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tv   Utro  NTV  April 3, 2024 6:30am-8:01am MSK

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we wish you the best morning, further in the program. let's find out the details of the emergency. we engage first gear. on ntv, the program is an emergency in the studio of valeria gavrilovskaya. the medical community is sounding the alarm. checking a young man and a girl calling themselves dentists. the couple attracted attention with loud statements that they should take care of their teeth, namely, stop brushing them. alexey kostenko, a great dental specialist, calls himself a psychodentist and teacher of german new medicine, himself does not brush his teeth and advises his subscribers to do the same. according to the blogger’s observation, teeth are the only open bones in our body, and nothing will just stick to the enamel, down with brushes, pastes, rinsing, treat your teeth, he suggests.
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allow him to fight, get injured , recover, give the child his life, and you can recommend pressing your teeth forward with your tongue, a child of 1 year and 3 months, today he knocked out his tooth, his upper right incisor, he removed his father from life, what do you and your husband have, and they still believe him in one profile kostenko has 645 subscribers, in another -5, showed the world an expert in a new non-existent specialization, his wife, the tooth fairy yaroslava, does not look like a person who follows her husband’s method, on videos on social networks she gives it away: a snow-white smile,
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more than 150 dentists wrote to me which one so that i died and so that my teeth rot and so on, so on, so on, you immediately write the city , immediately write the name of your clinic, so that i take screenshots and throw it on the internet, the reputation of alexey kostenko, he assures that he does not brush his teeth, for 10 years now years old, staggers, there are those who sharpen their grudges against the blogger and openly ridicule them on social networks, the psychosomatics expert has to justify himself, we don’t insert teeth, i straighten them, we don’t treat them, we trace the connection of the psyche with that, with those manifestations in the body, well, that exist , yes, for people, what is the risk of turning to such doctors, an experienced dentist explains, we are not talking about any revolutionary method, i, as a doctor, can officially say, this is dangerous, what he says is dangerous, because if a fracture occurs at the moment, let’s say root the child and the mother did not go to the doctor or an abscess like in that photo and the mother again did not go to the doctor? then inflammation occurs,
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develops from a small hole, for example, from a small caris to periapical inflammation, to an abscess and to phlegmon. for the sake of hype and earnings, the miracle dentist is ready to do anything. the family business thrives as long as there are those who are ready to follow his advice and give money for courses that are completely toothless in meaning and content. are you going to spend some money, or maybe, well, these beds, organize a family tour for a couple of days, for example, kazan, rostov or yekaterinburg, someone may be passing through tuli or samara. then the experience of violeta neklyudova may well be useful to you. i don't look at the cost of parking, i don't pay for it. i don’t go for maintenance and don’t bother changing tires during the season. i drive a new car every day and don’t have to worry about selling the old one, because i’ve been a hog farmer for 5 years now. but even if you live in
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the outback, where there is no car sharing yet, my experience may be useful to you, because the service is developing and it is already available in almost all major cities, you’ll see and get it together brawl, you can only rent a car if you have a driver’s license, by the way, some services have age restrictions based on seniority, elementary stuff like download. before driving, inspect the vehicle and note any damage. yeah, someone hit it, but if i don’t have time to look for all the dents, chips, scratches, etc., i just take clear photos of the car from all sides.
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record if there are no floor mats, damage or debris found in the interior. otherwise the company will be fined. smoking is prohibited in car sharing, no vapes, no cigarettes, no electronics are not allowed, the fine for this is even harsher than for littering the cup holders. do not try to taxi, tow other people’s cars, hand over the steering wheel to third parties, or transport large cargo in a passenger car. if you need to deliver royal, a cargo basket is at your service. in karsh's glove compartment you will find an sts. if suddenly it is not there, then call support and look for another car. by the way, life hack, check the sts before inspecting the car. fuel is included in the rental price. if you suddenly get dry on the road, you will probably find a fuel card in the car. on at the gas station, the support service will tell you
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the pin code and give the necessary instructions. if you don’t have a fuel card, pay for it yourself. send a check to the support chat and the amount will be compensated with bonus points for your next trip. wow! by the way, you can save a little; before you start, you are always given free time to inspect the car, and some people immediately after the inspection click to start renting only then they set up the navigator, buckle up, and so on. take your time , for example, i still have three free minutes left. build a route tune in, use all the free minutes. someone will say what kind of little things, but when you have a mercedes for 25 rubles per minute, then this is no longer so little, well, calculating how much you get per year is an exciting topic, an accident on a car,
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firstly, no european protocols , an accident is registered only by traffic police officers, secondly, if you are at fault, then prepare. wallet, but there is a life hack: in any car you can connect extended insurance, this will add a couple of rubles per minute of rent, but in the event of an accident, you will either get off with a free scare, or you will pay minimum fixed price for repairs. the only main thing is that there are no other accompanying serious violations, for example, if you were under a spell, the scheme will not work. therefore, do not link your salary card to the application, because in the event of some controversial situation , money will also be withheld from it. automatic, it’s better to get a separate card for car sharing and keep a small amount of money on it. please be aware that you may be filmed. some cars have cameras, so think before you smoke, pick your nose, or use the phone share secrets. the best for
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today. at 20:00, big premiere. action-packed series black sun. one is too independent, the other is too correct, but only together they can solve this case, i don’t need your help, just like you do, look in today’s episodes, only a blind person would not notice the similarities between the victims, i think that the girls became victims of a satanic sect , these are not snotty teenagers, most likely these are people with money, with connections, including those in power, i came up with something and i got this idea really like. “very kindly, but i didn’t ask you for this, i solve my problems myself, i’m here because you became my problem, you went through the roof, i understood, i’m coming to you, where, it’s your business to command, i still think that with your methods you have no place in the police, where did this dried fruit on my
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head come from, black sun, premiere, today at 20:00 on ntv. about the weather for today. hello. in the far east , a low-cloudy anticyclone has an absolute advantage. main snowfalls and snowstorms in chukotka, residual in kamchatka and the kuril islands, almost all are united by warming. in yakutsk it is only -1, in the south up to +8, only on the arctic coast will a cold wind blow. he is from the northern regions of siberia, where winter is actively snarling. in norilsk today -3, tomorrow -18 snow, very strong wind. in the south, spring continues its work, from irkutsk to omsk. successfully adding 1-2° per day. precipitation is possible, but not significant. but near the urals and in the urals the temperature will skyrocket. the topic is not ekaterinburg already +13, but tomorrow 17. precipitation it won’t, but without them, with such growth , the flood situation becomes dangerous. in central russia, the abundance of snow and heat also
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drives the rivers crazy. even in the moscow region, an orange danger level has been declared due to flooding. all this prevented us from fully enjoying the sudden rush of summer. but now there’s... cooler precipitation in the northwest and it won’t reach +10, zero is looming ahead, in the center today in some places the rain is no longer above +20, but lower, only on the volga for another day and... it’s falling up in the south, the first summer rehearsals are ending, the rains will begin and intensify, and the warmth will weaken, the maximum so far is + 24 only in the stavropol region in st. petersburg only +1, precipitation, sharp wind, in moscow it is also very windy, rains, +15 in the afternoon, and tomorrow +7, see further, morning, the best thing, let's listen to auto news along with the main road, remember a healthy recipe from sergei malozyomov. let's get acquainted with the world of show business. sorry, i'll call you back.
