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tv   Segodnya  NTV  April 2, 2024 7:00pm-8:00pm MSK

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shrines made of blood and hexagen ukraine tried to stage a terrorist attack in russia using explosives disguised as church utensils. report by roman sobol. the olympic committee, its head, thomas bachot, was working on disrupting the games , telling vavan and lexus what else the international soul was doing, lukito corson enthusiastically followed the conversation. russian pork in china after 15 years of ban, how chinese restaurants and supermarkets will enrich themselves, and what benefits for our country, about this, mikhail chibanenko. to get micro, you need to invest macro, belarusian manufacturer of crystals for microcircuits. expands production. sergei
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savin tried to consider everything in the smallest detail. the historical temperature record has been broken in the european territory of russia: how long will the april summer last? hello, welcome to the information service of the ntv television company. this is the program today, its presenter is aina nikolaeva and igor politaev. vladimir putin today met in the kremlin with emir kusturica. the serbian director told the president about his creative plans. also during the meeting, they discussed the situation in ukraine, where, according to kusturice , the ideology of nazism is flourishing. putin said that the director’s views on these events coincide with...
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the beneficiaries of the attack on the crocus concert hall, we will certainly get to them, he added, while the president called it unacceptable to use the terrorist attack at the crocus to provoke national or religious hatred. the president spoke at the board of the ministry of internal affairs and set a number of tasks related to the investigation of the terrorist attack and the fight against extremism. putin stated the need to radically change the approach to migration policy and invited law enforcement agencies, together with other structures, to work on this issue. inna osipov has details. our security forces
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today have to confront not just crime, but also cross-border syndicates that work together with foreign intelligence services and international radical extremist structures. the president announced this at the annual expanded board of the ministry of internal affairs and outlined the key tasks: ensuring public order, combating extremism, drug trafficking, suppression of illegal migration, as well as neutralization of organized crime. speaking about the investigation into the terrorist attack in crocus, vladimir putin noted that it was involved. i have already said that it is important for us to establish not only the direct perpetrators, but all the links, the chains of the ultimate criminal beneficiaries of this crime, we will certainly get to them, that’s what i would like to say in this regard, those who use these weapons, these are the weapons that are used against russia, this is obvious today, must understand that it is both sharp, these are weapons, orders,
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crimes for money, they are not isolated, also in this professional environment you can say, and you know this well, in this environment there are no reliable agents, they do anything for money, not i am guided by no religious, not political considerations, only financial ones, everything is also easy to sell, any information is bought and sold, so we will certainly reach the end customers, while the actions of all law enforcement agencies are assessed, control, supervisory services and commercial organizations that were responsible for this large facility. we paid a very high price and the entire analysis of the situation must be extremely objective and professional, this is important , first of all, in order to bring law and order and security to a new level in crowded places
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, sports facilities, transport, shopping and entertainment centers, schools, hospitals, universities, theaters and so on. i want to emphasize this, to use recent tragic events to provoke national hatred, xenophobia, islamophobia and so on. actually, this was the main goal of the terrorists of their customers, first of all, to sow discord, strife and hatred in
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our country, to split russia from the inside, this is their main task, we must under no circumstances allow them to do this. needs to be implemented. modern digital electronic biometric data bases, those that are already working, are obviously not enough, especially in the face of external threats. first of all, it is necessary to ensure the interests and the security of the state and society, to preserve, preserve interethnic and interreligious harmony, our cultural, linguistic identity, everything that is the strength of russia. the principle is that only those can come and live and work in russia.
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criminals, but sometimes with enemy sabotage groups, which, among other things , try to use long-standing channels through organized crime, therefore one of the most important tasks in the donbass in novorosiya is to protect citizens from criminal threats, ensure the normal functioning of authorities, enterprises, banks, shops, farmers, small medium-sized businesses. vladimir putin noted that despite the hostilities, there are already more than 3,200,000 residents of donbass and
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i note that in recent years the level of teenage crime has been decreasing, this is of course a good result. the head of the ministry of internal affairs, vladimir kolokoltsev, spoke about this in his report, noting that the main threat
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comes from abroad. measures are being implemented to improve the effectiveness of the fight against cybercrime. it should be noted that significant threats come from from abroad. their personal data and savings from online scammers and extremists. as for donbass and navorosiya, today active work is underway there to identify saboteurs, underground cells, radicals, and illegal trafficking in weapons and ammunition. employees of the specialized unit of the central office discovered specially equipped caches intended for use by the armed forces of ukraine. 87 grenades, more than 800 different mine shells, and 67 units were recovered from the caches.
