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tv   Legavii  NTV  April 3, 2024 4:55am-5:41am MSK

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otherwise you’ll get the hang of it, you’d better tell me this, a prominent soviet politician, it starts with a letter, it’s finished, it’s finished, now go away from sin, it starts with a letter, six letters, what the hell is that from the mountain, khrushchev, but for sure . mommies, what a beauty, what a beauty, well, come look, well, come here, well, look, what a beauty, it ’s your own fault that you and i live in such cramped conditions, by the way, all normal people have long had a decent amount of footage, let alone , how cool, look, all normal people
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give birth to children, so the footage has, well, you, the supper is ready? ready, wait, thank you, go open the door, open it yourself, i’m undressed, you make a sound, i’m dead! look at me, what gold money is quickly here. where
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else, where, can you live with the first secretary of the district party, the salary will not be 500 rubles. stole, you brute, stole, you bastard!
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keep quiet, otherwise they will kill you, okay? let's leave!
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well, stop smoking, let's go to the table, turn it off, why, how to sit with candles in the light? you'll ruin the whole atmosphere, it's painted,
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yes, of course, oh, glasses, why weren't they taken out before? and not for a special occasion, what kind of occasion do we have today, today is mine birthday, here she was silent yesterday, why should i put an advertisement in the newspapers, no, really, zhonka, well, i don’t even have a gift, you’re like a gift, no, that’s not going to work. i definitely have a gift, but for now i just want to say that i am very lucky to have met you, you are the best, i am the happiest.
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well, zhenya, he will leave you.
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what are you doing, you need to get out of this area as quickly as possible, why did you stop? it's quiet, there is one commercial store nearby with a jewelry department, where, by the way, there is buying up where the local game is.
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who else is against it? why not, you just need to sit somewhere. it’s dangerous, the city is small, every stranger here is like a pimple on the forehead. what am i saying? there is an abandoned pioneer camp in the forest outside the city, and we’ll sit there. they won't look there. listen, why didn’t you say about the store right away if you decided everything in advance? do you even know about that camp over there? i was a counselor in this camp before the war. it was a good camp. well, who's with me? well, i was just expressing my opinion. so it's decided. great! great! great! takukin,
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here? here, where should he be? what are you sitting on? what should i do there? is there a bunch of bosses there per capita? they’ll sort it out without me, but it turns out there’s nothing for me to do there, oh, i’m sitting here smoking, come on, give me a paper, great, great, what have you got here, but i’ve questioned the witness, well, just listen to me, let’s do it one more time first okay, yes, i think i’ve already told you everything, let’s do it again, they came in exactly about eleven, they tied up the gun, tied up their mouths, stuffed their mouths into a closet, over there where the buckets are. they threw rags, i didn’t see anything else, what they looked like,
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usually in clothes, it’s clear that they weren’t naked, but somewhere there were signs, but what kind of signs were there, bandits, they were in the bandits, their faces were only in masks, well, sort of like that , yeah, i’ve never seen anything else, understandable. not even a year has passed, well, as they reported, i came right away, your employee notification system is lame, dokukin, it’s no wonder that the bandits feel like fish in water here, and this , by the way, is your pavlevker point, and the security of party bodies is also yours work, and i will answer for my work, comrade markov, will i get through or will there be nothing for me to do there? come on, as far as my personal
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responsibility is concerned, this will be discussed, i suggest that instead of getting into trouble here, it’s better to go to the department, and we’ll talk there, no objections, let’s go. good night, great, well, they rolled off their fingers, but there are no fingers, they worked cleanly, the amount of the stolen stuff was 500 rubles in cash, everything, and the victims, what they say, try asking yourself, i’ve already had enough, i recorded everything, i drew up a protocol. just remove the signatures and fuck off, okay, wait, i’ll take a fresh
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look now, actually, take a look before you inspect someone else’s apartment? they ask permission from its owner, in fact, there is no apartment or owners here, there is a crime scene for victims, all this happened here, i have already said everything, i have nothing more to add, well, there is nothing more.