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one second decided everything. the driver of the jeep flew into the st. petersburg intersection at high speed and turned red. five foreign cars broken. two people in the hospital. the owner of the registrar has nerves of steel. sun. sorry, i'll call you back. the boy will have to ask for forgiveness. actor nikita kologriov was taken for a ride along the main streets of novosibirsk. the celebrity, apparently, had a great time in one of the bars in the metropolis, even biting a waitress. policeman bobik took veselchak first to a special detention center, then to court. to resolve the boy's question on the merits. i finished my drink and finished the ride. in the irkutsk region, a driver took it to his chest and believed in himself so much that he even tried to escape from.
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show with dancing and obscene special effects, then hit the inspectors several times, had to subdue the brawler, put him on the asphalt and handcuff him. the trial is coming soon. hello utility workers. blocks of ice falling from the covers damaged several cars in chelyabinsk. car owners are preparing lawsuits in court. good morning! live food is on air, a scientific and culinary program on how to enjoy delicious food without harmful consequences.
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my name is sergey molodemov, i am a doctor by training and a culinary specialist at heart, i sincerely believe that healthy things can also be tasty. recipe week this time: pumpkin quiche. place the chopped vegetable on a baking sheet, sprinkle with olive oil, salt and pepper, and bake at 180°.
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into the baked base, add the filling, pour in a mixture of eggs and milk, sprinkle with grated cheese, bake for 30 minutes at 180°. done, you get a beautiful, juicy, filling pie, although it’s high in calories, so it’s better to limit yourself to one piece, yellow light according to our traffic light system, bon appetit and good health. the famous irish mixed martial arts fighter conor mcgregor made his film debut, he starred in the action movie at home roads, remakes of the film of the same name from 1989 with patrick swayze, who was played by the former ufc champion, how it was to work with him as a professional actor and what scandal erupted around the film, this is the show business news today. thirty-five-year-old conor mcgregor, a former ufc lightweight and featherweight champion
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, had a hard time working in films, although he mostly did what he does best on set , fighting a lot. according to mcgregor, he is not sure that he will continue his acting career, at least in in the near future, his plans are to return to the octagon and have two fights before the end of the year, but mcgregor is still proud of the fact that he starred in the movie; he brought everyone to the premiere. such a filming partner, because mcgregor did not strike at the foot, but with all his heart.
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in odorodi's house, he plays the main antagonist of a thug, and gillinhaal, a former mixed martial arts champion, like... who ended his career with virtually no funds, he gets a job as a bouncer in a roadside bar and he has to figure it out not only with violent visitors, but with bandits. they represent a local crime boss who has decided to build a luxury hotel on the site of the club. mcgregor's character is the strongest and most brutal in this team. home and roads is a remake of the 1989 action movie of the same name, in which patrick swayze played the leading role. at that time , the film was crushed by critics, even though it was successful. the box office was twice the budget, but over time everyone fell in love with the house and roads, primarily thanks to the charisma of swayze, who at that moment was at the peak of his form. the premiere of the remake was dedicated to the memory of the actor. according to gilinhal, suesi is his main film idol; he was even lucky to work with him in the film donnie dark in 2001. patrick was so sweet, so kind, so supportive of me at
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the beginning of my career, it was important to me, he put a lot of effort into the road house, and i felt like i had to do it. the same thing , the filmmakers say that this is not exactly a remake, but a re-interpretation, that is, an absolutely independent picture, so they ask not to compare the two houses by the road, but, of course, they they still compare. oddly enough, critics speak quite favorably of the new film, praising the vigorous action and direction. as one reviewer wrote, the remake has the same unconscious naivety of the eighties blockbusters that makes us remember them so fondly. however, there is still a film. before the premiere , he managed to get into two scandals at once: first, the screenwriter of the original film sued amazon, accusing the company of copyright infringement, allegedly in order to meet the deadline for owning the rights to this story, the studio used artificial intelligence to dub the actors' voices while they were participating in the hollywood strike. secondly,
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the director of the remake himself, duck lymon, turned out to amazon, he was dissatisfied with the fact that they decided not to show the road in cinemas, right away... send streaming, lymon, who had previously directed mr. and mrs. smith all parts of the proborna, believes that home and road is his best film, and he is offended that this work was treated so unfairly. the director even promised to boycott premiere, but still came. after all, this was the only time he could see his best film on the big screen. this is the news of show business today. marina kazantseva was with you, see you. hmm, she smiled, it means she recognized her, she smiled, it means she’s real, they recognize, love, remember, appreciate, for real, psb is a bank for
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the real. my brother will figure it out quickly, they won’t give him a summons, the verdict will come straight away, so what should i do, just don’t twitch, what happened, they killed my friend, do you think it’s one of their own, i’ll find out, he’s in front of me he will answer, he needs help, he should have a complete set, he’s a huckster, he’s in the know, he started a war, he ruined his brigade, so running helped him, hot spot, who’s running? i missed 22:15 on ntv today. black sun, premiere. today at 20:00 on ntv. complement to support health, performance and well-being. complivit is a vitamin and mineral complex of 21 components. completing every day. tires can be found conveniently and quickly, there is a search by
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car brand. professional coloring sios, stand. cream paint, rich color, without gray hair, protection against damage, strength and shine for colored hair. sios, my hair looks like it came out of a salon. for m-fresh products, we grow, collect and deliver fresh vegetables, mushrooms and herbs. m-freshness from garden to shelf at the speed of freshness, only online magnet. enhanced probiotic for intestinal microflora. meet the new acep forte. acipol forte - 10 billion bacteria of two types. in his. containing zinc, acipol forte is stored without refrigeration, only one capsule per day. acipol forte - a new level of probiotics.