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at our expense. russia is successfully resisting this challenges, the president believes, is one of the indicators of the russian economy. however, the success
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of the country largely depends on the work of law enforcement officers. you must ensure a normal life for the ordinary citizen of russia, but you yourself must work in conditions close to wartime conditions. i think that for the people who are sitting in this room... for people in uniform - these are absolutely obvious things, i really count on you, this is exactly the kind of work the people of russia expect from you. inna osipov, vyacheslav zubarev, ntv television company. the fsb today announced the discovery of a large shipments of explosives on the border with latvia. in the pskov region, a car with a trailer was arrested that was transporting cargo for the orthodox church, while the icons contained packages with hexagen and church utensils. electric detonators, the cargo came from ukraine through several european countries and was headed to moscow;
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experts say that the amount of explosives discovered could be enough to blow up a multi-story residential building. about what is known at this time. roman sobol. the minibus is packed to capacity, and even a trailer. when customs officers started checking cargo, the driver fussed, asked not to delay the procedure, they say he was carrying not a simple cargo, but illuminated church utensils. they brought a service dog and it reacted to the explosives. the car was driven to the nearest forest and there it was unloaded with extreme caution. in the boxes, wrapped in tape, there were, indeed, icons, but with a double bottom, behind the frames there were containers with some kind of crystalline powder. chemical analysis showed it was hexogen, an industrial explosive more powerful than tratyl. icons. printed in the kiev printing house, probably already there behind every face our lady and hid several hundred
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grams of hexogen, in total the minibus was carrying 70 kg of explosives. the power of this explosive was one and a half times greater than the power consumed, and the mass of the seized explosive was sufficient to blow up a five-story residential building. with the help of invoice receipts, the entire route from kiev was restored and the horses were delivered to romania in the town of filtechenie; they were loaded into the same minibus with a trailer, which also arrived from kiev. from there, along a complex route around ukraine, he headed through latvia to russia. boxes of explosives quietly crossed six state borders. perhaps in the european union they are very transparent, but not for cargo sent to russia, so they are sniffed at in every possible way, trying to catch the sanction. goods, but the driver with his deadly cargo was not detained anywhere, neither in poland, nor in lithuania, nor in latvia, which
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are extremely picky in these matters, we cannot exclude the possibility that european officials received an order from above from brussels or washington to turn on the green light, no problems were identified, after which i drove into the schengen zone, again heading in the direction of russia, driving to slovakia, poland, lithuania, latvia, where... it easily catches fire and detonates on impact, such a car involved in an accident , would leave a crater on the highway like from an aerial bomb, and the drivers still know that he has two passports, a russian ukrainian one, western-made explosives are embedded not only in icons, but in hollow candlesticks, fuses are included in the kit, here is the complete
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assembly, yes, which collect everything in one chain ready lie, battery.
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on the line of military contact, kiev is still trying to convince its western sponsors of its ability to resist the russian army. to do this, he is trying to transfer hostilities to the territory of our country, resorting to acts of terrorism and shelling of civilians. our armed forces react asymmetrically to such crimes by ukrainian militants. in march , high-precision weapons were used by unmanned aerial vehicles on ...