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tell me, claudia, petrovna, kladiya petrovna, what did they look like? yes, what they looked like, they usually looked, two arms, two legs, their faces covered with scarves, you know, right up to the eyes, yeah, yes, dressed, very decent dressed, everyone had pistols, and they said something, maybe addressed each other somehow, names, nicknames, something. no, no, they said just a couple of words everything, more precisely, well, more precisely, what they said, give me money and gold , that’s all, that’s what they said, money and gold, money and gold, why is there nothing in the protocol , well, we don’t have it no, no money, no gold, my salary is 450 rubles, where did we get the gold, and in general, you know, stop mocking us, we looked at it, described it, i’ll ask you to leave, yes, of course, we’re already leaving. sign protocol, please, and you too, goodbye,
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goodbye, goodbye, slug, fool, well, we're done, with god's help. where is everyone? yes, as soon as the management left, everyone dissolved. in general, this is the case here, dokukin said to sum up the protocols right away, who will be lucky? it's my day off and it doesn't matter. in the service, everyone is equal, i propose to cast lots, let's, in general, a short one, you know, yes, whoever has the short one runs, oh,
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come on. vasya, what is it, what is it, those tricks of yours will someday definitely reach zugunder they’ll finish it when it happens, so let’s look at the sweet lady, according to operational data, she’s having her first pregnancy today, well, let’s go, then go ahead. hello, dedivokh, yes, yurok, what are you talking about, but dokukin said, let’s immediately bring the flowlines to him, they are shining, zonov and povliv also fell on our heads here, do you think, whose
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work is it, yes, hardly ours, rather just a vagrant, yes, that’s what i think. our people wouldn’t do that kind of crap at home, well, yes, well , the vlyuker will most likely take the matter for himself, but this is his diocese, the protection of party cadres, the tooth i bet he’ll go out of his way to push us, it’s a rotten matter, but why does he need the temples, okay, go, take the protocol, and come down and have some tea, the bastards are completely crazy, no authorities. i admit, are you talking about whom, about whom, about the burkas, about yours, about whom else, why are they ours, are we breeding them or something, we really don’t have people, no means, no equipment, we are choking in blood, and these idiots are not a year old, they have an amnesty, that means this is the party line, you may be against the party line, but colonel, who
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are you, and don’t you want to sew me up, well okay, come on, let's have fun, i'm not a sheep to... give in here, comrades, let's calm down, now is not the time to look for extreme things, we need to think about how to solve the crime, allow me, colonel, what do you need, inspection reports, interviews with victims, well and what do you think about this, a strange robbery, why is this strange, the victims are hiding something, i think much more than 500 rubles were stolen. where do we come up with such conclusions? i’m free, i have, well, comrades, we’ll do what we have as a proposal, but what’s there to think about, first of all? first of all, you need to ruffle all this local blottod, and how to ruffle it, and how
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to collect it into a heap, work with them properly . in the end, this is not just a crime, it is a political action, and the sanctions must be the most severe so that it does not happen again. this is good, but who will collect and chop, and most importantly, on what basis. i am surprised at you, comrades, officers. so what's there? tell me, denilov, here you are, why did you come to the organs? so you asked, it was a long time ago, they don’t live that long, but still, sister
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i had a younger one, oh, just a girl. so one bastard nailed it for a bag, and there was a change for a head of cabbage, so i went to catch these goats, i didn’t regret it, no, although, you know, it was better before, both the detection rate and the situation, we have until the fortieth year they only sent political ones here, huh? well, then off we go, well, you know what i’m telling you, as a joke, a top party official was robbed in his own home. although, to be honest, what kind of face is there, sheri’s face is an ass, yes, listen, why
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don’t you talk to the roan, well, he’d like you told me where to look for something and how to look for something, don’t tell me there, even if ours worked, the chala won’t hand them over, he’ll figure it out himself, oh, he jumped,
5:17 am
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zhenya, let's go, i'll put you down. what's happened? yes, nothing special, nonsense. the secretary of the district committee, luchkov, was robbed of 500 rubles. the freak is not enough for him. i wonder why he didn’t please you so much? nothing? come to me, wait, so i can at least take off my clothes, yeah.
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but i don’t have the sanctions of my leadership,
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tarizons, this is a poblifker, here with a comrade dokukina questions? please, listen, dakukin, the sanction to carry out the operation from our leadership is, for now, verbal, but this is tantamount to an order, you understand, that is, if all the big shots don’t burn out for us, it must burn out, the criminals must be found within, this is also an order, i understand, that is, you want to say, i don’t want to say anything, act. nedreev, major, we will find the villains, we will find them, and you are sure that we must look for them on my land, and we will look everywhere, just
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start with your land. you have one drunken mountain over there, for what it’s worth, that’s where it comes from let's start, the operation starts in an hour, what is the task of my people, we will attach them to the capture groups, uh-huh, yes, please, this kuzyrev of yours, don't, don't, he's friends with a certain mikhail, zenkov, yes, by i'm nicknamed roan, and this fruit is on my list by number once. belyashin, there is a comrade. i urgently gather all our people, except kozyrev. today is not his day off, so let him rest.