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this means that uzbek pilaf, italian resotto or favorite porridge is now not someone ’s national pride, but yours personally,
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national, rice is ours, an endless country over which the sun never sets, the bewitching nature of russia is now in your hands, on the new teinkov black cards, have time to get a think of black debit card with a limited design in april. free service forever. tinkov. there may be pain in the knee, pain in the back, pain in the neck. pentalgen extragel contains a special component for better penetration into the source of pain. pentalgin extragel. among thousands of models with a guarantee of authenticity, look for those same sneakers at sportsmaster. hair lacks vitality . gliskur - exceptional hydration. infuses hair with the power of hyaluron and seaweed extract. u...
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help, we'll turn your home into a dream apartment, we'll go to nepal, we'll eat a national dish with federico arnaldi. in order to prepare an amazing dish, you don’t need to use a lot of expensive ingredients, because real culinary a masterpiece can be prepared from a limited set of products. for example, for today’s dish, i will need them. only five. today is your favorite section: five products not including spices. i'll make a fantastic green salad with
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grilled cheese. for this i will need seedless green grapes, walnuts, a salad mix, excellent adyghe cheese and olive oil. it is better to take unrefined, bright. tart, aromatic. so, let's start cooking. naturally, let's start with cheese. in principle, it can be you can cook it yourself, but it’s much easier to buy it. one of the simplest and at the same time healthy cheeses that exist. i cut the cheese into these beautiful segments. in principle, you can now take this cheese and put it in a frying pan with a non-stick coating and start frying it without oil, without anything. but... it seems to me that if i lightly sprinkle it with olive oil, it will be much more aromatic, that is , i use oil here rather than at all. the fat in
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which the cheese is fried, and how to heat such an elegant, beautiful, aromatic spice i put cheese on it in a frying pan, and while the cheese is fried, i’ll prepare a dressing, put a few grapes in a blender glass, add olive oil and turn it into a homogeneous, beautiful, soft light green emulsion, don’t forget about pepper, salt, well, i use them as an ingredient i don’t think so, because they are always there in any kitchen. and the dressing is ready, it smells like olives and grapes, great. so, while i was fiddling with the dressing, the cheese was ready, look how beautiful and rosy it is, unlike regular cheese, it’s not spread, did not melt, retained its shape and acquired a delicate, subtle milky aroma.
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i’ll quickly cut up the second part of the grapes, and i’d like to draw your attention once again, it’s better to take seedless grapes, well, it’s just that seedless grapes are much nicer to eat in a salad, and if you’re preparing this salad during the season, when there are a lot of different grapes and you don’t set yourself the following: this condition is only five ingredients, take grapes and green, red and black, the taste is richer and the picture is better, another important salad ingredient: nuts, nuts go great with cheese, however, as with grapes, in general, this is a wonderful trio, nuts, grape cheese, they are always present in almost any cheese plate, so i mash the nuts, send them to a dry frying pan so that the nuts lightly fry and become brighter, this wonderful nutty aroma comes out. everything is ready,
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i start assembling the salad: grapes, eat, roasted walnuts, eat! a mix of salads, it can be any, but i prefer to assemble it myself, here i have crusty, crispy curly frisée, spicy arugula, you can even add a little mint in this dish, it it will be especially good, but without the hassle, you can just buy a ready-made salad mixture, mix everything up well. and now i’m sending our grape-oil dressing here, mixing it again, after you ’ve dressed the salad, you need to serve it quickly, because the greens are starting to actively lose their freshness, brightness, crunch, it’s much tastier to serve, of course, in a large bowl , but let's maintain decency, a lot of green salad, definitely nuts. definitely
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grapes, it turns out so slightly sweet due to the sweetness of the grapes, satisfying thanks to the nuts, and of course, thanks to the cheese, nutritious, unusual and well deserving of becoming your favorite salad, well, at least for the summer, what remains to be added, if you are fasting, then instead of adyghe cheese you can use tofu cheese, too it will work out. and if you want even more interesting, bright, tasty and unusual salad recipes, be sure to visit the russian federation kitchen website, i’m sure you will find a lot of interesting things there, and with this i say goodbye to you, my name is grigory mosin, see you, may the salt and pepper be with you,
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ruben marcarina. advocate. we are asked: tell us about the legal disputes after the fires. the main fire dispute is, of course, compensation for losses caused, the participants of which, as a rule, are the owner of the property, tenants of the premises, owners of destroyed or damaged property and the insurance company. well, firstly, it must be said that there is an explanation of the supreme court, which sets guidelines for the correct and quick resolution of such cases, it is necessary read. for liability. for causing harm, it is necessary to have a corpus delicti, including the occurrence of harm, the unlawfulness of the behavior of the harm-doer, a causal connection between the first two elements and the guilt of the harm-doer. the absence of at least one of the specified conditions necessary for the application of liability in the form of recovery of damages, of course, entails refusal to satisfy the claim. as a rule, an inspection is initiated on the basis of a report of a fire by the chief of the guard on duty shift of the fire department, who
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contains besides. general information about the fire, its localization, liquidation, and also information about destroyed or damaged buildings, equipment and conditions conducive to the development of the fire. subsequently... the investigator inspects the site of the fire, drawing up an inspection report and confiscating the objects of investigation of material evidence there, receives an explanation from eyewitnesses of the fire, the owners of the tenants of the facility responsible for the fire condition, he also requests acts of the official investigation of the fire and documents characterizing the fire safety condition of the object receives certificates of material damage to its extent. it is necessary to take into account that all documents collected during the inspection or inquiry. may contain information essential for a future dispute about compensation for harm. of particular importance is the conclusion of a specialist based on the results of a fire-technical examination or research appointed during the inspection or
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the conclusion of a fire-technical examination carried out in a criminal case. these documents establish the location of the fire, the circumstances and conditions of it development, the direct cause of the fire, whether the technical conditions were met.
