficient to blow up a five-story residential building. according to accompanying documents, the batch of icons of church utensils was produced in kiev and the warehouse was transported to romania, here the most interesting thing begins: the driver of the minibus followed the party from the capital of ukraine, in romanian... probably at that moment
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they were already stuffed with explosives and began a tour of european countries: romania, hungary, slovakia, poland, lithuania, latvia. nonsense, but together with the deadly cargo, it was able to freely cross six state borders of eu countries. no one looked, no one stopped. no problems were identified, after which i drove to shangemen, again following the direction russia, having traveled to slovakia, poland, they are trying to deprive religion of its peacekeeping character, to use it as a weapon, to fill icons with explosives, all this is a link in one chain, this can only come from those people who are interested in ensuring that the world never came, but then more than 27 and... from this batch turned out to be
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independent bombs, to which fuses were only supposed to be attached, they were also included in the kit, in general, everything was prepared for major terrorist attacks on russian territory. the icon, i must say, often given as a gift, it could have been presented, for example, to an official or a military commander, no one will notice the bomb inside until a signal is received from the customers. security officials do not rule out that these deadly faces were going to be placed in the temple before the service on the occasion of a major orthodox holiday. after all, easter is only a month away. explosion. by the way, the brush turned out to be made in the west. the question of why a checkpoint at the borders of the european union can be considered rhetorical, experts say. most likely, the deadly cargo was given a green corridor european and maybe american intelligence services, but perhaps for the first time they turned to banal smugglers for help. there are some difficulties there now; it is not yet possible to transport explosives through them reliably. accordingly, a channel was chosen that is associated specifically with crime, this. very
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important, because it is quite obvious that the americans do not yet have a ready-made and worked-out channel for transporting explosives to our country via the northern route, but western intelligence services are actively looking for these channels, for example, less than a year ago in crimea they detained saboteurs who hid explosives in cheap kitchen electric stoves, used russians in the dark, ingratiated themselves, and then asked to send a certain package further to the address, no one obviously looked inside, then these... were used to blow up railway tracks, what or who was supposed to be the target of would-be criminals this time, fsb officers are now finding out, it is known for sure that the destination was moscow, and the place of departure was the capital of the square, the very one that has not been inspired for a long time terrorist methods. pavel kuznetsov, alena kryukova, diana covado and anton lukyanov, ntv. the road to the hospital was unforgettable for a resident of zlatoust, in the chelyabinsk region. due to the snowdrifts of the steep climb
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, the ambulance was unable to drive up to the house, the bedridden pensioner was dragged through the snow on a climbing stretcher, two strong rescuers and a relative of the patient, there was no other way out... they gave the go-ahead, since there was no threat to the life or health of the elderly woman was. this technology is also used by rescuers during transportation. injured injured people in the mountains. the pensioners provided medical assistance, however, it is clear that. this kind of transportation is not the norm. prosecutors will look into this difficult case. the medical community is sounding the alarm and demanding an inspection of a young man and woman calling themselves dentists. the couple attracted attention with loud statements that they should
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take care of their teeth, namely, stop brushing them. they share the method of such, say, recovery on their social networks; joins them many followers. in addition, they focus on psychosomatics. but whether everyone can handle the treatment of acute pain, i was trying to figure out with my thoughts. alexey kostenko, a great dental specialist, calls himself a psychodentist and teacher of german new medicine, does not brush his teeth himself and advises subscribers to do the same. i am the laziest person in this regard, i don’t brush my teeth, maybe once a week, that’s it. yes, i chew gum, what i like is the feeling. and wherein. caries does not grow, teeth do not disappear, and moreover, they do not turn yellow. according to the blogger’s observation, teeth are the only open bones in our body, and nothing will just stick to the enamel, down with brushes, pastes, rinses, treat teeth, he suggests using the power of thought by immersing yourself, of course, after
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finding the root of evil all your problems. as soon as you get rid of someone in your life that you don't need to get rid of, your teeth react to it. your teeth are not about being angry, it's not about being toothy, your teeth are about love. caries is a resentment, stomatitis, a feeling of guilt, fangs do not grow, problems with parents, and further down the list, the worst thing is that kostenko’s frankly unscientific methods have followers, or rather followers, mostly mothers , a psycho-dentist performs oral sanitation for children online at photo. the child fell on a scooter, two front teeth went back. what should i pay attention to? remove control over the child's life, allow the killer. get injured , recover, give the child his life, and you can recommend squeezing your teeth with your tongue forward, the child is 1 year and three months old, today he knocked out his tooth, his upper right incisor, he removed his father from your life, what is going on with you and your husband, and they still believe him in one profile, kostenko has 645 subscribers, in another 1,500, she showed the world