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the enemy before the platoon, which was about to attempt a counterattack, them in time calculated, gave us the coordinates, two or three shots were enough for the enemy counterattack to stop, about a platoon of zhelosyu was hit, in these frames the crews of t-80 tanks, a unit from
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primorye, part of the vostok group, are conducting combat work, direct fire with a tip, she destroyed a ukrainian armed forces stronghold that was hindering the advance. assault detachments in the southern donetsk direction. tankers are constantly in full combat readiness; they can have up to five trips to the front line per day. the russian investigative committee is looking into circumstances of drone attacks on civilian objects in tatarstan. 13 people were injured, including two seventeen-year- old teenagers. at about 6 a.m., two kamikaze drones attacked a dormitory building in a special economic zone in yelabuga. the devices were equipped with equipment from nato countries. all victims. students of the alabuga polytech educational center, they were slightly or moderately injured. another drone tried to attack an oil refinery in nizhnekamsk. the drone was neutralized by the complex electronic warfare and did not explode. the technological process at the enterprise was not disrupted; in the belgorod region, 10 people were injured the night before during
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shelling by ukrainian forces. all of them were taken to the hospital with shrapnel wounds and boron injuries. one casualty. in serious condition, more than 80 apartments, seven private houses, dozens of cars and a school were also damaged, where almost all the windows were broken, as reported by the ministry of defense, the russian air defense system shot down 19 czech-made vampire missiles on approach to belgorod, who use apu. iran will not leave israel's airstrike on the iranian consulate in damascus unanswered, said the president of the islamic republic, ibrahim raisi, according to information from tehran, as a result of strikes from...
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the united states hastened to distance itself from israel's actions, the white house assured the iranian authorities that in washington. did not know in advance about the impending attack on damascus. comments in the world press regarding the attack on the iranian consulate note that israeli strikes on iranian targets in syria threaten to expand the conflict in the middle east. due to as the situation worsened, russia requested an emergency meeting of the un security council. it should take place late this evening. the president of the international olympic committee, thomas bach, did not hide the fact that sanctions against russian athletes are of a political nature. and reported that ukrainian olympians were entrusted with the responsibility of spying on russian representatives at the games in paris. these revelations by the head of mog, voiced in his conversation with
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pranksters in the russian mit, were regarded as a confession of a criminal conspiracy. thomas bug also said that his organization now sets its goals to disrupt international competitions if russia is the host. nikita korzun about the self-exposure of the main olympian. germany has yet to resign from his post as head of the international olympic committee. the sports official did not so much reveal the secrets of management as publicly cross out the meaning and values ​​of the olympic movement. if earlier this was suspected, then now and forever it is clear what is meant when people say sport outside politics. we punish those who carry responsibility for annexation. the ginn cannot be fulfilled, and the russian flag cannot be raised. under anexia bach has. kherson regions, but something else is more interesting. with this statement, the head may have directly violated the key principles of the olympic charter, the doctrinal
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document of the movement. sports organizations must maintain political neutrality internally. playing sports is a human right. no one dares to encroach on this opportunity. any discrimination is excluded , including of a political nature. but this is all, as it turned out, theory, practice - this is for example, ukrainian denunciations of russian athletes. those who support the government in this cannot take part. we have a special monitoring committee at the moc level, which also works with an independent company, they monitor the internet, the media and public statements, so that if an athlete appears with such statements, he cannot take part in the games. we asked the ukrainian side to provide information about the behavior of athletes and officials. thomas bach was asked about how such an exclusive the attitude towards russian athletes gets along with what is happening in the world. there are now about twenty hot conflicts, israel, in particular, is openly obliterating the civilian infrastructure of palestinian gaza, but this does not prevent its athletes from packing their bags for paris, the head could simply avoid answering, but
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he was open about what his department is doing against russia on other sporting fronts, for example, the brix games, in which athletes from a union of nine states compete, were held for the first time last year in ur, 20 are opening this year june in kazan, for mok the stumbling block is china. but bach still hopes. i don't think china will participate at a high level. last year, before the last brix games in south africa, we made sure that they did not have a resonance in the world of sports. they see it as a youth competition, while the russians want to play it like a full-fledged game. a prominent african sports official, sorry, shared it with vawan and lexus, on behalf of which they acted as another concern of the international olympic committee. and no, this is not the upcoming summer olympics.
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thomas bach is trying to do everything he can to disrupt these games. i think you could protect the integrity of the sport and convey to african athletes at a higher political level that these games are presented as the games of the russian president, his decree is the basis of these games, it is his government that is everything.