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and i am oksana kozyreva, our heroes diligentsky are from astrakhan, and what is astrakhan? the volga, hot summer, fishing, the steppes, it would seem, fat and rejoice, but no, natasha and nikita liked them more: high-rise buildings, the frantic rhythm of the metropolis and dense forests. we will bring them into the interior in the kitchen-living room of our heroes. an engineer at a large international company, nikita copes with the responsibilities of a home football and basketball coach. great. natasha is also active. member of the team, but still her main passion is beauty. diligent, persistent people, they will certainly bring what they have in mind to life. moving was our dream, then our dream was to buy an apartment, we bought it, exactly the one we wanted,
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our next great desire, of course, was to get into the project, and we got there. the housing issue begins to remodel the twenty-meter building. living room kitchens, we have already gotten rid of the previous furnishings, cleaned the walls down to concrete, after intermediate work we dust the walls primer. a mandatory step before finishing is fine leveling. the input is a vinyl-based plastic paste. relief glazed tiles were made to order by hand in the very heart of the urals, yekaterinburg. laying occurs in blocks of three elements with a change of direction. this gives an interesting live drawing. the paint we chose for the walls was ceramic, but silky matte. it has good coverage and can be washed without problems. we lay
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oak parquet boards directly onto the screed in a classic herringbone pattern. glue for this we use a hybrid one, it isolates from impact noise. a new interior partition arrived from veliky novgorod. partition graphics are supported. boats in matte chrome. in the future living room we are installing two high shelves with goldstone oak cladding; the composition is completed by a thin bridge. the main embodiment of the forest theme is the new kitchen. shelves in a welded metal frame. the tabletop is made of durable acrylic stone, speckled black, and the baseboard that covers the joint with the apron is made from it. we fix three bell sconces above the work area with directional light. all the nuances of cooking
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will be visible. we continue to install the light. led spots are scattered like black peppercorns on the ceiling. in the future living area , the opposite is true. white matte bracelet cylinders with thin golden rings stand out effectively against the slate background. from the city on the neneva, just in time. the main lamp thor arrived. by the way, he also spent the entire time on the journey on hanging ribbons for safety. and they assembled this metal lace from small parts, like a construction set. dewdrop led bulbs. in lingonberry cocktail add a handful of ice cream with blueberries. the elegant eye table echoes the kitchen apron and is also decorated with tiles. it's not scary to cause grief. tea or coffee, another round object here, a mirror in a brass
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frame, and finally, the final touch, festive table setting. and what an interesting one this is, and this is your
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hood, wow, wow, how does it work, or you can press it directly, let me help you, i didn’t expect this, i didn’t expect this either, there are correspondingly different powers, the rest buttons - yes, beauty, thanks the fact that there are no cabinets on top, this space, it still remains, it’s very cool, at first, of course, when i first saw the door, i was a little scared, because the black door, that’s when... we went into the room, then, that here the black walls do not feel combined with the floor, with the light with the ceiling, i really didn’t expect that everything could be so beautiful, dark, but at the same time with bright elements, spacious, the dew is generally captivating, it looks very beautiful, the most interesting thing that it is so big, and this chandelier, but at the same time it is not at all loud, she’s just so ethereal, i don’t know what words to find to describe how cool and great everything turned out, but it eased, all my fears eased, namaste,
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friends, hello, oh, funny, i speak maste, there’s no answer here , hello, and also with pies, yes, of course, as they promised in nepal, they greet me with russian pies, this is my eldest son, of course you will meet me in nepal, as if it were a normal thing, yes, anton. anton, too, what is nepal without anton? well, how? artyom? artyom? well, what could we do without it? and i sarita. artyom and sarita have been together for 15 years. during this time, they had two beautiful sons, and sarita became a real expert in russian cuisine. her pies, dumplings, cottage cheese, healing, are known throughout kathmandu. i even had to open an online store. since you tried so hard for me, then explain to me how it is? what happened in nepal pies, i
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immediately want to thank you for such a reception, i have something, though not for mom, not for dad, but for you, this is hockey i brought through several countries from flights, transfers, 12 hours more, just to make you happy, thank you, i also made pies, ran to the store, bought cabbage, cut it and stood there, fried it, i want to know this story in more detail, but first i want to remind you, friends, that someone promised to teach me how to cook dolbat, the main dish of the nebat doll, of course, let 's go try it, so we'll find out this story with pies at the table, in essence, dalbat is a designer dish, dal is lentils, bad - rice, two main elements, in addition, which is served at least three more appetizers, let's start frying the meat, shall we?