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quickly, i understand, let's do it. state security without ceremony, well , i would like to explain the task, it means that we are only interested in serious crime recidivists raspberry hazy hucksters of all sorts of moonshiners there, tear all sorts of things on the side, and don’t get into hell yourself, just the addresses and the last one. chalov's address,
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the rich man's passage, i'll take this myself, he'll take it, the purchase will be untied, which means we must act quickly, clearly, suppress any resistance harshly and decisively, i authorize the use of weapons, now the warrior will mess things up, we will rake things away forever. our thieves are not gifts, ours, yours, muzzle, yours, some kind of relatives, or something, i regretted it, yes, but i crushed this riffraff and will continue to crush, yes i do not about that, i’m not against it, i just don’t like lawlessness, okay, let’s go to the morafetka, and the hucksters say that without the badya, like last time, guys, it’s a kichi claim that i’ll check it myself, i’m more another part? and
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the huckster needs to be put on the pen, others will be smarter, they won’t be, there are no others, i said to figure it out, then, you’ll throw the boar off to the guards at the central station, soon a big stage will come from moscow, there are a lot of our people there, without pinning, as it should be, you know, that the whirlwind is in sight, no, he doesn’t say much, it needs to be added, add, on let’s not save our own, why, but for me it’s so mean to pay rubbish in general, they’re worth...
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the soldiers are not garbage, they’ll destroy them, that’s it, let’s open the hole, so roan, roan, it’s dangerous with a dog, let’s better go through the nora, and the men and i will turn it off, i’ll drag everyone out, i’ll be a bastard, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, stand , take them, take them, that’s it, that’s it, i give in, boss, i give in, shoot, just stand there, grab her, mom , here, wait, where are you going, wait, quietly, quietly, rudd, yes, maybe
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we can warm up like men, but well, it’s weak, well , come on, come on. stand, don't shoot, bula, bula. where are you dragging, they wring your hands, knock them off, jump, take your hands away, something is not
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visible, snatched, just like that. learn to work, i’m sure that very soon we will solve not only the night case, but many other things, would you like to participate? no, thank you, we are not used to marrying someone else’s laurels, so you think that our colleagues were clever, that’s right, colonel, but they worked clumsily, they could have taken at least one alive, so that something could happen.
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you say observational functions, that's right, and tell him that no amateur performances, i obey, you don’t listen, you do it, now on the weekend you still can’t get through to anyone, and he tried to find the prosecutor, decide to go, go ahead, and keep me informed of the matter, there is, well, sleepy, and who is to blame? both are good, but i'm already on my feet. i've been wanting to ask you for a long time. have you been married? well,
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officially, no, but anything has happened, so what? nothing, we’ve been living for 3 months, and i don’t know anything about it. well, just ask, i'll tell you. were you married? well, officially no, but yes it happened a couple of times, but the image was unsuccessful, one drank, the other one was worse, one drank, then sat down, you know what, comrade, captain, i have a proposal for you, and we either cook tomorrow, or, of course, breakfast, i knew it.
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mishanya, what kind of jokes, and i warned him, ugh, okay, okay, that’s it, i didn’t burn out, forget it, oh, listen, you should have come out. we need to splurge, go buy some food, i just need salt, what are you giving, what have you, it’s completely kaput, well, let’s go talk, well, comrades, an emergency meeting of the bureau of the roykom, please consider it open, there is one question on the agenda, blatantly nocturnal.