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i want to tell russian and belarusian athletes that they will not be welcome in paris, we very much support ukrainian athletes and the ukrainian people. of course, you won’t be nice by force, everything is clear with the capital of the summer games, in which the security services are demanding that the opening be canceled due to the threat of terrorist attacks, there are certainly no illusions left, if there were any at all, about the principles of olympism. thanks to the head of the international olympic committee, thomas bach, we appreciate, as
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they say, such sincerity.
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bigspeal barbecue. ben is already in the combo for 469 rubles. discounts up to 30% on frutanyanya baby food, write benefits in the ozone search bar, look for different discounts. an endless country on which the sun never sets. the fascinating nature of russia is now in your hands, on the new teinkov black maps. hurry up to get a think of black debit card with limited design in april and get it. paid service forever. tinkov. bright, laconic, romantic. new spring. new you. choose nazon, your image with a spring mood. welder of the sixth category georgy petrovich was distinguished by iron discipline. respect for petrovich grew, polyps grew. in 30 years, he has never been late for a shift, but i’m sorry he was late because colon cancer is growing in the bird. guys, get
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works. find out your credit score on the compare website or app. it's free. keep your credit history under control. compare, on your side. black sun premieres today. this is the program today, we continue our release. of the 300 bills that the government sent to the state duma last year, 200 have already become laws. mikhail mishusin said today at a meeting with the chairman of the lower house of parliament. the government's annual report to the state duma will take place tomorrow. today’s conversation concluded consultations between parliamentarians and representatives of the executive branch, who, like... and between parliamentarians and members of the government, such effective, constructive relationships have developed, they work a lot, in this sense we constantly
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feel, including parliamentary control, which is absolutely normal and correct , and i want to thank you for here such a constructive mechanism that has developed in the work of the state duma and the government, over the past time we with the government... have reached a different level of relationship, the most important thing is that now both deputies and the government are responsible for the final result of decisions made, which means their quality will be much better, immediately after the meeting mikhail mishustin held a meeting at which he discussed the preparation of the annual report, the head of government emphasized the importance of feedback and asked ministers to listen to the opinion of the deputies in order to give comprehensive answers to the questions that will be asked of them tomorrow.
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that it is looking for signs of collusion among the largest retail chains, mentioning, among others , perekrestok, magnit, dixie, pyaterochka, lenta, okay, oshan metro. the fas clarifies that prices for eggs are checked when purchasing under long-term contracts at tenders, information on the volume of purchases and sales. last november , the fas inspected egg producers, and at that time this inspection seemed relevant. over the past year , eggs in russia were imitated by 60%. now, with beginning of the year eggs under. they say that they have long ago voluntarily limited the markup on eggs to 5-10%. the ashen store chain
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also reported in our program that voluntary price restrictions of 5-10% have been in effect for socially significant goods since the beginning of 2022, and eggs are included in these goods. in the association. the union explained the sharp increase in egg prices in russia last year by the increase in the cost of eggs; due to the exchange rate , logistics, packaging, spare parts, vaccines have become more expensive, and there is also a shortage of workers. authorities took measures, zeroed import duties , entered into price agreements with producers and sellers, and the ministry of agriculture 2 months ago promised to think about expanding preferential lending to egg producers. the number of russian dollar billionaires in... has grown to a record in the world ranking of the richest businessmen in the world from forbes magazine 125 people with russian citizenship. in the twenty-second year, their number fell sharply to 88. forbes explains this with sanctions and a ban on trading on