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such a good russian, well, my husband is russian, you see, and but this doesn’t always help, you know, well, that means maybe in my last life i was a russian girl, who knows?
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we have prepared the vegetables, it’s time to do the chicken, we make chicken carry, for this we heat the oil in a frying pan, lay out the chicken pieces, salt, fry until golden brown, add turmeric and masala, and after another 2 minutes onions, tomatoes, remember, you promised to tell story about pies, how does it even happen that i’m in in nepal i tried real russian pies, because i was in russia and again, but i was at a different restaurant, and there were such delicious pies, i’m like a thief, i’ll try it once, i can
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cook it, wow, i watched this, i tried to make a couple, these are pies, they told me: mom , husband, well, the whole family said awesome pies , so like that and dumplings with potatoes, they also said very tasty dumplings, vareniki, sochniki, even i make cottage cheese myself, they didn’t fall, i only have cottage cheese, sour cream, we have chicken ready, now let's make tar curry, that is vegetable curry, in our case, from potatoes and zucchini, fry the vegetables in there, that's it, season with salt, grain, turmeric, voila! the next stage is another element of our constructor, sabj, that is, spinach fried with simber, turmeric, grains and
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sesame seeds, finally it remains to prepare the dal, that is, lentils, sorito boiled it.
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but because there are two of us, so it turned out tastier, then we push with our thumb, yes, yes, you can push and you can stick it somewhere without your hand, but i’m not an expert yet, let’s try all these other things that we cooked, uh-huh, let's have this chicken, i love sak, how ginger and turmeric play here, it's just great, really very tasty, thank you very much, thank you very, very much too, i smiled, it means i recognized it, i smiled, it means it's real, they'll recognize it, hmm ,
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they love, remember, truly appreciate psb - a bank for the present, my misfortune, not my fault, grandma, how luxurious it was that i was so naive, it was as if you whispered everything so quietly in our ears, love, a deceitful country, very actor-like, i am a country, every inhabitant in it is obma mask anniversary fifth season in sunday at 20:20. black sun premieres today at 20:00 on ntv. at avito work
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it’s easy to find your place. dad, you'll be home soon. soon, i won't be late now. mom, guess who started a new job today. grandma, what a hat, 10 minutes until the new job. many vacancies are new every day. avida, finding work is not easy. it’s not easy to catch a pyro firebird, but
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anyone can get a fire rate on a deposit in gazprombank of up to 16.5% per annum, open a deposit on professional coloring , long-lasting cream paint, rich color, no gray hair, protection against damage, strong shine for colored hair, sios, salon-like hair, everything tastes better when you have two, coupon, crazy wednesday, twister for the price of one. copies are not your style. your uniqueness deserves more. choose avita premium. original items from famous brands at attractive prices are waiting for you in the avito application. 100% originals are now more accessible on avita premium. appetite anywhere. only dad will tame it.
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pleasure from life without heartburn yourself cut out avito services avito services start construction with quickly search for a filter wizard. ratings and reviews of aviation services, who else to build with, black sun, premiere, today at 20:00 on ntv, a pipe or heating radiator leaked, a branch damaged the roof, a small leak can grow into a big problem and cost tens of thousands for repairs, enough is enough , save money and nerves, order liquid rubber fixpro three in one from leamax. rubber glue in one bottle, quick elimination of cracks, seams and leaks, spray the spray on the surface, elastic seal blocks access to
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moisture, closing any leaks, is not afraid of low or high temperatures, is safe for people, animals, plants and works on almost any surface, call order xpro three in one from leamax black, white or transparent, for only 999 rubles. but call us directly. in chukotka, residual in kamchatka and the kuril islands, almost all are united by warming. in yakutsk it is only -1, in the south up to +8, only on the arctic
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coast will the cold wind blow, it comes from the northern regions of siberia, where winter is actively biting. in norilsk today -3, tomorrow -18, snow, very strong wind. in the south , spring continues its work, from irkutsk to omsk slowly, adding 1-2° per day. precipitation is possible, but not significant. but near the urals and in the urals the temperature will skyrocket. in the family. burg is already +13, and tomorrow it will be 17, there will be no precipitation, but without it, with such an increase, the flood situation becomes dangerous. in central russia, the abundance of snow and heat is also driving the rivers crazy, even in the moscow region, an orange danger level has been declared due to flooding. all this completely interfered rejoice at the sudden rush of summer. but now the forecasts are for cooler precipitation in the northwest and it will not reach +10, zero is ahead, looming. it's already raining in places in the center today. above +20, and below, only along the volga another day it goes up in the south, the first summer rehearsal ends,
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the rains will begin to intensify, the warmth will weaken, the maximum for now is +24. only in the stavropol region in st. petersburg there is only plus one, precipitation, sharp wind, in moscow it is also very windy, rain during the day +15, and tomorrow +7. we wish you the best morning, further in the program, we identify the symptoms diseases with your doctor, bake potatoes with yulia vysotskaya, get acquainted with miracle news with sergei malozyomov. let's talk to the stars on the red carpet one day. at the moment , a large number of hormonal and non-hormonal contraceptives are registered in russia, which are approved by the ministry of health, but it is hormonal methods that cause anxiety and fear
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on the part of women; is it true that they provoke cancer and lead to infertility? at what age should they be taken and in general use in general this is what in everyday life if well, is it justified
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to talk so widely about oral forms about tablets? then there is a very important division here into combined contraceptives into purely progestin ones, what are combined contraceptives? these are those drugs that contain two active substances, estrogen and gestogen, and purely progestin ones contain only one component - gestogens in different forms, what is the difference? and the difference is precisely in the active substance, because there are women who are contraindicated to take estrogens, this is in basically, of course, a risk group for... breastfeeding or not, whether she has any concomitant diseases or not, and this group of patients will be prescribed purely progestin contraceptives, the choice is between this pair within this pair based on potential complications, and probably, yes what is even more
