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tv   Legavii  NTV  April 3, 2024 5:40am-6:30am MSK

5:40 am
oh my, why are we here? and we are under his wing, i don’t trust him, where are you going now, go home, let them cut me into pieces, i’m not participating in this anymore, but throw the department up, sit down.
5:41 am
“it’s great, it’s great that there’s silence, like at the kremev wall, where people, yes, all the people are in the field, a general city operation, not because of the night robbery, but because of himself, they’re rowing everyone, stacking them right into the regional bullpen, well and the embassy officers are working there, why didn’t they call me, comrade dakukin personally ordered not to call you anywhere today, well, i’m more i don’t know anything, he’s at home, yes, at home, he’s just arrived, he’s just angry as hell, i would n’t recommend it.”
5:42 am
maybe you’re the minister of internal affairs of the soviet union? no, so go ahead and kick the bucket, got it? okay , i understand, well, nicely go , have a beer, well, of course, it’s easier to appoint villains than to find, and the fact that innocent people will suffer is the first time, or what? you stick your conclusions in yourself, you know where, but as for the innocent, go look at the innocents they've gathered there to complete the complete set of your friend rogue.
5:43 am
oh, and he told me to sit here until victorious, until kostin or roshkov are replaced, and these will be replaced, how, i know them, they are already sitting somewhere near the beer. listen, sanyuk, envy is a sign of social inferiority. okay, wait, this was asking you, who is lychkova, well, the victim of a night robbery, what did you want? and the devil knows, she came all dressed up, give it to me, she says, this is the trump point, but... well
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, it’s not his day off, yurik, you can’t change it for an hour, otherwise i haven’t had breakfast yet, and it’s already lunch, i can’t, the bosses categorically ordered to drink beer and not follow orders you know, if it had been for me, who ordered it, wow, i would have burst into tears up to my very eyes, but how did you end up here, by chance, you came to see a friend, and he was sent on a business trip, so i decided to admire the surroundings, i love it. .. to walk in new places, andryushechka, andryushechka, i stopped by to see your parents, they were already evacuated, they died, they bombed the place, i’m sorry, but the last time we saw each other was in july 1941, that’s right, you’re the next day i was going to the vending machine, although you had a reservation from the theater, which means you after all, they took them away, but they took them into the dance and song ensemble of the western front, huh? who
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danced to the front or what? our ensemble performed its first last dance immediately after 2 days near smolensk, the column ran into german tanks, i don’t know how it survived. i went out to my special hotel in the middle of nowhere, then i was sent to a unit, i went through the whole war there, i ended up as a company commander in the forty-fifth, after 2 years i was demobilized, you were in this hole, so the trick fell, i contacted one, he is in the rear ...served in the army, but with us things began to spin, then it turned out that he was stealing and not just stealing, he was dragging in trains, well, they had a whole pack of them sitting in the rear, they were tied up, him to the wall, me 101 kilometers away with a loss of rights, well, okay, at least not
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camp, that’s how i live here, husband, children , i don’t have children, these are flies... or not a husband, there is a good one, you know, sometimes it seems to me that god sent him to me, so good, also a front-line soldier, a scout, in general, happy, andryush, how are you, where, what, in moscow, uh, unmarried, haven’t met someone like you, no need, andryusha. “so he’s a really good guy, i’m jealous, it’s not time to go home, i’m seeing him off, great,
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great, smart as life, young, okay, listen, smart, but it’s true they say that he’s a secretary downstairs, however, it was high time to pinch this hog a long time ago "? hari grew three times larger than me, the bloodsucker, but they only took 500 rubles from him. oh, what should we take from him, the orphans of kazan, he will probably swell from hunger now. if you don’t know, just tell me, and if it’s not sex, but if between us, he was in leningrad throughout the war he spent time in the supply department, well , they sent him to us for some sins, i don’t know how much they took, but his wife, almost every week , hands over some gold to our commercial store for commission, do you realize? do you think one of his own people pointed it at him? well, yurok, thinking is your business, and i’m giving you an idea, and mind you, it’s free, let’s go to the corlat, well, let’s have a couple of sips so as not to forget the taste,