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the moscow exchange, but then the price of shares began to grow, here it is, a new record for the number of russian billionaires. there could be more, but forbes recalls that 10 businessmen renounced russian citizenship. for the first time russian. headed by the co-owner of the company, his fortune is 28 billion 600 million dollars, over the year it grew by 8 billion, because lukoil shares were imitated by 90%. in second place is the chairman of the board of novotek leonid mikhelson, his fortune grew by almost $6 billion over the year. in third place is the beneficiary of the novolipetsk metallurgical plant, vladimir lisin. next to it is an amount that is 4.5 billion more than last year. the leader of last year's ranking, the founder of eurochem and suek, andrey melnichenko, is now only seventh. the top three richest businessmen in the world all remained in their places. leader. still bernard arnault, head of lvmh, which owns 75
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brands, including louis véton, christian dzior, tiffany. over the course of a year, bernard arnault’s fortune grew by 22 billion, and now he has 233 such billions. in second place is elon musk, an interesting detail, for 4 years the cost spacex has grown almost fivefold. in third place is the founder of the amazon online store jeff bezes. for the first time , an american singer was included in the list of billionaires. the russian stock market has been growing for 7 days in a row, today optimism was supported by rising oil and gold prices, analysts say that in the near future the russian market may continue to grow on expectations of dividends, but there are no other factors of support for the russian stock market yet. i lost my ruble today. april will stop servicing cards
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of the russian payment system mir, operator local payment system is directly explained by the fact that in february of this year the us treasury imposed sanctions against the nspk company, the world operator. and kyrgyzstan wants to minimize the risk of secondary sanctions. abkhazia, south ossetia, cuba, vietnam, kazakhstan, tajikistan, venezuela, but changes are happening rapidly, and it is better to say that the world outside russia is accepted in one way or another. degree, everything about economics, thank you, denis tololayev with
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his economic review of the day. russia resumes pork exports to china. an agreement was reached at government level and the first batches have already been sent to chinese partners. in china, which has a population of one and a half billion people, pork is extremely popular every year; every resident of china consumes up to 40 kg. for comparison, in russia it is 10 kg less. for domestic producers, entering the chinese market is very profitable... correspondent mikhail chebanenko tried to understand whether pork lovers in russia would suffer. pork in the chinese sense is not even meat, ears, paws, cartilage, what we call soup products and usually sent to scrap in china are in great demand. there are many delicacies on the menu of this moscow restaurant. these are pigs' hooves, in china they eat absolutely everything from pork, from snout to tail. after more than 15 years of ban. china has allowed the import of pork from russia, this is their
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national cuisine, and russia is on the list of world leaders in pork production. in ancient china, in several provinces, namely song and tang, these are some of the most famous and one of the largest provinces that existed in china, and there it was strictly forbidden to eat beef, and it got to the point that if someone ate or killed cows, and it even went as far as death penalties, that’s a plus... people believe that pork is much healthier and more valuable than beef in terms of health in terms of just getting enough food. in china, when they say the word meat, they mean pork, and russian producers have long been known as suppliers of quality products. here we have prepared a new warehouse for storing and shipping finished products to china. and the main thing is that our market will not suffer from chinese appetites. the capacities of farms and meat processing plants in russian regions are designed for wide sales. and now, thanks to negotiations at the government level and diplomacy, we are again
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sending pork to china. the opening of the chinese market is of enormous importance for our industry, pig farming in russia. china is a huge country, 1.4 billion people, the question is not only about the population, but also about the culture of pork consumption. if in russia it is 30 kg per person per year, then in china it is already 40. in 2008, china banned the import of russian pork, a safety measure in connection with african swine fever, now the chinese authorities have recognized that russia has done a lot to fight the infection, and now our meat is one of the safest in the world, and taking into account the requests of china,
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take into account that pork for export to china - requirements for pork production, and it is not even meat that is needed, but what we prefer , therefore, enterprises now throw away increased amounts of ears, cartilage, thanks to china's requests, now it is waste-free production. mikhail chabanenko, irina prochikovskaya, ekaterina katilevskaya and vera timofeeva, ntv television company. this is the program today. watch after the short commercial. in the european territory of russia, the historical temperature record has been broken for how long the april summer will last.