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an expert in a new non-existent specialization , his wife yaroslava, who herself has not yet fully decided who she is, a fitness instructor, psychologist, doctor, if you... need some help, in coaching, yes, in any medical issue, psychosomatics, and so on, you can write to me, yaroslav’s tooth fairy is not like for a person who follows her husband’s method, on videos on social networks she is given away by a snow-white smile, i’m not against doctors, because i myself graduated from medical school, and in the pharmaceutical department, more than 150 dentists wrote to me, so that i would die and so that my teeth have rotted, so on, so on, so on, you immediately write the city, immediately write the name of your clinic, so that i can take screenshots and throw it on the internet. prices for online courses and personal consultations of the kostenko spouses are steep, but there is demand. if i want there should i get some advice from you, how does this happen in private? yes, this is
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a recording, it all happens online via video link, the one-time cost is 8,000, four sessions are 30,000, this is my personal holiday. and approximately how long does the consultation last, depending on the problem, right? the reputation of alexey kostenko, he assures that he has not brushed his teeth for 10 years, is unsteady, there are those who sharpen their grudges against the blogger and openly ridicule them on social networks, the psychosomatics expert has to justify himself, we do not insert teeth, we do not extract them, we do not we treat we trace the connection of the psyche with those manifestations in the body that exist, and in people, what is the risk of turning to such doctors, explains an experienced dentist, we are not talking about any revolutionary method, i , as a doctor, can officially say: this it’s dangerous, it’s dangerous what he says, because if at the moment there was, let’s say, a root fracture in a child, and the mother did not go to the doctor, or an abscess, as in that photo, and the mother again did not go to the doctor, then inflammation occurs and develops with small hole, let's say, from small caries to
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periapical inflammation, to abscesses and to phlegmon, and phlegmon, as if doctors look at me, these are fatal diseases, for the sake of hype and earnings, a miracle dentist is ready to do anything, the family business thrives as long as there are those who... are ready follow his advice and give money for courses that are completely toothless in meaning and content. sergey potyakov, daria masalova, alina elyukhina and vladimir tolyzin, ntv television company, rostov region. in the meantime, the alarm about content dangerous to the health of subscribers is only sounded professional dentists, having given an eye to the unhygienic methods that the kostenko spouses teach for money, they hope to warn people, and we invite those who have experienced these tips on themselves and caused damage to their teeth, contact us at the editorial office, this can be done in the telegram channel chpntv, leave your message there and we will share new information. and then the concrete wall crushed me. death of a seven-year-old girl, only now an abandoned building in the moscow region has attracted the attention
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of inspectors who will be held accountable for the death of the child, we'll tell you in a couple of minutes. her adoptive mother couldn’t stand her, when she turned 13, she asked her to take her things out, our cat fell out of the window, and i was left to blame for it. they packed my suitcase and put me out on the street, and she also admitted that my adopted daughter has siblings. there were five children, we lived with our grandmother and the neighbors contacted the guardianship authorities that the grandmother could not cope, for many years the woman searched for her relatives by the last name that she had at birth, i made a request to the orphanage, they sent me an answer that there is no data, will a resident of the rostov region eventually have dinner for people related by blood, a brother, two sisters, a mother from her first marriage, those children, why didn’t her mother take them with her? your mother gave it to your grandmother and your mother’s children, did you try to establish a connection? i didn’t
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know anything about this, i open the envelope, dna, today at 17:50 on ntv. an endless country over which the sun never sets, the mesmerizing nature of russia is now in your hands, on new black shadow maps, success! get a tingcof black debit card with a limited design in april get free service forever. when diseased joints become an obstacle to a comfortable life, use ambien drugs, which bioactively solve joint problems and take care of you like those closest to you. ambien preparations for active joints. try the sushi, try all the salads, try the soup, soup, everything. then it is necessary, it is necessary, again it seems to me that my head is spinning, cashback for alpha vyanekta,
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killed, black sun, premiere today at 20:00 on ntv. there's another emergency going on live . we are continuing production. a tragedy happened in one family in the troubled areas of moscow. a seven-year-old girl died under the weight of a concrete structure that collapsed on her. it was a section of fence from an abandoned fire station. no one seemed to be interested in the ghost building. sometimes questions arose about what to do with it, but then.