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oh, there’s no beer, oh, let’s go to the vosal, there there is, but let's go, comrade zikov, comrade, remember the devil, hello! zykov or me am i wrong? you are mistaken, kozyrev. ay, kozyrev. excuse me, please, i really need to talk to you, but in private. i am listening to you, citizens of kalychkov. i was at the department, but they told me that today was your day off. they said it right. here. it seems to me that you are the only person who, well, let's say, is sincerely interested in catching criminals. and why does he seem like that? is this my intuition or am i wrong? what do you need, citizens of kulchikov? maybe just klavdia petrovna. here you are, a ring, a signet, a gold bracelet. what is this? list of treasures
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captain flint? please don’t be silly, this is a list of what was stolen from us. oh, yes, here is an exact description of each item and an approximate cost. total for 600,000. well, by the way, if you don’t find them, but return the treasures stolen from us, i won’t mind. 10% of what you return is yours, what? well, okay, at 15, if you need money for current expenses, please, 5,000 here. take it, thank you, i have a good salary, whatever, all the best, but what was it for?
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turn, quick, great, great, two more beer, captain, purely out of melancholy, and why so, my heart bleeds, you see, all this chaos, and vaska likes him, who said, he himself yelled at the whole drunken mountain, that he pressed and will crush all these lessons, isn’t that so , truly yelled, well, who knew what this emblematic bastard was up to, and what did you think, he ’s gathering everyone for the said dinner, and maybe that’s the only way it should be with them, but you little york, don’t bother, that’s not necessary. otherwise, why do we need laws, a criminal code, a constitution, this, this is anarchy in its purest form,
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i heard that, guys, i have a dream, to create a society where there would be no thieves, no bosses, no police, no army, no other rulers, then everyone would live happily and prosperously, so this is not even communism anymore, this is a utopia, but your friend yura, thomas more, why? all dreams come true someday, only more often than not no one needs this moment, okay, let's go for utopia so that at least our children will live to see it, okay, guys, i'll go, i promised to give my wife a real day off today, well then, come on, to whom? to my wife deaf, or what? and this is sacred, to my wife, she’s
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a bedding, the real one, whoever swam there, you swam, no, well, there are rumors, well, you shut up then, like a woman scratching her tongue at a gathering, that’s right, whirlwind, that’s for sure, i think , the little guy will figure out what he needs, since he lives, it means he needs it, how about refreshing it, this is what i want. well, that’s it, i came, thank you for seeing me off, i ’ll see you again, of course, come by any day, i’ll introduce you to your husband. that’s the only way, yes, andryusha, that’s the only way, i’m sorry, well then it’s better not to,
5:53 am
this is for you, what is it, do you know what it’s called? very beautiful, but of course i won’t accept this, will you accept it, i want it to belong to you, you are the only one of all the women i have known worthy of wearing it, goodbye?
5:54 am
everyone here who hasn’t been raked, everyone, someone managed to grease their heels, but there are few of them, what ’s going on at all, and in general there is complete chaos, they are immediately taken into the deepest corner, as enemies of the people, what kind of business, business, worthless business, tonight someone from the main party... they know how to do it, it’s good if they don’t go to the wall they will lean against you, you yourself know what
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is going on in the zones, the boats, the war started, the hog is being slaughtered, who gave the blessing, everything comes from there, everything is sha, lads, according to the law or not, we will find the lawless people and we will sort it out, that’s it, this is the second question, and the first, ryaba says, while we’re looking, we’ll make cutlets out of our boys, a smart move is needed here, and what kind? we need to have a chat with the main embassy guy, who stirred up all this, let him hold his castaloms while we look for what went crazy, and he ’ll kill you right in his office, without taking out his cigarette teeth. yeah, who said i'd go? who? i can go if necessary. here is your kingdom, heavenly and eternal memory. and so that the memory lasts for many years, let’s do this. it was you who stole your grandfather's dirk at the age of 7. this is what the men from
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the yard told you: fighter! you were the one who was never afraid of a fight. it's with you. she is calm everywhere, it’s you that friends can always rely on, it’s you who can’t stay away, it’s you, and here you are, among your own people, it’s great, only a blind person wouldn’t notice the similarities between the victims, i think the girls became victims of satan sects are not snotty teenagers.
