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tv   Mech-2  NTV  April 3, 2024 2:45am-3:26am MSK

2:45 am
don’t interrupt, i know it’s you, i can do it this way, whoever brings the answer here in pride will think about it, and you’ll be on the sidelines, you’ll be driving the blizzard, figure it out yourself, i’m listening to you attentively, this is monthly. a little , taking into account how you are growing, or figure it out yourself, but i agree, it’s a deal, so maybe we’ll celebrate this matter anyway, i’ll have a drink at home. the right choice, egor.
2:46 am
i agree. return to the square. but from the square, so as not to foot, you will enter the share on the first day of each month, i will not check, but it’s better not by numbers, and most importantly, the language keep your mouth shut, it will leak somewhere, there was no agreement, you can guess the consequences, do you have any questions? i always knew that you were a wise man.
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atriom mortis, omen of death, let's put down your mobile phone, kostyan, take it off.
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it won’t, i just bought it yesterday, it won’t spoil, it’s not bad, for the sake of our safety we are introducing a mandatory rule, i went in, turned off the phone immediately into this safe, it will protect against wiretapping and billing, well, welcome to our new home, good thing, i i like it, there's a weapons shop, there's a medical room next, len, you're wearing it medicines, equipment, well, i’ll allocate the funds by itself, here is the office, after all, we have a real, serious business, a living quarters, by the way, for kostyan personally, there shouldn’t be any girls here, yes i understand, i understand, strangers are here no entry, where did you get all this? this is moscow, vinny, if
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there is demand, there will be any offer for you. yes, you have used an emergency vehicle before, knowledge multiplies grief, we should come here again soon for a kit, it will be soon, by the way, we can now have our own cars update, i have the money, oh well, i’ll take it, you ’ll take what i tell you, no show off, modest, neat cars, victor, you... but no, thank you, my car suits me, well, look, this is your share, you he also worked like everyone else, it’s always like that, the spoils and let’s share it, knowledge, yes, i remember, i remember, multiply the sorrows.
2:50 am
yes, this center hasn’t been on fire yet, remember cap smartane, when the commandant’s office tried to twist him, but that was the case, good, stop it! yes, and 10 people, 10 people, he scattered them like kittens, there is such a singing drebodon, such jb doesn’t give up, his ribs are broken, maybe i ’ll start remembering too, no, about your weak stomach, do you hear, this is a prohibited technique, tell me, tell me, i remember, ah, well, well, our feathered one got into the habit of twisting from the master’s cellar, i told you , and my tummy is weak, here we are moving forward to clean up, that’s it, there are women and siskins among us, somehow the new computer is already glitching, yes, guys, in fact, let’s discuss this topic later sometime, okay, i welcome you , sword, great, i didn’t understand what it was, what kind of
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bullshit, and you’re from here, no, what kind of stupid jokes, knowing criminals, they not only managed to escape punishment, they despise the law, you will do what you usually do, in case of refusal, you will be immediately exposed, and your group will be liquidated, sorry, good luck, who, who was here, i don’t know, the last one
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left yesterday, then how did it get here, i don’t know, you, you did it, tell me, i’ll just let you go here in smoke. i need to know how it got here, how do we find out, it could have gotten through the internet, we haven’t used it yet, in short, you take it and take it to your hacker, let him do whatever he wants with it, even take it apart with a screw, but i need to know who installed it here and how, i got it, i got it, what should i do now?
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i’m here now, yes, hi, hi, something happened here, we are waiting for you, i’m on shift, something urgent, well, relatively speaking, but it’s better for you to come, i have an hour to work, then i’ll come. your name was also in this message, and what does that mean? nothing good, someone decided to play with us, what the heck, everything is clean, max, no bugs, we checked everything, nothing suspicious at all
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zeros, guys, but there is something to do, and there is little choice, rules were imposed on us, we will have to comply when... we will find those who did this, and we will find them, they will curse the day when the light was born, vitya! yes, let's march, but you should be at work, i'm amazed today.