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interesting, let's confuse our viewers, listeners, that among... this combined group of drugs, they are still divided, there are monophasic, there are biphasic, there are those that adapt to the female menstrual cycle, and here for this purpose, to choose, we first of all, as i already said, focus on the needs of the patient on how she tolerates this or that contraceptive, that is, we can always leave one in favor of the other, but which ones have the lowest frequency of potential deposits drugs, it’s not so clear. say, because like any drug with proven effectiveness, combined hormonal contraceptives have their side effects, there are indications and contraindications, so how a woman will react to this or that drug is impossible predict in advance, we can make some guesses, and we need to build on this when we collect anamnesis, but how a woman will behave on
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certain pills or other drugs, no one knows how long you can... take hormonal-oral contraceptives from menarchy to post-menopause, that is, this is decades, and it is safe, it is safe, it is safe until we begin to engage in amateur activities, that is, when i was still studying, it was such that you need a break from contraception, you we took it for 5 years, we need to give the ovaries a rest, the uterus a rest, this is all from the evil one, these are strictly prohibited methods, why? because as soon as we cancel contraceptives. these are the risks of thrombosis, these are the risks of some kind of abnormal uterine bleeding, why do this if you don’t have to do it? now, if we talk about pregnancy, they don’t prevent a woman from getting pregnant after we cancel them, and pregnancy
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can easily occur in the next cycle, and then after two or three cycles it can occur or... there is still some aftereffect of these medications, yes, from some side there may be an aftereffect, it all depends on how strongly this axis, the brain, the ovaries, is suppressed, so if... a woman takes it for too long, then in order for this axis to swing and the woman to return to its normal state, it sometimes takes, sometimes even up to 6 months, but in general we see such an effect that after cancellation, as a rule, in the next cycle a woman can already become pregnant on her own, but this is a very dangerous moment in the sense that there was previously the opinion is that there is an effect cancellation, that if you take contraceptives for a long, long time, then we cancel them, and then you get pregnant right away. is he waiting for these drugs or is he not waiting for them? no, well, it’s also impossible to say that he’s waiting or not waiting, he just may take a little longer to respond to this cancellation, and ovulation may happen a little later than he would like to get it,
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that’s all, that is, it’s just a shift, a shift the next next menstruation, but nothing more, nothing more, so as an oncologist i ’m interested in the question of whether they increase the risks development of oncological diseases, especially of the female reproductive system, we... today we see that this problem, it is quite large, if we look at the entire share, let’s say, all oncological diseases in women, in general, let’s take 100%, yes, it turns out that 50%, almost 50%, are tumors of the female reproductive system out of 100, how are things going here on this side, is there an increase in the risk of developing cancer ? an excellent question, and what i would like to say right away is that when a woman comes to us comes, we always weigh the risks and benefits. on one side of the scale, we have a really increasing risk of developing breast cancer
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, insignificantly, but it is there; on the other side of the scale, prevention of the risk of ovarian cancer, endometrial cancer, colorectal cancer, uh, which outweighs, depends on the individual preferences of women, that is if the family history is not burdened, if there is no history of breast cancer on the mother’s side, if no established mutations have been identified that lead to breast cancer, then in general, there is every reason to believe that combined hormonal contraceptives are safe, if there are still risks of breast cancer, they are not fictitious, then we always have a second group - these are purely progestin contraceptives, because the most common breast cancer is estrogen-dependent, that's right, i say hormone dependent.
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here we have cream, milk, garlic, salt and a piece of chili pepper, and now i add a tablespoon of dejon mustard here, i make homemade mayonnaise with dejon mustard mustard, i make different sauces, or just a piece of lightly salted fish, homemade boiled pork, it’s just not... not to mention the fact that any sauce can be made more interesting and tastier, here we have everything ready, or rather prepared, with a little butter , these
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are the small portioned cocotte makers i have, i grease them with butter, i have grated cheese, gruyere, well, that is, this is a cheese with a bright aroma, you can take it, maybe parmesan, you can take it, well, something like that seems to me that since the potato itself is neutral sweetish, the root celery is also neutral sweetish, all we have now is dejon mustard, a little bit of spiciness in this creamy milk mixture, and our bacon, yes, or rather ponchet, i would like to add a little more, you know, such a piquancy, that’s strictly speaking, that’s why i need bright cheese, but then a grotan can’t be made without cheese, now we put slices of celery root on the bottom like this, there are chefs who... make a grotan, in which there are such thick layers of potatoes, and it’s right inside it’s like stewed-boiled, i like it, so that it is all toasted, so i put, you see, this layer and
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celery roots so thinly, in fact , the potato layer will be just as thin, now we take it, chop the pieces of pancetta, crumble it like this, oh lovely, so there you go. .. a layer of chopped this happiness, by the way, it’s great to sprinkle it on some... salads, hot soup is also great, instead of croutons, for example, well, of course, add it to pasta, well, then another layer of potatoes, you and i have calculated everything well , i dried it just that much, as much as i need, pour in our creamy-milk... mustard mixture so
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that our layers are well covered, so that they really languish here inside, not burn, now there’s a baking sheet where all three of us can fit everything, temperature in the oven 180°, in fact, almost until cooked, then sprinkle with cheese and finish until golden brown, that’s it. this, by the way, is also such a story, you can do it the day before, even on the thirtieth day, and then just sprinkle it with cheese, properly, warm it up , serve, that’s all, save time, wait literally 15-20 minutes, oh, it’s hot, be careful, look what a crust we got, what a beauty it is, so... the gratin is ready,
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i want some good ideas for the new year’s table, however, as i constantly say, happiness loves silence , and i’m on us, i’m going to cry, the kindest award of the new radio awards 2020 was presented live on the new radio. the music charity marathon was held in support of the wards of the konstantin khobensky charitable foundation. we entered into this story with an open heart and as a result we we are very pleased that it turned out exactly as we intended, that everything is absolutely open, everything is absolutely transparent, that the money we collected will go to the right, good, good deeds, and most importantly, we are pleased that there is a fairly large wide audience , we see it. judging by the numbers and
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the money that came in today just during this marathon, she heard us, she understood us, she accepted our certain call and was on the same wavelength. the ceremony combined a vibrant musical show and an eight-hour marathon, with superstars making their contribution to the common cause, who performed the best compositions live as part of exclusive life sets. the main hitmakers of the year received prestigious statuettes for.