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yes, it is a political act, moreover, this is a challenge to our entire society, because comrade lychkov is not just an ordinary citizen, the secretary of the district party committee, but the party, as you know, comrades, is... this, this, this, this is our helmsman, comrade. i don’t understand your sarcasm, comrade basov, i’m your verbiage, comrades, allow me, comrades, a political act, a challenge, oh, let’s make it simpler, but we’re not us, the criminals have become unruly and insolent, this matter needs to be nipped in the bud, today they are the secretary the district committee was robbed, and tomorrow, tomorrow something the bad stuff will be thrown away. there is a proposal
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to give the floor to the head of the district police, comrade evgeniy adamovich zonov, please, what can i say, it was an accident, of course, when he was drinking, the last time such an incident occurred was in 1939, if my memory serves me right, when the chairman of the city executive committee died tragically, i also it was a good idea to hang around other people’s women, especially married women. “i ran into a field, i agree, i agree, it’s a bad example, new comrade zone, please tell me what you did to catch the criminals, the major will tell you about it dakukin, in whose area the incident occurred, please, comrade major, report to him, but what can i say, this incident is within the competence of the mgb , major pavlivker is personally involved in it, and my people provide operational support." it began, grandfather to grandmother, the grandmother on the granddaughter,
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the granddaughter on the bug, and the bug bushes, they went wild, criminals, became insolent, i never hid anywhere or from anyone, my conscience is clear, should i apologize to you, calmly, comrades, calmly, oh, you’re swearing , well, well, well a clear conscience is not a sign of intelligence, but rather... a sign of bad memory, so i would let comrade dokukin go, go to work, sergevich, there is, that’s what you attacked a person, if you scold anyone, it’s me, i’m ready, ready to listen to everything, just pour me a glass of tea, i didn’t have breakfast, yesterday i didn’t have dinner, and i didn’t even have lunch, how was the event? i’m reporting that the operation is going well, more than 50 potential
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suspects have been arrested, the operation is continuing, the suspect is being worked on, well, well, i can imagine, and are you sure that among the detainees there are those we need, we’ll wait and see, what i’m really sure of is that this will not happen again. it’s here, you know, andryukha, go, look, smell, in general, do a reconnaissance, don’t rush, don’t fuss, calculate everything, well, it’s not for me to teach you, but maybe it’s not worth it after all, they brought in the shorkha, they’re afraid of wolves don't go through the forest anyway. there is nothing worthy in this hole, after yesterday
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, probably all the posts are strong, they are like in the army, while everything is calm, no one is itching, just like the rooster pecks, everyone immediately starts looking somewhere, it’s unlikely, they’re all so busy with our search now that they don’t even think that we’re preparing another gift for them, that’s for sure, that’s it, that’s it, andryukh, let’s go, we'll meet as agreed, yeah. hello, hello, tell me, girl, is there anything more interesting than this jewelry, otherwise i need to buy a gift, but what kind of jewelry is this? this is real gold and stones, we have a commercial store, and not
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some kind of strong shop, okay, then show me this necklace, these are saffirs real diamonds, it even has a name, i’ll tell you now, josephine’s kiss, like zafina’s kiss, an interesting thing? our people learned how to make it, but this is not a remake, this is an old thing, they bring it to us for commission, and this pendant was brought by the wife of our district committee secretary, you can imagine, it didn’t match her eye color. and fifa, yes, it definitely didn’t fit. i'm sorry, what? eh, nothing. excuse me, what is your name? marina. marin, sell me a kiss. what? yes, no, what are you talking about, me, i’m talking about the kiss already. oh, yes, what are you talking about,
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he’s worth a lot of money. ok then. and here that's a lot of money. that’s enough, it seems to me that this is even a lot, and then you can sell me this ring, please, yes, business, that means we’re all here, often, you can explain what... this means, but why can’t i , i can, last night they took the hut of secretary raiko malychkov, but now it’s clear that they were so furious, they took a lot, according to the complaint, 500 rubles. well, in fact
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, he’ll tell you so, i think a lot, you don’t know who? are you sure it’s not mine, the assembly decided last year not to touch party members, they’ll tear their throats out for them, maybe strays, this is comrade pavlivker, explain, it seems to me that this is his doing, he is insuring himself, the bastard, in short, they will be stabbed to the fullest extent, but i can’t advise you anything about this, sorry, but what is there to advise, look for you need either your own pigs or other people’s vagrants, and if you find a barrel of cement, and
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i’ll pump this barrel to the mgb with molasses, so they say and so. sorry to bother you, come, stop, give it to me. these are the things, yurok, what ’s going on anyway, dyanku, and you ask comrade pavlivker, this is his idea, what else the idea is to collect all our punks in one pile and stab them until someone takes over the lychkov case, that’s
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bullshit, i told you that this is not our job, but you personally tell him, e- my. well, why do we? and we are on his side, we don’t trust him. where are you going now, go home, let them cut me into pieces, i’m not participating in this anymore, drop me off at the police station, sit down. oh, they took us by storm, i’m so glad.


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