2:55 am
what's on the phone? don't you want to explain anything to me? explain that you have another woman? man, mash, i got another man, it’s fashionable now, i’m surprised, really, these are work phones, you never told me where you are you’re working, what are you doing, you’re safe, masha, i’m consulting, what else can i do, but i don’t know, i don’t know anything about you at all lately, you leave in the middle of the night, come back so suddenly, you don’t explain anything to me, i work, show me where you work, take me there, please, vit, you have some kind of office, at the same time
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you’ll introduce me to your colleagues, i won’t introduce you to anyone, period, everything is clear, after all, masha , you're paranoid, damn it. man, how do you live in such a mess? for whom is chaos, and for whom is there a clear structure? understand, it’s hard to believe, dimon, but everything is in its place here, it’s difficult, don’t touch anything there, and then i’ll be tired of looking. ok, so, is there anything there? yes, in short, here is your vil, uploaded yesterday at 23:07, but how was it uploaded via ent? maybe. but for now i don’t see any traces, here i have to specifically clear the cache, it’s
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a lot of time, it’s your computer, yes, no, no, it’s from work, the boss asked me to check it, but in short, the antivirus doesn’t recognize this infection, which means it’s not in the database , which means that the virus is not widespread, but it is written quite professionally, something like a presentation, there is an audio track, text, or something like that . who wrote it? may i know? i see with cybercrime, bro, you’re not familiar, it’s not customary to leave an autograph here? yeah, that is, no virtual traces at all, i don’t even understand why this virus was written, for the operating system, it’s safe, let’s try to download it, what to download? welcome, hey! what's up, damn, buddy, i really helped you out, thank you, come on,
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max, the letter has arrived, what can i show you, i'm opening it. so, here he is, beslan georgievich centuria, handsome, born in 1955 , native of georgia, the city of kutaisi, thief of law, nickname demon, then there are other nicknames, where, when he was imprisoned, for what and other information, yes, things, i’m personally for it, i don’t like him anymore, he made his choice a long time ago. no other evidence is required, wait, go ahead, so, now, oh, so, he was
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convicted many times under articles 161, 105, 228, has close ties with criminal communities in russia and neighboring countries, here are some addresses, apparently , where you can find everything, well, yes, you still need something, not here it is said why he must die, cap, for what, he is a thief in law, everything is clear, so what? how do we know that all this is true? maybe he's just some kind of businessman? determining the presence of russian status is not so difficult. with so many criminal records, i'll do it in one day. do it, well, if it is confirmed that we will liquidate it. max, there will be consequences, this is not just a street thug. we're not afraid of them, if that's what you mean. another thing is that there is harm from his death. may be more useful for society than good, good cap, it's a blast generations of young people have been burning, but because
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they need to raise their children normally, morons have moronic youth, but we will kill this thief, and that firstly, not to believe that it is us, the war between the clans will escalate, and secondly, without their control in general, complete chaos will begin, we also need to cut off heads, even if new ones grow, we will cut them off. where to go. shalom boss, take a seat, 100 years old, how are you, comrade, what do you know of such a georgian authority demon, beslan chanturia, why do you need it, yes, he got into
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development, there is information that there is one under him gang from the frost. his grandfather himself carnivaled about what he lived with, but as usual, nothing special, you want to say the third part to the judge, consider it so, but i’ll tell you this, he’s a worthy person. there is not much of him, not many people walk under him, all of them are decent people, so you were clearly mistaken with the thugs, well, so be it, okay, i didn’t ask anything, you didn’t say anything, i understood, well, the agent confirms the information, status on the face, i
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didn’t find out anything else, how many teams were under it, what they were doing, and why the extra light? on us damn, how did i understand that they were engaged in robberies, drugs, and thefts, they won’t change our goal, the conversation is empty, i think when we kill him, we ’ll find out everything in detail in the crime news, but i see you’re not at all against, but to be honest, i don’t feel any special reverence for them, listen, but the murder of such a figure will not worsen our situation? even more? yes, i agree, what i said was stupid. no, not really. thieves are considered untouchable. they will avenge him and avenge him cruelly. so it's better for all of us if it's murder they will write it off in a criminal showdown. no one should know that this is our doing. need to do it like you've never done before?