5:57 am
today at 20:00 on ntv. did you forget anything else? you guessed it, i forgot. and what? you already gave me a weekly revenue plan today. you know, we don’t have such purchases often. just promise you won't be offended. what is this for? you really intrigued me. you, and this is in some sense? well, they promised not to be offended, you understand, there’s nothing wrong with that, i’m a new person in your city, i came on a business trip, i’ve done all my business, and the car will only come for me in the morning, i thought, why not spend the evening in the company of a nice girl, how do you look at it, it means evening, just evening, honestly,
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noble, and how often do you have such evenings? since i ran away from my second wife, this is the first time, and why did they run away, she asked too many questions, well, i have hope, well, if it’s only evening, then why not, where are we going? let's go, here the cards are in your hands, as you say, so it will be, you work until what time, until six, great. so, exactly at 6:00 i am at your feet, madam, until the evening, until dates, well, where do you go, dropped by to work, uh, well,
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met a woman on the way back, drank a glass, well, how could it be, the only day off. and he’s at work, my hands, i’m going, i got two more for this day off for special merits, so tomorrow the day after tomorrow i’m all yours, do you want to go to the cinema, there’s some new film. and what do we have? love letters? what kind of love letters? working material. well, this is not interesting, remove it immediately.
6:00 am
why were we hiding, and what will they rake up to the heap, and then prove that these are not camels, but by the time you prove it, all the bones will be broken, the farmer, son, will slaughter the boar, won’t you help, why, i need to slaughter the boar, i say, otherwise my son was arrested, and there’s no one to slaughter the boar, yet they hid in their homes, but why was the mother arrested for the son? well, he served as a policeman with the germans, but this is malenkin, and he’s the one... they say they’ll shoot him, i really want him to eat fresh salsa before his death, he ’ll have 9 grams of lead, not salsa, just right, enemies,
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so what our great leader spoke on this topic teacher, comrade stalin, and dogs, dog death, our comrade stalin said, well , he said that too, and he also said that the son is for the father, exactly the opposite, it was not the answer, it was. well, that means makarovna is a full-fledged citizen of the soviet union, that ’s right, that’s what you’re hinting at, that the hog slaughterer is entitled to a good job and a sure snack, that’s right, well , i have absolutely no idea what will happen to you and what something to drink and something to eat, but for christ's sake, just do a good deed, mother, well, our comrade stalin sometimes says smart things. well, well, a big boar, at least yes no , a two-year-old little one, wow , okay, okay, it’s okay, it’s quiet, you guys or not, let’s go
6:02 am
, so he’s us with pasta first, the boar , okay, where is the sentenced one, well, the mother boar in the shed, bring it to you, cut it, and drag it , mother, drag it, well, comrades, who has experience in carrying out such events, but i have one hand, i can only hold it, well, in general, i haven’t had the opportunity either, why did you volunteer then if you don’t know how, i volunteered and i just wanted a drink, so it begins, here it begins, me, city bitch, i’ll go , well done, come on, victor, come on, happy, sit down, concert by request, where’s
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my gun, why did i lose it , whether? the task is completed, the enemy is destroyed, this is my pistol, what did you do this, i asked you to kill me carefully for...