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moreover, a huge, huge number of caring people who, at the moment, may not have yet looked towards charity. in just one day, together with the listeners of our country, more than 14 million were collected. all funds were sent to the fund’s wards. when i'm gone, i will sing with the voices of my children and their voices children. we are simply swapped, such is
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the law, the turmoil of people, there is a miracle of technology on air, a program in which i, and my team, test everything on ourselves, the less vitamin d in a person’s blood, the heavier he… carries covid. this has been confirmed many times during research by scientists from different countries. and according to statistics, 80% of russian residents have a shortage. and we eat little fish, we don’t have enough sun. a domestic manufacturer promises to come to the rescue and compensate for the lack of
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sunbathing with the help of this ultraviolet irradiator. he has lamps like in a solarium and also includes protective glasses. price - 6,500 rub. the sellers promise that the device has been often sick for the last six months, sore throat, arvi, recently suffered from covid, will the irradiator help improve immunity, before testing it, sasha goes to a dermatologist, he has no moles prone to malignant degeneration and no other contraindications, and vitamin d. correct with medication. and yet, sasha, like a real tester, will start with the device, and two weeks later he will pass a new one analysis, let's see if there is
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more vitamin d in his blood. in general, scientific research says that ultraviolet light can improve immunity; in physical therapy rooms , irradiators are used for upper respiratory diseases. since yes, as soon as she stops going to the solarium, the rashes return, and ultraviolet light can both help and harm, it is known, for example, that it actively provokes skin cancer, the degree of danger depends on the wavelength of the device, we check it with our permanent
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expert, quantum physicist kirill bolderev. the manufacturer claims that the lamps produce 288 nanometers, this is that part of the sun’s radiation that, on the one hand , can burn, on the other hand, gives a person vitamin d, however, we discovered a completely different spectrum, it is biologically inactive, that is, it does not disinfect , it does not lead to a tan, etc., etc., that is, the glasses that came with this lamp are essentially not needed, because it doesn’t work, it doesn’t do anything. this lamp can be used for club lighting, drying her nails during a manicure, but it is unlikely to improve her health. our sasha convinced me of this; after 2 weeks of daily procedures, he not only did not feel better, but fell ill again. my temperature rose and my head began to hurt, and today i could not come to you in person. yes, my blood counts changed quite slightly,
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there was 2 nanograms more vitamin d, but this was still critically insufficient. we experts recommend monitoring your vitamin d levels twice a year, based on the results obtained. understand whether you need to take it vitamin d is in a prophylactic dosage, or a deficiency may already have occurred and completely different doses need to be taken. due to a severe deficiency, the doctor recommended that sasha take vitamin d for a month at a therapeutic dosage (500 international units per day. usually, for permanent prevention, doctors recommend one and a half to 2, but it is ultraviolet, including a more powerful one. you should not rely on this issue. even solariums provide enough of it to replenish vitamin d reserves. we measured the level in the live food program among girls who often lie under lamps, most were found to have a deficiency. and the sun in our latitudes, even in sochi, is not strong enough and falls at a low angle. in australia it’s
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a different matter, but at the same time there are a lot of cases of skin cancer there, so there’s only one way out: everyone should constantly take vitamin d all year round. this is what i personally do with my family. the red carpet for any public person is a stressful internal dialogue with oneself, to go or not to go, with whom to go, what to wear in your own selection or rent from fashion stylists, take whether to take a shift or not, which questions from journalists to answer and which to ignore? 2 hours before the official start of the premiere
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, our colleagues, photographers, reporters, videographers crowded into the lobby of the main russian cinema oktyabr; here it is customary to jostle for the best shot and advantageous angle. listen, guys, you photograph a huge number of stars, this is your job, do you have your favorites on the red carpet or not?
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anna recorded several songs, declaring herself, the hero of space, yulia sergeevna, only flashed as a promising vocalist. she herself, in front of the reporters, was carried away like a comet into the darkness of the auditorium. the cast of the flying ship delighted all the guests at the premiere. leonid yarmolnik, polina gagarina, fyodor dobronravov, anna ukolova, sergey garmash, andrey burkovsky, in this big fairy tale.