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no. me . we are not hired killers, we do not eliminate competitors, we punish, yes, we will do it, but this will be our signal the same as it, we are alive and we are fighting, and we should not be afraid of them
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and disguise our execution as what there are internal squabbles there. i think so, maxim, well , it’s easy for you to say that, you have no children, you have no loved ones, you only risk yourself, in fact, maxim, this is not entirely reasonable, max, think about it carefully, the people are looking for vario to connect, maybe this time we can really do without signatures? i see i have no support, okay, let's vote, who is for the death sentence? listen, i think
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there's something wrong with max. happens, i always considered him a reasonable, serious person, but this, well, in the sense of how he is going to do it, he is one of those who is ready to put everything on the line, even his life, for an idea, but he has always been like that, no, before he wasn't like that, but he's always like that, he wasn't like that before, now he's he risks not only his life, but this is what worries me most of all, okay, i’ll take you home, yes, i won’t refuse. only i’m driving , are you afraid, or something, i drive well, but no, that’s not the point, i just have this principle, if i’m in a car with a beautiful girl, then i’m for... wait a minute, i was driving you when transported yegorov handcuffed, well, except for the case when
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someone is fastened to me, hold on, kostyan, this is some kind of restaurant, are you sure it’s here, yes, danilovskaya embankment, that’s right, yeah, well what, like an office, like in movies about the mafia, how do i know, this address was on the list, okay. i’ll go and have a look, good afternoon, what do you want, be kind, yes, of course, in general they should give wine, please, do you
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see who this pensioner is? uh-huh, did you mix anything up? i answer you, is it him? i don’t understand, where is the security? yes, there is no security, she only drove, but he was driving all the time, oh well, uh-huh, that’s fine, that simplifies everything, an easy
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target, yes, but it doesn’t look like they’re having a war or some kind of escalation, i wonder who wants him put away.
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so, well, we found out that he starts the day in the same place, in this restaurant. by the way, this is his restaurant, i never saw him pay the bill. okay, what next? well, then, travel, constant meetings around moscow. over the course of 3 days, there were 15 meetings all the time with different people. what about security? and here is the most interesting thing: there is no security. no, no at all, he goes everywhere alone, considers himself immortal, and the routes, the routes are not repeated, are always different, the only thing we noticed is that
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he spends the night in the same place, his hut is there him on the tenth floor, no family, lives alone, no women were noticed with him, i generally imagined these thieves in law differently, but this is some kind of pensioner, a quiet guy, you can’t tell from him, in his affairs i’ll only show the fool will deal with you. well, what are your thoughts? kostyan, yes, anywhere you can. you could be in a restaurant, there are a lot of witnesses there, but suddenly they start shooting back. is there a better place? which? there is a park near the house, the driver leaves it, and every day he walks about 100 meters along the same route. maybe bang there? there are no witnesses, so it's a good place. yes. okay, it’s decided who will take it, me and it will be fair, last time you didn’t leave me, no, czech, it’s a serious matter.
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it's a lot, max, what a lot, i said a lot, put a cup, a coin, it will be under one of the cups, turn away, what are you, let's argue, yes, okay, chish, just don't screw it up, calm down, chish, everything will be fine, you hear , look at me, everything will be fine, calm, max, calm. arrow of yazar, welcome,
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we are approaching, minute, received, meet, let's! quiet, boy, what the hell is this, i don’t understand, nikitushus, what i wanted to do, huh? have you
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removed your hands, come on, come with us, don’t be afraid, there are two more at 10 o’clock, come on, blame, press on.