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was under the same slab that has tilted 30° in recent years. potential source of danger: children they used it as a shelter, they built huts near the tilted wall, this is exactly what a schoolgirl was doing a few minutes before the tragedy, then there are several versions, either one of the children jumped onto the slab, after which it fell, or it was a fatal accident. by the time the concrete slabs that surround the abandoned fire station had long since served their purpose, most of them were replaced with this kind of corrugated sheet, which seems to also be in need. in the update, today warnings appeared on the fence, passage is prohibited, on the side where the tragedy occurred there is not even such leaflets. ownerless lands were officially added to the balance sheet of the city administration recently in february of this year; in addition to the abandoned territory, a tenant who had been using the land for several years was given a lease; how exactly is unclear, but apparently, he treated this asset rather negligently, which
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could have led to tragedy. investigators will study the details as part of the criminal case. the investigation will provide a legal assessment. action or inaction of administration employees, as well as the tenant of the building, who, according to the agreement, was obliged to maintain the adjacent territory in accordance. the criminal investigation continues. law enforcement officers have already seized all the necessary documentation, which means it is only a matter of time to identify the responsible persons. the fire station, along with the fence, was finally promised to be demolished during the summer holidays, which were supposed to be the first in the life of the deceased schoolgirl. ivan gubin, alena kryukova and sergei boganov, ntv television company. nurses without empathy announced the verdict in court, marina zhirov, relatives of a bedridden disabled person treated cruelly, the immobilized man could not resist. complain, but the surveillance cameras installed in his room showed zhirova’s attitude towards sick people. dayana shlyupkina will tell you what sentence she was given. in which of the two images
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will marina zhirova appear at the announcement of the verdict, an angel or a despot, those who saw the defendant in all roles and in surveillance camera footage at previous hearings wondered, it is possible that in order to cling to any chance to mitigate her punishment, she chose to be quiet and taciturn, she tightly clutched a pile of documents in her hand. in which she set out justifications for her cruel, inhumane attitude towards an elderly disabled person, these are the footage where zhirova , working as a nurse, splashed out another portion of uncontrollable aggression, take your hand away, i say, it was this video that opened the eyes of the wife of a bedridden patient, she found the nurse on the internet, about zhirova herself wrote as a specialist who knows everything about quality care for the elderly... i was finally won over by the applicant’s experience, just like that antonina was looking for a person to look after her helpless husband. alexey kozlov owned a large enterprise for the development
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of communication systems, suffered several strokes, could not move, speak or eat on his own, his wife had to take care of the serious business entirely and she needed a responsible assistant at home. zhirova made a positive impression when they met, so they quickly agreed on everything and began to live as one family. until... after some time, the relatives did not notice the bruises and cuts on the disabled person, for which the nurse managed to make excuses before them, there was no excuse, and this is simply impossible, i never even had the thought of intentionally causing physical pain and suffering, with this most rude action i skillfully found excuses, wrote off every new bruise on the body of an elderly businessman as an accident, for example, breaking dishes with a shrapnel, hit a man, but when there was already too much evidence, she decided to run away, woke up the owners at night and...
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she denied observing the torture of her ward to the last and even counter-accused the employer of having too much she got carried away. alexey kozlov did not live to see the teacher’s sentence; the disabled person’s condition after systematic bullying, according to his wife, began to rapidly deteriorate. the court sentenced the nurse to 3 years in a general regime colony and ordered her to pay the businessman’s relatives 290 thousand rubles in compensation. deana shlyubkin, oksana goncharenko, anton kuzmin and dmitry salnikov, television company. tv. well, that's not all, look further. monkey hunting. 3,500 daring macaques of
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lapuri province attack local residents, tourists they take over the business, but the local police have declared war on the bandy primates. details after the advertisement on ntv. listen to the riddle. “a man returned, he hadn’t been in the city for 10 years, he came to his mother’s grave, in its place the owner of the meat processing plant was buried, with a monument, the question is, who did the money bring, what are you, like, for justice, zhenya murian, your mother won’t forgive you, but really you think that i didn’t take precautions, i don’t like these dances on the graves, they killed him with my mounts, he pressed you tightly, you want you to fight on his side, it’s you who will kill him, i’m the one told the truth, you can continue to do"? whatever you want arseny robok, hot spot, new season, soon on ntv. complivit to support
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the best jobs. we continue the issue: a large family in the chelyabinsk region cannot get on the waiting list for housing, their house burned down back in the nineties. the difficulty is that adults and children have a registration, according to which they must live in the store. aleftina marchenko found out who sent them for food. speech here in the village store svetlana tyamkina did not come for a loaf of white and a carton of milk, the plans are much larger, she is thinking about where to put a cot between the sausage counter, the rack with fruit or near the refrigerator with ice cream, and this is not a sick fantasy, but one might say a legal right, woman shows his passport, in black and white in the registration is the address of the outlet, here you go, this is a store, i have to live, here is the window of my room, once upon a time there was a two-story