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with a limited design in april, get free service forever. tinkov. this is the program today. we continue our release. today in russia and belarus they celebrate the day of unity of fraternal peoples. on april 2 , 1996, an agreement was signed in moscow, which... yura consolidated the mutual process with telegrams. cooperation is taking place in the two countries. vladimir putin and alexander lukashenko exchanged congratulatory cards today
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ceremonial events. in moscow, at the victory museum, the main symbols of the allied states, national flags, were unfurled. the ceremony was attended by cadets of the presidential school of the russian guard, who carefully carried the flags to the national anthems of the republic of belarus and the russian federation. after that, in the commanders' hall, the guys waited for the end goal. competition for young people, in which artists of the union state took part, the russian house began operating in grodno, belarus, which became the fourth such center in republic, similar ones are successfully operating in brest, gomel and minsk. over more than a quarter of a century of existence of the union state, the basis for the formation of a common socio-economic space was created. now in minsk, thanks to russian investments , a large microelectronics manufacturer is being modernized. of the union state its own chips and where it plans to use new products, sergei savin will tell. at first glance, it
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looks like a big music disk or a computer disk, but no, this is a top technological a silicon wafer on which, as they say here, crystals are grown, here they are, appearance is deceptive, to obtain it requires more than 300 complex operations, each wafer has different metals, gold, silver, applied on the back, it all just depends on the what type of substrate? and yes, size matters, in minsk they are now working with a diameter of 200 mm, this is an opportunity to place more crystals on one carrier, and several such wafers cover the annual need of a conventional machine-building plant. element size on-chip has an even more unique characteristic. the world's leading manufacturers are reaching an incredible 4.6 nanometers. belarusians still feel confident at 0.35 micrometers. at the same time, for skeptics, belarusian chips are actively being purchased. same china, the clean zone is the main site where wafers are created and then crystals are placed on them, the maximum purity class is one - these are strict, almost absolute requirements
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for temperature, humidity and air circulation, triple purification, somewhere, like, for example, here here, exclusively yellow light , graphite floor everywhere, oddly enough, but the main threat to product technology is the person himself, the carrier of dust and static electricity. integral clearly understands its technological capabilities and precisely positions itself on the market, the company will not be able to produce telephone super gadgets in the next decade, and does not intend to, another niche since the times of the union, with a margin of reliability and phenomenal capabilities in terms of use from -60 to +125 . still a significant share products with dual-use markings, for russia this includes the automotive industry , avionics, space, nuclear energy, communications and much more. data is 100% controlled. each crystal, because we have a lot of products for export, they have quite strict requirements. maximum thousandfold magnification. each
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plate in a microscope is like a carpet. in crystal control there are only girls. 3.0 24 plates per plate. this will make an ordinary person’s brain boil in 2 minutes during a shift, i tested it on myself. there will be a number of more checks electronic already on functionality. now the integral is expanding. investment incentive, union program of targeted loans. moscow for enhanced pumping of belarusian microcircuits, expand production, move to level 0.35, technological level, we already have it, but we are introducing additional options, this will allow us additional technological options, this will allow us to actually develop and launch new products on the market , which at the moment we cannot produce a two-in-one project - this is an increase in volumes. new line will allow us to bring crystal production to the production of tens of thousands of wafers every month, and new samples, technologically fresh
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serial numbers will be received within 2 years. the next level to be taken will decrease and reach the level of 18-25 nm. these are design standards, right now, according to which they actually work, well, probably, according to various estimates, there are 2/3 of enterprises around the world, they work with these design standards. new site. its equipment is a closed topic, this is part of the anti-sanctions already familiar to the enterprise prevention, the less they know about your kitchen, the easier it is to work, in addition, belarusians are investing in highly specialized, high-tech, but not core areas for themselves, firstly, this is medical equipment, including the appearance of high- resolution monitors with touch-screen screen, and moreover, we will offer a modular design of these monitors, and secondly, a headache for the russian... industry, critical components of auto electronics and semiconductors. union program for the development of highly intelligent and technological systems