3:14 am
let's jump faster, without security, that means he's walking, yes, and who was it then, i don't understand, for the life of me, i don't understand how it was possible to screw up like that, but as a captain, i don't know what to tell you, but we screwed up, like children, are you both blind, how could you not notice them, and how many days did you shepherd him? you even looked around, but there was no one there, max, i answer, they appeared out of the ground, and it was definitely security, maybe the cops, these are not cops, you are after him, not after you, cool, you can’t say anything, okay, what are we going to do now, cap, i’ll fix everything, i’ll kill him from the svd, since you can’t approach him, but you find him first, shooter, you think after all this he’ll
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sit quietly and wait for you, but he’s already behind... somewhere or left the country altogether? that's it, we missed our chance, although your agent, you said, he personally knows the demon and his people, max, he’s a stool, but if he turns over the thief, he’s under no way. won’t sign, he won’t talk to me or himself, he’ll be with me, that’s it, we’re getting ready, that’s what, from today we’re changing our uniform, we’re working in masks, jackets with stripes to distinguish our own, pants, shoes will be ordinary, a jacket and a mask you can always throw it out and become a civilian, armored personnel if necessary, everything is clear to everyone, that’s it, work,
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sonya, i ask you, just don’t cry, if you ’re a bastard, even if you touch her with a finger, and the child, where is the child, he’s sleeping, i ask you , but let them get dressed and leave, they don’t belong here at all business, yes of course, good, anything else? look here, you’ll find out, in half an hour i should know where he is, if this doesn’t happen, i’ll shoot her in the head, and then
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i’ll go to your child’s room, everything is clear, now it’s up to you whether they survive this night or not, time has passed, you can’t sleep, demon, come in, wow, we’ll spend the night here, it’s a little dirty, of course, but no one will look. you will eat, you have taken the harvest, there is news, it is deaf for now, who do you think sent them to me, remember yourself how many
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enemies we have, how many envious people, anyone i could have ordered, yes, you’re right, with our life like this, but i don’t regret anything, i lived like that. more than not allotted, i’ve been staying here too long, it’s time to return to my homeland, prepare to leave, as you say, beson, as you say, yes, who is it, yeah, hello. i haven’t heard from you for a long time, yes, you already know, no, no, alive , well, okay, of course, i’ll tell you, listen,
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let me call you back in a couple of minutes, the jack rang, what does he want? he offered help, he says he knows where the legs come from, i wonder where max got so many weapons so quickly, you cap said, this is moscow, baby, demand creates supply, where did you put the armored vehicles in the car, the walkie-talkies too, what are you doing? he looked at your rifle, but what exactly is mine, this is my rifle, only i can touch it, it’s not accustomed to other people’s hands, don’t paw it anymore, i understand, you’re still going to kiss it hard, now you’ll get it in the cabbage soup, let’s go, kostyan ,
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take it now. len, lena, len, we're leaving. yes, now you are left with salt, so max, dima, dima, be careful, come back without losses, without losses, it will be so.
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hello, lads, i'm visiting besik. what’s my position, well, it’s normal, of course it’s better
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to climb this tower, you’ll manage, from here, work, that’s it, there’s a connection between portions. in short, the territory, here is the gate, here is the building, here is the building, here, two are guarding the gate, two are here, three or four more soldiers around the perimeter, how many are inside is unknown, no where, here, we are pigs, working inside, chish, victor , you are clearing the territory, kostyan is helping you, question. how do we get there? we are pigs, through the gate, you come in from behind through
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the fence, it’s better here, we work quickly and accurately, we have about 10 minutes to do everything about everything, no more, otherwise there will be problems with the withdrawal. everything is clear to everyone. then with god. maxim, what are we going to do with the jack? your agent, decide for yourself. miho, my dear man, it’s great, we haven’t seen each other for so many years, it’s a pity that today is a bad occasion, yes, and the place here is not a resort. no, well, the main thing is that everyone is alive and healthy, you yourself
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are, as you can see, in good spirits, well, tell me what the bird sang to you, maybe we’ll give it a ride first, then we’ll trade for the bird, well, let’s get healthy. we're in position. everyone get ready.


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