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here, every day someone gets stabbed or shot, and in general, when it gets dark , it’s scary to go out into the street, can you imagine how don’t be afraid, the order is worth it, you only have jewelry department, probably, there are goods worth
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several hundred thousand, several million, this is only on display, but it’s also in the safe, and what should we be afraid of, we have a guard, a guard comes to us with a pistol every night, they sit with this guy, we play domain, and how do you know, it ’s my uncle, he... got me a job in the store, oh, my god, look how good it is, this is probably the first evening when it’s so quiet calm down, the whole lady hid, who scared you, remember, i told you that last night they robbed the apartment of the secretary of the district committee, and so, they say that all the bandits were caught and imprisoned, andrey, please tell me, after all, why you separated from your wife, marin, but i was never married, well, first the war, and then... by the way, we came, thank you for
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seeing me off, uh. frank, there’s no cross section, there’s still a smoker, there’s a mistake, we’re not smokers, but you’re andrey, how strong and brave you are, marin, give me your hand, please, this is for you, thank you. andrey, tell me, will we see you again? well, of course i'll see you. well then, bye bye.
6:07 am
infection. come in, give permission for sure, go ahead, what have you got, the interrogation report, well, well, well, well, that’s already something, order the interrogation to continue, no, that’s enough, have a smoke break until the morning, keep these ones separately. there are in different cells, but comrade tupyanov, major pavlivker, didn’t wake him up, ha, well, what can i tell you, you can
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safely report, the criminals have been found. yes, yes, yes, we admitted it, okay, yes, tomorrow morning i will report everything in detail, yes, good night. he's been missing for a long time, maybe they took him, but not croak, i told you, i should have left right away, but shut up, listen, why were you giving orders, that someone chose you or appointed you as a senior, i personally didn’t appoint you, bear, they told you, okay, then i
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’ll speak and i wish i could shut up then, spit , you fool, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, yours, you can’t live without your tricks, but i’m trying to keep in shape, well, what’s up, everything ’s fine, i’ve seen everything, even more , what’s more, no one is looking for us, that’s it...
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i thought you were sleeping, i decided to do a little work, sorry, i’m already used to it, i chose you myself. like in a store, or what? don’t cling to words, it’s all just wrong, i live with you, i can’t offer anything, but i’m glad, live,
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don’t you live like a man? have a suggestion? eat. we need to get married. and giving birth, it’s possible, legal, some kind of after all, it means we’ve agreed, tomorrow we’ll go, where,
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where, where, for sex, and the honeymoon, well , the month, i don’t know, but we’ll knock out three days according to... untie , citizen chala, if i’m not mistaken, let’s talk, just speak briefly, are you in a hurry? what do i mean, it’s you who needs to hurry, you, the sky is not from my good life they dragged you here, but you don’t lift your tail very much, colored one, they didn’t tickle you with a feather , i wonder why we’ll agree,
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it’s withered, the boss says it right, well, in general , it wasn’t ours who took the secretary’s hut, who? in general, i propose an agreement, we find those who surrounded the secretary, alive or dead, that’s how it goes, and you let the kids go, 3
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days is enough, that’s enough, when you count it, we’ve agreed, take them away. it wasn’t easier, but i don’t believe him, i bet he’ll deceive him, well then we’ll hit him, he’s not a fool, the rules know a word for the service, one word in such a situation the situation is completely different, but the demand is different , get on the phone, price it according to the lads, let the hucksters report about anyone who sells a large batch of redheads. forest fires are a dangerous and formidable element; stopping
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the fire is the calling of the strong. pilots, observers, parachutists, firefighters, paratroopers, firefighters.