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for special dual-purpose vehicles. the most pressing question. began to replace intelligent systems, these are sensors, information display systems, something that was not produced in russia, belarus, the post-soviet space, something that was purchased imported, new systems are currently being developed that will cover the need for this equipment. the operational modernization of integral will provide the opportunity for a technical reserve for at least a decade, while the consumer of the lion's share of the products will be... russia sergey saven tikrantovyan and dmitry davidenko, ntv, minsk, belarus. abnormally warm weather provoked an active phase of spring floods throughout russia, the ministry of emergency situations reported today that about 500 residential buildings have already been flooded. this night in the orenburg region , a rescuer evacuated 46 people, including 18 children, from dangerous zones. the most difficult situation is now in the altai territory,
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where 68 people remain in temporary accommodation centers in the moscow region. due to strong warming, the pride land lions park is going under water. besides lions, tigers live there, leopards, camels. all the animals are now alive and well, but the water continues to rise. to control the situation, employees are going to stay in the park overnight. the ministry of emergency situations warns that the area of ​​flooding will increase in most regions of the central federal district. well, today's truly summer weather contributes to this. temperatures in many cities of the european territory of russia, updated. maximums in the entire history of observations. irina polikova joins us. irina, what was the temperature on the thermometers in moscow today? again record, unique +23.2. in general, in the central regions the weather got ahead of itself so much that it began to set records and such warmth in early april had never been recorded before. today is 12° warmer than expected, but there are spring rules. the
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more striking the burst of heat, the more anomalous, the shorter it is. tomorrow is the first stage of cooling, i say the first, because there will be a second, and even a third, to reduce all our sudden overheating to zero. it's getting colder in the northwest today, and tomorrow there will be heavy precipitation, snow, rain, icy rain, in pskov no higher than +8, but in koluga it’s still 14 to begin with, in general there are also snow prospects in the central regions, tomorrow there will still be snow in the north and a noticeable cold wave as far as the kome republic. the only area where the temperature will continue to rise is povol.
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in st. petersburg tomorrow it will be generally cold, just plus one, a lot of precipitation, rain turning into snow, up to the return of snowdrifts. for moscow , the scenario is not such a winter one, but there will also be something to be surprised by. tomorrow the maximum will be +15, then a strong north wind will blow that away too. on thursday there is a chance of wet snow, and then minus at night. that's it.
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my sister has disappeared, where can i turn, our best operational officer, this is the same place, yes, he stood by the fire with his back to me, if there was a fire, then there must be ashes, we can see each other, i ’ll tell you everything, i need to return to the city, my sister was found, no, other people will now look for her, ilyin committed an unjustified murder of a person, so he moved the body into the house. in order to pass off the murder as forced defense, i dragged the body of this freak into the house, you committed an official crime, write in your own way, yes, captain chagin, listen, right now there’s no time for you at all, today in the vybsk region a woman’s trumpet was found, why do you need this one hundred percent capercaillie, my wife was in charge of a similar case, they found the body of your friend veronica, her they cut off my head and hands, i told your wife everything and gave this damn
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diary, the fact is that my wife was killed, according to the investigation, it was done by a drug addict who wanted...
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great, major, so be it, i’ll tell you about this moldovan woman, but on one condition, you let velin go, why are you bubbling, well! well, we understand that you went too far, well , you need these moldovan women, and i ’ll tell you everything, i’ll tell you about the forest, everything, i ’ll find you this local guy, i bet i ’ll find you like that, that you’ll not only close the case or else, you’re also going to put me down, but i already saw the same case a year ago, this is not a topic for jokes, but
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i’m not joking, a year ago a similar body was found in a neighboring area. and then we went into the forest to look for the remains of the fire, someone called her, she immediately dismissed me, why? and i i know, she said, she said she’s looking for her sister, now other people will be involved in the search, here’s the girl’s name ungureanu gabriela georgievna, there are both mobile and work numbers, she also owns a chain of beauty salons in st. petersburg, the subscriber doesn’t answer, well, try on the work one, so when on.. . left, i found something in the forest, the hall of the fire - these are bra clasps, traces of the fire were well disguised, hello, vyborg investigation department, major of justice zhuk, can i talk to gabriela georgievna, but
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you don’t know how to contact her sure, thank you, its third day no one i saw, they can’t get in touch, but oh well. if everything is confirmed, we will open the apartment, let's go, we'll talk on the way, it was in the spring, last year, a dismembered corpse was found by the river, on the same day we were all sent to the priozersky district to search, no head, no hands found, but then the operas and i found the remains of a fire, in the hall it means there were metal fittings, a zipper, some buttons, fasteners from a mold, when the moldovan woman talked about a fire in the forest, i immediately remembered that incident, and where was this place, you can show? well what are you, so am i right away?


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