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wrote, as my pesetskaya and madonna said, in my opinion. polina’s statement surprised and delighted; gagarin will not interrupt his flight. calm down, colleagues. so, after all, is some kind of return to the scene possible, because lazarev works if he wants, but why doesn’t ggagarina works? shola studio mkhat is not a vocational school in the city of salikansk. certainly. i have an invitation to the theater, which i am very happy about, but due to my total incredible busyness, i have to refuse, although this is a big deal for me. because i want everything, and it’s very interesting to me, i really miss the theater, really. at the premiere, pop diva gagarina
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was accompanied by her daughter mia. the baby had to see her mother in the role of the fiery red-haired beauty lady jane, who is essentially a beautiful firebird. i came to look at the flying ship and leonid yarmolnik, the role of the king for the seventy-year-old film maker, debut in the fairy tale genre. have you already seen the movie, no? yes, how did you feel? if the impression was n't good, i... didn't come today, could this movie become an event? i think it will definitely become a family movie, yes, for the whole family, i think it’s the coolest and i’m saying this as a viewer, not as a participant in the work, we’ve already had a couple of films, but i think they’re warming up, like at a rock concert, yes, now it’s so cool, no, no, the picture is wonderful, i’m very happy for ilyusha, the teacher and in general for the whole team, grandchildren... will you take me to the film, yes, today a new era in my life opens,
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because today is the first premiere to which my grandchildren and the gang will come, and with them friends, people six, yes, that’s how it is, yes, you’re worried, of course, like the first time, big stars, known and unknown, but imagining themselves big, kept coming and going, such a concentration of celebrities and the press,
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a couple of seconds and the cameras blinked and clicked as if on command pli. target number his majesty philip kirkorov alone, with crown prince martin, crown princess ala victoria, due to the fact that her blouse did not suit her, became capricious and stayed at home. when can we expect an album of children's songs from kirkorov? by the way, it’s a good idea, martin tells me about this all the time, and if you’re going to start an album of children’s songs, you should start with a song that is the color of your mood. blue, if it weren’t for martin, this song wouldn’t have existed, because among the different songs that i listened to on the disc that they sent me about six years ago, there was the color scheme is blue, i didn’t pay attention to it, and martin was still little, you were six years old, five, five, yes, dad, let’s do it again, let’s do it again, i realized that since the child liked it, that means this song
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has something, and with martin’s light hand the mood color blue appeared, as they say, and off we go, do you have a favorite song? dad's, you're in dad's version, which one? timur weinstein, co-producer of the film the flying ship and general producer of the ntv channel, who celebrated his fiftieth birthday in early march, appeared on the red carpet with daughters mariamm and ayla, but without his wife, the legendary gymnast and now popular tv presenter yana batyrshina. by the way, the ntv channel and the soyuz cartoon film studio are among the creators of the musical.
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in russia, when i watched the slide for the first time, i turned to alexey, the teacher said: “you know, alexey ifimovich, nature didn’t rest on your son, there are such projects when you know that everything is fine, don’t be nervous, will be a success, this is the project that is guaranteed to be a success. our special attention was attracted this elegant and modest woman.
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nadezhda vasilyeva, you are our main artist-storyteller of recent times, i can already feel it."
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what kind of people, such stories? i, sergey mayorov, see you on ntv. happily. the best for today, beyond. a lonely man from the tyumen region was killed by one stab of a knife right in the heart. my uncle was very kind, and never got involved in conflicts himself. and a few hours before that, a friend of the deceased
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argued with a friend that her hand would not waver to kill a person. there was an argument, relatives of the accused we’re sure it had nothing to do with it, but if... the woman, upon returning home, told her son where she threw the knife, what did you do with that knife? i took it in my hands, well, out of fear for my mother, for myself, as if i threw it out, so who struck the blow in the heart, the girl took the blame for herself out of love, this is beyond the bounds, today at 16:45 on ntv. it's a real pleasure to taste coffee. jardin colombia medalin made from selected arabica beans, opened. aroma in the author's roasting, filled with colombian passion, the pleasure of feeling authentic, jardin columbia medalin,
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only a blind person would not notice the similarity between the victims, i think that the girls became victims of a satanic sect, these are not snotty teenagers, most likely these are people with money and connections, including in power, i came up with something here, i i really like this idea, very kind. only i didn’t ask you for this, i solve my problems myself, i’m here because you became my problem, you went through the roof, i understood, i’m coming to you, no, i myself, where, who cares to command, beckoned to run, i -i still think that with yours methods, you have no place in the police, where did this dried fruit on my head come from, black sun, premiere today at 20:00 on ntv, stars, premiere on saturday at 21:20 on... tv. take care of your sleep. melatonin is the northern star. sleep well. well, credit card debts are hanging and interest is dripping. need a holwa. you take out credit cards. you transfer
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helps fight heartburn all day, northern star, they trust us, lymph stagnation can cause swelling, lymphatic transit helps reduction of swelling due to accelerated spring is the time of cleansing. take lymphatic transit. lymphatic transit helps cleanse the body and remove toxins, as well. reducing swelling by accelerating the movement of lymph. lymphatic transit from the company valar is your spring renewal. and now about the weather for today. hello. in the far east, all the snowfalls and blizzards were taken over by chukotka. the anticyclone tries to provide the remaining areas with sunny weather. it's getting warmer in the south, but the extreme north is returning to the cold. also in siberia, the cooling north is the warming south, especially ryana, near the urals. there today it’s already up to +15, and tomorrow it’s almost 20, and
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even without precipitation. the heat wave is coming from european territory, but here on the rise it’s already colder than the rest of the volga region. in the center today it is about 15°. quite a lot, of course, but there is a very strong wind, in some places the rain tomorrow will not be higher than +10, like today in the northwest, there is precipitation up to snow and the temperature tends to zero. the currents of coolness are turned to the south, in the stavropol region it is still up to +25, in the crimea no higher than 18. it will start to rain, they will intensify, and so will the wind. in st. petersburg there is only +1 left, and the precipitation is severe. the wind will not let you feel them, in moscow it is also very windy, with rain, during the day the maximum air temperature is +15, and tomorrow the maximum is only +7.
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the ground from the foothills, dozens of buildings, drains bridges in taiwan failed to withstand a series of powerful earthquakes resulting in deaths and injuries. restoration and rehabilitation, as in the krasnodar territory, help the heroes of the northern military district return to. at the boiling point , anti-government demonstrations in israel are reaching a fiery level; the results of the un meeting on the attack on the iranian consulate in syria. as well as unhappy spring floods, residents of several regions at once are at the mercy of the flood, a report from the orenburg region. this is the program today in the studio of dmitry zavoistoy. hello, let's start with epic shots at '.


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