6:16 am
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6:20 am
a lot, of course, but a very strong wind, in some places the rain tomorrow will no longer be higher than +10, like today in the northwest, there is precipitation up to snow and the temperature tends to zero. the currents of coolness are turned to the south, in stavropol it is still up to +25, in crimea it is not higher than 18, the rains will begin, they will intensify, and the wind too. there is only one left in st. petersburg. who did you mean, hitler’s comrade, comrade
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stalin, stalin grinned at their civilians, and who did you have in mind, you’ll get burned with your new jokes, and these jokes, by the way, people come up with, over there there are naked women all around, this is a morality tale, i’m not complaining, these are paragraphs. well, you found pornography, these are greek goddesses of darkness, and i came, again kukari. if i just popped in to see you for a minute, okay? oh well, well, they’re kind of early, they usually arrive somewhere in the morning, but that’s usually the case, look what’s going on in the city, what day is it? stand and move, hands, hands,
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hands, yes, what are you doing, wolves, we are not wolves, dad, but orderlies, i shed blood for you at the front, and we respect front-line soldiers, but you just stop and be quiet, okay? motherfucker, i didn’t mean to, but shut up, you freak, what have you done, brother, front-line soldier, you need to leave.
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prohibit, but i apologize, comrades, i have to work, comrades, i also went, i will personally monitor the progress of the investigation, all the best, what an impudent pavlivker, comrade supyanov, no shame, no conscience, this is not his thirty-seventh year, no those times, you fool, dima, those times are always those, but how is our lychkov, andreylich, but it still won’t go away, god forbid anyone experiences this, yes, someone else would take his place. long ago hands yourself stole, but he did nothing, a strong man can handle it, yes, he’ll steal some more,
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oh, come on, come on, eat it and save it early, and when it’s over, tell me, i’m still... running, shut up, uh-huh, i’ll shut up, and the others, who will shut you up, who else, i’m on official sick leave, others, your well-wishers, from the district committee and the executive committee, you think they don’t know what’s wrong with you here, look, they’ll roll a cart over you, then you’ll dance, oh, poor thing, they robbed him, poor fellow, did he earn it all with his hump? will you shut up or not? not at all shut up, i won’t shut up, you’re a total slug! now i’ll show you what kind of tears you won’t show yourself?
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for a special occasion, what kind of occasion, what kind of occasion, have you forgotten? who asked me to get married yesterday? wait, do you want me to remember who asked you to marry me yesterday? who asked me to get married yesterday? i prayed for you as a lunch girl in kospodi, right? and i’m going to the school jacket, i’m going to the bowl, and i’m going to the police, calm, calm, the police are already here, we’ll sort it out now. after the poll, so after the poll, yur, how
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beautiful you are, i can’t believe it, i can’t believe it myself i can’t believe it, maybe i’m dreaming, or maybe i’m dreaming, yuri, i’ve run out of bread, i’ll go, i’ll go. of course, you don’t have to wait until he gives you an anonymous tip, and, by the way, remember mine, by the way, i gave the list of stolen goods to kozyrev, which kozyrev, well, kozyrev, he works in a threat, in the fifth department, why, well, why, why, he is a very smart policeman, so honest, straightforward, i think that if anyone finds these bandits. only where did you get it from? lariska sludskaya advised me, is this volynskaya? well, yes, volyn, where is it from?
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knows? well, where from? she walked with him earlier, she had twins, well, then she probably checked in too. yes, it won't be missed. so i promised him 15% if he found it, you know, now he’ll dig into the ground with his nose. fool, do you understand what you've done? idiot! kat, i will never forgive you for this, you will dance with me again, hello, says the wife of the district committee secretary, my comrade, urgently, hello, igor vitalievich, hello, says claudia petrovna lychkova.
6:30 am
we wish you the best morning, further in the program, we will find out the details of the emergency incident, turn on the first program, on ntv, emergency program in the studio of valeria gavrilovskaya. the medical community is sounding the alarm and demanding an inspection of a young man and woman calling themselves dentists. the couple attracted attention with loud statements that they should take care of their teeth, namely, stop brushing them. alexey kostenko, a great dental specialist, calls himself a psychodentist and teacher of german new medicine, does not brush his teeth himself and advises doing the same subscribers. according to the blogger's observation, teeth are the only thing. open bones in our body.


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