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barracks in this place, in which... svetlana temkina lived with her grandmother, but in the mid- nineties there was a fire, half of the building burned down, the residents moved away, in all directions, the surviving part buildings were transferred to non-residential premises and a grocery store was opened. in general, nothing unusual, except for the fact that according to the documents of the residents, it was as if nothing had changed, the officials either forgot or did not want to put the required mark, in fact, non-existent housing listed on the papers as quite real in the store, even. the tyamkins wanted to get on the waiting list for housing as a low-income earner, but they were turned down. the administration, where they applied for the first time 5 years ago, demanded documents confirming the right of residence, they must show when and who received the apartment,
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which then burned down. but there are no papers, alexey throws up his hands, everything was destroyed by fire, only the registration stamp in the passport remained, neighbors who could confirm their story, or moved to an unknown place direction, or died due to old age, and now those registered in tyamkina’s silpo cannot claim improved living conditions. we need a person who will make this strong-willed decision, take responsibility and say: guys, let’s put together a commission, recognize this building as non-existent, which is nowhere to be found, not in fact, not according to documents, no walls, no roof, when it’s absurd the situation got. the city administration promised to look into the matter and warned again, the question is not quick, you need archives, evidence, etc., officials have their own truth, those who messed things up are long gone, and sorting out an inheritance takes a long time, it’s completely
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unclear how, and besides , it’s expensive, talking is one thing, paper is another matter, i understand perfectly well that i should make an appointment for a personal appointment with the deputy head of property, directly the one who manages our living fund, but i don’t have any special hopes. they don’t feed, the story lasts more than 20 years, and at this rate stivpo will become the home address not only of their children, but of their grandchildren. aleftin marchenko, natalya popova and sergey vaganov, ntv television company, chelyabinsk region. we will not leave this family unattended ; we will inform you about all changes and their registration in the chpntv telegram channel. to subscribe, just enter the name of the program in the general search, as it is indicated on your screens. a new exotic police unit appeared in one of the cities of thailand, where some law enforcement officers were puzzled by the search for the detention of monkeys. now trained law enforcement officers must identify alpha males and detain them, why and what happens to primates later, dian
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kavando will tell. what is happening in these shots from the outside may seem strange, a policeman at the moment of arrest. his face is covered with a mask, in a holster, weapons, cartridges, but for some reason he is holding a slingshot in his hands, ready to shoot. in this violator, according to local laws, it is strictly prohibited. many blows must be made so that the flock understands that the leader is not moving. the main attribute of street fun for soviet schoolchildren is here in thailand a full-fledged means of protection against especially dangerous hooligans. in the city of labbur crocoid macaques fight with humans for a place in the tropics; they are hungry, which means they are aggressive and very dangerous. they have formed their own monkey agglomeration here and step by step they are seizing the territory once occupied by humans. no, no, no, don't come near me, you should stay down, don't do this, don't touch me. and this is no longer just a colony of rocking monkeys, say thai officials, but a real aggressive animalistic majority. crow-eating macaques adopt human habits so quickly
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that the methods of fighting adopted in the event that an animal accidentally wanders into a populated area are not suitable, they are so successful in ape-monkeying that they had to organize a special task force to combat macaques, which included the most dexterous police officers. they have been cramming the laws for years, learning to catch criminals, so that now they can search for the detainment of the leaders of the packs, with a deft swing of a slingshot or a dart with sleeping pills, they are neutralized and taken to the monkey barn. one of these needles will last from 2 to 5 minutes depending on the monkey's weight and health status. the detention center for alpha macaques is scientifically called an anthropoid center, a special center for the study of primates. the role of guards here is played by scientists, who , before returning the detainees back to... nature, analyze their habits, which are too reminiscent of human ones, this leads experts to very interesting conclusions, what if this is a new stage in the evolution of monkeys, and since they are gathering in colonies, they are capturing entire cities, what does humanity expect next? they won't just leave on their own, then
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there is, if they feel good, if they are provided with conditions for food, and if this food is easily obtained, then they will calmly stay and live together next to us, revenues are also closed, locals are becoming less and less willing to go on short excursions, so hotels and shops are closed left without residents are forced to tightly lock their windows and doors, but what if at this rate lubburri becomes the first city in which rapidly evolving primates win the battle with homo sapiens is a debatable question. diana kavando, erika hovagyan, natalya popova and i on that's all we have, thank you for your attention.


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